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Forest responses to the large-scale east coast fires in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The east coast forest fires of April 2000 were Koreas largest recorded fires. This, along with the fact that they took place in the region most frequently affected by fire, attracted a great deal of attention. Due to the variations in wind, topography and pre-fire forest stands, a heterogeneous landscape mosaic of burn severity was created across the region. It turned out to be an excellent opportunity to study various landscape-scale impacts of fires on forest dynamics. Therefore, we investigated stands in the 23794ha of burned forest region, in terms of burn severity, vegetation regeneration and forested landscape change as a measure of community stability. Using the geographic information system technique, we analyzed the differential severity and post-fire recovery of pre-fire forest types of different stand age both at stand and species level. Analysis showed that pre-fire vegetation was composed of mainly pine (Pinus densiflora) stands that occupied 70% of the whole forested area, while pine-hardwood and hardwood stands occupied only 28% and 3%, respectively. In addition, two-thirds of all stands were less than 30-years-old. Pine stands were the most severely burned, while conversely pine-hardwood and hardwood stands were less vulnerable. This implied that pine forests had fire-prone characteristics. Vegetation recovery went the opposite way; that is, the regenerating vegetation cover was 71% at pre-fire hardwood stands, and 65% and 53% at pine-hardwood and pine stands, respectively. However, these recovery rates were strikingly fast, considering that investigation took place about 3months after the fires. Fire did not initiate successional processes, but tended to accelerate the predicted successional changes by releasing pre-fire understory species that survived the fires and regenerated by sprouting. The dominant pre-fire tree species (P. densiflora) was susceptible to fire and not resilient enough to reestablish in competition with oak species. Contrary to pines, the abilities of oak species, mainly Quercus mongolica and Q. variabilis, to survive fires and to resprout vigorously made them dominant at most post-fire stands. These shifts in species abundance caused drastic changes to the landscape: from pine-dominated to oak-dominated stands without any notable change in species composition. The patterns in forest regeneration that we observed in Korea may be representative of forest responses to any long-term repeated disturbances, including fire.  相似文献   

马闯  杨竟艺  高云昌  龙鸿  于玮玮 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1306-1314
为探究八仙山保护区不同类型森林群落的更新潜力、多样性程度以及稳定性水平,阐明三者间的关系,该文以保护区内油松林、蒙古栎林和油松-栓皮栎混交林(松栎混交林)3种不同类型天然次生林为对象,调查建群种径级结构和更新潜力,计算不同层次群落多样性,测定M.Godron稳定性,并采用主成分法建立评价模型.结果表明:(1)油松种群径...  相似文献   

The fungal succession on pine cones on the floor ofPinus densiflora forest was investigated in the early decomposition process (within ca. 30% decrease in dry weight). The fungal flora was examined by both washing and surface-sterilization methods on artificially placed cones and naturally fallen cones. The decomposition rates of artificially placed cones were 0.081–0.082 yr–1. On withered cones still attached to the tree,Pestalotiopsis spp. were dominant. These fungi also occurred with higher frequencies after cones had lain on the floor and on cones in the L and FH horizons.Xylaria sp. andPhomopsis sp., which seem to colonize the interior of the tissue, occurred with higher frequencies on the cones on the tree, but their occurrence frequencies decreased after cones had lain on the forest floor. Conversely,Mortierella spp. andTrichoderma spp. newly occurred or their occurrence frequencies increased on lying cones. Of these,Trichoderma koningii increased rapidly and showed high occurrence frequencies.Thysanophora penicillioides, which prefers coniferous substrates, showed higher occurrence frequencies in the early stages of lying on the forest floor. On cones lying on the floor, the fungal flora did not significantly change during the investigation period.  相似文献   

Landscape change in rural ecosystems is a major global issue because they are an important ecological and socio-cultural resource. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the driving forces behind landscape changes. Changes in the patterns and processes of landscape mosaics and vegetation community in two rural areas (Teokdong-ri, TD and Teokseong-ri, TS) in Korea were studied between 1988 and 2002. Quantitative data of vegetation community, landscape mosaics, and local statistics of the two study areas were analyzed. Agricultural efficiency increased even decreasing household population and the agricultural area. In both areas, as the human dependence on natural resources decreased, the patterns and processes of landscape mosaics and forest structure were changed due to changing human impacts on land use. Owing to the abandonment of forest management for 14 years, the spatial heterogeneity of TD significantly increased more than that of TS. In detrended correspondence analysis ordination, floristic compositions of forest patches of two areas were unevenly located on the ordination axes. Pinus densiflora communities of both areas in 1988 were separately located in 2002 as two directions according to management intensity. The species composition of P. densiflora in one direction of 1988 became similar to those of Quercus forests in 2002. This may be because species composition of P. densiflora has been influenced due to changed habitat environments. Finally, we concluded that the development of forest communities and vegetation succession predicted the spatial pattern of future landscape mosaics and due to the vegetation dynamics of rural ecosystems in Korea.Nomenclature: Miyawaki et al. (1994), Lee (1993), and Lee (1998) for identifying plant species.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of rainwater is altered upon its passage through tree canopies. In order to investigate how rainwater chemistry is affected by canopy-dependent processes in characteristic forest types of Northwest German sandy lowland regions – oak–birch-forests, Betula pubescens Ehrh. swamp forests, and stands of Pinus sylvestris L. – comparative studies on the chemical composition of throughfall were carried out at seven forest sites, situated in close proximity within a nature reserve. Additionally, rainwater was sampled at three heathland sites for analysis of open-field precipitation and at three sites along an oak–birch-forest edge. Throughfall concentrations of most of the parameters analysed were significantly higher than open-field concentrations, especially with regard to electric conductivity, NH4-N, K+, and KMnO4-index. Ion concentrations in throughfall were the lowest in a 10-year-old stand of Betula pendula Roth. and Pinus sylvestris and in a Betula pubescens swamp forest and were highest beneath a stand of Pinus sylvestris. Except for Na+, Cl, and NO3, ion concentrations in both throughfall and open-field precipitation increased during the growing season (May–October). In throughfall, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Mn2+ were strongly correlated. Enrichment ratios between throughfall and open-field deposition varied among sites and elements and were the highest for K‰+, Mg2‰+, and Mn2‰+. Estimates of canopy leaching indicated high leaching rates of K‰+ and Mn2‰+ and moderate leaching of Mg2‰+. The contribution of foliar leaching to throughfall deposition was higher at the deciduous than at the coniferous stands.  相似文献   

Our finding demonstrates, for the first time, that the roots of mature pine trees can be successfully inoculated with a symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus, the valuable matsutake mushroom. Long root segments (ca. 5–10 mm in diameter, ca. 50 cm in length) of 50-year-old Pinus densiflora trees were excavated, washed, auxin-treated (2–5 mg indole butyric acid, IBA, per root) and incubated in moist Spagnum moss. Twelve months later, short roots were regenerated, of which approximately 90% were free of mycorrhizae. Mycorrhiza-free short roots were inoculated with mycelial pieces of Tricholoma matsutake and incubated further in a sterilized substrate. Four-and-a-half months later, roots putatively colonized by Matsutake were sampled near the inoculation points. A T. matsutake-specific ITS-rDNA fragment was amplified by nested PCR from approximately 80% of the root samples analyzed, whereas approximately 66% of the root samples processed for staining with Chlorazol black E displayed characteristic T. matsutake Hartig net structures. These results confirm the symbiotic infection of mature P. densiflora roots by matsutake.  相似文献   

The relationship between myxomycete species and the decay stage of wood of Pinus densiflora coarse woody debris was investigated in warm temperate secondary forests of western Japan. The number of species and species diversity of the myxomycete community reached the maximum on moderately decayed wood. The 25 dominant species recorded from 8 or more samples of the total 1530 samples were arranged in order of the succession index corresponding to the stage of decay. Species on slightly decayed hard pine wood were characterized by Stemonitis splendens, Enerthenema papillatum, and Physarum viride, whereas species of Cribrariaceae were found on brittle decayed soft wood increasing abundance according to the decay stages. Most of the species occurred where there was sufficient moisture preserved in the environment of the decaying wood, although S. splendens specifically emerged in low-moisture environments. Because the myxomycete species had preference to different decay stages of wood, it appears that they change sequentially during myxomycete community succession on dead pine wood according to the progression of decay.  相似文献   

To clarify the habitat requirements of the near-threatened butterfly, Sasakia charonda (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), we studied the distribution pattern of its host trees, Celtis sinensis and Celtis jessoensis, and the utilization patterns of various vegetation types by this butterfly in the Oofukasawa River basin in Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture, central Japan. Two species of host trees, C. sinensis and C. jessoensis (height = 2 m or more) were found in riparian forests on sandbanks (hereinafter, riparian forest), in forest regenerated after landslides on valley walls (landslide tracks), in secondary deciduous forests consisting mainly of Quercus acutissima or Quercus serrata and in forests established at abandoned paddy fields and their periphery, where weeds and shrubs used to be mown frequently to avoid shade on the paddies before their abandonment. This suggests that they are pioneer species, and their distribution and regeneration depend on natural and/or human disturbances. Host trees above 2 m were preferred by larvae, and there were very few such trees in secondary forests. More overwintering larvae occurred in riparian forests than at other sites. The number of S. charonda adults was highest at the edge of riparian forests, and we observed a variety of behaviors such as puddling, chasing and mating there. Although the number of adult butterflies was smaller inside and at the edge of secondary forests than in riparian forests, puddling by males and roosting on the trunk of Q. acutissima or Q. serrata by females were observed more frequently there than in riparian forests. Thus, we conclude that landscapes including both riparian forests with natural disturbance and secondary forests with Quercus trees are necessary to maintain host Celtis trees and S. charonda populations.  相似文献   

Cycling of soil carbon was measured synthetically and quantitatively throughout a year in two Japanese red pine forest stands on mid- and foot-slopes at Mt. Takao, Hiroshima Prefecture, west Japan. There was no distinct difference of soil temperature along the slopes, but the soil water content was higher on the foot-slope than on the midslope. The carbon flow (litterfall, soil respiration, etc.) rates were larger on the foot-slope than on the mid-slope, but there was no significant difference of the accumulation of soil carbon (A0 layer or human in mineral soil) between the areas. The results of the analysis of soil carbon cycling based on a compartment model show that the relative decomposition rate of A0 layer and humaus in mineral soil increased 1.4–1.5 fold from the mid- to the foot-slopes, corresponding to the soil moisture condition. The relative decomposition rate of A0 layer was, however, about one-third of that in a evergreen oak forest. This fact suggests that the great resistance of needle litter to decomposition is one of the main limiting factors of the cycling of soil carbon and prevents the fertilization of mineral soil in the pine forest, which was also proven by the simulation of dynamics of soil carbon cycling.  相似文献   

Basiphilous pine forests and related birch forests are herb-and grass-rich forests on calcareous substrate. These forests are complex communities with floristic/ecological elements from different vegetation types occurring in a subtle micromosaic. These elements are e.g. species from acidophilous conifer forests, thermophilous forest-rim communities, calcareous shallow-soil and steppe communities, eutrophic wet meadows and fens, and in northern Fennoscandia also species from alpine Dryas heaths. Four associations are recognized in Fennoscandia: Convallario-Pinetum, Melico-Piceetum pinetosum, Peucedano-Pinetum and Epipacto atrorubentis-Betuletum. The main association is the Convallario-Pinetum, a widespread community in Fennoscandia and Estonia with a considerable floristic variation between the different regions. Examples of the floristic variation along west-east profiles and south-north profiles in Fennoscandia are presented. The basiphilous pine forest complex can be divided into a number of ecological types along the moisture and nutritional gradients. A further subdivision into geographical types (races) is presented.Nomenclature follows Lid (1974) for vascular plants, Nyholm (1954–1969) for musci and Dahl & Krog (1973) for lichens.  相似文献   

The structure of temperate deciduous forests dominated byFraxinus spaethiana andPterocarya rhoifolia in V-shaped valleys in the Chichibu Mountains, central Japan was studied to clarify their dynamics, with special reference to disturbance. Forest structure and annual ring analysis revealed that the forests have been subjected to mass movement (mud flow) in the past. The size and age structure, and diameter growth curves, indicated thatF. spaethiana is relatively shade tolerant, long living and slow-growing, whileP. rhoifolia is less shade tolerant, short living, but fast growing.Pterocarya rhoifolia appears to depend on large-scale but rare disturbances.Fraxinus spaethiana establishes its seedlings on relatively unstable substrate in V-shaped valleys, but once established, they survive a long time with high shade tolerance. The dominance and coexistence of the two species may primarily depend on the intensity and frequency of geomorphological processes.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic N deposition may change soil conditions in forest ecosystems as demonstrated in many studies of coniferous forests, whereas results from deciduous forests are relatively scarce. Therefore the influence of N deposition on several variables was studied in situ in 45 oak-dominated deciduous forests along a N deposition gradient in southern Sweden, where the deposition ranged from 10 to 20 kg N ha−1 year−1. Locally estimated NO 3 deposition, as measured with ion-exchange resins (IER) on the soil surface, and grass N concentration (%) were positively correlated with earlier modelled regional N deposition. Furthermore, the δ15N values of grass and uppermost soil layers were negatively correlated with earlier modelled N deposition. The data on soil NO 3 , measured with IER in the soil, and grass N concentration suggest increased soil N availability as a result of N deposition. The δ15N values of grass and uppermost soil layers indicate increased nitrification rates in high N deposition sites, but no large downward movements of NO 3 in these soils. Only a few sites had NO 3 concentrations exceeding 1 mg N l−1 in soil solution at 50 cm depth, which showed that N deposition to these acid oak-dominated forests has not yet resulted in extensive leaching of N. The δ15N enrichment factor was the variable best correlated with NO 3 concentrations at 50 cm and is thus a variable that potentially may be used to predict leaching of NO 3 from forest soils.  相似文献   

To understand the human influence on the successional process of vegetation, structures of the pine forest as a dominant vegetation were compared between in Yanghwa-ri of rural Korea and Miwa-cho of rural Japan. The secondary pine forests are well developed around the villages in both regions. In rural Korea, pine forests are still used intensively for several traditional purposes. The pine forests in Yanghwa-ri of Korea, therefore, are stayed in the early stage of the succession. The floristic composition in pine forests of Yanghwa-ri was similar to that in the secondary grasslands. The fertilizer trees such as Robinia and Alnus contributed to develop the stratification of the forest. On the other hand, in Japan, almost all pine forests in rural regions had been abandoned due to the changing of traditional use because of the economic growth and the development of alternative energy sources since 1960s. In the case of pine forests of Miwa-cho, those in the early successional stage were few in number and small in patch size. Several woody plants covered under the pine canopy. The shade-tolerant shrub invaded into pine forest floor, because the undergrowth as a traditional energy source had no longer used. Pine forests were partly succeeded by deciduous oaks in Miwa-cho corresponding to the social changes. On the contrary in Yanghwa-ri, the vegetation replacement will not present because traditional management such as collecting fuels and making graveyards will be remained as a Korean ideology in the rural landscape.  相似文献   

The influences of thinning (50% of standing density) and liming (Ca+Mg, 2 Mg ha−1) on soil chemical properties were investigated for 2 years (2001, 2002) in 40-year-old pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) and 44-year-old Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis Gord.) plantations established on similar soils. In general, soil properties varied significantly among plantations and treatments. For both plantations, thinning significantly increased soil organic C (SOC) concentrations whereas there were no significant changes in soil pH and Ca and Mg concentrations. In addition, thinning increased total soil N and Na concentrations for the pitch pine plantation and available P concentration for the Japanese larch plantation in the second year after the treatment. Liming did not affect soil chemical characteristics for the pitch pine plantation except for Na concentration. However, for the Japanese larch plantation, liming significantly increased soil pH and K, Ca and Mg concentrations and decreased SOC and total soil N concentrations. For both plantations, soil Al concentration did not change after thinning and liming and decreased exponentially with increased pH values. The increases in SOC and total soil N concentrations after thinning were possibly due to increases in decomposition of organic matter and root death. Although differences were not statistically significant, soil available P concentration tended to increase at early stages of liming for both plantations. These results suggested that thinning and liming seemed to regulate soil chemical properties for pitch pine and Japanese larch plantations established on similar soils.  相似文献   

We isolated ophiostomatoid fungi from bark beetles infesting Pinus densiflora and their galleries at 24 sites in Japan. Twenty-one ophiostomatoid fungi, including species of Ophiostoma, Grosmannia, Ceratocystiopsis, Leptographium, and Pesotum, were identified. Among these, 11 species were either newly recorded in Japan or were previously undescribed species. Some of these fungal species were isolated from several bark beetles, but other species were isolated from only a particular beetle species. Thus, it is suggested that some ophiostomatoid fungi have specific relationships with particular beetle species. In addition, fungus-beetle biplots from redundancy analysis (RDA) summarizing the effects of beetle ecological characteristics suggested that the association patterns between bark beetles and the associated fungi seemed to be related to the niches occupied by the beetles.  相似文献   

Cycling of soil carbon in the first year after a clear-felling was compared with that before the felling in a Japanese red pine forest in Hiroshima Prefecture, west Japan. The daily mean temperature at the soil surface in summer was increased after the felling in comparison to that before felling, and the water content of both the A0 layer and the surface mineral soil was decreased due to the loss of the forest canopy. The rate of weight loss of the A0 layer was reduced after felling. However, accumulation of the A0 layer rapidly decreased because of the lack of litter supply to the forest floor. Low soil respiration after felling was mainly caused by the cessation of root respiration. Analysis of annual soil carbon cycling was then conducted using a compartment model. The relative decomposition rate of the A0 layer decreased whereas that of humus and dead roots in mineral soil increased to some extent after felling. The accumulation of carbon in mineral soil, however, increased slightly due to the supply of humus from roots killed by the felling.  相似文献   

Taylor  Scott O.  Lorimer  Craig G. 《Plant Ecology》2003,167(1):71-88
Gap capture methods predict future forest canopy species composition from the tallest trees growing in canopy gaps rather than from random samples of shaded understory trees. We used gap capture methods and a simulation approach to forecast canopy composition in three old oak forests (Quercus spp.) on dry-mesic sites in southern Wisconsin, USA. In the simulation, a gap sapling is considered successful if it exceeds a threshold height of 13–17 m (height of maximum crown width of canopy trees) before its crown center can be overtopped by lateral crown growth of mature trees. The composition of both the tallest gap trees and simulated gap captures suggests that 68–90% of the next generation of canopy trees in the stands will consist of non-Quercus species, particularly Ulmus rubra, Carya ovata and Prunus serotina. Quercus species will probably remain as a lesser stand component, with Quercus alba and Quercus rubra predicted to comprise about 19% of successful gap trees across the three stands. Several methods of predicting future canopy composition gave similar results, probably because no gap opportunist species were present in these stands and there was an even distribution of species among height strata in gaps. Gap trees of competing species already average 11–13 m tall, and mean expected time for these trees to reach full canopy height is only 19 years. For these reasons, we suggest that dominance will shift from oaks to other species, even though late successional species (e.g., Acer and Tilia) are not presently common in the understories of these stands.  相似文献   

The rates of treefall and canopy opening in the evergreen oak forest in southwestern Japan were determined by studying the number and size distribution of overstory trees, wind damaged trees, and canopy gaps in a belt transect in the Kasugayama Forest Reserve in Nara City. Thirty three percent of the overstory trees wereCastanopsis cuspidata. The total area of canopy gaps was about 20% of the total land area in the study area. The ages of the gaps were determined by counting the annual rings of various kinds of trees growing in gaps. By comparing gap ages with meteorological data, it became evident that gap formation was mainly caused by strong typhoons. The mean time interval between strong typhoons visiting the forest reserve, 6.57 years, was determined by applying the MNY method to the meteorological data. The treefall rate and the mean area of canopy openings per year were 0.84 overstory trees/ha·year and 55.6 m2/ha·year, respectively. The mean residence time of the forest canopy was about 180 years.  相似文献   

Field-grownPinus densiflora seedlings were inoculated withBursaphelenchus xylophilus and the incidence of pine wilt disease was analyzed with respect to the spatial relationships between pine seedlings and adjacent seedlings of other tree species in a pure pine stand and three stands mixed withAlnus sieboldiana, Sarothamus scoparius or naturally associated species. The disease incidence was 60.9% in a 0–40 cm distance class from the nearestA. sieboldiana seedlings and then decreased with increasing minimum distance. The mean minimum distance between pine seedlings andA. sieboldiana was significantly shorter in diseased seedlings than in healthy ones. The highest disease incidence (53.9%) was found in a 0–40 cm distance class from the nearestS. scoparius, although the relationship with minimum distance was blurred by a high incidence in the 80-cm distance class. The mean minimum distance between pine seedlings was significantly short in diseased seedlings in a pure stand, whereas it was not so short between pine seedlings and other tree species in the two stands mixed withS. scoparius and the naturally associated species. The distance effect on disease incidence was noticeable inA. sieboldiana andP. densiflora at high density. This was not so clear inS. scoparius and was not found in the naturally associated species.  相似文献   

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