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Trait combinations that lead to a higher efficiency in resource utilization are important drivers of divergent natural selection and adaptive radiation. However, variation in environmental features might constrain foraging in complex ways and therefore impede the exploitation of critical resources. We tested the effect of water transparency on intra-population divergence in morphology of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) across seven lakes in central Sweden. Morphological divergence between near-shore littoral and open-water pelagic perch substantially increased with increasing water transparency. Reliance on littoral resources increased strongly with increasing water transparency in littoral populations, whereas littoral reliance was not affected by water transparency in pelagic populations. Despite the similar reliance on pelagic resources in pelagic populations along the water transparency gradient, the utilization of particular pelagic prey items differed with variation in water transparency in pelagic populations. Pelagic perch utilized cladocerans in lakes with high water transparency and copepods in lakes with low water transparency. We suggest that under impaired visual conditions low utilization of littoral resources by littoral perch and utilization of evasive copepods by pelagic perch may lead to changes in morphology. Our findings indicate that visual conditions can affect population divergence in predator populations through their effects on resource utilization.  相似文献   

Summary The regression of atretic oocytes in Perca fluviatilis was studied by histochemical, light and electron microscopic methods. The course of regression can be divided into three stages, the first two comprising the dissolution of the atretic oocyte and its phagocytosis by the granulosa cells of the follicular epithelium, and the third stage consisting of the dissolution of the granulosa cells themselves. The ultrastructure in all three stages shows only features related to phagocytosis and lysosome formation. In particular, there is no agranular endoplasmic reticulum formed within the phagocytically active granulosa cells, nor is there any 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity (3-HSD). Large yellow-orange pigments, formed during the third stage of regression, are ascribed to a relative deficiency of lysosomes in lipid digestion, and do not result from a preceeding steroid-synthesising phase as in mammalian corpora lutea. Thus, the atretic oocyte of P. fluviatilis is considered not to give rise to a corpus luteum formation with endocrine function, but merely represents a degenerative structure.  相似文献   

In experimental ecosystems that accommodate perch fry (Perca fluviatilis), significant structural changes within the benthic communities occurred under the effect of fish feeding on oligochaetes and on the larvae of chidonomids and other insects. Perch fry began to consume benthic animals at early developmental stages (C 1C 2). The transition to regular feeding under experimental condition occurred at the D 2Estage (days 30–40), when the benthic community reached a developmental peak. The quantitative parameters characterizing the compositions of perch stomach contents and the main groups of zoobenthos closely correlated with each other. The dynamics of quantitative parameters of these animal groups (except for mollusks) proved to be determined both by the specific features of their life cycles and by the degree of consumption.  相似文献   

Perch population characteristics of small lakes were examined with a special reference to lakes which have acidified recently due to atmospheric deposition of air pollutants. The population density and biomass of perch were higher in an acid (pH 4.5) clear water lake with low aluminium concentration than in recently acidified (pH 4.3–4.7) clear water lakes with higher aluminium levels. The structure of perch population in an acid (pH 4.4) humic lake was similar to recently acidified clear water lakes. The population density and the biomass of perch were significantly higher in 6 lakes with pH>5.0 than in 6 lakes of pH<5.0 whereas the mean age and length at a given age were higher in the more acid lakes.  相似文献   

Complex habitat structures can influence the foraging success of fish. Competition for food between fish species can therefore depend on the competitors' abilities to cope with structural complexity. In laboratory experiments, we comparatively assessed effects of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha Pall .) on the foraging success of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.)). In single‐species and mixed‐species experiments, the fish were fed caddisfly larvae (Tinodes waeneri (L.)) over complex (mussel‐covered stones) and less‐complex (bare stones) substrates. With intraspecific competition, food consumption by perch and ruffe decreased significantly when the complex substrate was used. With interspecific competition, food consumption by perch and ruffe did not change with substrate complexity, but perch clearly out‐competed ruffe on both substrates. Zebra mussel beds provide a refuge for macrozoobenthos against predation by ruffe and probably also by perch. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

1. In many populations, sufficient size variation to allow for cannibalism may develop not only among age cohorts but also within them. Here, we used data on resource dynamics, consumer body size distribution and gape size limitation to unravel mechanisms promoting cannibalism within cohorts of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) perch (Perca fluviatilis). 2. Perch are strongly gape limited when feeding on large zooplankton during early ontogeny. As a consequence, only initially large fish were able to shift to feeding on abundant large invertebrates, necessary to sustain fast growth. 3. We suggest that a combination of high initial size variation and exclusive access to resources for individuals with an initial size advantage is a prerequisite for the development of a size distribution sufficient for intra‐cohort cannibalism to occur. 4. During the time when cannibalism was observed, growth of the largest individuals in YOY perch cohorts was faster than that of smaller individuals. However, the energy gain from cannibalism did not increase growth rate enough to reach a size necessary to feed on more abundant size classes of victims, and therefore, the effect of cannibalism on overall cohort density was minor. 5. In addition to a high energy gain from cannibalism allowing for fast growth, strong resource limitation and slow growth rates of small individuals (i.e. potential victims) are a prerequisite not only for the development of intra‐cohort cannibalism but also for its persistence.  相似文献   

The almost fishless, acid Lake Fuchskuhle was physically partitioned into 4 sections and stocked with young, 10‐ to 13‐cm perch. Their body growth was normal only up to age 4 years. Although the perch spawned successfully, reproduction was negligible because only few offspring survived the first year of life. Food for young perch was plentiful, benthic invertebrates composing the main source. Because the population included only 2 to 3 year classes, the perch could not shift from benthic feeding to piscivory as they grew. As a result, growth rate decreased in older fishes (over 4–5 years old). The benthic food supply alone could not satisfy the energy requirements of the older perch.  相似文献   

The variation of reproductive strategies in different populations of perch and intrapopulation groups differing in the rate of growth have been analyzed. Using a bioenergetic approach, the origin and differences between these groups have been studied. It was shown that bioenergetic mechanisms of regulation of the sizes and weight of the eggs lead to formation of the strategy of forced reproduction in the slow-growing group of perch, unlike the reproductive strategy of the fast-growing group of perch characterized by a later reaching of sexual maturity at a greater relative weight of gonads and spawning of larger eggs, which provides for a longer lifespan of larvae. The great number of age groups in the spawning part of this group compensates for a decrease in reproduction in years with unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

Slivko  V. M.  Zhokhov  A. E.  Gopko  M. V.  Mikheev  V. N. 《Journal of Ichthyology》2021,61(3):476-481
Journal of Ichthyology - The paper reports the study of macroparasite load and aggressiveness of the European perch Perca fluviatilis juveniles of different size captured in the Rybinsk Reservoir...  相似文献   

Due to the importance of young-of-the-year (YOY) perch in the peri-alpine regions where they are consumed, the microcystin (MC) contamination of YOY perch was analysed both in field (Lake Bourget, France) and experimentally using force-feeding protocols with pure MCs. In-situ, schools of YOY perch present in the epilimnion of the lake were never found in direct contact with the P. rubescens blooms that were present in the metalimnion. However, MCs were detected in the muscles and liver of the fish and were thus assumed to reach YOY perch through dietary routes, particularly via the consumption of MC-containing Daphnia. Force-feeding experiment demonstrates the existence of MC detoxification/excretion processes and suggests that in situ, YOY perch could partly detoxify and excrete ingested MCs, thereby limiting the potential negative effects on perch populations under bloom conditions. However, because of chronic exposure these processes could not allow for the complete elimination of MCs. In both experimental and in situ studies, no histological change was observed in YOY perch, indicating that MC concentrations that occurred in Lake Bourget in 2009 were too low to cause histological damage prone to induce mortality. However, Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damages were observed for both the high and low experimental MC doses, suggesting that similar effects could occur in situ and potentially result in perch population disturbance during cyanobacterial blooms. Our results indicate the presence of MCs in wild perch, the consumption of this species coming from Lake Bourget is not contested but more analyses are needed to quantify the risk.  相似文献   

The addition of Cu2+ (0.1-1.0 mM) to respiring, unfertilized eggs produced a marked stimulation in the rate of respiration whereas Zn2+ had no effect over the same concentration range. In the absence of Cu2+, temperature had little effect on unfertilized egg respiration but the Cu2+ stimulated respiratory rate showed the more normal response with a Q10 of 1.86 (10-20 degrees C). It appears that perch egg respiration is rate-limited by a physical event and it is suggested that Cu2+ may act by dissipating an oxygen permeability barrier located at the chorion.  相似文献   

Chugunova  Yu. K.  Ieshko  E. P. 《Biology Bulletin》2022,49(3):225-233
Biology Bulletin - The first study of ecological and populational changes in the species richness and diversity of parasitic communities of European perch Perca fluviatilis (L. 1758) during the...  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The tolerance of juvenile Amur sleeper Perccottus glenii and perch Perca fluviatilis to the effect of piscivorous predator pike Esox lucius has been studied in experimental...  相似文献   

Characteristic features of energy metabolism, related to the adaptation of fish to adverse environmental conditions, were detected in perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) inhabiting the lake with a high humus content, compared to perch from the control lake. We studied a complex of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and assessed the relationship between metabolic pathways using correlation analysis. The intensity of oxidative metabolism was found to increase in the gills. Activation of energy metabolism in the liver was characterized by an increased consumption of carbohydrates. In addition, the role of the liver-specific lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoform D4 also increased. The activity of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism decreased most strongly in white skeletal muscles, whereas the role of the pentose-phosphate pathway (along with glycolysis) in the production of muscle lactate increased. The adaptation of fish to a high-humus aquatic environment was accompanied by a slight decrease in their fatness.  相似文献   

Long-term measurements of the diurnal pattern of oxygen consumption were conducted in fasting juvenile perch at 15 and at 20° C. In addition, dry body mass, protein and glycogen concentrations and the activity of two key enzymes of energy metabolism, phosphofructokinase and glutamate pyruvate transaminase, were monitored during the period of food deprivation. The average rate of oxygen consumption decreased during the starvation period, but the regular diurnal pattern of low rates in the dark and high rates in the light was upset by a break around days 7 to 8 at both temperatures. This break coincided with the exhaustion of the glycogen reserves in the muscles and in the liver, indicating that switching to a new energetic fuel was accompanied by a change in the pattern of swimming activity. Choice of the major energy source after exhaustion of the carbohydrate store was substantially influenced by water temperature. A negative correlation was found between the scope for spontaneous activity and the specific rate of oxygen consumption in the dark phase suggesting that the resting rate of metabolism responded more strongly to food deprivation than the rate of spontaneous activity in the light phase.  相似文献   

We studied the ontogeny of the claustrum comparatively in representatives of all otophysan subgroups. The claustrum of cypriniforms has a cartilaginous precursor, the claustral cartilage, which subsequently ossifies perichondrally at its anterior face and develops an extensive lamina of membrane bone. The membrane bone component of the claustrum and its close association with the atrium sinus imparis, a perilymphatic space of the Weberian apparatus, are both synapomorphies of cypriniforms. The characiform claustrum is not preformed in cartilage and originates as a membrane bone ossification, a putative synapomorphy of that taxon. Among siluriforms, the claustrum is present only in more basal groups and originates as an elongate cartilage that ossifies in a characteristic ventrodorsal direction, possibly a synapomorphy of catfishes. Gymnotiforms lack the claustral cartilage and claustrum. We review all previous hypothesis of claustrum homology in light of the above findings and conclude that the most plausible hypothesis is the one originally proposed by Bloch ([1900] Jen Z Naturw 34:1-64) that claustra are homologs of the supradorsals of the first vertebra.  相似文献   

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