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We have used the technique of thermoluminescence (TL) to investigate high-light-induced chlorophyll fluorescence quenching phenomena in barley leaves, and have shown it to be a powerful tool in such investigations. TL measurements were taken from wild-type and chlorina f2 barley leaves which had been dark-adapted or exposed to 20 min illumination of varying irradiance or given varying periods of recovery following strong irradiance. We have found strong evidence that there is a sustained trans-thylakoid pH in leaves following illumination, and that this pH gives rise to quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence which has previously been identified as a slowly-relaxing component of antenna-related protective energy dissipation; we have identified a state of the PS II reaction centre resulting from high light treatments which is apparently able to perform normal charge separation and electron transport but which is non-photochemically quenched, in that the application of a light pulse of high irradiance cannot cause the formation of a high fluorescent state; and we have provided evidence that a transient state of the PS II reaction centre is formed during recovery from such high light treatments, in which electron transport from QAto QBis apparently impaired.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of chlorophyll fluoresence on the spectral light gradients within a model green leaf was examined under different light qualities (day-light, sunset, canopy) and different quantum efficiencies. Light fluxes within the leaf tissue are nearly doubled in the emission domain of fluorescence but the effect on the phytochrome photoequilibrium is very small.  相似文献   

沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Maxim.) Cheng f.)是生长在沙漠及干旱荒漠地区的常绿灌木.在夏季,其叶片经常遭受中午强光(超过1 500 μmol*m-2*s-1) 胁迫,出现明显的光抑制现象.我们利用便携式光合测定系统(CIRAS-1)和脉冲调制荧光仪(MFMS-2)测定了自然形成的干旱胁迫条件下沙冬青光合和荧光参数的日变化,主要探讨了干旱胁迫对沙冬青叶片防御强光破坏机制的影响.结果表明,正常水分和干旱胁迫下,沙冬青叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、 PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和PSⅡ非环式电子传递效率(ΦPSⅡ)在中午都明显降低;相对正常水分条件而言,干旱胁迫下初始荧光(Fo)先下降后上升,荧光的非光化学淬灭(NPQ)上升较快并在一定水平上维持不变.由此推断晴天中午沙冬青叶片在正常水分条件下主要采取依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散机制;而在干旱胁迫条件下主要采取了依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散和PSⅡ反应中心可逆失活两种保护机制.  相似文献   

Changes in the chloroplast ultra-structure and photochemical function were studied in detached barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Akcent) leaf segments senescing in darkness or in continuous white light of moderate intensity (90 mumol m-2 s-1) for 5 days. A rate of senescence-induced chlorophyll degradation was similar in the dark- and light-senescing segments. The Chl a/b ratio was almost unchanged in the dark-senescing segments, whereas in the light-senescing segments an increase in this ratio was observed indicating a preferential degradation of light-harvesting complexes of photosystem II. A higher level of thylakoid disorganisation (especially of granal membranes) and a very high lipid peroxidation were observed in the light-senescing segments. In spite of these findings, both the maximal and actual photochemical quantum yields of the photosystem II were highly maintained in comparison with the dark-senescing segments.  相似文献   

For leaves, the light-capturing surface area per unit dry mass investment (specific leaf area, SLA) is a key trait from physiological, ecological and biophysical perspectives. To address whether SLA declines with leaf size, as hypothesized due to increasing costs of support in larger leaves, we compiled data on intraspecific variation in leaf dry mass (LM) and leaf surface area (LA) for 6334 leaves of 157 species. We used the power function LM=alpha LAbeta to test whether, within each species, large leaves deploy less surface area per unit dry mass than small leaves. Comparing scaling exponents (beta) showed that more species had a statistically significant decrease in SLA as leaf size increased (61) than the opposite (7) and the average beta was significantly greater than 1 (betamean=1.10, 95% CI 1.08-1.13). However, scaling exponents varied markedly from the few species that decreased to the many that increased SLA disproportionately fast as leaf size increased. This variation was unrelated to growth form, ecosystem of origin or climate. The average within-species tendency found here (allometric decrease of SLA with leaf size, averaging 13%) is in accord with concurrent findings on global-scale trends among species, although the substantial scatter around the central tendency suggests that the leaf size dependency does not obligately shape SLA. Nonetheless, the generally greater mass per unit leaf area of larger than smaller leaves directly translates into a greater cost to build and maintain a unit of leaf area, which, all else being equal, should constrain the maximum leaf size displayed.  相似文献   

Acclimation to periodic high‐light stress was studied in tree seedlings from a neotropical forest. Seedlings of several pioneer and late‐succession species were cultivated under simulated tree‐fall gap conditions; they were placed under frames covered with shade cloth with apertures of different widths that permitted defined periods of daily leaf exposure to direct sunlight. During direct sun exposure, all plants exhibited a marked reversible decline in potential photosystem II (PSII) efficiency, determined by means of the ratio of variable to maximum Chl a fluorescence (Fv/Fm). The decline in Fv/Fm under full sunlight was much stronger in late‐succession than in pioneer species. For each gap size, all species exhibited a similar degree of de‐epoxidation of violaxanthin in direct sunlight and similar pool sizes of xanthophyll cycle pigments. Pool sizes increased with increasing gap size. Pioneer plants possessed high levels of β‐carotene that also increased with gap size, whereas α‐carotene decreased. In contrast to late‐succession plants, pioneer plants were capable of adjusting their Chl a/b ratio to a high value in wide gaps. The content of extractable UV‐B‐absorbing compounds was highest in the plants acclimated to large gaps and did not depend on the successional status of the plants. The results demonstrate a better performance of pioneer species under high‐light conditions as compared with late‐succession plants, manifested by reduced photoinhibition of PSII in pioneer species. This was not related to increased pool size and turnover of xanthophyll cycle pigments, nor to higher contents of UV‐B‐absorbing substances. High β‐carotene levels and increased Chl a/b ratios, i.e. reduced size of the Chl a and b binding antennae, may contribute to photoprotection in pioneer species.  相似文献   

Two tropical species of North Australia, Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus pellita, have similar leaf size and leaf structure but different leaf angles. A. crassicarpa with near vertical leaf angle directly reduced photon absorption and leaf temperature (T l) and had relatively high photosynthetic activity (P max) and low xanthophyll cycle activity. In contrast, E. pellita with a small leaf angle exhibited high T l, low P max, and high activity of xanthophyll cycle which was useful for the dissipation of excessive energy and reduction of photoinhibition. In the dry season, contents of soluble sugars including pinitol, sucrose, fructose, and glucose in A. crassicarpa increased whereas larger amounts of only fructose and glucose were accumulated in E. pellita. Different sugar accumulation may be involved in osmotic adjustment of leaves during water stress that makes photosynthesis more efficient. The leaf angle may be critical for developing different protective mechanisms in these two tropical tree species that ensure optimal growth in the high irradiance and drought stress environment in North Australia.  相似文献   

Responses of CAM Dendrobium Sonia leaves and flowers to high light and high temperature were studied in shade-grown plants after exposure to intermediate and full sunlight under natural conditions. Photosynthetic O2 evolution decreased in leaves after exposure to full sunlight for 2 weeks while leaves exposed to intermediate sunlight showed an increase in photosynthesis as compared to those leaves maintained in the shade. On the first day of treatment, the changes of Fv/Fm in both leaves and petals grown in the shade were negligible during the day. However, there was a steep decrease in Fv/Fm in both leaves and petals with an increase in incident light during midday after exposure to full sunlight. When exposed to intermediate sunlight, there were no significant changes in Fv/Fm in leaves. The Fv/Fm values of petals, however, decreased during midday. Temperature of thin petals was higher than that of thick leaves during midday under full and intermediate sunlight while that of petals and leaves were similar when grown in the shade. Over the 2-week treatment period, lowered chlorophyll and sustained decreases in Fv/Fm were observed in both leaves and flowers (sepals and petals) when exposed to full sunlight, indicative of ‘chronic photoinhibition'. Photoinhibition was prevented in leaves but occurred in flowers when exposed to intermediate sunlight. It was assumed that photodamage to both leaves and flowers were partially due to the higher temperature. The higher susceptibility of flowers to high light as compared to that of leaves was due to its higher temperature during midday. This was further supported by the findings that more severe damage occurred in flowers at higher temperature of 38°C than 28°C under a higher PFD of 1500 μmol m−2 s−1.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to photoinhibition of tree species from three different successional stages were examined using chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange techniques. The three deciduous broadleaf tree species were Betula platyphylla var. japonica, pioneer and early successional, Quercus mongolica, intermediate shade‐tolerant and mid‐successional, and Acer mono, shade‐tolerant and late successional. Tree seedlings were raised under three light regimes: full sunlight (open), 10% full sun, and 5% full sun. Susceptibility to photoinhibition was assessed on the basis of the recovery kinetics of the ratio of vaviable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) of detached leaf discs exposed to about 2000 μmol m?1 s?1 photon flux density (PFD) for 2 h under controlled conditions (25 to 28 °C, fully hydrated). Differences in susceptibility to photodamage among species were not significant in the open and 10% full sun treatments. But in 5% full sun, B. platyphylla sustained a significantly greater photodamage than other species, probably associated with having the lowest photosynthetic capacity indicated by light‐saturated photosynthetic rate (B. platyphylla, 9·87, 5·85 and 2·82; Q. mongolica, 8·05, 6·28 and 4·41; A. mono, 7·93, 6·11 and 5·08 μmol CO2 m?1 s?1for open, 10% and 5% full sun, respectively). To simulate a gap formation and assess its complex effects including high temperature and water stress in addition to strong light on the susceptibility to photoinhibition, we examined photoinhibition in the field by means of monitoring ΔF/Fm on the first day of transfer to natural daylight. Compared with ΔF/Fm in AM, the lower ΔF/Fm in PM responding to lower PFD following high PFD around noon indicated that photoinhibition occurred in plants grown in 10 and 5% full sun. The diurnal changes of ΔF/Fm showed that Q. mongolica grown in 5% full sun was less susceptible to photoinhibition than A. mono although they showed little differences both in photosynthetic capacity in intact leaves and susceptibility to photoinhibition based on leaf disc measurements. These results suggest that shade‐grown Q. mongolica had a higher tolerance for additional stresses such as high temperature and water stress in the field, possibly due to their lower plasticity in leaf anatomy to low light environment.  相似文献   

The growth response of Chlorella sorokiniana to certain irradiance, DO, and temperature demonstrated the possible causes of low productivity with this strain in outdoor cultures. The growth (biomass productivity) and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) were substantially reduced when the dissolved oxygen (above 200 % of air saturation) and temperature were elevated.  相似文献   

Cells of Phaeodactylum tricornutum were precultured under axenic conditions in a full medium and then exposed to natural light conditions at various depths in the eutrophic lake „Meerfelder Maar”︁ (Eifel, FRG) for several days. After exposition the cells were characterized with respect to growth parameters, photosynthetic performance and xanthophyll cycle pigments. In order to test the resistance of the cells grown at different depths against photostress, the cells were illuminated with photoinhibitory light. The variable chlorophyll a-fluorescence and the oxygen quantum yield at a non-saturating light intensity were simultaneously measured after photostress and subsequent recovery. The xanthophyll cycle pigments and the content in α-tocopherol were monitored during photostress to get molecular information about the physiological reasons of light-stress resistance. The data give evidence that cells grown close to the surface show a faster decline in photosynthetic performance and a more efficient recovery than cells from lower depths. There is clear indication that under natural conditions when the light is fluctuating between optimal, sub- and supraoptimal intensities the photostress resistance is much higher than under conditions of the absence of light stress. The molecular basis for light stress resistance seems to be the pool size and the conversion kinetics of the xanthophyll cycle pigments and the capacity of the oxygen-scavenging system. The effect of in-situ light adaptation is discussed with respect to the assessment of the potential of the primary production.  相似文献   

Many species of rainforest plants have an unusual form of leaf development such that leaves delay greening until after full leaf expansion. Chlorophyll accumulation was measured during leaf development in five woody rainforest species, three with white young leaves, and two with ‘normal’ greening. In the three species with white leaves, the chlorophyll content of the expanding leaves was about 0.4mg dm?2, whereas in the two species with green young leaves, chlorophyll content was about 2.1 mg dm?2. Chlorophyll accumulation in greenhouse and field experiments was independent of light level. During leaf expansion, species with delayed chloroplast development only absorb 18–25% of the maximum possible light, compared with 80% for species with normal greening. Furthermore, species with delayed greening have low chlorophyll contents and reduced absorption for at least 30 d after full expansion. At a PPFD typical of the forest under story, the photosynthetic light use efficiency based upon incident radiation was 0.030–0.036 for species with delayed chloroplast development and 0.068–0.085 for the two species with normal greening. The lower light use efficiency of white species was primarily due to decreased light absorption. However, they also had a slightly lower light use efficiency based upon absorbed radiation, suggesting that development of other components of the photo-synthetic apparatus also may be delayed. Despite the fact that delayed greening decreases light absorption and light use efficiency during leaf development, it is extremely common in shade-tolerant species. We suggest that an advantage of delayed greening is that resources are not invested in the leaf until it is fully expanded and better defended from herbivores.  相似文献   

Two very distinctive responses of photosynthesis to winter conditions have been identified. Mesophytic species that continue to exhibit growth during the winter typically exhibit higher maximal rates of photosynthesis during the winter or when grown at lower temperatures compared to individuals examined during the summer or when grown at warmer temperatures. In contrast, sclerophytic evergreen species growing in sun-exposed sites typically exhibit lower maximal rates of photosynthesis in the winter compared to the summer. On the other hand, shaded individuals of those same sclerophytic evergreen species exhibit similar or higher maximal rates of photosynthesis in the winter compared to the summer. Employment of the xanthophyll cycle in photoprotective energy dissipation exhibits similar characteristics in the two groups of plants (mesophytes and shade leaves of sclerophytic evergreens) that exhibit upregulation of photosynthesis during the winter. In both, zeaxanthin + antheraxanthin (Z + A) are retained and PS II remains primed for energy dissipation only on nights with subfreezing temperatures, and this becomes rapidly reversed upon exposure to increased temperatures. In contrast, Z + A are retained and PS II remains primed for energy dissipation over prolonged periods during the winter in sun leaves of sclerophytic evergreen species, and requires days of warming to become fully reversed. The rapid disengagement of this energy dissipation process in the mesophytes and shade sclerophytes apparently permits a rapid return to efficient photosynthesis and increased activity on warmer days during the winter. This may be associated with a decreasing opportunity for photosynthesis in source leaves relative to the demand for photosynthesis in the plant's sinks. In contrast, the sun-exposed sclerophytes – with a relatively high source to sink ratio – maintain PS II in a state primed for high levels of energy dissipation activity throughout much of the winter. Independent of whether photosynthesis was up- or downregulated, all species under all conditions exhibited higher levels of soluble carbohydrates during the winter compared to the summer. Thus downregulation of photosynthesis and of Photosystem II do not appear to limit carbohydrate accumulation under winter conditions. A possible signal communicating an altered source/sink balance, or that may be influencing the engagement of Z + A in energy dissipation, is phosphorylation of thylakoid proteins such as D1.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

黄瓜幼苗子叶在低温下的光抑制及其恢复   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用PAM脉冲调制荧光仪测定叶绿素荧光的变化研究了黄瓜幼苗子叶在PFD为50和100μmolm-2s-1,温度为4、7、10、15℃下的光抑制及其恢复。结果表明,黄瓜幼苗子叶Fv/Fm随着温度的下降和PFD的增加而下降,并且增加等量的PFD在4℃下比在10℃下引起更大的Fv/Fm下降。在黑暗条件下光抑制有轻微恢复,但完士恢复必需光照,且恢复起始时的光照十分重要。DTT可部分抑制叶绿素荧光Fo和Fm的猝灭,且15℃下比在4℃下抑制效果更大。CAP能强烈地加剧光抑制并几乎完全抑制恢复,且10℃下比在4℃下对光抑制的加剧作用更大。冷锻炼提高了黄瓜幼苗抵抗低温先抑制的能力,而CAP对冷锻炼苗比未锻炼苗的低温光抑制具有更大的加剧作用。  相似文献   

Summer leaf senescence in Pistacia lentiscus L. plants serves to remobilize nutrients from the oldest leaves to the youngest ones, and therefore contributes to plant survival during the adverse climatic conditions typical of Mediterranean summers, i.e. water deficit superimposed on high solar radiation and high temperatures. To evaluate the extent of photo- and antioxidative protection during leaf senescence of this species, changes in carotenoids, including xanthophyll cycle pigments, and in the levels of ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol were measured prior to and during summer leaf senescence in 3-year-old plants grown under Mediterranean field conditions. Although a chlorophyll loss of approx. 20% was observed during the first stages of leaf senescence, no damage to the photosynthetic apparatus occurred as indicated by constant maximum efficiencies of photosystem II photochemistry. During this period the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle, and lutein, neoxanthin and ascorbate levels were kept constant. At the same time beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol levels increased by approx. 9 and 70%, respectively, presumably conferring photo- and antioxidative protection to the photosynthetic apparatus. By contrast, during the later stages of leaf senescence, characterized by severe chlorophyll loss, carotenoids were moderately degraded (neoxanthin by approx. 20%, and both lutein and beta-carotene by approx. 35%), ascorbate decreased by approx. 80% and alpha-tocopherol was not detected in senescing leaves. This study demonstrates that mechanisms of photo- and antioxidative protection may play a major role in maintaining chloroplast function during the first stages of leaf senescence, while antioxidant defences are lost during the latest stages of senescence.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured under full sunlight to reveal diffusional and non‐diffusional limitations to diurnal assimilation in leaves of Arisaema heterophyllum Blume plants grown either in a riparian forest understorey (shade leaves) or in an adjacent deforested open site (sun leaves). Midday depressions of assimilation rate (A) and leaf conductance of water vapour were remarkably deeper in shade leaves than in sun leaves. To evaluate the diffusional (i.e. stomatal and leaf internal) limitation to assimilation, we used an index [1–A/A350], in which A350 is A at a chloroplast CO2 concentration of 350 μ mol mol ? 1. A350 was estimated from the electron transport rate (JT), determined fluorometrically, and the specificity factor of Rubisco (S), determined by gas exchange techniques. In sun leaves under saturating light, the index obtained after the ‘peak’ of diurnal assimilation was 70% greater than that obtained before the ‘peak’, but in shade leaves, it was only 20% greater. The photochemical efficiency of photosystem II ( Δ F/Fm ′ ) and thus JT was considerably lower in shade leaves than in sun leaves, especially after the ‘peak’. In shade leaves but not in sun leaves, A at a photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD) > 500 μ mol m ? 2 s ? 1 depended positively on JT throughout the day. Electron flows used by the carboxylation and oxygenation (JO) of RuBP were estimated from A and JT. In sun leaves, the JO/JT ratio was significantly higher after the ‘peak’, but little difference was found in shade leaves. Photorespiratory CO2 efflux in the absence of atmospheric CO2 was about three times higher in sun leaves than in shade leaves. We attribute the midday depression of assimilation in sun leaves to the increased rate of photorespiration caused by stomatal closure, and that in shade leaves to severe photoinhibition. Thus, for sun leaves, increased capacities for photorespiration and non‐photochemical quenching are essential to avoid photoinhibitory damage and to tolerate high leaf temperatures and water stress under excess light. The increased Rubisco content in sun leaves, which has been recognized as raising photosynthetic assimilation capacity, also contributes to increase in the capacity for photorespiration.  相似文献   

Abstract An instrument for the generation and measurement of modulated chlorophyll fluorescence signals from leaves exposed to continuous, highintensity white light is described. Modulated fluorescence is generated in the leaf by pulsed diodes emitting low-intensity yellow radiation and is detected with a photodiode whose output is fed to an amplifier locked in to the frequency of the lightemitting diodes. Comparisons are made between the modulated fluorescence signals measured with this instrument and the continuous fluorescence signals emitted from dark-adapted leaf tissue and isolated thylakoids when photosynthetic activity is induced by exposure to a range of intensities of continuous broad-band, blue-green light. The modulated fluorescence signals were similar to the continuous fluorescence signals, but they were not always identical. The small differences between the two signals are mainly attributable to differences in the populations of chloroplasts being monitored in the two measurements as a result of differential penetration of the modulated and actinic light sources into the sample.  相似文献   

Seasonal differences in PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm), the conversion state of the xanthophyll cycle (Z + A)/ (V + A + Z), and leaf adenylate status were investigated in Euonymus kiautschovicus. On very cold days in winter, Fv/Fm assessed directly in the field remained low and Z + A high throughout day and night in both sun and shade leaves. Pre-dawn transfer of leaves from subfreezing temperatures in the field to room temperature revealed that recovery (increases in Fv/Fm and conversion of Z + A to violaxanthin) consisted of one, rapid phase in shade leaves, whereas in sun leaves a rapid phase was followed by a slow phase requiring days. The pre-dawn ATP/ADP ratio, as well as that determined at midday, was similar when comparing overwintering leaves with those sampled in the summer, although pre-dawn levels of ATP + ADP were elevated in all leaves during winter relative to summer. After a natural transition to warmer days during the winter, pre-dawn Fv/Fm and Z + A in shade leaves had returned to values typical for summer, whereas in sun leaves Fv/Fm and Z + A levels remained intermediate between the cold day in winter and the summer day. Thus two distinct forms of sustained (Z + A)-dependent energy dissipation were identified based upon their differing characteristics. The form that was sustained on cold days but relaxed rapidly upon warming occurred in all leaves and may result from maintenance of a low lumenal pH responsible for the nocturnal engagement of (Z + A)-dependent thermal dissipation exclusively on very cold days in the winter. The form that was sustained even upon warming and correlated with slow Z + A to violaxanthin conversion occurred only in sun leaves and may represent a sustained engagement of (Z + A)-dependent energy dissipation associated with an altered PSII protein composition. In the latter, warm-sustained form, uncoupler or cycloheximide infiltration had no effect on the slow phase of recovery, but lincomycin infiltration inhibited the slow increase in Fv/Fm and the conversion of Z + A to violaxanthin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Crown structure and above-ground biomass investment was studied in relation to light interception of trees and lianas growing in a 6-month-old regenerating forest. METHODS: The vertical distribution of total above-ground biomass, height, diameter, stem density, leaf angles and crown depth were measured for individual plants of three short-lived pioneers (SLPs), four long-lived pioneers (LLPs) and three lianas. Daily light interception per individual Phi(d) was calculated with a canopy model. The model was then used to estimate light interception per unit of leaf mass (Phi(leaf mass)), total above-ground mass (Phi(mass)) and crown structure efficiency (E(a), the ratio of absorbed vs. available light). KEY RESULTS: The SLPs Trema and Ochroma intercepted higher amounts of light per unit leaf mass (Phi(leaf mass)) because they had shallower crowns, resulting in higher crown use efficiency (E(a)) than the other species. These SLPs (but not Cecropia) were also taller and intercepted more light per unit leaf area (Phi(area)). LLPs and lianas had considerably higher amounts of leaf mass and area per unit above-ground mass (LMR and LAR, respectively) and thus attained Phi(mass) values similar to the SLPs (Phi(mass)=Phi(area)xLAR). Lianas, which were mostly self-supporting, had light interception efficiencies similar to those of the trees. CONCLUSIONS: These results show how, due to the trade-off between crown structure and biomass allocation, SLPs, and LLPs and lianas intercept similar amount of light per unit mass which may contribute to the ability of the latter two groups to persist.  相似文献   

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