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Summary Transmission electron microscopy shows the gastric epithelium of Styela clava to comprise at least three distinct cell types. Ciliated mucous cells which form the crest of each stomach ridge produce mucus by an unexpected route. Vacuolated cells lining the ridge sides appear to be absorptive in function. Gastric enzymes are produced by typical protein secreting cells scattered amongst the vacuolated cells. Undifferentiated cells are found in the crypts between ridges. The structure and function of the gastric epithelium in Styela is discussed with special reference to the wider concepts of ascidian gut organization.The author is grateful to Mrs. L. Rolph for technical help with scanning electron microscopy and Mr. J. Calvert and Mr. R. Jones for assistance with the transmission electron microscopy. Animals were collected through the kind offices of Mr. J. Sturges and other staff of the Admiralty Marine Trials Station, Portsmouth. This research was carried out during the tenure of SRC grant No. B/RG 82919 -The localization of polypeptide hormones in the pharynx and gut of Protochordates  相似文献   

Patch contrast, defined as the difference between patches, isamong the basic traits of environmental heterogeneity (Kolasa and Pickett 1991;Stuefer 1996). Clonal plants, especially those with long spacers,usually experience certain patches with different nutrient-patchcontrasts (de Kroon et al. 2005; Stuefer 1996). Clonal integrationhas been recognized as a basic strategy, by which clonal plantscan effectively cope with patchy resources and increase theirfitness in such habitats (de Kroon et al. 2005; Zhang et al. 2007).Glechoma longituba is distributed  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean area 2 subspecies of Echinococcus granulosus exist: E. g. equinus and E. g. granulosus. The latter is divided into sheep, cattle, pig and camel strains, the adult forms of which mainly occur in farm-dogs but sometimes in wild canidae. Some of these strains can infect man: namely, the sheep and the pig strain. The infectivity of the cattle strains for man is not certain. The epidemiological cycle is mainly a rural one, but it can become sylvatic or even urban. Thus, the epidemiological features of hydatidosis in the Mediterranean area are not basically different from the general epidemiology of the disease. But extensive rearing of sheep, combined with the carelessness and ignorance of people and with some particular habits, favours the maintenance of the infection.  相似文献   

A study of the tissues of the teeth and jaws in piranhas, using the scanning electron microscope and various techniques of light microscopy, revealed many dental adaptations related to the specialized feeding habits of these carnivorous fishes. The dentition is primarily sectorial, although some anterior teeth may be used in grasping. The scissor-like rows of teeth are maintained by the specialized pattern of tooth replacement. The bones of the jaws and the tooth attachment support the teeth very firmly. In its structural organization, the enameloid covering the teeth closely resembles that on the sectorial teeth of sharks and is adapted to the probable stress patterns set up in biting.  相似文献   

The positions and general anatomical and histological characteristics of the gonads of Bipes biporus and B. canaliculatus are described. The amounts of DNA per haploid chromosome set have been measured in both species, the values being 1.83 and 2.0 pg for biporus and canaliculatus respectively. The karyotypes of both species are described on the basis of data from mitotic and meiotic metaphase chromosome sets and from lampbrush chromosomes. B. biporus has 10 macrochromosomes and 11 microchromosomes. B. canaliculatus has 11 macrochromosomes and 11 microchromosomes. The karyotypes of the two species differ distinctly with regard to the shapes of 3 of the macrochromosomes. Chiasma distribution is described for male meiosis in B. biporus. Studies of the lampbrush chromosomes of both species show the chiasma distribution in the female to be generally similar to that found in the male biporus. In B. canaliculatus, lampbrush chromosomes with maximally extended lateral loops are found in oocytes that are oblate spheroids measuring 0.7×1.0 mm along their short and long axes respectively, these being well before the start of the major phase of vitellogenesis. Smaller oocytes have more distinct chromomeres and shorter loops. Microchromosomes take the form of typical small lampbrush chromosomes in oocytes. There are at the most 1,000 chromomeres per haploid set of lampbrush chromosomes in B. canaliculatus. Chiasmata are described from lampbrush preparations in which the two half-bivalents are firmly attached to one another without evident association of their axes, indicating the possibility of chiasmate association between the DNA axes of lateral loops. There are remarkably few extrachromosomal nucleoli in Bipes oocytes, and its is suggested that this may indicate a level of ribosomal gene amplification that is much lower than that found in fish and Amphibia. The observations are particularly discussed in relation to current ideas concerning the structure and function of lampbrush chromosomes.  相似文献   

Sixty-three women discharged from hospital with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction and 189 control patients were studied. All were under 45 years of age at the time of admission. Current oral contraceptive use, heavy cigarette smoking, treated hypertension and diabetes, pre-eclamptic toxaemia, and obesity were all reported by, and type II hyperlipoproteinaemia was found more often in, patients with myocardial infarction than their controls. The relationship between myocardial infarction and oral contraceptives could not be explained in terms of an association between the use of these preparations and the other factors. The combined effect of the risk factors was clearly synergistic.  相似文献   

One-year-old clones ofPhragmites australis, Glyceria maxima, andTypha latifolia were subjected to different doses of piggery sewage added in flooded sand cultures for one growing season.Phragmites responded to increasing sewage doses by an increase in the shoot biomass and a decrease in root porosity and carbohydrate levels in rhizomes;Glyceria responded by a decrease in the biomass and depth penetration of the root system, and carbohydrate levels in rhizomes. In contrast,Typha increased both root porosity and carbohydrate levels in rhizomes. These findings are discussed in relationship to plant performance in sewage-polluted wetlands.  相似文献   

Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) of grasses is prevalent throughout Britain. The disease also occurs regularly in most cereal varieties but generally is of low incidence. Incidence is much greater in open-flowering and male-sterile cereals, with the infection seeming to come, initially, from the large reservoir of inoculum amongst grasses. The production of F1-hybrid cereal seed, which necessitates the use of male-sterile lines, could therefore be jeopardised.  相似文献   

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