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从富集的活性污泥菌群中,筛选得到反硝化菌株FDN-1。通过对菌株形态观察、生理生化鉴定以及16SrDNA序列分析,确定该菌株为黄杆菌属(Havobacterium mizutaii)。以N02---N为氮源、甲醇为碳源进行驯化,亚硝酸盐氮浓度在200-400mg/L范围时,总氮去除率均在90%以上;脱氮能力验证结果表明,该菌株能够处理含亚硝酸盐的污水,进水亚硝酸盐氮浓度不能超过600mg/L。  相似文献   

从稳定运行处理竹子加工废水的生物接触氧化反应器中分离得到一株好氧反硝化菌DN7,其72 h NO3-降解率达99.4%.细胞显微镜观察显示,菌株为革兰氏阴性小杆菌,大小为0.5 μm×1.5 μm,菌落为乳白色.通过生理生化特性及16S rDNA同源性分析,初步推断该菌株为根瘤菌中的Defluvibacter lusatiensisstr.碳源、C/N、硝酸盐初始浓度、溶解氧(DO)、pH对DN7反硝化性能影响的结果表明:菌株对柠檬酸钠、葡萄糖等小分子有机物的利用较好;C/N为9时,脱氮率达99.0%;硝酸盐浓度低于138.48 mg·L-1情况下,DN7脱氮率在96%以上,且亚硝酸盐浓度均在1.0 mg·L-1以下;菌株DN7对DO不敏感,中性偏碱性环境有利于DN7反硝化反应的进行;DN7具有良好的异养硝化性能,72 h铵氮降解率达84.7%.  相似文献   

从稳定运行处理竹子加工废水的生物接触氧化反应器中分离得到一株好氧反硝化菌DN7,其72 h NO3-降解率达99.4%.细胞显微镜观察显示,菌株为革兰氏阴性小杆菌,大小为0.5 μm×1.5 μm,菌落为乳白色.通过生理生化特性及16S rDNA同源性分析,初步推断该菌株为根瘤菌中的Defluvibacter lusatiensis str.碳源、C/N、硝酸盐初始浓度、溶解氧(DO)、pH对DN7反硝化性能影响的结果表明:菌株对柠檬酸钠、葡萄糖等小分子有机物的利用较好;C/N为9时,脱氮率达99.0%;硝酸盐浓度低于138.48 mg·L-1情况下,DN7脱氮率在96%以上,且亚硝酸盐浓度均在1.0mg·L-1以下;菌株DN7对DO不敏感,中性偏碱性环境有利于DN7反硝化反应的进行;DN7具有良好的异养硝化性能,72 h铵氮降解率达84.7%.  相似文献   

一株荧光假单胞杆菌的分离鉴定与反硝化特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】从污水厂的活性污泥中获得一株高效反硝化细菌。【方法】采用低温驯化,进行初筛、复筛选取一株反硝化活性最高的菌株,命名为L2,通过形态学、生理生化特征及16S r RNA基因序列分析研究其分类地位,系统研究理化因素对该菌株反硝化性能的影响。【结果】菌株在低温条件下能够稳定高效地进行反硝化,鉴定该菌株为荧光假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens),其反硝化最适接种量为10%,温度为20°C,p H为7.0,盐浓度为0.5%,碳源为葡萄糖,C/N为5.0,能够耐受较高初始硝态氮浓度。【结论】菌株L2是一株耐低温、耐高浓度初始硝态氮、耐低C/N、兼性厌氧、高效反硝化的荧光假单胞杆菌。  相似文献   

为从机理上研究碳素纤维生态草对广州市白云湖的水质净化效果,明确碳素纤维生态草上优势菌群的种类和数量,于2012 年11 月6日对广州市白云湖东湖及生态浮床3 个布设点的碳素纤维生态草进行了取样。运用自行设计的选择培养基,从3 个样品中分离到8 株硝化和反硝化细菌菌株,依次编号为1A、1B、1C、2A、2B、3A、3B、3C。根据形态学、生理生化特征和16S rDNA 基因序列分析,初步鉴定出菌株1C、2B和3C同为亚硝化单胞菌(Nitrosomonas communis),菌株1B和3A同为变形假单胞菌(Pseudomonas plecoglossicida),菌株1A 为荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens),菌株2A 为施氏假单胞菌(Pseudomonas stutzeri),菌株3B为恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida),并分别构建了系统发育树。  相似文献   

反硝化功能基因—— 检测反硝化菌种群结构的分子标记   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
反硝化菌种类繁多, 且分属多个分类学上的不同种属, 故不能利用常规的16S rRNA测序方法对其进行研究。利用编码反硝化酶的功能基因作为分子标记, 可以有效研究环境样品中反硝化菌的种群结构、数量以及活性等。本文重点介绍了主要的反硝化功能基因以及常用的扩增引物, 分析了反硝化功能基因与16S rRNA系统发育之间的关系, 比较了nirS和nirK基因菌的群落分布特征, 对目前反硝化功能基因的研究和应用现状进行了综述, 讨论了研究中发现的新问题, 期望为研究复杂微生物的生态特征提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的]为了解决高温的煤化工废水生物脱氮效率不高的技术难题。[方法]本研究从上海某能化集团有限公司的煤化工废水处理系统的活性污泥中筛选得到一株耐热氨氧化细菌A1和一株耐热反硝化细菌D1。[结果]通过形态学观察、生理生化特征及16S rRNA基因序列分析,菌株A1初步鉴定为Aquamicrobium ahrensii,菌株D1初步鉴定为Pseudomonas stutzeri。采用单因子优化实验研究发现,菌株A1和D1的最适生长温度分别高达42℃和40℃。在模拟实际废水处理的初始NH4+-N浓度100 mg/L和42℃的条件下,构建了由菌株A1和D1 (W/W,20%/10%)组成的共培养物,探究该共培养物在不同pH和C/N对短程硝化反硝化脱氮及N2O的释放效应。结果表明,该共培养物在42℃、pH 9.0–10.0和初始C/N为2:1时,处理模拟废水的氮素去除率达>99.0%,最大N2O得率高达51.3%。[结论]本研究的结果可为高温煤化工废水的生物处理提供技术支撑及菌种储备,同时也为高温污水处理过程中N2O的释放规律提供理论参考。  相似文献   

一株轻度嗜盐反硝化细菌的分离鉴定和反硝化特性初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从处理高盐度废水的成熟活性污泥中分离筛选得到1株轻度嗜盐反硝化细菌GYL, 通过对该菌株的形态观察、生理生化实验以及16S rDNA序列分析, 确定该菌株为盐单胞菌(Halomonas sp.)。该菌株能在盐度为10%的培养液中生长, 最适盐度为2%~7%, 最适pH为7.5~8.5, 最佳碳源为蔗糖, 在25°C~30°C的温度范围内脱氮效率达到80%以上。对该菌株的异养硝化能力进行了测定, 其对氨氮的去除率可达98.3%, 说明该菌株可实现同步硝化反硝化, 即该菌可以独立完成生物脱氮的全部过程。  相似文献   

从实验室生物滤塔填料的生物膜上, 经选择性培养基筛选, 分离出4株好氧反硝化菌。好氧状态下4种菌的40 h反硝化率均大于80%, 其中菌种A1反硝化率可达到99.05%。跟踪菌种反硝化过程中氮元素24 h变化过程, 发现4株菌除A1外都有亚硝酸根积累。菌种A1为短杆菌, 革兰氏阴性。生理生化特性研究与16S rDNA 序列测定(GenBank接受号DQ836052.1)初步判定菌种A1为假单胞菌Pseudomonas putida。适于菌A1生长的初始pH值是7.0左右, 温度30℃左右, 当DO大于2.0 mg/L时, DO的变化对菌种A1的反硝化效果影响很小。  相似文献   

利用富集培养的方法从南昌市郊某养鱼塘采样分离出22株反硝化细菌,其中8株反硝化率较高,从中选择一株效果最好的作为研究对象,命名为HS-N62,对其生长特性进行了深入研究。结果表明:硝酸盐氮初始浓度为140mg/L,菌株HS-N62在12h内对硝酸盐氮的去除率可达96%,而且没有亚硝酸盐氮的积累。该菌最适生长温度范围为30°C-37°C,最适生长pH范围6.0-8.0,最适C/N比为10:1,并能利用多种碳源生长。运用正交试验探讨了该菌株最适的反硝化条件。反硝化菌株HS-N62还具有较好的除磷能力,12h除磷率达到67.7%(初始磷酸盐浓度57mg/L)。通过形态学特性和生理生化分析以及16S rRNA基因序列分析,菌株HS-N62与Pseudomonas sp.亲缘关系最为接近,相似性达99%,初步鉴定该菌为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.)。  相似文献   

Herein, a denitrifying bacterium that produced greenish fluorescent pigment under aerobic conditions was accidentally isolated from municipal sewage sludge. Using 16S-rDNA sequence analysis, we identified the isolate as Pseudomonas aeruginosa R12, with 100% similarity. We achieved the highest pigment production rate (1.36 mg/L/h) in a 1-L bioreactor under aerobic conditions, using the optimal culture parameters determined in this study: 37°C, pH 8.0, 200 rpm, 5 wm aeration, and medium containing succinate and (NH4)2SO4. The pigment was not a secondary metabolite and had no antibacterial activity on its co-isolates. Under anaerobic conditions, the isolate produced mainly N2 and behaved as a strong denitrifier, displaying synergistic denitrification with co-isolated denitrifiers. To our knowledge, herein we have described the first instance in which P. aeruginosa R12 produces a fluorescent pigment under aerobic conditions. This newly-isolated strain therefore shows potential as a commercial resource for natural pigment.  相似文献   

一株海洋好氧反硝化细菌的鉴定及其好氧反硝化特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】从处理海洋养殖循环水的生物滤器生物膜中分离到1株具有好氧反硝化活性的细菌(菌株2-8),并进一步研究了该菌的分类地位及反硝化特性。【方法】采用16S rRNA基因序列分析对菌株进行初步鉴定,采用好氧培养技术,探讨了碳源种类、起始pH、NaCl浓度、C/N、温度和摇床转速对菌株2-8好氧反硝化活性的影响。【结果】该菌株的16S rRNA基因序列与Pseudomonas segetis FR1439T(AY770691)的相似性最高,达到99.9%,因此初步鉴定菌株2-8属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.2-8)。碳源类型和C/N对其好氧反硝化作用的影响最为显著,以柠檬酸钠为唯一碳源,C/N为15时脱氮效率最高,低C/N导致亚硝酸盐的积累;其好氧反硝化的最适温度和pH分别为30℃和7.5;菌株2-8在摇床转速为160r/min下脱氮效果最好;NaCl浓度对其反硝化活性的影响不明显。【结论】在初始硝酸氮浓度为140mg/L,以柠檬酸钠为唯一碳源、C/N为15、pH为7.5、NaCl浓度为30g/L,30℃以及160r/min摇床培养的条件下,菌株2-8在48h内脱氮率可达92%且无亚硝酸盐积累。  相似文献   

A strain D3 of denitrifying bacterium was isolated from an anammox reactor, and identified as Pseudomonas mendocina based on the morphological and physiological assay, Vitek test, Biolog test, (G+C) mol% content, and 16S rDNA phylogenetic analysis. As a typical denitrifying bacterium, strain D3 achieved the maximal nitrate reduction rate of 26.2 mg/(L·d) at the nitrate concentration of 88.5 mg N/L. The optimal pH and growth temperature were 7.84 and 34.9°C, respectively. Strain D3 was able to oxidize ammonia under anaerobic condition. The maximum nitrate and ammonium utilization rates were 6.37 mg/(L·d) and 3.34 mg/(L·d), respectively, and the consumption ratio of ammonia to nitrate was 1:1.91. Electron microscopic observation revealed peculiar cell in clusions in strain D3. Because of its relation to anammox activity, strain D3 was presumed to be anammoxosome. The present investigation proved that denitrifying bacteria have the anammox ability, and the results have engorged the range of anammox populations.  相似文献   

A strain D3 of denitrifying bacterium was isolated from an anammox reactor,and identi-fied as Pseudomonas mendocina based on the morphological and physiological assay,Vitek test,Biolog test,(G C) mol% content,and 16S rDNA phylogenetic analysis.As a typical denitrifying bac-terium,strain D3 achieved the maximal nitrate reduction rate of 26.2 mg/(L·d) at the nitrate concen-tration of 88.5 mg N/L.The optimal pH and growth temperature were 7.84 and 34.9℃,respectively.Strain D3 was able to oxidize ammonia under anaerobic condition.The maximum nitrate and ammo-nium utilization rates were 6.37 mg/(L·d) and 3.34 mg/(L·d) ,respectively,and the consumption ratio of ammonia to nitrate was 1:1.91.Electron microscopic observation revealed peculiar cell inclusions in strain D3.Because of its relation to anammox activity,strain D3 was presumed to be anammoxosome.The present investigation proved that denitrifying bacteria have the anammox ability,and the results have engorged the range of anammox populations.  相似文献   

Summary The extracellular proteolytic activity produced by a moderately alkaliphilic bacterium, Bacillus patagoniensis PAT 05T, was characterized. This strain, grown in a highly alkaline and saline medium, produced important levels of proteolytic activity. SDS-PAGE and zymogram analyses revealed two proteolytic active bands. Through isoelectricfocusing (IEF)-zymogram, an active band with alkaline pI and two slighter active bands with acid pI values were detected. The alkaline active enzyme in the IEF was purified and characterized. It showed a molecular mass of 29.4 kDa and its pI value was >‰10.3. Proteolytic activity of the culture supernatant showed an optimal temperature of approximately 60 °C and a plateau of maximum activity between pH 9.0 and 12.0. Such activity was not affected by H2O2 (10% v/v), 1,10-phenanthroline (10 mM), Triton X-100 (1% v/v) and Tween 20 (1% v/v), under the assay conditions. More than 80% of the activity was retained in 10 mM EDTA, 73% in 1 % (w/v) SDS and 63% in 2 M NaCl. The enzyme was inhibited by PMSF, indicating serine-protease activity. The proteolytic activity of the crude supernatant was thermosensitive with a half-life of 2.3 min at 70 °C, while high activity was detected at moderate temperatures. Considering PAT 05T proteolytic activity characteristics, such as high optimum pH, high stability and residual activity in presence of oxidant, surfactant and chelating agents, this strain could be a potential source of enzymes for use as additives in detergent formulations or in the leather industry.  相似文献   

Halobacterium denitrificans was one of several carbohydrate-utilizing, denitrifying, extremely halophilic bacteria isolated by anaerobic enrichment in the presence of nitrate. Anaerobic growth took place only when nitrate (or nitrite) was present and was accompanied by the production of dinitrogen. In the presence of high concentrations of nitrate (i.e., 0.5%), nitrous oxide and nitrite were also detected. When grown aerobically in a mineral-salts medium containing 0.005% yeast extract, H. denitrificans utilized a variety of carbohydrates as sources of carbon and energy. In every case, carbohydrate utilization was accompanied by acid production. A type culture has been deposited with the American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Md. (ATCC 35960).  相似文献   

一株好氧反硝化菌的分离鉴定及其除氮特性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
【目的】生物除氮中反硝化菌具有重要的作用,需氧反硝化菌研究较少,有着很好的应用潜力,本研究主要从环境样品中分离具有高效去除铵氮和亚硝酸盐氮活性的好氧反硝化菌,并对其分类及除氮特性进行研究。【方法】以高效去除铵氮、除亚硝酸盐氮和好氧反硝化能力为主要指标,从富营养化的池塘淤泥水和工厂污泥样品中进行菌株分离筛选。通过生理生化特点以及16S rRNA序列分析对活性最好的菌株进行初步鉴定。在好氧条件下,分别以NO-3-N、NH+4-N和NO-2-N作为唯一氮源,考察菌株的好氧反硝化特性、去除铵氮和亚硝酸盐氮特性,以及不同初始pH值、温度、碳源、摇床转速对该菌去除铵氮和亚硝酸盐氮特性的影响。【结果】得到的细菌中,以菌株C-4的活性最好,其16S rRNA序列与不动杆菌的同源性达99%,结合生理生化特点,初步确定菌株C-4属于不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter sp.)。以柠檬酸钠作为碳源,30℃、120 r/min振荡培养,种龄为18 h,用初始pH为8.5的200 mg/L NH +4-N培养基和初始pH为7.5的100 mg/L NO -2-N培养基进行测定,分别培养15 h与12 h,净除氮率分别达到65.8%和47.8%。【结论】从鱼塘水样中分离到一株好氧反硝化菌C-4,初步鉴定为不动杆菌属的一个种(Acinetobacter sp.),具有较高的反硝化特性和高效去除铵氮与亚硝酸盐氮的能力,在处理实际池塘污水时中,净除氮率可达73.04%以上。  相似文献   

Nitrate-reducing bacteria of the recently recognized Azoarcus/Thauera group within the Betaproteobacteria contribute significantly to the biodegradation of aromatic and other refractory compounds in anoxic waters and soils. Strain EbN1 belongs to a distinct cluster (new genus) and is the first member of this phylogenetic group, the genome of which has been determined (4.7 Mb; one chromosome, two plasmids) by [Rabus R, Kube M, Heider J, Beck A, Heitmann K, Widdel F, Reinhardt R (2005) The genome sequence of an anaerobic aromatic-degrading denitrifying bacterium, strain EbN1. Arch Microbiol 183:27–36]. Ten anaerobic and four aerobic aromatic-degradation pathways were recognized on the chromosome, with the coding genes mostly forming clusters. Presence of paralogous gene clusters (e.g. for anaerobic ethylbenzene degradation) suggests an even broader degradation spectrum than previously known. Metabolic versatility is also reflected by the presence of multiple respiratory complexes and is apparently controlled by an extensive regulatory network. Strain EbN1 is unique for its capacity to degrade toluene and ethylbenzene anaerobically via completely different pathways. Bioinformatical analysis of their genetic blueprints and global expression analysis (DNA-microarray and proteomics) of substrate-adapted cells [Kühner S, Wöhlbrand L, Fritz I, Wruck W, Hultschig C, Hufnagel P, Kube M, Reinhardt R, Rabus R (2005) Substrate-dependent regulation of anaerobic degradation pathways for toluene and ethylbenzene in a denitrifying bacterium, strain EbN1. J Bacteriol 187:1493–1503] indicated coordinated vs sequential modes of regulation for the toluene and ethylbenzene pathways, respectively.  相似文献   

Denitrificationis the ability of bacteria to use nitro-gen oxides(NO3-and NO2-)as electron acceptorsto pro-duce gaseous nitrogen,mainly N2.The oxidation of or-ganic material coupled to reduction of oxygen leads to ahigher energy yield than reduction of nitrate.Oxygen iscommonly accepted to be the first choice as electron ac-ceptor[1].Therefore,denitrifying is generally thought toonly occur under almost anaerobic conditions.Anefficientwastewater treatment toremove nitrogen components relieson…  相似文献   

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