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Adiponectin regulates glucose and fatty-acid metabolism but its role in chronic graft rejection mediated by Th2 cytokines remains ill-defined.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Wild type and adiponectin-null mice were used as graft recipients in mouse MHC class II disparate cardiac transplantation (bm12 toB6) and the graft rejection was monitored. In adiponectin-null mice we observed that the cellular infiltrate of eosinophils, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was reduced in grafts compared to the controls as was collagen deposition and vessel occlusion. A similar outcome was observed for skin transplants except that neutrophil infiltration was increased. Low levels of IL-4 were detected in the grafts and serum. The effect of adiponectin signaling on IL-4 expression was further investigated. Treatment with AMPK and p38 MAPK inhibitors blocked adiponectin enhanced T cell proliferation in mixed lymphocyte reactions. Inhibition of AMPK reduced eosinophil infiltration in skin grafts in wild type recipients and in contrast AMPK activation increased eosinophils in adiponectin-null recipients. The addition of adiponectin increased IL-4 production by the T cell line EL4 with augmented nuclear GATA-3 and phospho-STAT6 expression which were suppressed by knockdown of adiponectin receptor 1 and 2.


Our results demonstrate a direct effect of adiponectin on IL-4 expression which contributes to Th2 cytokine mediated rejection in mouse MHC class II histoincompatible transplants. These results add to our understanding of the interrelationship of metabolism and immune regulation and raise the possibility that AMPK inhibitors may be beneficial in selected types of rejection.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is the causative agent of chytridiomycosis, a fungal skin disease in amphibians and driver of worldwide amphibian declines.We focussed on the early stages of infection by Bd in 3 amphibian species with a differential susceptibility to chytridiomycosis. Skin explants of Alytes muletensis, Litoria caerulea and Xenopus leavis were exposed to Bd in an Ussing chamber for 3 to 5 days. Early interactions of Bd with amphibian skin were observed using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. To validate the observations in vitro, comparison was made with skin from experimentally infected frogs. Additional in vitro experiments were performed to elucidate the process of intracellular colonization in L. caerulea.Early interactions of Bd with amphibian skin are: attachment of zoospores to host skin, zoospore germination, germ tube development, penetration into skin cells, invasive growth in the host skin, resulting in the loss of host cell cytoplasm. Inoculation of A. muletensis and L. caerulea skin was followed within 24 h by endobiotic development, with sporangia located intracellularly in the skin. Evidence is provided of how intracellular colonization is established and how colonization by Bd proceeds to deeper skin layers. Older thalli develop rhizoid-like structures that spread to deeper skin layers, form a swelling inside the host cell to finally give rise to a new thallus.In X. laevis, interaction of Bd with skin was limited to an epibiotic state, with sporangia developing upon the skin. Only the superficial epidermis was affected. Epidermal cells seemed to be used as a nutrient source without development of intracellular thalli. The in vitro data agreed with the results obtained after experimental infection of the studied frog species. These data suggest that the colonization strategy of B. dendrobatidis is host dependent, with the extent of colonization most likely determined by inherent characteristics of the host epidermis.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum infection can cause microvascular dysfunction, cerebral encephalopathy and death if untreated. We have previously shown that high concentrations of free heme, and C-X-C motif chemokine 10 (CXCL10) in sera of malaria patients induce apoptosis in microvascular endothelial and neuronal cells contributing to vascular dysfunction, blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage and mortality. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) are microvascular endothelial cell precursors partly responsible for repair and regeneration of damaged BBB endothelium. Studies have shown that EPC’s are depleted in severe malaria patients, but the mechanisms mediating this phenomenon are unknown. Toll-like receptors recognize a wide variety of pathogen-associated molecular patterns generated by pathogens such as bacteria and parasites. We tested the hypothesis that EPC depletion during malaria pathogenesis is a function of heme-induced apoptosis mediated by CXCL10 induction and toll-like receptor (TLR) activation. Heme and CXCL10 concentrations in plasma obtained from malaria patients were elevated compared with non-malaria subjects. EPC numbers were significantly decreased in malaria patients (P < 0.02) and TLR4 expression was significantly elevated in vivo. These findings were confirmed in EPC precursors in vitro; where it was determined that heme-induced apoptosis and CXCL10 expression was TLR4-mediated. We conclude that increased serum heme mediates depletion of EPC during malaria pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Sitagliptin (SG) increases serum GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1) through inhibition of the hormone degradation. Resistant starch (RS) induces GLP-1 expression by stimulating L-cells in the intestine. Sitagliptin and resistant starch may have a synergistic interaction in the induction of GLP-1. This possibility was tested in current study in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes. Hyperglycemia was induced in the diet-induced obese mice by a signal injection of streptozotocin (STZ). Sitagliptin (0.4g/100g diet) was tested in the mice (n = 55) with dietary RS (HAM-RS2) at three dosages (0, 15, or 28g/100g diet). Energy and glucose metabolism were monitored in the evaluation of synergistic activity, and GLP-1 activity was determined in the GLP-1 receptor knockout (KO) mice. In the wild type mice, body weight and adiposity were reduced by sitagliptin, which was enhanced by RS (28g). Serum GLP-1 was induced and energy expenditure was enhanced by sitagliptin. Fasting glucose, insulin, and leptin levels were decreased by sitagliptin. The sitagliptin effects were lost in the KO mice (n = 25) although induction of serum GLP-1 by sitagliptin was even stronger in KO mice. The data suggests that sitagliptin is able to reduce adiposity and insulin resistance through induction of energy expenditure. The effect of sitagliptin is partially enhanced by RS. GLP-1 receptor may regulate serum GLP-1 by facilitating the hormone clearance.  相似文献   

IL-18 is an important mediator of obstruction-induced renal fibrosis and tubular epithelial cell injury independent of TGF-β1 activity. We sought to determine whether the profibrotic effect of IL-18 is mediated through Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). Male C57BL6 wild type and mice transgenic for human IL-18-binding protein were subjected to left unilateral ureteral obstruction versus sham operation. The kidneys were harvested 1 week postoperatively and analyzed for IL-18 production and TLR4 expression. In a separate arm, renal tubular epithelial cells (HK-2) were directly stimulated with IL-18 in the presence or absence of a TLR4 agonist, TLR4 antagonist, or TLR4 siRNA knockdown. Cell lysates were analyzed for TLR4, α-smooth muscle actin, and E-cadherin expression. TLR4 promotor activity, as well as AP-1 activation and the effect of AP-1 knockdown on TLR4 expression, was evaluated in HK-2 cells in response to IL-18 stimulation. The results demonstrate that IL-18 induces TLR4 expression during unilateral ureteral obstruction and induces TLR4 expression in HK-2 cells via AP-1 activation. Inhibition of TLR4 or knockdown of TLR4 gene expression in turn prevents IL-18-induced profibrotic changes in HK-2 cells. These results suggest that IL-18 induces profibrotic changes in tubular epithelial cells via increased TLR4 expression/signaling.  相似文献   

In biological processes, the balance between positive and negative inputs is critical for an effective physiological response and to prevent disease. A case in point is the germinal center (GC) reaction, wherein high mutational and proliferation rates are accompanied by an obligatory suppression of the DNA repair machinery. Understandably, when the GC reaction goes awry, loss of immune cells or lymphoid cancer ensues. Here, we detail the functional interactions that make microRNA 155 (miR-155) a key part of this process. Upon antigen exposure, miR-155−/− mature B cells displayed significantly higher double-strand DNA break (DSB) accumulation and p53 activation than their miR-155+/+ counterparts. Using B cell-specific knockdown strategies, we confirmed the role of the miR-155 target Aicda (activation-induced cytidine deaminase) in this process and, in combination with a gain-of-function model, unveiled a previously unappreciated role for Socs1 in directly modulating p53 activity and the DNA damage response in B lymphocytes. Thus, miR-155 controls the outcome of the GC reaction by modulating its initiation (Aicda) and termination (Socs1/p53 response), suggesting a mechanism to explain the quantitative defect in germinal center B cells found in mice lacking or overexpressing this miRNA.  相似文献   



Recognition of microorganisms by the innate immune system is mediated by pattern recognition receptors, including Toll-like receptors and cytoplasmic RIG-I-like receptors. Chlamydia, which include several human pathogenic species, are obligate intracellular gram-negative bacteria that replicate in cytoplasmic vacuoles. The infection triggers a host response contributing to both bacterial clearance and tissue damage. For instance, type I interferons (IFN)s have been demonstrated to exacerbate the course of Chlamydial lung infections in mice.

Methods/Principal Findings

Here we show that Chlamydia pneumoniae induces expression of IFN-stimulated genes (ISG)s dependent on recognition by nucleotide-sensing Toll-like receptors and RIG-I-like receptors, localized in endosomes and the cytoplasm, respectively. The ISG response was induced with a delayed kinetics, compared to virus infections, and was dependent on bacterial replication and the bacterial type III secretion system (T3SS).


Activation of the IFN response during C. pneumoniae infection is mediated by intracellular nucleotide-sensing PRRs, which operate through a mechanism dependent on the bacterial T3SS. Strategies to inhibit the chlamydial T3SS may be used to limit the detrimental effects of the type I IFN system in the host response to Chlamydia infection.  相似文献   

Favre and coworkers (Favre et al., Biochimie 73:235–244, 1991) previously reported that the Bordetella pertussis recA gene present at high copy number could promote a low frequency of recombination, but not bacteriophage induction in Escherichia coli RecA mutants. Reexamination of these phenotypes demonstrated that, in contrast to the previous study, when this gene is present at high copy number, it can stimulate a 2- to 4-log frequency of bacteriophage induction in the presence of mitomycin C, but no appreciable spontaneous induction. The cloned gene, whether it was present in high or low copy number, also promoted a low frequency of intrachromosomal recombination of two duplicated genes in Escherichia coli. These results suggest that a high concentration of the B. pertussis RecA protein is required to promote high-frequency mitomycin C-stimulated bacteriophage induction, but it facilitates intrachromosomal recombination at a very low frequency in E. coli RecA mutants. The ability of the B. pertussis RecA protein to promote mitomycin C induction and its inability to appreciably stimulate spontaneous induction of bacteriophage suggest that this protein possesses a unique phenotype compared with other RecA proteins.  相似文献   

FGF19 and FGF21, unique members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family, are hormones that regulate glucose, lipid, and energy homeostasis. Increased hepatocyte proliferation and liver tumor formation have also been observed in FGF19 transgenic mice. Here, we report that, in contrast to FGF19, FGF21 does not induce hepatocyte proliferation in vivo. To identify the mechanism for FGF19-induced hepatocyte proliferation, we explored similarities and differences in receptor specificity between FGF19 and FGF21. We find that although both are able to activate FGF receptors (FGFRs) 1c, 2c, and 3c, only FGF19 activates FGFR4, the predominant receptor in the liver. Using a C-terminal truncation mutant of FGF19 and a series of FGF19/FGF21 chimeric molecules, we determined that amino acids residues 38–42 of FGF19 are sufficient to confer both FGFR4 activation and increased hepatocyte proliferation in vivo to FGF21. These data suggest that activation of FGFR4 is the mechanism whereby FGF19 can increase hepatocyte proliferation and induce hepatocellular carcinoma formation.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, association between the Est1 telomerase subunit and the telomere-binding protein Cdc13 is essential for telomerase to be recruited to its site of action. A current model proposes that Tel1 binding to telomeres marks them for elongation, as the result of phosphorylation of a proposed S/TQ cluster in the telomerase recruitment domain of Cdc13. However, three observations presented here argue against one key aspect of this model. First, the pattern of Cdc13 phosphatase-sensitive isoforms is not altered by loss of Tel1 function or by mutations introduced into two conserved serines (S249 and S255) in the Cdc13 recruitment domain. Second, an interaction between Cdc13 and Est1, as monitored by a two-hybrid assay, is dependent on S255 but Tel1-independent. Finally, a derivative of Cdc13, cdc13–(S/TQ)11→(S/TA)11, in which every potential consensus phosphorylation site for Tel1 has been eliminated, confers nearly wild-type telomere length. These results are inconsistent with a model in which the Cdc13–Est1 interaction is regulated by Tel1-mediated phosphorylation of the Cdc13 telomerase recruitment domain. We propose an alternative model for the role of Tel1 in telomere homeostasis, which is based on the assumption that Tel1 performs the same molecular task at double-strand breaks (DSBs) and chromosome termini.TELOMERE length homeostasis is a highly regulated process that must balance telomere loss (as the result of incomplete replication and/or nucleolytic degradation) with telomeric repeat addition (through the action of telomerase and/or recombination). In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a key regulatory event is recruitment of telomerase to chromosome ends by the telomere end-binding protein Cdc13 (Nugent et al. 1996; Evans and Lundblad 1999; Pennock et al. 2001; Bianchi et al. 2004; Chan et al. 2008). Recruitment relies on a direct interaction between Cdc13 and the Est1 subunit of telomerase (Pennock et al. 2001), which brings the catalytic core of the enzyme to its site of action. Disruption of this interaction, due to mutations in either CDC13 (cdc13-2) or EST1 (est1-60), results in an Est (ever-shorter-telomere) phenotype, as manifested by progressive telomere shortening and an eventual senescence phenotype. The recruitment activity of Cdc13, which resides in a 15-kDa N-terminal domain (Pennock et al. 2001), is sufficient to direct telomerase even to nontelomeric sites (Bianchi et al. 2004). As predicted by the recruitment model, association of telomerase with telomeres is greatly reduced in strains expressing the recruitment-defective cdc13-2 allele (Chan et al. 2008).Telomerase action at individual telomeres is highly regulated. Using an assay that monitors telomere addition at single nucleotide resolution (single telomere extension, STEX), Lingner and colleagues showed that only ∼7% of telomeres with wild-type (i.e., 300 bp) length are elongated by telomerase during a single cell cycle (Teixeira et al. 2004). However, as telomere length declines, the extension frequency increases: ∼20% of telomeres 200 bp in length and >40% of 100-bp-long telomeres are elongated (Teixeira et al. 2004; Arneric and Lingner 2007). The mechanism by which telomerase distinguishes short from long telomeres has been the subject of intense investigation. Work from a number of laboratories has led to the proposal that Tel1-dependent phosphorylation of Cdc13 at underelongated telomeres mediates the interaction between Cdc13 and the telomerase-associated Est1 protein, thus ensuring that telomerase is directed to the shortest telomeres in a population. In support of this model, the Est1 and Est2 telomerase subunits exhibit enhanced association with telomeres that have been artificially shortened, whereas Cdc13 displays length-independent association with telomeres (Bianchi and Shore 2007; Sabourin et al. 2007). This suggests that the preferential elongation of shorter telomeres is controlled at the level of recruitment of the telomerase holoenzyme by Cdc13. Furthermore, efficient association of Est1 and Est2 with chromosome ends requires Tel1 and Mre11 (which acts in the same pathway as Tel1 for telomere length regulation; Nugent et al. 1998; Ritchie and Petes 2000) but not Mec1 (Takata et al. 2005; Goudsouzian et al. 2006). Tel1 itself is also telomere bound (Takata et al. 2004), with enhanced binding to shorter telomeres (Bianchi and Shore 2007; Hector et al. 2007; Sabourin et al. 2007; Abdallah et al. 2009), although there is considerable controversy over the degree and timing of Tel1 association with chromosome termini during the cell cycle. As expected for a key regulator of the interaction between Cdc13 and a telomerase subunit, a tel1-Δ strain has short telomeres (Lustig and Petes 1986), although telomere length is not impaired enough to confer the Est phenotype displayed by cdc13-2 and est1-60 strains.Implicit in the above proposal is that Cdc13 must be a direct substrate of Tel1. In support of this, Teng and colleagues reported several years ago that the recruitment domain of Cdc13 has a cluster of potential Tel1 (and/or Mec1) phosphorylation sites (Tseng et al. 2006). Substrates of the DNA damage kinases often contain several closely spaced phosphorylation sites, termed S/TQ cluster domains (SCDs), which are considered a structural hallmark of many DNA damage-response proteins (Traven and Heierhorst 2005). On the basis of in vitro kinase assays with GST fusions to 75- to 90-amino-acid portions of the Cdc13 recruitment domain, Tseng et al. 2006 concluded that four SQ sites in the recruitment domain of Cdc13 are overlapping substrates for both Tel1 and Mec1, leading to the proposal that telomerase recruitment in S. cerevisiae is regulated by Tel1-dependent phosphorylation of Cdc13.The above model makes a key prediction: in a tel1-Δ strain, telomerase should no longer exhibit a length-dependent pattern of elongation. However, preferential elongation of short telomeres still occurs at native chromosome ends in the absence of Tel1 (Arneric and Lingner 2007). In addition, Petes and colleagues have argued, on the basis of epistasis data, that Tel1 performs an indirect role in the telomerase pathway, rather than directly targeting a telomerase regulator (Ritchie et al. 1999; Ritchie and Petes 2000). These observations are not easily explained, if preferential recognition of short telomeres by telomerase is mediated by Tel1-dependent phosphorylation of Cdc13. In this current study, we have re-examined the evidence for phosphorylation of Cdc13 as a regulatory mechanism for telomere length homeostasis. We report on a series of observations that indicate that Tel1 contributes to telomere length control through a mechanism other than phosphorylation of the Cdc13 S/TQ cluster.  相似文献   



The uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is a hallmark of brown adipocytes and pivotal for cold- and diet-induced thermogenesis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we report that cyclooxygenase (COX) activity and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) are crucially involved in induction of UCP1 expression in inguinal white adipocytes, but not in classic interscapular brown adipocytes. Cold-induced expression of UCP1 in inguinal white adipocytes was repressed in COX2 knockout (KO) mice and by administration of the COX inhibitor indomethacin in wild-type mice. Indomethacin repressed β-adrenergic induction of UCP1 expression in primary inguinal adipocytes. The use of PGE2 receptor antagonists implicated EP4 as a main PGE2 receptor, and injection of the stable PGE2 analog (EP3/4 agonist) 16,16 dm PGE2 induced UCP1 expression in inguinal white adipose tissue. Inhibition of COX activity attenuated diet-induced UCP1 expression and increased energy efficiency and adipose tissue mass in obesity-resistant mice kept at thermoneutrality.


Our findings provide evidence that induction of UCP1 expression in white adipose tissue, but not in classic interscapular brown adipose tissue is dependent on cyclooxygenase activity. Our results indicate that cyclooxygenase-dependent induction of UCP1 expression in white adipose tissues is important for diet-induced thermogenesis providing support for a surprising role of COX activity in the control of energy balance and obesity development.  相似文献   

SDF-2 is a peptide released by prestalk cells during culmination that stimulates prespore cells to encapsulate. Genetic evidence indicates that the response is dependent on the dhkA gene. This gene encodes a member of the histidine kinase family of genes that functions in two-component signal transduction pathways. The sequence of the N-terminal half of DhkA predicts two hydrophobic domains separated by a 310-amino-acid loop that could bind a ligand. By inserting MYC6 epitopes into DhkA, we were able to show that the loop is extracellular while the catalytic domain is cytoplasmic. Cells expressing the MYC epitope in the extracellular domain of DhkA were found to respond only if induced with 100-fold-higher levels of SDF-2 than required to induce dhkA+ cells; however, they could be induced to sporulate by addition of antibodies specific to the MYC epitope. To examine the enzymatic activity of DhkA, we purified the catalytic domain following expression in bacteria and observed incorporation of labelled phosphate from ATP consistent with histidine autophosphorylation. Site-directed mutagenesis of histidine1395 to glutamine in the catalytic domain blocked autophosphorylation. Furthermore, genetic analyses showed that histidine1395 and the relay aspartate2075 of DhkA are both critical to its function but that another histidine kinase, DhkB, can partially compensate for the lack of DhkA activity. Sporulation is drastically reduced in double mutants lacking both DhkA and DhkB. Suppressor studies indicate that the cyclic AMP (cAMP) phosphodiesterase RegA and the cAMP-dependent protein kinase PKA act downstream of DhkA.  相似文献   

The matricellular SPARC family member hevin (SPARC-like 1/SPARCL-1/SC1/Mast9) contributes to neural development and alters tumor progression in a range of mammalian models. The distribution of hevin in mouse tissues was reexamined with a novel monoclonal antibody that discriminates between hevin and its ortholog SPARC. We now report proteolysis of hevin in many tissues, with the most extensive processing in the brain. We demonstrate a cleavage site within the hevin sequence for the neural tissue proteinase ADAMTS4. Digestion of hevin by ADAMTS4 in vitro produced fragments similar to those present in brain lysates. Monoclonal antibodies revealed a SPARC-like fragment generated from hevin that was co-localized with ADAMTS4 in vivo. We show that proteolysis of hevin by ADAMTS4 in the mouse cerebellum is important for the normal development of this tissue. In conclusion, we have identified the fragmentation of hevin by ADAMTS4 in the mouse brain and propose that this specific proteolysis is integral to cell morphology and extracellular matrix deposition in the developing brain.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞发挥效应的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调节性T细胞是一群具有免疫调节(或免疫抑制)作用的细胞,Foxp3 CD4 CD25 调节性T细胞约占CD4 T细胞的5% ̄15%,主要是CD4 CD8-CD25-单阳性胸腺细胞在胸腺的自然选择过程中产生的,也可以通过外周诱导而产生。它通过细胞接触依赖机制和抑制性细胞因子依赖机制主动抑制自身免疫T细胞的活化,维持自稳状态。现对Foxp3 CD4 CD25 T细胞群的一些特征性分子在其效应机制中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

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