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A human neuroblastoma cell line (IMR-32), when differentiated, mimics large projections of the human cerebral cortex and under certain tissue culture conditions, forms intracellular fibrillary material, commonly observed in brains of patients affected with Alzheimer's disease. Our purpose is to use differentiated IMR-32 cells as an in vitro system for magnetic field exposure studies. We have previously studied in vitro differentiation of murine neuroblastoma (N1E-115) cells with respect to resting membrane potential development. The purpose of this study was to extend our investigation to IMR-32 cells. Electrophysiological (resting membrane potential, V(m)) and biochemical (neuron-specific enolase activity [NSE]) measurements were taken every 2 d for a period of 16 d. A voltage-sensitive oxonol dye together with flow cytometry was used to measure relative changes in V(m). To rule out any effect due to mechanical cell detachment, V(m) was indirectly measured by using a slow potentiometric dye (tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester) together with confocal digital imaging microscopy. Neuron-specific enolase activity was measured by following the production of phosphoenolpyruvate from 2-phospho-d-glycerate at 240 nm. Our results indicate that in IMR-32, in vitro differentiation as characterized by an increase in NSE activity is not accompanied by resting membrane potential development. This finding suggests that pathways for morphological-biochemical and electrophysiological differentiations in IMR-32 cells are independent of one another.  相似文献   

Sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor is FDA approved drug against erectile dysfunction. It is currently undergoing many clinical trials, alone or in combinations against different diseases. Treatment of neural progenitor cells with sildenafil is known to regulate their basal cGMP levels and enhance neurogenesis and differentiation. cGMP as well as cAMP are known to play a central role in the maintenance, repair and remodelling of the nervous system. In the present study, we report the neurodifferentiation property of sildenafil in neuroblastoma cancer cell line IMR-32. Sildenafil was found to induce the formation of neurite outgrowths that were found expressing neuronal markers, such as NeuN, NF-H and βIII tubulin. IS00384, a recently discovered PDE5 inhibitor by our laboratory, was also found to induce neurodifferentiation of IMR-32 cells. The effect of IS00384 on differentiation was even more profound than sildenafil. Both the compounds were found to elevate and activate the Guanine nucleotide exchange factor C3G, which is a regulator of differentiation in IMR-32 cells. They were also found to elevate the levels of cGMP and activate the AMPK-ACC and PI3K-Akt signalling pathways. These pathways are known to play important role in cytoskeletal rearrangements necessary for differentiation. This study highlights the role of phosphodiesterases-5 in neurodifferentiation and use of sildenafil and IS00384 as small molecule tools to study the process of cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

The capacity of Al(3+) to induce changes in the physical properties of plasma membrane from human neuroblastoma cells (IMR-32) was investigated, and the magnitude of the changes was compared with that obtained after cell differentiation to a neuronal phenotype. Similarly to our previous results in liposomes, Al(3+) (10 to 100 microM) caused a significant loss of membrane fluidity, being the differentiated cells more affected than the nondifferentiated cells. Al(3+) also increased the relative content of lipids in gel phase and promoted lipid rearrangement through lateral phase separation, with the magnitude of this effect being similar in nondifferentiated and differentiated cells. Since membrane physical properties depend on bilayer composition, we characterized the content of proteins, phospholipids, cholesterol, and fatty acids in the IMR-32 cells before and after differentiation. Differentiated cells had a significantly higher content of unsaturated fatty acids, creating an environment that favors Al(3+)-mediated effects on the bilayer fluidity. The neurotoxic effects of Al(3+) may be, at least in part, due to alterations of neuronal membrane physical properties, with potential consequences on the normal functioning of membrane-related cellular processes.  相似文献   

Clonal human neuroblastoma cells imr-32 are a suitable model system for studies of neuronal excitability modulation. The ability interferon-alpha 2b "laferon" to modulate the mechanisms of electrical activity was studied in whole-cell patch-clamped undifferentiated human neuroblastoma cells IMR-32. It was shown that 1 h incubation of IMR-32 cells at 37 degrees C in medium with laferon (600 U/ml) exerted changes in voltage-dependent properties of Na(+)-channels. The results of the present study demonstrate that laferon decreased of Na(+)-channels sensitivity to changes of membrane potential leading of IMR-32 cells electrical excitability decrease.  相似文献   

Differentiated neurons were investigated for their susceptibility to oxidative damage based on variations in the oxidant defense system occurring during differentiation. The main antioxidant enzymes and substances in human neuroblastoma (IMR-32) cells were evaluated pre- and post-differentiation to a neuronal phenotype. The activity of CuZn superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) and Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and the concentration of CuZnSOD were higher, but the activity and concentration of catalase were lower after differentiation. Differentiated cells had higher activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), lower concentration of total glutathione, a higher ratio of oxidised/reduced glutathione and lower activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase than undifferentiated cells. We conclude that differentiated neuronal cells may be highly susceptible to oxidant-mediated damage based on the relative activities of the main antioxidant enzymes and on a limited capacity to synthesise and/or recycle glutathione.  相似文献   

Precise regulation of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) is achieved by the coordinated function of Ca(2+) channels and Ca(2+) buffers. Neuronal differentiation induces up-regulation of Ca(2+) channels. However, little is known about the effects of differentiation on the expression of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA), the principal Ca(2+) extrusion mechanism in neurons. In this study, we examined the regulation of PMCA expression during differentiation of the human neuroblastoma cell line IMR-32. [Ca(2+)](i) was monitored in single cells using indo-1 microfluorimetry. When the Ca(2+)-ATPase of the endoplasmic reticulum was blocked by cyclopiazonic acid, [Ca(2+)](i) recovery after small depolarization-induced Ca(2+) loads was governed primarily by PMCAs. [Ca(2+)](i) returned to baseline by a process described by a monoexponential function in undifferentiated cells (tau = 52 +/- 4 s; n = 25). After differentiation for 12-16 days, the [Ca(2+)](i) recovery rate increased by more than threefold (tau = 17 +/- 1 s; n = 31). Western blots showed a pronounced increase in expression of three major PMCA isoforms in IMR-32 cells during differentiation, including PMCA2, PMCA3 and PMCA4. These results demonstrate up-regulation of PMCAs on the functional and protein level during neuronal differentiation in vitro. Parallel amplification of Ca(2+) influx and efflux pathways may enable differentiated neurons to precisely localize Ca(2+) signals in time and space.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins are a class of cysteine-rich and low molecular weight, metal-binding proteins that are inducible by a wide variety of agents, including metal ions, such as cadmium and zinc, glucocorticoid hormones, interferon, and tumor promoters. In an effort to delineate the regulation of the synthesis of the recently identified brain metallothionein-like protein, a study was undertaken to compare the induction of metallothionein in human neuroblastoma IMR-32 cells by zinc, cadmium, and dexamethasone using the human Chang liver cells as a control. Both cadmium (1 microM) and zinc (100 microM) significantly enhanced the incorporation of [35S]cysteine into metallothioneins isolated from both neuroblastoma and Chang liver cells. Dexamethasone in concentrations of 10 microM stimulated the synthesis of metallothionein in the Chang cells, whereas it had no effects on the synthesis of metallothionein in the neuroblastoma cells at concentrations ranging from 2.5--100 microM. The degree of stimulation of metallothionein synthesis in the Chang cells by cadmium and zinc was significantly higher than seen in neuroblastoma cells. The neuroblastoma IMR-32 exhibited less tolerance to the toxicity of both cadmium and zinc than the Chang cells, which may correlate with the inherent ability of these ions to induce metallothioneins in these dissimilar cells. The results of these studies are interpreted to indicate that the factors regulating the synthesis of metallothioneins in the Chang and neuroblastoma cells are not identical, suggesting also of the presence of dissimilar regulatory mechanisms in the liver and brain.  相似文献   

In the current work, we studied how variations in extracellular zinc concentrations modulate different steps involved in nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation in human neuroblastoma IMR-32 cells. Cells were incubated in media containing varying concentrations of zinc (1.5, 5, 15, and 50 microm). Within 3 h, the intracellular zinc content was lower in cells exposed to 1.5 and 5 microm, compared with the other groups. Low intracellular zinc concentrations were associated with the activation of NF-kappaB, based on high levels of IkappaBalpha phosphorylation, low IkappaBalpha concentrations, and high NF-kappaB binding activity in total cell fractions. However, the active dimer accumulated in the cytosol, as shown by a low ratio of nuclear/cytosolic NF-kappaB binding activity. This altered nuclear translocation was accompanied by a decreased transactivation of an endogenous NF-kappaB-driven gene (ikba) and of a reporter gene (pNF-kappaB-luc). In cells with low intracellular zinc concentrations, a low rate of in vitro tubulin polymerization was measured compared with the other groups. We conclude that low intracellular zinc concentrations induce tubulin depolymerization, which may be one signal for NF-kappaB activation. However, NF-kappaB nuclear translocation is impaired, which inhibits the transactivation of NF-kappaB-driven genes. This could affect cell survival, and be an important factor in certain zinc deficiency-associated pathologies.  相似文献   

Cdk5, a member of the cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) family, is predominantly active in neurons, where its activity is tightly regulated by the binding of its neuronal activators p35 and p39. Cdk5 is implicated in regulating the proper neuronal function; a deregulation of cdk5 has been found associated with Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. As oxidative stress products have been seen co-localized with pathological hallmarks of neurodegenerative diseases, we studied the effect of oxidative stress on the cdk5 enzyme in human neuroblastoma IMR-32 cells. We evaluated the effects of 4-hydroxynonenal and Ascorbate plus FeSO(4) on cdk5 activity and on the expression of cdk5 and p35 proteins. We report here that oxidative stress stimulates cdk5 activity and induces an upregulation of its regulatory and catalytic subunit expression in IMR-32 vital cells, showing that the cdk5 enzyme is involved in the signaling pathway activated by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The relevance of a functional cytoskeleton for Nuclear Factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) nuclear translocation was investigated in neuronal cells, using conditions that led to a disruption of the cytoskeleton [inhibition of tubulin (vinblastine, colchicine), or actin (cytochalasin D) polymerization and zinc deficiency]. We present evidence that an impairment in tubulin polymerization can inhibit the formation of the complex tubulin-dynein-karyopherin alpha-p50 that is required for neuronal retrograde and nuclear NF-kappaB transport. Cells treated with vinblastine, colchicine or cytochalasin D, and zinc deficient cells, all showed a low nuclear NF-kappaB binding activity, and low nuclear concentrations of RelA and p50. The altered nuclear translocation was reflected by a decreased transactivation of NF-kappaB-driven genes. The immunocytochemical characterization of cellular RelA showed that cytoskeleton disruption can lead to an altered distribution of RelA resulting in the formation of peripheral accumuli. These results support the concept that cytoskeleton integrity is necessary for the transport and translocation of NF-kappaB required for synapse to nuclei communication. We suggest that during development, as well as in the adult brain, conditions such as zinc deficiency, that affect the normal structure and function of the cytoskeleton can affect neuronal proliferation, differentiation, and survival by altering NF-kappaB nuclear translocation and subsequent impairment of NF-kappaB-dependent gene regulation.  相似文献   

The system of extracellular proteolysing, consists of plasminogen (PGn), its active protease (plasmin), PGn activation and PGn activators inhibitors, influences the nervous tissue functions, their growth, differentiation and proliferation in both, normal and pathological conditions. The purpose of the investigation was to study the effects of exogenous PGn, its activator streptokinase (SK), PK and their equimolar complex on the morpho-functional state neuroblastoma IMR-32 cells. PGn, SK, PK and their complexes stimulated cells proliferation during 1-3 days of incubation, shown by cell quantity increase. We also observed DNA, RNA and protein increase. The low lactate dehydrogenase efflux was evidence of that an addition of the proteins under investigation in the culture medium prevented the development of degenerative alterations connected with serum deprivation. The levels of extracellular PGn-activator activity, as measured by the biochemical fibrinolytic assay, increased over SK. This SK effect vanished on the 3rd day when SK formed complexes with PK. New original facts obtained testify the probability of initiation of neoplastic transformation and tumor growth potentiation.  相似文献   

Inside out and right side out vesicles were used to study the sidedness of Ca binding to the human red cell membrane. It was shown that these vesicles exhibited only a limited permeability to Ca, enabling the independent characterization of Ca binding to the extracellular and cytoplasmic membrane surfaces...  相似文献   

The system of extracellular proteolysis consisted of plasminogen (PGn), its active protease, plasmin, and PGn activators and their inhibitors affect the growth, differentiation, and proliferation of nervous cells both under normal and pathological conditions. The purpose of our investigation was to study the effects of exogenous PGn, its activator, streptokinase (SK), pyruvate kinase (PK), and their equimolar complexes on morphological and functional properties of IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells. It has been found that PGn, SK, PK, and their complexes stimulate cell proliferation during 1–3 days of incubation. We also observed increased DNA, RNA, and protein content. The low-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) efflux indicated that the addition of the proteins we assayed to the culture medium prevented the development of degenerative processes caused by serum deprivation. The levels of extracellular PGn-activator activity, as measured by the fibrinolytic method, increased in the presence of SK. The SK effect vanished if SK was in the complex with PK on the 3rd day of cultivation. New original facts were obtained to testify the probability of initiation of neoplastic transformation and tumor growth potentiation.  相似文献   

Neurite outgrowth is essential for the communication of the nervous system. The rat Pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells are commonly used in the neuronal cell study. It is well known that exogenous stimuli such as Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) induce neurite outgrowth. In the present study it has been investigated whether or not the conditioned medium from human neuroblastoma cell line (IMR-32) and human glioblastoma cell line (U87MG) may augment neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells. PC12 were cultured with and without conditioned media of IMR-32 and U87MG. The result showed that both the conditioned media induce neurite outgrowth within 48 hr and stops further proliferation of PC12 cells. However no outgrowth was noted in PC12 cells incubated without conditioned medium. In conclusion, it is shown that both the conditioned media (IMR-32 and U87MG) have the potential to induce the neurite outgrowth in the PC12 cells.  相似文献   

Eosinophils release a number of mediators that are potentially toxic to nerve cells. However, in a number of inflammatory conditions, such as asthma and inflammatory bowel disease, it has been shown that eosinophils localize to nerves, and this is associated with enhanced nerve activity. In in vitro studies, we have shown that eosinophil adhesion via neuronal ICAM-1 leads to activation of neuronal NF-kappaB via an ERK1/2-dependent pathway. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that eosinophil adhesion to nerves promotes neural survival by protection from inflammation-associated apoptosis. Exposure of differentiated IMR-32 cholinergic nerve cells to IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma, or culture in serum-deprived medium, induced neuronal apoptosis, as detected by annexin V staining, caspase-3 activation, and DNA laddering. Addition of human eosinophils to IMR-32 nerve cells completely prevented all these features of apoptosis. The mechanism of protection by eosinophils was by an adhesion-dependent activation of ERK1/2, which led to the induced expression of the antiapoptotic gene bfl-1. Adhesion to nerve cells did not influence the expression of the related genes bax and bad. Thus, prevention of apoptosis by eosinophils may be a mechanism by which these cells regulate neural plasticity in the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

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