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The feeding relationships of the larger fish species in a Scottish sea loch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patterns within a fish assemblage have been examined from catches obtained over a period of 17 months using fixed nets and rod and line sampling. A total of 19 species were caught with summer samples dominated by dab and saithe and winter samples by whiting. Cod were caught regularly throughout the year. Catches at the study site of dab and whiting occurred mainly at night but for cod and saithe catches occurred throughout the day. There was no indication ofa crepuscular or tidal rhythm for any species. Differences between our own observations and those from other published studies lead us to conclude that no species-specific generalizations about feeding periodicities can be made. Feeding patterns are more likely to be determined by site-specific features of particular habitats and their associated prey and predator assemblages.
Examination of stomach contents data using a variety of methods indicates that conclusions are highly dependent on the form of the resource matrix used. However, our analyses indicate that during summer cod and dab feed on a much narrower range of prey than saithe and that there is significant overlap in their diets if a resource matrix based on percentage occurrence of prey species is used. Nevertheless, most diet overlap values for the species examined were low (between 0.1 and 0.2) suggesting that competition for food is unlikely. To date, no experiments have been performed to test the hypothesis that cod and dab compete for food.  相似文献   

Equipment has been developed and used to follow the movements of free-swimming individual fish in the sea. A pulsed ultrasonic transmitter inserted into the stomach is tracked by measuring differences in the time of arrival of the acoustic pulses at an array of omnidirectional hydrophones. The method was used to plot the movements of cod in an enclosed sea-loch. After an initial phase of active movement the cod became less mobile and adopted a nocturnal cycle of activity.  相似文献   

Nutrients, phytoplankton and periphyton were monitored in a 71 ha shallow, unstratified lake used for intensive cage culture of rainbow trout. Inorganic nitrogen, ortho-phosphate and suspended solids were significantly higher near the cages and the bottom and, although declining during summer, nutrients did not reach levels which limit phytoplankton growth. Microcystis aeruginosa dominated the phytoplankton, with surface chlorophyll a reaching 189 µg l–1 in August, but with no subsequent bloom collapse or deoxygenation. A sub-dominant community of vernal diatoms and Pediastrum spp. persisted. Periphyton was dominated by Melosira italica-subarctica. Algal species and water quality showed the lake to be highly eutrophic. Chlorophyll values predicted from a phosphorus-dependent eutrophication model agreed with observations but light limitation by self-shading and suspended farm wastes, aided by wind-induced turbulence, is believed to control algal growth rates and biomass. Implications for environmental management of intensive freshwater cage farms are discussed.  相似文献   

Post-smolt anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta , sea trout, from two Scottish west coast rivers, the Balgy and Shieldaig, flowing into adjacent sea lochs were tracked simultaneously using arrays of moored acoustic receivers to determine dispersal patterns and loss rates. Fish tended to stay close to their natal rivers for the first 14 day after entering the sea, during which time about half the fish were lost to the study. Although initially the overall pattern of dispersal was similar for individual fish from both rivers, towards the end of the study the groups had converged into one of the loch basins. There were also pronounced individual differences in habitat use with all those fish detected for >42 days exhibiting different patterns of habitat use. Loss rates were similar between the two rivers despite differences in the range of air-breathing predators to which the fish were initially exposed. These findings suggest that any management of predators or other mortality agents should be targeted towards mouths of rivers during and immediately following smolt emigration.  相似文献   

Two closely related and morphologically similar gadoid predators, saithe, Pollachius virens and pollack P. pollachius , coexist in close proximity on a submerged reef in Loch Ewe, Scotland. The degree of overlap between the niches of these two gadoids in the wild was investigated by means of acoustic tracking, underwater television and an examination of stomach contents. Simultaneous tracking of individuals of both species revealed that pollack generally swim more slowly than saithe, restricting much of their movements to the submerged reef. Saithe ranged more widely around the reef as part of a school during the day, moving onto the reef at night. Video recordings showed that saithe swam actively and foraged in small groups and took prey items from the kelp, whereas pollack tended to remain solitary, maintained station at particular locations for minutes at a time and apparently used the kelp forest exclusively for cover. Although the dietary overlap of the two predators was considerable, their intake of different prey groups varied. In particular, within the crustaceans, saithe took amphipods, while pollack took mysids. In addition, saithe consume a wider range of prey than pollack. The relationship between the movement patterns and the use of food resources by these two predators is discussed, with particular emphasis on differences in feeding strategies.  相似文献   

An analysis of the stomach contents of 0+ and 1 + Atlantic salmon parr, Salmo salar , introduced into a Scottish hill loch showed that benthos, plankton, and surface organisms were all taken. Molluscs comprised a relatively small proportion of the food material, probably because they are less active than other animal groups. The most abundant plankter was Daphnia hyalina. Cyclops spp. were scarce and no Diaptomus spp. were present in the stomachs despite their abundance in the loch plankton. Laboratory experiments indicated that copepods were difficult to capture and that D. hyalina was the organism most frequently selected, even when larger individuals of this species were removed from the environment. Differences between the results from the Scottish loch and similar work in Wales, Sweden and Canada are discussed.  相似文献   

Modern pollen was extracted both from moss polster samples collected from a range of sites across the land surface of the Loch Sunart catchment, north‐west Scotland and from a number of marine sediment‐water interface sites in the sea loch. Comparisons between the pollen results and the major vegetation types growing in the catchment area revealed that in general the moss polsters contained a localised picture of the vegetation whilst the sea loch sediments varied much less from sample to sample and better represented a regional picture of the vegetation. It was anticipated that the pollen in the sea loch samples would be in a much poorer state of preservation because of the many pathways through which it travels in order to become incorporated into the sediments of the loch. However, this proved not to be the case and the study demonstrates that marine sediments of the kind found in Loch Sunart have the potential to provide a new source of Holocene vegetation data which is as good as the freshwater lake sediments that have been preferentially sampled in the past.  相似文献   

Vertical migration of Chaoborus flavicans in a Scottish loch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pattern of diel vertical migration of Chaoborus flavicans larvae in a shallow Scottish loch varies according to the instar and, in third and fourth instars, according to the season. The planktonic phase of the migration is not exclusively concerned with predation, the larvae feeding at least equally actively in the benthos. Although there is no conclusive evidence as to the role of vertical migration in Chaoborus flavicans, it has some of the characteristics of an epideictic display. Upward and downward locomotion can be induced experimentally in a plankton wheel by manipulating light intensity alone. However, the responses are complex and there is a great deal of individual variation, suggesting that additional factors are involved.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The results of laboratory experiments on ciliate reproductive and respiratory rates have been combined with field data for ciliate numbers, to produce estimates of production and respiratory energy losses by communities of benthic ciliates. Annual production decreased with increasing depth, and it was estimated to be 345, 149 and 40 J cm−2 year−1 at three sites in Airthrey Loch, Scotland. A similar trend with increasing depth was recorded for annual respiratory energy losses, being 16, 11 and 4 J cm−2 year−1 at the three sites. The corresponding annual net production efficiencies (%) were 95.2, 93.1 and 91.5. When net production efficiencies were calculated for each period (the time between successive sampling occasions) as 100 (daily production/daily assimilation), the range extended from 63 to 98. The energetic efficiencies of the ciliate populations are discussed with reference to data in the literature for higher organisms.  相似文献   

The species composition of planktonic diatom crops in Loch Leven, Kinross, Scotland varied considerably over the years studied (1968–71) with centric forms predominating. Dense populations were often produced and rates of increase and decrease were high. Relations with dissolved silica did not appear always to be simple; instances occurred during which both diatoms and silica were increasing or decreasing. Moreover, certain rates of increase in dissolved and frustule silica exceeded the rates at which silica flows into the loch even when the inflows appeared to be the only available dissolved silica source.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) fixation and nitrogen (N) assimilation rates havebeen estimated from 14C and 15N techniques for a 12 month periodin a Scottish sea loch. The maximum rate of nitrogen assimilated(29.92 mmol N m–2 day–1) was in April at the mostseaward station; similar high rates were experienced duringMay at the other stations. Carbon fixation rates were maximal(488–4047 mg C m–2day–1) at the time of highphytoplankton biomass (maximum 8.3 mg m–3 chlorophylla) during May, whilst nitrate concentrations remained >0.7µ.mol l–1. C:N assimilation ratios suggest nitrogenlimitation only during the peak of the spring bloom, althoughat times nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium) concentration fellto 0.2 µmol l–1 in the following months. The verticalstability of the water column, influenced by tidal and riverineflushing, varied along the axis of the loch, resulting in markeddifferences between sampling stations. Although ammonium waspreferentially assimilated by phytoplankton, >50% of productionwas supported by nitrate uptake and only during the summer monthswas the assimilation of ammonium quantitatively important.  相似文献   

Recent ecological changes in a small Scottish mountain loch, Loch Coire Fionnaraich (LCFR), were inferred using Cladocera analysis and an application of a Cladocera-based temperature transfer-function approach. Modern assemblages of Cladocera from 68 mountain lakes in Scotland and Norway were used to derive the transfer function. Among 21 measured environmental variables, mean summer lake surface-water temperature (LSWT) accounted for the highest (8%) variation in a redundancy analysis of the modern data. A quantitative inference model (r2 = 0.72, RMSEP = 1.81 °C) for summer LSWT was developed using linear partial least squares regression and calibration. The resulting reconstructed summer LSWT at LCFR was compared with local instrumental air-temperature records over the last 20 yr and the Central England Temperature (CET) series over the last 110 yr. The reconstruction showed a broadly similar pattern to the local instrumental temperature records. However, the relationship between the longer CET series and reconstructed summer LSWT was poor suggesting that the site was relatively insensitive to temperature changes prior to the recent warming of the last few decades. Clear changes in Cladoceran species diversity and relative abundance of littoral taxa coincident with the most recent period of climate warming recorded both locally and in the CET suggest that Cladocera do respond to climate change. However, their response to temperature is complex and indirect. The underlying mechanism leading to change in Cladocera assemblages may involve changes in trophic status and habitat availability of the system. It is concluded that understanding other factors such as atmospheric pollution, controls of community dynamics of Cladocera and the overall ecological complexity of mountain lakes is required before any reliance can be placed on a Cladocera-temperature transfer-function for reconstructing climatic change.  相似文献   

Aeromonas salmonicida was recovered in close association with an unidentified purple-pigmented organism, which was isolated from sediment in a Scottish loch during November (1997) and February (1998). However, there has not been any evidence of A. salmonicida infections, specifically furunculosis, associated with the fish in this loch.  相似文献   

The variation in Lepeophtheirus salmonis sea lice numbers across 40 Scottish salmon farm sites during 1996 to 2000 was analysed using mean mobile abundance for 3 important 6 mo periods within the production cycle. Using statistical regression techniques, over 20 management and environmental variables suspected to have an effect on controlling lice populations were investigated as potential risk factors. The findings and models developed provide a picture of mobile L. salmonis infestation patterns on Scottish farm sites collectively. The results identified level of treatment, type of treatment, cage volume, current speed, loch flushing time and sea lice levels in the preceding 6 mo period to be key explanatory factors. Factors such as stocking density, site biomass, water temperature and the presence of neighbours, previously cited to be important correlates of sea lice risk from analysis of individual sites over time, were not found to be important. Variation in mobile abundance in the first half of the second year of production could be adequately explained (adjusted R2 between 55 and 72%) by the recorded data, suggesting that there is scope for management to control L. salmonis abundance, though much of the variation remains unexplained.  相似文献   

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