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Summary Tactile hairs on the locust thorax can be divided into two classes by their external morphology and their central projection pattern: Short hairs, 10–100 m in length, which are assembled in distinct plates and rows, and long hairs, 100–800 m in length, which are distributed all over the body and are organized in large fields or aligned along the ridges of the appendages.The sensory fibers of the first class arborize in the lateral dorsal neuropile of thoracic ganglia and then extend further into the ipsilateral half of the corresponding ganglion in three main bundles from which fine rami of fibers end in the intermediate neuropile. In all three thoracic ganglia the projection pattern of homologous hair plates is similar.The sensory fibers of the second class exclusively terminate in special median ventral neuropiles, the ventral association center (VAC) and ventralmost ventral association center (VVAC). In addition fibers from meso- and metathoracic hairs, located close to the longitudinal midline of the animal, may terminate in the contralateral VAC and with one branch project to the next anterior ganglion through the ipsilateral connective. In contrast, fibers from prothoracic hairs were not found to leave their ganglion.With support by the DFG Neurale Mechanismen des VerhaltensSome of the studies were started at Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Biologie II (Abtlg. Prof. Dr. P. Görner)  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of filaments is studied in the hypertrophic musculature of the small intestine of the guinea pig oral to an experimental stenosis. No structural change is observed in the thin and the thick myofilaments. However, there is a remarkable and consistent increase in the number of intermediate (10 nm) filaments; they are the predominant type of filament in many hypertrophic muscle cells. Experiments, in which the force developed in vitro by strips of control and hypertrophic musculature upon stimulation with carbachol, indicate that the force per unit sectional area is slightly less in the hypertrophic muscle than in the control tissue.The author thanks Miss Eva Franke for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council and the Central Research Funds of the University of London  相似文献   

Summary In adult guinea-pigs, oral to a partial obstruction to the flow of ingesta in the ileum there is a marked increase in the diameter of the intestine and a hypertrophy of the muscle coat. The features of the intramuscular blood vessels and of the extracellular materials were studied by electron microscopy. There is a small increase in the amount of intercellular space measured morphometrically. The basal lamina surrounding the hypertrophic muscle cells is more prominent than in controls. In the intercellular space between muscle cells, in addition to collagen fibrils, there is abundant amorphous material of medium electron density and streak-like, electron-dense material often similar to thickened basal laminae. The total amount of stroma (intercellular materials) present in a unit length of intestine is greatly increased in hypertrophy; a role of the muscle cells in the production of new collagen and other extracellular elements is suggested by the present observations. Many new intramuscular blood vessels (mainly capillaries, some of which are fenestrated) are formed during hypertrophy of the intestinal wall, so that the circular muscle layer remains as well vascularized in the hypertrophic intestine as in the controls. Blood vessels are not formed within the longitudinal muscle layer.  相似文献   

Summary An extensive hypertrophy of the muscle coat develops in the small intestine of the guinea pig oral to an experimental stenosis. The profiles of smooth muscle cells become larger and irregular in shape. From the analysis of serial sections the arrangement of the muscle cells is less orderly than in control muscles. Many muscle cells are split into two or more branches over part of their length. The average cell volume is 3–4 times that of control muscle cells; the cell surface increases less dramatically and, in spite of the appearance of deep invaginations of the cell membrane, the surface-to-volume ratio falls from 1.4 to 0.8. The average cell length is only slightly increased compared with controls. Smooth muscle cells in mitosis are observed in all the hypertrophic muscles examined, in both muscle layers; in the circular musculature they occur mainly found in the middle part of the layer.The author thanks Miss Eva Franke for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council and the Central Research Funds of the University of London  相似文献   

Hypertrophic smooth muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The smooth muscle cells of the circular musculature of the guinea pig ileum are connected by gap junctions (nexuses) which occupy about 0.21% of the cell surface. When the muscle hypertrophies in the portions of the ileum oral to an experimental stenosis, the muscle cells increase in size and number. Gap junctions become markedly larger than in control muscles and occupy 0.49% of the cell surface. While the cells double their surface area, the number of nexuses per unit surface remains unchanged (47--48 per 1000 microns2). The packing density of intramembrane particles (or pits) in the nexuses of hypertrophic muscle cells is 6700 . microns-2, which is slightly less than in control muscle cells (7200 . microns-2). A characteristic grouping of the particles (or the pits) within the nexus is often observed. Nexuses between two processes originating from the same cell are common. Nexuses do not occur in the longitudinal muscle.  相似文献   

Summary The tension receptor system of the crab merus consists of two size classes of receptor cell body distributed along one face of the flexor muscle apodeme. The receptors show the general arthropod mechanoreceptor structure of cell body, connecting cilium, and sheathed sensory processes, but there are several differences. Many processes show convolutions, and the distal portion of the sensory process is embedded in the apodeme cuticle. The terminations of the sensory processes lack the usual structural specialisations for mechanotransduction. Tension transduction appears to occur by flexion of the cuticle-embedded sensory process.Work supported by an ARGC grant to Dr. D.L. MacmillanAuthor supported by Australian Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Award  相似文献   

Summary Antiserum to arginine-vasopressin has been used to characterise the pair of vasopressin-like immunoreactive (VPLI) neurons in the locust. These neurons have cell bodies in the suboesophageal ganglion, each with a bifurcating dorsal lateral axon which gives rise to predominantly dorsal neuropilar branching in every ganglion of the ventral nerve cord. There are extensive beaded fibre plexuses in most peripheral nerves of thoracic and abdominal ganglia, but in the brain, the peripheral plexuses are reduced while neuropilar branching is more extensive, although it generally remains superficial. An array of fibres runs centripetally through the laminamedulla chiasma in the optic lobes. Lucifer Yellow or cobalt intracellular staining of single VPLI cells in the adult suboesophageal ganglion shows that all immunoreactive processes emanate from these two neurons, but an additional midline arborisation (that was only partially revealed by immunostaining) was also observed. Intracellularly staining VPLI cells in smaller larval instars, which permits dye to reach the thoracic ganglia, confirms that there is no similar region of poorly-immunoreactive midline arborisation in these ganglia. It has been previously suggested that the immunoreactive superficial fibres and peripheral plexuses in ventral cord ganglia serve a neurohaemal function, releasing the locust vasopressin-like diuretic hormone, F2. We suggest that the other major region of VPLI arborisation, the poorly immunoreactive midline fibres in the suboesophageal ganglion, could be a region where VPLI cells receive synaptic input. The function of the centripetal array of fibres within the optic lobe is still unclear.Abbreviations AVP arginine vasopressin - DIT dorsal intermediate tract - FLRF Phe-Leu-Arg-Phe - FMRF-amide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide - LDT lateral dorsal tract - LVP lysine vasopressin - MDT median dorsal tract - MVT median ventral tract - SEM scanning electron microscopy - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - VIT ventral intermediate tract - VNC ventral nerve cord - VPLI vasopressin-like immunoreactive  相似文献   

Summary A study of the organisation of the locust dorsal ocellus shows that the structure is designed to provide the maximum possible effective aperture. The condenser-like cuticular lens and the dispersal of the rhabdome over a large proportion of the circumferential area of the retinula cells increases the light gathering power of the eye. The synaptic plexus of the ocellus has two major features: (i) the retinula cells are repeatedly and reciprocally connected by synapses and junctions, and (ii) there is an extensive lateral and feedback network between the receptors and interneurons. A unified structure is described for a synapse that presents differing profiles dependent upon the angle of section. A distinct morphological class of junction is described between retinula cells. The synaptic arrangements of morphologically identical retinula cells vary from cell to cell and the synaptic plexus is not organised with a high degree of spatial precision. The overall synaptic configurations are discussed in terms of the varied response characteristics of units in the ocellar nerve.  相似文献   

Summary The anatomy of the small ocellar interneurons in the brain of the acridid grasshopper Schistocerca vaga was revealed by cobalt-filling the three ocellar nerves and subsequent reconstructions from silver-intensified (Timm's method) serial sections.In total, 61 small ocellar interneurons were repeatedly identified with arborizations in many areas of the brain and optic lobe, including in particular the posterior neuropil, ocellar tracts, protocerebral bridge, lobula, ventral bridge and tritocerebral crotch, calyces, and antenno-glomerular tracts.Each ocellar nerve contains the axons of small cells that arborize in the other two ocellar tracts; these tracts are sites of ocellar integration. Direct interactions between the ocelli and compound eyes are suggested by the projections of small ocellar interneurons into the proximal lobula. Small cell arborizations from all three ocelli are distributed across much of the protocerebral bridge, implying a role for the bridge as an ocellar neuropil within the brain.Four of the small interneurons could be seen in whole-mount preparations and are demonstrated to be identical in five species of acridid grasshoppers of two different subfamilies: Schistocerca vaga, S. gregaria, Gastrimargus africanus, Trimerotropis pallidipennis, and Arphia conspersa.  相似文献   

Locusts respond to the images of approaching (looming) objects with responses that include gliding while in flight and jumping while standing. For both of these responses there is good evidence that the DCMD neuron (descending contralateral movement detector), which carries spike trains from the brain to the thoracic ganglia, is involved. Sudden glides during flight, which cause a rapid loss of height, are last-chance manoeuvres without prior preparation. Jumps from standing require preparation over several tens of milliseconds because of the need to store muscle-derived energy in a catapult-like mechanism. Locusts’ DCMD neurons respond selectively to looming stimuli, and make connections with some motor neurons and interneurons known to be involved in flying and jumping. For glides, a burst of high-frequency DCMD spikes is a key trigger. For jumping, a similar burst can influence timing, but neither the DCMD nor any other single interneuron has been shown to be essential for triggering any stage in preparation or take-off. Responses by the DCMD to looming stimuli can alter in different behavioural contexts: in a flying locust, arousal ensures a high level of both DCMD responsiveness and glide occurrence; and there are significant differences in DCMD activity between locusts in the gregarious and the solitarious phase.  相似文献   

1.  Locusts (Locusta migratoria) flying under open-loop conditions respond to simulated course deviations (movements of an artificial horizon around the roll axis) with compensatory head movements and with steering reactions of wing muscles (Figs. 3, 4). Steering was quantified as shifts of the relative latency between spikes in the left and right M97 (first basalar muscle). For practical reasons these shifts are a more useful measure than corrective torque itself, to which they are linearly proportional over much of the range (Fig. 2).
2.  Steering in M97 is elicited visually (horizon movement) and by proprioceptive input reporting head movements (neck reflexes). Compensatory head movements reduce the strength of steering because the reduction in visual information signalling deviations is only partially balanced by proprioceptive input from the neck (Fig. 4C).
3.  Under closed-loop conditions, flying locusts stabilize the position of an artificial horizon against a constant bias (Figs. 5–7), the horizon oscillating slightly along the normal orientation. Head movements do not follow the horizon movements as closely as under open-loop conditions, but on average head movements are compensatory, i.e. the mean mismatch between head and horizon is less than the mean mismatch between body and horizon.
4.  The horizon position is stabilized when the head is free to move, but also when the head is immobilized. In the latter case the oscillations along the straight flight path are more pronounced (Fig. 7), indicating that the reduction of steering by compensatory head movements (as seen under open-loop conditions, Fig. 4C) reduces overshoot.
5.  The control and the significance of (compensatory) head movements for course control are discussed.

Locusts (Locusta migratoria) were flown in a flight simulator which converts yaw torque into angular motion of the visual environment (Fig. 1). The modalities and the time-course of steering behavior under these closed-loop conditions have been investigated.
1.  Locusts flying under visual closed-loop conditions stabilize their visual environment by performing correctional steering manoeuvres. Besides torque production, due to differential wing movements and ruddering, correctional steering also involves head movements (Fig. 6).
2.  During open-loop steering, ruddering and yaw torque begin some 60 ms after the onset of the visually simulated deviation from course. Head movements occur some 90 ms after stimulus onset, i.e. some 30 ms later than yaw torque (Figs. 3, 5) and therefore do not initiate thoracic steering outputs.
3.  Open- and closed-loop correctional steering do not differ in their behavioral components or temporal organization (Figs. 2, 6, Table 1).
4.  In the absence of major disturbances, correctional steering under closed-loop conditions is performed with minimal ruddering (only a few degrees in amplitude), that probably produces little or no aerodynamic drag (Fig. 6).
5.  Locusts prevented from moving their heads still stabilize their visual environment in the closed-loop situation. However, the precision of steering is affected by this constraint (Figs. 8, 9, 10, 12). Head immobilization also alters the temporal coordination of correctional steering (Figs. 7, 11).
6.  These results show that head movements, in addition to their generally accepted role in vision improvement, also contribute to the precision and temporal coordination of correctional flight manoeuvres. The mechanism is partly via proprioceptive feedback.

The contribution of head movement to the control of roll responses in flying locusts (Locusta migratoria) has been examined (i) on a flight balance, recording the angles through which the locust turns when following an artificial horizon; (ii) by recording activity in a pair of flight muscles in restrained conditions; and (iii) by observations on free flying locusts. Responses were compared when the head was free to turn about the thorax, as normal, and when the head was waxed to the thorax, blocking any relative motion between the two (head-fixed). These experiments suggest that the major signal generating corrective roll manoeuvres is the visual error between the angle of the head and the horizon, rather than a signal that includes a measure of the head-thorax angle.
1.  On the flight balance in the head-free condition the roll angle of the thorax was consistently less than in the head-fixed state, and followed the stimulus with longer response lags. Furthermore, the difference between the angle of the thorax assumed during head-free and head-fixed rolls was close to the angle of the head relative to the thorax during head-free responses.
2.  Records of activity of the forewing first basalar muscles (M97) were made during rotation of the horizon about immobilized animals. When the head could follow the horizon, the relative latency between activity in the left and right basalar muscles decreased as the head position turned to approach the displaced horizon. When head-fixed, the relative latency was directly proportional to horizon angle.
3.  The relative latency between left and right M97 flight muscles correlates better with the visual error signal than with the horizon position signal, lagging by approximately 40 ms.
4.  In the open air, head-fixed locusts appear able to fly as well as head-free locusts.
These data suggest that the reduction in visual inputs caused by compensatory motion of the head during roll manoeuvres is not functionally replaced by inputs from cervical proprioceptors. Some reasons why the locust may nevertheless allow head movement relative to the thorax during flight are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The formation of the peripheral nervous system in the metathoracic limb bud of a locust embryo was studied by antibody [anti-(horseradish peroxidase); (anti-HRP)] labelling. At 50% of embryogenesis, the major neural routes from the periphery to the CNS are established. There are two waves of receptor cell genesis, (a) At about 35%, the first precursors of internal receptors emerge from the epidermal cell layer and at about 58% apparently all internal receptors are formed. At this stage, the number and arrangement coincide with those of the first larval instar, (b) At the 55% stage, anti-HRP-immunoreactive cells appear, which can be associated with exteroceptors (hairs, campaniform sensilla); these reach their final number and cellular constitution at 65%–70% embryogenesis. The two waves are correlated to the formation of the first and second embryonic cuticle. The results thus indicate that the genesis of the receptor system and its connections to the CNS is completed at about 2/3 of embryonic development.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on properties of flight neurons in the locust   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High ambient temperatures increase the wing-beat frequency in flying locusts, Locusta migratoria. We investigated parameters of circuit and cellular properties of flight motoneurons at temperatures permissive for flight (20–40 °C). As the thoracic temperature increased motoneuronal conduction velocity increased from an average of 4.40 m/s at 25 °C to 6.73 m/s at 35 °C, and the membrane time constant decreased from 11.45 ms to 7.52 ms. These property changes may increase locust wing-beat frequency by affecting the temporal summation of inputs to flight neurons in the central circuitry. Increases in thoracic temperature from 25–35 °C also resulted in a hyperpolarization of the resting membrane potentials of flight motoneurons from an average of-41.1 mV to -47.5 mV, and a decrease of input resistances from an average of 3.45 M to 2.00 M. Temperature affected the measured input resistance both by affecting membrane properties, and by altering synaptic input. We suggest that the increase in conduction velocity Q10=1.53) and the decrease of membrane time constant (Q10=0.62) would more than account for the wing-beat frequency increase (Q10=1.15). Hyperpolarization of the resting membrane potential (Q10=1.18) and reduction in input resistance (Q10=0.54) may be involved in automatic compensation of temperature effects.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - CPG central pattern generator - DL dorsal longitudinal muscles - EMG electromyographic - MN motoneuron - PSP post synaptic potential - Q10 temperature coefficient - RMP resting membrane potential - S.D. standard deviation - SR stretch receptor  相似文献   

In a muscle-specific flight simulator (simulator driven by muscle action potentials) locusts (Locusta migratoria) show motor learning by which steering performance of the closed-loop muscles is improved. The role of proprioceptive feedback for this motor learning has been studied. Closed-loop muscles were cut in order to disable proprioceptive feedback of their contractions. Since there are no proprioceptors within the muscles, this is a muscle-specific deafferentation. Cut muscles are still activated during flight and their action potentials can be used for controlling the flight simulator. With cut muscles in closed-loop, steering is less reliable as can be seen from the frequent oscillations of the yaw angle. However, periods of stable flight indicate that deafferented muscles are still, in principle, functional for steering. Open-loop yaw stimuli reveal that steering reactions in cut muscles are weaker and have a longer delay than intact muscles. This is responsible for the oscillations observed in closed-loop flight. Intact muscles can take over from cut muscles in order to re-establish stable closed-loop flight. This shows that proprioceptive mechanisms for learning are muscle specific. A hypothetical scheme is presented to explain the role of proprioception for motor learning.  相似文献   

1. Phentolamine was injected into the haemolymph of locusts, Locusta migratoria, and its effects on the flight system were analyzed using electrophysiological techniques. 2.Doses of 150 microliters at 10(-2) M phentolamine inactivated the wing stretch-receptors and tegulae without influencing the central nervous system (CNS). The lack of effect on the CNS was demonstrated by the absence of any effect on the flight motor pattern in animals that had been mechanically deafferented prior to the administration of phentolamine. From these observations we conclude that phentolamine can be used to chemically deafferent the flight system of the locust. Consistent with this conclusion is that the administration of phentolamine in intact animals changed the flight motor pattern so that it resembled the pattern occurring in mechanically deafferented animals. 3. The two main advantages of deafferenting the flight system by injecting phentolamine were a) intracellular recordings from central neurons could be easily maintained during the process of deafferentation, and b) the contribution of different groups of proprioceptors to the generation of the motor pattern could be assessed since not all proprioceptors were inactivated simultaneously. 4. By intracellularly recording from elevator motoneurons and administering phentolamine we confirmed a number of previous results related to the function of the wing stretch-receptors and the tegulae.  相似文献   

A multiterminal neurone, recently identified at the wing-hinge of the atympanate moth Manduca sexta, is shown to respond as a proprioceptor monitoring elevatory movements of the hind wing. Extracellular recordings from the individual receptor axon confirm this cell to be the source of the spontaneous and regular discharge observed in previous recordings of peripheral nerve 3N1b1. When the wing is raised, this tonic discharge rate increases proportionally with the angle of elevation. When the wing is displaced sinusoidally at a low frequency, the receptor discharge is modulated throughout the wing beat, increasing steadily to a maximum at the top of the upstroke, then slowly decreasing to a minimum at the bottom of the downstroke. At higher wing-beat frequencies, a phasic burst of activity occurs near the top of the upstroke, followed by a silent period during the down-stroke. Video-microscopic observations of the wing-hinge during active, stationary flight suggest that the receptor is stimulated by the stretching of its peripheral attachment, the subalar membrane. Stretch receptor sensitivity to wing movement is demonstrated in representatives of 4 lepidopteran families, suggesting that the proprioceptive response is widespread among the Lepidoptera. The functional role of the wing-hinge receptor, and its proposed homologous relationship to both the B cell of the noctuoid moth ear, and the locust wing-hinge stretch receptor are discussed.Abbreviations CO chordotonal organ - EGAA Enhanced Graphics Acquisition and Analysis System - HP hair plate - 3N1b1 tympanal nerve - SR stretch receptor  相似文献   

Summary The connectivities of the tritocerebrum of locust (Locusta migratoria L., Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.)) were studied histologically and by means of cobalt chloride infusion. Its neuropil consists partly of fibers which traverse the tritocerebrum and areas consisting of neuropilar agglomerizations (glomeruli). The following direct connections between the tritocerebrum and other regions were observed: connections to 1) dorsal and lateral brain regions (mushroom body, optic lobe), 2) the ventral nerve cord, 3) the stomatogastric nervous system (here the protocerebrum and the subesophageal ganglion are also involved in these connections), 4) the retro-cerebral glands (corpora cardiaca, corpora allata), and 5) muscles of the foregut. Acknowledgements. This study was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to N.K. The authors wish to thank Dr. H.-W. Honegger (Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz) and Dr. N.J. Strausfeld (E.M.B.L., Heidelberg) for helpful comments and for assisting with the English text  相似文献   

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