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Streptococcus agalactiae is a well-known pathogen for neonates and immunocompromized adults. Beyond the neonatal period, S. agalactiae is rarely found in the respiratory tract. During 2002–2008 we noticed S. agalactiae in respiratory secretions of 30/185 (16%) of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. The median age of these patients was 3–6 years older than the median age CF patients not harboring S. agalactiae. To analyze, if the S. agalactiae isolates from CF patients were clonal, further characterization of the strains was achieved by capsular serotyping, surface protein determination and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). We found a variety of sequence types (ST) among the isolates, which did not substantially differ from the MLST patterns of colonizing strains from Germany. However serotype III, which is often seen in colonizing strains and invasive infections was rare among CF patients. The emergence of S. agalactiae in the respiratory tract of CF patients may represent the adaptation to a novel host environment, supported by the altered surfactant composition in older CF patients.  相似文献   



Dengue viral infection is a global health threat without vaccine or specific treatment. The clinical outcome varies from asymptomatic, mild dengue fever (DF) to severe dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). While adaptive immune responses were found to be detrimental in the dengue pathogenesis, the roles of earlier innate events remain largely uninvestigated. Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells represent innate-like T cells that could dictate subsequent adaptive response but their role in human dengue virus infection is not known. We hypothesized that iNKT cells play a role in human dengue infection.


Blood samples from a well-characterized cohort of children with DF, DHF, in comparison to non-dengue febrile illness (OFI) and healthy controls at various time points were studied. iNKT cells activation were analyzed by the expression of CD69 by flow cytometry. Their cytokine production was then analyzed after α-GalCer stimulation. Further, the CD1d expression on monocytes, and CD69 expression on conventional T cells were measured.


iNKT cells were activated during acute dengue infection. The level of iNKT cell activation associates with the disease severity. Furthermore, these iNKT cells had altered functional response to subsequent ex vivo stimulation with α-GalCer. Moreover, during acute dengue infection, monocytic CD1d expression was also upregulated and conventional T cells also became activated.


iNKT cells might play an early and critical role in the pathogenesis of severe dengue viral infection in human. Targeting iNKT cells and CD1d serve as a potential therapeutic strategy for severe dengue infection in the future.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes acute exacerbations in COPD and asthma. RSV infects bronchial epithelial cells (HBE) that trigger RSV associated lung pathology. This study explores whether the phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor Roflumilast N-oxide (RNO), alters RSV infection of well-differentiated HBE (WD-HBE) in vitro. WD-HBE were RSV infected in the presence or absence of RNO (0.1-100 nM). Viral infection (staining of F and G proteins, nucleoprotein RNA level), mRNA of ICAM-1, ciliated cell markers (digital high speed videomicroscopy, β-tubulin immunofluorescence, Foxj1 and Dnai2 mRNA), Goblet cells (PAS), mRNA of MUC5AC and CLCA1, mRNA and protein level of IL-13, IL-6, IL-8, TNFα, formation of H2O2 and the anti-oxidative armamentarium (mRNA of Nrf2, HO-1, GPx; total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were measured at day 10 or 15 post infection. RNO inhibited RSV infection of WD-HBE, prevented the loss of ciliated cells and markers, reduced the increase of MUC5AC and CLCA1 and inhibited the increase of IL-13, IL-6, IL-8, TNFα and ICAM-1. Additionally RNO reversed the reduction of Nrf2, HO-1 and GPx mRNA levels and consequently restored the TAC and reduced the H2O2 formation. RNO inhibits RSV infection of WD-HBE cultures and mitigates the cytopathological changes associated to this virus.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal recessive genetic disease in the Caucasian population. It is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene that is normally expressed in ciliated airway epithelial cells and the submucosal glands of the lung. Since the CFTR gene was first characterized in 1989, a major goal has been to develop an effective gene therapy for CF lung disease, which has the potential to ameliorate morbidity and mortality. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) naturally infects the ciliated cells in the human airway epithelium. In addition, the immune response mounted against an RSV infection does not prevent subsequent infections, suggesting that an RSV-based vector might be effectively readministered. To test whether the large 4.5-kb CFTR gene could be expressed by a recombinant RSV and whether infectious virus could be used to deliver CFTR to ciliated airway epithelium derived from CF patients, we inserted the CFTR gene into four sites in a recombinant green fluorescent protein-expressing RSV (rgRSV) genome to generate virus expressing four different levels of CFTR protein. Two of these four rgRSV-CFTR vectors were capable of expressing CFTR with little effect on viral replication. rgRSV-CFTR infection of primary human airway epithelial cultures derived from CF patients resulted in expression of CFTR protein that was properly localized at the luminal surface and corrected the chloride ion channel defect in these cells.Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease that occurs with an incidence of 1 in every 3,400 live Caucasian births in the United States and is one of the most common fatal hereditary diseases in the world (47). CF is caused by a mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene that encodes a low-conductance ATP- and cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent chloride ion (Cl) channel. More than 1,500 mutations that can lead to various degrees of CF have been found in CFTR. The most common mutation found in individuals of European descent is a deletion of 3 nucleotides in the CFTR gene resulting in the loss of phenylalanine at position 508 of the CFTR protein (ΔF508). This mutation results in the translation of a protein that folds improperly, causing it to be degraded upon exit from the endoplasmic reticulum. Since 90% of the mortality caused by CF results from lung pathology, restoring functional CFTR to the airways of CF patients remains a goal of gene replacement therapeutics for the disease. In the lung, CFTR is expressed by the respiratory epithelium that lines the lumen of the airways, where it is localized to the apical membrane of ciliated cells and the submucosal gland ductal epithelium (20, 40, 48). CFTR is responsible for the movement of Cl ions across the apical membranes of the airway epithelium and, in combination with sodium ion (Na+) transport, it dictates the volume of airway surface liquid that facilitates mucus transport and mucociliary clearance. Lack of functional CFTR in the cell membrane decreases Cl ion secretion; a net increase in the intracellular Cl ion concentration is then followed by increased uptake of sodium (Na+) ions by epithelial sodium channels (ENaCs). This additional intracellular ion concentration results in a net increase in water uptake into the cell (68). In patients with CF, the fundamental consequence of CFTR dysfunction in the airway is dehydration of the airway surface liquid (ASL) and an increase in the viscosity of the mucus secretions that coat the respiratory tract. This thickened mucus leads to plugging of the airways, in addition to decreased airway clearance, resulting in an increased susceptibility to both bacterial and viral airway pathogens.Early in vitro experiments using the available recombinant adenoviruses (AdV) and adeno-associated viruses (AAV) showed some efficacy in airway cell transduction (29, 67); however, the human clinical trials were less promising due to the low efficiency of CFTR delivery to the appropriate cells and short-lived CFTR expression, primarily as a consequence of the innate and adaptive immune responses (28, 34, 39, 90). Further studies revealed that CAR, the coxsackievirus and AdV receptor, and heparan sulfate, the AAV receptor, are both expressed on the basolateral surface of the human airway, likely providing another explanation for the poor transduction efficiency of airway cells by these vectors when introduced apically (7, 62, 77, 92). More recently, AAV serotypes that transduce the airway epithelium at a much higher rate have been identified, and additional improvements have been made by mutagenesis, capsid shuffling, and directed evolution (24, 36, 52-54, 78, 89). Lentiviral vectors for the delivery of CFTR to CF patients have also been examined, and improvements have been made, but efficiency and safety concerns persist (33, 41, 57, 72, 76, 85). Here, we suggest a potential viral vector to treat CF that naturally targets the airways.In vitro studies in which CF cells and CFTR-corrected CF cells have been mixed in measured ratios have determined that CFTR expression in 6 to 10% of respiratory cells returns Cl transport to levels similar to those measured in non-CF epithelial cell cultures (2, 42). However, this low level of correction may not repair some of the other associated defects, such as sodium hyperabsorption and mucus dehydration (40). Similar studies performed by mixing airway epithelial cells from CF and non-CF patients to create mixed well-differentiated human airway epithelial cell (HAE) cultures indicated that if 20% of the cells expressed endogenous levels of CFTR, this correlated with 70% of the Cl channel response measured in cultures made with 100% non-CF cells (25). More recently, infection of HAE cultures with a recombinant parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV3) vector engineered to express CFTR was shown to fully correct the Cl transport defect in HAE cultures. In these studies, CFTR delivery to 25% of the surface airway epithelial cells was required to restore airway surface liquid volume and mucus transport to normal non-CF levels (93). Collectively, these in vitro experiments, in relevant airway cell models, suggest that an effective vector for CFTR delivery would need to target at least 25% of the airway surface epithelial cells.Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a single-stranded negative-sense RNA virus that infects the ciliated cells of the airway epithelium of the human respiratory tract (94). Most individuals become infected with RSV during the first and second years of life; however, due to incomplete immunity, individuals can be reinfected by RSV throughout their lifetimes. In most cases, infection results in only mild, self-limited, common cold-like symptoms, although a proportion of primary infections do involve lower respiratory tract disease. Serious illness, which typically involves bronchiolitis or pneumonia, is usually restricted to young infants or the frail elderly. Although RSV infects CF patients at the same frequency that it infects their age-matched siblings, CF patients tend to develop more frequent lower respiratory tract illness. It has been shown that CF patients require more frequent hospitalization due to RSV infection when they are young, but this decreases with age, as it does for healthy children (32, 87). Since RSV can infect the lungs of CF patients, it appears that it can not only navigate through the physical barriers of the normal respiratory tract, but can also make its way through the sticky and mucus-rich environment of the CF lung. In addition, RSV has other features that suggest it might have advantages as a gene therapy vector for the delivery of CFTR to the airways of CF patients. RSV has a tropism for the luminal ciliated cells of the airway, which are a relevant target for CFTR gene therapy (40, 48), and RSV has been shown to lack the overt cytopathology of other respiratory viruses, suggesting that it will not rapidly destroy the cells that it infects (94). RSV also has the ability to reinfect, implying that multiple sequential administrations of an RSV-based vector would be possible.Here, we tested the utility of RSV as a CFTR gene transfer vector. The CFTR gene was inserted into four different sites in the RSV genome to obtain a range of expression levels. The vector was then evaluated for the ability to deliver CFTR to the ciliated cells in an in vitro model of the human airway (HAE). We show that RSV delivered CFTR to ciliated cells and resulted in sufficient transduction efficiency and functional CFTR expression to fully correct the Cl transport bioelectric defect in primary HAE cultures derived from CF patients. These data support continued efforts to explore the utility of RSV-based vectors as potential gene delivery vectors for the treatment of CF lung disease.  相似文献   

CD8 T cells are involved in pathogen clearance and infection-induced pathology in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. Studying bulk responses masks the contribution of individual CD8 T cell subsets to protective immunity and immunopathology. In particular, the roles of subdominant responses that are potentially beneficial to the host are rarely appreciated when the focus is on magnitude instead of quality of response. Here, by evaluating CD8 T cell responses in CB6F1 hybrid mice, in which multiple epitopes are recognized, we found that a numerically subdominant CD8 T cell response against DbM187 epitope of the virus matrix protein expressed high avidity TCR and enhanced signaling pathways associated with CD8 T cell effector functions. Each DbM187 T effector cell lysed more infected targets on a per cell basis than the numerically dominant KdM282 T cells, and controlled virus replication more efficiently with less pulmonary inflammation and illness than the previously well-characterized KdM282 T cell response. Our data suggest that the clinical outcome of viral infections is determined by the integrated functional properties of a variety of responding CD8 T cells, and that the highest magnitude response may not necessarily be the best in terms of benefit to the host. Understanding how to induce highly efficient and functional T cells would inform strategies for designing vaccines intended to provide T cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

TNF is an important inflammatory mediator and a target for intervention. TNF is produced by many cell types and is involved in innate inflammation as well as adaptive immune responses. CD8 T cells produce TNF and can also respond to TNF. Deficiency of TNF or TNFR2 has been shown to affect anti-viral immunity. However, as the complete knockout of TNF or its receptors has effects on multiple cell types as well as on lymphoid architecture, it has been difficult to assess the role of TNF directly on T cells during viral infection. Here we have addressed this issue by analyzing the effect of CD8 T cell intrinsic TNF/TNFR2 interactions during respiratory influenza infection in mice, using an adoptive transfer model in which only the T cells lack TNF or TNFR2. During a mild influenza infection, the capacity of the responding CD8 T cells to produce TNF increases from day 6 through day 12, beyond the time of viral clearance. Although T cell intrinsic TNF is dispensable for initial expansion of CD8 T cells up to day 9 post infection, intrinsic TNF/TNFR2 interactions potentiate contraction of the CD8 T cell response in the lung between day 9 and 12 post infection. On the other hand, TNF or TNFR2-deficient CD8 T cells in the lung express lower levels of IFN-γ and CD107a per cell than their wild type counterparts. Comparison of TNF levels on the TNFR2 positive and negative T cells is consistent with TNF/TNFR2 interactions inducing feedback downregulation of TNF production by T cells, with greater effects in the lung compared to spleen. Thus CD8 T cell intrinsic TNF/TNFR2 interactions fine-tune the response to influenza virus in the lung by modestly enhancing effector functions, but at the same time potentiating the contraction of the CD8 T cell response post-viral clearance.  相似文献   

Chronic lung infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the major severe complication in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, where P. aeruginosa persists and grows in biofilms in the endobronchial mucus under hypoxic conditions. Numerous polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) surround the biofilms and create local anoxia by consuming the majority of O2 for production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We hypothesized that P. aeruginosa acquires energy for growth in anaerobic endobronchial mucus by denitrification, which can be demonstrated by production of nitrous oxide (N2O), an intermediate in the denitrification pathway. We measured N2O and O2 with electrochemical microsensors in 8 freshly expectorated sputum samples from 7 CF patients with chronic P. aeruginosa infection. The concentrations of NO3 and NO2 in sputum were estimated by the Griess reagent. We found a maximum median concentration of 41.8 µM N2O (range 1.4–157.9 µM N2O). The concentration of N2O in the sputum was higher below the oxygenated layers. In 4 samples the N2O concentration increased during the initial 6 h of measurements before decreasing for approximately 6 h. Concomitantly, the concentration of NO3 decreased in sputum during 24 hours of incubation. We demonstrate for the first time production of N2O in clinical material from infected human airways indicating pathogenic metabolism based on denitrification. Therefore, P. aeruginosa may acquire energy for growth by denitrification in anoxic endobronchial mucus in CF patients. Such ability for anaerobic growth may be a hitherto ignored key aspect of chronic P. aeruginosa infections that can inform new strategies for treatment and prevention.  相似文献   

为了比较几种不同气道上皮细胞对呼吸道合胞病毒(Respiratory syncytial virus,RSV)感染后病变特点及易感性。采用RSV A2株感染Hep-2、A549、16HBE、BEAS-2B细胞后,奥林巴斯倒置免疫荧光显微镜观察细胞病变效应,免疫荧光检测RSV N蛋白表达及空斑实验测定细胞培养上清液中病毒滴度。结果显示RSV A2株感染Hep-2细胞后最早形成典型的合胞病变,A549细胞次之,16HBE及BEAS-2B形成病变的时间最晚。免疫荧光检测到RSV N蛋白表达特点与细胞病变特点一致。RSV A2在Hep-2上产生的病毒滴度最高,A549细胞次之,在16HBE上产生的病毒滴度最低。提示Hep-2、A549细胞对RSV具有高度易感性,以Hep-2最为敏感。而16HBE、BEAS-2B细胞对RSV感染不敏感,其中16HBE最不敏感。本研究可为选择合适的上皮细胞进行RSV相关研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis patients are highly susceptible to infections with non-tuberculous mycobacteria. Especially Mycobacterium abscessus infections are common but reliable diagnosis is hampered by non-specific clinical symptoms and insensitive mycobacterial culture. In the present study we established novel methods for rapid detection and immune characterization of Mycobacterium abscessus infection in cystic fibrosis patients. We performed Mycobacterium abscessus specific DNA-strip- and quantitative PCR-based analyses of non-cultured sputum samples to detect and characterize Mycobacterium abscessus infections. Concomitantly in vitro T-cell reactivation with purified protein derivatives (PPDs) from different mycobacterial species was used to determine Mycobacterium abscessus specific T-cell cytokine expression of infected cystic fibrosis patients. Four of 35 cystic fibrosis patients (11.4%) were Mycobacterium abscessus culture positive and showed concordant DNA-strip-test results. Quantitative PCR revealed marked differences of mycobacterial burden between cystic fibrosis patients and during disease course. Tandem-repeat analysis classified distinct Mycobacterium abscessus strains of infected cystic fibrosis patients and excluded patient-to-patient transmission. Mycobacterium abscessus specific T-cells were detected in the blood of cystic fibrosis patients with confirmed chronic infection and a subgroup of patients without evidence of Mycobacterium abscessus infection. Comparison of cytokine expression and phenotypic markers revealed increased proportions of CD40L positive T-cells that lack Interleukin-2 expression as a marker for chronic Mycobacterium abscessus infections in cystic fibrosis patients. Direct sputum examination enabled rapid diagnosis and quantification of Mycobacterium abscessus in cystic fibrosis patients. T-cell in vitro reactivation and cytokine expression analyses may contribute to diagnosis of chronic Mycobacterium abscessus infection.  相似文献   

Respiratory virus infections in the elderly result in increased rates of hospitalization and death. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of severe virus-induced respiratory disease in individuals over the age of 65. CD8 T cells play a critical role in mediating RSV clearance. While it is clear that T cell immunity declines with age, it is not clear to what extent the CD8 T cell response to RSV is altered. Using aged BALB/c mice, we demonstrated that RSV-specific CD8 T cell responses were significantly reduced in the lungs of aged mice at the peak of the T cell response and that this decrease correlated with delayed viral clearance. Despite a decrease in the overall numbers of RSV-specific CD8 T cells during acute infection, their capacity to produce effector cytokines was not impaired. Following viral clearance, the RSV-specific memory CD8 T cells were similar in total number and phenotype in young and aged mice. Furthermore, following infection with a heterologous pathogen expressing an RSV epitope, RSV-specific memory CD8 T cells exhibited similar activation and ability to provide early control of the infection in young and aged mice. These data demonstrate a decrease in the capacity of aged mice to induce a high-magnitude acute CD8 T cell response, leading to prolonged viral replication, which may contribute to the increased disease severity of RSV infection observed for aged individuals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to search for lipid signatures in blood plasma from cystic fibrosis (CF) patients using a novel MALDI-TOF-ClinProTools™ strategy, initially developed for protein analysis, and thin layer chromatography coupled to MALDI-TOF (TLC-MALDI). Samples from 33 CF patients and 18 healthy children were subjected to organic extraction and column chromatography separation of lipid classes. Extracts were analyzed by MALDI-TOF, ion signatures were compared by the ClinProTools™ software and by parallel statistical analyses. Relevant peaks were identified by LC-MSn. The ensemble of analyses provided 11 and 4 peaks differentially displayed in CF vs healthy and in mild vs severe patients respectively. Ten ions were significantly decreased in all patients, corresponding to 4 lysophosphatidylcholine (18∶0, 18∶2, 20∶3, and 20∶5) and 6 phosphatidylcholine (36∶5, O-38∶0, 38∶4, 38∶5, 38∶6, and P-40∶1) species. One sphingolipid, SM(d18∶0), was significantly increased in all patients. Four PC forms (36∶3, 36∶5, 38∶5, and 38∶6) were consistently downregulated in severe vs mild patients. These observations were confirmed by TLC-MALDI. These results suggest that plasma phospholipid signatures may be able to discriminate mild and severe forms of CF, and show for the first time MALDI-TOF-ClinProTools™ as a suitable methodology for the search of lipid markers in CF.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of GSTM1 and GSTP1 genes was studied in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases (CBPD) living in Bashkortostan. A combination of certain GSTM1 and GSTP1 genotypes accompanied by severe mutations inCFTRgene proved to intensify a pathologic process in respiratory organs of patients with CF; a combination of the normal GSTM1 and heterozygous I/V GSTP1 genotypes is the most favorable (OR = 4.49; 2 = 11.53, P < 0.002). In patients with CBPD, a combination of the GSTM1null genotype and the homozygous GSTP1 V/V genotype is the most common (5.5% versus 1.3% in control; 2 = 3.01, P = 0.08). The frequency of this genotype is highest in groups of patients with recurrent bronchitis (8.1%; P = 0.07; OR = 6.75) and bronchiectatic disease (BED) (9.1%, P > 0.10, OR = 7.65). A combination of the null GSTM1 andI/V GSTP1 genotypes was found in 40.0% of patients with chronic nonobstructive bronchitis (2 = 4.87; P = 0.03; OR = 4.03). Among patients with BED, a proportion of individuals with the normal GSTM1 and I/V GSTP1 genotypes was increased (36.4% versus 19.4% in control). In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the frequencies of the GSTM1 and GSTP1 genotype combinations virtually did not differ from those in the control group suggesting that COPD severity is not related to changes in activities of glutathione S-transferases M1 and P1.  相似文献   

Sputum from patients with acute exacerbation of respiratory infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was observed under the electron microscope. External to the cell wall of P. aeruginosa a granular, electron-dense material was observed which is suggestive of capsule. It is supposed that stabilization of capsule occurred by the host antibody, which was produced due to chronic infection by P. aeruginosa. Mucoid type of microcolonies were observed with a fibrous matrix of exopolysaccharide. Other types of microcolonies were surrounded by granular substances or fine fibers. Neutrophil was found to be partially surrounding the microcolony in an attempt to defense. Debris was formed mainly by the destruction of the neutrophil. Most neutrophils were found full of phagocytosed debris; in contrast only a few neutrophils were found to have phagocytosed P. aeruginosa. This study concludes that instead of phagocytosing bacteria, neutrophil phagocytosed debris and bacteria were not completely eradicated. Therefore, this might be one of the factors in the pathogenesis of respiratory infection and persistent colonization by P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

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