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Adult Syrian Golden hamster alimentary tract maintained as explants in organ culture was studied using the model system for hamster pancreas described by Resau et al. (1983a). Explants of esophagus, stomach, duodenum and colon were maintained in organ culture on Gelfoam® sponge rafts in a high-oxygen atmosphere with serum-supplemented CMRL-1066 medium. All of the tissues were observed to show evidence of sublethal acute cell injury during the first several days of culture. Subsequently, the epithelial tissues recovered from this injury, repopulated the denuded areas of the explants and replicated within the sponge matrix. Explants were maintained in a differentiated state for 30+ days and sampled for morphology to examine the process of cell injury, repair, differentiation and replication which occurs in mucosal epithelia. The percentage of basement membrane covered by epithelia in the explants from various tissues was compared to the level of LDH in the media to reveal the relationship between viability determined by biochemical and by morphological methods. Restitution of the mucosal surface occurred in all of the explants. We conclude that adequate populations of replicating cells are maintained within the epithelium of the hamster alimentary tract tissues in vitro so that restitution can occur through migration and subsequent differentiation of the epithelial cells within the mucosa of the explants.Abbreviations 4F-1G 4% formaldehyde 1% glutaraldehyde fixative - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - OsO4 osmium tetroxide - PAS/PLH periodic acid, periodic acid Shiff lead hematoxylin stain  相似文献   

Summary An explant culture system has been developed for the long-term maintenance of colonic tissue from the rat. Explants of 1 cm2 in size were placed in tissue-culture dishes to which was added 2 ml of CMRL-1066 medium supplemented with glucose, hydrocortisone, β-retinyl acetate, and either 2.5% bovine albumin or 5% fetal bovine serum. The dishes were placed in a controlied-atmosphere chamber which was gassed with 95% O2 and 5% CO2. The chamber then was placed on a rocker platform which rocked at 10 cycles per min causing the medium to flow intermittently over the epithelial surface. The explants were incubated at 30°C. The viability of the tissue was measured both by incorporation of specific precursors into cellular macromolecules and by monitoring of tissue morphology with light and electron microscopy. Cultured rat colon was able to metabolize benzo[a]pyrene, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene, aflatoxin B1, dimethylnitrosamine, 1,2-dimethylhydrazine, and methylazoxymethanol acetate into chemical species that bind to cellular DNA and protein.  相似文献   

Human esophageal, tracheal, and pancreatic ductal fragments were collected at autopsy after a postmortem interval of 12 hours or less and maintained in explant organ culture for 30 days. The viability and growth of the explants was assessed by morphology, LDH enzyme release, and cellular outgrowth. The viability and growth of the bronchial explant epithelium was directly related to the postmortem interval. Esophageal epithelial regeneration followed the desquamation of the superficial cell layers. Pancreatic epithelia appeared to grow more slowly and with less outgrowth than the other tissues. Epithelial cell growth along the explant surface and onto the culture dish appeared to proceed through the well-characterized process that follows cell injury, i.e., flattening, migration, replication, and differentiation. Thus, sufficient numbers of viable epithelial cells capable of regeneration were present in routine autopsy epithelium, but there was considerable variation from tissue to tissue and case to case. The most effective and accurate approach to follow when evaluating and predicting the growth and viability of these explants is by using a combination of morphologic, enzymatic and biologic assays. Errors in the interpretation of viability are possible when only one assay method is utilized. These tissues grown in explant organ culture are suitable for studies on the mechanism and response of epithelia to cell injury, recovery and wound healing.Abbreviations 4F-1G 4% formaldehyde, 1% glutaraldehyde - HIFBS heat inactivated fetal bovine serum - IA immediate autopsy - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - OsO4 osmium tetroxide - RA routine autopsy  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic studies of adult rat and mouse tracheal epithelium maintained in organ culture for a period of up to 6 days were performed. In specimens cultured for 60 minutes no conspicuous micromorphological alterations could be observed. Following culture periods from 1–6 days the number of cilia in some of the ciliated cells was reduced while their structure and the other ultrastructural details of the epithelial cells were preserved. In specimens cultured for 5–6 days some additional alterations could be noticed: polymorphism of mitochondria, increased number of lysosomes, appearance of intracellular vacuoles, exhaustion of goblet cells and disappearance of granulated mast-cell like cells in the rat tracheal epithelium.I want to thank Miss J. Selbmann and Mrs. S. Kolassa for technical help and Mr. H. Wagner for preparing the micrographs; I am indebted to Dr. D. Kerjaschki and to Mr. H. Hörandner for performing preparations for scanning electron microscopy and to Mr. P. Scholze (Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Atomenergie, Institut für Metallurgie, Abteilung Fremdkörperphysik) for preparing the scanning electron micrograph.This work was supported by the Fond zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung: Project 2099.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.The author wishes to express her appreciation to Prof. Stockinger for suggestion and advice.  相似文献   

Mammalian intestinal epithelial cells in primary culture: a mini-review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Epithelial cells lining the digestive tract represent a highly organized system built up by multipotent stem cells. A process of asymmetric mitosis produces a population of proliferative cells that are rapidly renewed and migrate along the crypt-villus axis, differentiating into functional mature cells before dying and exfoliating into the intestinal lumen. Isolated crypts or epithelial cells retaining high viability can be prepared within a few h after tissue sampling. After cells are cultured in serum-free media, short-term studies (16-48 h) can be conducted for endocrinology, energy metabolism, or programmed cell death. However, long-term primary culture of intestinal cells (up to 10 d) is still difficult despite progress in isolation methodologies and manipulation of the cell microenvironment. The main problem in developing primary culture is the lack of structural markers specific to the stem cell compartment. The design of a microscopic multidimensional analytic system to record the expression profiles of biomarkers all along the living intestinal crypt should improve basic knowledge of the survival and growth of adult crypt stem cells, and the selection of totipotent embryonic stem cells capable of differentiating into intestinal tissues should facilitate studies of the genomic basis of endodermal tissue differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Normal human breast tissue explants were cultured in a synthetic basic medium with and without additives. The mean daily glucose uptake per explant was measured under six basic conditions. Our results show that glucose uptake is strongly related to the glucose concentration of the medium. On the other hand insulin does not affect significantly glucose uptake in vitro, but does enhance mitotic activity. These findings support a role for insulin in promoting D.N.A. synthesis rather than in controlling glucose metabolism of human mammary tissue in vitro.
Résumé L'auteur a réalisé des cultures à long terme de tissu mammaire normal. Les explants ont été maintenus dans un milieu synthétique de base et comparés à d'autres fragments cultivés dans un milieu enrichi. La consommation quotidienne moyenne de glucose par explant a été mesurée dans six conditions différentes. Les résultats montrent une corrélation nette entre la consommation de glucose et sa concentration initiale dans le milieu de culture. D'autre part, l'adjonction d'insuline n'affecte pas de façon significative la consommation de glucose in vitro mais influence nettement l'activité mitotique. Ces observations confirment le rôle de l'Insuline sur la synthèse d'A.D.N. bien plus que sur le métabolisme du glucose par des explants de glande mammaire humaine normale.

Summary Fetal rat neocortex maintained in organ culture systems with the use of sponge foam matrices and millipore filter platforms undergoes growth and cytodifferentiation along classical neuronal and glial lines up to 36 days in vitro (DIV). Astrocytic differentiation is characterized by accumulation of 80–90 Å glial filaments in the cell bodies and processes of astrocytes. Gap or nexus junctions closely resembling those formed in mammalian brain in situ are identified by 15 DIV. By 36 DIV, interastrocytic gap junctions are numerous and frequently join extensive lengths of adjacent glial plasma membranes. The results suggest that these organ culture systems may provide a favorable environment for the study of cellular structure and function of coupled neuroglia.This work was supported by a research grant from the Veterans Administration. Skilled technical assistance was provided by Robin L. Isaacs and Marilyn Woodward  相似文献   

Summary Rathke's pouches isolated from rat fetuses on day 12 were maintained in organ culture for 9 days and investigated immunohistochemically to test whether or not the hypothalamus is involved in the cytodifferentiation of the adenohypophysis. The unlabeled antibody enzyme method demonstrated that the cultured tissue contains different types of glandular cells, i.e., adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-, growth hormone (GH)-, luteinizing hormone (LH)-, thyrotropin (TSH)-, and prolactin-producing cells. Indirect evidence was also obtained to indicate the presence of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)-cells. These findings suggest that adenohypophysial primordial cells of rats start to synthesize their respective hormones without stimuli from neurosecretory substances of the brain which are known to be essential for the maintenance of the secretory activity of the adult gland.We wish to express our thanks to Dr. A. Kawaoi for providing anti-porcine 1–39ACTH, to Dr. S.S. Spicer for the supply of anti-porcine 17–39ACTH and to Dr. P. Petrusz for the gift of antisera against bovine GH, bovine TSH, HCG and rat prolactin. We should also like to thank Mr. Y. Okamura for technical help and Mr. I. Shimada for preparation of the photographs.  相似文献   

Summary This communication describes conditions for long-term organotypic culture of rabbit endometrium allowing progesterone-induced transformation, as typcial for early pregnancy, to continue in vitro. This system appears to compare favorably with in vitro models so far proposed for the study of hormonal control of uterine function or for the investigation of cell-biological aspects of embryo implantation. The specific aim in the presented system is to provide approximate normal epithelium-stroma interrelationships. Fragments of endometrium consisting of epithelium and stroma were obtained during early pseudopregnancy and cultured on a gyratory shaker. Morphology was investigated by light microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. During the first two days the epithelium grows over the exposed stroma regenerating a complete epithelial lining. No central necrosis is found in the stroma for up to 6 days, and the tissue keeps its organotypic architecture although certain morphological differences can be observed between regenerated versus original epithelium. In the regenerating portion a stage-specific cell differentiation and the reformation of a basal lamina are missing. Progesterone substitution preserves cell morphology and allows to maintain, in vitro, the stage-specific pattern of cell organelles. Most characteristic is the induction of extensive fusion of epithelial cells. These large symplasms are comparable in size and structure to those formed in pregnancy in the implantation chamber in vivo. Only the superficial parts of the original (not the regenerated) epithelium are capable of progesterone-induced large-scale fusion. This organotypical culture system appears to be of potential value for in vitro studies on hormone action and on endometrial receptivity for embryo implantation.Abbreviations d.p.c. dies post coitum - d p. hCG days after injection of hCG (dies post injectionem hCG) - FBS fetal bovine serum - hCG human chorionic gonadotropin Preliminary results were presented by Denker et al. (1984) and by Hohn et al. (1984)  相似文献   

Skin from Gottingen minipigs was used as a source of tissue for organ and cell culture and compared to human skin for growth conditions and sensitivity to irritants. Optimal organ culture conditions were determined, based on the preservation of the histological structure. These included serum-free, growth factor-free conditions with a calcium concentration of 1.5mM. Formulations in which the calcium concentration were low (0.075-0.15mM) failed to support tissue viability (even in the presence of dialyzed serum). Epidermal keratinocytes were grown from tissue explants and as single cells from enzyme-disrupted tissue. Optimal keratinocyte growth was achieved using a serum-free, growth factor-supplemented culture medium with a calcium concentration of 0.15mM. Fibroblasts were optimally grown from explant cultures using a medium with 1.5mM calcium and 10% fetal bovine serum. The conditions that were optimal for maintenance of intact pig skin, as well as for the isolated cells, are the same conditions that have been shown previously to be optimal for intact human skin and skin cells. In additional studies, pig skin keratinocytes and fibroblasts were exposed to a panel of contact irritants and contact sensitizers. Using growth inhibition as the response, the median effective dose values with each agent were very similar to the values previously determined for human epidermal keratinocytes and human dermal fibroblasts. Taken together, these data suggest that the skin from the Gottingen minipig can be used as a surrogate for human skin in ex vivo skin safety studies.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of variations in culture conditions on survival of fragments of mouse and rat descending colon in organ culture was studied by morphological and functional criteria. A combination of conditions demonstrated to be beneficial permitted maintenance for at least 35 days. These included: a gaseous environment of 95% O2:5% CO2, an attachment matrix consisting of a Metricel GA-4 membrane (pore size, 0.8 μ), intermittent exposure to the gas and fluid phases by rocking in 5 ml medium and supplementation of the medium with 1.0 μM dexamethasone and 10% FBS. During this time, the crypt structure of the mucosal epithelium was well preserved, and DNA synthesis in the crypts and mucin production in the crypts and superficial epithelium continued. In addition, the synthetic hormone, pentagastrin, stimulated DNA synthesis in the mucosal epithelium of mouse colon fragment in short-term organ culture. This work was supported by Environmental Protection Agency Grant R803998-01-1 and National Cancer Institute Contract N01-CP-75952.  相似文献   

Summary Biliary epithelial cells (BEC) lining the intra-hepatic biliary ducts are the site of damage in several immunologically mediated liver diseases. BEC are difficult to isolate since they represent only 5% of the total cell number in normal liver. In this communication, a novel method for their isolation from normal liver is presented using a monoclonal antibody (HEA125) with specificity for an epithelial cell surface glyco-protein reported to be expressed in liver only by biliary epithelium. By combining differential density centrifugation and immuno-magnetic separation using HEA125 pure BEC (105 cells/g fresh tissue) were prepared routinely. These cells were maintained in culture for up to 4 weeks with significant increases in cell numbers. The ability to prepare BEC from human liver offers an opportunity to develop In Vitro models to investigate the aetiology of diseases in intra-hepatic biliary epithelium. EDITOR’S STATEMENT This is a novel application to purification of specific liver cell types directly from tissue. It is well-suited for rapid communication because of its novelty and potential utility to investigators.  相似文献   

The adherence of ovine and human isolates of Bordetella parapertussis to ovine and human continuous culture cell lines and to ovine tracheal organ culture was compared. Adherence to non-ciliated respiratory continuous culture cells did not reveal any host-specificity of the isolates. In contrast, adherence of ovine B. parapertussis strains to ciliated ovine tracheal organ culture was significantly greater than that of human strains. These results indicate that tracheal organ culture is a useful tool for studying host-specific adherence of B. parapertussis and suggest that adherence of B. parapertussis to ciliated epithelia is species-specific making it unlikely that the transfer of B. parapertussis between humans and sheep will result in an infection.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated pieces of seminiferous tubules of adult rats were grown in organ culture for up to 8 weeks in Petri dishes on the surface of nutrient agar. The medium consisted of newborn calf serum, Eagle's minimum essential medium, glutamate and antibiotics. This method allowed observation of the contractions of the seminiferous tubules in the culture. Contractility, light and electron microscopic structure and histochemically demonstrable activities of alkaline phosphatase and ATPase of the tubule walls were studied at 1-week intervals. The contractility and alkaline phosphatase activity were maintained in the tubule wall for 3 weeks, and the activity of ATPase was maintained for 5 weeks. The thin filaments of the myoid cells, which are responsible for the contractility, were seen with the electron microscope in tubules cultured for 5 weeks. The organ culture method described in the present paper seems to be valuable for studies concerning the functioning of the myoid cells of the seminiferous tubules and the possibility that this is regulated by hormones.  相似文献   

Summary Separation of human endometrium into its epithelial and stromal components has been achieved through collagenase digestion and has permitted a study of these two cell populations under specific experimental culture conditions. The stromal cell populations showed a progesterone response, were easily handled in culture, and displayed a limited in vitro life span typical of human diploid fibroblasts. In contrast, epithelium only survived in shortterm primary culture and showed no clear hormone response. High-density epithelial cultures remained viable for longer periods in culture. Comparisons between resurfacing endometrial epithelial cells in vivo and epithelial cells migrating from explants in vitro suggested that this initial epithelial migration in vitro was the counterpart of the repair response in vivo. We are much in debt to Dr. R. C. Hallowes (Department of Pathology, Imperial Cancer Research Fund) for his guidance and encouragement throughout the course of this work. We also gratefully acknowledge Dr. P. N. Riddle (Time-Lapse Cinematography Unit, Imperial Cancer Research Fund) for carrying out the time-lapse cinematography; Mrs. Lyn Rolph (Stereoscan Unit, Bedford College, University of London) for assisting with the SEM; and Mr. G. D. Leach for his competent help with the photography.  相似文献   

Objective Human skin allografts are used in the treatment of severe burns and their preservation is therefore critical for optimal clinical benefit. Current preservation methods, such as 4°C storage or cryopreservation, cannot prevent the decrease of tissue viability. The aim of this study was to assess viability and function of skin allografts in a new skin organ culture model, allowing conservation parameters as close as possible to physiological conditions: 32°C, air–liquid interface and physiological skin tension. Design Twelve skin samples, harvested from 6 living surgical donors, were conserved 35 days in two conditions: conservation at 4°C and organ culture. Viability and function of skin samples were investigated at Day 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 using cell culture methods (trypan blue exclusion, Colony Forming Efficiency and Growth Rate), histopathological and histoenzymological studies (Ki67 immunostaining). Results In the two conditions, fibroblast and keratinocyte viability was progressively affected by storage, with a significant decrease observed after 35 days. No statistical difference could be observed between the two conditions. The two methods were also comparable regarding alterations of fibroblast and keratinocyte culture parameters, which were respectively significantly reduced at Day 7 and 21, compared to fresh skin. By contrast, histopathological and histoenzymological studies revealed a better preservation of skin architecture and proliferative potential at 4°C, as compared to organ culture. Conclusion These results indicate that skin organ culture does not provide significant advantages for skin allograft preservation. However, its potential use as an experimental model to study skin physiology and wound healing should be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of the absorptive cells of the goldfish hindgut mucosa, and their capability for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) uptake, were investigated by electron microscopy after a 24-h organ culture. The columnar appearance and the fine structure of the absorptive cells were well preserved for 24 h at room temperature and 37° C with 5% CO2 in air, in all the media used in this study. Mitoses were frequently observed in the epithelium at the bottom of cultured mucosal folds, and re-epithelization was also observed in many explants.Some structural changes were, however, noted in the cultured absorptive cells, as compared with the non-cultured absorptive cells; the deep invaginations of the surface membrane between the microvilli decreased in number; supranuclear giant vacuoles were reduced in size or almost disappeared; the distributional pattern of mitochondria in the absorptive cells was altered.The HRP uptake experiments showed that the absorptive cells cultured for 24 h could still take up HRP by endocytosis and transport it, indicating that the absorptive cells maintained their capability of macromolecule uptake and transport after 24 h of culture. In addition, HRP experiments, in which reaction product was detected within numerous cytoplasmic tubules (CT), various vacuoles and CT-vacuole complexes, suggested a close relationship between CT and vacuolar system in the apical cytoplasm during endocytotic events in the absorptive cells.  相似文献   

The turnover of mouse intestinal brush border membrane enzymes has been studied by kinetic analysis of the evolution of enzyme activities during organ culture. By comparing the results obtained in these studies with the predictions from a mathematical model of enzyme synthesis and degradation in orgen cultures, it has been possible to reach the following conclusions: (1) There is no degradation of brush border membrane enzymes during culture and the rate of synthesis of each enzyme is directly measurable from the kinetics of total enzyme accumulation (tissue + media). (2)_Brush border membrane enzymes are released in culture media by two complementary processes. The first one involves a differential solubilization of enzymes but its exact nature cannot be exactly stated. The second one involves a microvesiculation of brush border membranes, the importance of which in vivo is seen in the possible conciliation between unitary membrane synthesis and heterogeneous turnover of membrane components.  相似文献   

Several complex nutrient media were compared for their effectiveness in maintaining viable and functional mouse colon mucosa in organ culture. The order of superiority for preserving survival of normal tissues for 14 days was: Williams' Medium E > Morgan's 199 > CMRL-1066 > Waymouth's MB 752/1 > Eagle's MEM > Trowell's T8. The 3H-thymidine labeling index was highest in colon explants maintained in Morgan's 199 > Williams' Medium E > Waymouth's MB 752/1 > CMRL-1066 > Eagle's MEM. However, the very high labeling produced by Morgan's 199 medium was abnormal in comparison to in vivo levels. Supplementation with 1.0 µM dexamethasone almost always improved crypt survival and maintained normal DNA synthetic activity.Supported by National Cancer Institute contract No. 1-CP-75952 and grant No. CA-29602.  相似文献   

Pars intermedia (PI) tissue from fetal, perinatal, neonatal and juvenile rabbits has been maintained in organ culture for up to nine weeks after explantation. Autoradiography showed that DNA synthesis took place for at least 22 days of culturing. PI-glandular cells and interstitial cells remain identifiable throughout this period but ACT-type cells were recognised only up to six weeks. Material from fetal and perinatal animals had a higher proportion of surviving cells than that from adult animals. The degree of differentiation achieved by PI-glandular cells in vitro appears to depend on three factors: i) the stage of development reached before explantation; ii) the original topographic position in the PI tissue before explantation; and iii) the position in the explant in relation to the gas-liquid interphase.  相似文献   

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