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LamB, an outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli, is a component of the maltose-maltooligosaccharide transport system. We used p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-maltohexaoside, a chromogenic analog of maltohexaose, and a periplasmic amylase that hydrolyzes this compound to study the LamB-mediated diffusion of p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-maltohexaoside into the periplasm. Using this approach, we were able to characterize LamB in vivo as a saturable channel for maltooligosaccharides. Permeation through LamB follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with a Km of 0.13 mM and a Vmax of 3.3 nmol/min/10(9) cells. Previous studies suggested that maltose-binding protein increases the rate of maltooligosaccharide diffusion through LamB. We show here that, at least in strains that are unable to transport maltooligosaccharides into the cytoplasm, maltose-binding protein does not influence the rate of substrate diffusion. The periplasmic amylase had been previously described as being of the alpha-type. We have now purified this protein and analyzed its mode of action using chromogenic maltooligosaccharides of varying length. Analysis of the hydrolytic products revealed that the enzyme recognizes its substrate from the nonreducing that the enzyme recognizes its substrate from the nonreducing end and preferentially liberates maltohexaose, in contrast to the behavior of classical alpha-amylases that are endohydrolases. Using p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-maltohexaoside as a substrate, we determined a Km of 3 microM and a Vmax of 0.14 mumol/min/mg of protein.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of Escherichia coli cells were examined by the patch-clamp technique. Giant cells or giant spheroplasts were generated by five different methods. By electron micrographic and other criteria we determined that the patches are most likely from the outer membrane. We regularly observed currents through at least two types of channels in this membrane. The first current is mechanosensitive and voltage-dependent, and can be observed in single gene mutants of the known major porins (ompF, ompC, phoE, lamB); this channel may represent a minor porin or a new class of outer membrane protein. The possible identity of the second, voltage-sensitive channel with one of the known outer membrane proteins is being explored. The high-resistance seals consistently formed on these patches and the presence of gated ion channels suggest that most of the pores of the outer membrane are not statically open, as commonly held, but are closed at rest and may be openable by physiological stimuli.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of Gram-negative bacteria are key molecules that interface the cell with the environment. Traditional biochemical and genetic approaches have yielded a wealth of knowledge relating to the function of OMPs. Nonetheless, with the completion of the Escherichia coli genome sequencing project there is the opportunity to further expand our understanding of the organization, expression and function of the OMPs in this Gram-negative bacterium. In this report we describe a proteomic approach which provides a platform for parallel analysis of OMPs. We propose a rapid method for isolation of bacterial OMPs using carbonate incubation, purification and protein array by two-dimensional electrophoresis, followed by protein identification using mass spectrometry. Applying this method to examine E. coli K-12 cells grown in minimal media we identified 21 out of 26 (80%) of the predicted integral OMPs that are annotated in SWISS-PROT release 37 and predicted to separate within the range of pH 4-7 and molecular mass 10-80 kDa. Five outer membrane lipoproteins were also identified and only minor contamination by nonmembrane proteins was observed. Importantly, this research readily demonstrates that integral OMPs, commonly missing from 2D gel maps, are amenable to separation by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Two of the identified OMPs (YbiL, YeaF) were previously known only from their ORFs, and their identification confirms the cognate genes are transcribed and translated. Furthermore, we show that like the E. coli iron receptors FhuE and FhuA, the expression of YbiL is markedly increased by iron limitation, suggesting a putative role for this protein in iron transport. In an additional demonstration we show the value of parallel protein analysis to document changes in E. coli OMP expression as influenced by culture temperature.  相似文献   

We have directly measured the stoichiometry of maltodextrin-binding sites in LamB. Scatchard plots and computer fitting of flow dialysis (rate-of-dialysis) experiments clearly establish three independent binding sites per LamB trimer, with a dissociation constant of approximately 60 microM for maltoheptaose. The current model for LamB's function as a specific pore is discussed with respect to the symmetry in LamB's kinetic properties and the implications of our results.  相似文献   

LamB (maltoporin) of Salmonella typhimurium was found to be more strongly associated with the murein than OmpF. It was purified in one step using a hydroxyapatite (HTP) column. Reconstitution of the pure protein with lipid bilayer membrane showed that LamB of S. typhimurium formed small ion-permeable channels with a single channel conductance of about 90 pS in 1 M KCl and some preference for cations over anions. The conductance concentration curve was linear, which suggested that LamB of S. typhimurium does not contain any binding site for ions. Pore conductance was completely inhibited by the addition of 20 mM maltotriose. Titration of the LamB-induced membrane conductance with different sugars, including all members of the maltooligosaccharide series up to seven glucose residues, suggested that the channel contains, like LamB (maltoporin) of Escherichia coli, a binding site for sugars. The binding constant of sugars of the maltooligosaccharide series increased with increasing number of glucose residues up to five (saturated). Small sugars had a higher stability constant for sugar binding relative to LamB of E. coli. The advantage of a binding site inside a specific porin for the permeation of solutes is discussed with respect to the properties of a general diffusion porin.  相似文献   

Proteins destined for either the periplasm or the outer membrane of Escherichia coli are translocated from the cytoplasm by a common mechanism. It is generally assumed that outer membrane proteins, such as LamB (maltoporin or lambda receptor), which are rich in beta-structure, contain additional targeting information that directs proper membrane insertion. During transit to the outer membrane, these proteins may pass, in soluble form, through the periplasm or remain membrane associated and reach their final destination via sites of inner membrane-outer membrane contact (zones of adhesion). We report lamB mutations that slow signal sequence cleavage, delay release of the protein from the inner membrane, and interfere with maltoporin biogenesis. This result is most easily explained by proposing a soluble, periplasmic LamB assembly intermediate. Additionally, we found that such lamB mutations confer several novel phenotypes consistent with an abortive attempt by the cell to target these tethered LamB molecules. These phenotypes may allow isolation of mutants in which the process of outer membrane protein targeting is altered.  相似文献   

H Killmann  R Benz    V Braun 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(8):3007-3016
The FhuA receptor protein is involved in energy-coupled transport of Fe3+ via ferrichrome through the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Since no energy source is known in the outer membrane it is assumed that energy is provided through the action of the TonB, ExbB and ExbD proteins, which are anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane. By deleting 34 amino acid residues of a putative cell surface exposed loop, FhuA was converted from a ligand specific transport protein into a TonB independent and nonspecific diffusion channel. The FhuA deletion derivative FhuA delta 322-355 formed stable channels in black lipid membranes, in contrast to wild-type FhuA which did not increase membrane conductance. The single-channel conductance of the FhuA mutant channels was at least three times larger than that of the general diffusion porins of E. coli outer membrane. It is proposed that the basic structure of FhuA in the outer membrane is a channel formed by beta-barrels. Since the loop extending from residue 316 to 356 is part of the active site of FhuA, it probably controls the permeability of the channel. The transport-active conformation of FhuA is mediated by a TonB-induced conformational change in response to the energized cytoplasmic membrane. The ferrichrome transport rate into cells expressing FhuA delta 322-355 increased linearly with increasing substrate concentration (from 0.5 to 20 microM), in contrast to FhuA wild-type cells, which displayed saturation at 5 microM. This implies that in wild-type cells ferrichrome transport through the outer membrane is the rate-limiting step and that TonB, ExbB and ExbD are only required for outer membrane transport.  相似文献   

Results presented in this study demonstrate that a mutation which inserts an additional tyrosine between the 2 tyrosines at residues 118 and 119 of mature LamB protein results in a temperature-dependent assembly defect. This defect leads to the accumulation of an intermediate at the restrictive temperature that is most likely an assembly-defective monomer. These monomers are rapidly degraded in the wild type (htrA+) strain, and the biphasic kinetics of this degradation indicate that the mutation affects the assembly process and not the final product, i.e. stable trimers. In addition, our data show that the temperature-dependent assembly defect in the mutant strain is reversible, and therefore the accumulated monomers represent a true assembly intermediate. Fractionation studies show that the monomers, which can be accumulated in htrA (degP) mutants at the restrictive temperature, are associated with the outer membrane, indicating that trimerization of LamB is not a prerequisite for localization.  相似文献   

CymA, the outer membrane component of the cyclodextrin (CD) uptake and metabolism system of Klebsiella oxytoca, was reconstituted into lipid bilayer membranes. The channel properties of this unusual porin were studied in detail. The binding of CDs to the channel resulted in its complete block for ion transport. This result allowed the detailed investigation of carbohydrate binding, and the stability constants for the binding of cyclic and linear carbohydrates to the binding site inside the channel were calculated from titration experiments of the membrane conductance with the carbohydrates. Highest stability constant was observed for alpha-cyclodextrin (alpha-CD; K = 32,000 1/M) followed by beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD; K = 1970 1/M) and gamma-cyclodextrin (gamma-CD; K = 310 1/M). Linear maltooligosaccharides bound also to CymA but with much smaller stability constants as compared to cyclic ones. The noise of the current through CymA in multi- and single-channel experiments was investigated using fast Fourier transformation. The current through the open channels had a rather high spectral density, which was a Lorentzian function of the frequency up to 2000 Hz. Upon addition of cyclic dextrins to the aqueous phase the spectral density decreased in a dose-dependent manner, which made it impossible to evaluate the binding kinetics. Experiments with single CymA-channels demonstrated the channel is highly asymmetric concerning channel flickers and current noise.  相似文献   

A Death  L Notley    T Ferenci 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(5):1475-1483
The level of LamB protein in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli was derepressed in the absence of a known inducer (maltodextrins) under carbohydrate-limiting conditions in chemostats. LamB protein contributed to the ability of the bacteria to remove sugar from glucose-limited chemostats, and well-characterized lamB mutants with reduced stability constants for glucose were less growth competitive under glucose limitation than those with wild-type affinity. In turn, wild-type bacteria were less growth competitive than lamB mutants with enhanced sugar affinity. In contrast to an earlier report, we found that LamB- bacteria were less able to compete in carbohydrate-limited chemostats (with glucose, lactose, arabinose, or glycerol as the carbon and energy sources) when mixed with LamB+ bacteria. The transport Km for [14C]glucose was affected by the presence or affinity of LamB, but only in chemostat-grown bacteria, with their elevated LamB levels. The pattern of expression of LamB and the advantage it confers for growth on low concentrations of carbohydrates are consistent with a wider role in sugar permeation than simply maltosaccharide transport, and hence the well-known maltoporin activity of LamB is but one facet of its role as the general glycoporin of E. coli. A corollary of these findings is that OmpF/OmpC porins, present at high levels in carbon-limited bacteria, do not provide sufficient permeability to sugars or even glycerol to support high growth rates at low concentrations. Hence, the sugar-binding site of LamB protein is an important contributor to the permeability of the outer membrane to carbohydrates in habitats with low extracellular nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

The method of electro-orientational spectroscopy was used to study the damaging action of SDS and Triton X-100 on Escherichia coli cells in which the barrier properties of the outer membrane were impaired by treatment with Triton B (10(-2) M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0) and a heat shock (47 degrees C, 15 min). When either SDS (10(-4)-2.10(-4) M) or Triton X-100 (10(-4)-10(-3) M) was added to such cells, the high-frequency region of their electroorientational spectrum was found to undergo considerable changes. The mode of these changes indicated that the barrier properties of cell cytoplasmic membranes were damaged. These changes were not detected in the case of intact cells. Changes in the low-frequency region of the spectra for intact and damaged cells stemmed from the adsorption of these surfactant molecules on the cell surface.  相似文献   

In order to understand the unusual heat resistance of LamB protein (the outer membrane component of the maltose transport system in Escherichia coli and its receptor for bacteriophage lambda), we investigated the role of its 2 cysteinyl residues. Our studies show that Cys22 and Cys38 form an intrasubunit disulfide bond which contributes to the heat stability of the LamB protein trimer. Physical evidence for the disulfide was obtained by using site-directed mutagenesis to convert Asn36 to Met, which allowed cyanogen bromide cleavage between the 2 cysteines. Upon reduction one of the N36M fragments migrated as two pieces, resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Other mutagenized LamB proteins, in which 1 or both Cys residues were converted to Ser, exhibited a sharp loss of thermal stability. In contrast to wild-type LamB protein trimer, which does not dissociate to monomers even after 60 min at 100 degrees C, only 10-15% of the mutant LamB proteins remain trimeric after boiling 10 min. The disulfide bond in LamB protein is not required for its transport function, since both mutagenized LamB protein and N-ethylmaleimide-labeled LamB protein exhibit normal uptake of sugars in proteoliposomes. Finally, the disulfide bond must not be between subunits of the LamB trimer since reversible dissociation of trimer is achieved by low pH or denaturants in the absence of reducing agent.  相似文献   

A DNA fragment of Serratia marcescens directing an extracellular serine protease (Mr, 41,000) was cloned in Escherichia coli. The cloned fragment caused specific excretion of the protease into the extracellular medium through the outer membrane of E. coli host cells in parallel with their growth. No excretion of the periplasmic enzymes of host cells occurred. The cloned fragment contained a single open reading frame of 3,135 base pairs coding a protein of 1,045 amino acids (Mr 112,000). Comparison of the 5' nucleotide sequence with the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the protease indicated the presence of a typical signal sequence. The C-terminal amino acid of the enzyme was found at position 408, as deduced from the nucleotide sequence. Artificial frameshift mutations introduced into the coding sequence for the assumed distal polypeptide after the C terminus of the protease caused complete loss of the enzyme production. It was concluded that the Serratia serine protease is produced as a 112-kilodalton proenzyme and that its N-terminal signal peptide and a large C-terminal part are processed to cause excretion of the mature protease through the outer membrane of E. coli cells.  相似文献   

Binding of metallic ions to the outer membrane of Escherichia coli.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The binding of metal ions by the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K-12 strain AB264 was investigated by using outer membrane obtained after Triton X-100 extraction of purified cell envelopes. Binding studies, conducted under saturating conditions, indicated a selective trapping of certain metallic ions. Low-dose electron microscopy of metal-loaded samples revealed an aggregative deposition of lead on one surface of the membrane which suggests that at least one distinctive binding site is asymmetrically arranged in these outer membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

Protein P trimers isolated and purified from Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane were reconstituted in planar lipid bilayer membranes from diphytanoyl phosphatidylcholine. The protein trimers formed highly anion-specific channels with an average single channel conductance of 160 pS in 0.1 M Cl solution. A variety of different nonvalent anions were found to be permeable through the channel, which suggests a channel diameter between 0.5 and 0.7 nm. The selectivity for the halides followed the Eisenman sequence AVI (without At-). The ion transport through the protein P channel could be explained reasonably well by a one-site, two-barrier model. The stability constant of the binding of Cl- to the site was 20 M-1 at neutral pH. The binding of anions to the site was pH dependent, which suggested that several charges are involved in the closely spaced selectivity filter. Permeability ratios for different anions as calculated from bi-ionic potentials showed agreement with corresponding ratios of single channel conductances. The protein P channels were not voltage-gated and had lifetimes of the order of several minutes. The current-voltage curves were linear for membrane potentials up to 150 mV, which suggested that Nernst-Planck-type barriers rather than Eyring barriers were involved in the movement of anions through the protein P channel.  相似文献   

A Molla  A Charbit  A Le Guern  A Ryter  M Hofnung 《Biochemistry》1989,28(20):8234-8241
LamB, an outer membrane protein from Escherichia coli K12, is involved in the transport of maltose and maltodextrins across the outer membrane and constitutes a receptor for a number of bacteriophages. A recent folding model proposes that LamB spans the outer membrane through a number of transmembranous segments separated by regions exposed either to the cell exterior or to the periplasm. This model is essentially based on predictions of structure and genetic arguments relying on the hypothesis that the mutations studied did not alter the folding of the protein. In order to obtain direct evidence with the unaltered protein, we elicited polyclonal antibodies against synthetic peptides corresponding to several LamB sequences. We chose four regions. Three of them [aa 147-161 (peptide 2), aa 371-385 (peptide 3), and aa 399-413 (peptide 4)] are predicted to face the outside of the cell, and the fourth (aa 19-33 (peptide 1)] is predicted to be periplasmic. By immunoblotting against extracts of various mutants, these antibodies were shown to be specific for LamB and targeted to the selected regions. In some cases, the recognition sites for antibodies were narrowed down to parts of a region. In vivo, on intact cells, anti-peptides 2, 3, and 4 reacted with LamB in an ELISA; this confirmed that regions of peptide 2 and 3 are located, at least in part, at the cell exterior and provided the first proof for a similar, situation of the region of peptide 4. Under the same conditions, anti-peptide 1 did not react with LamB.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Covalent lipoprotein from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli.   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  

Iron oxidation in the bacterial ferritin EcFtnA from Escherichia coli shows marked differences from its homologue human H-chain ferritin (HuHF). While the amino acid residues that constitute the dinuclear center in these proteins are highly conserved, EcFtnA has a third iron-binding site (C site) in close proximity to the dinuclear center that is seemingly responsible for these differences. Here, we describe the first thermodynamic study of Fe2+ binding to EcFtnA and its variants to determine the location of the primary ferrous ion-binding sites on the protein and to better understand the role of the third C site in iron binding. Isothermal titration calorimetric analyses of the wild-type protein reveal the presence of two main classes of binding sites in the pH range of 6.5-7.5, ascribed to Fe2+ binding, first at the A and then the B sites. Site-directed mutagenesis of ligands in the A, B, or C sites affects the apparent Fe2+-binding stoichiometries at the unaltered sites. The data imply some degree of inter- and intrasubunit negative cooperative interaction between sites. Unlike HuHF where only the A site initially binds Fe2+, both A and B sites in EcFtnA bind Fe2+, implying a role for the C site in influencing the binding of Fe2+ at the B site of the di-iron center of EcFtnA. The ITC equations describing a binding model for three classes of independent binding sites are reported here for the first time.  相似文献   

Protein interactions in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Specific protein interactions in Escherichia coli outer membrane were analyzed using chemical cross-linking with truly cleavable reagents and symmetrical two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The major outer membrane proteins were shown to form cross-linked complexes. These include multimers of lambda receptor, protein I, II, III and the free form of lipoprotein. Lipoprotein was also found to be cross-linked to proteins II and III. The identity of many of these complexes was verified using appropriate mutants missing the proteins in question. No new protein interactions were detected in the mutants even when three of the major proteins were missing. Proteins II, III and the free form of lipoprotein could also be cross-linked to the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli incorporates iron as a complex with enterochelin. By using mutants which lack one or the other, or both, of the outer membrane proteins, O-2b and O-3, we have shown that protein O-2b (feuB protein) is responsible for the primary binding of the iron-enterochelin complex to the outer membrane in the process of iron transport.  相似文献   

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