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Energy metabolism of three sympatric swallows (Hirundinidae) was investigated during the breeding season using doubly labeled water (2H2 18O). Interspecific and intraspecific differences in energy metabolism were examined in relation to the habits, size and environment of the birds. To facilitate comparisons we expressed energy metabolism (M) as the ratio of average daily metabolic rate (ADMR, cm3CO2g -1h-1) to basal metabolic rate (BMR). We observed adults during incubation and when feeding nestlings. Then, both sexes of Sand Martins Riparia riparia and House Martins Delinchon urbica were either at the nest or on the wing. Incubation reduced activity levels during the day resulting in M (incubation) being 17–26% lower than during rearing. Differences in energy costs for rearing chicks depended mainly on flight behaviour, the smaller Sand Martin doing nearly twice as much flapping during flight as the House Martin, giving higher values for M. In Swallows Hirundo rustica the female incubates alone, alternating between short feeding trips and incubating in daytime. This pattern was linked with a relatively high value for M in the only individual behaving like our controls. Both sexes of Swallows feed the chicks, and they showed similar values of M. They also closely resembled House Martins, despite contrasts in the time spent flying and their behaviour during flight. Feeding conditions affected activity, and thereby M, in a species specific way. The House Martin did more gliding in poor weather, taking less mobile prey, reducing M. Swallows reduced foraging costs further by using body reserves, as in the House Martin. The smaller Sand Martin, in contrast, showed a high expenditure in poor weather. Over two breeding seasons ADMR reached values around 5 BMR for all three species.  相似文献   

Capsule We found significant differences in the composition and diversity of diet among House Martins, Barn Swallows and Swifts breeding in the same village in Poland.

Aims To evaluate the character and extent of diversity, specialization and overlap of diet between trophically similar nestlings of three species of aerial feeding birds breeding at the same location and differing considerably in foraging height.

Methods Diet was determined based on faecal analysis. Differences in composition and diversity of diet and food niche overlap were assessed through multivariate analysis of variance (manova), Shannon Diversity Index and the Pianka index. Diet specialization was measured by application of the Berger–Parker index of dominance.

Results manova indicated significant differences in diet composition among all three species. House Martins showed the most diverse diet, Swallows were intermediate and Swifts least diverse. Average body mass of all prey found in the diet of Swifts was nearly three times smaller than in Swallows and two times smaller than in House Martins.

Conclusion Our findings show that these three species consume the same types of insect prey, but they take different proportions, and hence biomass, of the major prey groups. House Martins had the widest niche and greatest overlap.  相似文献   

Two surveys of Blue Swallows were conducted in the southern Tanzanian highland grasslands in order to determine the habitat preferences and estimate the size of this subpopulation. During the 2008/09 and 2012 surveys, a total distance of 3 635?km was travelled in search of Blue Swallows (at an altitude of above 1 400?m above sea level). Blue Swallows showed no preference for any altitude range above 1 400?m. The Blue Swallows showed a preference for natural pastures and for rural villages interspersed with crops and natural pasture. The buildings in the rural villages provide the nesting sites and, in close proximity, the crops, natural pastures, livestock and their dung possibly provide the food source for the aerial arthropods on which the Blue Swallows feed. In total, 151 Blue Swallows were recorded consisting of 62 males, 68 females and 21 unsexed individuals at 62 localities. These data along with environmental variables were used to construct an ecological niche model for the Blue Swallow. It was estimated that a mean of 12 791 km2 of suitable habitat was available for Blue Swallows. The 151 Blue Swallows recorded within the maximum perpendicular distance of 262?m on either side of the survey route resulted in a subpopulation estimate of 1 014 (338 to 507 pairs) Blue Swallows in the southern Tanzanian highland grasslands (12 791 km2). Mean densities were 0.023 to 0.035 pairs km???2. A density of 0.13 pairs km???2 recorded on a cattle farm consisting primarily of grasslands and wetlands was similar to the density of pairs found on sites in South Africa and Swaziland of compara- ble size and with matching characteristics to this site in Tanzania. Based on this new information the global Blue Swallow population estimate is updated to between 1 169 and 1 338 pairs.  相似文献   

Rooikrans Acacia cyclops is an invasive plant species in the coastal region of South Africa, especially the Fynbos Biome. It is endemic to southwestern Australia. Seeds are bird-dispersed, mostly by frugivores and granivores. We report that at one locality in South Africa, Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica , normally regarded as obligate foragers of aerial arthropods, also consumed the seeds and associated arils of Rooikrans shrubs and trees. The seeds were voided and the arils digested. Three thousand Barn Swallows in the region where this was observed conceivably consumed and voided two million Rooikrans seeds during the 5-month non-breeding period. Barn Swallows are therefore dispersers of Rooikrans seeds. Many of the bird species known to consume Rooikrans seeds are territorial, so that seeds are not dispersed far beyond existing acacia stands. Barn Swallows cover large distances between feeding areas and roosts, and could therefore disperse seeds far from existing stands. This development adds urgency to the need to eradicate Rooikrans from the Fynbos Biome.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Orientation of nests can influence nest microclimate, particularly temperature. However, few investigators have examined orientation preference and microclimate simultaneously. We examined the possible correlation between entrance orientation of artificial nest boxes used by Tree Swallows ( Tachycineta bicolor ) and the internal temperature of boxes. Tree Swallows showed a preference for east- and south-facing boxes, but only during the first half of the breeding season (before 1 June). During the second half of the breeding season (after 1 June), Swallows selected boxes based on availability. We found that east- and south-facing boxes were warmer than north- and west-facing boxes, but only during the first half of the breeding season when those boxes were preferred. Entrance orientation and box temperature were only correlated during the morning (06:00–12:00); the temperature of all boxes was similar during the afternoon. Our results suggest that Tree Swallows show a preference for nest boxes with a certain entrance orientation only when orientation influences microclimate, suggesting that warmer nest temperatures may provide fitness benefits.  相似文献   

Patterns in morphological variation are a central theme of evolution. Uncovering links between morphological character evolution and natural history, specifically feeding behaviour, is important to understanding biological diversity. Species within the sap beetles (Nitidulidae) exhibit a tremendous diversity of feeding behaviours. This immense diversity of feeding can be seen both between major lineages and very closely related taxa. Feeding behaviour diversity may drive morphological variation in several character systems (e.g., eyes). For example, in a shift from feeding on rotting fruit to flower-visiting (anthophily), selective pressures on the visual system may vary and ultimately lead to differences in eye morphology. We tested for potential morphological shifts in relative eye size among adult beetles. We specifically tested for significant relationships between relative eye size and the following factors flower-visiting and sex. We also tested for the influence of phylogeny on the evolution of relative eye size, implementing tests of trait correlation across a topology. We found greater relative eye size in taxa exhibiting anthophilous behaviour, regardless of phylogenetic relatedness or feeding behaviour of sister taxa. We were unable to recover a relationship between relative eye size and sex. Thus, feeding behaviour is currently the strongest predictor of eye size in sap beetles.  相似文献   

Variation in moonlight affects foraging, hunting and vigilance behaviours in many nocturnal species. Here, we explore the effect of moonlight on the movement and hunting behaviour of African lions. Previous studies found bright moonlight is associated with reduced hunting success; however, those studies were largely undertaken in open habitats where predators are easily seen by prey species on moonlit nights. In this study, we explored whether moonlight affected hunting behaviour and success in a largely wooded environment. Measures of short‐term lion movements (distance moved, displacement and path tortuosity) derived from GPS telemetry data were used as indicators of movement behaviour. Field observations of belly distension were used to assess recent food intake. Lions had greater belly distension (indicating feeding success) on dark nights. However, this change in feeding success was not reflected by lion movement patterns—there was no evidence that these changed across moon phases. There was no evidence that lions used more covered habitats on brighter nights to facilitate concealment.  相似文献   

Empirical studies often support the notion that testosterone inhibits paternal behaviour in animals, although most studies have focused on high, as opposed to low, levels of paternal care. We studied the relationship between plasma testosterone levels and incubation in male Japanese Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica gutturalis, in which some males participate in incubation. Contrary to our prediction, the probability of incubation by males increased with plasma testosterone level. Male incubation behaviour might have emerged as part of nest monitoring behaviour by high-testosterone males in some subspecies that experience high nest predation rates.  相似文献   

Robert L. Baker 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):353-358
Summary Behaviour of Coenagrion resolutum nymphs was studied in the laboratory. Based on characteristics of the behaviour, analysis of the effects of inter-nymph distance on behaviour, and association analysis between behaviours, some of the observed behaviours were classified as grooming, feeding/aggression, retreat, or defense.In an experiment on use of space, some nymphs excluded others from feeding areas through aggressive interactions. Frequency of interactions won by those nymphs seen most often at the feeding site was not associated with location of interactions. However, use of the feeding area was positively associated with dominance status. Exclusion of some nymphs is interpreted as a combination of dominance and limited movement rather than a territorial system.  相似文献   

Populations of farmland birds are under pressure as a result of agricultural intensification. It has been proposed that less intensive approaches to farming, such as organic farming methods, may halt these population declines. In addition, organic farmers may have a more positive attitude towards nature and the environment which can possibly also have positive effects on the populations of breeding birds. We have compared the attitude of conventional and organic farmers towards the presence of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica and the abundance of breeding Barn Swallows on organic and conventional arable farms in the Netherlands. We found that the abundance of breeding Barn Swallows did not differ between these two types of farms an that both organic and conventional farmers had a positive attitude towards the presence of Barn Swallows on their farms. Our results show that organic farming does not attract more Barn Swallows. However, agricultural intensification could have resulted in lower breeding success and, consequently, population declines, although there may be other contributory factors as well.  相似文献   

Capsule Barn Swallows showed a consistent association with cattle across the UK, but certain landscape features, particularly mixed field types and tall trees, were also important.

Aim To provide nationally representative data on habitat selection in foraging Barn Swallows.

Method Observers carried out four timed point counts within an allocated 2-km square(s). Point counts were at least 500 m apart and considered as independent sample points. Each point count covered 100 m radius and was visited twice during the summer. An index of foraging activity was derived from the number of foraging passes made by Barn Swallows within ten minutes. The maximum count of Swallows present was also recorded. Habitat data included the presence or absence of landscape features and buildings and the proportion of area covered by particular crop and boundary types within the 100 m count radius.

Results Cattle were the single most important and most consistent variable associated with foraging Barn Swallows, in every UK region. Horses were also important in the southeast. Grassland was only important if livestock were present. Foraging pass rates were higher where count circles contained a mixture of grass and arable fields rather than just one or the other. There was a general positive relationship between foraging pass rates and the presence of tall trees in boundaries, and this was significant in the arable eastern region of the UK, where their relative importance of concentrating prey may be more acute.

Conclusion Historical changes in the distribution and availability of habitat features associated with foraging Barn Swallows are consistent with regional differences in population change for this species in the UK. These patterns of association are discussed in terms of changes in land use, the widespread loss of mixed farming and simplifications to landscape complexity.  相似文献   

Sympatric orange-fronted (Cyanoramphus malherbi) and yellow-crowned parakeets (C. auriceps) were surveyed in a South Island beech (Nothofagusspp.) forest during the spring and summer of 1998/99. Habitat use, behaviour and diet were recorded for each parakeet identified. A single observer did all recording. Both species were seen most frequently in the upper-most 20% of the forest stratum. Orange-fronted parakeets were seen more frequently than yellow-crowned parakeets in the lowest 20% of the forest stratum. Orange-fronted parakeets were seen calling less frequently and comforting more frequently than yellow-crowned parakeets, and this may reflect a difference in breeding period behaviour. Both species were usually seen feeding. In summer, both species were seen feeding mostly on seeds, predominantly from mountain beech — but this was a beech mast year. The spring diet of both species appeared to be largely flowers and invertebrates. Orange-fronted parakeets were seen feeding on flowers less frequently and on invertebrates more frequently than yellow-crowned parakeets. We suggest factors that may have contributed to the decline in abundance of both species: (1) greater competition between the two species in a habitat substantially modified by humans; (2) competition with introduced finch species; (3) competition with wasps for invertebrates; and (4) vulnerability to introduced predators. These last two factors are likely to affect orange-fronted parakeets in particular, because they appear to feed more on invertebrates and make greater use of the ground and low-growing plants.  相似文献   

Corticosterone is thought to play an important role in food caching and foraging behaviour. However, the direct influence of increased plasma corticosterone on feeding behaviour is still unclear. In this study the effect of increased corticosterone on feeding behaviour in migratory active red-eyed vireos Vireo olivaceus was investigated. We hypothesized that if increased corticosterone levels facilitate foraging behaviour, an increased number of visits to the food bowl by corticosterone treated birds would be seen. In addition to ad lib food during the experiment, the vireos were fed every full hour between 09.00–13.00 h with one meal worm injected either with 4 μg corticosterone dissolved in 20 μl DMSO, or with DMSO only as a control treatment. The presence or absence of a bird in the food bowl was recorded by a motion detector between 09.00–15.00 h. The non-invasive corticosterone treatment increased plasma corticosterone levels and caused vireos to visit the food bowl more frequently compared to control treated individuals between 11.00–12.00 h and 13.00–15.00 h. Our data indicate that corticosterone has an effect on feeding behaviour in birds.  相似文献   

Earlier studies on social behaviour in the domestic pig have only been performed on groups housed artificially. The present study was undertaken to investigate the social behaviour of free-ranging sows in a well-established flock, so that it could be compared with the behaviour of sows housed indoors that had been studied earlier. The free-ranging flock, which contained 13 animals, 5 of which were sows, lived in an enclosure, approximately 1.1 ha in area. The interaction sequences were registered during 1 h after feeding and during foraging in the enclosure. With sequence analysis, the effect of different behaviours on the behaviour of the receiver animal was measured. This allowed the behaviour patterns to be classed after function. “Aiming”, a behaviour pattern not previously seen, was interpreted as a threat behaviour, being “statistically strongly directive” towards submissive and flight behaviour. The functions of the other 7 behaviours included in the study were found to be the same as in the indoor groups studied earlier. The dominance order was not found to be better established than in the most extensively housed indoor group, but the level of aggression was very low, indicating that a stable dominance order does not automatically lead to a low level of aggression. It was found that the dominance order was mainly maintained through the behaviour of the subordinate animals, supporting the use of an “avoidance order” instead of an “aggression order” as a measurement of social dominance. On the whole, no dramatic differences were found between the behaviour of the free-ranging sows and that of the most extensively housed of the indoor groups studied earlier, although great differences were found between free-ranging sows and sows kept in confinement indoors.  相似文献   

Field observations on the behaviour of Uca (Thalassuca) vocans vocans were made in the estuary of the Okukubi river, Okinawa Island. The formation of the feeding aggregation of wandering individuals or drove was found in warm seasons above an average monthly air temperature 20°C from April to early November, while the aggregation was little observed in cold seasons below the temperature from the middle of November to March. The members of the aggregation tended to move down from the upper levels of burrow area, rather than lower levels. This may be related to the richness of organic matters in the substratum of the lower levels as compared with the upper levels. The feeding aggregation was mostly composed of males, but in June females were numerously seen and its peak occurred in June. It suggested that the peak in June is related to both feeding and copulation. Behaviour different from warm seasons was observed in cold seasons. When feeding on surface soil or Enteromorpha the crabs carried a mass of surface soil or the alga into their burrow. It was though that this behaviour was related to the storage of food. It seems likely that the crabs maintain the population by the formation of the aggregation of wandering feeders in warm seasons when there are no algae and by feeding abundant algae as well as surface soil or by storing up food in good weather for bad one in cold seasons.  相似文献   

了解杜鹃(Cuculus spp.)对不同宿主鸟类的巢寄生,是研究杜鹃与其宿主之间协同进化的重要基础资料。大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)和家燕(Hirundo rustica)分布遍及全国,且为同域分布,但两者之间的寄生现象尚未有过系统调查。2012年和2014年4~8月,对繁殖于吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇(34°58′44.18″N,126°13′26.83″E,海拔184 m)和海南岛的家燕种群进行调查,结果表明,吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇家燕种群的寄生率为2.4%(1/42),而在海南岛所调查的1 719个家燕巢未发现杜鹃寄生现象。同时在网络上搜集家燕巢寄生的报道案例,共记录到13巢家燕被大杜鹃寄生繁殖,均发生在北方的家燕种群。  相似文献   

Molt is energetically demanding and various molt strategies (i.e., molt series, duration, intensity, timing, and location) have evolved to reduce the negative fitness consequences of this process. As such, molt varies considerably among species. Identifying where and when specific feathers are molted is also crucial to inform species‐specific studies using stable isotope markers to assign individuals to geographical regions where they molt. Using museum specimens, we examined the molt of three species of migratory swallows in the Americas: Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia), Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica), and Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota). All three species have one primary and two secondary molt series. Bank and Cliff swallows had one rectrix molt series, and Barn Swallows molted the outer rectrix (R6) separately from the inner five rectrices (R1‐5). All three species have a relatively long flight feather molt duration (i.e., 140–183 days) and low molt intensity. Barn Swallows initiated flight feather molt in the fall, about 2 months later than Bank and Cliff swallows. Barn Swallows likely delay molt because of constraints associated with double brooding. For all three species, molt started with the primaries and inner secondaries and was closely followed by the rectrices and, finally, the outer secondaries. For those that began and then interrupted molt either in breeding areas or during fall migration, the first feathers molted were predominantly S8 and P1. All three species underwent body molt throughout the year, but most individuals molted their body plumage in wintering areas. We recommend that the most appropriate feathers for stable isotope research examining migratory connectivity and habitat use are either R2‐R4 or S2‐S4.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The potential advantages of repeated breeding at a particular location should improve reproductive performance in long‐lived species of birds. However, for short‐lived species, natural selection should favor individuals that most quickly develop competency in reproduction. Therefore, we hypothesized that local breeding experience beyond the first breeding attempt at a particular location would have little effect on subsequent reproductive performance of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), a species where about 50% of adults breed only once in their lives. We tested this hypothesis using data collected from Tree Swallows in Michigan from 1993 to 2002. Because we were specifically interested in examining the effects of local breeding experience on reproductive performance, we restricted our analyses to after‐second‐year (ASY) females and their mates that we first encountered as breeders. Consistent with our hypothesis, we found no relationship between repeated local breeding experience and the reproductive performance of ASY female Tree Swallows and their mates as measured by clutch size and number of fledged young. However, pairs with more combined total local experience tended to lay eggs earlier in the season. These results suggest that Tree Swallows may benefit from breeding site fidelity, not because repeated local experience improves reproductive performance as measured by the production of fledglings, but because returning individuals acquire nest cavities earlier and are able to begin breeding earlier, providing time to renest in case of early nest failure.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology of a box-nesting population of Tree Swallows Tachycineta bicolor in southeastern Wisconsin, USA. We were interested particularly in the relationship between laying order and hatching order and the extent to which each was a predictor of nestling body mass. We found that laying order was a significant predictor of hatching order. Laying and hatching order were related to nestling mass at 4 days of age and to a lesser extent at 12 days of age. In addition, we investigated the effects of natural variation in hatching asynchrony. Hatching asynchrony was positively related to the range of nestling body masses within a brood at days 4 and 12. The probability that brood reduction occurred was also positively related to the degree of hatching asynchrony, though this effect was significant only at day 4. Our results suggest that laying order and hatching order have their greatest effects on nestling Tree Swallows early in the nestling period.  相似文献   

Population limitation in Palaearctic-African migrant passerines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the results of key factor analyses for Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla, Whitethroat Sylvia communis and Willow Warbler Pftylloscopus Irochilus based on extensive data from the United Kingdom gathered by the British Trust for Ornithology. These results are compared with those from published key factor analyses based on intensive studies of Swallows Hirundo ruslica, Redstarts Phoenicurus phoenicums and three populations of Pied Flycatchers Fiiedula hypoleuca. Variation in losses between fledging and the following breeding season lk4 ) accounted for most of the variation in total losses (KT) for all populations. Breeding performance was poorly correlated with population changes. Density-dependence was found mainly in 64, its strength decreasing as average rate of population change increased. There was also evidence of weak density-dependence in the clutch size of Swallows and in Willow Warbler egg losses. Fluctuations in k4 were correlated with conditions on the wintering grounds in Sedge Warblers, Whitethroats and Swallows, for the first two species these relationships being confirmed by analyses of independent survival estimates based on mark-recapture data. Populations of Sedge Warblers and Whitethroats appear to be limited by competition for resources on the wintering grounds. Removal experiments suggest that Willow Warblers, Pied Flycatchers and perhaps Blackcaps are limited through recruitment to the breeding population, in the case of Pied Flycatchers this limitation being in relation to the availability of nest sites.  相似文献   

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