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Cannibalism is a potentially important factor in the regulation of populations in a range of habitats. The intensity of this biotic factor may be determined by both intra and interspecific interactions. Cancer pagurus and Porcellana platycheles are two co-occurring decapods on Atlantic rocky shores. In laboratory mesocosms, we investigated intra and intersize class cannibalistic and interspecific predatory behaviours in those species. We addressed the effects of prey and predator densities, food, starvation, alternative prey and habitat type. No agonistic behaviour was noted in P. platycheles, suggesting a non-aggressive co-existence between gregarious individuals. Predation of C. pagurus on P. platycheles was intense, possibly accounting for the spatial segregation observed in the natural environment. Cannibalism among C. pagurus juveniles was low and only on vulnerable prey (i.e. at moulting), suggesting a non-aggressive co-existence among juveniles. However, intersize class cannibalism in C. pagurus was intense (ontogenetic shift), possibly reflecting the juvenile-adult segregation in the natural environment. Prey and predator densities, food and habitat type strongly influenced this behaviour. Possible interference among cannibals was noted, with lower prey consumption at high predator density. Food supply alone had more effect on cannibalistic rate than did alternative prey (P. platycheles) and predator starvation. Structurally complex habitats (small pebble and Fucus serratus habitats) yielded higher prey survival than the sandy habitat, and the behaviours of both prey and cannibals reflected the small-scale spatial distribution of individuals in the wild. Intersize class cannibalism and interspecific agonistic relationships may account for the intertidal distribution of crab species at low tide.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging activity of the freshwater leeches Nephelopsis obscura and Erpobdella punctata during acclimation to active or sedentary prey, starvation and refeeding was examined by filming over a 24 h cycle. For both species, the time of activity of individual leeches and the total number of leeches active were significantly correlated. Activity in the dark was significantly higher than in the light with the activity of N. obscura in the dark 16.2 times higher in terms of time and 6.7 times higher in terms of numbers of individuals moving than E. punctata. Large N. obscura were significantly more active than medium or small individuals and encountered more sedentary prey. With lower levels of activity E. punctata encounters and feeds on more active prey, and in lotic ecosystems its lower exposure to fish predation and drift is, at least partially, responsible for its numerical abundance over N. obscura. There were no significant differences in the activity of N. obscura or E. punctata fed on active or sedentary prey during either subsequent starvation of 1 to 10 d, or after refeeding, suggesting that unchanged foraging activity provides the optimun net energy gain during periods of change in prey type and availability.  相似文献   

The effect of prey species and the different stages of prey on the predatory efficiency and biology of the phytoseiid mites,Amblyseius gossipi Elbadry andTyphlodromus mangiferus sp. n. was studied. It was found that feeding either predator onTetranychus cucurbitacearum (Sayed) promoted faster development and a higher rate of oviposition than rearing on the twospotted spider mite,T. urticae (Koch). Different stages of both prey species also produced different responses in the biological activities of these predaceous mites.
Résumé On a étudié l'effet de l'espèce de la proie et de ses différents stades sur l'efficacité et la biologie des acariens phytoseiides,Amblyseius gossipi Elbadry etTyphlodromus mangiferus sp. n. Il a été constaté que l'alimentation des 2 prédateurs avecTetranychus cucurbitacearus (Sayed) assure un dévelopment plus rapide et une fécondité plus élevée que leur élevage surT. urticae (Koch). Les différents stades de ces 2 proies produisent des réponses différentes dans les activités biologiques des 2 acariens prédateurs.

捕食性昆虫如捕食性甲虫和捕食性蝽类是许多农林害虫的重要天敌昆虫,在生物防治中发挥着重要的作用。批量化生产高质量的自然天敌是实现生物防治的重要支撑技术之一,捕食性昆虫的替代饲料和人工饲料近几年已进行了广泛研究。本文总结了国内外替代性饲料和人工饲料对捕食性天敌甲虫及蝽的主要生命参数的影响。  相似文献   

Periodic and augmentative releases of natural enemies are often required to enhance biological control and integrated pest management programs. One requirement for these programs to be practical is that natural enemies can be easily and economically mass-reared. This study assessed the effects of dieton the quality of the F3 and F4laboratory-reared generations of the predatory thrips,Aleurodothrips fasciapennis. Diets were eggs and crawlers of the diaspidid scale Chrysomphalusaonidum and eggs of the pyralid moth Corcyracephalonica. It was found that both the F3 and F4 generations were not viable when reared on the eggs and crawlers of C. aonidum due to very low fecundity and, in the F4 generation, increased larval mortality. In contrast, thrips reared on the eggs of C. cephalonica were viable in both generations but an increase in larval mortality from the F3 to the F4 generation did result in are duction in viability. These results are discussed in terms of genetic, environmental and behavioural factors that may have influenced the quality of the thrips. It is concluded that genetic factors(inbreeding suppression, genetic drift or selection),the behaviour of scale crawlers and the predatory behaviour of thrips were probably of little value in explaining the results. The most likely explanation was that the diet supplied to thrips was of in adequatenutritional quality. It was not possible to distinguish whether this was due to low intrinsic quality of the prey or an indirect effect of experimental conditions on prey quality. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study examines the niche and diet breadth of two closely related sympatric aphidophagous ladybirds: Adalia decempunctata and A. bipunctata. The degree of habitat specialization of these species is investigated, and its effect on life history traits of females is explored. The importance of prey quality in determining the diet breadth is also examined. The niches occupied by these species in three countries, the UK, Belgium and southern France, are similar: A. decempunctata is an arboreal habitat specialist with a narrower set of prey than A. bipunctata, which is commonly found on several types of vegetation. The niches of the two species overlap on trees. Experiments indicate that habitat specialization has resulted in A. decempunctata investing more in each of its offspring than A. bipunctata. A. decempunctata females lay, relative to their body size, heavier eggs than those of the more generalist A. bipunctata, which results in A. decempunctata having bigger larvae. In addition, A. decempunctata larvae are better at surviving starvation than A. bipunctata larvae. In contrast to the expected pattern in food specialization, our study failed to demonstrate a better efficiency of the specialist when fed its usual prey and a detrimental effect when fed on prey that it is unlikely to encounter in the field. The reproductive performance of the specialist ladybird was better when fed an aphid that it was unlikely to regularly feed on in the field. Therefore, the narrow diet of the specialist ladybird is most likely a consequence of it occupying a narrow habitat rather than the quality of the prey. Although further studies on specialization in predatory insects are needed, the results indicate that unlike the role of plant quality in host specialization in herbivorous insects, prey quality has not been the main determinant of ecological specialization in these predatory insects.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments and weekly trammel net surveys in the Navesink River, New Jersey (USA) were used to examine the predator-prey interaction between age-1+ summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) and age-0 winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). Winter flounder (24-67 mm TL) were the dominant piscine prey of summer flounder (n=95, 252-648 mm TL) collected in trammel nets. We observed a temporal shift in summer flounder diets from sand shrimp (Crangon septemspinosa) and winter flounder, dominant during June and early July, to blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) and other fishes (primarily Atlantic silversides, Menidia menidia and Atlantic menhaden, Brevortia tyrannus) later in the summer. Variations in prey selection appeared to be related to changes in the spatial distribution of predators and spatio-temporal variation in prey availability. In laboratory experiments, summer flounder (271-345 mm total length, TL) preferred demersal winter flounder to a pelagic fish (Atlantic silversides) and a benthic invertebrate (sand shrimp) prey, and the vulnerability of winter flounder increased with increasing prey body size from 20 to 90 mm TL. Experiments testing habitat effects showed that mortality of winter flounder in three different size classes (20-29, 40-49, 60-69 mm TL) was not influenced by sediment grain sizes permitting differential burial of the prey. However, vegetation enhanced survival, with fish suffering lower mortality in eelgrass (Zostera marina, 15+/-0.04%) than in sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca, 38+/-0.04%) or bare sand (70+/-0.07%) when the macrophytes were planted to produce similar leaf surface areas (5000 cm(2) m(-2)). Prey vulnerability appeared to be related to the role of vision in the predator's attack strategy and prey activity levels.  相似文献   

A field study of prey selection in planktivorous fish larvae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The food selection of larval fish was studied from field samples collected in two areas that differ in productivity. In the area where planktonic primary and secondary production was high the fish larvae showed a tendency to specialise and they selected the largest prey species available as food; in the area of lower production fish were generalists and they fed equally on all size classes.Abundance of prey was found to be one of the decisive factors in the prey selection of planktivorous fish larvae. Large prey species (calanoids) were selected when their absolute abundance was high but when their abundance was low, small-sized cladocerans were preferred. Visibility and stage of life history were also assumed to affect the mode of selection.  相似文献   

Tritrophic studies involving several populations of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus longipes showed distinct life history traits depending on the prey offered and/or the plant substrate. In order to better understand the biology of this predator, the response to several combinations of prey species (Tetranychus evansi and Tetranychus urticae), prey stages (eggs and mobile stages) and plant substrates (bean and tomato leaf discs) has been assessed for two populations of P. longipes. Unlike what was found for life history traits, both populations displayed similar behaviour: they went and stayed more on tomato than on bean, they preferred T. urticae over T. evansi and mobile stages over eggs. Combining the previous life history data with the present results suggests that P. longipes may display host-plant mediated specialization on a prey species, T. evansi. Possible underlying mechanisms are discussed, as well as directions for future work.  相似文献   

Under natural conditions, generalist predatory insects have to cope with a variety of potential prey species that are not all equally suitable. Under these circumstances, learning may be adaptive if it allows adjustment to variations in resource quality and availability. Under laboratory conditions, we examined the learning ability and memory in the prey selection process of larvae of the predatory coccinellid Coleomegilla maculata ssp. lengi Timberlake (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Using choice tests, we studied prey rejection behaviour of C. maculata fourth instars towards prey of different quality and we also tested the influence of hunger and prior experience with other food types on the prey rejection behaviour of coccinellid larvae. Coleomegilla maculata larvae gradually changed their behaviour and rejected low‐quality hosts more frequently, whereas high‐quality hosts were nearly always accepted. After 48 h, the learned behaviour appeared to be partially forgotten. Hunger and experience with other food types prior to the test had little effect on the gradual change of behaviour but the quality of the food ingested influenced the initial level of prey rejection. Our results demonstrate that (1) C. maculata larvae can adjust their prey selection behaviour with experience to reject progressively less suitable prey, and (2) previous experience with other prey types can influence their initial preference.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Egg sizes and clutch sizes of the grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus (Thunb.) and Myrmeleotettix maculatus (Thunb.) were compared among three years and among three sites less than 1.3 km apart. Relationships between these reproductive traits and date of egg laying, body size and body condition were sought.
2. M.maculatus , the smaller species, laid fewer but larger eggs; and only the eggs of this species showed significant differences between sites and years.
3. A negative correlation between egg size and number per clutch was evident between species and years, but generally not among sites and among individuals of a population.
4. However, a hidden negative correlation between egg size and number was uncovered within populations when the relationship was examined for females of a given mature weight.
5. Variation in the number of eggs per clutch was explained statistically by a positive relationship between female body weight and egg number. Also, both interpopulation and intrapopulation comparisons revealed that for M.maculatus , but not for C.brunneus , females with long hind femurs laid large eggs.  相似文献   

The primary peer-reviewed literature pertaining to rearing of predatory beetles, true bugs, and lacewings was reviewed and synthesized. This study focused on the literature published from 1998 to 2007. Advances in rearing were revealed in relation to the influence of factitious prey and artificial diets on predator life parameters. Eggs of the Angoumois grain moth and Mediterranean flour moth were factitious prey that supported the development and reproduction of many species in lieu of natural prey. Artificial diets based on vertebrate protein were generally inferior to factitious prey for production of predators. A few exceptional cases demonstrated potential for continuous rearing of true bugs and lacewings on artificial diet, as a stand-alone food source. Factors that could ensure progressive rearing success might involve (1) exploiting the highly polyphagous nature of certain species, (2) exposing predators to artificial diet for multiple generations to incite adaptation, (3) formulating artificial diets to match the texture and chemical composition of preferred natural prey, and (4) encasing the diet within Parafilm® to resemble the shape of natural prey. Encasement may also reduce desiccation and retard spoilage of the diet. Identification of other factitious prey and development of artificial diets that ensure production of predators of high quality should be possible. This review was conducted, for the most part, in support of generalist insect predators used, or having the potential to be used, in augmentative biological control of pests on plants in semi-closed systems, such as greenhouses and interiorscapes.  相似文献   

Predatory lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are important natural enemies of many pests in crop ecosystems throughout the world. Although several species are currently mass-reared and sold by biocontrol companies, there is an urgent need to reduce rearing costs. Cost-effective mass rearing of lady beetles involves the use of factitious prey/foods or artificial diets in lieu of natural prey. This review summarises the literature on the various kinds of factitious prey/foods and artificial diets as well as the feeding efficiency of predatory lady beetles. Factitious prey/foods generally satisfy the nutritional requirements for development of lady beetles, and lepidopteran immatures are the most widely used species. However, artificial diets, based on vertebrate protein and devoid of arthropod constituents, often yield disappointing results. We also highlight several successful examples and novel approaches for improving feeding efficiency. Moreover, available approaches and perspectives for speeding up the development and screening of cost-effective diets for mass rearing are stated in this review.  相似文献   

Cuevas  Eduardo  Andrés  M. Cristina  Arroyo  Juan 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(12):1243-1251
Plant Ecology - Gynodioecy, the co-occurrence of female and hermaphrodite plants in the same population is relatively common in the genus Thymus, where a high and variable female frequency has been...  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal course of water relations was measured in the field in Adenostoma fasciculatum, Quercus dumosa, Ceanothus greggii, and Arctostaphylos glauca, four prominent members of the southern California chaparral vegetation. Ceanothus greggii and A. glauca developed similar seasonal patterns of minimum leaf water potentials, as estimated by xylem pressure measurements, which were much less negative than A. fasciculatum and Q. dumosa growing in close proximity on the same pole-facing slope site. Adenostoma fasciculatum on an adjacent equator-facing slope developed more negative water potentials than did A. fasciculatum on the pole-facing slope.Leaf conductance differed between species, and by leaf age class and slope exposure within a species. The greatest differences were measured between leaf age classes in A. fasciculatum on the pole-facing slope, with new leaves showing the greatest conductances early in the season. The same trend was measured in A. fasciculatum on the equator-facing slope, but the differences were less between leaf age classes and diminished earlier in the season than in A. fasciculatum on the pole-facing slope. The analysis of daily hysteresis in the leaf conductance-water potential relation suggests that early in the season when water is available, stomatal behavior is simultaneously governed by a complex of environmental factors, while late in the season stomatal behavior becomes increasingly dominated by tissue water status.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted with two predatory fishes, Lagodon rhomboides (Linnaeus) and Syngnathus floridae (Jordan & Gilbert), to determine if prey selection was a result of predator preference or prey accessibility. Prey consisted of two species of caridean shrimp, Tozeuma carolinense (Kingsley) and Hippolyte zostericola (Smith), that commonly inhabit seagrass meadows. Natural diets of both predators revealed that selection ofTozeuma and Hippolyte was not related to their field densities. My experiments demonstrated that natural prey selection was a consequence of prey accessibility, not predator preference. Experiments examining the role of prey size in predator preference revealed that large individuals were significantly preferred over small individuals. Observations of prey behavior indicated that prey motion affected predator choice. These results suggest that predator preference was primarily determined by prey visibility and that the combined effects of prey size and motion contributed to the visibility of these prey.  相似文献   

Prey exhibiting a variety of morphological and behavioral antipredatordefenses were examined for susceptibility to first through thirdinstar Chaoborus americanus larvae. Synchaeta sp. was highlyvulnerable to these predators due to high encounter rates, itsrelatively soft cuticle, and lack of a precontact defense. Keratellatestudo exhibited postcontact defenses and was more susceptibleto predators than were prey of comparable size that exhibitedprecontact escape behaviors (Hexarthra mira and Diaptomus birgeinauplii). Ontogenetic changes were observed in the escape responseof D.birgei and the foraging success of C.americanus larvae.Chaoborus was observed to prey on the protists Bursaria andVolvox. Precontact defenses were more effective than postcontactdefenses in the prey species examined; however, the relativeeffectiveness of prey defenses cannot be generalized by preygenus nor by the defensive tactics employed. Present address: Department of Entomology, University of California,Riverside, CA 92521, USA  相似文献   

The diets of most of the gelatinous predators (medusae and ctenophores)in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia (0–25 m) were dominatedduring the spring by eggs of Euphausia pacifica which formed  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Birds are important predators of insects and insects often incorporate chemical defenses that may make themselves distasteful or toxic to the predators. Predators can respond...  相似文献   

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