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水稻T-DNA插入突变体库的筛选及遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
T-DNA标签技术是分离和研究植物功能基因的有效方法,寻找T-DNA插入表型突变体是进一步开展研究的关键所在。文章对以ZH11、ZH15为受体亲本构建的4416份T,代标签系进行了表型鉴定,发现存在拟纯合突变和系内分离突变两种类型,突变表型涉及株高、生育期、叶形、叶色、分蘖力、植株松紧度、穗颈节、穗形、颖花、粒形、类病变、雄性不育、生长极性等14类性状。其中,株高、生育期、叶色、雄性不育有着相对较高的突变频率(超过1%),株高和叶色的突变频率在品种及年度间表现稳定,而生育期、雄性不育波动较大,表明这类性状的表型易受到环境的影响。通过T1、T2连续世代的共分离分析,筛选出3个与穗部或颖花发育相关的T-DNA插入突变体,为分离相关功能基因奠定基础。随机选择42份有表型突变的标签系,通过质粒拯救和TAIL-PCR的方法分离其侧翼序列,从39个标签系中获得40条序列,其中25条为载体序列,14条与水稻基因组有很好的同源性,BlastN分析结果表明T-DNA有优先整合进植物功能基因内部的特性。  相似文献   

植物功能基因组研究中的基因敲除技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了T-DNA插入突变和转座子插入突变等基因敲除技术的原理及其在植物功能基因组研究中的应用,并简要介绍了向国际有关机构索要或购买拟南芥插入突变体的方法.  相似文献   

植物生物学后基因组时代的主要目标就是确定植物基因组中所有基因所具有的功能。解决这个问题的一个最直接的方法就是还原或者敲除某个在正常条件下其功能能表达出一定的可观察到的表型的特殊基因。对于这方面的研究,插入突变技术就是一个可用的工具,但是基因的随机性,致死敲除,无标记的突变体都大大地限制了这种技术的利用。RNm技术可以克服以上那些难题。它已经被广泛地应用在线虫的功能基因组上,并且所获得的有效资源还被广泛地用于植物功能基因组的分析。  相似文献   

转座子作为插入突变原或分子标签被广泛应用于基因的分离和克隆,已成为发现新基因和基因功能分析的有效工具。该文综述了植物转座子及其在基因分离中的研究进展,并讨论其在番茄功能基因遗传资源、功能基因组分离等研究中的应用。  相似文献   

1前言突变分析技术在许多功能基因的分离和表达中起着关键的作用,前人已经利用电离辐射、紫外诱变、PCR和转座子等技术对许多模式生物进行了随机突变研究。分离具有特殊细胞分化功能的基因需要建立大群体的随机突变体库,但是用传统方法产生的随机突变体的鉴定与突变表型相关基因的  相似文献   

限制酶介导的插入突变及其在丝状真菌中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王政逸  李葆 《菌物学报》2001,20(1):142-147
克隆基因的方法很多,通过突变是克隆基因的常用方法,如转座子标签法常用于克隆植物病原细菌致病相关基因及植物的抗病基因。尽管转座因子在丝状真菌中也普遍存在,但对它们的转座作用和功能了解不多,迄今转座子标签法还没有发展成为标记真菌突变体和基因克隆的常规技术。而一般的UV或化学突变方法又将使突变基因的鉴定和克隆遇到许多问题。用质粒DNA转化真菌时,也会发生非同源随机插入真菌基因组而形成标记的突变体,但往往由于转化频率较低等因素而难以广泛应用。新近的研究发现,在限制酶介导下大多数真菌的质粒DNA转化频率明…  相似文献   

植物功能基因组研究方法及进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着植物功能基因组研究的深入,T-DNA标签、转座子标签、反义RNA技术、基因敲除、基因陷阱和TILLING技术等多种研究方法获得了建立,并随着植物功能基因组学的不断发展而进一步完善.综述了各类研究方法的原理,并对这些方法的优缺点进行了比较与分析.  相似文献   

T-DNA标签在植物基因克隆和功能分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在植物功能基因组学的研究中,插入突变已成为迅速识别和研究标签基因的一个有效遗传工具.本文介绍了T-DNA标签的概念及应用前提,详细论述了T-DNA标签在大规模植物基因功能分析中的应用以及使用启动子和增强子诱捕技术分离时空特异性启动子和表达基因,另外还分析了利用其特殊形式激活标签进行基因克隆和功能分析的优越性,并展望了T-DNA标签的应用前景.  相似文献   

张瑞  高彩霞 《植物学报》2021,56(1):50-55
遗传性变异是表型多样性的基础,靶向饱和突变作物基因可以促进产生具有优异农艺性状的突变体。相较于传统诱变育种和异源物种中的定向进化方法,基于双碱基编辑系统的植物基因靶向随机突变技术可对植物内源基因产生高效突变,从而实现原位定向进化,加快植物育种及功能基因研究进程。该文介绍了使用饱和靶向内源基因突变编辑器(STEME)对植...  相似文献   

基因的点突变体在其结构和功能研究中发挥非常关键的作用,如何高效、经济地构建基因点突变体是许多分子生物学研究遇到的棘手问题.以PIAS3点突变体的构建为对象,设计了新型的以反向PCR为基础的点突变构建流程,获得的点突变体质粒经测序后均与预期相符,并在293T细胞内得到了正确表达.以上结果表明,该实验设计方案能够高效、方便地用于基因点突变体的构建,为进一步研究它们的分子功能打下了基础.  相似文献   

激活标签法构建拟南芥突变体库及其表型分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以拟南芥(ArabMopsis thaliana)野生生态型(Columbia)植株为实验材料,以含有激活标记双元质粒pCB260的农杆菌进行转化,并以抗除草剂Basta为筛选标记,构建了拟南芥激活标签突变体库,所用pCB260双元质粒含有两个Ds位点、一个GFP标记基因与一个抗basta标记基因,可以方便高效地筛选转基因植物.目前经初步筛选获得了约10 000个独立转化株系(T1代),其中约50个株系具有明显的表型变化,包括花期改变、株型变异、叶形特异、育性降低、花发育异常、种子颜色变浅等.运用TAIL-PCR技术,成功获得了其中10个表型特异株系的T-DNA侧翼序列,分别分布于拟南芥基因组的5条染色体上.  相似文献   

Rice is an important crop and major model plant for monocot functional genomics studies. With the establishment of various genetic resources for rice genomics, the next challenge is to systematically assign functions to predicted genes in the rice genome. Compared with the robustness of genome sequencing and bioinformatics techniques, progress in understanding the function of rice genes has lagged, hampering the utilization of rice genes for cereal crop improvement. The use of transfer DNA (T‐DNA) insertional mutagenesis offers the advantage of uniform distribution throughout the rice genome, but preferentially in gene‐rich regions, resulting in direct gene knockout or activation of genes within 20–30 kb up‐ and downstream of the T‐DNA insertion site and high gene tagging efficiency. Here, we summarize the recent progress in functional genomics using the T‐DNA‐tagged rice mutant population. We also discuss important features of T‐DNA activation‐ and knockout‐tagging and promoter‐trapping of the rice genome in relation to mutant and candidate gene characterizations and how to more efficiently utilize rice mutant populations and datasets for high‐throughput functional genomics and phenomics studies by forward and reverse genetics approaches. These studies may facilitate the translation of rice functional genomics research to improvements of rice and other cereal crops.  相似文献   

In this work, a seed-set-based screening was performed on 70 lines of Arabidopsis thaliana after activation tagging mutagenesis to identify mutations in reproductive mechanisms. Five mutants showed significantly lower seed set than the wild type and confirmed the phenotype in the progeny. This phenotype was linked with the marker gene bar carried by T-DNA conferring glufosinate resistance. Genetic analysis revealed that the mutation inheritance was sporophytic in 3 mutants and gametophytic in 2 mutants. In addition, 2 mutants had an extra T-DNA copy. Thus activation tagging can be an effective strategy to identify new mutations affecting sporogenesis or gametogenesis.  相似文献   

T-DNA tagging technique has provided a powerful strategy for identifying new functional genes in plants, and the key for success is the discovery of T-DNA-inserted mutants with changed phenotype. In this study, we screened 4 416 rice T1 tagged lines generated by enhancer trap system integrated with GLL4/VP16-UAS elements from two transformed parents, ZH11 and ZH15. We found many lines showed obvious morphological mutations, including two types—fake-homozygous mutation and separating mutation. The mutation phenotype was related to 14 kinds of trait such as plant height, heading date, leaf shape, leaf color, tiller number, panicle shape, spikelet number, grain shape, disease-like mutation, male sterility, awn, and so on. Among them, plant height, heading date, leaf color and male sterility had a comparatively high mutation frequency (over 1%). The mutation frequency of plant height and leaf color had no significant change between different years or transformed parents, but the frequency of heading date and male sterility varied greatly, suggesting that environment had a great effect on the expression of latter two traits. By conducting continuously co-segregating analyses in T1 and T2 generation, we identified 3 T-DNA-inserted mutants with malformed panicle or spikelets, which would provide a base for cloning correlative functional genes. At the same time, we selected randomly 42 lines with mutation phenotype and obtained 40 flanking sequences from 39 tagged lines by plasmid rescue or TAIL-PCR, of which, 26 were vector backbone sequence, 14 had good identity to rice genome sequence. The BlastN result showed the T-DNA preferentially integrated into protein-coding region in plants.  相似文献   

植物的功能基因组学研究进展   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
李子银  陈受宜 《遗传》2000,22(1):0-60
基因组研究计划包括以全基因组测序为目标的结构基因组学和以基因功能鉴定为目标的功能基因组学两方面的内容。目前基因功能鉴定的方法主要有:基因表达的系统分析(SAGE)、cDNA微阵列、DNA(基因)芯片、蛋白组技术以及基于转座子标签和T_DNA标签的反求遗传学技术等。本文对上述各种技术的优缺点以及它们在植物基因功能鉴定中的应用进行了综述。 Abstract: The genome projects comprise the structural genomics focusing on determining the complete sequences of the genome and the functional genomics focusing on elucidating the biological function of genes.The rapidly evolving tools for functional genomics research include Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE),cDNA microarray,DNA (or gene) chips,proteome project and the reverse genetics technique based on the well-established transposon tagging and T?DNA tagging systems.In this paper,the advantages and disadvantages of such techniques and application of these techniques in plant functional genomics research are reviewed and future prospective are also presented.  相似文献   

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