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研究了甲壳素脱乙酰酶的热稳定性及酶的反应体系作用条件:酶(干重)添加量为40 mg.L-1,甲壳素底物(干重)质量浓度为75 mg.L-1,反应时间为90 m in,金属离子Mg2+对酶活有激活作用,在最适宜反应条件下的酶活为2250 U.L-1。甲壳素脱乙酰酶的酶解方式为外切酶型,酶降解终产物对酶活力有抑制作用,酶对甲壳素有一定的降解作用。  相似文献   

甲壳素脱乙酰酶(chitin deacetylase,CDA,E.C.是一种能催化脱去甲壳素分子中N-乙酰葡糖胺链上的乙酰基,使之变成壳聚糖的酶。而壳聚糖因其独特的性质被广泛应用于医药、食品、化工、化妆品等行业。对CDA的来源、分离纯化和酶学性质、结构和催化机制、基因的克隆表达及应用前景等方面的研究进行了综述,并分析出今后的主要研究方向应在CDA基因的克隆表达、CDA底物的改造及CDA的结构和催化机制等方面。  相似文献   

甲壳质脱乙酰基酶的研究概况及进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

为了提高沙柳原料的丁醇发酵效果,考察沙柳原料经过蒸爆、超微粉碎+稀酸和超微粉碎+稀碱预处理后补料酶解的效果,优化了沙柳酶解液活性炭脱毒工艺参数,并对经过脱毒处理的酶解液进行了丁醇发酵研究,结果表明:预处理沙柳原料酶解底物质量浓度为200 g/m L时,3种预处理方法中蒸爆处理法水解效果最好,每克底物的滤纸酶酶加量15 U,酶解96 h后,酶解液总糖质量浓度达到57 g/L。活性炭脱毒处理的最优条件:p H 4.8,碳加量4%(质量分数)、温度70℃、1 h,该条件下的沙柳水解液脱色率达到97.4%、糖损失率3.1%。3种预处理沙柳原料的酶解液经活性炭脱毒后都可以被丁醇梭菌正常利用发酵产丁醇,发酵液总溶剂(ABE)质量浓度约为14 g/L。  相似文献   

采用斜面培养和液体发酵培养产甲壳素脱乙酰酶的真菌构巢曲霉,并且研究了产酶条件。结果表明,构巢曲霉的最适产酶条件为:发酵培养基初始pH值为6.5、发酵时间为96h、培养温度为31℃、碳源浓度为2%、氮源浓度为2%、金属离子浓度为0.01mol/L、接种量为6%。  相似文献   

为了将蛹虫草开发成为便于人们食用的产品形式,本实验以不同的酶对蛹虫草进行水解得到蛹虫草酶解液.以水解度和酶解液中腺苷含量为目标,确定选用木瓜蛋白酶.以水解度为响应指标,应用响应曲面法对蛹虫草酶解条件进行优化,根据Box-Behnken中心组合实验设计原理,选取酶解温度、酶解时间、加酶量三因素三水平进行中心组合实验,响应曲面分析结果表明水解最佳条件为:酶解温度60.92℃,酶解时间11.85 h,加酶量1.02%,此条件下蛹虫草的水解度达到最大.水解度验证值61.27%与预测值60.76%接近,说明建立模型正确.  相似文献   

解脲脲原体的酶学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本实验利用六种蛋白酶(1、2、3、4、5、6号蛋白酶)分别对豆粕、玉米芽粕、花生粕、菜籽粕、酒糟、黄粉虫、地鳖虫进行酶解,以肽含量为指标研究六种蛋白酶的酶解效果.结果显示,3号蛋白酶对酒糟、黄粉虫、地鳖虫酶解效果明显,酶解液肽含量最高可达12.6 mg·L-1、17.66 mg· L-1和36 mg·L-1;4号蛋白酶对豆粕酶解效果明显,酶解豆粕肽含量达到17.47 mg·L一1;5号蛋白酶对花生粕酶解效果明显,酶解花生粕肽含量最高可达18.45 mg·L1;六种蛋白酶均能酶解菜籽粕,酶解液肽含量均在15 mg·L-1以上,且差异不大.  相似文献   

乌鸡酶解技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用猪胰脏作为胰酶的主要来源,对乌鸡的酶解工艺进行了研究。实验结果表明:酶反应的最适温度为45℃,胰酶混合物的合适用量为乌鸡鲜肉重量的5%,反应18小时达反应平衡,反应浓度以1kg鲜乌鸡2000ml水为宜,反应过程中维持pH7.3即可,酶解产物经测定:氨基酸及可溶性短肽总含量高达16.61%,其中必须氨基酸含量占氨基酸总含量的53%。  相似文献   

采用响应面分析法对酶解液中Ⅱ型胶原的盐析条件进行优化,并通过SDS-PAGE电泳及圆二色谱对其纯度和结构进行鉴定。结果表明:酶解液中Ⅱ型胶原的最佳盐析条件为NaCl浓度3.5mol/L、22.3℃、31.08h,在此条件下Ⅱ型胶原回收率为90.88%;采用盐析法从酶解液中制备的Ⅱ型胶原,具有较高纯度并保持着完整的3股螺旋结构。  相似文献   

微生物在恶臭污染治理中的研究及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,随着人们对恶臭污染重视程度的不断提高,针对恶臭气体控制和治理的研究也逐渐增多,其中微生物脱臭因其成本低、处理设备要求简易、基本无二次污染等较物理除臭和化学除臭无可比拟的优点,成为研究人员的关注热点.本文概述了微生物脱臭的过程和机理,主要介绍微生物脱臭技术分类和优缺点比较,以及微生物脱臭在恶臭污染治理中的研究与应...  相似文献   

A process for the preparation of fish protein hydrolysates using commercially available proteolytic enzymes is described. Both non-fatty and fatty species of fish have been used as the raw material and the hydrolysates obtained have been assessed in nutritional studies on neonatal animals. Data on the release of nitrogenous substances during the digestion of cod with the enzyme papain are presented, together with amino acid analyses of the various fractions produced. As far as hydrolysates from non-fatty species are concerned there are no technical difficulties in preparing a spray-dried or concentrated product suitable for animal feeding. For hydrolysates from fatty species, however, it is necessary either to remove the oil mechanically or to stabilise it with suitable antioxidants. For the present exercise, hydrolysates were frozen and stored at ?30°C until required for the nutritional studies. Before any industrial development is considered, further studies on the drying and storing of hydrolysates from fatty species are necessary.  相似文献   

The growth, nucleic acid and protein contents of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma larvae reared at prey densities of 10, 30, 50, and 500 prey 1-1 were measured for the first 9 days after the feeding initiation at 6° C. Incremental growth rates of larvae (mm day-1) were low and variable for the first 7 days after feeding initiation. Growth rates and rates of RNA, DNA, and protein accumulation by larvae reared at 500 prey 1-1 were positive while those of larvae reared at the lower prey levels did not differ significantly from zero. The RNA/DNA ratio was variable and exhibited no significant trend among food treatments. Estimates of instantaneous protein growth rates ranged from - 6·7 to 13·2% day-1 at food densities of 10 and 500 prey 1-1, respectively, and were moderately correlated with larval RNA/DNA ratios ( r = 0·628). The results suggest that in situ protein growth rates of first-feeding pollock larvae may be influenced by prey fields within the range of ambient food densities reported for sub-Arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

根据鄂霍茨克公海区狭鳕资源声学评估调查资料,研究了狭鳕分布状况及渔场环境特征,并分析了狭鳕行动分布与环境的关系.结果表明,8月公海区狭鳕密集群位于55°N以北、水深小于500m的海域,其主要分布水层在150~300m之间;调查期间狭鳕只为索饵群体,主要摄食太平洋磷虾,狭鳕密集区一般也为太平洋磷虾高密度分布区;8月公海区水温跃层大致在0~50m之间,强度为0.25℃  相似文献   

Fish protein hydrolysates are generally considered to be the liquefied products obtained from fish by the action of proteolytic enzymes under accelerated conditions of digestion. The proteolytic enzymes which are used for the digestion of fish proteins must be active either above the survival temperature of spoilage bacteria or outside the range of pH which would support their growth. By suitable selection of proteolytic enzymes and conditions for hydrolysis some control over the digestion can be achieved to give a range of products. This paper reviews the work done here and elsewhere on fish protein hydrolysates and discusses their potential for making more effective use of the fish resources.  相似文献   

Mean whole energy content ( E wb) of age 0 year walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma was 19.928 KJ g−1 dry mass in 3943 fish collected from different habitats around the Pribilof Islands frontal structure, south-east Bering Sea, during September 1994–1996 and 1999. It varied, however, with habitat type. Fish residing offshore had higher E wb than fish residing inshore of the frontal regions. Age 0 year walleye Pollock E wb changed in a non-linear fashion with fish size, with larger juveniles typically having higher E wb. Size thresholds were identified at which the relationship between age 0 year walleye pollock E wb and L S changed. One such threshold was found at 46 mm where E wb reached a local minimum. Another threshold was found at 80 mm beyond which E wb tended to remain constant with size. Overall mass-length and E wb-length residuals were highly correlated with each other ( r =0.73, P ≪0.0001). The slope of the regression, however, was higher for smaller fish. Possible mechanisms are proposed to explain the observed ontogenetic variation in nutritional status and the role of age 0 year walleye pollock late summer E wb on survival over their first critical winter of life.  相似文献   

Composting of fish offal and biosolids in northwestern Patagonia.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Composting of fish processing wastes and biosolids with wood by-products and yard trimmings was conducted during the summer of 1996 and winter of 1997 in NW Patagonia using: (i) static piles for fish offal and (ii) turning piles for biosolids. Fish offal was mixed with sawdust + wood shavings (FOC) at 3:1 ratio by weight and biosolids with wood shavings (BCw) and yard trimmings (BCt) at 1:1 ratio by volume. Samples were taken at six dates during the composting period and analyzed to determine the factors that predict compost maturity. Composting of biosolids was affected by the type of bulking agent during winter. Thermophilic temperatures > or = 55 degrees C were sustained long enough to satisfy the USEPA requirements for processes to further reduce pathogens (PFRP) in FOC and BCt, and for processes to significantly reduce pathogens (PSRP) in summer BCw, while in winter BCw temperatures were lower than those recommended for effective pathogen reduction. However, coliform fecal content in all BC treatments was less than 10 most probable number (MPN) g(-1) dry sample at the end of the process. The ratio of water soluble carbon (WSC) to total nitrogen (TN) appeared to be a more adequate index to predict compost maturity than the ratio of total organic carbon to nitrogen.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate and characterize a sulphur-oxidizing bacterial strain from activated sludge and to evaluate its potential application in biological deodorization. METHODS AND RESULTS: A dominant sulphur-oxidizing bacterial strain, designated as strain SS, was isolated from an enrichment culture using thiosulphate as a sole energy source and CO2 as a sole carbon source. The cells of this organism were aerobic, rod-shaped, Gram-negative and motile. Strain SS could grow autotrophically, heterotrophically as well as mixotrophically. Autotrophic growth was observed at pH values ranging from 2.3 to 9.0. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that strain SS belonged to Group 1 of the genus Thiomonas, closely related to Thiomonas perometabolis and Thiomonas intermedia. The thiosulphate oxidation rates of strain SS at different pH values were evaluated in terms of oxygen uptake using a Micro-Oxymax respirometer. The results showed that the maximum oxidation rate of 5.65 mg l(-1) h(-1) occurred at 56 h of growth and pH 6.0. Continuous H2S removal study demonstrated that strain SS could remove more than 99% of H2S when the inlet concentration was below 58.6 ppm. Further increase of the inlet concentration to 118 ppm gave rise to a decline in the removal efficiency to ca 90%. CONCLUSIONS: The strong acidification of the culture medium during the later period could result in the deterioration of the growth activity and the metabolism activity of strain SS. In practical application, the problems caused by the end-product inhibition and the acidification can be alleviated by periodical replacement of culture medium with fresh medium. Given the physiological flexibility and the ability to remove H2S rapidly and efficiently, strain SS could be a good 'deodorizing' candidate. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first time that Thiomonas species has been reported for biological deodorization application.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the cytochrome c oxidase I gene was used to confirm the identity of species in 50 commercial surimi products labeled as Alaskan pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). All sequences (655 base pairs long) produced from the samples were aligned and compared with reference sequences from the GenBank database. A Neighbor Joining tree clustered samples into eight groups. Results showed that only 16% (8/50) of the surimi samples were made from Alaskan pollock as declared. The remaining species detected in samples belonged to the families Sciaenidae (12%), Synodontidae (16%), Merlucciidae (38%), Nemipteridae (8%), Priacanthidae (2%), Mullidae (2%), and two species of Gadidae (4%).  相似文献   

The influence of the type and concentration of acid in the hydrolysis process and its effect on the subsequent fermentation by Pachysolen tannophilus (ATCC 32691) to produce ethanol and xylitol was studied. The hydrolysis experiments were performed using hydrochloric, sulphuric and trifluoroacetic acids in concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 N, a temperature of 90 degrees C, and a time of 240 min. The fermentation experiments were conducted on a laboratory scale in a batch-culture reactor at pH 4.5 and 30 degrees C. The hydrolysis with the highest acid concentration produced the complete solubilization of hemicellulose to monosaccharides. The highest values for the specific rate of ethanol production were registered in cultures hydrolyzed with trifluoroacetic acid, and values were found to decrease as the acid concentration increased. The highest values of overall ethanol yields ( [Formula: see text] = 0.37 kg kg(-1)) were also found in the fermentation of the hydrolysates of trifluoroacetic acid.  相似文献   

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