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In vertebrates with complex, biphasic, life cycles, larvae have a distinct morphology and ecological preferences compared to metamorphosed juveniles and adults. In amphibians, abrupt and rapid metamorphic changes transform aquatic larvae to terrestrial juveniles. The main aim of this study is to test whether, relative to larval stages, metamorphosis (1) resets the pattern of variation between ontogenetic stages and species, (2) constrains intraspecific morphological variability, and (3) similar to the “hour‐glass” model reduces morphological disparity. We explore postembryonic ontogenetic trajectories of head shape (from hatching to completed metamorphosis) of two well‐defined, morphologically distinct Triturus newts species and their F1 hybrids. Variation in head shape is quantified and compared on two levels: dynamic (across ontogenetic stages) and static (at a particular stage). Our results show that the ontogenetic trajectories diverge early during development and continue to diverge throughout larval stages and metamorphosis. The high within‐group variance and the largest disparity level (between‐group variance) characterize the metamorphosed stage. Hence, our results indicate that metamorphosis does not canalize head shape variation generated during larval development and that metamorphosed phenotype is not more constrained relative to larval ones. Therefore, metamorphosis cannot be regarded as a developmental constraint, at least not for salamander head shape.  相似文献   

DNA from Plethodon cinereus cinereus separates into two fractions on centrifugation to equilibrium in neutral CsCl. The smaller of these fractions has been described as a high-density satellite. It represents about 2% of nuclear DNA from this species, and it has a density of 1.728 g/cm3. It is cytologically localized near the centromeres of all 14 chromosomes of the haploid set. In P. c. cinereus the heavy satellite DNA constitutes about 1/4 of the DNA in centromeric heterochromatin. The nature of the rest of the DNA in centromeric heterochromatin is unknown. The number of heavy satellite sequences clustered around the centromeres in a chromosome from P. c. cinereus is roughly proportional to the size of the chromosome, as determined by in situ hybridization with satellite-complementary RNA, and autoradiography. Likewise the amount of contromeric heterochromatin, as identified by its differential stainability with Giemsa, shows a clear relationship to chromosome size. — The heavy satellite sequences identified in DNA from P. c. cinereus are also present in smaller amounts in other closely related forms of Plethodon. Plethodon cinereus polycentratus and P. richmondi have approximately half as many of these sequences per haploid genome as P. c. cinereus. P. hoffmani and P. nettingi shenandoah have about 1/3 as many of these sequences as P. c. cinereus. P. c. cinereus, P. c. polycentratus, and P. richmondii all have detectable heavy satellites with densities of 1.728 g/cm3. Among these forms, satellite size as determined by optical density measurements, and number of satellite sequences as determined from hybridization studies, vary co-ordinately. P. c. cinereus heavy satellite sequences are not detectable in P. nettingi, P. n. hubrichti, or P. dorsalis. The latter species has a heavy satellite with a density of 1.718 g/cm3, representing about 8% of the genomic DNA, and two light satellites whose properties have not been investigated. The heavy satellite of P. dorsalis is cytologically localized in the centromeric heterochromatin of this species. — These observations are discussed in relation to the function and evolution of highly repetitive DNA sequences in the centromeric heterochromatin of salamanders and other organisms.  相似文献   

A reconstruction is presented of the phylogenetic relationships withing Triturus . Two different data sets are used. Protein electrophoretic data were scored for 19 presumptive gene loci in nine species (Rafinski & Arntzen, 1987) and a set of 16 behaviour characters from the courtship of Triturus was scored for the same nine species. When these are analysed in concernt, a single, fully resolved and robust solution is found. Consequently, two subgenera are recognized: Triturus and Palaeotriton , the former including all te medium- and large-bodied species: T. alpestris, T. vittatus, T. marmoratus, T. cristatus and its three former subspecies ( T. carnifex, T. dobrogicus and T. Karelini ); the latter comprising the small-bodied species: T. bascai, T. italicus, T. helveticus, T. vulgaris and T. montandoni . Within the subgenus Triturus, T. alpestris and T. vittatus are sister taxa to the remaining members of the subgenus. Similarly, T. boscai and T. italicus are a monophyletic group, sister to T. vulgaris, T. helveticus and T. montandoni . Alternative solutions may be found on the basis of a quantitative analysis of the behavioural characters employed in this study. An alternative phylogenetic tree is included as an example.  相似文献   

A 32–33 bp highly repeated DNA sequence, TkS1, has been isolated from genomic DNA of the newt Triturus karelini digested with the restriction endonucleases HaeIII or AluI. TkS1 is known to be localised in the centromeric heterochromatin of all the chromosomes in T. karelini and the related species T. cristatus TkS1 has been shown to be present in varying amounts in the genomic DNA of a range of species of Triturus, including representatives of the two main subgenera Triturus and Palaeotriton. A programme of sequencing of monomers, dimers and trimers of TkS1 was carried out in order to determine the level of conservation of the sequence within and between species of Triturus. Altogether 204 monomer (32/33 bp) clones were made of TkS1 from three individuals of T. karelini, and one individual each of T. cristatus, T. carnifex, T. dobrogicus and T. marmoratus, all members of the subgenus Triturus and the cristatus species group. A number of dimer (64 bp) and trimer (96 bp) clones were also made from DNA of a single specimen of T. karelini digested with HaeIII or AluI. Three distinct types of TkS1 were identified in all species examined, except for T. marmoratus where only two of the types were found. The types were distinguished on the basis of certain recurring divergent patterns in monomers sequenced from T. karelini. Type 1 is mainly characterised by the presence of an AluI site at positions 24–27 and type 3 mainly by the presence of an additional base (C) at position 14. Type 2 normally lacks the AluI site and the C at position 14, as well as having a number of other distinguishing features. TkS1 and its three types have remained remarkably constant in sequence since before the divergence of T. marmoratus from other species in the cristatus species group, about 10 million years ago. Examination of all 204 monomer clones and comparison with consensus sequences for the three types shows less than 5% divergence at any one position in the sequence. There is good evidence from examination of dimer and trimer clones of TkS1 that the different types are intermingled with each other, and all three types are likely to be present on all chromosomes. Dimeric (64 bp) TkS1 clones constructed from AluI fragments of T. karelini DNA show evidence of a trimeric (96 bp) supertype with the pattern type 1-type 3-type 1 that is much more common than would be expected on a random basis. The properties of TkS1 are discussed in relation to models for the involvement of highly repeated satellite DNA in chromosomal growth and evolution.W. Hennig  相似文献   

The genus Artemia (Crustacea, Phyllopoda) is widely distributed all over the world as a result partly of natural colonization and partly of spread by birds and man. Artemia offers a very interesting model for speciation studies, since the genus comprises both bisexual sibling species and parthenogenetic populations, exhibiting different chromosome numbers (diploidy, heteroploidy and polyploidy). The finding of the clustered repetitive AluI DNA family in the heterochromatin of A. franciscana can provide a useful tool for investigating the relationship between the members of the genus Artemia at the molecular level. Sixteen strains of Artemia, comprising sibling species and parthenogenetic populations, were analysed for the presence of AluI repetitive DNA by dot-blot hybridization. The observed variation in the content of repetitive DNA together with genetical, biological and geological data, support the hypothesis that Artemia living in the New World are derived from ancestral species that evolved in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

The impact of crested newts (Triturus cristatus) on the smaller-bodied palmate and smooth newts (T helveticus and T vulgaris) was studied during the larval stages using a combination of field and laboratory experiments In pond enclosures T cristatus larvae had no effect on the two smaller species over the first four weeks of development By eight weeks, however. T cristatus had achieved a size advantage which enabled it to eliminate T helveticus and severely reduce T vulgaris by predation In laboratory trials under food-limited conditions, T helveticus and T vulgaris were slightly smaller when raised with T cristatus, suggesting that this predatory effect was complemented by interspecific competition during early development Predation of the smaller species started when T cristatus reached a threshold size of c 27 mm No reciprocal effects on T cristatus growth or survival were observed Although T cristatus may be a significant predator of congeneric species in natural ponds, other factors, such as differences in microhabitat selection, higher-order predator-prey interactions and the occasional desiccation of pond habitats may facilitate coexistence between the species  相似文献   

We have examined embryonic development in three species (T. carnifex, T. cristatus, and T. marmoratus) of European newts of the genus Triturus (subgenus Neotriton) in which developmental arrest occurs in embryos that are homomorphic for a chromosomal heteromorphism involving chromosome 1 (Horner and Macgregor: J. Herpetol., 19:261-270, 1985). Embryonic arrest occurred during tailbud stages in all three species, but at a slightly earlier stage in T. marmoratus. Two phenotypes were identified among the arrested embryos. One of these is indistinguishable in embryonic morphology from normal embryos at all stages up to the time of arrest, but the other is characterized by a protruding yolk plug, which persists from the late gastrula/early neurula stage to the tailbud arrest stage and apparently interferes with normal morphogenesis. Evidence is presented that the two arrested phenotypes, which occur in approximately equal numbers, represent embryos that carry the two alternative homomorphic chromosome pairs of chromosome 1 heteromorphism. We conclude that developmental arrest reflects a balanced lethal heterozygosity probably resulting from an unequal exchange of genic material between the homologues of chromosome 1 which occurred in a common ancestor of the Neotriton species.  相似文献   

The monophyly of European newts of the genus Triturus within the family Salamandridae has for decades rested on presumably homologous behavioral and morphological characters. Molecular data challenge this hypothesis, but the phylogenetic position of Triturus within the Salamandridae has not yet been convincingly resolved. We addressed this issue and the temporal divergence of Triturus within the Salamandridae with novel Bayesian approaches applied to DNA sequence data from three mitochondrial genes (12S, 16S and cytb). We included 38 salamandrid species comprising all 13 recognized species of Triturus and 16 out of 17 salamandrid genera. A clade comprising all the "Newts" can be separated from the "True Salamanders" and Salamandrina clades. Within the "Newts" well-supported clades are: Tylototriton-Pleurodeles, the "New World Newts" (Notophthalmus-Taricha), and the "Modern Eurasian Newts" (Cynops, Pachytriton, Paramesotriton=together the "Modern Asian Newts", Calotriton, Euproctus, Neurergus and Triturus species). We found that Triturus is a non-monophyletic species assemblage, which includes four groups that are themselves monophyletic: (i) the "Large-Bodied Triturus" (six species), (ii) the "Small-Bodied Triturus" (five species), (iii) T. alpestris and (iv) T. vittatus. We estimated that the last common ancestor of Triturus existed around 64 million years ago (mya) while the root of the Salamandridae dates back to 95 mya. This was estimated using a fossil-based molecular dating approach and an explicit framework to select calibration points that least underestimated their corresponding nodes. Using the molecular phylogeny we mapped the evolution of life history and courtship traits in Triturus and found that several Triturus-specific courtship traits evolved independently.  相似文献   

Curvature of mouse satellite DNA and condensation of heterochromatin   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
M Z Radic  K Lundgren  B A Hamkalo 《Cell》1987,50(7):1101-1108
Cloned, sequenced mouse satellite DNA exhibits properties characteristic of molecules that possess a stable curvature. Circularly permuted fragments containing the region predicted to bend were used to map the curvature relative to DNA sequence. The altered mobility of these fragments in polyacrylamide gels is reversed when gels are run in the presence of distamycin A, a drug that binds preferentially to AT-rich DNA. Treatment of living mouse cells with this drug dramatically reduces the condensation of centromeric heterochromatin, the exclusive location of satellite sequences. In situ hybridization of satellite probes to extended chromosomes at the electron microscope level shows that satellite does not comprise a single block but is distributed throughout the centromere region. Based on these experiments, we hypothesize that the structure of mouse satellite DNA is an important feature of centromeric heterochromatin condensation.  相似文献   

The hygiene hypothesis relies on the assumption that humans have adapted to a pathogen-rich environment that no longer exists in industrialized societies. Recent advances in molecular immunology and population genetics allow deeper insight into the evolution and co-evolution of host–pathogen interactions and, therefore, into the foundations of the hygiene hypothesis.  相似文献   

This review article is an attempt to trace the evolution of mast cells (MCs). These immune cells have been identified in all vertebrate classes as single‐lobed cells containing variable amounts of membrane‐bound secretory granules which store a large series of mediators, namely histamine, proteases, cytokines and growth factors. Other MC features, at least in mammals, are the c‐kit receptor for the stem cell factor and the high‐affinity receptor, FcεRI, for immunoglobulin E (IgE). The c‐kit receptor also has been identified in fish MCs. The FcεRI receptor seems to be a more recent acquisition in MC phylogenesis given that IgE originated in mammalian species. Tryptase and histamine have also been recognized in MCs of teleost fish. Thus, a cell population with the overall characteristics of higher vertebrate MCs is identifiable in the most evolutionarily advanced fish species. Two potential MC progenitors have been identified in ascidians (urochordates which appeared approximately 500 million years ago): the basophil/MC‐like granular haemocyte and the test cell. Both contain histamine and heparin, and provide defensive functions. Some granular haemocytes in Arthropoda also closely approximate the ultrastructure of modern MCs. The origin of MCs is probably to be found in a leukocyte ancestor operating in the context of a primitive local innate immunity and involved in phagocytic and killing activity against pathogens. From this type of defensive cell, the MC phylogenetic progenitor evolved into a tissue regulatory and remodelling cell, which was incorporated into the networks of recombinase activating genes (RAG)‐mediated adaptive immunity in the Cambrian era, some 550 million years ago. Early MCs probably appeared in the last common ancestor we shared with hagfish, lamprey and sharks about 450‐500 million years ago.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1577-1585
Body elongation in vertebrates can be achieved by lengthening of the vertebrae or by an increase in their number. In salamanders, longer bodies are mostly associated with greater numbers of vertebrae in the trunk or tail region. However, studies on the relative contribution of the length of single vertebra to body elongation are lacking. In this study, we focus on evolutionary and ontogenetic changes in differentiation of the trunk vertebrae and the relative contribution of individual vertebrae to trunk lengthening in Triturus newts, a monophyletic group of salamanders that shows remarkable disparity in body shape. We compared juveniles and adults of the most elongated T. dobrogicus , which has 17 trunk vertebrae, with juveniles and adults of two closely related species (T. ivanbureschi and T. anatolicus belonging to the T. karelinii species complex) representing a stout and robust morphotype with thirteen trunk vertebrae. We show that trunk vertebrae are uniform in size at the juvenile stage of both analyzed morphotypes. In adults, the trunk vertebrae of the elongated T. dobrogicus are largely uniform, while in those of T. anatolicus , the first two vertebrae differ from the remaining trunk vertebrae. There was no difference in the relative contribution of individual vertebrae to body lengthening between species or stages. We conclude that body elongation in Triturus newts is achieved by increasing the number of vertebrae but not their length.  相似文献   

Sequence divergence for segments of three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes encoding the 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b was examined in newts belonging to the genus Euproctus (E. asper, E. montanus, E. platycephalus) and in three other species belonging to the same family (Salamandridae), Triturus carnifex, T. vulgaris, and Pleurodeles waltl. The three Euproctus species occur (one species each) in Corsica, Sardinia, and the Pyrenees. This vicariant distribution is believed to have been determined by the disjunction and rotation of the Sardinia-Corsica microplate from the Pyreneean region. Because time estimates are available for the tectonic events that led to the separation of the three landmasses, we used sequence data to estimate rates of evolution for the three gene fragments and investigated whether they conform to the rate-constancy hypothesis. By the Tajima (1993, Genetics 135:599-607) test, we could not detect rate heterogeneities for the ribosomal genes and for transversions in the cytochrome b gene. Assuming that these sites are evolving linearly over time and that cessation of gene flow occurred simultaneously with vicariant events, we compared the time of divergence estimated by molecular distances with the divergence times based on the geological estimates. Because we have two estimates of divergence time from the geological record, the split of Corsica/Sardinia from the Pyrenees and the split of Corsica from Sardinia, we could compare ratios of molecular divergence with the ratio of geological time divergence. The ratios are very similar, indicating that the molecular clock hypothesis cannot be rejected. These geological events also allowed us to calculate absolute rates of evolution for ribosomal and cytochrome b genes and compare them to rates for the same regions in other salamandrids and other vertebrates. Ribosomal mtDNA rates are comparable to those reported for other vertebrates, but cytochrome b rates are 3-7 times lower in salamanders than in other ectotherms. From a phylogenetic perspective, our data suggest that the cladogenic events leading to species formation in Euproctus and Triturus occurred very closely in time, indicating that the two genera may not be monophyletic. A duplication of the cytochrome b gene in T. carnifex was found, and the implications of this finding for mtDNA phylogenetic studies are discussed.  相似文献   

跳甲属昆虫的食性及其生物学意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
跳甲属昆虫广布全世界,已知300多种,体色近似,外形差异不大,分类鉴定十分困难。但其中许多种类具特殊的食性特征,其寄主植物常是分类鉴定的向导和重要参考。作者分析了已知有寄主记录的59种跳甲的寄主,并根据其寄主范围划分为5种类型:取食多科、2科、1科多属、1科2属及1科1属,而以1科1属型为最多,占67.8%。至目前所知,其寄主范围限于双子叶植物,跳甲和寄主植物之间的对应关系是跳甲的“种”对植物的“属”。值得特别关注的是寄主植物的“种”与跳甲“亚种”之间的分化关系。成虫的取食范围大于幼虫,幼虫保持原始的取食特征。跳甲的同域物种分化可能通过食性转化而进行,食性转化可能先从成虫开始。成幼食性观察是研究寄主转移的关键。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: If the geographical displacement of one species by another is accompanied by hybridization, mitochondrial DNA can introgress asymmetrically, from the outcompeted species into the invading species, over a large area. We explore this phenomenon using the two parapatric crested newt species, Triturus macedonicus and T. karelinii, distributed on the Balkan Peninsula in south-eastern Europe, as a model. RESULTS: We first delimit a ca. 54,000 km2 area in which T. macedonicus contains T. karelinii mitochondrial DNA. This introgression zone bisects the range of T. karelinii, cutting off a T. karelinii enclave. The high similarity of introgressed mitochondrial DNA haplotypes with those found in T. karelinii suggests a recent transfer across the species boundary. We then use ecological niche modeling to explore habitat suitability of the location of the present day introgression zone under current, mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum conditions. This area was inhospitable during the Last Glacial Maximum for both species, but would have been habitable at the mid-Holocene. Since the mid-Holocene, habitat suitability generally increased for T. macedonicus, whereas it decreased for T. karelinii. CONCLUSION: The presence of a T. karelinii enclave suggests that T. karelinii was the first to colonize the area where the present day introgression zone is positioned after the Last Glacial Maximum. Subsequently, we propose T. karelinii was outcompeted by T. macedonicus, which captured T. karelinii mitochondrial DNA via introgressive hybridization in the process. Ecological niche modeling suggests that this replacement was likely facilitated by a shift in climate since the mid-Holocene. We suggest that the northwestern part of the current introgression zone was probably never inhabited by T. karelinii itself, and that T. karelinii mitochondrial DNA spread there through T. macedonicus exclusively. Considering the spatial distribution of the introgressed mitochondrial DNA and the signal derived from ecological niche modeling, we do not favor the hypothesis that foreign mitochondrial DNA was pulled into the T. macedonicus range by natural selection.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the degree of congruence between phylogeny, as inferred from mitochondrial (mt)DNA sequences, and cranium shape variation of crested newts (Triturus cristatus superspecies) in the Balkans. These newts belong to four phylogenetic clades defined by mtDNA analysis, and significantly differed in cranial shape. Allometry explained a high percentage of shape variation in crested newts. The clade‐specific allometric slopes significantly diverged for both the ventral cranium and dorsal cranium, indicating that differences in shape between clades could not be a simple consequence of their difference in size. The analysis of hierarchical and spatial variation showed similarity in the patterns of global and spatially localized hierarchical variation of cranial shape. We also found significant congruence between the pattern of cranial shape variation and molecular phylogeny. The differences in morphology of Triturus dobrogicus in comparison to other crested newt clades, including marked differences in cranium shape, is discussed in the context of the evolution and ecology of crested newts. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 348–360.  相似文献   

Ronald J. Taylor 《Brittonia》1967,19(4):374-390
Various hybrid combinations of 18 species and varieties ofAquilegia were produced, and several cross-pollinations were made which failed to produce hybrids. Pollen fertility of hybrids was generally high, with a total mean of approximately 50%, but highly variable among hybrid combinations and consistently lower than that of parental species. With the exception of frequent occurrence of giant pollen grains and rare synaptic failure of one or two homologous pairs, meiotic behavior in hybrid pollen mother cells appeared to be completely regular. Representatives of the Vulgaris Complex were observed to be intermediate genetically and morphologically leading to the interpretation of ancestral status among extant species. The greatest genetic diversity within the genus was shown to exist betweenA. ecalcarata and members of the Caerulea Complex.  相似文献   

The Chikungunya threat: an ecological and evolutionary perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an emerging mosquito-borne alphavirus. Although primarily African and zoonotic, it is known chiefly for its non-African large urban outbreaks during which it is transmitted by the same vectors as those of Dengue viruses. Unlike Dengue viruses, CHIKV displays a re-emergence pattern that closely depends on long-distance migrations including recent re-immigrations from African (putatively zoonotic) sources. Genus-based differences also emerged when comparing the evolution of Dengue-related (Flaviviruses) and of CHIKV-related (Alphaviruses) arboviruses. In this review, we discuss current information on CHIKV genetics, ecology and human infection. Further investigations on African CHIKV ecology and the differences between Flavivirus and Alphavirus members in adaptive changes and evolutionary constraints are likely to help delineate the potential of further CHIKV (re-)emergence.  相似文献   

Prosociality is a fundamental theme in all branches of the human behavioral sciences. Evolutionary theory sets an even broader stage by examining prosociality in all species, including the distinctive human capacity to cooperate in large groups of unrelated individuals. We use evolutionary theory to investigate human prosociality at the scale of a small city (Binghamton, NY), based on survey data and a direct measure of prosocial behavior. In a survey of public school students (Grades 6–12), individual prosociality correlates strongly with social support, which is a basic requirement for prosociality to succeed as a behavioral strategy in Darwinian terms. The most prosocial individuals receive social support from multiple sources (e.g., family, school, neighborhood, religion and extracurricular activities). Neighborhood social support is significant as a group-level variable in addition to an individual-level variable. The median income of a neighborhood does not directly influence individual prosociality, but only indirectly through forms of social support. Variation in neighborhood quality, as measured by the survey, corresponds to the likelihood that a stamped addressed letter dropped on the sidewalk of a given neighborhood will be mailed. We discuss the results in relation to evolutionary theory, the experimental economics literature and the social capital literature in an effort to integrate the study of human prosociality across disciplines.  相似文献   

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