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Within-bunch (inflorescence) variability in banana fruit weightis of great importance: distal fruits (at the bottom of thebunch) are 30 to 40% smaller than basal fruits at the top. Wehypothesize that this variability is related to a developmentallag between fruits. To validate this hypothesis, histologicalstudies (evolution in number of cells along the fruit radius,starch granule number and size) associated with physiologicalmeasurements (pulp dry weight, dry matter and starch concentration)were carried out. Fruit development stages were dated in cumulativedegree-days (dd) from flower emergence to 3 weeks after theharvest stage (1300 dd). For a fruit located at the top of thebunch, cell divisions ceased around 350 dd and cells began tofill with starch as soon as they appeared. A developmental lagbetween fruits at the top and bottom of the bunch was observed:cell divisions started and stopped approx. 70 dd later in bottom(distal) compared to top (basal) fruits. At the end of celldivisions, basal fruits had a higher number of cells along thefruit radius. This difference in cell number may be due to increasedcompetition for assimilates between fruits when cell divisionoccurs in distal fruits. Variability in cell number may be relatedto variability in pulp dry weight. We conclude that within-bunchvariability in banana fruit weight is related to a differencein cell number and age. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Musa acuminata, banana, fruit development, fruit growth, cell number, starch accumulation, fruit quality, fruit green-life, fruit-fruit competition  相似文献   

Maximum fruit growth potential, the growth attained by fruitswhen they are grown under optimal environmental conditions inthe presence of a non-limiting supply of resources, was estimatedfor two peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] cultivars that differin the timing of resource demand for reproductive growth. Maximumpotential fruit growth was estimated on trees that were heavilythinned at bloom. On these trees, resource availability exceededresource demand for fruit growth. For both cultivars, the mean dry weights of fruits grown onunthinned trees were approximately half the mean dry weightsof fruits grown on trees that were heavily thinned at bloom,indicating that fruit growth was source-limited on unthinnedtrees. Comparison of the seasonal patterns of relative growthrate of fruits on unthinned and heavily thinned trees indicatedthe source-limited fruit growth occurred during distinct periodsof the growing season. On the early maturing cultivar, source-limitedfruit growth occurred from 300 degree-days after bloom untilharvest (4·5-10 weeks after bloom). On the late maturingcultivar, source-limited fruit growth occurred from 200-900and 1600-1900 degree-days (3·5-12 and 18-20 weeks) afterbloom. Although the final dry weight of fruits on the early maturingcultivar was only half that of fruits on the late maturing cultivar,the potential net sink strength of fruits was significantlyhigher on the early than the late maturing cultivar throughoutthe entire growth period of the early maturing cultivar. Resourceavailability for fruit growth was similar on the early and latematuring cultivars, indicating that selection for early maturingfruits has not changed the patterns of resource availabilityfor fruit growth.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Maximum fruit growth potential, carbon economy, partitioning, resource availability, resource limitation, source-limited growth, sink activity, sink strength, growth analysis, relative growth rate, Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, peach  相似文献   

A Simulation Model for Dry Matter Partitioning in Cucumber   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A dynamic model is developed for the simulation of the dailydry matter distribution between the generative and vegetativeplant parts and the distribution among individual fruits ingreenhouse cucumber. The model is based on the hypothesis thatdry matter partitioning is regulated by the sink strengths ofthe plant organs. The sink strength of an organ is defined hereas its potential growth rate, i.e. the growth rate at non-limitingassimilate supply. The sink strength of each individual fruitis described as a function of its temperature sum after anthesisand the actual temperature, that of the vegetative plant partsas a function of actual temperature only. The formation rateof non-aborting fruits is essentially a function of the source/sinkratio. Model results agreed well with the measured fluctuating distributionof dry matter between fruits and vegetative parts. The measuredeffects of three intensities of fruit removal were also simulatedsatisfactorily. When simulating the partitioning among individualfruits the final fruit size was simulated quite well. However,the growth rate of young fruits was usually overestimated andthat of old fruits underestimated, because of dominance amongfruits. This phenomenon could be accounted for by incorporatingpriority functions into the model. Finally, a sensitivity analysisof the model was performed to investigate the effects of someclimatic factors, manipulations of the number of fruits on aplant and model parameters on dry matter distribution. Strategiesto manipulate the dry matter distribution are discussed.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Cucumber, Cucumis sativus (L.), dry matter distribution, fruit growth, partitioning, simulation model, source-sink  相似文献   

Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.) plants set groups of fruits whichgenerate large variations in the reproductive:vegetative dryweight balance. We studied the influence of fruit number onthe partitioning of dry matter and energy between the vegetativeand reproductive organs and among the seeds and the variousfruit tissues during the development of the first fruits. Over2 years and on two Charentais cantaloupe cultivars, fruit numberwas either limited to one or left unrestricted, which led tothe setting of two to six fruits. Because of the high lipidcontent in seeds, the distribution of assimilates was studiedin terms of energy equivalent as well as dry weight. Measureddry weights were converted into energy equivalents by calculatingthe construction cost of tissues from their elemental composition.Seeds differed from other tissues in showing an increase inconstruction cost, from 1.1 to 1.8 g CH2O g-1d. wt between 10and 30 d after pollination. For this reason, during the secondhalf of fruit development on plants with unrestricted fruitload, they made up to 31% of the fruit and 12% of the aerialpart of the whole plant in terms of dry weight, but 39 and 18%in terms of energy (glucose equivalents). The fraction of assimilatesallocated to the fruits showed a saturation-type response tothe number of fruits per plant. It did not increase in cultivarTalma above two fruits per plant, which could be due to a decreasingsink strength with fruit rank, whereas cultivar Galoubet maintaineda more homogeneous fruit size within plants. At a similar fruitload, the reproductive:vegetative dry weight balance differedbetween the 2 years of the experiment, probably because of variationin the fruit sink strength. Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany Charentais cantaloupe, Cucumis melo L., assimilate distribution, construction cost, development, dry matter partitioning, fruit load, seeds, sink strength.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In fruit crops, fruit size at harvest is an important aspect of quality. With Japanese pears (Pyrus pyrifolia), later maturing cultivars usually have larger fruits than earlier maturing cultivars. It is considered that the supply of photosynthate during fruit development is a critical determinant of size. To assess the interaction of assimilate supply and early/late maturity of cultivars and its effect on final fruit size, the pattern of carbon assimilate partitioning from spur leaves (source) to fruit and other organs (sinks) during fruit growth was investigated using three genotypes differing in maturation date. METHODS: Partitioning of photosynthate from spur leaves during fruit growth was investigated by exposure of spurs to (13)CO(2) and measurement of the change in (13)C abundance in dry matter with time. Leaf number and leaf area per spur, fresh fruit weight, cell number and cell size of the mesocarp were measured and used to model the development of the spur leaf and fruit. KEY RESULTS: Compared with the earlier-maturing cultivars 'Shinsui' and 'Kousui', the larger-fruited, later-maturing cultivar 'Shinsetsu' had a greater total leaf area per spur, greater source strength (source weight x source specific activity), with more (13)C assimilated per spur and allocated to fruit, smaller loss of (13)C in respiration and export over the season, and longer duration of cell division and enlargement. Histology shows that cultivar differences in final fruit size were mainly attributable to the number of cells in the mesocarp. CONCLUSIONS: Assimilate availability during the period of cell division was crucial for early fruit growth and closely correlated with final fruit size. Early fruit growth of the earlier-maturing cultivars, but not the later-maturing ones, was severely restrained by assimilate supply rather than by sink limitation.  相似文献   

Influence of Sink-Source Interaction on Dry Matter Production in Tomato   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sink-source ratio in tomato was manipulated, in six glasshouseexperiments, by fruit pruning (trusses pruned to two to sevenfruits immediately after fruit set of each truss), truss pruning(removal of every other truss at anthesis) and truss pruningin plants with two shoots. Periodic destructive harvest wereconducted for about 100 d after flowering of the first truss.Dry matter production was not influenced by sink-source ratio,whereas dry matter distribution between fruits and vegetativeparts was greatly affected. The fraction of dry matter distributedto the fruits at the end of the fruit pruning experiments (Ffruits)could be described accurately as a saturation-type functionof number of fruits retained per truss (Nf): Ffruits = 0.660(l-e-0.341Nf). Specific leaf area and internode length decreasedand plant leaf area increased when sink-source ratio was reduced.Removal of every other truss at anthesis did reduce dry matterpartitioning into the fruits, but it did not influence internodelength. Plant development (number of visible leaves at the endof the experiments) was not influenced by sink-source ratio.In four experiments some plants were pruned to one fruit pertruss. Final dry matter production was 8-24% lower for theseplants, compared with plants with more than one fruit per truss.This was, at least party, the result of less light interceptionby these plants, which had strongly curled leaves pointing downwards. Results indicate that effects of sink demand on dry matter productionper unit of intercepted radiation and probably on leaf photosyntheticrate in commercial tomato production can be ignored.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Dry matter production, feedback control, glasshouse, growth analysis, Lycopersicon esculentum, pruning, sink demand, sink-source ratio, tomato  相似文献   

Inferior spikelets usually exhibit a slower grain filling rate and lower grain weight than superior spikelets in a rice (Oryza sativa L.) panicle. This study investigated whether the variations in grain filling between the two kinds of spikelets were attributed to their sink strength and whether the sink strength was regulated by the hormonal levels in the grains. Using two field-grown rice genotypes, the division rate of endosperm cells, hormonal levels in the grains, and grain weight of both superior and inferior spikelets were determined during the grain filling period. The results showed that superior spikelets had dominance over inferior spikelets in endosperm cell division rate and cell number, grain filling and grain weight. Changes in zeatin (Z) and zeatin riboside (ZR) contents paralleled and were very significantly correlated with the cell division rate and cell number. Cell division rate and the content of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in the grains were also significantly correlated. Gibberellin (GAs; GA1+ GA4) content of the grains was high but ABA levels were low at the early grain filling stage. ABA increased substantially during the linear phase of grain growth and was very significantly correlated with grain dry weight during this period. Application of kinetin at 2 through 6 days post anthesis (DPA) significantly increased cell number, while spraying ABA at 11 through 15 DPA significantly increased the grain filling rate. The results suggest that differences in sink strength are responsible for variations in grain filling between superior and inferior spikelets. Both cytokinins and IAA in the grains may mediate cell division in rice endosperm at early grain filling stages, and therefore regulate the sink size of the grain, whereas ABA content correlates with sink activity during the linear period of grain growth.  相似文献   

The effects of seed number on set, development and growth ofa fruit, and on inhibition of later-developed fruits were studiedby varying the pollen load on the stigma of sweet pepper flowers(Capsicum annuum L.). Despite much variation, a linear increasein individual fruit weight with seed number could be observed.Seed number affected the growth rate rather than the growingperiod of fruit. When seed numbers were low, the probabilityof fruit setting was positively related to seed number. However,a relatively low seed number (50–100 seeds/fruit: 20–30%of the maximum seed number) was sufficient for maximal fruitset. An increase in seed number increased the inhibitory effect ofa fruit on set and growth of later-developing fruits. As a result,when pollination treatments were applied to all the flowersof a plant, results could be quite different to those obtainedwhen only a limited number of flowers were treated. Fruit setof the second fruit was reduced by the application of a highpollen load to the first flower, even when the first fruit abortedbefore it had accumulated much dry matter. Our results suggestthat growth inhibition of the second fruit by seed number ofthe first fruit is controlled both by competition for limitedassimilates, as well as by dominance due to the production ofplant growth regulators by the developing fruit. Sweet pepper; Capsicum annuum L.; pollination; fruit set; abortion; abscission; fruit growth; first-fruit dominance; sink strength  相似文献   

The postharvest development of crown rot of bananas depends notably on the fruit susceptibility to this disease at harvest. It has been shown that fruit susceptibility to crown rot is variable and it was suggested that this depends on environmental preharvest factors. However, little is known about the preharvest factors influencing this susceptibility. The aim of this work was to evaluate the extent to which fruit filling characteristics during growth and the fruit development stage influence the banana susceptibility to crown rot. This involved evaluating the influence of (a) the fruit position at different levels of the banana bunch (hands) and (b) changing the source–sink ratio (So–Si ratio), on the fruit susceptibility to crown rot. The fruit susceptibility was determined by measuring the internal necrotic surface (INS) after artificial inoculation of Colletotrichum musae. A linear correlation (r = −0.95) was found between the hand position on the bunch and the INS. The So–Si ratio was found to influence the pomological characteristics of the fruits and their susceptibility to crown rot. Fruits of bunches from which six hands were removed (two hands remaining on the bunch) proved to be significantly less susceptible to crown rot (INS = 138.3 mm 2) than those from bunches with eight hands (INS = 237.9 mm 2). The banana susceptibility to crown rot is thus likely to be influenced by the fruit development stage and filling characteristics. The present results highlight the importance of standardising hand sampling on a bunch when testing fruit susceptibility to crown rot. They also show that hand removal in the field has advantages in the context of integrated pest management, making it possible to reduce fruit susceptibility to crown rot while increasing fruit size.  相似文献   

Fruit pulp is an important source of nutrients for many bird species. Fruit‐eating birds use a variety of strategies to cope with changes in the availability of fruits, exhibiting a remarkable ability to track resources. We assessed the role of nutrient availability in the fruiting environment as a factor driving resource tracking by fruit‐eating birds. Fruit consumption by the four most common frugivorous species in a 6‐ha plot in the Southern Yungas montane forest of Argentina was assessed. We determined the content of selected nutrients (soluble carbohydrates, proteins, phenols, ascorbic acid and essential minerals) in 22 fruiting plant species eaten by birds, and measured fruit–frugivore interactions and the availability of nutrients and dry fruit pulp mass over 2 years. There was strong temporal covariation in the availability of the selected nutrients in fruits across the study period. Similarly, the availability of nutrients in the fruiting environment covaried with pulp mass. Fruit consumption by the four commonest bird species and the abundance of most species were positively associated with nutrient availability and dry pulp mass. Nutrient availability was a good predictor of temporal fruit tracking by three of the four commonest frugivores. Despite large differences in particular nutrient concentrations in fruits, overall nutrient (and pulp) quantity in the fruiting environment played a greater role in fruit tracking than did the nutritional quality of individual fruits. While overall nutrient availability (i.e. across fruit) and total pulp mass were important determinants of fruit tracking, we suggest that plant species‐specific differences in fruit nutrient concentration may be important in short‐term foraging decisions involved in fruit choice and nutritional balance of birds.  相似文献   

Strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassaDuchesne var. Elsanta) weregrown in pots at two concentrations of carbon dioxide (partialpressures of 39 and 56 Pa) and with three rates of nitrogensupply (0.04, 0.4 and 4 mMas nutrient solution) to study theirindividual and interactive effects on plant growth and fruityield. Nitrogen deficiency reduced total dry biomass and relativegrowth rate (RGR), mainly through reductions in leaf area ratio(LAR) and plant N concentration (PNC), although both the netassimilation rate (NAR) and root weight ratio (RWR) increased.Elevated CO2increased the N productivity (NP) but reduced theLAR. High CO2increased the fruit yield by 42% at high N supplyand by 17% at low N supply. The CO2yield enhancement occurredthrough an increase in the flower and fruit number of individualplants. This resulted in an increase in the fruit weight ratio(FWR) of plants at high CO2. Nitrogen deficiency reduced thefruit yield by about 50% through decreases in fruit size, fruitset and the number of fruits. However, N deficiency increasedthe proportion of total plant dry biomass allocated to fruits.There were no significant interactions between CO2and N supplyon yield.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Nitrogen; carbon dioxide; strawberry (Fragaria ananassaDuchesne); fruit yield.  相似文献   

Increasingly, wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) is being grown intropical environments, but there is inadequate information aboutthe physiological processes limiting yield. In this investigation,the source:sink ratio was manipulated to examine the performanceof source-sink interactions after anthesis and the factor(s)limiting grain filling in tropical conditions. Plants of threewheat cultivars, Cuba C-204, Candeias and IAC-60, were artificiallymodified to give different source:sink ratios. The treatmentswere: I, Control; II, all spikelets on one side of the spikeremoved; III, all spikelets removed except the four centralspikelets of the spike; and IV, flag leaf blade removed. Thedistribution of dry matter between kernels and stem internodeswas analysed at harvest in all three cultivars. Partitioningof14C-photoassimilates was measured on three occasions afteranthesis in the cultivar Cuba C-204. Modifications of source:sinkratio led to different patterns of allocation of dry matterbetween cultivars and sowing dates. The reduction in sink sizein treatment II produced no significant change in the mass pergrain in the January sowing, but this was enhanced in two cultivarsin the November sowing. In treatment III, both mass per grainand translocation of14C-photoassimilates declined, apparentlydue to feedback inhibition of photosynthesis. The participationof stem reserves in grain filling and the existence of genotypicdifferences in response to availability of photoassimilateswere corroborated. The pattern of partitioning of dry matterobserved in plants in this investigation suggests a source limitation,particularly during the November sowing. This pattern differedmarkedly from that in other studies, most of which have beenmade in temperate areas.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Photoassimilates, sink, source, partitioning, grain filling, wheat.  相似文献   

Source strength (assimilate supply) and sink strength (assimilate demand) of the plant were varied in different ways to investigate to what extent flower/fruit abortion in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is determined by the availability of assimilates. Source strength was varied by changing the light level, plant density, and leaf pruning. Sink strength was varied by changing the temperature and the number and position of earlier formed fruits. Shading as well as heating for short periods showed that flowers/fruits were the most susceptible to abortion during the first week after anthesis. The different experiments where source strength was varied all showed that when source strength decreased, the rate of abortion increased linearly, whether source strength was decreased by shading, high plant density, or leaf pruning. That flower and fruit abortion not only depends on the source strength but also on the sink strength of competing organs is shown by varying the number or the position of earlier formed fruits. With the same source strength, the rate of abortion showed a close relationship with the growth rate of the earlier formed competing fruits, suggesting that the induction of abortion by earlier formed fruits is due to their sink strength. Most of the variation in abortion could be related to differences in vegetative growth rate, the latter being an indicator of the source-sink ratio. However, with the same vegetative growth rate, the rate of abortion was lower for the leaf pruning treatments where no competing fruits were retained than for the fruit load treatments. This indicates that although most of the variation in abortion can be related to the source and sink strength of the plant, some effects of competing fruits can only be explained by a combination of competition and dominance.  相似文献   

The Dynamics of Growth and Dry Matter Distribution in Cucumber   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The dynamics of growth and proportional dry matter distributionbetween the vegetative parts and fruits of cucumber were studieddaily during a growing season. Most of the changes in dailyintegral of total solar radiation were reflected by changesin plant growth rate. Sometimes a time lag of a few days occurred,indicating the plants were adapting to radiation. The proportional dry matter distribution between fruits andvegetative parts showed a cyclic pattern. The daily proportionaldry matter distribution to the fruits varied between 40 and90% of the total dry matter. However, the cumulative dry weightof the fruits was fairly constant at 60% of the cumulative plantdry weight. The daily proportional dry matter distribution did not seemto be linked directly to the climate conditions (temperature,CO2 concentration, relative humidity or daily light integral).The proportional distribution to the fruits showed a clear positivecorrelation with the fruit load (number and weight of fruits)on a plant. The number of fruits on a plant changed considerablyduring the growing season. This number was limited not by theformation of new fruits but by abortion of fruits within about10 d after flowering. The number of young fruits that did notabort appeared to correlate positively with the growth rateof the vegetative parts. Cucumis sativus (L.), cucumber, biomass allocation, partitioning, vegetative-generative growth, fruit growth, fruit abortion  相似文献   

Weiss  J.; Nerd  A.; Mizrahi  Y. 《Annals of botany》1993,72(6):521-526
The dependence of fruit development on fertilization was studiedin two clones of Opuntia ficus-indica, Ofer and BSI. Fruitsof the clone Ofer bear fully developed seeds, whereas fruitsof the clone BSI contain only degenerated seeds and it was suspectedthat BSI is parthenocarpic. The two clones differed in theirpattern of fruit development. The increase in fruit fresh weightin Ofer was a result of both peel and pulp growth, whereas inBSI fruit growth was mainly due to pulp growth and the peelhad reached its final weight almost at anthesis. Pulp growthin BSI commenced earlier and was faster than in Ofer, but thefinal pulp weight in BSI was only 64% of that in Ofer. Seedgrowth in BSI was limited to the development of semilignifiedand lignified seed coats, whereas in Ofer 43·5% of theseeds were completely developed, the remainder being similarto those found in BSI. Fruits bearing well-developed seeds werealso found in a 'mutant' of BSI that, like Ofer, contained smallerovules at anthesis than flower of the regular BSI genotype.Germination in vivo and in vitro were similar in BSI and Ofer,but pollen tubes failed to reach the ovules in the regular BSIgenotype, while penetrating the ovules in Ofer and the small-ovuledgenotype of BSI. Good-quality fruits similar to Ofer fruitsin weight but with a higher peel to pulp ratio developed inBSI after flower-sterilization in the spring and in the autumn.In Ofer, sterilized flowers failed to develop fruits in springand partially set fruit in the autumn; the fruits consistedalmost exclusively of peel tissue. It was concluded that BSIis a vegetative parthenocarpic clone, i.e., that pollinationis not required for fruit set and development.Copyright 1993,1999 Academic Press Opuntia ficus-indica, cactus pear, fruit development, parthenocarpy, pollen-tube-growth, fluorescence microscopy  相似文献   

The effects of water fogging and reducing plant fruit load werestudied in a tomato crop grown in a glasshouse under Mediterraneansummer conditions. The objective of these treatments was toreduce competition between leaves and fruits for carbohydratesand water. Flower pruning increased plant leaf area and increasedfruit, stem, lamina and petiole dry mass (DM). This indicatesthat leaf area growth was limited during the summer due to competitionbetween fruits and leaves for assimilates. In contrast, reducingthe air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) by water fogging had noeffect on plant leaf area or aerial plant DM. Interestingly,there was a significant interaction between plant fruit loadand VPD: the higher the leaf[ratio]fruit ratio the greater theresponses to a reduction in VPD (increase in fruit DM, fruitdiameter, fruit and leaf expansion rate). The data suggest thatunder high fruit loads, water and carbohydrates limit growthunder Mediterranean summer conditions. However, reducing VPDwas not always sufficient to enhance fruit and leaf growth.This might be due to the lower leaf area under high fruit load.In contrast, reducing VPD under low fruit load triggered higherrates of leaf and fruit expansion; this is probably linked toa greater availability of water and carbohydrates. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Assimilate competition, assimilate supply, flower pruning, fruit load, fruit growth, generative/vegetative growth, leaf growth, Lycopersicon esculentum, specific leaf weight, tomato, vapour pressure deficit, water stress  相似文献   

When kinetin was applied to the source organ (flag leaf) of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Ratna), foliar senescence was delayed and grain yield per plant (as evidenced by grain weight, grain/straw weight ratio and 1,000 grain growth) was increased through the increase of sink activity (increase in dry weight of the grains/plant), duration of sink capacity as well as photosynthetic ability of the glumes (as determined by the chlorophyll content of the glumes of the developing grains). However, application of kinetin to the sink organs (fruits), promoted senescence of the source but increased the yield by increasing the sink capacity and 1,000 grain growth mostly at the earlier stage of reproductive development. Lower sterility percentage was associated with higher grain yield of the plant by kinetin treatments. ABA applied either to the source or the sink promoted leaf senescence and reduced the grain yield by reducing the sink activity, harvest index, sink capacity duration and increasing the sterility percentage. Thousand grain dry weight at harvest did not vary significantly amongst the treatments. It was concluded that nutrient drainage was associated with the correlative influence of fruit on the monocarpic senescence of rice plant and that a competetion for differential allocation of cytokinin and ABA in the source and sink organs initiates this senescence syndrome.  相似文献   

The developing fruit is a strong sink, which demands large amountsof assimilates. A correlation between grapefruit (Citrus ParadisiMacf., var. Marsh seedless) fruit size and its pedicel crosssectional area (CSA) can be demonstrated, suggesting a closeinteraction between them. The presence of fruits seems to determinethe developmental pattern of the vascular tissues within thebranches on which the fruits are borne. The pedicel normally terminates its diametric growth prior tothe linear phase of fruit growth. Fruit thinning (90%) and trunkgirdling, performed in order to minimize carbohydrate limitations,result in dramatic increases in fruit growth rate and pedicelCSA. Partial girdling of the pedicel causes a transient decreasein fruit growth. An increase in specific mass transport (SMT)through the existing vascular routes is the immediate response,due to the instantaneous upsurge of carbohydrate supply to individualfruit. Nevertheless, the rapid development of new vascular tissueshas been the major factor responsible for the long term enhancement,or recovery, of fruit growth, suggesting that limitation intransport capacity does occur. The cause and effect relationships between fruit and vasculardevelopment are discussed.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Source, sink, fruit growth, vascular development, transport limitation, specific mass transport (SMT), carbohydrate availability, competition, Citrus  相似文献   

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