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Animals need to associate different environmental stimuli with each other regardless of whether they temporally overlap or not. Drosophila melanogaster displays olfactory trace conditioning, where an odor is followed by electric shock reinforcement after a temporal gap, leading to conditioned odor avoidance. Reversing the stimulus timing in olfactory conditioning results in the reversal of memory valence such that an odor that follows shock is later on approached (i.e. relief conditioning). Here, we explored the effects of stimulus timing on memory in another sensory modality, using a visual conditioning paradigm. We found that flies form visual memories of opposite valence depending on stimulus timing and can associate a visual stimulus with reinforcement despite being presented with a temporal gap. These results suggest that associative memories with non-overlapping stimuli and the effect of stimulus timing on memory valence are shared across sensory modalities.  相似文献   

In the housefly, Musca domestica, classical conditioning to monochromatic light was demonstrated by using a proboscis extension response to labellar stimulation with sucrose solution as an unconditioned response. Sequential and temporal relationships between the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (UCS) to form conditioning were studied; conditioning occurred most readily when the CS was presented before the UCS without an interstimulus interval. Spectral response curves, which were obtained by examining the responsiveness of flies conditioned for one colour to other colours, were divided into two groups; one was that of 462 nm-conditioned flies and the other those of 516 nm-, 579 nm-, and 642 nm-conditioned flies.  相似文献   

Preliminary presentation of future conditioned stimulus without reinforcement delayed and then accelerated subsequent elaboration of defensive conditioned reflex to this stimulus in rats. Preliminary presentation of resembling stimuli influenced the speed of conditioning in a lesser degree. It is suggested that such changes are due to formation of a local conditioned reflex to the future conditioned stimulus.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to examine appetitive backward conditioning in a conditioned reinforcement preparation. In all experiments, off-line classical conditioning was conducted following lever-press training on two levers. Presentations of a sucrose solution by a liquid dipper served as an unconditioned stimulus (US) and two auditory stimuli served as conditioned stimuli (CSs); one was paired with the US in either a forward (Experiment 1a) or a backward (Experiments 1b, 2, and 3) relationship, and the other served as a control CS, which was not paired with the US. In testing, each lever-press response produced a presentation of one of the CSs instead of appetitive reinforcers. The response to a lever was facilitated, compared to the response to another lever, when the response produced the backward CS presentation as well as when it produced the forward CS presentation; that is, the backward CS served as an excitatory conditioned reinforcer.  相似文献   

The housefly, Musca domestica, was conditioned to odours using the proboscis extension response to labellar stimulation with sucrose solution as an unconditioned response and the properties of conditioning were investigated. Among trials including forward pairing of the conditioned stimulus (CS) with the unconditioned stimulus (US), backward pairing and isolated presentations of CS and US, only forward pairing is effective on the acquisition of conditioning. Backward pairing combined with forward pairing does not influence the effectiveness of the forward pairing. CS given overlapping with a US presentation permits only weak conditioning. The acquisition of conditioning decreases with increase of the CS-US interval. In the differential conditioning situation to two odours, discriminative responses are observed. In the flies conditioned with one antenna, the conditioned response is elicited not only by stimulation of the antenna used for conditioning but also by stimulation of the antenna not used for conditioning, although the response using the former is higher than with the latter. The ability to be conditioned is reduced immediately after fastening on a clay bed and increases with time. Ability can also be improved by transection of the ventral nerve cord.  相似文献   

Classical conditioning in animals is a learning procedure involving a biologically relevant stimulus paired with a previously neutral stimulus. In fish, light and sound are frequently used as previously neutral stimuli for conditioning tests. However, in laboratory experiments with replicates, such stimuli may influence the responses of fish in nearby aquariums. Herein, we developed a simple applicable methodology for classical conditioning in fish that prevents this type of influence. We isolated fish in individual aquariums and introduced a water jet that caused localized water movement, followed by the introduction of a food pellet. These procedures were repeated for each fish for 20 days. After 14 days, all fish were conditioned. Moreover, in subsequent probe trials (memory retention tests) conducted within 32 days after conditioning procedures, fish responded accordingly. These findings corroborate the applicability and usefulness of the method tested herein especially under lab conditions. Therefore, we suggest that a simple water jet is a useful and reliable tool for fish conditioning in future studies.  相似文献   

Associative learning has been studied in many vertebrates and invertebrates. In social insects, the proboscis extension response conditioning of honey bees has been widely used for several decades. However, a similar paradigm has not been developed for ants, which are advanced social insects showing different morphological castes and a plethora of life histories. Here we present a novel conditioning protocol using Camponotus aethiops. When the antennae of a harnessed ant are stimulated with sucrose solution, the ant extends its maxilla-labium to absorb the sucrose. We term this the “maxilla-labium extension response” (MaLER). MaLER could be conditioned by forward pairing an odour (conditioned stimulus) with sucrose (unconditioned stimulus) in the course of six conditioning trials (absolute conditioning). In non-rewarded tests following conditioning, ants gave significantly higher specific responses to the conditioned stimulus than to a novel odour. When trained for differential conditioning, ants discriminated between the odour forward-paired with sucrose and an odour forward-paired with quinine (a putative aversive stimulus). In both absolute and differential conditioning, memory lasted for at least 1 h. MaLER conditioning allows full control of the stimulation sequence, inter-stimulus and inter-trial intervals and satiety, which is crucial for any further study on associative learning in ants.  相似文献   

Psychophysiological markers have been focused to investigate the psychopathology of psychiatric disorders and personality subtypes. In order to understand neurobiological mechanisms underlying these conditions, fear-conditioning model has been widely used. However, simple aversive stimuli are too simplistic to understand mechanisms because most patients with psychiatric disorders are affected by social stressors. The objective of this study was to test the feasibility of a newly-designed conditioning experiment using a stimulus to cause interpersonal conflicts and examine associations between personality traits and response to that stimulus. Twenty-nine healthy individuals underwent the fear conditioning and extinction experiments in response to three types of stimuli: a simple aversive sound, disgusting pictures, and pictures of an actors’ face with unpleasant verbal messages that were designed to cause interpersonal conflicts. Conditioned response was quantified by the skin conductance response (SCR). Correlations between the SCR changes, and personality traits measured by the Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder (ZAN-BPD) and Revised NEO Personality Inventory were explored. The interpersonal conflict stimulus resulted in successful conditioning, which was subsequently extinguished, in a similar manner as the other two stimuli. Moreover, a greater degree of conditioned response to the interpersonal conflict stimulus correlated with a higher ZAN-BPD total score. Fear conditioning and extinction can be successfully achieved, using interpersonal conflicts as a stimulus. Given that conditioned fear caused by the interpersonal conflicts is likely associated with borderline personality traits, this paradigm could contribute to further understanding of underlying mechanisms of interpersonal fear implicated in borderline personality disorder.  相似文献   

Targeting the consolidation of fear memories following trauma may offer a promising method for preventing the development of flashbacks and other unwanted re-experiencing symptoms that characterise Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Research has demonstrated that performing visuo-spatial tasks after analogue trauma can block the consolidation of fear memory and reduce the frequency of flashbacks. However, no research has yet used verbal techniques to alter memories during the consolidation window. This is surprising given that the most effective treatments for PTSD are verbally-based with exposure therapy and trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy gaining the most evidence of efficacy. Psychological therapies aim to reduce the conditioned fear response, which is in keeping with the preliminary finding that an increased propensity for fear conditioning may be a vulnerability factor for PTSD. Our research had two aims. We investigated the degree to which individual differences in fear conditioning predict the development of PTSD symptoms. We also compared the preventative effects of two clinically informed psychological techniques administered during the consolidation window: exposure to the trauma memory and updating the meaning of the trauma. 115 healthy participants underwent a fear conditioning paradigm in which traumatic film stimuli (unconditioned stimuli) were paired with neutral stimuli (conditioned stimuli). Participants were randomly allocated to an updating, exposure or control group to compare the effects on the conditioned fear response and on PTSD symptomatology. The results showed that stronger conditioned responses at acquisition significantly predicted the development of PTSD symptoms. The updating group, who verbally devalued the unconditioned stimulus within the consolidation window, experienced significantly lower levels of PTSD symptoms during follow-up than the exposure and control groups. These findings are consistent with clinical interventions for chronic PTSD and have important implications for identifying those at risk as well as for designing novel early interventions to prevent the development of PTSD.  相似文献   

Classical conditioning of ventilatory responses in humans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A classical conditioning experiment, in which an auditory stimulus was paired with a hypoxic stimulus, was carried out on 34 normal subjects assigned to two groups (experimental and control). Each subject took part in one session divided into two phases, acquisition and test. In the acquisition phase, eight hypoxic and eight auditory stimuli were paired in the experimental group and unpaired in the control group. In the test phase, which was identical for the two groups, the hypoxic stimuli were suppressed and three purely auditory stimuli were presented. Significant differences between the two groups in ventilatory response to these auditory stimuli provided evidence for conditioning. In the control group, no significant changes were elicited by the auditory stimuli, whereas a conditioned increase in total cycle duration was observed in the experimental group. The conditioned response closely resembled the first component of the hypoxic response. Analysis of the pattern of the conditioned response, along with postexperimental interviews, strongly suggests that this response was not mediated by volitional factors.  相似文献   

Neuronal activity in g. proreus was studied during classical secretory conditioning and its differentiation in dogs. Three types of changes in neuronal reaction pattern were identified during differential conditioned stimulus compared to the pattern observed during positive conditioned stimulus. It has been shown that signal significance of the conditioned stimulus may be coded by specific distribution of interspike intervals in response to different conditioned stimuli. In situation of successive inhibition or disinhibition of the differentiation some neurones displayed simultaneous appearance of interspike intervals specific for responses to current and previously presented conditioned stimuli.  相似文献   

I. P. Pavlov [12] has shown that conditioned reflexes are selective both with respect to conditioned stimuli and to conditioned reflexes elicited by those conditioned stimuli. At the neuronal level selective aspects of conditioned stimuli are based on detectors selectively tuned to respective stimuli. The selective aspects of conditioned reflexes are due to command neurons representing specific unconditioned reflexes. It can be assumed that conditioned reflexes result from association between selective detectors and specific command neurons. The detectors activated by a conditioned stimulus constitute a combination of excitations--a detector excitation vector. The detector excitation vector acts on a command neuron via a set of plastic synapses--a synaptic weight vector. Plastic synapses are modified in the process of learning making command neuron selectively tuned to a specific conditioned stimulus. The selective tuning of a particular command neuron to a specific excitation vector referred to a conditioned stimulus is a basis of associative learning. The probabilities of conditioned reflexes elicited by conditioned and differential stimuli implicitly contain information concerning excitation vectors that encode respective stimuli. Contribution of the vector code to associative learning was explored combining differential color conditioning with intracellular recording from color-coding neurons. It was shown that colors in carps and monkeys are represented on a hypersphere in the four-dimensional space similar to human color space. The basis of the color space is constituted by red-green, blue-yellow, brightness and darkness neurons.  相似文献   

Experiments investigated a Pavlovian conditioning situation where the presence and absence of the stimulus are reversed temporally with respect to the presentation of a reward. Instead of a conditioned stimulus (e.g. odor) signaling the presence of a reward, the stimulus (e.g. odor) is present in the environment except just prior to the presence of the reward. Thus, the absence of the stimulus, or offset of the stimulus (e.g. absence of odor), serves as a conditioned stimulus and is the reward cue. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) were used as a model invertebrate system, and the proboscis‐conditioning paradigm was used as the test procedure. Using both simple Pavlovian conditioning and discrimination‐learning protocols, animals learned to associate the onset of an odor as conditioned stimuli when paired with a sucrose reward. They could also learn to associate the onset of a puff of air with a sucrose reward. However, bees could not associate the offset of an order stimulus with the presentation of a sucrose reward in either a simple conditioning or a discrimination‐learning situation. These results support the model that a very different cognitive architecture is used by invertebrates to deal with certain environmental situations, including signaled avoidance.  相似文献   

A new Pavlovian conditioning preparation was developed using the nictitating membrane of the restrained pigeon. Either visual or auditory stimuli served as conditioned stimuli (CSs) with an unconditioned stimulus (US) of a puff of air to the cornea. Movement of the nictitating membrane constituted the conditioned and unconditioned responses (CR and UR). Conditioning was studied with the Kamin blocking procedure. In agreement with findings from other conditioning preparations, responding to the redundant stimulus was attenuated relative to a stimulus that received the same number of CS-US pairings in a compound-conditioning procedure. Although response attenuation occurred, substantial individual variation was observed within the blocking procedure, a finding with some precedent in the experimental literature. Theoretical analysis and neural-network simulations indicate that inter-subject variation in response attenuation may result from differences in the extent to which contextual stimuli contribute to the functional CS.  相似文献   

When amphetamine is associated with a tastant conditioned stimulus, rats learn to avoid the taste even when employing doses that promote conditioned place preference. One hypothesis raised to account for this effect proposes that taste avoidance induced by amphetamine may be motivated by fear. A sensitive period has been identified in the rat (until postnatal day 10) in which infants learn conditioned appetitive effects to stimuli to which aversions are conditioned after this period. Exogenous administration of corticosterone within this period reverses this effect, generating aversive conditioning. In the present study, we tested conditioning of aversions to amphetamine or LiCl, within and after the sensitive period (Experiments 1 and 2). A third experiment evaluated unconditioned rejection of an aversive quinine solution within the sensitive period. Finally, we tested whether corticosterone administration before conditioning modulates amphetamine-induced taste avoidance. After the sensitive period, infant rats rejected the solution paired with amphetamine or LiCl after 2 conditioning trials, but within the sensitive period, aversions were conditioned only by LiCl and after 4 conditioning trials. Amphetamine-induced taste avoidance was not observed even when corticosterone was administered before conditioning. Additionally, during the sensitive period, a low LiCl dose promoted conditioned taste preference. According to Experiment 3, parameters employed in this study were suitable to yield rejection of aversive solutions within the sensitive period. These results suggest that during the sensitive period, there is a notable resistance to the acquisition of taste avoidance induced by amphetamine. The present experimental framework may represent a useful tool for studying mechanisms underlying taste avoidance and aversion effects.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the role of sympathetic innervation of the spleen in conditioned suppression of a contact hypersensitivity (CHS) reaction. Behavioral conditioning was achieved by pairing saccharin drinking solution (conditioned stimulus, CS) with injection of cyclosporin A (CsA, 20 mg/kg; unconditioned stimulus, UCS). Four days after sensitization of the animals by application of a 5% 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) to abdominal skin, the animals were challenged by applying a 1% DNCB solution to the ear. The CHS response was monitored by measuring the degree of ear swelling. Saccharin re-presentation reduced ear swelling to a magnitude that approached that achieved by CsA treatment. Histological examination demonstrated that the conditioned reduction of ear swelling was produced by a reduced leukocyte infiltration of the ear. Prior sympathetic denervation of the spleen did not alter the conditioned suppression of the CHS response. These data indicate that behavioral conditioning using CsA produces alterations of CHS that, unlike conditioned prolongation of heart allograft survival, are independent of sympathetically regulated conditioned alterations in the spleen.  相似文献   

It has long been assumed that bees cannot see red. However, bees visit red flowers, and the visual spectral sensitivity of bees extends into wavelengths to provide sensitivity to such flowers. We thus investigated whether bees can discriminate stimuli reflecting wavelengths above 560 nm, i.e., which appear orange and red to a human observer. Flowers do not reflect monochromatic (single wavelength) light; specifically orange and red flowers have reflectance patterns which are step functions, we thus used colored stimuli with such reflectance patterns. We first conditioned honey bees Apis mellifera to detect six stimuli reflecting light mostly above 560 nm and found that bees learned to detect only stimuli which were perceptually very different from a bee achromatic background. In a second experiment we conditioned bees to discriminate stimuli from a salient, negative (un-rewarded) yellow stimulus. In subsequent unrewarded tests we presented the bees with the trained situation and with five other tests in which the trained stimulus was presented against a novel one. We found that bees learned to discriminate the positive from the negative stimulus, and could unambiguously discriminate eight out of fifteen stimulus pairs. The performance of bees was positively correlated with differences between the trained and the novel stimulus in the receptor contrast for the long-wavelength bee photoreceptor and in the color distance (calculated using two models of the honeybee colors space). We found that the differential conditioning resulted in a concurrent inhibitory conditioning of the negative stimulus, which might have improved discrimination of stimuli which are perceptually similar. These results show that bees can detect long wavelength stimuli which appear reddish to a human observer. The mechanisms underlying discrimination of these stimuli are discussed. Handling Editor: Lars Chittka.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported in which the relationship between the intensity of a preexposed stimulus and latent inhibition was investigated, using the taste aversion learning paradigm in rats. Two concentrations of a saline solution (high, 1%; and low, 0.25%) were used during preexposure and conditioning phases in a factorial design. Two control conditions without preexposure were added, one for each stimulus concentration during conditioning. The known effect of conditioned stimulus (CS) intensity during conditioning was confirmed: the more concentrated the solution used in conditioning, the higher the acquisition rate. A direct relationship was observed between the CS intensity used during preexposure and the latent inhibition effect: the more concentrated the solution during preexposure, the lower the acquisition rate of conditioning. The implications of these results for latent inhibition theories are considered.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been implicated in hippocampal-dependent learning processes, and carriers of the Met allele of the Val66Met BDNF genotype are characterized by reduced hippocampal structure and function. Recent nonhuman animal work suggests that BDNF is also crucial for amygdala-dependent associative learning. The present study sought to examine fear conditioning as a function of the BDNF polymorphism. Fifty-seven participants were genotyped for the BDNF polymorphism and took part in a differential-conditioning paradigm. Participants were shocked following a particular conditioned stimulus (CS+) and were also presented with stimuli that ranged in perceptual similarity to the CS+ (20, 40 or 60% smaller or larger than the CS+). The eye blink component of the startle response was measured to quantify fear conditioning; post-task shock likelihood ratings for each stimulus were also obtained. All participants reported that shock likelihood varied with perceptual similarity to the CS+ and showed potentiated startle in response to CS ± 20% stimuli. However, only the Val/Val group had potentiated startle responses to the CS+. Met allele carrying individuals were characterized by deficient fear conditioning – evidenced by an attenuated startle response to CS+ stimuli. Variation in the BDNF genotype appears related to abnormal fear conditioning, consistent with nonhuman animal work on the importance of BDNF in amygdala-dependent associative learning. The relation between genetic variation in BDNF and amygdala-dependent associative learning deficits is discussed in terms of potential mechanisms of risk for psychopathology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the progressive disappearance of short-latency conditioned responses, or inhibition of delay, observed in Pavlovian conditioning with long inter-stimulus intervals, could be reverted by the presentation of a novel stimulus. In one experiment, two groups of rabbits received extensive training with a short (250 ms) or a long (1500 ms) tone that overlapped and terminated with a periorbital shock unconditioned stimulus. After training, the presentation of an extraneous stimulus prior to tone onset produced a reinstatement of short latency CRs in the group trained with the long CS, but did not affect CR latency in the group trained with the short CS. This finding is consistent with Pavlov's (1927) view that conditioning with long conditioned stimuli involves the acquisition of response tendencies in the early portion of the stimulus that are subsequently suppressed by the development of an inhibitory process.  相似文献   

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