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Abstract: The age-specific survival and fecundity of female adults of the aphidophagous parasitoid, Aphelinus gossypii Timberlake (Hym., Aphelinidae), were determined at a host density of 50 Aphis gossypii Glover (Hom., Aphididae) per leaf of Ageratum houstonianum Mill each day at 25°C. The age-specific mummy production, emergence rate and sex ratio of progeny were calculated. The implication of these results in terms of potential population growth of A. gossypii and related species is discussed. The age-specific survival curve ( l x ) of females exhibited a Type I pattern, which resulted in little difference between Σ m x and Σ l x   m x . The l x curve of males exhibited a Type II pattern, and their survival time was much shorter than that of females. Each mated female produced on average 598.9 ± 64.0 aphid mummies, and preyed on 87.9±6.2 aphids. Most of the biological performance parameters were not different significantly between mated and virgin females. The highly female-biased sex ratio of offspring produced by mated females soon after their emergence resulted in a high fecundity rate ( m x ) during the early reproductive period. Therefore, although the sex ratio of progeny was male-biased during the entire reproductive period, the intrinsic rate of increase estimated using age-specific sex ratios was larger than that estimated using a constant sex ratio of 0.5. These results indicate that the high survival and the adaptation of producing mostly female offspring during the early reproductive period contribute much to the population increase potential of this parasitoid.  相似文献   

Life table parameters of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, were estimated on five cotton cultivars (‘ Sealand' ,‘Siokra' ,' Vararnin' ,‘ Bakhtegan' and ‘ Sahel' ). Demographic parameters of the cotton aphid were assessed at 27.5 ± 1 ℃, 65% + 10% RH and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L: D)h. The shortest developmental time for the nymphal stages was 5.5 days on ‘Siokra' and the longest was 6.1 days on‘ Sealand'. The highest offspring per female was 29.6 on ‘Sahel' and the lowest was 15.3 on ‘Sealand'. The rm values varied from 0.272 on ‘Sealand' to 0.382 (day^-1) on ‘Varamin'. Jackknife estimates of the A. gossypii parameters on these cultivars indicated the greatest developmental rate and fecundity on ‘ Varamin' and the poorest on ‘ Sealand' cultivar.  相似文献   

通过田间调查、室内网罩盆栽苗测定选择性等方法,考察了常规棉(泗棉3号,石远321)、杂交抗虫棉(辽棉19号,鲁棉研18号)、转单价基因抗虫棉(国抗12号,中棉所32)和转双价抗虫棉(SGK321,中棉所41)4种类型8个品种棉花上棉蚜的适生性及种群动态。结果表明: 棉蚜在各棉花品种上的种群动态有明显差异(P<0.05),单株蚜量以转单价基因抗虫棉中棉32上最高,常规棉泗棉3号上最低,分别为297.81头/株和76.88头/株。棉蚜对4种类型棉花品种的选择性有明显差异(P<0.05),其中对转单价基因抗虫棉有很强的选择性。根据棉蚜实验种群的参数判断,其在不同品种棉花上的生长发育、存活及繁殖存在显著差异: 若虫发育历期常规棉石远321上最长(6.46天),双价棉中棉所41上最短(5.75天); 存活率转单价基因抗虫棉中棉32上最高(88.21%),双价棉SGK321上最低(76.46%); 单雌产蚜量杂交抗虫棉辽棉19上最大(44.48头),双价棉SGK321上最小(33.51头); 内禀增长率转单价基因抗虫棉中棉32上最高(0.3695),双价棉中棉所41上最低(0.3389)。综合评价,棉蚜的生存和繁殖适合性在转单价基因抗虫棉上最高,在双价棉上最低。  相似文献   

The developmental time, survival and reproduction of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hom., Aphididae), were evaluated on detached cotton leaves at five constant and two alternating temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 25/30, and 30/35°C). The developmental periods of the immature stages ranged from 12.0 days at 15°C to 4.5 days at 30°C. A constant temperature of 35°C was lethal to the immature stages of A. gossypii. The lower developmental threshold for the cotton aphid was estimated at 6.2°C and it required 108.9 degree-days for a first instar to become adult. The average longevity of adult females was reduced from 39.7 days at 15°C to 12.6 days at 30/35°C. The average reproduction rate per female was 51.5 at 25/30°C and 20.9 at 30/35°C. Mean generation time of the population ranged from 10.4 days at 30°C to 24.5 days at 15°C. The largest per capita growth rate ( r m = 0.413) occurred at 30°C, the smallest at 15°C ( r m = 0.177). It was evident that temperatures over 30°C prolonged development, increased the mortality of the immature stages, shortened adult longevity, and reduced fecundity. The optimal range of temperature for population growth of A. gossypii on cotton was 25/30–30°C.  相似文献   

棉蚜是世界性分布的棉花害虫,仲夏棉蚜种群崩溃是生态控制棉蚜危害的重要途径,为棉蚜预测和防治提供了新思路与切入点,但其崩溃机制尚未明确。导致棉蚜种群崩溃的可能因素主要包括:(1)植物次生代谢物影响棉蚜的发育和繁殖,但不足以导致棉蚜种群崩溃;(2)暴风雨对棉蚜种群有一定的影响,但无法解释连续多年和多个地点发生的种群崩溃现象;(3)高温显著降低棉蚜的存活和繁殖,且与仲夏棉蚜种群崩溃期相吻合,高温很可能是棉蚜种群崩溃的关键影响因子;(4)高密度条件下激烈的种内竞争导致棉蚜繁殖率降低,有翅蚜比例增加;(5)天敌除具有直接捕食或寄生作用外,同时间接影响若蚜生长发育和刺激有翅蚜形成,对棉蚜种群后期崩溃发挥重要作用。本文对可能导致仲夏棉蚜种群崩溃的主要因素分别进行论述,探讨其对棉蚜存活、繁殖和有翅蚜形成的影响,旨在为探明仲夏棉蚜种群崩溃机制提供参考。  相似文献   

Variation in the life history traits of cotton aphids, Aphis gossypii Glover, reared on four widely distributed weeds, Ageratum houstonianum Mill., Bidens pilosa L. var. radiata Sch. Bip., Solanum nigrum L. and Spermacoce latifolia Aubl., were investigated. Cotton aphids were reared in the laboratory at 25°C. Each host plant had a distinct effect on aphid life history traits. Cotton aphids reared on S. nigrum had a significantly shorter developmental period, and age-specific fecundity peaked early. In contrast, cotton aphids reared on S. latifolia had a long developmental period and low age-specific fecundity. Cotton aphids that fed on B. pilosa and A. houstonianum displayed intermediate rates of growth and age-specific fecundity. Because the curves of age-specific fecundity ( mx ) and age-specific net maternity ( lx  m x ) on each host plant were close together, development time and the pattern of age-specific fecundity were the major factors determining the population growth potential of the cotton aphid on each weed. As a result, the intrinsic rate of population growth for aphids reared on S. nigrum was significantly higher ( rm =0.527 ± 0.011) than it was for aphids reared on S. latifolia ( rm =0.194 ± 0.012).  相似文献   

The spatio‐temporal distribution of Aphis gossypii (Glover) was studied for a 4‐year period in a plot of Gossypium hirsutum located in Bangui, Central African Republic. A study of the temporal evolution of the number of aphids by means of non‐linear regression indicated a rapid population increase during the first 8 weeks of cotton cultivation. The overdispersion of the aphids was found to be significant during most of the season. We tested three population dispersion models; Iwao's model and Taylor's power law describe the relationship between the mean m and variance σ2 for the number of aphids, and the Nachman's model describes the functional dependence between m and the proportion p of non‐infested cotton plants. The results of these statistical tests indicate that only the Taylor's model was not rejected. The aphids’ aggregation increases with population density. The regression parameter confidence intervals for each of the 4 years of observation prove the stability of the Taylor's model. The model σ2 = 45m1.3 is recommended when the environmental and cultural conditions are similar to those of our study.  相似文献   

A simple and effective method was set up to purify acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC3.1.1.7) from the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover. The procedure involved filtration on a sephadex G-25 column, separation with sephadex G-200 and procainamide affinity column. AChE from both susceptible and resistant strains were purified to a single band as resolved on denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The specific activity increased by 35,100- and 33,680-fold with a yield of 30.3 and 29.8%, respectively. The molecular mass of the purified AChE was about 63,500 Dalton as determined by SDS-PAGE. However, three bands resolved on PAGE gel electrophoresis, leading to the inference that native AChE exists in three forms. The optimum conditions for measuring the activity of purified AChE with kinetic method were 0.02M phosphate buffer, pH7.2, 0.02 mM 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), and 25 degrees C. Investigation also revealed that crude extract and purified AChE had different kinetic characteristics and inhibitory properties. They responded differently to varied DTNB, ATChI, and phosphate buffer ion concentrations, as well as pH, temperature, and inhibitors. The purified AChE was more sensitive to eserine, methamidophos, and pirimicarb. Especially for resistant aphids, the sensitivity of purified AChE to methamidophos and pirimicarb was enhanced 6.43 and 11.73 times, respectively. We infer that one or more factors in the crude extract from the resistance strain have more influence on AChE sensitivity. Further study is needed to investigate the basis of these observations.  相似文献   

Efficiency of imidacloprid and thiametoxam on population growth parameters of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was assessed using three bioassay methods including; residual, starvation and FAO dip methods. Aphids were assayed under laboratory conditions at 23 ± 2°C, photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) and 70% relative humidity. Aphids were transferred to sprayed leaves and Petri dishes in residual and starvation methods, respectively. There was no feeding for the aphids in starvation method. In FAO dip method, insects were dipped for 5 s in pesticide solutions and then transferred to fresh leaves. Results revealed that LC50 values calculated with the starvation and residual methods were respectively 15 and 11% more than FAO dip method (for imidacloprid) and 22 and 18% (for thiametoxam). The LC50 value in starvation method was 3% more than the residual method. Calculated LC50 in starvation and residual methods with imidacloprid respectively caused 160 and 34% increase in intrinsic rates of increase (r m) and net reproductive rate (R 0) in comparison with FAO dip method. Generation time (T) and doubling time (DT) were respectively 59 and 62% less than those in FAO dip method. In contrast, thiametoxam (LC50 concentration) in starvation and residual method lead to 9 and 67% increase in r m and R 0 parameters compared to FAO dip method. However T and DT were respectively 65 and 92% less than mentioned parameters in FAO dip method. There was not any significant difference between life table parameters calculated by residual and starvation bioassay methods.  相似文献   

We measured lipid, carbohydrate and protein content in three strains of cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from very resistant to neonicotinoids up to semi sensitive and sensitive strains in different exposure method of spraying to neonicotinoids. We observed changes in energy source rates at which each substrate was metabolised under starvation, selection and residue stress method spraying that assist in metabolisation of their biochemical parameters. These particular exposure methods influenced some of biochemical parameters in cotton aphid. Results indicated that Sugar, glycogen, total protein and lipid in aphids have significant changes. Studies showed that among three strains called Ag-R, Ag-M and Ag-D which have different susceptibilities to neonicotinoids, strain Ag-R was the most tolerated aphids in counter of imidacloprid and thiametoxam, strain Ag-D was somewhat more tolerated to these insecticides and strain Ag-M was the most sensitive strain which has the resistance factor of nearly 890 in starvation method and was different depending on the method of exposure. Among energy sources, the total lipid in susceptible strain were decreasing more than resistant strain, whereas total proteins were increasing in resistant strain compared with sensitive strain. Total Glycogen was affected significantly in the stress condition which caused an increase and was the most resistant strain.  相似文献   

Many plant-feeding insect species considered to be polyphagous are in fact composed of genetically differentiated sympatric populations that use different hosts and between which gene flow still exists. We studied the population genetic structure of the cotton-melon aphid Aphis gossypii that is considered as one of the most polyphagous aphid species. We used eight microsatellites to analyse the genetic diversity of numerous samples of A. gossypii collected over several years at a large geographical scale on annual crops from different plant families. The number of multilocus genotypes detected was extremely low and the genotypes were found to be associated with host plants. Five host races were unambiguously identified (Cucurbitaceae, cotton, eggplant, potato and chili- or sweet pepper). These host races were dominated by asexual clones. Plant transfer experiments using several specialized clones further confirmed the existence of host-associated trade-offs. Finally, both genetic and experimental data suggested that plants of the genus Hibiscus may be used as refuge for the specialized clones. Resource abundance is discussed as a key factor involved in the process of ecological specialization in A. gossypii.  相似文献   

Three instar larvae could be observed forAphelinus varipes. In the second and third instars, the colon which forms the largest part of the hindgut was composed of secretory cells. There was a reduction in the size and number of embryos produced by parasitized aphids. Fat cells of parasitized aphids also degenerated sooner than those of unparasitized aphids. The number of mycetocytes remained higher in parasitizedRhopalosiphum padi than in non-parasitized aphids. During the last instar ofA. varipes the host aphid developed into a mummy in which black pigments were incorporated into the exocuticle and the integument of the aphid became sclerotized.  相似文献   

The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glove, is one of the pests of cotton crop and its relation with the host seem to depend on the amount of nitrogen available to the plant. The biology of A. gossypii using different cotton nitrogen fertility regimes was studied under greenhouse conditions, in Dourados, MS. A completely randomized design with nine replications in a factorial scheme (2x4x2)+1 was used. Two nitrogen sources (sulphate of ammonium and urea), four doses of nitrogen (50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1), two different times of nitrogen application and one additional treatment without nitrogen were taken as factors. The nymphal phases, the pre-reproductive, reproductive and pos-reproductive periods, longevity, the life cycle and fecundity of the cotton aphid were evaluated. The doses of nitrogen influenced the cotton aphid biology in both sources and times of application, favoring its development and fecundity.  相似文献   

短时间高温处理对棉蚜存活的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover种群动态与高温的关系,研究了不同温度(30、34、38、42、46℃)、不同处理时间(1、2、5、8h)对棉蚜存活的影响。结果表明:在同一处理时间条件下,棉蚜的存活率随着温度的升高而降低;在同一处理温度下,棉蚜的存活率随处理时间的延长而降低。30~38℃温度范围内,棉蚜存活率降低缓慢,从42℃开始棉蚜的存活率迅速降低。棉蚜半数致死温度随着处理时间的延长而降低;相同处理时间条件下,若蚜半数致死温度高于成蚜,若蚜较成蚜更耐高温。  相似文献   

Aphis gossypii Glover (Hom.: Aphididae) is a damaging pest of protected cucumbers in the UK, and control measures are required which are compatible with other components in the overall cucumber integrated pest management programme. Two methods of establishing the parasitoids, Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hym.: Braconidae), in cucumber crops prior to invasion of the aphids were developed. The first involved weekly releases of small numbers of parasitoids beginning before A. gossypii became established on the plants. The second method used open-rearing units based on maize, wheat and rygrass plants infested with Rhopalosiphum padi L (Hom.: Aphididae), which is a common host to many natural enemies of A. gossypii but not a threat to the cucumber crop. Both methods were found to be more efficient in summer than in late spring. Parasitoid release rates were established for the two control methods at both of these times of the year. Like all biological control measures, these methods will require careful management in practice and some fine-tuning to suit individual crop production systems.  相似文献   

Samples of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, populations collected from the vicinity of Multan in central Pakistan from 1997 to 2000 were evaluated for pyrethroid resistance in comparison with a susceptible laboratory colony using a leaf-dip bioassay. Resistance to seven pyrethroid insecticides viz. cypermethrin, alphacypermethrin, zetacypermethrin, cyfluthrin, fenpropathrin, bifenthrin, and lambdacyhalothrin was generally very high. However, A. gossypii consistently showed lower resistance to deltamethrin than to other pyrethroids. The lower deltamethrin resistance implies that deltamethrin might be less affected by the resistance mechanism(s) present, a feature that could potentially be exploited in strategies for managing A. gossypii. The influence of insecticide use on cotton on the extent and dynamics of resistance in A. gossypii is discussed.  相似文献   

郑彩玲  刘向东  翟保平 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1879-1886
采用寄主转接建立生命表的方法研究了棉花型和黄瓜型棉蚜对不同寄主植物的适应性,以及两寄主型棉蚜是否可通过中间桥梁寄主实现寄主互换的问题。结果表明,两寄主型棉蚜直接互换寄主后,其存活和繁殖力显著下降,表现为棉花型和黄瓜型棉蚜的净增殖率比在原寄主上分别下降980倍和12倍,平均世代寿命缩短5~12d。两寄主型棉蚜均能利用木槿植物,并且适应性没有显著差异。但是两寄主型棉蚜均不能在车前草和大叶黄杨上存活和繁殖后代。西葫芦作物对棉蚜在木槿、棉花和黄瓜寄主上的相互转移起到了重要的桥梁寄主作用。冬寄主木槿上棉蚜可通过甜瓜或西葫芦转移到黄瓜寄主上,棉花和黄瓜上棉蚜也可通西葫芦作物分别转移到黄瓜和棉花作物上,从而形成棉蚜在不同寄主植物间的相互转移通道,造成为害和病毒病的扩张。  相似文献   

Life table parameters of Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) on Gossypium hirsutum L. were determined at six temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 ± 0.5°C) in the laboratory. Relationships of life table parameters with temperature were described with mathematical equations. Development was fastest at 30°C, with a pre-larviposition period of 4.6 d. Survival to adult was greatest at 25°C (81%). Fecundity was highest at 25°C, with a total fecundity of 28.3 nymphs per female and a mean reproductive rate of 3.1 nymphs per female per day. Threshold temperatures for development in the first through fourth instar and the adult were 8.2, 8.0, 7.2, 6.2 and 7.9°C, respectively. The durations of these stages, expressed as temperature sums above these thresholds, were 24.2, 23.7, 23.0, 25.5 and 168.8 degree-days (D°), respectively. A. gossypii achieved its maximum net reproductive number (24.4 nymphs per female) and greatest intrinsic rate of increase (0.386 d–1) at 25°C. The high relative rate of population increase at 25°C results in a daily population increase of 47% and a doubling time of only 1.8 d, illustrating the tremendous growth capacity of A. gossypii populations under favourable conditions. Compared to literature sources, our source of A. gossypii, fed on cotton, showed a comparatively great heat tolerance.  相似文献   

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