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Estimates of the sex ratio and cost of reproduction in plant populations have implications for resource use by animals, reserve design, and mechanisms of species coexistence, but may be biased unless all potentially reproductive individuals are censused over several flowering seasons. To investigate mechanisms maintaining dioecy in tropical forest trees, we recorded the flowering activity, sexual expression, and reproductive effort of all 2209 potentially reproductive individuals within 16 species of Myristicaceae over 4 years on a large forest plot in Amazonian Ecuador. Female trees invested >10 times more biomass than males in total reproduction. Flowering sex ratios were male-biased in four species in ≥1 year, and cumulative 4-year sex ratios were male-biased in two species and for the whole family, but different mechanisms were responsible for this in different species. Annual growth rates were equivalent for both sexes, implying that females can compensate for their greater reproductive investment. There was no strict spatial segregation of the sexes, but females were more often associated with specific habitats than males. We conclude that male-biased sex ratios are not manifested uniformly even after exhaustive sampling and that the mechanisms balancing the higher cost of female reproduction are extremely variable.  相似文献   

Decelerating growth in tropical forest trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impacts of global change on tropical forests remain poorly understood. We examined changes in tree growth rates over the past two decades for all species occurring in large (50-ha) forest dynamics plots in Panama and Malaysia. Stem growth rates declined significantly at both forests regardless of initial size or organizational level (species, community or stand). Decreasing growth rates were widespread, occurring in 24–71% of species at Barro Colorado Island, Panama (BCI) and in 58–95% of species at Pasoh, Malaysia (depending on the sizes of stems included). Changes in growth were not consistently associated with initial growth rate, adult stature, or wood density. Changes in growth were significantly associated with regional climate changes: at both sites growth was negatively correlated with annual mean daily minimum temperatures, and at BCI growth was positively correlated with annual precipitation and number of rainfree days (a measure of relative insolation). While the underlying cause(s) of decelerating growth is still unresolved, these patterns strongly contradict the hypothesized pantropical increase in tree growth rates caused by carbon fertilization. Decelerating tree growth will have important economic and environmental implications.  相似文献   

 First branch height is an important attribute of sapling architecture, as it defines the height at which prolonged lateral growth is possible. First branch height, measured on saplings of 70 species in tropical rain forests of Australia, Costa Rica, Panama, and Sabah, Malaysia, was highly correlated with leaf blade and petiole length. The observed relationship, first branch height ∝ blade length × (petiole length)0.5, implies that the ratio of first branch height to blade length increases somewhat with increasing leaf size, among species with a given ratio of petiole to blade length. Orthotropic species, with more or less radially symmetric arrangements of leaves on ascending axes, had a mean first branch height of 7x that observed for plagiotropic species, with planar leaf arrangements. The greater first branch height of orthotropic species was associated with their larger leaves and longer petioles. Plagiotropic species had wider crowns than orthotropic species in the sapling stage, as assessed at the Costa Rican site. Thus, leaf dimensions influence the dynamics of crown construction (or visa versa), as well as affecting leaf energy balance and gas exchange. Received: 5 September 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

We measured CO2 efflux from stems of two tropical wet forest trees, both found in the canopy, but with very different growth habits. The species were Simarouba amara, a fast-growing species associated with gaps in old-growth forest and abundant in secondary forest, and Minquartia guianensis, a slow-growing species tolerant of low-light conditions in old-growth forest. Per unit of bole surface, CO2 efflux averaged 1.24 mol m–2 s–1 for Simarouba and 0.83 mol m–2s–1 for Minquartia. CO2 efflux was highly correlated with annual wood production (r 2=0.65), but only weakly correlated with stem diameter (r 2=0.22). We also partitioned the CO2 efflux into the functional components of construction and maintenance respiration. Construction respiration was estimated from annual stem dry matter production and maintenance respiration by subtracting construction respiration from the instantaneous CO2 flux. Estimated maintenance respiration was linearly related to sapwood volume (39.6 mol m–3s–1 at 24.6° C, r 2=0.58), with no difference in the rate for the two species. Maintenance respiration per unit of sapwood volume for these tropical wet forest trees was roughly twice that of temperate conifers. A model combining construction and maintenance respiration estimated CO2 very well for these species (r 2=0.85). For our sample, maintenance respiration was 54% of the total CO2 efflux for Simarouba and 82% for Minquartia. For our sample, sapwood volume averaged 23% of stem volume when weighted by tree size, or 40% with no size weighting. Using these fractions, and a published estimate of aboveground dry-matter production, we estimate the annual cost of woody tissue respiration for primary forest at La Selva to be 220 or 350 g C m–2 year–1, depending on the assumed sapwood volume. These costs are estimated to be less than 13% of the gross production for the forest.  相似文献   

Abstract. Structural changes are analysed in four samples representing 4 ha, two line transects and two hectare plots, of Amazonian tropical lowland rain forest in northern Ecuador. Only trees with a DBH ≥ 10 cm were included. A sample of floodplain forest in Añangu represents the largest turnover found in tropical forests (stand half-life = 23 yr). The line transect and hectare plot both of tierra firme forest in Añangu have the same turnover (37 yr) and were balanced for death and in-growth of both individuals and wood (basal area). The 1-ha tierra firme sample in Cuyabeno had a turnover of 67 yr and was in a growing phase. The floodplain line transect in Añangu was in a phase of structural breakdown. However, the floodplain line transect had the largest growth of basal area per tree (23.4 cm2/yr). The tierra firme samples had a growth of 9.6, 10.1, and 13.6 cm2/yr. Most of the dead trees fell with some uprooting in three of the four samples. However, no significant difference in the distribution of mode of death was found between the four samples. Death was independent of topography and the dead trees were randomly distributed. As the trees grow up they occupy more space and larger trees (DBH ≥ 15 cm) become more uniformly distributed, whereas smaller trees (DBH ≤ 15 cm) were randomly distributed. Our study confirms that plots of 1 ha are not sufficient to include representative samples of different stages of forest structure.  相似文献   

Size, allometry, and mechanical design were measured for trees of three canopy species in a tropical rain forest in French Guiana. Mechanical design was expressed as the safety factor, using the elastic-stability model, and the wind resistance factor, using the constant-stress model. Changes with ontogeny were described as regressions using stem diameter as the independent variable, and they were compared between species. Height, crown size, and the wind resistance factor increased with ontogeny. The safety factor decreased to a minimum and then increased continuously in thicker trees. The crown width/height ratio did not change with ontogeny. Interspecific differences in allometry and mechanical design were related to the adult stature of the species, and not to shade tolerance. The short stature species (Vouacapoua americana) was less slender (height:DBH [stem diameter at 1.3 m] ratio) and had a higher crown width/height ratio than the tall stature species (Goupia glabra and Dicorynia guianensis). Vouacapoua had a higher safety factor, but a similar wind resistance factor. The safety factors of our study species were lower than those of two temperate tree species because of a higher slenderness. Differences in safety factors between tropical and temperate trees may result from unrealistic assumptions of the elastic-stability model, and may also be related to lower light levels and-or wind rates in the tropics.  相似文献   

The flowering, sex ratio, and spatial distribution of four dioecious species of Trichilia (Meliaceae) were studied in a semi-deciduous forest in southeastern Brazil. All reproductive trees (T. clausseni, T. pallida and T. catigua) with dbh > or = 5 cm within a 1-ha plot were collected, sexed, mapped and, for individuals of each species, the distances to the nearest neighbour of the same and opposite sex were measured. For the shrub species T. elegans (dbh < 5 cm), all reproductive individuals were sampled randomly in 10 samples of 10 x 10 m. The reproductive phenology was observed at weekly to monthly intervals from May 1988 to January 1990. The species are strictly dioecious, did not present any sex-mixed trees or sex switching during the study, and sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1 : 1. The size distributions and the relative size variation were not significantly different between sexes. There was no significant segregation or clumping between individuals of either sex and no fruit production without pollination. Onset of flowering and flowering peak were synchronous between male and female plants for all species studied. Flower synchrony was related to outcrossing and pollinator attraction rather than climatic factors.  相似文献   

Assessment of forest responses to climate change is severely hampered by the limited information on tree death on short temporal and broad spatial scales, particularly in tropical forests. We used 1‐m resolution panchromatic IKONOS and 0.7‐m resolution QuickBird satellite data, acquired in 2000 and 2002, respectively, to evaluate tree death rates at the La Selva Biological Station in old‐growth Tropical Wet Forest in Costa Rica, Central America. Using a calibration factor derived from ground inspection of tree deaths predicted from the images, we calculated a landscape‐scale annual exponential death rate of 2.8%. This corresponds closely to data for all canopy‐level trees in 18 forest inventory plots, each of 0.5 ha, for a mostly‐overlapping 2‐year period (2.8% per year). This study shows that high‐spatial‐resolution satellite data can now be used to measure old‐growth tropical rain forest tree death rates, suggesting many new avenues for tropical forest ecology and global change research.  相似文献   

氮素形态对树木养分吸收和生长的影响   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
张彦东  白尚斌 《应用生态学报》2003,14(11):2044-2048
由于NH4+-N和NO3--N形态的差异,二者对树木养分吸收和生长发育的影响不同,树木常表现出对NH4+-N和NO3--N的选择性吸收,树种对NH4+-N和NO3--N吸收的偏好特性可能与生长地的土壤pH有关,来自于酸性土壤的树种通常具有喜NHON的特性,而来自于中性或碱性土壤的树种常表现出喜NO3--N的趋势,由于NH4+-N和NO3^--N所带电荷的差异,通常NH4+-N有利于阴离子的吸收,而NO3^--N则促进阳离子的吸收,在有些情况下,NH4+-N会抑制NO3--N的吸收,但抑制的机制目前还不清楚,树木吸收NH4+-N时,引起根际pH下降,相反吸收NO3--N时根际pH升高,根际pH变化可以改变土壤养分的有效性,并影响树木对养分的吸收利用,树木对NH4+-N和NO3--N的生长反应不同,有些喜NH4+-N的针叶树在供应NH4+-N时生长较好,多数植物在同时供应NH4+-N和NO3--N时生长量最大,有些树种在同时供应NH4+-N和NO3--N时也表现出最高的生长,但对于树木类似的研究还少,这一现象对于树木是否具有普遍性还需要大量试验证明。  相似文献   

Tree species richness, tree density, basal area, population structure and distribution pattern were investigated in undisturbed, mildly disturbed, moderately disturbed and highly disturbed stands of tropical wet evergreen forests of Arunachal Pradesh. The forest stands were selected based on the disturbance index (the basal area of the cut trees measured at ground level expressed as a fraction of the total basal area of all trees including felled ones): (i) undisturbed stand (0% disturbance index), (ii) mildly disturbed (20% disturbance index), (iii) moderately disturbed (40% disturbance index), and (iv) highly disturbed stand (70% disturbance index). Tree species richness varied along the disturbance gradient in different stands. The mildly disturbed stand showed the highest species richness (54 of 51 genera). Species richness was lowest (16 of 16 genera) in the highly disturbed stand. In the undisturbed stand, 47 species of 42 genera were recorded while in the moderately disturbed stand 42 species of 36 genera were found. The Shannon–Wiener diversity index for tree species ranged from 0.7 to 2.02 in all the stands. The highest tree diversity was recorded in the undisturbed stand and the lowest in the highly disturbed stand. The stands differed with respect to the tree species composition at the family and generic level. Fagaceae, Dipterocarpaceae and Clusiaceae dominated over other families and contributed 53% in the undisturbed, 51% in the mildly disturbed, 42% in the moderately disturbed and 49% in the highly disturbed forest stands to the total density of the respective stand. Stand density was highest (5452 stems ha–1) in the undisturbed stand, followed by the mildly disturbed stand (5014), intermediate (3656) in the moderately disturbed stand and lowest (338) in the highly disturbed stand. Dominance, calculated as the importance value index of different species, varied greatly across the stands. The highest stand density and species richness were represented in the medium girth class (51–110 cm) in all the stands. In the undisturbed stand, the highest density was found in the 111–140 cm girth class, while in the mildly disturbed stand the 51–80 cm girth range recorded the highest density. About 55, 68 and 52% species were found to be regenerating in the undisturbed, mildly disturbed and moderately disturbed stands, respectively. No regeneration was recorded in the highly disturbed stand. Variation in species richness, distribution pattern and regeneration potential is related to human interference and the need for forest conservation is emphasized.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In angiosperms, flower size commonly scales negatively with number. The ecological consequences of this trade-off for tropical trees remain poorly resolved, despite their potential importance for tropical forest conservation. We investigated the flower size number trade-off and its implications for fecundity in a sample of tree species from the Dipterocarpaceae on Borneo. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We combined experimental exclusion of pollinators in 11 species, with direct and indirect estimates of contemporary pollen dispersal in two study species and published estimates of pollen dispersal in a further three species to explore the relationship between flower size, pollinator size and mean pollen dispersal distance. Maximum flower production was two orders of magnitude greater in small-flowered than large-flowered species of Dipterocarpaceae. In contrast, fruit production was unrelated to flower size and did not differ significantly among species. Small-flowered species had both smaller-sized pollinators and lower mean pollination success than large-flowered species. Average pollen dispersal distances were lower and frequency of mating between related individuals was higher in a smaller-flowered species than a larger-flowered confamilial. Our synthesis of pollen dispersal estimates across five species of dipterocarp suggests that pollen dispersal scales positively with flower size. CONCLUSIONS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE: Trade-offs embedded in the relationship between flower size and pollination success contribute to a reduction in the variance of fecundity among species. It is therefore plausible that these processes could delay competitive exclusion and contribute to maintenance of species coexistence in this ecologically and economically important family of tropical trees. These results have practical implications for tree species conservation and restoration. Seed collection from small-flowered species may be especially vulnerable to cryptic genetic erosion. Our findings also highlight the potential for differential vulnerability of tropical tree species to the deleterious consequences of forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Wet tropical forest trees display a wide range of leaf phenology dynamics. However, the interrelation between deciduousness, water status, and leaf and stem characteristics have been poorly investigated compared with dry forests. We studied wet forest trees to answer the following questions: (1) do water regulation modes (iso/anisohydric behavior) of evergreen species differ from those found in deciduous species? (2) Does leaf water potential (ΨL) influences leaffall and emergence dynamics? (3) Are leaf and stem characteristics consistent across evergreen and deciduous trees? We evaluated vegetative phenology, ΨL, and leaf and stem characteristics of six evergreen and three deciduous species monthly for 2 yr. Species exhibited different leaffall and emergence dynamics, as well as different water regulation modes, independent of their deciduousness. Thus, the relationship between leaf phenology and water regulation behaviors appears to be a species‐specific property rather than a functional group attribute. ΨL had no direct influence on the dynamics of leaffall and/or emergence, indicating that this process is not modulated by water availability alone. Individual groups of evergreen and deciduous species could not be identified using principal component analysis (PCA), but a decoupling was observed in the leaf and stem economics spectra. The lack of an interrelation between deciduousness and iso/anisohydry, as well as the independence of leaf and stem trade‐offs, emphasizes that more systematic measurements of vegetative phenology and ecophysiological characteristics are necessary to advance our knowledge of leaf habit and water regulation behaviors based on the functional traits of wet forest plants.  相似文献   

1. In social mammals where group members cooperate to detect predators and raise young, members of small groups commonly show higher mortality or lower breeding success than members of large ones. It is generally assumed that this is because large group size allows individuals to detect or repel predators more effectively but other benefits of group size may also be involved, including reduced costs of raising young and more effective competition for resources with neighbouring groups.
2. To investigate the extent to which predation rate affects survival, we compared mortality rates in two populations of suricates ( Suricata suricatta ), one living in an area of high predator density (Kalahari Gemsbok Park) and one living in an area of relatively low predator density (neighbouring ranchland). Most aspects of feeding ecology and growth (including time spent feeding, daily weight gain, growth, adult body weight, breeding frequency and neonatal mortality) were similar in the two populations. In contrast, mortality of animals over 3 months old was 1·7 times higher in the Park than on ranchland.
3. Mortality of juveniles between emergence from the natal burrow and 6 months of age was higher in small groups than large ones in the Park but significantly lower in small groups than large ones on ranchland. Adult mortality declined in larger groups in both areas.
4. The tendency for survival to be low in small groups had far-reaching consequences for the risk of group extinction. During a year of low rainfall in the Park, all groups of less than nine animals became extinct and population density declined to around a third of its initial level. We argue that high group extinction rates are to be expected in species where survival declines in small groups and mortality rates are high.  相似文献   

Growth strategies of six species of trees are compared and used to analyze forest architecture. They included the overstory speciesFagus grandifolia, Magnolia grandiflora, Pinus glabra andLiquidambar styraciflua, and the understory speciesOstrya virginiana andIlex opaca. The six species were abundant in Woodyard Hammock, an old-growth forest in northern Florida, USA. Height, stem diameter, crown projection and radial growth were measured in trees between 5 and 35 m tall. Three different, but non-exclusive, growth strategies were identified for the tree species: survival (Fagus grandifolia, Magnolia grandiflora, Ilex opaca), occupy open space (Fagus grandifolia, Ostrya virginiana, Ilex opaca), and reach above competitors (Liquidambar styraciflua, Pinus glabra). In two transects (0.42 ha) and one quadrat (1 ha), heights of dominant trees were used to distinguish different phases of forest development, which were mapped. In the quadrat, juvenile canopy trees in the undergrowth were mapped. The combination of presence of different developmental phases, presence of juveniles in the undergrowth, growth strategies of main tree species, and disturbance regime was used to assess forest development in the near future.Fagus grandifolia is predicted to become the main dominant species, but the frequent hurricanes open the forest canopy and provide opportunities for understory species (Ostrya virginiana andIlex opaca), and light-demanding overstory species (Liquidambar styraciflua andPinus glabra).  相似文献   

This study examined differences in stand structure, tree species richness, and tree species diversity in relation to population density in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. Tree data were obtained from a 1997 forest inventory involving 60 clusters (540 plots) systematically distributed over 30% of the provincial forest area. Spatially referenced population data were obtained from the 1998 national population census. The average number of trees per cluster was 356/ha, the average basal area, 23 m2/ha, the average stand volume, 217 m3/ha, and the average aboveground biomass, 273 Mg/ha for all trees of DBH 10 cm and larger. The average species richness per cluster was 37 species, while average species diversity was measured as 0.916 using Simpson’s index and 2.98 by Shannon’s index. Significant negative correlations were generally found between population density surrounding clusters and tree density, basal area, stand volume, aboveground biomass, and species richness and diversity for three examined diameter classes (DBH of 10–30, ≥30, and ≥10 cm). As the distance from clusters for calculating population density increased, the correlation levels increased up to 5 or 7 km, depending on the variables and diameter class, and then stayed relatively constant for stand structure variables and decreased for species richness and diversity. The results indicate that evidence of disturbance was more pronounced at higher population density up to around 5 to 7 km. We suggest that introduction of greater controls on human disturbance should be a high priority for resource management and conservation in Kampong Thom Province and, presumably, Cambodia as a whole.  相似文献   

Studies in Garcinia, dioecious tropical forest trees: agamospermy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RICHARDS, A. J., 1990. Studies in Garcinia , dioecious tropical forest trees: agamospermy . In Garcinia , agamospermy is known or suspected for ten species. Most are facultative agamosperms, with males occurring, but males are probably lacking in G. mangostana . In G. mangostana and G. hombroniana , adventitious embryony occurs autonomously, and haploid parthenogenesis may also occur rarely. In G. parvifolia , it is reported previously that gametophytic agamospermy occurs, and adventitious embryos are suppressed. Autonomous endospermy is found in G. mangostana and G. parvifolia . In G. hombroniana , endosperm probably only develops after PEN fertilization. In G. hombroniana , some proembryos are formed precociously, and further proembryo formation is inhibited by sexual embryos. Asexual proembryos tend to occur in large ovules in small ovaries, and sexual embryos tend to occur in small ovules in large ovaries. It is considered that facultative agamospermy renders the genus Garcinia particularly suitable for the development of new types of fruit. Agamospermy in a dioecious genus, adventitious embryony in the absence of fertilization and/or pseudogamy, and the co-occurrence of gametophytic and sporophytic agamospermies in the same genus are unusual phenomena, which are discussed in the context of the lifestyle of a tropical forest tree. For G. hombroniana, n = 24, and for G. cowa, n = 26 are reported.  相似文献   

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