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Although leaf photosynthesis and plant growth are initially stimulated by elevated CO2 concentrations, increasing insensitivity to CO2 (acclimation) is a frequent occurrence. In order to examine the acclimation process, we studied photosynthesis and whole plant development in swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. Koch ssp. ciela) and sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris) grown at either ambient or twice ambient concentrations of CO2. In an initial controlled environment study, photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 levels was observed in both subspecies 24 days after sowing (DAS) but was not observed at 42 and 49 DAS for sugarbeet or at 49 DAS for swiss chard. Although sugarbeet and swiss chard differed in root size and morphology, this was not a factor in the onset of photosynthetic acclimation. The reversal of photosynthetic acclimation that was observed in older plants grown at elevated CO2, concentrations was associated with a rapid increase in root development (i.e. increased root: shoot [R/S] ratio), increased sucrose levels in sinks (roots) and no differences in total soluble leaf protein of either subspecies relative to the ambient CO2 condition. In a second set of experiments, swiss chard and sugarbeet were grown in outdoor Plexiglass chambers at different times of the year (i.e. summer and early fall). Average 24-h temperature was 30.7 and 19.4°C for the summer and fall plantings, respectively. In agreement with the controlled environment study, lack of photosynthetic acclimation, determined from the response of photosynthesic rate to internal CO2 concentration, was correlated with increased root biomass and sucrose concentration relative to the ambient condition. However, photo-synthetic acclimation was observed depending on the season, i.e. summer (swiss chard) or fall (sugarbeet), suggesting that acclimation was affected by environmental factors, such as temperature. Data from both experiments suggest that continued long-term photosynthetic stimulation may be dependent upon the ability of increased CO2 to stimulate new sink development which would allow full utilization of the additional carbon made available in a high CO2 environment.  相似文献   

CO2 enrichment of soybeans. Effects of leaf/pod ratio   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of varying leaf number on response of soybean ( Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Fiskeby V) to CO2 enrichment was studied. Plants were trimmed at pod set to 15 pods and 1 or 3 leaves (15:1 and 5:1 pod/leaf ratio) and placed in 350 or 1000 μl/l CO2 growth chambers. Photosynthetic rates and dry weights were measured 6 times in all plants at each CO2 concentration over a period of 39 days. Measured at treatment CO2 concentration, photosynthetic rates deelined rapidly in enriched plants, but remained higher than those of non-enriched plants. When all plants were measured at the same CO2 concentration, for most sampling dates, neither growth, CO2 concentration or pod/leaf ratio significantly affected rates of photosynthesis per unit area of comparable leaves. CO2 enrichment significantly increased total weights and pod weights in 15:1 but not 5:1 pod/leaf ratio plants. Plants with a 5:1 pod/leaf ratio had significantly higher total and pod weights than 15:1 ratio plants. Both the photosynthesis and dry weight data suggest that plants in the 5:1 ratio enriched treatment were sink-limited, but plants in all other treatments were source limited.  相似文献   

The reduction of photosynthetic capacity in many plants grown at elevated CO2 is thought to result from a feedback effect of leaf carbohydrates on gene expression. Carbohydrate feedback at elevated CO2 could result from limitations on carbohydrate utilization at many different points, for example export of triose phosphates from the chloroplast, sucrose synthesis and phloem loading, transport in the phloem, unloading of the phloem at the sinks, or utilization for growth of sinks. To determine the relative importance of leaf versus whole plant level limitations on carbohydrate utilization at elevated CO2, and the possible effects on the regulation of photosynthetic capacity, we constructed a treatment system in which we could expose single, attached, soybean leaflets to CO2 concentrations different from those experienced by the rest of the plant. The single leaflet treatments had dramatic effects on the carbohydrate contents of the treated leaflets. However, photosynthetic capacity and rubisco content were unaffected by the individual leaflet treatment and instead were related to the whole plant CO2 environment, despite the fact that the CO2 environment around the rest of the plant had no significant affect on the total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) contents of the treated leaflets. These results necessitate a re-evaluation of the response mechanisms to CO2 as well as some of the methods used to test these responses. We propose mechanisms by which sink strength could influence leaf physiology independently of changes in carbohydrate accumulation.  相似文献   

Soybean ( Glycine max cv. Clark) was grown at both ambient (ca 350 μmol mol−1) and elevated (ca 700 μmol mol−1) CO2 concentration at 5 growth temperatures (constant day/night temperatures of 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C) for 17–22 days after sowing to determine the interaction between temperature and CO2 concentration on photosynthesis (measured as A, the rate of CO2 assimilation per unit leaf area) at both the single leaf and whole plant level. Single leaves of soybean demonstrated increasingly greater stimulation of A at elevated CO2 as temperature increased from 25 to 35°C (i.e. optimal growth rates). At 40°C, primary leaves failed to develop and plants eventually died. In contrast, for both whole plant A and total biomass production, increasing temperature resulted in less stimulation by elevated CO2 concentration. For whole plants, increased CO2 stimulated leaf area more as growth temperature increased. Differences between the response of A to elevated CO2 for single leaves and whole plants may be related to increased self-shading experienced by whole plants at elevated CO2 as temperature increased. Results from the present study suggest that self-shading could limit the response of CO2 assimilation rate and the growth response of soybean plants if temperature and CO2 increase concurrently, and illustrate that light may be an important consideration in predicting the relative stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 at the whole plant level.  相似文献   

Plants grown at elevated CO2 often acclimate such that their photosynthetic capacities are reduced relative to ambient CO2-grown plants. Reductions in synthesis of photosynthetic enzymes could result either from reduced photosynthetic gene expression or from reduced availability of nitrogen-containing substrates for enzyme synthesis. Increased carbohydrate concentrations resulting from increased photosynthetic carbon fixation at elevated CO2 concentrations have been suggested to reduce the expression of photosynthetic genes. However, recent studies have also suggested that nitrogen uptake may be depressed by elevated CO2, or at least that it is not increased enough to keep pace with increased carbohydrate production. This response could induce a nitrogen limitation in elevated-CO2 plants that might account for the reduction in photosynthetic enzyme synthesis. If CO2 acclimation were a response to limited nitrogen uptake, the effects of elevated CO2 and limiting nitrogen supply on photosynthesis and nitrogen allocation should be similar. To test this hypothesis we grew non-nodulating soybeans at two levels each of nitrogen and CO2 concentration and measured leaf nitrogen contents, photosynthetic capacities and Rubisco contents. Both low nitrogen and elevated CO2 reduced nitrogen as a percentage of total leaf dry mass but only low nitrogen supply produced significant decreases in nitrogen as a percentage of leaf structural dry mass. The primary effect of elevated CO2 was to increase non-structural carbohydrate storage rather than to decrease nitrogen content. Both low nitrogen supply and elevated CO2 also decreased carboxylation capacity (Vcmax) and Rubisco content per unit leaf area. However, when Vcmax and Rubisco content were expressed per unit nitrogen, low nitrogen supply generally caused them to increase whereas elevated CO2 generally caused them to decrease. Finally, elevated CO2 significantly increased the ratio of RuBP regeneration capacity to Vcmax whereas neither nitrogen supply nor plant age had a significant effect on this parameter. We conclude that reductions in photosynthetic enzyme synthesis in elevated CO2 appear not to result from limited nitrogen supply but instead may result from feedback inhibition by increased carbohydrate contents.  相似文献   

1. We report changes in photosynthetic capacity of leaves developed in varying photon flux density (PFD), nitrogen supply and CO2 concentration. We determined the relative effect of these environmental factors on photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf volume as well as the volume of tissue per unit leaf area. We calculated resource-use efficiencies from the photosynthetic capacities and measurements of leaf dry mass, carbohydrates and nitrogen content.
2. There were clear differences between the mechanisms of photosynthetic acclimation to PFD, nitrogen supply and CO2. PFD primarily affected volume of tissue per unit area whereas nitrogen supply primarily affected photosynthetic capacity per unit volume. CO2 concentration affected both of these parameters and interacted strongly with the PFD and nitrogen treatments.
3. Photosynthetic capacity per unit carbon invested in leaves increased in the low PFD, high nitrogen and low CO2 treatments. Photosynthetic capacity per unit nitrogen was significantly affected only by nitrogen supply.
4. The responses to low PFD and low nitrogen appear to function to increase the efficiency of utilization of the limiting resource. However, the responses to elevated CO2 in the high PFD and high nitrogen treatments suggest that high CO2 can result in a situation where growth is not limited by either carbon or nitrogen supply. Limitation of growth at elevated CO2 appears to result from internal plant factors that limit utilization of carbohydrates at sinks and/or transport of carbohydrates to sinks.  相似文献   

Despite mounting evidence showing that C4 plants can accumulate more biomass at elevated CO2 partial pressure (p(CO2)), the underlying mechanisms of this response are still largely unclear. In this paper, we review the current state of knowledge regarding the response of C4 plants to elevated p(CO2) and discuss the likely mechanisms. We identify two main routes through which elevated p(CO2) can stimulate the growth of both well-watered and water-stressed C4 plants. First, through enhanced leaf CO2 assimilation rates due to increased intercellular p(CO2). Second, through reduced stomatal conductance and subsequently leaf transpiration rates. Reduced transpiration rates can stimulate leaf CO2 assimilation and growth rates by conserving soil water, improving shoot water relations and increasing leaf temperature. We argue that bundle sheath leakiness, direct CO2 fixation in the bundle sheath or the presence of C3-like photosynthesis in young C4 leaves are unlikely explanations for the high CO2-responsiveness of C4 photosynthesis. The interactions between elevated p(CO2), leaf temperature and shoot water relations on the growth and photosynthesis of C4 plants are identified as key areas needing urgent research.  相似文献   

Artificial chalk grassland swards were exposed to either ambient air or air enriched to 600 μ mol mol–1 CO2, using free-air CO2 enrichment technology, and subjected to an 8 week simulated grazing regime. After 14 months of treatment, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) activity ( V c,max) and electron transport mediated ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration capacity ( J max), estimated from leaf gas exchange, were significantly lower in fully expanded leaves of Anthyllis vulneraria L. (a legume) and Sanguisorba minor Scop. grown in elevated CO2. After a change in source:sink balance brought about by defoliation, photosynthetic capacity was fully restored in A. vulneraria and S. minor, but acclimation continued in the grass Bromopsis erecta (Hudson) Fourr. Changes in net photosynthesis ( P n) with growth at elevated CO2 ranged from a 1·6% reduction in precut leaves of A. vulneraria to a 47·1% stimulation in postcut leaves of S. minor . Stomatal acclimation was observed in leaves of A. vulneraria (reduced stomatal density) and B. erecta (reduced stomatal conductance). The results are discussed in terms of whole-plant resource-use optimization and chalk grassland community competitive interactions at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

The influence of source and sink temperature on leaf net C exchange rate (NCER), export, and partitioning in the C3 monocotyledon Alstroemeria sp. cv. Jacqueline were examined. Leaf (i.e. source) temperature was varied between 12 and 35°C while source leaves were exposed to photorespiratory and nonphotorespiratory conditions during a 2-h steady-state 14CO2 labelling period. Between 12 and 20°C, at ambient CO2 and O2, leaf NCER and export were similar with maximum rates of 9.71 ± 0.51 and 3.06 ± 0.36 μmol C m-2 s-1, respectively. Both NCER and export decreased above 20°C. At 35°C NCER was 30% of the rate at 20°C, but export was totally inhibited. Between 12 and 35°C, at the end of the 2-h feeding period, 14C was partitioned in the leaf as ethanol insolubles (3–10%), H2O solubles (88–92%), and chloroform solubles (2–8%). However, above 25°C, less 14C was recovered in the starch fraction and more in the sugar fractions. At all temperatures, 86 to 94% of the labelled sugars was 14C-sucrose. In nonphotorespiratory conditions (i.e. 1 800 μI I-1 CO2 and 2% O2). NCER and export were higher than the rates obtained at ambient CO2 and O2 at each temperature. Carbon dioxide enrichment sustained high NCER and export rates even at 35°C, Although CO2 enrichment increased partitioning of 14C into starch, starch synthesis at 35°C was markedly reduced. Cooling the root-zone mass (i.e. a dominant sink) to 10°C, which simulated the commercial practice used to induce flowering, had no significant effect on source leaf NCER and export rates either during a 2-h steady-state labelling period or subsequently during a 21-h light-dark chase period. Furthermore, partitioning of 14C among leaf products at the end of the feed-chase period was not affected. Additional pulse and chase experiments using 11CO2 fed to source leaves of control and root-cooled plants showed that there was no difference in the direction of movement of 11C-assimilates towards the flower or the root zone as a consequence of root cooling. Together, the data indicate that changing source strength, by manipulating photosynthesis and photorespiration, by varying the leaf temperature had a more profound effect on leaf export than manipulating sink activity.  相似文献   

The increased supply of photosynthate from maternal tissue is known to promote grain growth in several crop species. However, the effect of increasing photosynthate supply on grain growth receives little attention in rice. This study was aimed at evaluating the effect of increasing photosynthate supply through CO2 enrichment (650 μl I-1) on grain growth in three rice cultivars differing in grain size. CO2 enrichment was applied to the pot-grown plants between anthesis and final harvest. The results indicated that high CO2 treatment enhanced the CO2 exchange rate of leaf tissue, and subsequently increased the sucrose level of peduncle exudate, but it did not promote starch accumulation in the developing grains. This phenomenon was linked to the poor CO2 responses for the grain activities of sucrose synthase, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, and starch synthases involved in the conversion of sucrose to starch. Significant cultivar differences also existed for the activities of sucrose to starch conversion enzymes with larger grain size cultivars tending to have higher enzymes activities (expressed on a grain basis), resulting in a greater carbohydrate accumulation.  相似文献   

Springs emitting carbon dioxide are frequent in Central Italy and provide a way of testing the response of plants to CO2 enrichment under natural conditions. Results of a CO2 enrichment experiment on soybean at a CO2 spring (Solfatara) are presented. The experimental site is characterized by significant anomalies in atmospheric CO2 concentration produced by a large number of vents emitting almost pure CO2 (93%) plus small amounts of hydrogen sulphide, methane, nitrogen and oxygen. Within the gas vent area, plants were grown at three sub-areas whose mean CO2 concentrations during daytime were 350,652 and 2370 μmol mol-1, respectively. Weekly harvests were made to measure biomass growth, leaf area and ontogenetic development. Biomass growth rate and seed yield were enhanced by elevated CO2. In particular, onto-morphogenetic development was affected by elevated CO2 with high levels of CO2 increasing the total number of main stem leaf nodes and the area of the main stem trifoliolate leaves. Biochemical analysis of plant tissue suggested that there was no effect of the small amounts of H2S on the response to CO2 enrichment. Non-protein sulphydryl compounds did not accumulate in leaf tissues and the overall capacity of leaf extracts to oxidize exogenously added NADH was not decreased. The limitations and advantages of experimenting with crop plants at elevated CO2 in the open and in the proximity of carbon dioxide springs are discussed.  相似文献   

Integration of photosynthetic acclimation to CO2 at the whole-plant level   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Primary events in photosynthetic (PS) acclimation to elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) occur at the molecular level in leaf mesophyll cells, but final growth response to [CO2] involves acclimation responses associated with photosynthate partitioning among plant organs in relation to resources limiting growth. Source–sink interactions, particularly with regard to carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), are key determinants of PS acclimation to elevated [CO2] at the whole-plant level. In the long term, PS and growth response to [CO2] are dependent on genotypic and environmental factors affecting the plant's ability to develop new sinks for C, and acquire adequate N and other resources to support an enhanced growth potential. Growth at elevated [CO2] usually increases N use efficiency because PS rates can be maintained at levels comparable to those observed at ambient [CO2] with less N investment in PS enzymes. A frequent acclimation response, particularly under N-limited conditions, is for the accumulation of leaf carbohydrates at elevated [CO2] to lead to repression of genes associated with the production of PS enzymes. The hypothesis that this is an adaptive response, leading to a diversion of N to plant organs where it is of greatest benefit in terms of competitive ability and reproductive fitness, needs to be more rigorously tested. The biological control mechanisms which plants have evolved to acclimate to shifts in source–sink balance caused by elevated [CO2] are complex, and will only be fully elucidated by probing at all scales along the hierarchy from molecular to ecosystem. Use of environmental manipulations and genotypic comparisons will facilitate the testing of specific hypotheses. Improving our ability to predict PS acclimation to [CO2] will require the integration of results from laboratory studies using simple model systems with results from whole-plant studies that include measurements of processes operating at several scales. Abbreviations: CAM, crassulacean acid metabolism; FACE, Free-Air CO2 Enrichment; Pi, inorganic phosphate; LAR, leaf area ratio (m2 g-1); LWR, leaf weight ratio (g g-1); NAR, net assimilation rate (g m-2 d- 1); PS, photosynthetic; RGR, relative growth rate (g g-1 d-1); R:S, root/shoot ratio; rubisco, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase; RuBP, ribulose bisphosphate; SLA, specific leaf area (m2 g-1); SPS, sucrose phosphate synthase; WUE, water use efficiency (g biomass g H2O-1).  相似文献   

An investigation to determine whether stomatal acclimation to [CO2] occurred in C3/C4 grassland plants grown across a range of [CO2] (200–550 µmol mol?1) in the field was carried out. Acclimation was assessed by measuring the response of stomatal conductance (gs) to a range of intercellular CO2 (a gsCi curve) at each growth [CO2] in the third and fourth growing seasons of the treatment. The gsCi response curves for Solanum dimidiatum (C3 perennial forb) differed significantly across [CO2] treatments, suggesting that stomatal acclimation had occurred. Evidence of non–linear stomatal acclimation to [CO2] in this species was also found as maximum gs (gsmax; gs measured at the lowest Ci) increased with decreasing growth [CO2] only below 400 µmol mol?1. The substantial increase in gs at subambient [CO2] for S. dimidiatum was weakly correlated with the maximum velocity of carboxylation (Vcmax; r2 = 0·27) and was not associated with CO2 saturated photosynthesis (Amax). The response of gs to Ci did not vary with growth [CO2] in Bromus japonicus (C3 annual grass) or Bothriochloa ischaemum (C4 perennial grass), suggesting that stomatal acclimation had not occurred in these species. Stomatal density, which increased with rising [CO2] in both C3 species, was not correlated with gs. Larger stomatal size at subambient [CO2], however, may be associated with stomatal acclimation in S. dimidiatum. Incorporating stomatal acclimation into modelling studies could improve the ability to predict changes in ecosystem water fluxes and water availability with rising CO2 and to understand their magnitudes relative to the past.  相似文献   

Soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merr. c.v. Williams) were grown in CO2 controlled, natural-light growth chambers under one of four atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]): (1) 250 μmol mol–1 24 h d–1[250/250]; (2) 1000 μmol mol–1 24 h d–1[1000/1000]; (3) 250 μmol mol–1 during daylight hours and 1000 μmol mol–1 during night-time hours [250/1000] or (4) 1000 μmol mol–1 during daylight hours and 250 μmol mol–1 during night-time hours [1000/250]. During the vegetative growth phase few physiological differences were observed between plants exposed to a constant 24 h [CO2] (250/250 and 1000/1000) and those that were switched to a higher or lower [CO2] at night (250/1000 and 1000/250), suggesting that the primary physiological responses of plants to growth in elevated [CO2] is apparently a response to daytime [CO2] only. However, by the end of the reproductive growth phase, major differences were observed. Plants grown in the 1000/250 regime, when compared with those in the 1000/1000 regime, had significantly more leaf area and leaf mass, 27% more total plant dry mass, but only 18% of the fruit mass. After 12 weeks of growth these plants also had 19% higher respiration rates and 32% lower photosynthetic rates than the 1000/1000 plants. As a result the ratio of carbon gain to carbon loss was reduced significantly in the plants exposed to the reduced night-time [CO2]. Plants grown in the opposite switching environment, 250/1000 versus 250/250, showed no major differences in biomass accumulation or allocation with the exception of a significant increase in the amount of leaf mass per unit area. Physiologically, those plants exposed to elevated night-time [CO2] had 21% lower respiration rates, 14% lower photosynthetic rates and a significant increase in the ratio of carbon gain to carbon loss, again when compared with the 250/250 plants. Biochemical differences also were found. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase concentrations decreased in the 250/ 1000 treatment compared with the 250/250 plants, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity decreased in the 1000/250 compared with the 1000/1000 plants. Glucose, fructose and to a lesser extent sucrose concentrations also were reduced in the 1000/250 treatment compared with the 1000/1000 plants. These results indicate that experimental protocols that do not maintain elevated CO2 levels 24 h d–1 can have significant effects on plant biomass, carbon allocation and physiology, at least for fast-growing annual crop plants. Furthermore, the results suggest some plant processes other than photosynthesis are sensitive to [CO2] and under ecologically relevant conditions, such as high night-time [CO2], whole plant carbon balance can be affected.  相似文献   

A direct comparison of treatment uniformity and CO2 use of pure and prediluted free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) systems was conducted in a forest ecosystem. A vertical release pure CO2 fumigation system was superimposed on an existing prediluted CO2 fumigation system and operated on alternate days. The FACE system using prediluted CO2 fumigation technology exhibited less temporal and spatial variability than the pure CO2 fumigation system. The pure CO2 fumigation system tended to over-fumigate the upwind portions of the plot and used 25% more CO2 than the prediluted CO2 fumigation system. The increased CO2 use by the pure CO2 system was exacerbated at low wind speeds. It is not clear if this phenomenon will also be observed in plots with smaller diameters and low-stature vegetation.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis, respiration and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were determined in peach ( Prunus persica L. cv. Dixired) leaves naturally infected by Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul. and in healthy leaves (controls), in two successive springs. A drastic decrease in net photosynthesis and an evident increase in respiration in curled leaves were noted. The instantaneous PSII fluorescence yield, with no (F0) and with (F0) quenching component, and steady state fluorescence yield (under actinic light, Fs) were essentially unchanged. Maximal fluorescence in dark-adapted (Fm) and illuminated (F'm) leaves and the corresponding variable fluorescence (Fv and Fv) clearly decreased. The indicators of PSII quantum yield (Fv/Fm) in dark-adapted leaves, and the potential PSII excitation capture efficiency (F'v/F'm) and the quantum yield of PSII (qp [F'v/F'm]) in the light were also significantly lower in curled leaves. Decreasing tendencies were also noted for the PSII photochemical yield (photochemical quenching, qp) and in the energy status of the chloroplast (non-photochemical quenching, qN, and Stern-Vollmer value, NPQ) although the differences were not always significant. In curled leaves the main alteration documented is the imbalance between the drastic inhibition of CO2 fixation and the moderate decrease in photochemical reactions (i.e. Fv/Fm and ΔF/F'm), indicating changes in the energy flux.  相似文献   

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