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Anaemia is common in patients older than 75 years. Patho-physiologic mechanisms of anaemia are similar to that involved in younger patients even though certain mechanisms are more common in the elderly. Practical decisional algorithms have to be used for the diagnosis of anaemia. Risk factors for anaemia have been identified in this age group: institutionalization, bad socio-economic conditions, co-morbid conditions. Particular emphasis is given to several points:
  1. The clinical tolerance of anaemia is the most important feature to take into account in older patients, rather than the decline of the haemoglobin level. Even if the haemoglobin level is only slightly decreased, evaluation of anaemia should be performed by the geriatrician, including, if needed, the achievement of a bone-marrow aspiration.
  2. Causes of anaemia are often multiple, due to frequent comorbid conditions and acute illnesses, associated with nutritional deficiencies, inflammation… Chronic kidney disease and dysthyroidia are also common.
  3. Nutritional deficiencies (iron, folate and/or B12 deficiency) are frequent and their cause has to be identified.
  4. The prevalence of myelodysplastic syndromes, which are clonal diseases, is probably underestimated in this age group.

A gene amplification technique applied to the detection of HIV and which can be implemented without programmable thermocyclers is described. The reaction products are high molecular weight strands of DNA that can be detected using simple methods, even without electrophoresis. This is a promising technique for in situ amplification experiments. Our findings show that this amplification method is compatible with the temperature levels encountered in living cells. This technology could thus be the basis for a new class of drugs intended for treatment by gene therapy of certain diseases, including malaria and AIDS.  相似文献   

O. de Bolòs 《Plant Ecology》1970,21(1-3):49-73
Résumé Le climat chaud et humide de la Ligurie méditerranéenne détermine la réapparition de quelques groupements végétaux connus de la Catalogne et rares ou nuls en Languedoc: Inulo-Oryzopsietum miliaceae, Cichorio-Sporoboletum poiretii, Hyparrhenietum hirto-pubescentis, Rubo-Coriarietum.Le caractère particulier de la végétation ligure a été exprimé par des groupements spéciaux: Pistacio-Rhamnetum alaterni, qui remplace le Quercetum cocciferae, groupements à Ostrya carpinifolia et à Brachypodium pinnatum des endroits frais, groupements buissonnants à Erica arborea et Genista germanica, à Rosmarinus et Genista cinerea, Asplenio-Campanuletum macrorhizae des rochers, etc.
Summary The warm and humid climate of the Mediterranean Liguria determines the reappearance of some communities, known in Catalonia, and seldom or not existing in Languedoc: Inulo-Oryzopsietum miliaceae, Cichorio-Sporoboletum poiretii, Hyparrhenietum hirto-pubescentis, Rubo-Coriarietum.The particular character of the Liguric vegetation is expressed in special communities: Pistacio-Rhamnetum alaterni, which replaces the Quercetum cocciferae, communities with Ostrya carpinifolia and with Brachypodium pinnatum in the fresh places, bushy communities with Erica arborea and Genista germanica, with Rosmarinus and Genista cinerea, Asplenio-Campanuletum macrorhizae of the rocks, and so on.

Zusammenfassung Das warme und feuchte Klima der mediterranen Ligurie bestimmt das Wiedererscheinen einiger Pflanzengesellschaften, die in Katalonien bekannt sind, aber selten oder nicht in Languedoc vorkommen: Inulo-Oryzopsietum miliaceae, Cichorio-Sporoboletum poiretii, Hyparrhenietum hirto-pubescentis, Rubo-Coriarietum.Der eigenartige Charakter der ligurischen Vegetation ist in besonderen Pflanzengesellschaften ausgedrückt: Pistacio-Rhamnetum alaterni, das das Quercetum cocciferae ersetzt, Gesellschaften mit Ostrya carpinifolia und mit Brachypodium pinnatum der frischen Standorte, Erica arborea-Genista germanica-Silikatbodengebüsche, Rosmarinus-Genista cinerea-Kalkbodengebüsche, Asplenio-Campanuletum macrorhizae der Felsen usw.

Klinefelter’s syndrome is a common sex chromosomal aberration generally characterized by hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism and azoospermia. However, spermatogenesis impairment is variable and severe oligozoospermia can be found in some men, particularly those exhibiting a mosaic karyotype 47,XXY/ 46,XY. New reproductive technologies, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), allow Klinefelter patients to have a progeny, even those who are azoospermic after testicular sperm recovery. The question therefore arises of whether or not there is a genetic risk for pregnancies from affected fathers. Sperm karyotyping, by in vitro penetration of zona-free hamster eggs or by fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), is a method of choice for measuring aneuploidy rate in spermatozoa of patients carrying gonosomal abnormalities. A theoretical model would predict a high level of 24,XX and/or 24,XY disomic sperm cells in Klinefelter patients if 47,XXY spermatogonia were able to complete meiosis and achieve spermatogenesis. Interestingly, current observations show that the rate of abnormal spermatozoa in these patients is low, around 1–2%, which indicates that only 46,XY spermatogonia can produce mature sperm cells and that oligozoospermic Klinefelter patients probably carry a 47,XXY / 46,XY mosaicism, at least at the testicular level. However, this low but statistically significant level of disomic spermatozoa emphasizes the fact that their spermatogenesis occurs in a compromised environment which could increase the risk of meiotic errors. Therefore, the possible occurrence of autosomal aneuploidies in children born from Klinefelter fathers leads to the following recommendations: a) individual analysis by FISH of the sperm aneuploidy rate in each Klinefelter patient candidate for ICSI; b) proposal of fetal karyotyping after amniocentesis in pregnancies obtained by this technique.  相似文献   

Résumé Plusieurs méthodes cytochimiques utilisées convergent pour indiquer l'existence d'une réactivité du plasmalemme, qui le distingue des autres cytomembranes. 1. Des résultats positifs constants ont été obtenus avec deux sortes de méthodes. Certaines sont effectues sur pièces, utilisant la capture de métaux colloïdaux par les groupements électronégatifs. D'autres sont réalisées sur coupes ultrafines: technique dérivant de l'APS et méthode utilisant l'acide phosphotungstique à bas pH, dans différents milieux d'inclusion. 2. D'autres méthodes fournissent des résultats plus sporadiques, en particulier les techniques de détection d'ions inorganiques.Ces données cytochimiques tendent à indiquer l'existence d'une sorte de glycocalyx au niveau du plasmalemme végétal, évoquant celui des cellules animales. Il s'en distingue toutefois par certains caractères (absence d'action de la neuraminidase). La confrontation de ces résultats avec ceux obtenus après les tests d'activité enzymatique ou après des études histoautoradiographiques, confirme l'idée d'une organisation du plasmalemme, liée à son activité.Ces résultats fournissent des précisions sur les modalités de différenciation des membranes et sur leurs relations dans les phénomènes d'échange entre la cellule et le milieu extérieur (pinocytose, émission de vésicules sécrétrices).
Reactivity of the plasmalemma. Cytochemical study
Summary Several cytochemical methods converge to indicate a reactivity of the plasmalemma, which makes it different from others cytomembranes. 1. Positive and constant results are obtained with two kinds of methods. Some are performed on specimen blocks, using the binding of colloidal metals with electronegative groups; some are performed on ultrathin sections: procedure derivating from PAS reaction, and method using phosphotungstic acid at a low pH in different embedding resins (epon, araldite, methacrylate, glycol-methacrylate). 2. Rather sporadic results are obtained with other procedures, specially those which demonstrate inorganic ions.These cytochemical data tend to indicate the existence, at the level of the plasmalemma, of a kind of glycocalyx similar to that described in animal cells. It is however different in some characteristics (neuraminidase has no effect on its reactivity).After a comparison of the results with those obtained from enzymatic tests or autoradiographic studies, the idea of a special activity of the plasmalemma is enhanced.These results give some informations on the ways the differenciation of cytomembranes occurs, and on their relations during exchanges between the cell and the exterior (pinocytosis and emission of secretory vesicles).

Abréviations f fossette sécrétrice (anfractuosité du plasmalemme contenant des polysaccharides) - G dictyosome (appareil de Golgi) - ls lomasome - m mitochondrie - mn membrane nucléaire - mt méat - n noyau - P paroi - pe plasmalemme (pellicule ectoplasmique) - pl plaste - ps plasmodesme - re reticulum endoplasmique - sl slime body (corps muqueux de tube criblé) - t tractus polysaccharidique reliant cytoplasme et paroi - v vésicule cytoplasmique - va vacuole - Grossissement sur chaque cliché, le trait représente 0,5 micron  相似文献   

Four aspects of the synchorology of plant communites along the European coastline are treated: (1) with examples from sand dunes (Agropyreta and Ammophileta) and salt marshes (Puccinellieta maritimae) synvicariance is elucidated; (2) The increase in synvicariance towards the inner sand dunes is discussed as a result of an increasing effect of autochthonous climatic features; (3) with examples from sand dunes and cliffs the concept of synendemism is elucidated; (4) synvicariance at the landscape (geosigmetum) is discussed with examples from the French coastline.

Sequencing the human genome has allowed the discovery of millions of DNA sequence variants. Sequence variations in human DNA are mainly present asSingle Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs); this common form of variation is found about once every 1,000 bases in the human genome and 1.8 million SNPs have now been identified and located. The accessibility of databases of SNPs opens the possibility of studying the influence of these polymorphisms on disease risks as well as on drug responses. Numerous approaches have been set up for the identification of SNPs. In this review we describe the main techniques used for the identification of these polymorphisms. They rely on two major consequences of sequence variations: the apparition or the disappearance of restriction enzyme sites or the alteration of DNA strand hybridization due to the presence of a mismatch. Southern blotting and restriction endonucleases have allowed the development of the technique ofrestriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), now performed on PCR products. Several other approaches such as denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography or real-time PCR can detect allele differences upon re-hybridization and heteroduplex formation. However, DNA sequencing remains the obligate step for the positive identification of known or unknown SNPs. At last, the development of high-throughput methods allows a large increase in the rate of discovery of SNPs likely.  相似文献   

Summary The regeneration (organogenesis was studied by Emig, 1972 a, b) of Phoronida can be divided into three phases: the first one, cicatrisation, is characterized by a provisional mesodermal scar-tissue, later the old epidermis cover this scar-tissue. The regenerating blastema, second phase, takes place by cellular dedifferentiation processes; each germ layer (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) regenerates itself from its own elements. One exception only seems to be oesophagel regeneration by metaplasia of the prestomacal cells during the asexual reproduction. The differentiation of the amputated structures (third phase) appears submitted to the inductive influence of the mesoderm and to the trophic action of the nervous system (especially the epithelial plexus). The polarity in regeneration sets a problem in Phoronida.

Ce travail a été effectué dans le cadre du contrat L. A. n 41 au C. N. R. S.  相似文献   

Gilbert Long 《Plant Ecology》1969,18(1-6):44-63
Résumé Après avoir indiqué les objectifs et les concepts généraux de la cartographie biogéographique intégrée de la végétation et de son écologie, l'auteur expose, avec plus de détails, les conceptions de forme dans l'expression cartographique, ainsi que les conceptions sur le contenu scientifique des cartes biogéographiques.A ce propos, il décrit un modèle général de la perception des faits et de leurs relations réciproques au'il désigne par l'expression: pyramide de perception. Ce modèle comprend 5 niveaux, des petites aux très grandes échelles. Une application à l'écologie végétale et à la phytogégraphie est développée. De nouveaux types de cartes sont décrits (carte de l'occupation des terres, cartes phyto-écologiques).
Summary The author, first of all, shows the objectives and the main concepts of the biogeographical integrated cartography of the vegetation and of its ecology, he exposes after that, in a more circumstantial way, the conception of the form in the cartographical expression as well as the conceptions bearing on the scientific content of biogeographical maps.In this connection he describes a general model of the perception of facts and of their reciprocal relations, he terms this model: pyramid of perception. This latter comprises 5 levels from the small to the largest scales. An application to plant ecology and to plant geography is developed. New map types (certain forms of land-use maps, phytoecological maps) are described.

Zusammenfassung Einleitend bespricht der Verfasser das Ziel und die allgemeinen Begriffe der integrierten biogeographischen Vegetationskartierung und deren Ökologie. Dann behandelt er eingehend die Formenbegriffe in der kartographischen Darstellung, sowie die den wissen-schaftlichen Inhalt der biogcographischen Karten betreffenden Begriffe.In dieser Beziehung beschreibt er ein allgemeines Modell der gegenseitigen Beziehungen und der Wahrnehmung der Tatsachen. Das Modell wird durch den Ausdruck Wahrnehmungspyramide bezeichnet und besteht aus 5 Stufen, von den kleinen bis zu den großen Maßstäben. Eine Anwendung zur Vegetationsökologie und zur Phytogeographie wird erörtert. Es werden neue Kartentype beschrieben (einige Formen von Bodennutzungskarten, phytoökologische Karten).

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