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采用DNA印迹和狭线印迹(Slot blot)的方法,对高效表达人尿激酶原(Pro-UK)的工程细胞11G含有的pro-UK基因拷贝数进行了测定。结果显示,11G工程细胞株内所含的pro-UK拷贝数为100~200/细胞。结果证明,11G细胞株是稳定高表达pro-UK的工程细胞,符合WHO规定的关于用于基因工程产品的外源基因转化细胞的标准。  相似文献   

Previous studies revealed that one species of methanogenic archaea, Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, is polyploid, while a second species, Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus, is diploid. To further investigate the distribution of ploidy in methanogenic archaea, species of two additional genera-Methanosarcina acetivorans and Methanococcus maripaludis-were investigated. M. acetivorans was found to be polyploid during fast growth (t(D) = 6 h; 17 genome copies) and oligoploid during slow growth (doubling time = 49 h; 3 genome copies). M. maripaludis has the highest ploidy level found for any archaeal species, with up to 55 genome copies in exponential phase and ca. 30 in stationary phase. A compilation of archaeal species with quantified ploidy levels reveals a clear dichotomy between Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota: none of seven euryarchaeal species of six genera is monoploid (haploid), while, in contrast, all six crenarchaeal species of four genera are monoploid, indicating significant genetic differences between these two kingdoms. Polyploidy in asexual species should lead to accumulation of inactivating mutations until the number of intact chromosomes per cell drops to zero (called "Muller's ratchet"). A mechanism to equalize the genome copies, such as gene conversion, would counteract this phenomenon. Making use of a previously constructed heterozygous mutant strain of the polyploid M. maripaludis we could show that in the absence of selection very fast equalization of genomes in M. maripaludis took place probably via a gene conversion mechanism. In addition, it was shown that the velocity of this phenomenon is inversely correlated to the strength of selection.  相似文献   

Single copy shRNA configuration for ubiquitous gene knockdown in mice   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
RNA interference through the expression of small hairpin RNA (shRNA) molecules has become a very promising tool in reverse mouse genetics as it may allow inexpensive and rapid gene function analysis in vivo. However, the prerequisites for ubiquitous and reproducible shRNA expression are not well defined. Here we show that a single copy shRNA-transgene can mediate body-wide gene silencing in mice when inserted in a defined locus of the genome. The most commonly used promoters for shRNA expression, H1 and U6, showed a comparably broad activity in this configuration. Taken together, the results define a novel approach for efficient interference with expression of defined genes in vivo. Moreover, we provide a rapid strategy for the production of gene knockdown mice combining recombinase mediated cassette exchange and tetraploid blastocyst complementation approaches.  相似文献   

The genetic stability of transgenes is a critical characteristic used to assess constructed cell lines used for vaccine production. The evaluation of gene copy numbers by a qPCR method, is one of the most common approaches used to assess the consistency of transgenes in a constructed cell line. The cell line AV529-19 is a Vero-based cell line specifically engineered to express the HSV-1 UL5 and UL29 open reading frames. AV529-19 is used to support the replication of a defective HSV-2 viral candidate vaccine called HSV529. To assess the genetic stability of the UL5 and UL29 transgenes in AV529-19 cells, a digital PCR-based approach was developed. During characterization of the test method, the specificity, accuracy, and intermediate precision of the assay was investigated based on regulatory guidelines. The developed assay was used to monitor the stability of the transgenes in the manufactured AV529-19 cell lines by comparison of transgene copy numbers in the master cell bank (MCB) with their copy numbers in the extended cell bank (ECB). Results showed that the UL29 and UL5 transgenes are stable in that there are one and three copies of the UL29 and UL5 genes, respectively, per cell in both the AV529-19 MCB and ECB.  相似文献   

Many bacteria that degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contain the nahAc gene that encodes a component of multimeric naphthalene dioxygenases. Because the nahAc gene is highly conserved, this gene serves as a potential biomarker for PAH degradation activity. The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between the rate of naphthalene degradation and the copy number of the nahAc gene in soils using conventional and real-time PCR. Four sets of degenerate primers for real-time PCR were designed based on the nahAc DNA sequences of 33 bacterial species. Before addition of naphthalene, copy numbers of the nahAc gene were below the detection limits of the assay at 5×103 copy numbers per gram of soil, but increased by over a thousand fold to 107 copies after 6 days of exposure to naphthalene vapors (approximately 30 ppm soil water concentration). Two unreported naphthalene dioxygenase homologs were found in the naphthalene-spiked soil by cloning and sequencing of the PCR products from the nahAc primers. Results of these experiments demonstrate the highly dynamic changes that occur in soil microbial communities after exposure to naphthalene and suggest that there is a direct relationship between gene copy numbers and degradation rates for naphthalene in PAH-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The selection of the reference to scale the data in a copy number analysis has paramountimportance to achieve accurate estimates. Usually this reference is generated using controlsamples included in the study. However, these control samples are not always available and inthese cases, an artificial reference must be generated. A proper generation of this signal iscrucial in terms of both noise and bias.We propose NSA (Normality Search Algorithm), a scaling method that works with andwithout control samples. It is based on the assumption that genomic regions enriched in SNPswith identical copy numbers in both alleles are likely to be normal. These normal regions arepredicted for each sample individually and used to calculate the final reference signal. NSAcan be applied to any CN data regardless the microarray technology and preprocessingmethod. It also finds an optimal weighting of the samples minimizing possible batch effects. RESULTS: Five human datasets (a subset of HapMap samples, Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM),Ovarian, Prostate and Lung Cancer experiments) have been analyzed. It is shown that usingonly tumoral samples, NSA is able to remove the bias in the copy number estimation, toreduce the noise and therefore, to increase the ability to detect copy number aberrations(CNAs). These improvements allow NSA to also detect recurrent aberrations more accuratelythan other state of the art methods. CONCLUSIONS: NSA provides a robust and accurate reference for scaling probe signals data to CN valueswithout the need of control samples. It minimizes the problems of bias, noise and batcheffects in the estimation of CNs. Therefore, NSA scaling approach helps to better detectrecurrent CNAs than current methods. The automatic selection of references makes it usefulto perform bulk analysis of many GEO or ArrayExpress experiments without the need ofdeveloping a parser to find the normal samples or possible batches within the data. Themethod is available in the open-source R package NSA, which is an add-on to the aroma.cnframework. http://www.aroma-project.org/addons.  相似文献   

Measurements of the divergence of single copy DNA sequences among four sea urchin species are presented. At a standard criterion for reassociation (0.12 M phosphate buffer, 60° C, hydroxyapatite binding) we observe the following extents of reaction and reductions in thermal stability for single copy DNA reassociation between Strongylocentrotus purpuratus tracer and heterologous driver DNA: S. dröbachiensis 68% and 2.5°C; S. franciscanus 51% and 3.5° C; Lytechinus pictus 12% and 7.5° C. The implied extents of sequence relatedness are consistent with the phylogenetic relationships of these species. The rate of single copy sequence divergence in the evolutionary lines leading to the Strongylocentrotus species is estimated to be 0.06–0.35% per million years. The rate of divergence of total single copy sequence has been compared to that of structural gene sequences represented in S. purpuratus gastrula polysomal messenger RNA. When closely related species, S. purpuratus and S. franciscanus, are compared, these polysomal sequences are found to diverge at a lower rate than does the total single copy sequence. For two very distantly related species, S. purpuratus and L. pictus, a small fraction of the single copy DNA sequence is probably conserved. These conserved sequences are not enriched in their content of structural gene sequences.Also staff member, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. 20015  相似文献   



After transformation, plants that are homozygous and contain one copy of the transgene are typically selected for further study. If real-time PCR is to be used to determine copy number and zygosity, it must be able to distinguish hemizygous from homozygous and one-copy from two-copy plants. That is, it must be able to detect two-fold differences.  相似文献   

Many genome-wide assays involve the generation of a subset (or representation) of the genome following restriction enzyme digestion. The use of enzymes sensitive to cytosine methylation allows high-throughput analysis of this epigenetic regulatory process. We show that the use of a dual-adapter approach allows us to generate genomic representations that includes fragments of <200bp in size, previously not possible when using the standard approach of using a single adapter. By expanding the representation to smaller fragments using HpaII or MspI, we increase the representation by these isoschizomers to more than 1.32 million loci in the human genome, representing 98.5% of CpG islands and 91.1% of refSeq promoters. This advance allows the development of a new, high-resolution version of our HpaII-tiny fragment Enrichment by Ligation-mediated PCR (HELP) assay to study cytosine methylation. We also show that the MspI representation generates information about copy-number variation, that the assay can be used on as little as 10ng of DNA and that massively parallel sequencing can be used as an alternative to microarrays to read the output of the assay, making this a powerful discovery platform for studies of genomic and epigenomic abnormalities.  相似文献   

Linear- and circular-plasmid copy numbers in Borrelia burgdorferi.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease agent, and other members of the spirochetal genus Borrelia have double-stranded linear plasmids in addition to supercoiled circular plasmids. The copy number relative to the chromosome was determined for 49- and 16-kb linear plasmids and a 27-kb circular plasmid of the type strain, B31, of B. burgdorferi. All three plasmids were present in low copy number, about one per chromosome equivalent, as determined by relative hybridizations of replicon-specific DNA probes. The low copy number of Borrelia plasmids suggests that initiation of DNA replication and partitioning are carefully controlled during the cell division cycle. The copy numbers of these three plasmids of strain B31 were unchanged after approximately 7,000 generations in continuous in vitro culture. A clone of B. burgdorferi B31 that did not contain the 16-kb linear plasmid was obtained after exposure of a culture to novobiocin, a DNA gyrase inhibitor. The plasmid-cured strain contains only one linear plasmid, the 49-kb plasmid, and thus has the smallest genome reported to date for B. burgdorferi.  相似文献   

A minimal gene cassette comprised of the ubiquitin (Ubi) promoter + green fluorescent protein (Gfp) gene + Nos terminator DNA sequences, derived from the plasmid vector pPZP201-Gfp was utilized for transformation of creeping bentgrass using particle bombardment. Bentgrass calli bombarded individually with equivalent amounts of the cassette or whole plasmid DNA were compared for Gfp expression and the GFP-positive calli were subsequently regenerated into plants. Percentage of GFP expressing calli and the number of GFP spots/calli were significantly higher in calli that were bombarded with the minimal gene cassette when compared to the whole plasmid. The Gfp expression was stable up to the T2 generation in minimal gene cassette transformants and there was a lower degree of gene silencing. Southern blot analysis of transgenic plants derived from minimum gene cassette bombardment revealed the presence of single or few copy of the transgene and fairly simple integration patterns. In comparison, whole plasmid transformants had multiple copies and complex integration patterns of the transgene. These results illustrate the advantages of using simple gene cassette for stable plant transformation in bentgrass with possible applications to other plant species.  相似文献   

Summary The sequence homology in the single copy DNA of sea stars has been measured. Labeled single copy DNA fromPisaster ochraceus was reannealed with excess genomic DNA fromP. brevispinus, Evasterias troschelii, Pycnopodia helianthoides, Solaster stimpsoni, andDermasterias imbricata. Reassociation reactions were performed under two criteria of salt and temperature. The extent of reassociation and thermal denaturation characteristics of hybrid single copy DNA molecules follow classical taxonomic lines.P. brevispinus DNA contains essentially all of the sequences present inP. ochraceus single copy tracer whileEvasterias andPycnopodia DNAs contain 52% and 46% of such sequences respectively. Reciprocal reassociation reactions with labeledEvasterias single copy DNA confirm the amount and fidelity of the sequence homology. There is a small definite reaction of uncertain homology betweenP. ochraceus single copy DNA andSolaster orDermasterias DNA. SimilarlySolaster DNA contains sequences homologous to approximately 18% ofDermasterias unique DNA. The thermal denaturation temperatures of heteroduplexes indicate that the generaPisaster andEvasterias diverged shortly after the divergence of the subfamilies Pycnopodiinae and Asteriinae. The twoPisaster species diverged more recently, probably in the most recent quarter of the interval since the separation of the generaPisaster andEvasterias.  相似文献   

Previously, we constructed a genetically modified luciferase of Photinus pyralis that generates more than 10-fold higher luminescence intensity than the wild-type enzyme. In this study, we demonstrate that this modified luciferase enables us to detect ATP at 10−18 mol, which is almost equal to the quantity contained in a single bacterial cell. Consequently,we have been able to detect bacterial contamination in samples as low as one colony-forming unit (c.f.u.) for both Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.  相似文献   

Detection of chromosomal aberrations from a single cell by array comparative genomic hybridization (single-cell array CGH), instead of from a population of cells, is an emerging technique. However, such detection is challenging because of the genome artifacts and the DNA amplification process inherent to the single cell approach. Current normalization algorithms result in inaccurate aberration detection for single-cell data. We propose a normalization method based on channel, genome composition and recurrent genome artifact corrections. We demonstrate that the proposed channel clone normalization significantly improves the copy number variation detection in both simulated and real single-cell array CGH data.  相似文献   

Mammalian cell lines for recombinant protein production need to maintain productivity over extended cultivation times. Long-term stability studies are time and resource intensive, but are widely performed to identify and eliminate unstable candidates during cell line development. Production instability of manufacturing cell lines can be associated with methylation and silencing of the heterologous promoter. We have identified CpG dinucleotides within the human cytomegalovirus major immediate early promoter/enhancer (hCMV-MIE) that are frequently methylated in unstable antibody-producing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines. We have established methylation-specific real-time qPCR for the rapid and sensitive measurement of hCMV-MIE methylation in multiple cell lines and provide evidence that hCMV-MIE methylation and transgene copy numbers can be used as early markers to predict production instability of recombinant CHO cell lines. These markers should provide the opportunity to enrich stable producers early in cell line development and allow developers to put more emphasis on other criteria, such as product quality and bioprocess robustness.  相似文献   

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