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Alfalfa protein is poorly utilised by ruminants due to its rapid degradation in rumen. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of spraying tannic acid (TA) on chopped alfalfa hay on in vitro rumen fermentation and nitrogen (N) retention by sheep. Alfalfa hay with and without TA was fed to sheep to determine nutrient digestibility and N balance. TA was sprayed on chopped alfalfa at three concentrations to determine its effect on in vitro fermentation of dry matter (DM) and N balance in sheep. Final TA concentrations were 0, 30, 60 and 90 g TA per kg DM. The control was sprayed with the same amount of water but without TA. In vitro DM degradation and the production of gas, ammonium-N (NH4-N) and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) were measured. TA-sprayed alfalfa and the control were fed to sheep to determine nutrient digestibility and N retention. Addition of TA had no influence on the extent and rate of gas production but significantly decreased NH4-N concentration at 30 (P < 0.05), 60 and 90 (P < 0.0001) g/kg DM. Addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to TA-sprayed alfalfa increased NH4-N to a level comparable to non-TA-sprayed alfalfa. Spraying of alfalfa with TA significantly decreased (P < 0.05) isovalerate but did not affect the total and individual SCFA acid production. Tannic acid significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in vitro true degradability of DM (IVTD) after 24 h incubation at levels of 60 and 90 g TA per kg DM. Neutral-detergent fibre digestibility (dNDF) after 24 h (P < 0.01), 60 and 90 (P < 0.0001) g TA per kg DM. The effect of TA on either IVTD or dNDF was not significant (P > 0.05) after 48 h of incubation. There was a strong linear relationship between percentage increase in gas production due to PEG and protein precipitation capacity (R2 = 0.94). N digestibility was significantly reduced with all three levels of TA additions. However, the proportion of urine-N to total N output was reduced by adding 60 g (P < 0.05) and 90 g (P < 0.01) TA per kg DM. Serum metabolites and liver enzymes were not affected by TA (P > 0.05). Higher faecal N as the TA level increased indicates incomplete dissociation of tannin-protein complexes post ruminally. Factors affecting dissociation of tannin-protein complexes need further study.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to further the understanding of the effects of dietary protein and energy supplements on growth, performance, feed intake and grass forage digestibility in growing meat goat wethers. In Experiment 1, an 18% CP complete goat pellet was offered alone (control diet, C) or added (+), or not, as supplement to three grass hays (coastal bermudagrass, CB; Tifton 85 bermudagrass, T; and sorghum-Sudan grass hay, SS), to Boer-cross wethers (n = 72). The resulting seven diets were offered ad libitum. In Experiment 2, four wether goats in metabolism crates were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design and fed a SS basal diet ad libitum with treatments consisting of no supplement, supplemental urea (200 mg/kg BW daily), supplemental dextrose (0.2% BW daily), or urea + dextrose (200 mg/kg BW daily and 0.2% BW daily, respectively). In Experiment 1, average daily gain (ADG) were −3.8, −5.0 and −6.6 g/day for goats consuming CB, T and SS, respectively, and 69.2, 61.6 and 58.1 g/day for supplemented CB (CB+), T (T+) and SS (SS+), respectively, as compared to 245.8 g/day for ad libitum access to C. Supplementation in Experiment 1 increased (P < 0.01) ADG for all hays when compared to hay-only diets. In Experiment 2, protein and energy supplementation increased (P < 0.01) nitrogen retention but did not impact diet digestibility. The beneficial effects of supplements in Experiment 1 and the increase in nitrogen retention in Experiment 2 cannot be explained by improvements in ruminal fiber utilization, but could be due to post-ruminal nutrient supply and/or increased ruminal microbial protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of training status (endurance exercise or body building) on nitrogen balance, body composition, and urea excretion during periods of habitual and altered protein intakes. Experiments were performed on six elite bodybuilders, six elite endurance athletes, and six sedentary controls during a 10-day period of normal protein intake followed by a 10-day period of altered protein intake. The nitrogen balance data revealed that bodybuilders required 1.12 times and endurance athletes required 1.67 times more daily protein than sedentary controls. Lean body mass (density) was maintained in bodybuilders consuming 1.05 g protein.kg-1.day-1. Endurance athletes excreted more total daily urea than either bodybuilders or controls. We conclude that bodybuilders during habitual training require a daily protein intake only slightly greater than that for sedentary individuals in the maintenance of lean body mass and that endurance athletes require daily protein intakes greater than either bodybuilders or sedentary individuals to meet the needs of protein catabolism during exercise.  相似文献   

Combined experiments of the isotope dilution method of [1-13C]leucine, open-circuit calorimetry and nitrogen (N) balance test were used to determine the effect of the source of N supplementation on N balance, whole body protein synthesis (WBPS) and degradation (WBPD) in sheep. The experiment was performed in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design. The control diet consisted of timothy hay, ground maize and soybean meal. The urea diet was the control diet supplemented with 1.5% urea. The SBM diet contained the same N and metabolisable energy as the urea diet, which was reached by changing ground maize and soybean meal weights of the control diet. Nitrogen retention was greater (p < 0.05) for the urea diet than the control and SBM diets. Plasma urea concentrations were highest for the SBM diet, followed by the urea diet, and the control diet was lowest. The WBPS and WBPD did not differ between diets, but were numerically lower for the urea and SBM diets. These results suggest that in sheep, urea supplementation influenced N retention without clear changes in WBPS and WBPD.  相似文献   

Two nitrogen balance experiments in a 4 × 4 Latin square design were conducted to compare leaves of Grewia oppositifolia and Ziziphus mauritiana containing condensed tannins (CT) 0.08 g and 34.7 g per kg DM, respectively as supplement on feed intake, nutrients digestibility and nitrogen (N) retention in adult wethers and to examine the benefits of adding urea to Z. mauritiana leaves containing higher level of CT on N utilization in the animals. In experiment 1, the basal diet of oat hay was fed to sheep either un-supplemented or supplemented with 320 g dried leaves of Z. mauritiana or 320 g dried leaves of G. oppositifolia or 160 g dried leaves each of Z. mauritiana and G. oppositifolia. In vivo dry matter (DM) digestibility was not different among the four diets while N digestibility remained significantly lower (P<0.05) in Z. mauritiana supplemented diets. Daily intake of oat hay reduced (P<0.05) and that of total diet DM increased (P<0.001) with feeding of the leave supplements. Mean N retention on control diet was 4.39 g/d and increased to 7.51 g/d with inclusion of G. oppositifolia leaves but did not change with the other two supplements. In experiment 2, a basal diet of sorghum hay was fed ad libitum without any supplement (control diet) and the other three diets were supplemented with 320 g dried leaves of Z. mauritiana with no urea, 5 g urea/d or 10 g urea/d. Daily intake (g/d) of sorghum hay or total DM intake did not respond to inclusion of urea in the diets. Supplementation of Z. mauritiana with or without urea did not affect digestibility of DM, organic matter and acid detergent fiber. Nitrogen retention increased (P<0.05) from 0.57 g/d on control diet to 3.72 g/d with supplementation of Z. mauritiana leaves. Addition of urea 5 g/d did not further increase the N retention (4.78 g/d) but was significantly increased to 7.16 g/d in response to 10 g urea/d in the diet. It was concluded that response to urea feeding in the presence of tannin rich Z. mauritiana leaves was dose-dependant and that feeding 10 g urea/d increased the capacity of sheep to consume more feed and retain more N in the body.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the dietary ratio of ruminal degraded protein (RDP) to ruminal undegraded protein (RUP) and the dry matter intake (DMI) on the intestinal flows of endogenous nitrogen (N) and amino acids (AA) in goats. The experiment was designed as a 4 × 4 Latin square using four ruminally, duodenally and ileally cannulated goats. The treatments were arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial design; two ratios of RDP to RUP (65:35 and 45:55, RDP1 and RDP2, respectively) and two levels at 95% and 75% of voluntary feed intake (DMI1 and DMI2, respectively) were fed to the goats. There were no significant differences in the N intake, duodenal flow of total N, undegraded feed N, microbial N, endogenous N or ileal flow of endogenous N, but the duodenal and ileal flow of endogenous N numerically decreased by approximately 22% and 9%, respectively, when the feed intake changed from DMI1 (0.63 kg/d) to DMI2 (0.50 kg/d). The dietary ratio of RDP to RUP had significant effects (p < 0.05) on the ileal flows of endogenous leucine, phenylalanine and cysteine. The present results implied that the duodenal flows of endogenous N and AA decreased when the dietary RDP to RUP ratio and DMI decreased, and the flow of endogenous AA at the ileum also decreased when the DMI decreased but increased with decreasing RDP to RUP ratios.  相似文献   

Combined experiments of an isotope dilution method of [1-(13)C]leucine with open circuit calorimetry and a nitrogen (N) balance test were applied to determine the effect of dietary crude protein (CP) intake on plasma leucine flux and protein synthesis and degradation in four sheep. The experiment was conducted in a 3 x 4 Latin rectangle design of three 3-week periods. Dietary CP intake was 5.6, 7.7, and 10.8 g/(kg(0.75) x d). Metabolizable energy intake was 120% of requirement for all dietary treatments. [1-(13)C]Leucine was intravenously infused for 8 h and blood and breath samples were collected during the latter 2-h period of infusion. Isotopic enrichments of plasma [1-(13)C]leucine, alpha-[1-(13)C]ketoisocaproic acid, and exhaled (13)CO(2) were determined. For the N balance test, N digestibility, N excretion in urine, and protein balance (N x 6.25) increased with increasing dietary CP intake. Rates of plasma leucine turnover, protein synthesis, and degradation changed toward reduction with increased dietary CP intake. It is likely that in sheep, high CP intake enhances protein deposition with reduced protein degradation rather than increased protein synthesis.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of substituting dry wormwood (Artemisia sp.) for rice straw in sheep diets on intake and apparent digestibility in vivo, nitrogen (N) balance and ruminal fermentation characteristics. Four Corriedale×Polwarth sheep (51.7 ± 1.3 kg) were individually housed in metabolism cages and fed diets (ad. libitum) with a 70:30 forage to concentrate ratio (DM basis), in which the basal rice straw was substituted with 0 (Control), 30 (LW), 50 (MW) or 100 (HW) g/kg of dry wormwood. The experimental design was a 4×4 latin square design in which 10 days of dietary adaptation was followed by 6 days of total feces and urine collection in each period. Rumen fluid was collected from a stomach tube at −0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 h after the morning feed on day 6 of each collection period and analyzed for volatile fatty acids (VFA). The intakes of dry matter (DM), organic matter intake (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) were higher (P<0.05) in sheep fed diets containing wormwood, than those fed the Control diet. Compared to the Control diet, CP digestibility was higher (P<0.05) in sheep fed MW and N intake, retained N, EE digestibility, urinary purine derivatives and microbial N yield were higher (P<0.05) in sheep fed diets, containing wormwood. Rumen pH was unaffected by treatment. Rumen NH3-N and VFA concentrations were similar across treatments except that most values for diets containing wormwood were higher (P<0.05) than those for the control diet within the first 2 h of feeding. The non-glucogenic acid ratio was also similar across Control, LW and MW treatments, but it was generally lower in MW versus the Control treatment. In conclusion, substituting wormwood for rice straw in the sheep diets increased feed intake, rumen fermentation, in vivo digestibility, N retention and microbial N yield, particularly at the medium and high levels of wormwood inclusion.  相似文献   

Effects of supplementing tree foliage mixtures on voluntary intake, apparent digestibility and N balance was evaluated using Pelibuey sheep fed low quality diets. Five treatments were examined in a 5 × 5 Latin square design, which consisted of a basal diet of grass (Sorghum halepense) hay supplemented with Brosimum alicastrum (B) and Lysiloma latisiliquum (L) at the following rates (g DM/kg diet): B264, L0; B198, L66; B132, L132; B66, L198 and B0, L264. Additionally, an in situ degradability evaluation was completed with two ruminally cannulated cows. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent insoluble N (ADIN), lignin(sa) and total phenols (TP) were higher (P<0.01) in L. latisiliquum versus B. alicastrum. Daily intake (g/kg LW0.75/day) of DM (from 98 to 73) and OM (from 88 to 66) decreased quadratically (P<0.01), whereas CP (from 8.0 to 5.6) and ME (from 7.7 to 5.2, MJ/sheep/day) reduced linearly (P<0.01), as L. latisiliquum increased in the diet. Apparent digestibility of DM (from 0.486 to 0.445), OM (from 0.511 to 0.458) and CP (from 0.417 to 0.198) decreased linearly (P<0.01) and was associated with a low ruminal in situ CP degradability of L. latisiliquum. The decrease in N intake and digestibility induced lower (P<0.01) N retention (from 2.7 to 0.1 g/sheep/day). Although the incremental substitution of B. alicastrum with L. latisiliquum negatively affected intake, rumen degradation, digestibility and N balance, results indicate that this foliage mixture, but with no more than 132 g DM/kg diet of L. latisiliquum, could be used as a supplementation strategy to sheep fed low quality forage without negative effects on voluntary intake.  相似文献   



Resistance exercise alters the post-exercise response of anabolic and catabolic hormones. A previous study indicated that the turnover of muscle protein in trained individuals is reduced due to alterations in endocrine factors caused by resistance training, and that muscle protein accumulation varies between trained and untrained individuals due to differences in the timing of protein and carbohydrate intake. We investigated the effect of the timing of protein and carbohydrate intake after resistance exercise on nitrogen balance in trained and untrained young men.


Subjects were 10 trained healthy men (mean age, 23 ± 4 years; height, 173.8 ± 3.1 cm; weight, 72.3 ± 4.3 kg) and 10 untrained healthy men (mean age, 23 ± 1 years; height, 171.8 ± 5.0 cm; weight, 64.5 ± 5.0 kg). All subjects performed four sets of 8 to 10 repetitions of a resistance exercise (comprising bench press, shoulder press, triceps pushdown, leg extension, leg press, leg curl, lat pulldown, rowing, and biceps curl) at 80% one-repetition maximum. After each resistance exercise session, subjects were randomly divided into two groups with respect to intake of protein (0.3 g/kg body weight) and carbohydrate (0.8 g/kg body weight) immediately after (P0) or 6 h (P6) after the session. All subjects were on an experimental diet that met their individual total energy requirement. We assessed whole-body protein metabolism by measuring nitrogen balance at P0 and P6 on the last 3 days of exercise training.


The nitrogen balance was significantly lower in the trained men than in the untrained men at both P0 (P <0.05) and P6 (P <0.01). The nitrogen balance in trained men was significantly higher at P0 than at P6 (P <0.01), whereas that in the untrained men was not significantly different between the two periods.


The timing of protein and carbohydrate intake after resistance exercise influences nitrogen balance differently in trained and untrained young men.  相似文献   

Reducing dietary CP content is an effective approach to reduce animal nitrogen excretion and save protein feed resources. However, it is not clear how reducing dietary CP content affects the nutrient digestion and absorption in the gut of ruminants, therefore it is difficult to accurately determine how much reduction in dietary CP content is appropriate. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of reduced dietary CP content on N balance, intestinal nutrient digestion and absorption, and rumen microbiota in growing goats. To determine N balance, 18 growing wether goats (25.0 ± 0.5 kg) were randomly assigned to one of three diets: 13.0% (control), 11.5% and 10.0% CP. Another 18 growing wether goats (25.0 ± 0.5 kg) were surgically fitted with ruminal, proximate duodenal, and terminal ileal fistulae and were randomly assigned to one of the three diets to investigate intestinal amino acid (AA) absorption and rumen microbiota. The results showed that fecal and urinary N excretion of goats fed diets containing 11.5% and 10.0% CP were lower than those of goats fed the control diet (P < 0.05). When compared with goats fed the control diet, N retention was decreased and apparent N digestibility in the entire gastrointestinal tract was increased in goats fed the 10% CP diet (P < 0.05). When compared with goats fed the control diet, the duodenal flow of lysine, tryptophan and phenylalanine was decreased in goats fed the 11.5% CP diet (P < 0.05) and that of lysine, methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, glutamic acid, tyrosine, essential AAs (EAAs) and total AAs (TAAs) was decreased in goats fed the 10.0% CP diet (P < 0.05). When compared with goats fed the control diet, the apparent absorption of TAAs in the small intestine was increased in goats fed the 11.5% CP diet (P < 0.05) and that of isoleucine, serine, cysteine, EAAs, non-essential AAs, and TAAs in the small intestine was increased in goats fed the 10.0% CP diet (P < 0.05). When compared with goats fed the control diet, the relative richness of Bacteroidetes and Fibrobacteres was increased and that of Proteobacteria and Synergistetes was decreased in the rumen of goats fed a diet with 10.0% CP. In conclusion, reducing dietary CP content reduced N excretion and increased nutrient utilization by improving rumen fermentation, enhancing nutrient digestion and absorption, and altering rumen microbiota in growing goats.  相似文献   

There is a lot of evidence that chicory could be a highly palatable and nutritious source of forage for ruminants, well adapted to climate change and dry conditions in summer, thanks to its resistance to drought and high water content. This study aimed to describe the effect of incorporating chicory to ryegrass or to a ryegrass–white clover mixture on feeding behaviour, digestive parameters, nitrogen (N) balance and methane (CH4) emissions in sheep. In total, three swards of ryegrass, white clover and chicory were established and managed in a manner ensuring the forage use at a constant vegetative stage throughout the experiment. In all, four dietary treatments (pure ryegrass; binary mixture: 50% ryegrass–50% chicory; ternary mixture: 50% ryegrass–25% white clover–25% chicory; and pure chicory) were evaluated in a 4×4 replicated Latin square design with eight young castrated Texel sheep. Each experimental period consisted of an 8-day diet adaptation phase, followed by a 6-day measuring phase during which intake dynamics, chewing activity, digestibility, rumen liquid passage rate, fermentation end-products, N balance and CH4 emissions were determined. Data were analysed using a mixed model and orthogonal contrasts were used to detect the potential associative effects between ryegrass and chicory. The daily voluntary dry matter intake was lower for pure ryegrass than for diets containing chicory (P<0.001) and increased quadratically from 1.39 to 1.74 kg/day with increasing proportion of chicory. Huge positive quadratic effects (P<0.001) between ryegrass and chicory were detected on eating time and eating rate just after feeding indicating an increase of the motivation to eat with mixtures, whereas rumination activity decreased linearly with the proportion of chicory (P<0.001). The organic matter digestibility was similar among treatments (around 80%), but a strong positive quadratic P<0.001) effect was observed on liquid passage rate suggesting that chicory allowed fast particle breakdown in the rumen. Animals fed with the ryegrass–white clover–chicory mixture had the higher urinary N losses (P<0.001), whereas retained N per day or per g N intake was greater when the proportion of chicory was at least 50% (P<0.001) being ~40% greater than for the other treatments. The CH4 yield was lower with pure chicory than with the other treatments (P<0.001) for which emissions were similar. In conclusion, mixing ryegrass and chicory in equal proportions produces a synergy on voluntary intake and an improved N use efficiency likely due to complementarity in chemical composition, increased motivation to eat and faster ruminal particle breakdown.  相似文献   

Six lactating cows, 6 dry cows and 6 wether sheep were fed ad libitum on diets of maize silage, maize silage plus lucerne, or maize silage plus lucerne plus wheat. Faeces and urine collections allowed for the determination of digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and nitrogen, and balances of nitrogen and water.

Voluntary feed intakes were highest and digestibility values were lowest in lactating cows. The addition of lucerne reduced organic matter digestibility in dry cows, but not in lactating cows or sheep. The addition of wheat decreased intake in dry cows and sheep, but not in lactating cows. Production of milk, protein, solids-not-fat and total solids increased with dietary quality, but there was a depression in milk fat content as a result of wheat supplementation.

The ranking of the 3 diets on the basis of feed intake differed with each class of livestock, but lactating cows and sheep gave the same ranking on the basis of organic matter digestibility.  相似文献   

Lactating ewes received continuous intravenous infusions of adrenaline (0.05 micrograms/kg liveweight) for 4 days. Prior to, during and after adrenaline infusions, milk yield and composition were monitored. Plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones were measured each day and glucose biokinetics were measured in non-steady state at the start and end of adrenaline infusions. During adrenaline infusion, milk yield and content of solids-not-fat decreased and milk fat content was reduced on the first day of infusion. Plasma glucose was raised throughout the period of adrenaline infusion, plasma lactate increased over the first 4 h from the start of infusion and plasma non-esterified fatty acids increased for 2 h at the start of infusion and tended to increase during the first 2-3 h after withdrawal of adrenaline. Plasma growth hormone remained relatively stable except for a marked increase at 30 min after withdrawal of adrenaline. At the start and immediately after withdrawal of adrenaline infusion plasma insulin was increased approximately twofold. Glucose production, but not utilization, increased at the start of infusions. Immediately after withdrawal of adrenaline glucose utilization increased 2.5-fold with a smaller response in glucose production. There was essentially no change in glucose clearance during adrenaline infusion but a marked increase occurred after withdrawal of adrenaline.  相似文献   

The objective of two experiments was to evaluate non-protein N supplementation with protected urea sources in terms of rumen fermentation products, nutrient digestibility, and N balance in ruminally fistulated beef steers (initial bodyweight 239 ± 18 kg) fed switchgrass hay. Experiment 1 compared urea with Optigen II®, and Experiment 2 compared urea with RumaPro®. In both experiments, supplements (400 g/kg of daily dietary dry matter) were fed once daily or every 2 h in a balanced design. Supplements contained soybean hulls, corn grain, vitamins, and minerals as well as non-protein N sources. Non-protein N provided 0.18 g/g of dietary N. Switchgrass hay was fed once daily, at the same time as the supplement in the once-daily treatments. Dry matter intake (4.1 kg/d in Experiment 1, 4.5 kg/d in Experiment 2), dry matter digestibility (P<0.25, 0.58 ± 0.014 g/g in Experiment 1, 0.58 ± 0.010 g/g in Experiment 2), N balance (P<0.83, 11.3 ± 1.9 g/d in Experiment 1, 11.8 ± 3.6 g/d in Experiment 2), ruminal ammonia concentrations (P<0.29, 15.2 ± 1.4 mM in Experiment 1, 11.8 ± 0.6 mM in Experiment 2), and ruminal short-chain fatty acid concentrations (P<0.13, 77.7 ± 3.0 mM in Experiment 1, 75.4 ± 3.0 mM in Experiment 2) were not affected by feeding protected urea sources. Providing a steady supply of ruminally degradable N by feeding supplement every 2 h vs once daily decreased ruminal ammonia concentrations by approximately one-half by 4 h after feeding hay (P<0.01 in both experiments) and increased (P<0.02 in Experiment 1, P<0.08) in Experiment 2) apparent digestibility of dry matter (0.58–0.62 in Experiment 1, 0.56–0.61 in Experiment 2) and dietary fiber components.  相似文献   

This study aimed at evaluating the effects of feed intake level on the efficiency of rumen microbial protein synthesis (EMPS), nitrogen (N) excretion, and N balance in twelve 18-months old Boran (Bos indicus) steers with initial average liveweight of 183 kg (standard deviation (SD) 15.2). The experiment followed a 4 × 4 complete Latin Square design with four dietary treatments tested in four periods. Each period ran for 5 weeks with 3 weeks of adaptation and 2 weeks of sample collection; separated by 2 weeks of re-feeding. Steers were fed at 100%, 80%, 60%, and 40% of their metabolisable energy requirement for maintenance (MER, referred to as MER100, MER80, MER60, and MER40, respectively). Steers receiving MER80, MER60, and MER40 were only fed Rhodes grass hay. MER100 steers were offered Rhodes grass hay at 80% of their MER and cottonseed meal and sugarcane molasses at each 10% of MER. Mean daily dry matter intake differed between treatments (p < 0.001) and ranged between 2.1 kg/animal (SD 0.13) in MER40 and 4.5 kg/animal (SD 0.31) in MER100. Urinary N excretion and N balance did not differ between MER80, MER60, and MER40. According to contrast test, declining feed intake level from MER80 to MER40 reduced duodenal microbial crude protein flow (p < 0.001), but did not alter the EMPS (g microbial N/kg digestible organic matter intake). Yet, if scaled to N intake, EMPS increased (p < 0.049), whereas total N and faecal N excretions decreased linearly with declining intake level (p < 0.001 for both variables). At similar grass hay intake, duodenal microbial crude protein flow was 41% higher in MER100 than in MER80 steers (p < 0.001). In cattle offered poor-quality tropical forage below their MER, the very low EMPS and thus microbial protein supply aggravate the negative effects of low dietary nutrient and energy intakes in periods of feed shortage.  相似文献   

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