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The contribution of different isozymes t o plasma alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity was investigated in a White PIymouth Rock strain. No significant difference in AP activity between FF and FS genotypes was observed in both young chick and laying hen. As previously reported in young chickens, a significant difference in AP activity between F and S types was observed in laying hens. Of the total variance of AP activity 53 %, 9 % and 5 7; were explained by isozyme type, family and sex, respectively. The higher activity of the F band was responsible for the higher activity of the F type in the young chicken, while the activity of the B band of either type did not contribute t o activity difference. The hypotheses are proposed so as to the activity difference.  相似文献   

The contribution of different isozymes to plasma alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity was investigated in a White Plymouth Rock strain. No significant difference in AP acitivity between FF and FS genotypes was observed in both young chick and laying hen. As previously reported in young chickens, a significant difference in AP activity between F and S types was observed in laying hens. Of the total variance of AP activity 53%, 9% and 5% were explained by isozyme type, family and sex, respectively. The higher activity of the F band was responsible for the higher activity of the F type in the young chicken, while the activity of the B band of either type did not contribute to activity difference. The hypotheses are proposed so as to the activity difference.  相似文献   

A genetic control of alkaline phosphatase (AP) in chicken duodenum was studied in a White Plymouth Rock strain. Unpurified chicken duodenum AP heated in an extraction procedure comprised either F or S band by isozyme types. On the other hand, chromatographically purified intestinal AP (NBCo, USA) had three bands, i.e., F', S' and B' bands. Characterization by urea, heat and neuraminidase treatments suggested that the genetic control of plasma AP isozymes may be applicable to the duodenum AP isozymes.  相似文献   

Intracellular alkaline phosphatase activity in cultured human cancer cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The effect of saponin treatment in demonstrating intracellular portion of alkaline phosphatase activity in human cancer cell lines was evaluated. Previous reports using standard lead-salt techniques visualized enzyme almost exclusively on the plasma membrane and sometimes in the lysosomes. However, by treating cells with saponin before or during the cytochemical incubation, intracellular alkaline phosphatase became demonstrable at the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Golgi-derived vesicles and mitochondria as well as lysosomes and plasma membrane. These intracellular catalytic activities were significantly inhibited by the specific amino acid inhibitors characteristic for each cell line, and this suggested that intracellular alkaline phosphatase is the same isoenzyme as that present in the plasma membrane. The results of our current and previous studies therefore indicate that saponin reveals latent intracellular alkaline phosphatase activity by changing the membrane's physical state; thereby increasing the availability of both catalytic and antigenic sites of the enzyme to substrate and to antibody respectively.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant No. CA 21967  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase (AP) isozymes are surfactant-associated proteins (SPs). Since several different AP isozymes have been detected in the pneumocytes of lung cancer patients, we attempted to identify the relationship between pulmonary surfactant aggregate subtypes and AP isozymes. Pulmonary surfactant aggregates were isolated from carcinoma and non-carcinoma tissues of patients with non-small cell carcinoma of the lung. Upon analysis, ultraheavy, heavy, and light surfactant aggregates were detected in the non-carcinoma tissues, but no ultraheavy surfactant aggregates were found in the carcinoma tissues. Surfactant-associated protein A (SP-A) was detected as two bands (a 27-kDa band and a 54-kDa band) in the ultraheavy, heavy, and light surfactant aggregates found in the non-carcinoma tissues. Although both SP-A bands were detected in the heavy and light surfactant aggregates from adenocarcinoma tissues, the 54-kDa band was not detected in squamous cell carcinoma tissues. Liver AP (LAP) was detected in the heavy and light surfactant aggregates from both non-carcinoma and squamous carcinoma tissues, but not in heavy surfactant aggregates from adenocarcinoma tissues. A larger amount of bone type AP (BAP) was found in light surfactant aggregate fractions from squamous cell carcinomas than those from adenocarcinoma tissues or non-carcinoma tissues from patients with either type of cancer. LAP, BAP, and SP-A were identified immunohistochemically in type II pneumocytes from non-carcinoma tissues and adenocarcinoma cells, but no distinct SP-A staining was observed in squamous cell carcinoma tissues. The present study has thus revealed several differences in pulmonary surfactant aggregates and AP isozymes between adenocarcinoma tissue and squamous cell carcinoma tissue.  相似文献   

Experiments were made with 19 strains obtained from different tissues (skin, lungs, muscles) of 8-10-week-old medical abortions and skin biopsies of healthy donors to study the manifestations of alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in human diploid cells in vitro. Based on the data obtained it is concluded that AP activity is marked by demonstrable intra- and interstrain variability. The spectrum of "AP activity" trait variability is broader for transformed cells than for human diploid cells.  相似文献   

Human placental alkaline phosphatase, a marker protein for some nontrophoblastic neoplasms, was found to have phosphoprotein phosphatase activity. This was demonstrated by the dephosphorylation of 32P-labeled histones, protamine, glycogen synthetase, casein, and phosvitin at various pH values. Unlike the general phosphoprotein phosphatase, the placental alkaline phosphatase does not have phosphorylase a phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies on the alkaline phosphatases of the mouse duodenum have revealed the presence of two classes of isozymes, differing in immunochemical, electrophoretic, chromatographic, and kinetic properties. We have now examined the localization of these two types of phosphatases by the immunofluorescence technique. The use of antisera prepared against both types reveals that the isozymes of both classes are localized in the microvilli of the epithelial cells, and both are found from the villi tips to their bases. No significant intracellular localization of either class of phosphatase was observed.Supported by research grant HD03490 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, U.S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Regulation of phosphatidate phosphatase (EC 3.1.34) activity was examined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells supplemented with phospholipid precursors. Addition of inositol to the growth medium of wild-type cells resulted in a twofold increase in phosphatidate phosphatase activity. The increase in phosphatidate phosphatase activity was not due to soluble effector molecules, and inositol did not have a direct effect on enzyme activity. The phosphatidate phosphatase activity associated with the mitochondrial, microsomal, and cytosolic fractions of the cell was regulated by inositol in the same manner. Cells supplemented with inositol had elevated phospholipid levels and reduced triacylglycerol levels compared with unsupplemented cells. Serine, ethanolamine, and choline did not significantly affect the phosphatidate phosphatase activity of cells grown in the absence or presence of inositol. Enzyme activity was not regulated in inositol biosynthesis regulatory mutants, suggesting that regulation by inositol is coupled to regulation of inositol biosynthesis. Phosphatidate phosphatase activity was pleiotropically expressed in structural gene mutants defective in phospholipid biosynthesis. These results suggested that phosphatidate phosphatase was regulated by inositol at a genetic level.  相似文献   

To understand the differences between the rat intestinal alkaline phosphatase isozymes rIAP-I and rIAP-II, we constructed structural models based on the previously determined crystal structure for human placental alkaline phosphatase (hPLAP). Our models of rIAP-I and rIAP-II displayed a typical alpha/beta topology, but the crown domain of rIAP-I contained an additional beta-sheet, while the embracing arm region of rIAP-II lacked the alpha-helix, when each model was compared to hPLAP. The representations of surface potential in the rIAPs were predominantly positive at the base of the active site. The coordinated metal at the active site was predicted to be a zinc triad in rIAP-I, whereas the typical combination of two zinc atoms and one magnesium atom was proposed for rIAP-II. Using metal-depleted extracts from rat duodenum or jejunum and hPLAP, we performed enzyme assays under restricted metal conditions. With the duodenal and jejunal extract, but not with hPLAP, enzyme activity was restored by the addition of zinc, whereas in nonchelated extracts, the addition of zinc inhibited duodenal IAP and hPLAP, but not jejunal IAP. Western blotting revealed that nearly all of the rIAP in the jejunum extracts was rIAP-I, whereas in duodenum the percentage of rIAP-I (55%) correlated with the degree of AP activation (60% relative to that seen with jejunal extracts). These data are consistent with the presence of a triad of zinc atoms at the active site of rIAP-I, but not rIAP-II or hPLAP. Although no differences in amino acid alignment in the vicinity of metal-binding site 3 were predicted between the rIAPs and hPLAP, the His153 residue of both rIAPs was closer to the metal position than that in hPLAP. Between the rIAPs, a difference was observed at amino acid position 317 that is indirectly related to the coordination of the metal at metal-binding site 3 and water molecules. These findings suggest that the side-chain position of His153, and the alignment of Q317, might be the major determinants for activation of the zinc triad in rIAP-I.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 mutants showing an altered isozyme pattern of alkaline phosphatase were isolated. Whereas wild-type strains synthesized all three isozymes in a synthetic medium supplemented with Casamino Acids or arginine but synthesized only isozyme 3 in a medium without supplement, the mutant strains synthesized isozyme 1 and a small amount (if any) of isozyme 2, but no isozyme 3, under all growth conditions. The mutation responsible for the altered isozyme pattern, designated iap, was mapped by P1 transduction in the interval between cysC and srl (at about 58.5 min on the E. coli genetic map). It was cotransducible with cysC and srl at frequencies of 0.54 and 0.08, respectively. The order of the genes in this region was srl-iap-cysC-argA-thyA-lysA. Three more independent mutations were also mapped in the same locus. We purified isozymes 1' and 3' from iap and iap+ strains and analyzed the sequences of four amino acids from the amino terminus of each polypeptide. They were Arg-Thr-Pro-Glu (or Gln) in isozyme 1' and Thr-Pro-Glu (or gln)-Met in isozyme 3', which were identical with those of corresponding isozymes produced by the wild-type phoA+ strain (P.M. Kelley, P.A. Neumann, K. Schriefer, F. Cancedda, M.J. Schlesinger, and R.A. Bradshaw, Biochemistry 12:3499-3503, 1973; M.J. Schlesinger, W. Bloch, and P.M. Kelley, p. 333-342, in Isozymes, Academic Press Inc., 1975). These results indicate that the different mobilities of isozymes 1, 2, and 3 are determined by the presence or absence of amino-terminal arginine residues in polypeptides.  相似文献   

The presence and activity of alkaline phosphatase in SAOS-2 and TE-85 human osteosarcoma cells grown in culture were examined at the ultrastructural level. A monoclonal antibody raised against purified human bone osteosarcoma alkaline phosphatase was used to localize the enzyme in cultures of the osteosarcoma cells. Similar cultures were analyzed for alkaline phosphatase activity using an enzyme cytochemical method with cerium as the capture agent. Alkaline phosphatase was immunolocalized at the light microscopic level in an osteogenic sarcoma and ultrastructurally on the SAOS-2 cell membrane and the enclosing membrane of extracellular vesicular structures close to the cells. In contrast, the TE-85 cells were characterized by the absence of all but a few traces of immunolabeling at the cell surface. Enzyme cytochemical studies revealed strong alkaline phosphatase activity on the outer surface of the SAOS-2 cell membrane. Much lower enzyme activity was observed in the TE-85 cells. The results support biochemical data from previous studies and confirm that SAOS-2 cells have a significantly greater concentration of alkaline phosphatase at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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