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In previously 18-h fasting Wistar rats, the liver is isolated and perfused with [9, 10(-3)H2] oleic acid (346 mumol and [1-14C] glycerol (115 mumol). Then, in a circulating medium, the secretion of triacylglycerols -- synthetized de novo and by esterification of exogenous oleic acid -- and VLDL is inhibited. On the other hand, the secretion of phospholipids is getting away that regulatory process.  相似文献   

After perfusing isolated livers of Zucker fa/fa ad Fa/- rats with loads of [9,10-3H2] oleic acid (346 mumol) and [1-14C] glycerol (115 mumol), glycerol inhibited the hepatic secretion of triacylglycerol and phospholipids in the two groups of rats. However, the amount of acylglycerols synthetized from these exogenous substrates is slightly higher in the obese rats than in the normal rats. These results suggest that glycerol, present in high amounts in blood of fa/fa rats, failed to regulate triacylglycerols and phospholipids secretion.  相似文献   

1. The effect of dietary manipulation on the synthesis of triglycerides and phospholipids was investigated by determining the incorporation of labeled long-chain fatty acid or glycerol into these lipids in liver slices derived from normally fed, fasted, and fat-free refed rats. 2. Triglyceride synthesis was affected markedly by the dietary regime of the animal; the lowest rates were measured with fasted rats, and the highest ones with fat-free refed rats. 3. In contrast to triglyceride synthesis, phospholipid synthesis occured at virtually constant rates regardless of the dietary conditions. 4. Addition of large amounts of fatty acid to the incubation mixture resulted in a marked stimulation of triglyceride synthesis, whereas phospholipid synthesis was affected to a much smaller extent. 5. These results indicate that the synthesis of triglycerides and that of phospholipids are controlled independently, and that the availability of fatty acid in the cell contributes to the control of triglyceride synthesis.  相似文献   

Perfusions of isolated livers from genetically hyperlipoproteinemic Zucker fa/fa and normolipemic Zucker Fa/- rats are performed with loads of ]9,10-3H2] oleic acid and [1-14C] glycerol. The hepatic acylglycerols anabolism from these precursors is higher in the fa/fa rat than in the control Fa/- rats. Synthesis by esterification (of oleic acid) is more increased than de novo synthesis (from glycerol). The increase in lipid anabolism is due to an augmentation of the hepatic cellular mass, but this anabolism is not regulated in the same way than in the normal rat.  相似文献   

The isolated perfused rat liver synthesizes antitrypsin activity in a linear fashion as long as 24 hr. The rate of synthesis may be ten times the rate necessary for physiologic levels in vivo. These data are compatible with the liver as the principal site of synthesis of serum antitryptic activity in the rat. The antitrypsin activity of the rat perfusate resembles that of normal human plasma in liability to heat (56 degrees) and to acid (below pH 6) and in apparent molecular size (elution from Sephadex G-200).  相似文献   

3H-orotic acid incorporation into RNA and the level of RNA polymerase activity in isolated rat liver perfused for 5 hrs were investigated. In spite of a dramatic decrease in 3H-orotic acid uptake by liver cells during perfusion, a constant rate of RNA synthesis was observed. Moreover, RNA polymerase I and II activities were not affected by a 5-hr perfusion. It is suggested that isolated perfused rat liver can be used to study direct effects of hormones and drugs on RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The effects of diltiazem on fatty acid metabolism were measured in the isolated perfused rat liver and in isolated mitochondria. In the perfused rat liver diltiazem inhibited oxygen uptake and ketogenesis from endogenous substrates. Ketogenesis from exogenously supplied palmitate was also inhibited. The β-hydroxybutyrate/acetoacetate ratio in the presence of palmitate alone was equal to 3·2. When the fatty acid and diltiazem were present simultaneously this ratio was decreased to 0·93, suggesting that, in spite of the inhibition of oxygen uptake, the respiratory chain was not rate limiting for the oxidation of the reducing equivalents coming from β-oxidation. In experiments with isolated mitochondria, incubated in the presence of all intermediates of the Krebs cycle, pyruvate or glutamate, no significant inhibition of oxygen uptake by diltiazem was detected. Inhibition of oxygen uptake in isolated mitochondria was found only when palmitoyl CoA was the source of the reducing equivalents. It was concluded that a direct effect on β-oxidation may be a major cause for the inhibition of oxygen uptake caused by diltiazem in the perfused liver. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relative importance of fatty acid synthesis in triglyceride secretion by perfused livers from lean (normal control) and obese Zucker rats was investigated. Livers from fed animals were perfused in a recirculating system with tritiated water and a constant infusion of oleic acid. Triglyceride secretion was 5 times greater and cholesterol secretion was 35% greater in the obese rat livers. The very-low-density lipoprotein hypersecreted by perfused livers from obese rats contained more apolipoprotein B and exhibited an increased B-48/B-100 ratio. Apo-B was also elevated in the hypertriglyceridemic plasma of obese rats in both fed and fasting states. The very-low-density lipoprotein isolated therefrom was likewise characterized by an increased B-48/B-100 ratio. Ketogenesis was depressed 40% in the obese rat livers and increased hepatic malonyl-CoA was implicated in this alteration. The de novo synthesis and secretion of newly synthesized cholesterol was moderately increased in the perfused livers from obese rats. Tritium incorporation into fatty acids was 15 times greater in the obese genotype. Most of the synthesized fatty acids remained in the liver and were recovered after perfusion in triglyceride and phospholipids. Newly synthesized fatty acids accounted for only 3 and 15% of the triglyceride secreted by the lean and obese rat livers, respectively. A large portion of the secreted triglyceride fatty acids was derived from endogenous liver lipids. When the turnover of newly synthesized fatty acids in these pools was considered, the contribution of de novo fatty acid synthesis to triglyceride secretion was estimated to be 9% in the lean and 44% in the obese rat livers. Therefore, the altered partition of free fatty acids (Fukuda, N., Azain, M. J., and Ontko, J. A. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 14066-14072) and increased fatty acid synthesis are both major determinants of the hypersecretion of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins by the liver in the genetically obese Zucker rat.  相似文献   

Isolated livers from fed rats were perfused with a medium containing glucose labeled uniformly with 14C and specifically with 3H. There was considerable formation of glucose from endogenous sources but simultaneously uptake of about half of the 14C in glucose. After 2 hours the 3H14C ratios in perfusate glucose decreased by 55–60% with (2-3H, U-14C), 40–50% with (5-3H, U-14C), 25–30% with (3-3H or 4-3H, U-14C) and by 10–15% with (6-3H, U-14C) glucose. Qualitatively comparable patterns were obtained with rat hepatocytes. These results demonstrate recycling of carbon between glucose and pyruvate. Superimposed upon this there is an extensive futile cycle between glucose and glucose 6-P. There is also futile cycling between fructose 6-P and fructose 1,6 P2 and to a small extent between phosphoenol pyruvate and pyruvate.  相似文献   

The isolated perfused rat liver was used to study the 300-800 A electron-opaque bodies which had previously been described in the liver cell Golgi apparatus, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and space of Disse. When the perfusion medium was enriched with linoleate, the number and electron opacity of these particles increased markedly. Sequential biopsies showed that they appeared first in the smooth surfaced terminal ends of the rough reticulum, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum proper, and the Golgi apparatus and later in the space of Disse. After 60 min of perfusion, particles of the same size and shape as those in the liver cells could be isolated in large numbers from the d < 1.006 fraction of the perfusate. Control livers perfused with an identical medium but without linoleate did not show these changes. Puromycin markedly depressed the production of 300-800 A particles by livers perfused with an oleate-rich medium; however, it did not interfere with the formation of large cytoplasmic droplets of neutral fat. In keeping with these findings, puromycin blocked the incorporation of oleate-(14)C into lipoprotein triglyceride isolated from the perfusate, but did not interfere with the appearance of the labeled fatty acid in tissue triglyceride. Puromycin also blocked the incorporation of leucine-(3)H into both tissue protein and perfusate lipoprotein. We concluded that the 300-800 A particles observed are, in all likelihood, very low density lipoproteins and that their formation is blocked by puromycin, presumably through interference with the synthesis of their apoprotein.  相似文献   

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