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对重组大肠杆菌JH16利用木糖产高纯度的三一乳酸进行研究。通过无氧管驯化EscherwhiacdiJH12菌株得到E.coliJH16,驯化后的菌株茵体浓度提高了31%,乙酸积累减少了43%;在摇瓶中考察不同Mg2+浓度对EcoliJHl6产三一乳酸的影响,确定最适Mg2+质量浓度为0.25g/L;EcoEJH16以60g/L木糖为C源,在7L全自动发酵罐中添加0.25g/LMg2+,乳酸积累量提高了18%,达38.18g/L,乳酸纯度高达95%;E.coliJH16在30g/L木糖和30g/L葡萄糖混合C源中,优先利用葡萄糖,当葡萄糖质量浓度低于1.56g/L后,菌体开始利用木糖进行乳酸发酵,最终得到39g/L乳酸。  相似文献   

利用Red同源重组技术构建产L-苏氨酸的基因工程菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Red重组技术构建不同基因突变的L-苏氨酸工程菌大肠杆菌ITHR,研究单敲除metA、ilvA和双敲除metA、ilvA基因后对L-苏氨酸积累的影响。应用质粒pKD46介导的Red同源重组系统,通过第一次同源重组将拟敲除基因替换为氯霉素抗性基因,再通过重组酶在FRT位点发生第二次同源重组,消除抗性基因,成功敲除了菌株ITHR体内苏氨酸合成的代谢旁路途径中的metA和ilvA基因,构建了三株不同的基因突变株。将携带苏氨酸操纵子的工程质粒pWYE065电转化入敲除不同基因的突变株中,构建基因工程菌。经5 L发酵罐发酵产酸实验,未敲除任何基因的菌株ITHR/pWYE065 L-苏氨酸的产量为5.55±0.51 g/L,metA基因单敲除菌株ITHR△metA/pWYE065 L-苏氨酸产量为9.77±1.83 g/L,ilvA基因单敲除菌株ITHR△ilvA/pWYE065 L-苏氨酸产量为8.65±1.42 g/L,同时敲除ilvA和metA基因的菌株ITHR△metA△ilvA/pWYE065 L-苏氨酸的产量增加到13.6±1.14 g/L。通过敲除L-苏氨酸的旁路代谢途径中的关键酶的基因,可以增强L 苏氨酸积累的效果,为L-苏氨酸工程菌的进一步改造奠定了基础。  相似文献   

前期通过基因工程手段,构建了一株大肠杆菌工程菌E.coli WL204,该菌株可以有效利用木糖为底物发酵产L-乳酸。以废纸为发酵原料,研究该菌株利用木质纤维素发酵产乳酸的特性。原料以稀硫酸预处理后,经纤维素酶酶解,得到的水解液用Ca(OH)2脱毒后,接种E.coli WL204,在7L发酵罐中发酵72h,每100g废纸可以产生31g乳酸,糖酸转化率为79%。结果表明,E.coli WL204可以木质纤维素原料为底物发酵生产L-乳酸,具有一定的工业化开发潜力。  相似文献   

代谢工程大肠杆菌利用甘油高效合成L-乳酸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以甘油为碳源高效合成L-乳酸有助于推进油脂水解产业和生物可降解材料制造业的共同发展。为此,首先分别从凝结芽胞杆菌Bacillus coagulans CICIM B1821和大肠杆菌Escherichia coli CICIM B0013中克隆了L-乳酸脱氢酶基因BcoaLDH和D-乳酸脱氢酶 (LdhA) 的启动子片段PldhA。将两条DNA片段连接组成了表达盒PldhA-BcoaLDH。然后将上述表达盒通过同源重组删除FMN为辅酶的L-乳酸脱氢酶编码基因lldD的同时克隆入ldhA基因缺失菌株E. coli CICIM B0013-080C (ack-pta pps pflB dld poxB adhE frdA ldhA)的染色体上,获得了L-乳酸高产菌株E. coli CICIM B0013-090B (B0013-080C,lldD::PldhA-BcoaLDH)。考察了菌株CICIM B0013-090B不同培养温度下代谢利用甘油和合成L-乳酸的特征后,建立并优化了一种新型L-乳酸变温发酵工艺。在7 L发酵罐上,发酵27 h,积累L-乳酸132.4 g/L,产酸强度4.90 g/(L·h),甘油到L-乳酸的得率为93.7%,L-乳酸的光学纯度达到99.95%。  相似文献   

以运动发酵单胞菌(Zymomonas mobilis)CP4基因组DNA为模板,采用PCR技术克隆得到其丙酮酸脱氢酶基因(pdc)同源下游p3片段,并连接到广谱宿主载体pBBR1MCS3-Ppdc-ldhL中构建了重组质粒pBBR1MCS3-Ppdc-ldhL-p3,将此重组质粒转化到受体菌Z.mobilis CP4中,分别以Ppdc和p3片段作为同源上游和下游片段,利用同源双交换重组技术将重组质粒中的ldhL基因置换了Z.mobilis染色体中的pdc基因,得到重组菌株Z.mobilis CP4(△pdc∷ldhL).测得重组菌株乳酸产量为10.8g/L,明显高于出发菌株,说明初步成功构建了产L-乳酸的运动发酵单胞菌代谢工程菌株.  相似文献   

以工程菌Escherichia coli SZ85基因组为模板,克隆得到乳酸片球菌(Pediococcus acidilactici)的L-乳酸脱氢酶基因(ldhL),连接到pUcm-T载体后,双酶切然后将其连接到表达载体pET-28a上,重组质粒经筛选后转入染色体上含有ldhL基因(来源P.acidilactici)的工程菌Escherichia coli JH12。P.acidilactici的ldhL基因过量表达体系E.coli JH12(pET-28a-ldhL)能利用浓度7%的木糖为碳源进行厌氧发酵,过量表达ldhL使L-乳酸产量提高了10 g/L,达64.86 g/L,糖酸转化率高达96%。  相似文献   

基因工程菌发酵生产L-乳酸研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乳酸是重要的工业平台化学品。随着聚乳酸产业的兴起,对高质量L-乳酸的需求量也不断增加。为了进一步降低L-乳酸发酵成本,提高菌株的工业适应性,各种现代生物技术已经应用到L-乳酸发酵菌种的改造上来。文中简要综述了近年来使用乳酸菌、酵母、大肠杆菌及米根霉等基因工程菌株发酵生产L-乳酸的技术进展。  相似文献   

发酵五碳糖和六碳糖产乙醇的细菌研究进展*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农作物废弃物中含有大量木质纤维素,经预处理或水解后能得到各种糖类的混合物,这些糖包括五碳糖和六碳糖(混合糖)。中报道了国内外近20年来在利用细菌发酵混合糖产乙醇方面的研究进展。重点介绍了几种重组大肠杆菌Escherichia coli和运动发酵单胞菌Zymomonas mobilis利用混合糖产乙醇的特性。  相似文献   

高效利用木糖发酵生产D-乳酸或其他生物质产品,是充分利用木质纤维素的一个关键问题。以高效利用木糖产L-乳酸的Escherichia coli WL204为出发菌株,采用RED基因置换技术将ldhL基因置换为ldhA基因,获得一株能利用木糖产D-乳酸的大肠杆菌工程菌株Escherichia coli LHY02,该菌株利用10%木糖发酵,D-乳酸产量达到84.4 g/L,产物光学纯度达到99.5%。此外,该菌株仍然具有较好的利用葡萄糖产D-乳酸的能力。  相似文献   

Recombinant Escherichia coli have been constructed for the conversion of glucose as well as pentose sugars into L-lactic acid. The strains carry the lactate dehydrogenase gene from Streptococcus bovis on a low copy number plasmid for production of L-lactate. Three E. coli strains were transformed with the plasmid for producing L-lactic acid. Strains FBR9 and FBR11 were serially transferred 10 times in anaerobic cultures in sugar-limited medium containing glucose or xylose without selective antibiotic. An average of 96% of both FBR9 and FBR11 cells maintained pVALDH1 in anaerobic cultures. The fermentation performances of FBR9, FBR10, and FBR11 were compared in pH-controlled batch fermentations with medium containing 10% w/v glucose. Fermentation results were superior for FBR11, an E. coli B strain, compared to those observed for FBR9 or FBR10. FBR11 exhausted the glucose within 30 h, and the maximum lactic acid concentration (7.32% w/v) was 93% of the theoretical maximum. The other side-products detected were cell mass and succinic acid (0.5 g/l). Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 27, 259–264. Received 05 November 2000/ Accepted in revised form 03 July 2001  相似文献   

Previously, we described the production of N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc) from N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) in a system combining recombinant Escherichia coli expressing GlcNAc 2-epimerase (slr1975), E. coli expressing NeuAc synthetase (neuB), and Corynebacterium ammoniagenes. However, this system was unsuitable for large-scale production because of its complexity and low productivity. To overcome these problems, we constructed a recombinant E. coli simultaneously overexpressing slr1975 and neuB. This recombinant E. coli produced 81 mM (25 g/L) NeuAc in 22 h without the addition of C. ammoniagenes cells. For manufacturing on an industrial scale, it is preferable to use unconcentrated culture broth as the source of enzymes, and therefore, a high-density cell culture is required. An acetate-resistant mutant strain of E. coli (HN0074) was selected as the host strain because of its ability to grow to a high cell density. The NeuAc aldolase gene of E. coli HN0074 was disrupted by homologous recombination yielding E. coli N18-14, which cannot degrade NeuAc. After a 22 h reaction with 540 mM (120 g/L) GlcNAc in a 5 L jar fermenter, the culture broth of E. coli N18-14 overexpressing slr1975 and neuB contained 172 mM (53 g/L) NeuAc.  相似文献   

The production of chemical compounds from renewable resources is an important issue in building a sustainable society. In this study, Escherichia coli was metabolically engineered by introducing T7lac promoter-controlled aroFfbr, pabA, pabB, and pabC genes into the chromosome to overproduce para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) from glucose. Elevating the copy number of chromosomal PT7lac-pabA-pabB distinctly increased the PABA titer, indicating that elevation of 4-amino-4-deoxychorismic acid synthesis is a significant factor in PABA production. The introduction of a counterpart derived from Corynebacterium efficiens, pabAB (ce), encoding a fused PabA and PabB protein, resulted in a considerable increase in the PABA titer. The introduction of more than two copies of PT7lac-pabAB (ce-mod), a codon-optimized pabAB (ce), into the chromosome of a strain that simultaneously overexpressed aroFfbr and pabC resulted in 5.1?mM PABA from 55.6?mM glucose (yield 9.2%). The generated strain produced 35?mM (4.8?g?L?1) PABA from 167?mM glucose (yield 21.0%) in fed-batch culture.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered E. coli, which express both a Hg2+ transport system and metallothionein, were tested for their ability to remove mercury from wastewater. The wastewater contained more than ten different ions, including 2.58 mg/l mercury, and its pH was 9.6. Mercury uptake was faster from the wastewater than from distilled water, probably because of the higher ionic strength, as the high pH had little effect on mercury accumulation. EDTA also stimulated mercury uptake rather than inhibiting it. A hollow-fiber bioreactor was used to retain induced cells for continuous mercury uptake. The cells removed more than 99% of the mercury in the wastewater and the final amount of mercury accumulated was 26.8 mg/g cell dry weight, while none of the other ions were removed from the water. These results indicated that the induced cells had a high affinity and specificity for mercury.  相似文献   

Hardoyo  K Yamada  H Shinjo  J Kato    H Ohtake 《Applied microbiology》1994,60(10):3485-3490
A recombinant strain of Escherichia coli MV1184, which contains plasmid-borne genes encoding the phosphate-specific transport (Pst) system and polyphosphate (polyP) kinase, accumulated high levels of Pi and released polyP into the medium. PolyP could be separated from the culture supernatant by DEAE-Toyopearl 650M chromatography and identified by high-resolution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Once E. coli recombinants accumulated high levels of polyP, they released polyP concomitantly with Pi uptake. PolyP release did not accompany the decrease in the cell density, indicating that it is not simply a result of cell lysis. PolyP release ceased when Pi became depleted in the medium and resumed upon addition of Pi to the medium. When Pi uptake was inhibited by 0.1 mM carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), no polyP release was observed. Furthermore, neither Pi uptake nor polyP release occurred when cells were incubated at 4 degrees C. These findings suggest that the occurrence of polyP release is a possible mechanism that limits a further increase in the cellular polyP concentration in E. coli recombinants. High-resolution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy also detected a surface pool of polyP in intact cells of the E. coli recombinant. The polyP resonance increased when cells were treated with EDTA and broadened upon the addition of a shift reagent, praseodymium. Although the mechanism of surface polyP accumulation is unclear, surface polyP seems to serve as the source for polyP release.  相似文献   

Summary The enzymatic production of S-lactoylglutathione was studied by applying glyoxalase I to glycerol-grown cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli cells dosed with Pseudomonas putida glyoxalase I gene. The glyoxalase I in S. cerevisiae cells was markedly induced when the cells were grown on glycerol. The activity of the enzyme in glycerol-grown cells was more than 20-fold higher compared with that of the glucose-grown cells. By using extracts of glycerol-grown yeast cells, about 5 mmol/1 (2 g/l) of S-lactoylglutathione was produced from 10 mM methylglyoxal and 50 mM glutathione within 1 h. The extracts of E. coli cells carrying a hybrid plasmid pGI423, which contains P. putida glyoxalase I gene, showed approximately 170-fold higher glyoxalase I activity than that of E. coli cells without pGI423. The extracts were used for production of S-lactoylglutathione and, under optimal conditions, about 40 mmol/l (15 g/l) of S-lactoylglutathione was produced from 50 mM methylglyoxal and 100mM glutathione within 1 h.  相似文献   

Most microorganisms do not produce sialic acid (sialate), and those that do appear to use a biosynthetic mechanism distinct from mammals. Genetic hybrids of nonpathogenic, sialate-negative laboratory Escherichia coli K-12 strains designed for the de novo synthesis of the polysialic acid capsule from E. coli K1 proved useful in elucidating the genetics and biochemistry of capsule biosynthesis. In this article we propose a dynamic model of sialometabolism to investigate the effects of biosynthetic neu (N-acetylneuraminic acid) and catabolic nan (N-acylneuraminate) mutations on the flux of intermediates through the sialate synthetic pathway. Intracellular sialate concentrations were determined by high pH anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. The results indicated that a strain carrying a null defect in the gene encoding polysialyltransferase (neuS) accumulated > 50 times more CMP-sialic acid than the wild type when strains were grown in a minimal medium supplemented with glucose and casamino acids. Metabolic accumulation of CMP-sialic acid depended on a functional sialic acid synthase (neuB), as shown by the inability of a strain lacking this enzyme to accumulate a detectable endogenous sialate pool. The neuB mutant concentrated trace sialate from the medium, indicating its potential value for quantitative analysis of free sialic acids in complex biological samples. The function of the sialate aldolase (encoded by nanA) in limiting intermediate flux through the synthetic pathway was determined by analyzing free sialate accumulation in neuA (CMP-sialic acid synthetase) nanA double mutants. The combined results demonstrate how E. coli avoids a futile cycle in which biosynthetic sialate induces the system for its own degradation and indicate the feasibility of generating sialooligosaccharide precursors through targeted manipulation of sialate metabolism.  相似文献   

产姜黄素大肠杆菌工程菌的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜黄素是姜科植物的特征性成分,具有重要的药理活性.文中利用姜黄素生物合成关键酶β-酮酰辅酶A合酶(Diketide-CoA synthase,DCS)基因和姜黄素合酶(Curcumin synthase,CURS)基因构建非天然融合基因DCS::CURS,并将其与4-香豆酰辅酶A连接酶(4-coumarate coen...  相似文献   

Approximately 30% of rice hulls, which represent an abundant residue with little commercial value, was solubilized with 0.4 M H2SO4 acid to produce a syrup containing over 100 g monomer sugar/l. Toxins generated during hydrolysis were mitigated with Ca(OH)2. Treated hydrolysate plus additional nutrients was fermented with Escherichia coli KO11 to produce over 46 g ethanol/L in 72 h (92% of theoretical yield). © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Sucrose-utilizing genes (cscKB and cscA) from Escherichia coli KO11 were cloned and expressed in a metabolically engineered E. coli KJ122 to enhance succinate production from sucrose. KJ122 harboring a recombinant plasmid, pKJSUC, was screened for the efficient sucrose utilization by growth-based selection and adaptation. KJ122-pKJSUC-24T efficiently utilized sucrose in a low-cost medium to produce high succinate concentration with less accumulation of by-products. Succinate concentrations of 51 g/L (productivity equal to 1.05 g/L/h) were produced from sucrose in anaerobic bottles, and concentrations of 47 g/L were produced in 10 L bioreactor within 48 h. Antibiotics had no effect on the succinate production by KJ122-pKJSUC-24T. In addition, succinate concentrations of 62 g/L were produced from sugarcane molasses in anaerobic bottles, and concentrations of 56 g/L in 10 L bioreactor within 72 h. These results demonstrated that KJ122-pKJSUC-24T would be a potential strain for bio-based succinate production from sucrose and sugarcane molasses.  相似文献   

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