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Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is frequently observed in severe asthma but the causal link between the 2 diseases remains hypothetical. The role of OSA-related systemic and airway neutrophilic inflammation in asthma bronchial inflammation or remodelling has been rarely investigated. The aim of this study was to compare hallmarks of inflammation in induced sputum and features of airway remodelling in bronchial biopsies from adult patients with severe asthma with and without OSA.

Materials and Methods

An overnight polygraphy was performed in 55 patients referred for difficult-to-treat asthma, who complained of nocturnal respiratory symptoms, poor sleep quality or fatigue. We compared sputum analysis, reticular basement membrane (RBM) thickness, smooth muscle area, vascular density and inflammatory cell infiltration in bronchial biopsies.


In total, 27/55 patients (49%) had OSA diagnosed by overnight polygraphy. Despite a moderate increase in apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI; 14.2±1.6 event/h [535]), the proportion of sputum neutrophils was higher and that of macrophages lower in OSA than non-OSA patients, with higher levels of interleukin 8 and matrix metalloproteinase 9. The RBM was significantly thinner in OSA than non-OSA patients (5.8±0.4 vs. 7.8±0.4 μm, p<0.05). RBM thickness and OSA severity assessed by the AHI were negatively correlated (rho = -0.65, p<0.05). OSA and non-OSA patients did not differ in age, sex, BMI, lung function, asthma control findings or treatment.


Mild OSA in patients with severe asthma is associated with increased proportion of neutrophils in sputum and changes in airway remodelling.  相似文献   



Children with severe asthma have poor symptom control and elevated markers of airway oxidative and nitrosative stress. Paradoxically, they have decreased airway levels of S-nitrosothiols (SNOs), a class of endogenous airway smooth muscle relaxants. This deficiency results from increased activity of an enzyme that both reduces SNOs to ammonia and oxidizes formaldehyde to formic acid, a volatile carboxylic acid that is more easily detected in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) than SNOs. We therefore hypothesize that depletion of airway SNOs is related to asthma pathology, and breath formate concentration may be a proxy measure of SNO catabolism.

Methods and Findings

We collected EBC samples from children and adolescents, including 38 with severe asthma, 46 with mild-to-moderate asthma and 16 healthy adolescent controls, and the concentration of ionic constituents was quantified using ion chromatography. The concentrations of EBC components with volatile conjugates were log-normally distributed. Formate was the principal ion that displayed a significant difference between asthma status classifications. The mean EBC formate concentration was 40% higher in samples collected from all asthmatics than from healthy controls (mean = 5.7 µM, mean±standard deviation = 3.1−10.3 µM vs. 4.0, 2.8−5.8 µM, p = 0.05). EBC formate was higher in severe asthmatics than in mild-to-moderate asthmatics (6.8, 3.7−12.3 µM vs. 4.9, 2.8−8.7 µM, p = 0.012). In addition, formate concentration was negatively correlated with methacholine PC20 (r = −0.39, p = 0.002, asthmatics only), and positively correlated with the NO-derived ion nitrite (r = 0.46, p<0.0001) as well as with total serum IgE (r = 0.28, p = 0.016, asthmatics only). Furthermore, formate was not significantly correlated with other volatile organic acids nor with inhaled corticosteroid dose.


We conclude that EBC formate concentration is significantly higher in the breath of children with asthma than in those without asthma. In addition, amongst asthmatics, formate is elevated in the breath of those with severe asthma compared to those with mild-to-moderate asthma. We suggest that this difference is related to asthma pathology and may be a product of increased catabolism of endogenous S-nitrosothiols.  相似文献   

Nocturnal asthma is an important part of asthma as the majority of patients with asthma have nocturnal worsening in lung function. The etiology of this process is multifactorial and interactive. There are many naturally occurring circadian rhythms, which for the normal individual have only a minor effect on lung function. However, in the asthmatic patient, these day-to-night alterations produce increased airway inflammation and worsening of asthma. Although asthma is considered an airway disease, the location of the inflammatory response may be greater in the alveolar tissue area. If correct, this could alter the therapeutic approach to this disease.  相似文献   



Very few studies have investigated the relationship between malnutrition and psychological symptoms in Anorexia Nervosa (AN). They have used only body weight or body mass index (BMI) for the nutritional assessment and did not always report on medication, or if they did, it was not included in the analysis of results, and they did not include confounding factors such as duration of illness, AN subtype or age. The present study investigates this relationship using indicators other than BMI/weight, among which body composition and biological markers, also considering potential confounders related to depression and anxiety.


155 AN patients, (DSM-IV) were included consecutively upon admission to inpatient treatment. Depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviours and social functioning were measured using various scales. Nutritional status was measured using BMI, severity of weight loss, body composition, and albumin and prealbumin levels.


No correlation was found between BMI at inclusion, fat-free mass index, fat mass index, and severity of weight loss and any of the psychometric scores. Age and medication are the only factors that affect the psychological scores. None of the psychological scores were explained by the nutritional indicators with the exception of albumin levels which was negatively linked to the LSAS fear score (p = 0.024; beta = −0.225). Only the use of antidepressants explained the variability in BDI scores (p = 0.029; beta = 0.228) and anxiolytic use explained the variability in HADs depression scores (p = 0.037; beta = 0.216).


The present study is a pioneer investigation of various nutritional markers in relation to psychological symptoms in severely malnourished AN patients. The clinical hypothesis that malnutrition partly causes depression and anxiety symptoms in AN in acute phase is not confirmed, and future studies are needed to back up our results.  相似文献   

Bacterial communities in the airways of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are, as in other ecological niches, influenced by autogenic and allogenic factors. However, our understanding of microbial colonization in younger versus older CF airways and the association with pulmonary function is rudimentary at best. Using a phylogenetic microarray, we examine the airway microbiota in age stratified CF patients ranging from neonates (9 months) to adults (72 years). From a cohort of clinically stable patients, we demonstrate that older CF patients who exhibit poorer pulmonary function possess more uneven, phylogenetically-clustered airway communities, compared to younger patients. Using longitudinal samples collected form a subset of these patients a pattern of initial bacterial community diversification was observed in younger patients compared with a progressive loss of diversity over time in older patients. We describe in detail the distinct bacterial community profiles associated with young and old CF patients with a particular focus on the differences between respective “early” and “late” colonizing organisms. Finally we assess the influence of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR) mutation on bacterial abundance and identify genotype-specific communities involving members of the Pseudomonadaceae, Xanthomonadaceae, Moraxellaceae and Enterobacteriaceae amongst others. Data presented here provides insights into the CF airway microbiota, including initial diversification events in younger patients and establishment of specialized communities of pathogens associated with poor pulmonary function in older patient populations.  相似文献   



Pulmonary exacerbations (PEx), frequently associated with airway infection and inflammation, are the leading cause of morbidity in cystic fibrosis (CF). Molecular microbiologic approaches detect complex microbiota from CF airway samples taken during PEx. The relationship between airway microbiota, inflammation, and lung function during CF PEx is not well understood.


To determine the relationships between airway microbiota, inflammation, and lung function in CF subjects treated for PEx.


Expectorated sputum and blood were collected and lung function testing performed in CF subjects during early (0–3d.) and late treatment (>7d.) for PEx. Sputum was analyzed by culture, pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA amplicons, and quantitative PCR for total and specific bacteria. Sputum IL-8 and neutrophil elastase (NE); and circulating C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured.


Thirty-seven sputum samples were collected from 21 CF subjects. At early treatment, lower diversity was associated with high relative abundance (RA) of Pseudomonas (r = −0.67, p<0.001), decreased FEV1% predicted (r = 0.49, p = 0.03) and increased CRP (r = −0.58, p = 0.01). In contrast to Pseudomonas, obligate and facultative anaerobic genera were associated with less inflammation and higher FEV1. With treatment, Pseudomonas RA and P. aeruginosa by qPCR decreased while anaerobic genera showed marked variability in response. Change in RA of Prevotella was associated with more variability in FEV1 response to treatment than Pseudomonas or Staphylococcus.


Anaerobes identified from sputum by sequencing are associated with less inflammation and higher lung function compared to Pseudomonas at early exacerbation. CF PEx treatment results in variable changes of anaerobic genera suggesting the need for larger studies particularly of patients without traditional CF pathogens.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA) is a large (>1500 kDa) polysaccharide of the extracellular matrix that has been linked to severity and inflammation in asthma. During inflammation, HA becomes covalently modified with heavy chains (HC-HA) from inter-α-inhibitor (IαI), which functions to increase its avidity for leukocytes. Our murine model of allergic pulmonary inflammation suggested that HC-HA may contribute to inflammation, adversely effecting lower airway remodeling and asthma severity. Our objective was to characterize the levels of HA and HC-HA in asthmatic subjects and to correlate these levels with asthma severity. We determined the levels and distribution of HA and HC-HA (i) from asthmatic and control lung tissue, (ii) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained from non-severe and severe asthmatics and controls, and (iii) in serum and urine from atopic asthmatics after an experimental asthma exacerbation. HC-HA distribution was observed (i) in the thickened basement membrane of asthmatic lower airways, (ii) around smooth muscle cells of the asthmatic submucosa, and (iii) around reserve cells of the asthmatic epithelium. Patients with severe asthma had increased HA levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid that correlated with pulmonary function and nitric oxide levels, whereas HC-HA was only observed in a patient with non-severe asthma. After an experimental asthma exacerbation, serum HA was increased within 4 h after challenge and remained elevated through 5 days after challenge. Urine HA and HC-HA were not significantly different. These data implicate HA and HC-HA in the pathogenesis of asthma severity that may occur in part due to repetitive asthma exacerbations over the course of the disease.  相似文献   

过敏性哮喘的发病率呈上升趋势。使用了几十年的主要治疗药物肾上腺糖皮质激素副作用较大,因此发现好的预防和治疗方法成为迫切要解决的问题。动物模型是研究人类疾病的重要手段,但不少疑难病的发病机理不明确,因而制备的动物模型和人类疾病的相似度有差异。但I型变态反应作为过敏性哮喘的发病机理是比较明确的,据此制备的动物模型和人类的哮喘就有很高的相近度,结果的可信度就较高。本文回顾了哮喘动物模型制备的基本方法和某些重要的细节。着重讨论了当今最常用的气道高反应性模型的优劣。如果综合运用不同特点的模型尤其是能观察记录哮喘发作全过程包括速发和迟发反应的模型,将可以更直接地探索哮喘发病过程和治疗药物。对气道重塑及基因敲除和转基因技术在动物模型中的研究和使用也做了一般性论述。动物模型将是一个有力的工具为最后有效地预防和治疗过敏性哮喘找到突破口。  相似文献   

气道上皮细胞在哮喘中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代医学的发展,人们对支气管哮喘发病机制的研究有了进一步发展.支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)是一种由多种细胞,多种细胞因子参与形成的慢性气道炎症性疾病.支气管上皮细胞是气道结构细胞,它是抵抗外界损伤因素的第一道防线,当吸人性刺激物质时,首先激化支气管上皮细胞并破坏支气管上皮细胞的正常结构和生理功能,在应激状态下的上皮细胞通过分泌炎性介质与自身细胞或其他气道结构细胞、炎性细胞、抗原递呈细胞等相互作用,积极参与哮喘的气道慢性炎症发生与发展进程.因此气道上皮损伤是影响哮喘发生发展的重要因素,阐明维持气道上皮正常结构和功能的分子机制是目前防治哮喘的重要课题.本文综述气道上皮在哮喘发生发展中的作用及相关机制研究进展.  相似文献   

Although safe doses of radiation have been determined, concerns about the harmful effects of low-dose radiation persist. In particular, to date, few studies have investigated the correlation between low-dose radiation and disease development. Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory airway disease that is recognized as a major public health problem. In this study, we evaluated the effects of low-dose-rate chronic irradiation on allergic asthma in a murine model. Mice were sensitized and airway-challenged with ovalbumin (OVA) and were exposed to continuous low-dose-rate irradiation (0.554 or 1.818 mGy/h) for 24 days after initial sensitization. The effects of chronic radiation on proinflammatory cytokines and the activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) were investigated. Exposure to low-dose-rate chronic irradiation significantly decreased the number of inflammatory cells, methylcholine responsiveness (PenH value), and the levels of OVA-specific immunoglobulin E, interleukin (IL)-4, and IL-5. Furthermore, airway inflammation and the mucus production in lung tissue were attenuated and elevated MMP-9 expression and activity induced by OVA challenge were significantly suppressed. These results indicate that low-dose-rate chronic irradiation suppresses allergic asthma induced by OVA challenge and does not exert any adverse effects on asthma development. Our findings can potentially provide toxicological guidance for the safe use of radiation and relieve the general anxiety about exposure to low-dose radiation.  相似文献   

Asthma is characterized by airway hyper-responsiveness, inflammation, and reversible obstruction. Respiratory tract infection, allergies, air pollution, and psychosocial factors impact the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms. Pharmacotherapy and self-care are the major components in the management of asthma, but behavioral interventions also have the potential to affect asthma morbidity. We conducted a small, randomized controlled study, examining the effects of biofeedback-assisted relaxation in 16 nonsmokers with nonsteroid-dependent mild asthma. Data were collected on asthma symptoms, pulmonary function, indicators of arousal, and cellular immune factors. The trained group evidenced a decrease in forehead muscle tension in comparison to the controls, but no changes in peripheral skin temperature. Decreases in asthma severity and bronchodilator medication usage for the experimental group were observed. Pulmonary function testing revealed a significant difference between groups in FEV1/FVC at posttest, with the E group having a higher ratio than the controls. The cellular immune data showed no significant group differences in total white blood cell or lymphocyte counts, but decreases over time were observed. Significant differences were observed in the numbers of neutrophils and basophils in the trained group compared to controls, which supports the concept of decreased inflammation. Results of delayed-type hypersensitivity skin testing suggested enhanced function, but they were not conclusive. These findings, though limited by size of population, suggest a positive effect of biofeedback-assisted relaxation in young, nonsteroid-dependent asthmatics. The mechanisms underlying linkages between psychological, behavioral, and immune responses in asthma require further study.  相似文献   

Bronchial thermoplasty is a non-drug procedure for severe persistent asthma that delivers thermal energy to the airway wall in a precisely controlled manner to reduce excessive airway smooth muscle. Reducing airway smooth muscle decreases the ability of the airways to constrict, thereby reducing the frequency of asthma attacks. Bronchial thermoplasty is delivered by the Alair System and is performed in three outpatient procedure visits, each scheduled approximately three weeks apart. The first procedure treats the airways of the right lower lobe, the second treats the airways of the left lower lobe and the third and final procedure treats the airways in both upper lobes. After all three procedures are performed the bronchial thermoplasty treatment is complete.Bronchial thermoplasty is performed during bronchoscopy with the patient under moderate sedation. All accessible airways distal to the mainstem bronchi between 3 and 10 mm in diameter, with the exception of the right middle lobe, are treated under bronchoscopic visualization. Contiguous and non-overlapping activations of the device are used, moving from distal to proximal along the length of the airway, and systematically from airway to airway as described previously. Although conceptually straightforward, the actual execution of bronchial thermoplasty is quite intricate and procedural duration for the treatment of a single lobe is often substantially longer than encountered during routine bronchoscopy. As such, bronchial thermoplasty should be considered a complex interventional bronchoscopy and is intended for the experienced bronchoscopist. Optimal patient management is critical in any such complex and longer duration bronchoscopic procedure. This article discusses the importance of careful patient selection, patient preparation, patient management, procedure duration, postoperative care and follow-up to ensure that bronchial thermoplasty is performed safely.Bronchial thermoplasty is expected to complement asthma maintenance medications by providing long-lasting asthma control and improving asthma-related quality of life of patients with severe asthma. In addition, bronchial thermoplasty has been demonstrated to reduce severe exacerbations (asthma attacks) emergency rooms visits for respiratory symptoms, and time lost from work, school and other daily activities due to asthma.Download video file.(90M, mov)  相似文献   

目的:探讨咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)患者小气道功能检查对其诊断,治疗的意义。方法:对254例以慢性咳嗽为主的患者行肺功能检查并行支气管激发试验,回顾性分析小气道病变及气道高反应性检查结果与咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)的相关性。结果:有小气道功能障碍者接受吸入乙酰甲胆碱激发试验,气道反应性明显增高。有小气道功能障碍确诊咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)组起始阻力、反应阈值及阻力上升度与非哮喘组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:检查小气道功能障碍有助于哮喘的诊断,治疗及预后随访。  相似文献   

目的:探讨咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)患者小气道功能检查对其诊断,治疗的意义。方法:对254例以慢性咳嗽为主的患者行肺功能检查并行支气管激发试验,回顾性分析小气道病变及气道高反应性检查结果与咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)的相关性。结果:有小气道功能障碍者接受吸入乙酰甲胆碱激发试验,气道反应性明显增高。有小气道功能障碍确诊咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)组起始阻力、反应阈值及阻力上升度与非哮喘组相比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:检查小气道功能障碍有助于哮喘的诊断,治疗及预后随访。  相似文献   



Children with severe neurodisability (ND) commonly suffer from chronic respiratory symptoms that impact greatly on quality of life, and lead to recurrent hospital admissions. This morbidity (and its causes) is poorly described, despite being well recognised by paediatricians. In this study, we characterised respiratory symptoms in children with ND at times of stability and deterioration. We also assessed the relationship between respiratory symptoms, lower airway inflammatory markers and levels of infection/colonisation.


ND children were recruited upon admission for elective surgery (Elective-ND [n = 16]), or acutely upon admission to Intensive Care (PICU-ND [n = 19]), and compared to healthy control children [n = 12]. Parents completed a validated respiratory symptom questionnaire in which symptoms associated with activity were removed (total maximal score of 108). Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was collected, and BAL neutrophil counts, IL-8 and TGFβ-1 levels measured. BAL microbial analysis was performed using a 16S/18S rRNA gene based assay and Pseudomonas aeruginosa PCR.


All ND children had high levels of respiratory symptoms (median [IQR] symptom score PICU-ND, 55[38-64]; Elective-ND, 26[7-45]; Control, 4[0-7]: p<0.01), which affected their families, particularly at nighttime. Elective-ND patients with a total respiratory symptom score >20 invariably had BAL neutrophilia. Elective patients with 16S/18S microbial rDNA positive BAL had higher neutrophil counts (positive, 33[18-70]%; negative, 8[4-38]%: p<0.05) and generally higher symptom scores (positive, 17[5-32]; negative, 5[0-9]: p = 0.097). Streptococcus mitis was commonly identified in BAL from ND children; Pseudomonas aeruginosa was not identified in any sample.


Children with severe ND often have high levels of chronic respiratory symptoms, which may relate to lower airway inflammation. Bacterial airway colonisation, particularly with oral commensals, may play a role in both symptom generation and inflammation.  相似文献   



Airway remodeling is a repair process that occurs after injury resulting in increased airway hyper-responsiveness in asthma. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), a vital cytokine, plays a critical role in orchestrating, perpetuating and amplifying the inflammatory response in asthma. TSLP is also a critical factor in airway remodeling in asthma.


To examine the role of TSLP-induced cellular senescence in airway remodeling of asthma in vitro and in vivo.


Cellular senescence and airway remodeling were examined in lung specimens from patients with asthma using immunohischemical analysis. Both small molecule and shRNA approaches that target the senescent signaling pathways were used to explore the role of cellular senescence in TSLP-induced airway remodeling in vitro. Senescence-Associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) staining, and BrdU assays were used to detect cellular senescence. In addition, the Stat3-targeted inhibitor, WP1066, was evaluated in an asthma mouse model to determine if inhibiting cellular senescence influences airway remodeling in asthma.


Activation of cellular senescence as evidenced by checkpoint activation and cell cycle arrest was detected in airway epithelia samples from patients with asthma. Furthermore, TSLP-induced cellular senescence was required for airway remodeling in vitro. In addition, a mouse asthma model indicates that inhibiting cellular senescence blocks airway remodeling and relieves airway resistance.


TSLP stimulation can induce cellular senescence during airway remodeling in asthma. Inhibiting the signaling pathways of cellular senescence overcomes TSLP-induced airway remodeling.  相似文献   



Identification and characterization of asthma phenotypes are challenging due to disease complexity and heterogeneity. The Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) used unsupervised cluster analysis to define 5 phenotypically distinct asthma clusters that they replicated using 3 variables in a simplified algorithm. We evaluated whether this simplified SARP algorithm could be used in a separate and diverse urban asthma population to recreate these 5 phenotypic clusters.


The SARP simplified algorithm was applied to adults with asthma recruited to the New York University/Bellevue Asthma Registry (NYUBAR) to classify patients into five groups. The clinical phenotypes were summarized and compared.


Asthma subjects in NYUBAR (n = 471) were predominantly women (70%) and Hispanic (57%), which were demographically different from the SARP population. The clinical phenotypes of the five groups generated by the simplified SARP algorithm were distinct across groups and distributed similarly to those described for the SARP population. Groups 1 and 2 (6 and 63%, respectively) had predominantly childhood onset atopic asthma. Groups 4 and 5 (20%) were older, with the longest duration of asthma, increased symptoms and exacerbations. Group 4 subjects were the most atopic and had the highest peripheral eosinophils. Group 3 (10%) had the least atopy, but included older obese women with adult-onset asthma, and increased exacerbations.


Application of the simplified SARP algorithm to the NYUBAR yielded groups that were phenotypically distinct and useful to characterize disease heterogeneity. Differences across NYUBAR groups support phenotypic variation and support the use of the simplified SARP algorithm for classification of asthma phenotypes in future prospective studies to investigate treatment and outcome differences between these distinct groups.

Trial Registration

Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00212537  相似文献   

由于呼吸道黏膜免疫系统具有很好的防御保护作用和强大的清除病原体的能力,过去学术界曾经一度认为健康机体的肺是无菌的。随着不依赖于体外培养的第二代测序技术的发展,关于肺部共生微生物的结构组成及其免疫调节功能的研究越来越受重视。肺部菌群的结构组成与出生方式、饮食结构、生活环境和抗生素使用等多种因素有关,生命早期的肺部菌群的形成和发育会影响全生命周期的呼吸道疾病的发生和发展。肺部菌群通过与宿主免疫系统相互作用调节肺部免疫稳态,还可以与肠道菌群、呼吸道病毒相互作用影响呼吸道感染。因此,干预生命早期肺部菌群的结构组成可以成为预防和控制呼吸道疾病的有效策略和新靶点。  相似文献   

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