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As part of a larger cross-cultural study of the chemoreceptiveabilities and preferences of Australians and Japanese, thisstudy investigated the differential taste sensitivity of subjectsfrom both cultures. The results indicate that there are no significantdifferences between the abilities of subjects from the two culturesto discriminate small increments (just noticeable differences)in the intensities of the four common tastants: sucrose, sodiumchloride, citric acid and caffeine. Furthermore, the Weber ratiosfound with each tastant were within the range of those reportedin the literature. These findings represent further evidencefor the view that differences in responses of subjects fromdifferent cultures to chemosensory stimuli are restricted topreference behaviour arising from experience rather than fromgenetically-based influences. 3Present address: Faculty of Science and Technology, Universityof Western Sydney, Bourke Street, Richmond, NSW 2753, Australia 4Present address: CSIRO Biometrics Unit, Institute of AnimalProduction and Processing, PO BOx 52 North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia  相似文献   

Rat neurophysiological taste responses to salt solutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Neurophysiological studies on the chemoresponsive tongueunits of the rat geniculate ganglion readily detected and furthercharacterized the two major functional neural groups designatedas ‘acid’ and ‘salt’ units by otherinvestigators in chorda tympani recordings. Units belongingto either of these groups were initially identified on the basisof their responses to a series of chemical solutions (a TestSeries) developed to distinguish unit groups in the geniculateganglion of the cat, dog and goat. 2. The nature of active ionicspecies effective in stimulating the units of the two differentgroups was further elaborated by studying their responses toa variety of salt solutions. From these studies, it was concludedthat the optimum molecular species for the acid units is anacid, where an acid is defined as a Br0nsted acid or protondonating molecule. A variety of molecular species may be activein solution, including some nitrogen compounds. Responses tosalt solutions by acid units are determined in part by the actionof the cation functioning as a Brønsted acid (NH4), orin promoting proton donor molecules in water (mainly H3O+).The salt units, on the other hand, are almost exclusively responsiveto solutions containing Na + and Li+. All other solutions werevirtually inactive. It was concluded that under a wide varietyof environmental conditions, Na+ would be the exclusive stimulusfor the salt units. Na+ and Li+ were found to be highly stimulatingwhen accompanied by a wide variety of solute anions, althoughthose containing the halogens (Cl, F, I,Br) were among the most stimulatory compounds tested.3. The establishment that the stimulus is a proton donor moleculefor the acid units and the Na+ and Li+ for the salt units hasprofound theoretical implications for the taste receptor. Biophysicalmodels of taste receptors are reviewed with respect to thisimproved understanding of the stimuli for the two types of units.It is suggested, after consideration of certain basic biochemicalaspects of the situation, that the acid receptor (possibly animidazole group) forms, as part of a protein, a proton conductingcircuit for driving an intracellular energy process devotedto proton sensing transmission. It is further suggested, inlight of the extreme specificity shown to Na +, that receptorattachment is of the multidentate ligand variety and is probablylinked to Na+, K+ transport across the cell membrane, as proposedby DeSimone et al. (1981).  相似文献   

The study investigated the potential for facial electromyography (EMG) to be used as a clinical tool for measuring the responses of children to pleasant and unpleasant smell and taste stimuli. Responses in the zygomaticus major and levator labii muscles to 4 odorants and 4 tastants were recorded from 34 children aged 6-9 years. The results indicated that EMG activities in the 2 muscles discriminated between pleasant and unpleasant stimuli within each modality in a manner that indicated that the children perceived the hedonic qualities of the stimuli in a manner similar to that reported for adults. Importantly, there was unanimous agreement across the children as regards the differential nature of the activities exhibited. These outcomes together with the results of earlier facial expression studies suggest that facial EMG may provide an objective procedure that could be suitable for the clinical assessment of taste and smell function in newborns and young infants.  相似文献   

1. After the frog tongue was adapted for 10 sec to various salts and sugars, the initial phasic component of gustatory neural responses to almost all of quinine hydrochloride (Q-HCl), quinine sulfate (Q-H2SO4). Brucine, caffeine and picric acid was suppressed. 2. Following 10 sec adaptation to acetic acid, the phasic responses to Q-HCl and Q-H2SO4 were unchanged, those to brucine and caffeine were enhanced, and that to picric acid was depressed slightly. 3. The response to any one of Q-HCl, Q-H2SO4. brucine and caffeine was suppressed after adaptation to the other three, while those to picric acid and nicotine were unchanged or enhanced after adaptation to another bitter solution.  相似文献   

Cowart  BJ 《Chemical senses》1998,23(4):397-402
Previous studies of the effect of carbonation on taste perception have suggested that it may be negligible, manifesting primarily in increases in the perceived intensity of weak salt and sour stimuli. Assuming CO2 solutions in the mouth stimulate only trigeminal nerve endings, this result is not altogether surprising; however, there are neurophysiological data indicating that CO2 stimulates gustatory as well as trigeminal fibers. In that case, carbonation might alter the quality profile of a stimulus without producing substantial changes in overall taste intensity--much as occurs when qualitatively different taste stimuli are mixed. To address this possibility, subjects were asked to rate the total taste intensity of moderate concentrations of stimuli representing each of the basic tastes and their binary combinations, with an without added carbonation. They then subdivided total taste intensity into the proportions of sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness and 'other taste qualities' they perceived. The addition of carbonation produced only small increases in ratings of total taste intensity. However, rather dramatic alterations in the quality profiles of stimuli were observed, particularly for sweet and salty tastes. The nature of the interaction is consistent with a direct effect of carbonation/CO2 on the gustatory system, although the possibility that at least some of the observed effects reflect trigeminal-gustatory interactions cannot be ruled out.   相似文献   

In the rat brainstem, where responses are often vigorous tobasic gustatory stimuli, the code for taste intensity appearsto be a function of total neural activity. By contrast, thalamicneurons respond sluggishly to stimuli representing the fourbasic taste qualities, and total neural activity does not risesignificantly with increasing stimulus concentration. Rather,most thalamic cells (61%) show sensitivity to concentrationchanges of one or more qualities, but a distinct minority areunaffected by intensity. Further, increases in stimulus concentrationmay affect the neurons which are sensitive either directly orinversely. Thus, only a subpopulation of thalamic neurons seemsto signal stimulus intensity, doing so through both excitatoryand inhibitory responses. The role of the thalamus in processingtaste information is discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The taste nerve responses to bitter substances declined rapidly to the spontaneous level during stimulation, but were remarkably prolonged when the tongue was stimulated after adapting to CaCl2 solution.
  • 2.2. The prolongation of the responses (inhibition of desensitization) to bitter substances was not inhibited by the Ca-channel blockers, suggesting that the inhibition of the desensitization occurs not inside taste cells but at membrane level.

Semantic, typicality and odor representation: a cross-cultural study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigated odor-category organization in threecultures by evaluating (i) the relationship between linguisticand perceptual categorization and (ii) the existence of an internalstructure of odor categories. In the first experiment, threegroups of 30 participants from American, French and Vietnamesecultures performed a sorting task. The first group sorted 40odorants on the basis of odor similarity, the second group sorted40 odor names on the basis of name similarity and the last groupsorted 40 odor names on the basis of imagined odor similarity.Results showed that odor categorization was based on perceptualor conceptual similarity and was in part independent of wordand imagined categorizations. In the second experiment, anothergroup of 30 participants from each culture rated the typicalityof the odorants for 11 odor categories. Results showed thatsome odorants were rated as more typical than others. Moreover,the typicality gradient predicted the odor space obtained inthe odor sorting task in a consensual way among the three cultures.These results suggest that, as for other categories, odor categoriesare based on perceptual similarities rather than on semanticcues. Moreover odor-category structure might have a core representationwhich might be common to different cultures with boundarieswhich might be more culturally dependent.  相似文献   

Some evolutionary explanations of cross-cultural differences propose that human personality is caused by pathogen stress. Both xenophobia and ethnocentrism evolved under conditions with high parasite prevalence. Further, inter-individual variation in disgust or fear of parasites is expected to be influenced by human health, where healthy people should express lower disgust sensitivity to parasites. We examined inter-individual variation of children’s fear, disgust and self-perceived danger between two distinct cultures differing in overall pathogen prevalence. We found that children were able to distinguish between disease-relevant and disease-irrelevant groups of invertebrates and that children in regions with high pathogen prevalence expressed greater fear, disgust and self-perceived danger of all animals, irrespective of disease threat. After controlling for confounding factors, better health of children was associated with lower perceived danger of disease-relevant animals. Gender differences were found only in conditions with low pathogen stress. Our results support the idea that cross-cultural differences in human perception of animals are mediated by pathogen threat. Further research is necessary to investigate causal relationship between human health and avoidance of potentially hazardous animals.  相似文献   

Enhancement of taste responses to acids by calcium ions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The frog taste nerve responses to HCl and acetic acids were greatly enhanced by increasing calcium concentration in a solution to which the tongue had adapted when the lingual artery was perfused with Ringer solution. Enhancement was not seen in the responses to other taste stimuli.  相似文献   

A cross-cultural analysis of mortality patterns is of interest to biological anthropologists and genetic epidemiologists. In this paper, we examine four agricultural populations from Costa Rica, Hungary, and the United States in order to determine if they suffered from a cyclical distribution of epidemics. When possible, we look at the mortality time series of adults and children separately. Of the 2 series, only 2 show significant epidemic cycles. Both are in the Hungarian groups and both affect subadults. Otherwise, the Costa Rica, U.S., and adult series of the Hungarian groups do not show any periodicity of mortality peaks. Our results indicate that epidemic cycles are not as ubiquitous in small agricultural groups as the literature would suggest.  相似文献   

The functions of food have three categories: nutrition, palatability, and bioregulation. As the onset of lifestyle-related diseases has increased, many people have shown interest in functional foods that are beneficial to bioregulation. We believe that functional foods should be highly palatable for increased acceptance from consumers. In order to design functional foods with a high palatability, we have investigated about the palatability, especially in relation to the taste of food. In this review, we discuss (1) the identification of taste receptors that respond to functional food components; (2) an analysis of the peripheral taste transduction system; and (3) the investigation of the relationship between physiological functions and taste signals.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on cross-cultural aspects emerging from children's drawings, in order to determine whether children's drawings revolve around a universal pictorial code (universalist perspective) or are responsive to the cultural context (contextualist perspective).  相似文献   

The sense of taste allows animals to distinguish nutritious and toxic substances and elicits food acceptance or avoidance behaviors. In Drosophila, taste cells that contain the Gr5a receptor are necessary for acceptance behavior, and cells with the Gr66a receptor are necessary for avoidance. To determine the cellular substrates of taste behaviors, we monitored taste cell activity in vivo with the genetically encoded calcium indicator G-CaMP. These studies reveal that Gr5a cells selectively respond to sugars and Gr66a cells to bitter compounds. Flies are attracted to sugars and avoid bitter substances, suggesting that Gr5a cell activity is sufficient to mediate acceptance behavior and that Gr66a cell activation mediates avoidance. As a direct test of this hypothesis, we inducibly activated different taste neurons by expression of an exogenous ligand-gated ion channel and found that cellular activity is sufficient to drive taste behaviors. These studies demonstrate that taste cells are tuned by taste category and are hardwired to taste behaviors.  相似文献   


1. 1. Eight male Japanese Brazilians and 11 male Japanese volunteered for this study. Each one sat on a chair for 45 min at 40°C (r.h. 50%).

2. 2. Then, they exercised using a bicycle ergometer in a semi-reclining position for 45 min at 40% of maximal oxygen uptake.

3. 3. Thermal and comfort sensation confirmed that Japanese Brazilians felt cooler and more comfortable in 40°C environment than the Japanese.

4. 4. Oxygen uptake, sweat rate and body weight loss for both groups were not significantly different.

5. 5. Forearm blood flow and heart rate for Brazilians were significantly lower than those for Japanese.

6. 6. Skin temperature at chest region for Brazilians was found to be significantly higher than that for Japanese.

7. 7. Thus the thermoregulatory responses observed in Japanese Brazilians may be largely attributed to the climate in their native places located on the Tropic of Capricorn.

8. 8. These results may indicate that environment condition is the important factor in determining the thermoregulatory responses.

Author Keywords: Thermoregulatory responses; ethnic difference; Japanese Brazillians; Japanese  相似文献   

Neural responses during anticipation of a primary taste reward   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
The aim of this study was to determine the brain regions involved in anticipation of a primary taste reward and to compare these regions to those responding to the receipt of a taste reward. Using fMRI, we scanned human subjects who were presented with visual cues that signaled subsequent reinforcement with a pleasant sweet taste (1 M glucose), a moderately unpleasant salt taste (0.2 M saline), or a neutral taste. Expectation of a pleasant taste produced activation in dopaminergic midbrain, posterior dorsal amygdala, striatum, and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Apart from OFC, these regions were not activated by reward receipt. The findings indicate that when rewards are predictable, brain regions recruited during expectation are, in part, dissociable from areas responding to reward receipt.  相似文献   

Bitter taste perception evolved as a key detection mechanism against the ingestion of bioactive substances, and is mediated by TAS2R gene family members in vertebrates. The most widely known and best studied bitter substance is phenylthiocarbamide (PTC), which is recognized by TAS2R38 and has a molecular structure similar to that of glucosinolates contained in Brassica plants. The “non-taster” phenotypic polymorphism (i.e., not sensitive to PTC-containing foods) has been identified in many primates, including humans. Here, we report genetic and behavioral evidence for the existence of “non-taster” Japanese macaques, which originated from a restricted region of Japan. Comparison of the sequences of the TAS2R38 gene of 333 Japanese and 55 rhesus macaques suggested that this genotype appeared after the divergence of these two species, independently of the appearance of human and chimpanzee “non-tasters”. This finding might give a clue for elucidating the ecological, evolutionary, and neurobiological aspects of bitter taste perception of primates, as related to the plants that they sometimes use as foods in their habitats.  相似文献   

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