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To clarify the control mechanism of diapause hormone (DH) secretion in the silkworm Bombyx mori a series of anatomical and pharmacological experiments were carried out. The arrangement of 'diapause' and 'non-diapause' eggs in the ovarioles of the moths was determined by the coloration method to estimate the accumulation of 3-hydroxykynurenine in the eggs. The females destined to lay non-diapause eggs (non-diapause producers) had diapause eggs in their ovaries if their subesophageal ganglions (Sg) had been surgically removed at 2days after larval-pupal ecdysis or later. In contrast when the surgical extirpation extended to the brain and the corpora cardiaca (CC)-corpora allata (CA) complex in addition to the Sg, the non-diapause producers had no diapause eggs. When the Sg was removed from the females destined to lay diapause eggs (diapause-producers), diapause eggs appeared in response to the treatment at 2days after larval-pupal ecdysis, but the appearance of diapause eggs was delayed by 2days when the brain-CC-CA complex was included among the organs removed. These observations suggested that DH is produced in Sg and transferred to the CC-CA complex, and that the secretion of DH from the complex is suppressed in non-diapause producers. The pattern of diapause and non-diapause eggs induced by the transection of the subesophageal connective in diapause and non-diapause producers suggested a regenerative and secretory capacity of the neurosecretory cells after the operation. The appearance of diapause eggs in non-diapause producers with transected protocerebrum of the brain confirmed that there was an inhibitory center in the protocerebrum. Changes in parts of the ovarioles containing diapause and non-diapause eggs with time of injection of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and picrotoxin suggested that a GABAergic inhibitory mechanism in DH secretion may be active in non-diapause producers but inactive in diapause producers throughout the pupal stage.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(2):233-238
The synthesis and secretion of egg-specific protein (ESP) were investigated using the follicle cells isolated from the developing ovary of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The follicle cells were isolated manually from a follicle into a cell layer by thoroughly extruding the oocyte contents through a small hole. Whole follicles and isolated follicle cells were incubated in vitro with [35S]methionine, and ESP and its precursors were immunochemically isolated using antiserum raised to ESP. The isolated follicle cells incorporated label into ESP but the incorporation rate was about one-fifth of that found in whole follicles. About 20% of the total radioactivity of ESPs were recovered from the incubation medium of the isolated follicle cells while only trace activity (<2%) was found in the incubation medium of whole follicles. These results clearly showed that follicle cells synthesize and release ESP to be taken up by the developing oocyte.  相似文献   

The silkworm spinneret is an important tissue for silk fibrillogenesis and spinning. All biochemical processes during silk fibrillogenesis are correlated with silk properties. Understanding the role of spinneret in silk fibrillogenesis may help to reveal the mechanism of silk fibrillogenesis as well as improve silk quality for commercial purposes. Thus, we profiled the proteome of silkworm spinneret. A total of 1572 proteins and 232 differential abundance proteins were identified. Silk fibrillogenesis‐related proteins, such as cuticle proteins, ion‐transporting proteins, muscular proteins, and energy metabolic proteins, were abundant in spinneret. Metabolic pathway and GO enrichment analyses revealed that the identified proteins were involved in energy metabolism, chitin binding, and cuticle construction. Active energy metabolism may provide abundant energy for the muscle contraction as well as ion and water exchange. The chitin binding and cuticle construction process may provide sufficient shear forces for silk formation. Our data suggest that silkworm spinneret provides a suitable physiological and biochemical environment for silk fibrillogenesis. These proteins are potential targets for improving silk quality in the silk industry. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD004455.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1980,10(3):289-303
In the silkworm, Bombyx mori, two storage proteins named SP-1 and SP-2 were shown to decline in concentration in the haemolymph and increase in the fat body during the larval-pupal transformation, when protein granules are formed in the fat body at the same time as the degeneration of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. At the larval-pupal ecdysis, in females the two proteins account for 60% of total fat body protein (80% of the soluble protein), while males have very little SP-1 and SP-2 comprises only 20% of the total fat body protein. The concentration of protein granules in the fat body cytoplasm is much greater in females than in males, and the granules in females have partially crystalline inner zones. This is different from males where granules with non-crystalline structure are most numerous.The properties of these proteins purified from pupal fat body are similar to those of Cecropia storage proteins and calliphorin, all of which have molecular weights of around 500,000 and are composed of subunits of mol. wt about 85,000. SP-1 differs from SP-2 by having an exceptionally high content of methionine, but much less glutamate, phenylalanine and tyrosine. SP-1 resembles another female-specific protein, vitellogenin and SP-2 resembles calliphorin in amino acid composition.From these results, it is concluded that SP-1 and SP-2 have storage roles and are deposited in protein granules.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest and most versatile family of transmembrane receptors in the cell, occupying the highest hierarchical positions in the regulation of many physiological processes. Although they have been extensively studied in a number of model insects, there have been few investigations of GPCRs in large Lepidopterans, such as Bombyx mori, an organism that provides a means to perform detailed tissue expression analyses, which may help to characterize GPCRs and their ligands. In addition, B. mori, also known as the silkworm, is an insect of substantial economic importance, due to its use in silk production and traditional medicines. In this work, we computationally identified 90 putative GPCRs in B. mori, 33 of which represent novel proteins. These GPCRs were annotated and compared with their homologs in Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles gambiae. Phylogenetics analyses of the GPCRs from these three insects showed that GPCRs may easily duplicate or disappear during insect evolution, especially in the neuropeptide and protein hormone receptor subfamily. Interestingly, we observed a decrease in the quantity and diversity of the stress-tolerance gene, Methuselah, in B. mori, which may be related to its long history of domestication. Moreover, the presence of many Bombyx-specific GPCRs suggests that neither Drosophila nor Anopheles is good representatives for the GPCRs in the Class Insecta.  相似文献   

The tetrapeptide FMRFamide is known to affect both neural function and gut contraction in a wide variety of invertebrates and vertebrates, including insect species. This study aimed to find a pattern of innervation of specific FMRFamide-labeled neurons from the abdominal ganglia to the hindgut of the silkworm Bombyx mori using the immunocytochemical method. In the 1st to the 7th abdominal ganglia, labeled efferent neurons that would innervate the hindgut could not be found. However, in the 8th abdominal ganglion, three pairs of labeled specific efferent neurons projected axons into the central neuropil to eventually innervate the hindgut. Both axons of two pairs of labeled cell bodies in the lateral rind and axons of one pair of labeled cell bodies in the posterior rind extended to the central neuropil and formed contralateral tracts of a labeled neural tract with a semi-circular shape. These labeled axons ran out to one pair of bilateral cercal nerves that extended out from the posterior end of the 8th abdominal ganglion and finally to the innervated hindgut. These results provide valuable information for detecting the novel function of FMRFamide-related peptides in metamorphic insect species.  相似文献   

The diapause hormone (DH) secreted from the suboesophageal ganglion is responsible for the embryonic diapause in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. It was extracted from two million mated male adult heads. At least two species of DH were separated from the extracts (a complex lipid fraction) by gel permeation chromatography with Sephadex LH-20 by organic eluants. One of them was further purified by repeating gel permeation column chromatography with Merckogel® Type OR 6000 in the cold and dark to give finally a single peak with high DH activity. This preparation seems to be chemically pure, and its molecular weight is chromatographically estimated to be between 2000 and 4000. Other characteristics of DH are also presented. Biological activity of the final DH preparation is discussed with reference to other insect hormones such as juvenile hormone and α-ecdysone.  相似文献   

The genome sequence of silkworm, Bombyx mori.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
We performed threefold shotgun sequencing of the silkworm (Bombyx mori) genome to obtain a draft sequence and establish a basic resource for comprehensive genome analysis. By using the newly developed RAMEN assembler, the sequence data derived from whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing were assembled into 49,345 scaffolds that span a total length of 514 Mb including gaps and 387 Mb without gaps. Because the genome size of the silkworm is estimated to be 530 Mb, almost 97% of the genome has been organized in scaffolds, of which 75% has been sequenced. By carrying out a BLAST search for 50 characteristic Bombyx genes and 11,202 non-redundant expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in a Bombyx EST database against the WGS sequence data, we evaluated the validity of the sequence for elucidating the majority of silkworm genes. Analysis of the WGS data revealed that the silkworm genome contains many repetitive sequences with an average length of <500 bp. These repetitive sequences appear to have been derived from truncated transposons, which are interspersed at 2.5- to 3-kb intervals throughout the genome. This pattern suggests that silkworm may have an active mechanism that promotes removal of transposons from the genome. We also found evidence for insertions of mitochondrial DNA fragments at 9 sites. A search for Bombyx orthologs to Drosophila genes controlling sex determination in the WGS data revealed 11 Bombyx genes and suggested that the sex-determining systems differ profoundly between the two species.  相似文献   

Ammonia can easily be assimilated into amino acids and used for silk-protein synthesis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. To determine the metabolic pathway of ammonia assimilation, silkworm larvae were injected with methionine sulfoximine (MS), a specific inhibitor of glutamine synthetase (GS). Activity of GS in the fat body 2h after treatment with 400&mgr;g MS decreased to less than 10% of the control activity, whereas MS had no effect on the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), another enzyme which could possibly be responsible for ammonia assimilation. Glutamine concentration in the hemolymph rapidly decreased after MS treatment, while the ammonia level in the hemolymph sharply increased. Glutamine concentration in the hemolymph 4h after injection decreased with increasing doses of MS, whereas ammonia concentration increased in proportion to the MS dose. MS strongly blocked the incorporation of (15)N label into silk-protein in larvae injected with (15)N ammonia acetate, while it slightly inhibited the incorporation of (15)N-amide glutamine into silk-protein. These results suggest that ammonia is mainly assimilated into glutamine via the action of GS and then converted into other amino acids for silk-protein synthesis and that GDH does not play a major role in ammonia assimilation in B. mori.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the median protocerebrum and suboesophageal ganglion of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta were individually reconstructed. Serotonin immunoreactivity was detected in 19–20 bilaterally symmetrical pairs of interneurons in the midbrain and 10 pairs in the suboesophageal ganglion. These neurons were also immunoreactive with antisera against DOPA decarboxylase. All major neuropil regions except the protocerebral bridge are innervated by these neurons. In addition, efferent cells are serotonin-immunoreactive in the frontal ganglion (5 neurons) and the suboesophageal ganglion (2 pairs of neurons). The latter cells probably give rise to an extensive network of immunoreactive terminals on the surface of the suboesophageal ganglion and suboesophageal nerves. Most of the serotonin-immunoreactive neurons show a gradient in the intensity of immunoreactive staining, suggesting low levels of serotonin in cell bodies and dendritic arbors and highest concentrations in axonal terminals. Serotonin-immunoreactive cells often occur in pairs with similar morphological features. With one exception, all serotonin-immunoreactive neurons have bilateral projections with at least some arborizations in identical neuropil areas in both hemispheres. The morphology of several neurons suggests that they are part of neuronal feedback circuits. The similarity in the arborization patterns of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons raises the possibility that their outgrowing neurites experienced similar forces during embryonic development. The morphological similarities further suggest that serotonin-immunoreactive interneurons in the midbrain and suboesophageal ganglion share physiological characteristics.Abbreviations CNS central nervous system - DDC DOPA decarboxylase - LAL lateral accessory lobe - SLI serotonin-like immunoreactivity - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - VLP ventro-lateral protocerebrum  相似文献   

Chymotrypsin inhibitors from hemolymph of the silkworm, Bombyx mori.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three new protease inhibitors were isolated and purified about 200-fold from hemolymph of silkworm larvae, Bombyx mori, using ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. Two of the three inhibitors were basic proteins (SCI-I had pI 9.4 and SCI-II had pI 9.6) and one was acidic (SCI-III had pI 4.0). The molecular weight of each inhibitor was determined to be 7,000 by the sedimentation equilibrium method. The amino acid composition of the inhibitors were similar except for the contents of Asp, Glu, Ile, Leu, and Lys. Val, His, and Trp were not present in the inhibitors and Met appeared only in SCI-III. The CD spectra of the inhibitors were all similar and indicated a low content of alpha-helical structure (10% at most). Each inhibitor could inhibit the protease and esterase activities of bovine alpha-chymotrypsin at a one-to-one molar ratio, and the dissociation constants were 3.1 X 10(-9)M for SCI-I and II and 1.3 X 10(-8)M for SCI-III. Only SCI-II showed a weak inhibitory activity against bovine trypsin. Subtilisin BPN' and papain were not inhibited by these inhibitors.  相似文献   

Culture in vitro of tissue from the silkworm,Bombyx mori L   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1. Ovarian tissue from Bombyx mori L. larvae about to pupate was cultured in Trager's (1935) salt solution and 10 per cent hemolymph, with indifferent results. Improvement of cultures was sought by modifying the culture medium. 2. To reduce the activity of the tyrosinase, hemolymph for culture medium was heated for 5 minutes at 60°C., and the coagulated protein removed. 3. A physiological solution was formulated containing cations and amino acids as they occur normally in silkworm hemolymph. In both hanging-drop and small tube cultures use of this medium brought about increased cell number, improved cell appearance, more rapid mitoses, and longer life of cultures. 4. To the solution formulated from analyses, tryptophan, cystine, cysteine, malate, fumarate, succinate, and α-ketoglutarate were added after testing individually, resulting in improved growth in cultures. 5. Use of a silkworm egg extract prepared 4 to 5 days after acid treatment produced an increase in cell number. 6. In small roller tube cultures, when the new medium was changed twice a week, the cells spread over the walls of the tube in 4 or 5 days (Figs. 8 and 9), rapid mitoses were observed after 2 weeks, and transparent active cells were present at 3 weeks. Subculturing was not attempted.  相似文献   

本文从家蚕病蚕中分离到一种家蚕类浓核病毒(BmDNV-Like),对它的组织病理学研究表明:该病毒首先寄生家蚕中肠柱状细胞,继而引起其细胞核的膨大和破裂;组织原位杂交结果表明该病毒既能在家蚕中肠柱状细胞中增殖,也能在中肠的杯形细胞中增殖,甚至在感染后期能在家蚕幼虫的大部分组织细胞中感染和增殖。  相似文献   

目的:通过观察家蚕Bombyx mori吞噬细胞的微细结构,来确定拟绛色细胞是否也具有吞噬功能。方法:用荧光小球微量注射家蚕pnd pS品系的幼虫,经荧光染色剂丫啶橙和碘化丙啶染色循环血细胞后,在荧光显微镜下观察并扫描拍摄。结果:观察发现除颗粒细胞和浆血细胞外,一些原血球细胞(血干细胞)和拟绛色细胞(多酚氧化酶)也能吞噬荧光小球。在拟绛色细胞里还发现许多和颗粒细胞一样的能被丫啶橙染色的颗粒。尽管在小球细胞中没有发现被吞噬的荧光小球,但该类血球有比较多的能被丫啶橙染色的大颗粒,这表明它们可能是已经被吞噬的凋亡小体。结论:除颗粒细胞和浆血细胞外,一些原血球细胞和拟绛色细胞也能吞噬荧光小球。说明拟绛色细胞也具有吞噬功能。  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1980,10(2):199-208
Vitellin was purified from the eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori by a simple method which included a specific precipitation at pH 6 under low ionic concentration and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. The final preparation was highly homogeneous as judged by gel electrophoresis, electron microscopy and ultracentrifugation.Vitellin was defined as glycolipoprotein with a sedimentation coefficient (S20, W) of 13.5S and a molecular weight of 440,000. The molecule was almost spherical in shape with a diameter of 13 nm. The molecule contained 3% mannose and 7.5% total lipids which comprised triacylglycerol, diacylglycerol, cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The amino acid composition displayed a high content of glutamic and aspartic acids and a low content of methionine. The molecule was composed of two non-identical subunits with molecular weights of 180,000 and 42,000, and the native molecule was assumed to be a tetramer composed of two molecules of each of these subunits. Separation of the two subunits was achieved, and mannose was covalently associated only with the heavier subunit.The rabbit anti-egg vitellin antibody cross-reacted with the haemolymph vitellogenin but not with other haemolymph proteins, nor with the vitellogenin from Locusta migratoria. The antibody also reacted with the haemolymph vitellogenin of the silkworm, Philosamia cynthia.  相似文献   

Since insects are unable to biosynthesize sterols de novo, sterols must be obtained from dietary sources. Although it has been reported that beta-sitosterol is crucial for larval growth in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, little has been investigated concerning the dietary selection of sterols by Bombyx larvae. Here, we demonstrate that Bombyx larvae have the following sterol preference: beta-sitosterol > ergosterol > cholesterol = stigmasterol. Interestingly, Bombyx larvae preferred ergosterol, an inhibitory sterol on larval growth, indicating that sterol selection following first contact of the diet with the mouth part might be different from the sterol recognition mechanism present in sterol metabolism.  相似文献   

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