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Fatty acid composition of phytoplankton photosynthetic productswas determined by a 13C tracer and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(13C-GC-MS) method from August 1985 to June 1986 in Lake Biwa,Japan. The total fatty acid production rate varied from 2.8to 10.9 µg C l–1 day–1 at the water surfaceand accounted for 9.1–30% of photosynthetic productionof particulate organic carbon. A high contribution of fattyacid to the particulate organic carbon production rate was noticedduring winter time, and an increase in the fatty acid contributionresulted in an increase in the C/N value in the photosyntheticproducts. The fatty acid composition varied throughout the year,mainly depending on the seasonal change in the dominant phytoplanktonspecies. The contribution of polyunsaturated fatty acids tototal fatty acids was low during the summer period, probablydue to nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

Communities of marine phytoplankton consist of cells of many different sizes. The size-structure of these communities often varies predictably with environmental conditions in aquatic systems. It has been hypothesized that physiological differences in nutrient and light requirements and acquisition efficiencies contribute to commonly observed correlations between phytoplankton community size structure and resource availability. Using physiological models we assess how light and nutrient availability can alter the relative growth rates of phytoplankton species of different cell sizes. Our models predict a change in the size dependence of growth rate depending on the severity of limitation by light and nutrient availability. Under conditions of growth-saturated resource supply, phytoplankton growth rate (mol C ) scales with cell volume with a size-scaling exponent of ; light limitation reduces the size-scaling exponent to approximately , and nutrient limitation decreases the exponent to as a consequence of the size-scaling of resource acquisition. Exponents intermediate between and occur under intermediate availability of light and nutrients and depend on the size-scaling of pigment photoacclimation and the size range examined.  相似文献   

The relationship between the xanthophyll pool [diadinoxanthinplus diatoxanthin normalized to chlorophyll (Chl) a] and irradiancewas examined during phytoplankton blooms in Sagami Bay fromthe end of April to July 2000. In the case of Chl a concentrations>2 mg m-3, a linear correlation was found between the xanthophyllpool and irradiance of the previous day. On the other hand,for Chl a concentrations <2 mg m-3, the xanthophyll poolremained low and was independent of irradiance of the previousday. The results may indicate that photoprotection by xanthophyllpigments assists the development of phytoplankton blooms underhigh-irradiance conditions.  相似文献   

The 13C and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (13C-GC-MS)method was applied to determine the day-night changes in thecomposition of photosynthetic products of the natural phytoplanktonpopulation from Lake Biwa, Japan. Glucose is the most abundantmonosaccharide in acid-hydrolyzable carbohydrate. The contributionof glucose was high in incubatesd samples in daytime and decreasedduring the night. Other monosaccharides (rhamnose, fucose, ribose,arabinose, xylose, mannose and galactose) and amino acids tendedto be produced throughout both day- and night-time. These resultssuggested that the carbon flows from glucose, which might constitutereserve glucan, to other monosaccharides and amino acids duringnight-time. The disproportionate production of glucose (reservedglucan) during daytime was thus partly cancelled out at night.  相似文献   

Primary production by phytoplankton in the eutrophic Mikawa Bay, Japan, was studied by simultaneous measurements of natural carbon isotope ratio (δ 13C) and short-term carbon uptake rates (13C tracer study) of size-fractionated nannoplankton (<10 μm) and net plankton (>10 μm) samples. Short-term photosynthetic rates, which represent the physiological state of algae, were variable regardless of standing stock sizes. Theδ 13C values of particulate organic carbon (POC) in June and July displayed horizontal variations for both the net plankton fraction (−19.8 to −12.7‰) and the nannoplankton fraction (−22.0 to −12.8‰). For both fractions, low concentrations of POC had more negativeδ 13C values (−22 to −18‰). Highδ 13C values for the net plankton were found when POC concentrations were much higher, due to red tide. This suggests that the increase in algal standing crop for the net plankton fraction resulted from accelerated photosynthetic activity. However the nannoplankton fractions with higher POC values have relatively lowδ 13C values.  相似文献   

Muta  Naoki  Umezawa  Yu  Yamaguchi  Akira  Suzaki  Hirokazu  Wada  Minoru  Nakata  Hideaki  Kawamoto  Kazuaki  Matsuoka  Kazumi 《Limnology》2020,21(3):341-356
Limnology - In the seasonally hypoxic semi-enclosed Omura Bay, Japan, regression equations estimating year-round nutrient [NO3 + NO2, NH4, PO4, Si(OH)4] concentrations in pore water...  相似文献   

We conducted nutrient enrichment experiments and field sampling to address three questions: (1) is there nutrient limitation of phytoplankton accumulation within an estuary whose waters are exposed to relatively high nitrogen loading rates, (2) where in the salinity gradient from fresh to seawater (0 to 32‰) is there a shift from phosphorus to nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton accumulation, and (3) is there a seasonal shift in limiting function of phosphorus and nitrogen anywhere in the estuarine gradient. Nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment experiments in the Childs River, an estuary of Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, USA, showed that the accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in brackish and saline water was limited by supply of nitrate during warm months. The effects of enrichment were less evident in fresh water, with short-lived responses to phosphate enrichment. There was no specific point along the salinity gradient where there was a shift from phosphorus- to nitrogen-limited phytoplankton accumulation; rather, the relative importance of nitrogen and phosphorus changed along the salinity gradient in the estuary and with season of the year. There was no response to nutrient additions during the colder months, suggesting that some seasonally-varying factor, such as light, temperature or a physiological mechanism, restricted phytoplankton accumulation during months other than May-Aug. There was only slight evidence of a seasonal shift between nitrogen- and phosphorus-limitation of chlorophyll accumulation. Phytoplankton populations in nutrient-rich estuaries with short flushing times grow fast, but at the same time the cells may be advected out of the estuaries while still rapidly dividing, thereby providing an important subsidy to production in nearby deeper waters. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Diel patterns in the uptake of nitrogenous nutrients were observedin the coastal plume of the Chesapeake Bay system, but the specificpatterns varied with season. During the winter months, ratesof NH4+ and urea uptake were significantly higher at night thanduring the day, and rates of NO3 uptake were higher duringthe day. During the summer, rates of NH4+ and urea uptake weresignificantly higher at night only during half the studies conducted;during the remaining studies, there was either no significantdifference or rates of uptake of NH4+ were higher during theday. Rates of NO3 uptake during the summer months werealso higher during the day than at night. Seasonal differenceswere also apparent in the time of day at which maximum observeduptake rates of each nitrogen nutrient occurred. During thewinter-spring months, maximum observed rates of NO3 uptakeoccurred between first light and noon, whereas during the summermonths, maximum observed uptake rates of NO3 occurredboth morning and afternoon, and consistently 9–16 h afterthe maximum observed peak in the uptake of reduced nitrogen.We interpret these findings in terms of seasonal shifts in nitrogennutritional status of the assemblages, as well as species-specificdifferences in the effect of a given stimulus (e.g. a nitrogenpulse at the mouth of the Bay) to entrain an uptake response,and we suggest that the extent of this variability must be understoodbefore generalizations about the use of f-ratios as characteristicsof specific populations or water masses can be drawn.  相似文献   

Effects of nutrient conditions on biochemical components (sugars and amino acids) of phytoplankton were examined in Lake Nakanuma in Japan. Phosphate, ammonium and silicate were added to water samples collected at 0 m, which were incubated for 15 days in situ. Chlorophyll a in phosphate-added samples increased much more than that in other samples. Total amino acids and total neutral sugars in phosphate-added samples also increased more than those in other samples. The increase of total amino acids and chlorophyll began faster than that of total neutral sugars during the first 5 days of incubation. Total neutral sugars in the phosphate-added samples increased rapidly after 8 days. The composition of amino acids did not change so much. However, the composition of neutral sugars changed according to the different nutrient addition. Phosphate-added samples changed greatly during the incubation. These changes were explained at least partly by changes in nutrient conditions. Addition of limiting nutrients decreased glucose content, whereas depletion of nutrients increased the content. This study indicates that measurements of the biochemical components contribute to the analysis of effects of nutrients on phytoplankton in natural waters.  相似文献   

Major focus in interpreting phytoplankton changes in specific typologies of waterbodies or in single lakes is directed towards nutrients and climatic dynamics. During the last 35 years, Lake Garda (Northern Italy; A = 368 km2, z max = 350 m, V = 49 km3) underwent a significant increase of phosphorus in the water column, from ca. 10 μg P l−1 to 18–22 μg P l−1. At the multi-decadal scale, the increase of the trophic status had a positive impact on the growth of Cyanobacteria (mainly Oscillatoriales) and, partly, diatoms, as demonstrated by the long-term ecological research carried out since the beginning of the 1990s in the deepest zone of the lake. Conversely, the increase of Peridiniales (mostly Ceratium hirundinella) in the recent years appeared also associated with the interannual variations of lake temperature. At the seasonal and annual scale, the development of the large diatoms and Oscillatoriales during the periods of their maximum growth (early spring, and summer and autumn, respectively) was strongly controlled by the extent of spring vertical water mixing and nutrient fertilization of surface waters, which, in turn, were negatively dependent on the air and water temperatures in winter and early spring. Therefore, contrary to the positive impact of milder winters on phytoplankton growth in many lakes of high latitudes, warmer winter temperatures in deep oligomictic lakes of lower latitudes can determine periodic shifts towards more oligotrophic conditions and a minor development of diatoms and specific harmful cyanobacterial groups (Oscillatoriales). The complex relationships between the explanatory and response variables were tested by applying Path Analysis (Structural Equation Modeling). This multiequational technique has great potential for studying causal relationships in temporally ordered variables. The results highlight the necessity to study the consequences of climatic fluctuations on the phytoplankton communities at different temporal scales and complexity, also including the indirect effects of climatic dynamics mediated by the morphometric, morphological and hydrological characteristics of lakes, and the possible synergic or opposite effects with other forcing variables, including nutrients.  相似文献   

We studied the response pattern of phytoplankton to nutrient concentrations in Little Vermilion Bay, Louisiana in July and November 2013. It is important to understand the response of phytoplankton to nutrient concentrations in order to find impacts of eutrophication and improve the water quality for survival of fish and other aquatic life. Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus were measured in Little Vermillion Bay at several sampling locations along with some other water quality parameters and response of phytoplankton biomass was evaluated. The spatial–temporal pattern of water quality parameters in the study area was assessed using a spatial interpolation method. Phytoplankton biomass was positively correlated with nutrient enrichment in Little Vermillion Bay. Chlorophyll a concentrations were found to be strongly dependent on Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in the water column. Nutrient concentration in the water column has a strong control over phytoplankton biomass and primary production. The TN:TP ratio was evaluated to establish the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in the study area. Both nitrogen and phosphorus were found to have strong relationships with phytoplankton growth and a growth limiting nutrient was not established for Little Vermilion Bay.  相似文献   

The effects of different levels of nutrient input on the plankton community was investigated in a two-year controlled fertilization study of eight experimental ponds. There were four treatments, each replicated: a control, to which no fertilizer was added, and three levels of nutrient addition. Limnological parameters including phytoplankton and zooplankton densities were measured frequently during both summers and less frequently during the rest of the year. Inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the treated ponds increased. Phytoplankton and zooplankton density increased with treatment level but was variable. There was a limited relationship between the average chlorophyll a concentration per summer and the average cladoceran dry weight per summer. Above chlorophyll a concentrations greater than 60–70 mg/m3 other factors such as a pH zooplankton mortality effect, prevailed.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that inorganic C does not limit the rate of short-term photosynthesis, the net productivity, or the maximum biomass, of marine phytoplankton. This lack of inorganic C restriction is less widely believed to hold for phytoplankton in many low alkalinity freshwaters or for seaweed in nutrient-enriched rock pools. These views are examined in the context of the physical chemistry of the inorganic C system in natural waters and of the ways in which various taxa of phytoplankton deal with inorganic C and discriminate between 12C and 13C. Using this information to interpret data obtained in the ocean or in freshwater suggests that short-term photosynthesis, production rate, and achieved biomass, of phytoplankton are rarely limited by inorganic C supply but, rather, that the widely suggested factors of limited light, nitrogen or phosphorus supply are the resource inputs which restrict productivity. Global change, by increasing atmospheric CO2 partial pressure and global mean temperatures, is likely to increase the mean CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, but the corresponding change in the oceans will be much less. There are, however, genotypic differences in the handling of inorganic C among the diversity of marine phytoplankton, and in impact on use of limiting nutrients, so increases in the mean CO2 and HCO3 - concentrations in surface ocean waters could cause changes in species composition. However, the rarity of inorganic C limitation of marine phytoplankton short-term photosynthesis, net productivity, or the maximum biomass, in today's ocean means that global change is unlikely to increase these three values in the ocean.  相似文献   

The primary productivity of some lakes and reservoirs in western Labrador was measured by the 14C method in order to determine the range of productivities and the effects of impoundment. No primary productivity data previously existed for this part of Canada. Both the primary productivity and standing crops of phytoplankton were found to be low in a newly impounded lake but later rose to levels greater than in surrounding natural lakes. In nutrient enrichment experiments, carbon was never found to be limiting but phosphorus stimulated primary productivity when added alone or in combination with nitrogen.  相似文献   

Ault  Timothy  Velzeboer  Renate  Zammit  Rebecca 《Hydrobiologia》2000,429(1-3):89-103
We investigated the influence of nutrient availability, specifically nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon on growth and community structure of phytoplankton from the Port Adelaide River estuary, South Australia. Two bioassay experiments were conducted. The first, Nutrich1, involved addition of nutrients in vitro to samples of the natural phytoplankton community from a single location in the upper estuary. The second, Nutrich2, involved nutrient addition and incubation of water from five locations in the estuary following inoculation with a `standardised' phytoplankton assemblage derived from laboratory cultures. In Nutrich1, enrichment with silicon led to greatly enhanced phytoplankton biomass due to increased growth of diatoms. Addition of nitrogen or phosphorus had little effect on phytoplankton growth. In Nutrich2, addition of nitrogen resulted in enhanced growth of phytoplankton in water collected from near the mouth the estuary, but there were no differences in growth among nutrient treatments for the remaining locations. Comparison of phytoplankton growth rate among locations revealed a trend of decreasing growth in moving towards the mouth of the estuary. This trend was unaffected by enrichment with nitrate, phosphate or silicate. We suggest that spatial variation in growth potential within the Port Adelaide River estuary may relate to variation in the concentration of nitrogen as ammonium.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in nitrate plus nitrite and chlorophyll concentrationswere observed by continuous shipboard measurements in upwelledand coastal water masses covering an area 20 x 30 km2 alongthe Izu Peninsula between May 22 and 26, 1982. Two localizedupwelling events were observed, one which had occurred beforeMay 22 and the other on May 26. Nutrient input into the surfacefrom upwelling and subsequent phytoplankton growth were clearlydocumented. Phytoplankton growth, estimated from the disappearanceof nutrients, agreed well with modelling estimates based uponsimulated culture experiments done previously in the same area.Phytoplankton growth terminated when nutrients were depleted.Similar stimulation of phytoplankton growth supported by localizedupwelling can be expected in other coastal regions where similarconditions exist.  相似文献   

Microzooplankton and seston in Akkeshi Bay,Japan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Microzooplankton populations and other seston components in the water column were sampled from a central station in Akkeshi Bay, Japan for a year. The measurements reported in the present study constitute the first work on seasonal variation of microzooplankton and other seston components in Akkeshi Bay. Twenty-one categories were identified and their volume measured. T he total volume was highest between February and April, and suddenly decreased in May and then gradually increased during summer. It was relatively low and stable during the fall diatom bloom. and was least between November and January. Abundance of microzooplankton was dependent upon concentration of chlorophyll and could be predicted by% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaciiBaiaac+% gacaGGNbGaaeywaiabg2da9iaaigdacaGGUaGaaGimaiaaicdacqGH% RaWkcaaIWaGaaiOlaiaaiwdacaaI3aGaciiBaiaac+gacaGGNbGaae% iwaaaa!44F9!\[\log {\text{Y}} = 1.00 + 0.57\log {\text{X}}\]where Y was the volume of microzooplankton and X was the concentration of chlorophyll a. The ecological significance of microzooplankton and other seston components is discussed.Contribution of JIBP-PM  相似文献   

In the present study, a numerical model that simulates speciescompetition between the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarenseand the non-toxic diatom Skeletonema costatum was constructedusing data from a number of experiments and field observations.In the model, not only vertical migration of swimming cellsbut also the encystment and excystment processes of A. tamarensewere taken into consideration. Sinking of S. costatum cellswas also considered. Both zooplankton and oysters, which areintensively cultured in this bay, feed on the phytoplanktonbut the contribution of grazing to the decrease in the celldensities of both species was small. The model predicts thatwhile sinking is one of the major processes that reduce thecell density of S. costatum, encystment of A. tamarense is acrucial process that determines the cessation of blooms of thisdinoflagellate. Advection and diffusion are also important physicalprocesses that affect, in positive and negative ways, the fluctuationof cell densities.  相似文献   

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