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The genomic organisation of the seven cultivated Vigna species, V. unguiculata, V. subterranea, V. angularis, V. umbellata, V. radiata, V. mungo and V. aconitifolia, was determined using sequential combined PI and DAPI (CPD) staining and dual‐colour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with 5S and 45S rDNA probes. For phylogenetic analyses, comparative genomic in situ hybridisation (cGISH) onto somatic chromosomes and sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of 45S rDNA were used. Quantitative karyotypes were established using chromosome measurements, fluorochrome bands and rDNA FISH signals. All species had symmetrical karyotypes composed of only metacentric or metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Distinct heterochromatin differentiation was revealed by CPD staining and DAPI counterstaining after FISH. The rDNA sites among all species differed in their number, location and size. cGISH of V. umbellata genomic DNA to the chromosomes of all species produced strong signals in all centromeric regions of V. umbellata and V. angularis, weak signals in all pericentromeric regions of V. aconitifolia, and CPD‐banded proximal regions of V. mungo var. mungo. Molecular phylogenetic trees showed that V. angularis and V. umbellata were the closest relatives, and V. mungo and V. aconitifolia were relatively closely related; these species formed a group that was separated from another group comprising V. radiata, V. unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis and V. subterranea. This result was consistent with the phylogenetic relationships inferred from the heterochromatin and cGISH patterns; thus, fluorochrome banding and cGISH are efficient tools for the phylogenetic analysis of Vigna species.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of three Larix species (L. sibirica, L. gmelinii, and L. cajanderi) were analyzed using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 45S and 5S ribosomal RNA gene probes and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. Two major 45S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) loci (per haploid genome) have been observed in the intercalary regions of two metacentric chromosomes, III and IV, of L. sibirica; in addition to them, minor nucleolus organizing regions (NORs) were mapped in pericentromeric regions of chromosomes I, II, VI, and XII. Two closely related species, L. gmelinii and L. cajanderi, showed similar hybridization patterns; both species possessed an additional major locus of 45S rDNA in the distal region of the long arm of submetacentric chromosome VII that is absent in L. sibirica. Only one locus of the 5S rDNA was found in all larch species we studied; it was located in the distal region of the chromosome III short arm, which also carried the major NOR in the opposite arm. This chromosome containing major loci of the two ribosomal RNA gene families can serve as a marker of the genus Larix. The intra- and interspecific karyotype diversity in the genus Larix is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The taxonomy of the genus Vigna has been primarily based on morphological attributes. We have used 27 genomic clones from soybean, common bean, mungbean and cowpea to examine restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) among 44 accessions of different species belonging to four subgenera of the genus Vigna. One accession each of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max) was included in the study. Total DNA from the various genotypes was digested with one restriction enzyme (Eco RV). Results of a numerical taxonomic analysis showed a high level of genetic variation within the genus with a remarkably higher amount of variation associated with Vigna sp. from Africa relative to those from Asia. The distinctness of the Asiatic grams in subgenus Ceratotropis, cowpea in section Catiang, bambara groundnut (V. subterranean) and members of the subgenus Plectotropis was elucidated by this study. Members of the subgenus Plectotropis were closer in genome homology to those of subgenus Vigna section Catiang than to those of subgenus Ceratotropis. The relative positions of some genotypes to one another on the dendrogram and minimum spanning tree were discussed in regard to hybridisations aimed generating well-saturated genomic maps and interspecies transfer of desirable genes.  相似文献   

The genomic constitution of Aegilops cylindrica Host (2n = 4x = 28, DcDcCcCc) was analyzed by C-banding, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using the DNA clones pSc119, pAs1, pTa71, and pTA794. The C-banding patterns of the Dc- and Cc-genome chromosomes of Ae. cylindrica are similar to those of D-and C-genome chromosomes of the diploid progenitor species Ae. tauschii Coss. and Ae. caudata L., respectively. These similarities permitted the genome allocation and identification of the homoeologous relationships of the Ae. cylindrica chromosomes. FISH analysis detected one major 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA locus in the short arm of chromosome 1Cc. Minor 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA loci were mapped in the short arms of 5Dc and 5Cc. 5S rDNA loci were identified in the short arm of chromosomes 1Cc, 5Dc, 5Cc, and 1Dc. GISH analysis detected intergenomic translocation in three of the five Ae. cylindrica accessions. The breakpoints in all translocations were non-centromeric with similar-sized segment exchanges.  相似文献   

Gliosarcoma, a rare glioblastoma variant, is composed of a glial and a mesenchymal component. Though the mesenchymal portion most commonly resembles a fibrosarcoma, other differentiation patterns have been observed. We present the first genomic characterisation (karyotyping followed by FISH and array comparative genomic hybridisation analysis) of a gliosarcoma with osseous metaplasia. In addition to chromosomal changes often found in gliomas (+7, -10, -13, and -22), the tumour cells also harboured a hitherto unknown t(3;21)(q13~21;q21~22).  相似文献   

In the present study, we report on the case of a 43-year-old male patient seeking for fertility assistance, who showed a seminal analysis and testicular biopsy of complete azoospermia. Peripheral blood culture for chromosome studies revealed a karyotype of 46 chromosomes with a ring-Y-chromosome that lost the long arm heterochromatin. Molecular analysis of genomic DNA from the patient detected the presence of the sex-determining region of the Y-chromosome (SRY) but the complete absence of regions involved in spermatogenesis (AZFa, AZFb, AZFc). Several molecular markers distributed along the Y-chromosome were tested through PCR amplification, and a breakpoint was established close to the centromere, predicting the deletion of the growth control region, in agreement with the short stature observed in this patient. All results obtained through molecular cytogenetic characterization are in accordance with the clinical features observed in this patient.  相似文献   

Using C-banding method and in situ hybridization with the 45S and 5S rRNA gene probes, six hexaploid species of the genus Avena L. with the ACD genome constitution were studied to reveal evolutionary karyotypic changes. Similarity in the C-banding patterns of chromosomal and in the patterns of distribution of the rRNA gene families suggests a common origin of all hexaploid species. Avena fatua is characterized by the broadest intraspecific variation of the karyotype; this species displays chromosomal variants typical of other hexaploid species of Avena. For instance, a translocation with the involvement of chromosome 5C marking A. occidentalis was discovered in many A. fatua accessions, whereas in other representatives of this species this chromosome is highly similar to the chromosome of A. sterilis. Only A. fatua and A. sativa show slight changes in the morphology and in the C-banding pattern of chromosome 2C. These results can be explained either by a hybrid origin of A. fatua or by the fact that this species is an intermediate evolutionary form of hexaploid oats. The 7C-17 translocation was identified in all studied accessions of wild and weedy species (A. sterilis, A. fatua, A. ludoviciana, and A. occidentalis) and in most A. sativa cultivars, but it was absent in A. byzantina and in two accessions of A. sativa. The origin and evolution of the Avena hexaploid species are discussed in context of the results.  相似文献   

F Shibata  M Hizume  Y Kuroki 《Génome》2000,43(2):391-397
The dioecious plant Rumex acetosa shows intraspecific karyotype variation, caused by supernumerary heterochromatic segments or DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2 phenylindole)-bands at the ends of the short arms of three pairs of autosomes. A DNA sequence (RAE730) specific to the supernumerary heterochromatic segments was cloned and sequenced. RAE730 was about 730 bp and AT-rich (71% AT-content). Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), RAE730 was localized in the supernumerary DAPI-positive heterochromatic segments on several mitotic chromosomes and chromocenters in interphase nuclei, but not in the DAPI-bands of Y or B chromosomes. RAE730 was tandemly arranged in the genome, and the copy number varied between plants from 40000 to 304000 copies per 2C, corresponding to the relative amount of supernumerary heterochromatic segments per genome. These results indicate that the karyotype variation caused by the supernumerary heterochromatic segment was generated by amplification or reduction of the tandem repeats of RAE730.  相似文献   

Five disomic, two double-disomic, and two ditelosomic addition lines and one disomic substitution line derived from the crosses of Triticum aestivum (2n=6x=42, AABBDD)×Leymus racemosus (2n= 4x=28, JJNN) were identified by C-banding analysis. The homoeology of the added Leymus chromosomes was determined by RFLP analysis. Four of five disomic addition lines belonged to group 2, 5, 6 and 7 chromosomes of L. racemosus; these were designated as 2Lr?1(NAU516), 5Lr?1(NAU504, NAU514), 6Lr?1 (NAU512), and 7Lr?1(NAU501). Two additional chromosomes, 1Lr?1 and 3Lr?1, were present in double-disomic addition lines 1Lr?1+5Lr?1 (NAU525) and 3Lr?1+7Lr?1(NAU524), respec-tively. In the disomic substitution line wheat chromosome 2B was replaced by L. racemosus chromosome 2Lr?1 (NAU551). Two telocentric chromosomes, 2Lr?2S (NAU509) and 7Lr?1S (NAU511), were isolated as ditelosomic addition lines. The study presented here provides the first evidence of homoeology of the added L. racemosus chromosomes with wheat chromosomes using DNA markers. Our data provide the basis for further directed chromosome engineering aimed at producing compensating wheat-L. racemosus translocation lines.  相似文献   

Conserved genome homologies between the chicken and partridge have been demonstrated for chromosomes 1 and Z in previous studies. Morphological differences between the chicken and partridge for chromosome 4 have also been identified. The chicken chromosome 4 is submetacentric while the partridge chromosome 4 is acrocentric. We now report that in spite of this morphological difference, both species share extensive homology for chromosome 4 as determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Since only two chromosomes of the partridge karyotype showed FISH signals, our observation suggests that a chromosome rearrangement (peri- or paracentric inversion) has occurred in the partridge chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Southern and in situ hybridization were used to examine the chromosome constitution, genomic relationships, repetitive DNA sequences, and nuclear architecture in durum wheat x tritordeum hybrids (2n = 5x = 35), where tritordeum is the fertile amphiploid (2n = 6x = 42) between Hordeum chilense and durum wheat. Using in situ hybridization, H. chilense total genomic DNA hybridized strongly to the H. chilense chromosomes and weakly to the wheat chromosomes, which showed some strongly labelled bands. pHcKB6, a cloned repetitive sequence isolated from H. chilense, enabled the unequivocal identification of each H. chilense chromosome at metaphase. Analysis of chromosome disposition in prophase nuclei, using the same probes, showed that the chromosomes of H. chilense origin were in individual domains with only limited intermixing with chromosomes of wheat origin. Six major sites of 18S-26S rDNA genes were detected on the chromosomes of the hybrids. Hybridization to Southern transfers of restriction enzyme digests using genomic DNA showed some variants of tandem repeats, perhaps owing to methylation. Both techniques gave complementary information, extending that available from phenotypic, chromosome morphology, or isozyme analysis, and perhaps are useful for following chromosomes or chromosome segments during further crossing of the lines in plant breeding programs.  相似文献   

Clive W. Ford 《Phytochemistry》1982,21(5):1149-1151
Accumulation of O-methyl-scyllo-inositol and ononitol in leaves of several water-stressed Vigna species is described. It is suggested that the relevant species could be used as convenient sources of these relatively rare compounds.  相似文献   

Sex chromosome differentiation began early during mammalian evolution. The karyotype of almost all placental mammals living today includes a pair of heterosomes: XX in females and XY in males. The genomes of different species may contain homologous synteny blocks indicating that they share a common ancestry. One of the tools used for their identification is the Zoo-FISH technique. The aim of the study was to determine whether sex chromosomes of some members of the Canidae family (the domestic dog, the red fox, the arctic fox, an interspecific hybrid: arctic fox x red fox and the Chinese raccoon dog) are evolutionarily conservative. Comparative cytogenetic analysis by Zoo-FISH using painting probes specific to domestic dog heterosomes was performed. The results show the presence of homologous synteny covering the entire structures of the X and the Y chromosomes. This suggests that sex chromosomes are conserved in the Canidae family. The data obtained through Zoo-FISH karyotype analysis append information obtained using other comparative genomics methods, giving a more complete depiction of genome evolution.  相似文献   

Trichogramma wasps parasitize eggs of various insect species. Several Trichogramma species have been commercialized to manage Lepidopteran agricultural pests. Correct species identification is essential for successful biological control. However, the microscopic size and morphological similarity of Trichogramma species makes correct identification very difficult. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-2 gene sequences have been used to identify Trichogramma species. Using this molecular marker, Trichogramma species that are commercially available in Korea were identified as Trichogramma ostriniae and Trichogramma brassicae. The latter has not previously been reported in Korea. Additionally, Cadra cautella and Sitotroga cereallela eggs (host eggs of the commercialized Trichogramma species in Korea) were infected with Wolbachia. However, Trichogramma were not infected with the bacterium. This indicates that horizontal transfer of Wolbachia does not occur from host to wasp.  相似文献   

Numerical chromosome aberrations in gametes typically lead to failed fertilization, spontaneous abortion or a chromosomally abnormal fetus. By means of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), we now can screen human embryos in vitro for aneuploidy before transferring the embryos to the uterus. PGD allows us to select unaffected embryos for transfer and increases the implantation rate in in vitro fertilization programs. Molecular cytogenetic analyses using multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of blastomeres have become the major tool for preimplantation genetic screening of aneuploidy. However, current FISH technology can test for only a small number of chromosome abnormalities and hitherto failed to increase the pregnancy rates as expected. We are in the process of developing multi-color FISH-based technologies to score all 24 chromosomes in single cells within a three-day time limit, which we believe is vital to the clinical setting. Also, human placental cytotrophoblasts (CTBs) at the fetal-maternal interface acquire aneuploidies as they differentiate to an invasive phenotype. About 20-50% of invasive CTB cells from uncomplicated pregnancies were found to be aneuploid, suggesting that the acquisition of aneuploidy is an important component of normal placentation, perhaps limiting the proliferative and invasive potential of CTBs. Since most invasive CTBs are interphase cells and possess extreme heterogeneity, we applied multi-color FISH and repeated hybridizations to investigate the feasibility of a full karyotype analysis of individual CTBs. In summary, this study demonstrates the strength of Spectral Imaging analysis and repeated hybridizations, which provides a basis for full karyotype analysis of single interphase cells.  相似文献   

A rapidly growingTriticum aestivum L. (wheat) derived long term suspension culture (named TaKB1), that is probably not regenerable, was analysed for karyotype rearrangements, stability and changes in repetitive DNA. The cell line has an average chromosome number of 21 and the DNA amount of unreplicated cells of TaKB1 measured by flow cytometry is about 30% lower than an unreplicated (1C) bread wheat genome.In situ hybridization of a repetitive DNA sequence (pSc119.2), which occurs as tandemly repeated blocks (heterochromatin) in wheat, shows that chromosomes from the TakB1 line have fewer and weaker subtelomeric locations of the sequence than wheat, suggesting deletions of distal chromosome segments and a reduction in the sites and copy number of the sequence. Thein situ hybridization pattern and chromosome morphology allowed 27 chromosome types to be identified in the cell line. No two analysed cells contained the same chromosome complement, although some chromosome types were present in every cell. Using Southern hybridization the structure and copy number of a retroelement (Wis-2) and its flanking sequence was shown to be the same in the TaKB1 cell line and wheat. Anin situ analysis of rDNA in the TaKB1 cell line (using the probe pTa71) showed a reduction in number of sites and rRNA genes in each cell from that in wheat. Interphase cells of the cell line showed dispersed signal throughout the nucleolus with no evidence for clusters of condensed and inactive rRNA genes.  相似文献   

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