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Hawthorn ( Crataegus spp.) has a long history as an ornamental and a source of medicine. We report the use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers to determine genetic relationships in the genus Crataegus . Twenty-eight accessions, including eight species ( Crataegus pinnatifida , Crataegus bretschneideri , Crataegus maximowiczii , Crataegus kansuensis , Crataegus altaica , Crataegus songarica , Crataegus dahurica and Crataegus sanguinea ) and two botanical varieties ( C. pinnatifida var. major and C. maximowiczii var. ninganensis ) were analysed. Twelve RAPD primers reproducibly and strongly amplified 128 fragments of which 116 were polymorphic; similarly, 13 ISSR primers generated 127 products of which 119 were polymorphic. Dendrograms based on unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average analysis were constructed from both the RAPD and the ISSR data. Similarity coefficient based on RAPD and ISSR markers ranged from 0.22 to 0.98 and 0.23 to 0.98, respectively. The range in similarity coefficient indicated that the genus has a high level of genetic diversity. The Mantel test on the similarity matrices produced by RAPD and ISSR markers gave r  = 0.86, showing high correlation between RAPD and ISSR markers in their ability to detect genetic relationships between Crataegus accessions. RAPD and ISSR appear to be reliable methods for the analysis of genetic relationships among hawthorns.  相似文献   

Sexing birds using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to sex birds from small tissue (usually blood) samples. Arbitrarily chosen 10-mer PCR primers were screened with DNA from known-sex individuals for the production of a bright female-specific band. Suitable primers were found for seven bird species after screening about 30 primers (range 2–63), and no primer was found for three other species after screening about 50 primers for each species. Investigations into the reliability of RAPD markers for sexing great tits Parus major and oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus show that: (i) when PCR reaction conditions for great tit DNA are varied, either the presence of the female-specific band correctly predicts the individual's sex or no DNA amplification occurs; (ii) the female-specific band in great tits can be sequenced, and subsequently amplified using specific PCR primers; (iii) null alleles of the female-specific fragment occur at an estimated frequency of 0% ( n = 241 females) in great tits and 0.6% ( n > 290 females) in oystercatchers; (iv) the female-specific fragment in great tits occurs in individuals from a wide geographical range encompassing two subspecies; and (v) the relative intensity of bands in great tit RAPD banding profiles is consistent across individual birds and scorers. The RAPD primers that we have identified are generally species specific, and the consequent time cost of screening for primers is the chief disadvantage of using RAPD markers to sex birds. However, with large sample sizes this disadvantage is outweighed by the relative technical simplicity and low cost of the technique.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated genetic diversity among 37 accessions in Arabidopsis thaliana from Eurasia, North Africa and North America using morphological traits and two polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based marker systems: cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Cluster analysis based on genetic similarities calculated from CAPS data grouped the accessions roughly according to their geographical origin: one large group contained accessions from Western, Northern and Southern Europe as well as North Africa, a second group consisted of Eastern European and Asian continental accessions. North American accessions were interspersed into these groups. Contrary to the CAPS analysis, the dendrogram obtained from the ISSR data did not reflect the geographical origin of the accessions, and the calculated genetic distances did not match the CAPS results. This could be attributable to an uneven genomic distribution of ISSR markers as substantiated by a database search for ISSR binding sites in A. thaliana genomic DNA sequence files, or to the ISSR's different mode of evolution. We recommend CAPS markers for diversity analysis in A. thaliana because a careful selection of markers can ascertain an even representation of the entire genome.  相似文献   

Ge XJ  Sun M 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(12):2061-2069
Mangroves consist of a group of taxonomically diverse species representing about 20 families of angiosperms. However, little is known about their reproductive biology, genetic structure, and the ecological and genetic factors affecting this structure. Comparative studies of various mangrove species are needed to fill such gaps in our knowledge. The pollination biology, outcrossing rate, and genetic diversity of Aegiceras corniculatum were investigated in this study. Pollination experiments suggested that the species is predominantly pollinator-dependent in fruit setting. A quantitative analysis of the mating system was performed using progeny arrays assayed for intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The multilocus outcrossing rate (tm) was estimated to be 0.653 in a wild population. Both allozyme and ISSR were used to investigate genetic variation within and among populations. The combined effects of founder events and enhanced local gene flow through seedling dispersal by ocean currents apparently played an important role in shaping the population genetic structure in this mangrove species. Both allozyme variation (P = 4.76%, A = 1.05, HE = 0.024) and ISSR diversity (P = 16.18%, A = 1.061, HE = 0.039) were very low at the species level, in comparison with other woody plants with mixed-mating or outcrossing systems. Gene differentiation among populations was also low: allozyme GST = 0.106 and ISSR GST = 0.178. The unusually high genetic identities (0.997 for allozyme and 0.992 for ISSR loci), however, suggest that these populations are probably all descended from a common ancestral population with low polymorphism.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were utilized for the identification of Lilium species and inter-specific hybrids. The optimum annealing temperature of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the RAPD assay in Lilium was 54 °C, which is relatively higher than the temperature used for other genera reported by previous researchers. Among 76 primers used to amplify genomic DNA by PCR, 18 primers (24%) generated polymorphic DNA fragments in Lilium species and hybrids. Cultivars were also identified by RAPD markers. Some amplified fragments were unique to species of each section and to hybrids derived from these species; that is, they were the section-specific DNA markers. Sections, Sinomartagon, Leucolirion b, Leucolirion a and Archelirion could be identified by 6 section-specific markers amplified with five primers. Seven inter-section hybrids showed the section-specific bands of both parental sections, indicating that these markers would be useful for identifying the parental sections of inter-section hybrids.  相似文献   

Species of Ganoderma are used in traditional medicines. An improved random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, where the RAMP time is prolonged, has been used to characterize the genetic variation in some well known species of Ganoderma. The DNA materials were collected from ten Ganoderma strains, amplified with randomly selected 24 RAPD primers and evaluated by agarose gel electrophoresis. A cluster dendrogram was constructed for genetic analysis on the basis of amplification results. The improved RAPD amplified DNA with consistent and clear banding patterns. A total of 316 bands were found with 93% polymorphism. There was a significant genetic distance between the different strains of Ganoderma, with an index of similarity coefficient in the range of 0.52–0.74. The inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis of the Ganoderma DNA samples showed similar trend results to the RAPD analysis with 0.49–0.81 similarity coefficients. This study reports the high level of genetic differences between different species or strains of a single species of Ganoderma and confirms the significance of the improved RAPD method in genetic characterization of organisms. Therefore, the improved RAPD combined with ISSR techniques might be used for the genetic characterization of organisms.  相似文献   

The reliability of arbitrarily primed amplification products was tested. The segregation analysis of 266 amplification products obtained using 17 different 10-mer oligonucleotides in 34 megagametophytes from a single tree of Picea abies was carried out. Fifty-four out of the 165 variable bands fit the 1:1 segregation ratio expected for Mendelian traits. The segregation ratio of a subset of six RAPD markers in five other individuals from the same population confirmed their genetic nature. Our results strengthen the evidence previously reported that RAPDs markers can be considered Mendelian traits useful in the detection of genetic variability among both different individuals and populations.  相似文献   

Genetic variation and clonal diversity of three natural populations of the rare, highly clonal marsh herb Caldesia grandis Samuelsson were investigated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Both of the markers worked effectively in clone identification of C. grandis. RAPD markers detected more diversity than ISSR markers in the three populations examined. Of the 60 RAPD primers screened, seven produced highly reproducible bands. Using these primers, a total of 61 DNA fragments were generated with 52 (85.25%) being polymorphic indicating considerable genetic variation at the species level. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that a large proportion of genetic variation (81.5%) resided within populations, while only a small proportion (18.5%) resided among populations. With the use of 52 polymorphic RAPD markers, we were able to identify 127 genets among 342 samples from three populations. The proportion of distinguishable genets (PD: mean 0.37), Simpson's diversity index (D: mean 0.91), and evenness (E: mean 0.78) exhibited high levels of clonal diversity compared to other clonal plants. These results imply that sexual reproduction has played an important role at some time during the history of these populations. Nevertheless, the high level of diversity could have been also partially generated from somatic mutations, although this is unlikely to account for the high diversity generally found among C. grandis genets.  相似文献   

DNA from Coffea arabica leaves was used for RAPD analysis and a total of 144 leaf samples collected from 16 provenances in five regions of Tanzania were analysed. Ten arbitrary 10 mer primers were employed in the analysis and they produced a total of 86 fragments. Fragment sizes ranged from 100-1400 bp. The resulting dissimilarity matrix revealed values ranging from 0.11 to 1, while the average was 0.66. The cophenetic matrix and the original dissimilarity matrix showed a significant correlation of 78%. Mean dissimilarity values within provenances showed a fairly uniform trend despite the large range from 0.31 to 0.65. The dendrogram based on genetic distances but showed two clusters with grouping of provenances similar to the dendrogram generated by Jaccard's coefficient. Bootstrap analysis showed low values, despite this, the resulting dendrogram grouped all provenances according to their geographical origin. The standard genetic distances were fairly uniform implying a narrow genetic base in the cultivated Arabica coffee.  相似文献   

Genetic structure arises when limited gene flow between populations favours the development of distinct arrays of genetic characters within each population. Determining the spatial scale at which this differentiation occurs is critical to our understanding of population biology and microevolution of species. The genetic structure and spatial pattern of genetic variation in an endemic, clonal perennial, Wyethia reticulata E. Greene, was investigated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and allozyme alleles. Large stands (250–360 m2) were found to contain few genetic individuals. Despite the small population sizes and endemism of the species, W. reticulata was highly diverse genetically, with most of the variation (75–81%) distributed within populations. A population structure in full agreement with spatially defined populations was achieved only by combining RAPD and allozyme markers. Analysis using both types of markers appeared to provide estimates of genetic similarity between individuals that were most consistent with empirical data on plant distributions. We postulated that large, long-lived clones dominated genetic relationships within populations but also provided opportunities for gene flow between populations on a longer time scale. The two marker types yielded different estimates of between-individual similarity and revealed disparate patterns of population structure. This result will arise because allozymes and random DNA segments have dissimilar evolutionary dynamics with respect to mutation and selection.  相似文献   

Hippophae rhamnoides is an outcrossing pioneer plant species with a severely fragmented distribution. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker variation was analysed in 10 populations of ssp. rhamnoides and in one population of ssp. mongolica to estimate the amount and distribution of genetic variability. No less than 89.7% of the scorable markers were polymorphic, but few of these were fixed and populations consequently differed mainly by frequency variation of individual markers. Within-population gene diversity was somewhat low for an outcrossing plant species: 0.192 or 0.159 for ssp. rhamnoides , depending on whether it was based on all 156 polymorphic RAPDs or on only those 63 RAPDs that fulfilled the 3/ N criterion. Analysis of molecular variance applied to the ssp. rhamnoides showed only 15% between-population variability, indicating a relatively restricted population differentiation as expected in outcrossing species and shown in several other AMOVA studies. The tendency for island populations to be somewhat more differentiated, and to have less within-population diversity than mainland populations, may indicate an effect of population fragmentation. Genetic distance estimates among populations, obtained with and without pruning of RAPD loci on the basis of the 3/ N criterion, were generally in very good agreement. Cluster analyses and principal coordinate analyses showed populations of ssp. rhamnoides to be rather close, but quite isolated from the single ssp. mongolica population. Genetic and geographical distances between the ssp. rhamnoides populations were not associated, indicating that large-scale geographical and ecotypic differentiation was not reflected in the RAPD profiles.  相似文献   

Applications of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in molecular ecology   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Molecular genetic markers have been developed into powerful tools to analyse genetic relationships and genetic diversity. As an extension to the variety of existing techniques using polymorphic DNA markers, the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique may be used in molecular ecology to determine taxonomic identity, assess kinship relationships, analyse mixed genome samples, and create specific probes. Main advantages of the RAPD technology include (i) suitability for work on anonymous genomes, (ii) applicability to problems where only limited quantities of DNA are available, (iii) efficiency and low expense.  相似文献   

The relevance of using dominant random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints for estimating population differentiation was investigated when typically small population sample sizes were used. Haploid sexual tissues were first used to determine genotypes at RAPD loci for 75 eastern white pines ( Pinus strobus L.) representing five populations. Dominant RAPD fingerprints were then inferred from genotypic data for each individual at each locus, and gene diversity estimates from both sources of data were compared. Genotypic information at RAPD loci indicated little or no differentiation among populations, similar to allozyme loci. However, estimates of population differentiation derived from dominant RAPD fingerprints according to various common methods of analysis were generally inflated, especially when all fragments were considered. Simulations showed that an increase in loci sampling and population sample sizes did not significantly alleviate the biases observed.  相似文献   


To investigate the phylogenetic relationships between Leymus and related diploid species of the Triticeae tribe, the esterase isozyme (EST), superoxide dismutase (SOD) isozymes, and genome-specific random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to analyze for 14 Leymus species, together with two Psathyrostachys species (Ns), three Pseudoroegneria species (St), two Hordeum species (H), Lophopyrum elongatum (Ee), Australopyrum retrofractum (W), and Agropyron cristatum (P). The data were used to construct dendrograms by means of UPGMA in the NTSYS-pc computer program. The results suggested that (1) isozyme analysis can be used in the systematic studies of these perennial Triticeae; (2) there is a close relationship between Leymus, Psathyrostachys juncea, three Pseudoroegneria species, and Lophopyrum elongatum; (3) the Ns genome-specific RAPD marker was present in all 14 polyploid species of Leymus, while the Ee and P genome-specific RAPD markers were absent in 14 polyploid species of Leymus; the St, W and H genome-specific RAPD markers were present in some species of Leymus; (4) Leymus species have multiple origins, and different Leymus species derived their genomes from different donors.  相似文献   

采用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)标记分析了15个丁香品种的DNA扩增产物。研究选用了16个随机引物,共扩增出96条带,其中55条带为可重复性条带,有价值条带大小多在517bp至1636bp之间。这些标记足以区分这些丁香品种。欧丁香(Syringavulgaris)与S.×hyacinthiflora间的相似系数为61.5%,欧丁香与S.×prestoniae间的相似系数为47.2%,S.×hyacinthiflora与S.×prestoniae间的相似系数为43.6%。结果表明,欧丁香与S.×hyacinthiflora亲缘关系最近。应用RAPD资料分析讨论了一些品种的起源。RAPD技术为丁香品种分类鉴定提供了可靠方法。  相似文献   

The conservation of a crop's wild relatives as genetic resources requires an understanding of the way genetic diversity is maintained in their populations, notably the effect of crop-to-wild gene flow. In this study, the amount of differentiation between natural and cultivated populations of Medicago sativa was analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and an extension of the AMOVA procedure adapted to autotetraploid organisms. Simulations of structured populations were performed to test whether AMOVA provides estimates of population structure in autotetraploids that can be directly compared to those obtained for allozyme data. Simulations showed that straight phi-statistics allow a good estimation of population differentiation when unbiased allelic frequencies are used to correct the conditional expectations of squared genetic distances. But such unbiased estimates can not be practically guaranteed, and population structure is notably overestimated when some populations are fixed for the presence of amplified fragments. However, removing fixed loci from the data set improves the statistical power of the test for population structure. The genetic variation of 15 natural and six cultivated populations of M. sativa was analysed at 25 RAPD loci and compared to estimates computed with allozymes on the same set of populations. Although RAPD markers revealed less within-population genetic diversity than allozymes, the quantitative and qualitative patterns of population structure were in full agreement with allozymes. This confirmed the conclusions drawn from the allozymic survey: crop-to-wild gene flow occurred in many locations, but some other mechanisms opposed cultivated traits to be maintained into natural populations.  相似文献   

Bussell 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(5):775-789
RAPDs were generated from plants of six populations of Isotoma petraea F. Muell. The species occurs on rock outcrops in southern and western Australia, with populations exhibiting different breeding systems, including complete autogamy, varying levels of outbreeding and complex hybridity. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data set clearly resolved all populations. The Pigeon Rock population, which is home to both complex hybrid and structural homozygote plants, was divided into those two groups by the nMDS analysis. There was little diversity in highly autogamous populations, but levels were higher in the outbred Yackeyackine population. All complex hybrid populations and plants possessed numerous genetic system-specific RAPDs, some of which were shown to be held in fixed heterozygosity. Estimating G ST using RAPDs has been problematical due to their dominance, and analytical methods usually rely on knowledge of the selfing rate or assume Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. This assumption does not hold when populations exhibit fixed heterozygosity, and an alternative method, Shannon's Index, was used to partition genetic diversity. The distribution of genetic diversity fit expectations for an inbreeding species, with most of the variation (87.5%) occurring between populations. This compares to an average RAPD-based G ST of 59.6% for inbreeding species generally and 15.5% for outbreeding species.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments were prepared from samples of Calonectris diomedea (Cory's shearwater, Aves) and Haemonchus contortus (Nematoda) DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using decamers containing two restriction enzyme sites as primers. Six of 19 studied RAPD fragments probably originated from traces of commensal microorganisms. Many rearranged fragments, absent in the original genomic DNA, were synthesized and amplified during the processing of all the DNA samples, indicating that interactions occur within and between strands during the annealing step of PCR. The model of interactions between molecular species during DNA amplification with a single arbitrary oligonucleotide primer was modified to include nested primer annealing and interactions within and between strands. The presence of these artefacts in the final RAPD have a major effect on the interpretation of polymorphism studies.  相似文献   

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