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Methods and media (defined and complex) are described which permit studies designed to determine the influence of single environmental factors on the survival and virulence of Campylobacter jejuni. The effect of growth rate on selected physiological traits (amino acid utilization, membrane lipid composition, motility, cell morphology) was studied in continuous culture. In both media, growth was at the expense of amino acid (serine, aspartate, glutamate and proline) catabolism. Slow growth in the complex medium shifted amino acid utilization from more (serine and aspartate) to less preferred substrates (glutamate, proline and possibly amino acids from the proteolysis of peptones). Low growth rates promoted the conversion of unsaturated 11-octadecenoic acid substituted phosphatidyl ethanolamines to corresponding 11-methylene substituted species, a feature correlated with stationary phase and exposure to environmental stress in other organisms. During continuous growth, cells lost motility although they still possessed flagella. Slow growth resulted in longer cells. Future studies will investigate the independent effects of nutrient stress and growth rate on the virulence and persistence of cells.  相似文献   

The nitrogen-15 spin-lattice relaxation time, T1, and the nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) have been measured for intracellular glutamine, alanine, and arginine in intact Neurospora crassa mycelia to probe their various intracellular environments. The relaxations of 15N gamma of glutamine, 15N alpha of alanine, and 15N omega, omega ' of arginine in N. crassa were found, on the basis of their NOE values, to be predominantly the result of 15N-H dipolar relaxation. These relaxations are therefore related to the microviscosities of the various environments and associations of the respective molecules with other cellular components that act to increase the effective molecular sizes. For 15N gamma of glutamine in the cytoplasm, the intracellular T1 (4.1 s) was only slightly shorter than that in the culture medium (4.9 s). This indicates that the microviscosity of the cytoplasm surrounding the glutamine molecules is not much greater than 1.3 cP. By contrast, for 15N omega, omega ' of arginine, which is sequestered in vacuoles containing polyphosphates, the intracellular T1 (1.1 s) was only one-fourth of that in the medium (4.6 s). In model systems, the T1 of 15N omega, omega ' in a 1 M aqueous solution of arginine containing 0.2 M pentaphosphate was 0.95 s, whereas in an isoviscous (2.8 cP) solution without pentaphosphate, the T1 was 1.8 s. These results suggest either that the vacuolar viscosity is substantially above 2.8 cP or that the omega, omega '-nitrogens of vacuolar arginine are associated with a polyanion, possibly polyphosphate. The implications of these results for the properties of the vacuolar interior are discussed in relation to the mechanism of amino acid compartmentation.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Partially and wholly unstructured proteins have now been identified in all kingdoms of life--more commonly in eukaryotic organisms. This intrinsic disorder is related to certain critical functions. Apart from their fundamental interest, unstructured regions in proteins may prevent crystallization. Therefore, the prediction of disordered regions is an important aspect for the understanding of protein function, but may also help to devise genetic constructs. RESULTS: In this paper we present a computational tool for the detection of unstructured regions in proteins based on two properties of unfolded fragments: (1) disordered regions have a biased composition and (2) they usually contain either small or no hydrophobic clusters. In order to quantify these two facts we first calculate the amino acid distributions in structured and unstructured regions. Using this distribution, we calculate for a given sequence fragment the probability to be part of either a structured or an unstructured region. For each amino acid, the distance to the nearest hydrophobic cluster is also computed. Using these three values along a protein sequence allows us to predict unstructured regions, with very simple rules. This method requires only the primary sequence, and no multiple alignment, which makes it an adequate method for orphan proteins. AVAILABILITY: http://genomics.eu.org/  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the relationship between the G + C content of silent (synonymous) sites in codons and the amino acid composition of encoded proteins for approximately 1,600 human genes. There are positive correlations between silent site G + C and the proportions of codons for Arg, Pro, Ala, Trp, His, Gln, and Leu and negative ones for Tyr, Phe, Asn, Ile, Lys, Asp, Thr, and Glu. The median proteins coded by groups of genes that differ in silent-site G + C content also differ in amino acid composition, as do some proteins coded by homologous genes. The pattern of compositional change can be largely explained by directional mutation pressure, the genetic code, and differences in the frequencies of accepted amino acid substitutions; the shifts in protein composition are likely to be selectively neutral.Offprint requests to: D.W. Collins  相似文献   

In the present report, we demonstrate that Tb3+ binds to protein kinase C and serves as a luminescent reporter of certain cationic metal-binding sites. Tb3+ titration of 50 nM protein kinase C results in a 20-fold enhancement of Tb3+ luminescence which is half-maximal at 12 microM Tb3+. A Kd of approximately 145 nM was determined for Tb3+ binding to the enzyme. The excitation spectrum of bound Tb3+ exhibits a peak at 280 nm characteristic of energy transfer from protein tryptophan or tyrosine residues. The luminescence of this complex can be markedly decreased by other metals, including Pb2+ (IC50 = 25 microM), La3+ (IC50 = 50 microM), Hg2+ (IC50 = 300 microM), Ca2+ (IC50 = 6 mM), and Zn2+ (IC50 greater than 10 mM), and chelation of Tb3+ by 2 mM EGTA. Tb3+ binding to protein kinase C is correlated with its inhibition of protein kinase activity (IC50 = 8 microM), r = 0.99) and phorbol ester binding (IC50 = 15 microM, r = 0.98). Tb3+ inhibition of protein kinase C activity cannot be overcome by excess Ca2+, but can be partially overcome with excess phosphatidylserine or by chelation of Tb3+ with EGTA. Tb3+ noncompetitively inhibits phorbol ester binding by decreasing the maximal extent of binding without significantly altering binding affinity. The results suggest that the Tb3(+)-binding site is at or allosterically related to the enzyme's phosphatidylserine-binding site, but is distinct from the phorbol ester-binding domain and the Ca2(+)-binding site that regulates enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The role of arylphorin as a storage protein was studied using 14C-arylphorin. 14C-arylphorin was produced optimally by incubating one-half fat body from Manduca sexta fifth instar larvae at 22 degrees C for 24 h, in 1 ml of medium containing amino acids at 25% of their physiological concentration with [U-14C]-phenylalanine (phe) provided initially without nonlabeled phenylalanine. Nonlabeled phe was provided after 1 h at 16% of its physiological concentration. The specific activity of 14C-arylphorin produced in vitro was 30 times greater than that generated in vivo. Injection of 14C-arylphorin into pharate adults was used to study the distribution of 14C-phe derived from this protein into 14CO2 and tissues for comparison with injection of free 14C-phe during the middle (days 6 to 12 pharate adult) and late (days 12 to 17 pharate adult) stages of adult development. Appearance of 14CO2 from 14C-arylphorin as compared to 14C-phenylalanine showed a slower time course during both the middle and late stages of development, in keeping with the time needed for degradation of the protein. In accord with faster phe turnover near the end of adult development, total 14CO2 production was greater and the retention of 14C in hemolymph and fat body was less compared to the middle stage of development regardless of whether 14C-arylphorin or 14C-phe was injected. In the middle stage of development, the appearance of 14C in the cuticle and head parts was greater, whereas incorporation into abdomen and thorax was less than during the late stage of development. Since the pattern of 14C distribution from 14C-arylphorin and 14C-phe was similar, one major function of arylphorin must be as a storage protein replenishing the supply of free amino acids used for synthesis of adult tissues. These results also suggest a limited contribution of M. sexta arylphorin to formation of the cuticle subsequent to day-6 pharate adult.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of optimal nutritional elements in cell culture medium is very important in studies of cultured cells. For this reason, several researchers have experimented with adding or increasing the concentration of one or more amino acids to the medium they were using to determine “essential” amino acids and optimal concentrations. We studied how leaving out one amino acid at a time from Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium would affect epidermal growth factor-induced DNA synthesis in primary hepatocytes of the rat. Our “modified” DMEM contained only eight amino acids: arginine, cysteine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and valine. Proline was found to be an essential amino acid in normal DMEM but not in the modified DMEM, and some other amino acids reduced DNA synthesis in this medium. This study showed that perhaps no single amino acid such as proline can be called “essential,” but rather an optimal balance of amino acids is required for each major function of each cell type cultured.  相似文献   

One group of C4, species utilize a NAD-malic enzyme to decarboxylate C4 acids. This enzyme, together with a major isoenzyme of aspartate aminotransferase and a NAD-malate dehydrogenase, is localized in the mitochondria of the bundle sheath cells and the following pathway for C4, acid decarboxylation has been proposed: aspartate → oxaloacetate → malate → CO2 + pyruvate. The present study reports that mitochondria isolated from the bundle sheath cells of one of these species, Atriplex spongiosa, are capable of decarboxylating C4, acids at rates between 5 and 8 μmol/min/mg chlorophyll. For maximum decarboxylating activities, these particles required aspartate, 2-oxoglutarate and phosphate as well as malate; in the absence of any one of these compounds, activity was reduced to 0.3–0.8 μmol/min/mg chlorophyll. Rates for C4 acid decarboxylation were much greater than the respiratory activities of these particles, including the capacity to form citrate or to oxidize malate, succinate, pyruvate or 2-oxoglutarate (0.03–0.6 μmol/min/mg chlorophyll). A comparison of mitochondria prepared from leaves of various C4, and C3, species showed that only the mitochondria from the bundle sheath cells of plants with high NAD-malic enzyme have capacities for rapid C4 acid decarboxylation. The effects of a variety of experimental conditions on C4 acid decarboxylating activities are also reported. The role of these mitochondria in C4 photosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The intracellular and extracellular amino acid composition of an auxotrophic methionine-deficient strain of Acremonium chrysogenum was studied in respect of the content of various carbohydrates in the fermentation medium. In the presence of glucose, an intensive involvement of exogenous DL-methionine into the cell metabolism was observed at earlier stages than in the presence of dextran or succrose. The total content of intracellular amino acids was lower in the cells grown on the medium with glucose. The production of cephalosporin C depended on the intracellular content of methionine, glutamic acid and lysine.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry studies of the nitrogen isotopic composition of the N-trifluoroacetyl n-butyl ester derivatives of the amino acids from isolated hydrolyzed cyanophycin from 15N-enriched cells led to two major findings: (1) the amino acid composition of this granular polypeptide, isolated using procedures optimized for extracting and purifying cyanophycin from cells in the stationary growth phase, varied with the culture growth condition; (2) the rate of incorporation of exogenous nitrate differed for each nitrogen atom of the amino acid constituents of cyanophycin or cyanophycin-like polypeptide. Arginine and aspartic acid were the principle components of cyanophycin isolated from exponentially growing cells and from light-limited stationary phase cells, with glutamic acid as an additional minor component. The cyanophycin-like polypeptide from nitrogen-limited cells contained only aspartic and glutamic acids, but no arginine. The glutamic acid content decreased and arginine content increased as nitrate was provided to nitrogen-limited cells. These cells rapidly incorporated nitrate at different rates at each cyanophycin nitrogen site: guanidino nitrogens of arginine>aspartic acid >-amino nitrogen of arginine>glutamic acid. Little media-derived nitrogen was incorporated into cyanophycin of exponentially growing cells during one cellular doubling time.Abbreviations asp-TAB, glu-TAB, arg-TAB N-Trifluoroacetyl n-butyl ester derivatives of aspartic acid, glutamic acid and arginine, respectively - CAP chloramphenicol - CF correction factor - TFAA Trifluoroacetic anhydride - MBTFA N-Methyl-bis-trifluoroacetamide  相似文献   

To investigate further the mechanisms by which amino acids are segregated for protein biosynthesis, the distribution of a pulse of [3H]valine was monitored in hepatic amino acid pools at seven intervals in the diurnal cycle of meal-fed rats. Although each condition was characterized by a unique balance between intracellular and extracellular valine, in every case the specific radioactivity of valyl-tRNA at steady state was higher that that of intracellular valine but below the extracellular value. Further, the specific radioactivity of the valyl-tRNA could be accurately predicted if extracellular and intracellular valine were combined in proportions specified by the transmembrane concentration gradient. These observations not only substantiate our earlier conclusions that the amino acids used for protein synthesis do not originate exclusively from either the intracellular or extracellular pools, but also strengthen our theory that the membrane transport system is the physical basis for such compartmentation. On the basis of these data we present a method for measuring the specific radioactivity of the precursor pool for protein biosynthesis in cases where the actual isolation of the aminoacyl-tRNA is not technically feasible, and also suggest a theoretical basis for interpreting the unequal distribution of both total and [3H]valine between intracellular and extracellular fluids.  相似文献   

A variety of neurotransmitters are believed to elicit effects through receptor-stimulated inositol phospholipid metabolism. It appears that most major types of retinal neurons receive a direct glutamatergic input. The aim of the present studies was to characterize excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptor-mediated breakdown of inositol phospholipids and changes in Ca2+ homeostasis in primary avian retinal cell cultures. Cell monolayers, prepared from 8-day-old chick embryo neural retina, were labelled with [3H]inositol for 48 h, and used after 7 days in vitro. Kainic acid stimulated the accumulation of inositol phosphates in a time- and dose-dependent manner (ED50 = 30 microM). The EAA receptor agonists glutamate, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), ibotenate and quisqualate were all active, with the rank order: glutamate greater than kainate greater than NMDA much greater than ibotenate approximately quisqualate. External Ca2+ was required for these effects. Agonist actions were inhibited by type-specific antagonists, and also Mg2+ in the case of glutamate and NMDA. Glutamate, NMDA and kainate also elevated cytosolic free Ca2+ in individual retinal cells loaded with the Ca2(+)-sensitive dye Fura-2, as assessed by digital fluorescence ratio imaging microscopy. The agonist-induced increases in [Ca2+]i were largely dependent on extracellular Ca2+, independent of membrane depolarization and were blocked by Mg2+ for glutamate and NMDA. These results demonstrate that vertebrate retinal cells possess EAA receptors coupled to intracellular signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Dinitrophenylation of hen egg white lysozyme with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) was carried out at pH 7-11 and room temperature in order to examine whether dinitrophenylation could be applied to determine the environments of individual amino groups in lysozyme or not. Lightly dinitrophenylated lysozyme was reduced, S-carboxymethylated and then subjected to reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). All tryptic peptides, which contained dinitrophenylated amino groups (one alpha-amino group, Lys 1(alpha), and six epsilon-amino groups, Lys 1(epsilon), Lys 13, Lys 33, Lys 96, Lys 97, and Lys 116), could be separated and monitored by absorbance measurement at 360 nm on RP-HPLC. The relative reactivities of individual amino groups, determined from the relative peak areas of dinitrophenylated tryptic peptides at 360 nm, were found to be sensitive to the reaction pH and to the presence of the trimer of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine or NaCl. It was concluded that dinitrophenylation of a protein with DNFB followed by peptide analysis by RP-HPLC with detection at 360 nm is a good method for probing the environments of individual amino groups in the protein.  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas capsulata E1F1 growing under chemo- or photoorganotrophic conditions shows nitrate reductase activity which:
  1. Is not repressed by ammonium ions;
  2. Is governed by the partial pressure of oxygen in the gas phase.
Upon induction of nitrate reductase activity under optimum conditions, and also in the presence of amonium ions, subsequent addition of nitrate does not result in nitrite production. The specific activity of the enzyme increases by a factor of 10, when the growth medium is supplemented by the addition of nitrate. The physiological role of this ammonium resistant activity is not known.  相似文献   

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