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The CO2 response of the phrenic neurogram before and during CO-induced isocapnic brain hypoxia was studied in peripherally chemodenervated, vagotomized, paralyzed, ventilated cats with blood pressure held constant. During inhalation of 0.5% CO in 40% O2, arterial O2 content (CaO2) was reduced to 40% and minute phrenic activity to 38.4 +/- 9.4% (SE; n = 9) of prehypoxic levels, primarily due to depression of peak phrenic amplitude (PP). CO2 response, defined as the slope of the plot of PP vs. end-tidal PCO2 during CO2 rebreathing, was unaffected by phrenic depression even to the point of total suppression of phrenic activity in two cats. The effect of the tissue metabolic acidosis associated with hypoxia on phrenic CO2 sensitivity was assessed in a separate group of cats by blocking lactate formation during hypoxia with dichloroacetate (DCA). Preventing lactic acidosis during hypoxia did not affect the CO2 response of the phrenic activity during hypoxia. We conclude that 1) hypoxic depression does not limit the ability of central respiratory neurons to respond to CO2, and 2) the failure of DCA to affect the CO2 response of the phrenic neurogram suggests that brain intracellular lactic acidosis does not modify the phrenic response to hypercapnia.  相似文献   

Ventilation and electromyogram (EMG) activities of the right hemidiaphragm, parasternal intercostal, triangularis sterni, transversus abdominis, genioglossus, and alae nasi muscles were measured before and during central stimulation of the left thoracic phrenic nerve in 10 alpha-chloralose anesthetized vagotomized dogs. Pressure in the carotid sinuses was fixed to maintain baroreflex activity constant. The nerve was stimulated for 1 min with a frequency of 40 Hz and stimulus duration of 1 ms at voltages of 5, 10, 20, and 30 times twitch threshold (TT). At five times TT, no change in ventilation or EMG activity occurred. At 10 times TT, neither tidal volume nor breathing frequency increased sufficiently to reach statistical significance, although the change in their product (minute ventilation) was significant (P less than 0.05). At 20 and 30 times TT, increases in both breathing frequency and tidal volume were significant. At these stimulus intensities, the increases in ventilation were accompanied by approximately equal increases in the activity of the diaphragm, parasternal, and alae nasi muscles. The increase in genioglossus activity was much greater than that of the other inspiratory muscles. Phrenic nerve stimulation also elicited inhomogeneous activation of the expiratory muscles. The transversus abdominis activity increased significantly at intensities from 10 to 30 times TT, whereas the activity of the triangularis sterni remained unchanged. The high stimulation intensities required suggest that the activation of afferent fiber groups III and IV is involved in the response. We conclude that thin-fiber phrenic afferent activation exerts a nonuniform effect on the upper airway, rib cage, and abdominal muscles and may play a role in the control of respiratory muscle recruitment.  相似文献   

Single-fiber phrenic nerve action potentials were recorded together with activity of contralateral whole phrenic nerve rootlets during eupnea and gasping in decerebrate, cerebellectomized, vagotomized, paralyzed, and ventilated cats. Gasping was reversibly produced by cooling a fork thermode positioned through the pontomedullary junction. In eupnea, phrenic motoneurons were distributed into "early" and "late" populations relative to their onset of activity during inspiration. During gasping, however, both fiber types typically commenced activity at the beginning of the phrenic nerve burst. Moreover, late fibers, but not early units, exhibited an augmentation of discharge frequency with the onset of gasping. The concentration of activity of all phrenic motoneurons at the beginning of inspiration and the increase in late-unit discharge frequency account for the faster rise of the gasp as compared with the eupneic breath. It is concluded that the pattern of phrenic nerve activation during gasping differs fundamentally from that during eupnea. These results support the concept that mechanisms underlying the neurogenesis of gasping and eupnea may not be identical.  相似文献   

The redox signaling is germane for the hypoxia-sensing mechanisms at the carotid body. This raises the strong possibility that agents possess reducing and antioxidant attributes, such as ascorbate, could influence the hypoxic respiratory response. However, water solubility of ascorbate makes its effectiveness at membrane-associated target sites dubious. In this study, we sought to determine the effect of ascorbyl-6-palmitate (AP), a lipidsoluble derivative of ascorbate which penetrates biomembranes, on hypoxic respiration in the anesthetized, paralyzed and ventilated cat. AP was given by gavage: 600 mg/kg daily for 6 days before the beginning of the acute experiment. Respiration was then assessed from the phrenic electroneurogram, from which peak phrenic amplitude, a surrogate of tidal component, respiratory frequency, and their product, the minute phrenic output, were quantified. The response to normocapnic hypoxia, 7% O2 in N2, in the AP-treated cats was compared with that in controls. We found that AP augmented hypoxic respiration, delayed the appearance of hypoxic depression and decreased it, although the stimulatory/depressant character was preserved. The results suggest that the ascorbate moiety of AP interacts with the hypoxiasensing mechanisms. Ascorbate may affect hypoxic respiration at multiple stages of chemotransduction pathways, which are subject to continuing uncertainties. The study highlights the augmentative effect of AP, a redox modulator, on hypoxic respiration, which may have a therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Spectral analyses were performed on phrenic neurogram recordings from 18 cats to identify high-frequency oscillations (HFOs) inherent in the signals at different phases of inspiratory activity. Gating the analysis for the entire inspiratory phase resulted in dual spectral HFOs (27 and 83 Hz), both of which persisted when the analysis was repeated on the later phase of phrenic inspiratory activity alone (29 and 82 Hz). A third pass at the same data, gating for just the early phase of phrenic discharge, however, resulted in single spectral HFOs at the higher frequency only (86 Hz). Because both early and late recruited phrenic motoneurons carry both higher and lower spectral frequencies, these results demonstrate that the lower frequency HFO is distinctly delayed in onset compared with the higher frequency HFO, the latter of which is believed to have a brain stem origin. This delayed onset may be important in identifying the source of the lower frequency HFO, which appears to be specific to various respiratory efferent systems.  相似文献   

GABA antagonism reverses hypoxic respiratory depression in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We assessed the role of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as a potential causative agent of hypoxic respiratory depression by monitoring the response of the phrenic neurogram to systemic infusion of the GABA antagonist bicuculline (0.01 mg.kg-1.min-1) under control conditions and during isocapnic brain hypoxia produced by CO inhalation in separate groups of anesthetized, glomectomized, vagotomized, paralyzed, and ventilated cats with blood pressure held constant. The maximum effect of bicuculline in subseizure doses in control cats was to increase minute phrenic activity to 151 +/- 14% of preinfusion values. Infusion was continued until seizure activity was seen in the electroencephalogram. A 53% decrease of arterial O2 content resulted in a marked reduction of both peak phrenic amplitude and phrenic firing frequency to 16 and 64% of control values, respectively. Infusion of bicuculline while the level of hypoxia was maintained constant restored both peak phrenic amplitude and phrenic firing frequency to prehypoxic levels. The maximum effect of bicuculline was to increase minute phrenic activity to 123 +/- 13% of the prehypoxic value. These results suggest that although GABA has only a modest role in determining the output of the control phrenic neurogram, a significant portion of the phrenic depression that occurs during hypoxia can be attributed to inhibition of respiratory neurons by GABA.  相似文献   

Respiratory motor outputs contain medium-(MFO) and high-frequency oscillations (HFO) that are much faster than the fundamental breathing rhythm. However, the associated changes in power spectral characteristics of the major respiratory outputs in unanesthetized animals during the transition from normal eupneic breathing to hypoxic gasping have not been well characterized. Experiments were performed on nine unanesthetized, chemo- and barodenervated, decerebrate adult rats, in which asphyxia elicited hyperpnea, followed by apnea and gasping. A gated fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis and a novel time-frequency representation (TFR) analysis were developed and applied to whole phrenic and to medial branch hypoglossal nerve recordings. Our results revealed one MFO and one HFO peak in the phrenic output during eupnea, where HFO was prominent in the first two-thirds of the burst and MFO was prominent in the latter two-thirds of the burst. The hypoglossal activity contained broadband power distribution with several distinct peaks. During gasping, two high-amplitude MFO peaks were present in phrenic activity, and this state was characterized by a conspicuous loss in HFO power. Hypoglossal activity showed a significant reduction in power and a shift in its distribution toward lower frequencies during gasping. TFR analysis of phrenic activity revealed the increasing importance of an initial low-frequency "start-up" burst that grew in relative intensity as hypoxic conditions persisted. Significant changes in MFO and HFO rhythm generation during the transition from eupnea to gasping presumably reflect a reconfiguration of the respiratory network and/or alterations in signal processing by the circuitry associated with the two motor pools.  相似文献   

We measured the moving time average (MTA) of the phrenic neurogram before and after removal of phasic afferent information from the lungs, chest wall, and oscillations in blood gases by using constant-flow ventilation (CFV). Anesthetized dogs were studied at various levels of steady-state and progressive hypercapnia during spontaneous breathing and during CFV. When steady-state and progressive hypercapnia were compared, the frequency and height of the MTA phrenic neurogram were independent of the rate of induction of hypercapnia during each mode of ventilation. During spontaneous ventilation, the response to hypercapnia comprised mainly an increase in frequency with only a slight increase in the amplitude of the MTA phrenic waveform. During muscular paralysis and CFV, the responses were similar to those observed after vagotomy with mainly an increase in the amplitude and only a small increase in frequency. For both spontaneous breathing and CFV, increases in frequency were achieved mainly by a shortening in expiratory time with the inspiratory time remaining relatively constant. Our data support the concept of a centrally patterned respiratory generator, whose inherent pattern is modified by phasic feedback from peripheral receptors mainly of vagal origin.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed in order to study the effects of percutaneous peripheral stimulation (PCPS) both on the transmission of messages elicited by recruiting sensory units of the tooth pulp at the thalamic Centrum Medianum Level and on the jaw opening reflex (JOR). Both evoked potentials and JOR were inhibited by stimuli applied to the limbs by means of percutaneous (needle) electrodes. Observed inhibitory effects were not immediate: there was a latency period and progressive induction of these phenomena. The site of the inhibition is still unknown, nevertheless, the demonstration that PCPS was able to inhibit both evoked potentials in Centrum Medianum and JOR support the hypothesis that the analgesic effects may be due to descending inhibition blocking transmission of nociceptive information through the spinal cord.  相似文献   

A distribution of degenerated fibers in contralateral phrenic nucleus of cats with chronic hemisection of the spinal cord under medulla oblongata has been studied. These fibers approach the nucleus after the partial secondary crossing of the descending respiratory pathway on the level of cervical segments. Degenerated fibers follow the dendrites of phrenic motoneurons and approach the basal segments of dendrites but do not reach the cell bodies. Possible mode of control over phrenic nucleus activity is under discussion.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the reflex effects of mechanical stimulation of intestinal visceral afferents on the pattern of respiratory muscle activation. In 14 dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium, electromyographic activity of the costal and crural diaphragm, parasternal intercostal, and upper airway respiratory muscles was measured during distension of the small intestine. Rib cage and abdominal motion and tidal volume were also recorded. Distension produced an immediate apnea (11.16 +/- 0.80 s). During the first postapneic breath, costal (43 +/- 7% control) and crural (64 +/- 6% control) activity were reduced (P less than 0.001). In contrast, intercostal (137 +/- 11%) and upper airway muscle activity, including alae nasi (157 +/- 16%), genioglossus (170 +/- 15%), and posterior cricoarytenoid muscles (142 +/- 7%) all increased (P less than 0.005). There was greater outward rib cage motion although the abdomen moved paradoxically inward during inspiration, resulting in a reduction in tidal volume (82 +/- 6% control) (P less than 0.005). Postvagotomy distension produced a similar apnea and subsequent reduction in costal and crural activity. However, enhancement of intercostal and upper airway muscle activation was abolished and there was a greater fall in tidal volume (65 +/- 14%). In conclusion, mechanical stimulation of intestinal afferents affects the various inspiratory muscles differently; nonvagal afferents produce an initial apnea and subsequent depression of diaphragm activity whereas vagal pathways mediate selective enhancement of intercostal and upper airway muscle activation.  相似文献   

In cats anesthetized with chloralose-urethan, vagotomized, paralyzed, and artifically ventilated, superficial radial (cutaneous) and hamstring (muscle) nerve afferents were stimulated while phrenic nerve electrical activity was recorded. The results obtained with both types of nerves were similar. Stimulation in mid and late expiration advanced the onset of the next inspiration, shortening its duration. Stimulation in early inspiration advanced, while that in late inspiration delayed, the onset of the next expiration. These effects were often accompanied by changes in phrenic motoneuron firing patterns (earlier recruitment, increased discharge frequency, increased slope of integrated phrenic neurogram). Repetitive somatic afferent stimulation produced sustained increases in respiratory frequency in all cats and in half of them entrainment of respiratory frequency to the frequency of stimulation occurred at ratios such as 4:3, 4:5, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, and 1:7. The lowest stimulus intensity required for evoking these phase shifts was between 5 and 10T (threshold of most excitable fibers) for muscle afferents and between 1 and 2T for cutaneous afferents. These results demonstrate the existence of a reflex mechanism capable of locking respiratory frequency to that of a periodic somatic afferent input. They also provide an experimental basis for the hypothesis that reflexes are resposible for the observed locking between step or pedal frequency and respiratory rate during exercise in man.  相似文献   

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