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Social foragers can use either a ‘producer’ strategy, which involves searching for food, or a ‘scrounger’ strategy, which involves joining others'' food discoveries. While producers rely on personal information and past experience, we may ask whether the tendency to forage as a producer is related to being a better learner. To answer this question, we hand-raised house sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings that upon independence were given an individual-learning task that required them to associate colour signal and food presence. Following the testing phase, all fledglings were released into a shared aviary, and their social-foraging tendencies were measured. We found a significant positive correlation between individual''s performance in the individual-learning task and subsequent tendency to use searching (producing) behaviour. Individual-learning score was negatively correlated with initial fear of the test apparatus and with body weight. However, the correlation between individual learning and searching remained significant after controlling for these variables. Since it was measured before the birds entered a social group, individual-learning ability could not be the outcome of being a producer. However, the two traits may be initially associated, or individual learning could facilitate producing behaviour. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence that associates individual-learning abilities with social-foraging strategies in animal groups.  相似文献   

Begging is a complex display involving a variety of different visual and auditory signals. Parents are thought to use these signals to adjust their investment in food provisioning. The mechanisms that ensure the honesty of begging displays as indicators of need have been recently investigated. It has been shown that levels of corticosterone (Cort), the hormone released during the stress response, increase during food shortage and are associated with an increased begging rate. In a recent study in house sparrows, although exogenous Cort increased begging rate, parents did not accordingly adjust their provisioning rate. Here, we tested the hypothesis that Cort might affect the expression of other components of begging displays, such as flange color (a carotenoid-based trait). We experimentally increased levels of circulating Cort and investigated the effects of the treatment on (1) the flange coloration of the nestlings, (2) the behavioral response and (3) the parental allocation of food and (4) nestling condition and cell-mediated immune response. We found that Cort affected flange coloration in a condition-dependent way. Cort-injected nestlings had less yellow flanges than controls only when in poor body condition. Parental feeding rate was also affected by the Cort treatment in interaction with flange color. Feeding rate of Cort-injected nestlings was negatively and significantly correlated with flange color (nestlings with yellower flanges receiving more food), whereas feeding rate and flange color were not correlated in control chicks. We also found that nestlings injected with Cort showed a weaker immune response than controls. These results suggest that, indeed, Cort has the potential to affect multiple components of the begging display. As Cort levels naturally raise during fasting, parents have to take into account these multiple components to take a decision as to optimally share their investment among competing nestlings.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity is an important vertebrate defense against pathogens, but components of this response may vary in quality. Such variation could arise through the effects of ecology on optimal immunocompetence. We used injections of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) to measure the factors influencing T-cell proliferation in nestling house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Bivariate analyses revealed positive associations with nestling mass and size, but no effect of ectoparasites. The response to PHA was, however, strongly affected by brood identity. A mixed model with brood identity as a random factor and nestling mass, size, number of ectoparasites, parental feeding rate, clutch size, brood size at hatching, and date uncovered significant positive correlations between PHA response and both nestling mass and the brood size at hatching. Because many of these variables are related hierarchically, we used path analysis to explore the relationships in more detail. We found that a nestling immune response was affected by several indirect paths. Brood size at hatch had both positive and negative paths, and date in the season had several indirect negative effects through its effect on brood size and nestling mass. The approach used and the results obtained offer some new ideas for incorporating immune responses into life history theory.  相似文献   

Social behaviour of group-living animals is often influenced by the relatedness of individuals, thus understanding the genetic structure of groups is important for the interpretation of costs and benefits of social interactions. In this study, we investigated genetic relatedness in feeding aggregations of free-living house sparrows ( Passer domesticus ) during the nonbreeding season. This species is a frequent model system for studies of social behaviour (e.g. aggression, social foraging), but we lack adequate information on the kin structure of sparrow flocks. During two winters, we ringed and observed sparrows at feeding stations, and used resightings to identify stable flock-members and to calculate association indices between birds. We genotyped the birds using seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, and estimated pairwise relatedness coefficients and relatedness categories (close kin vs. unrelated) by maximum likelihood method. We found that most birds were unrelated to each other in the flocks (mean ± SE relatedness coefficient: 0.06 ± 0.002), although most individuals had at least a few close relatives in their home flock (14.3 ± 0.6% of flock-mates). Pairwise association between individuals was not significantly related to their genetic relatedness. Furthermore, there was no difference between within-flock vs. between-flock relatedness, and birds had similar proportions of close kin within and outside their home flock. Finally, relatedness among members of different flocks was unrelated to the distance between their flocks. Thus, sparrow flocks were not characterized by association of relatives, nevertheless the presence of some close kin may provide opportunity for kin-biased behaviours to evolve.  相似文献   

The central life-history trade-off between current and future reproductive effort seems to be mediated by corticosterone in birds. However, still little is known about how naturally occurring corticosterone levels during an acute stress may influence subsequent parental behavior. In this study we observed the parental behavior of free-living male house sparrows (Passer domesticus) both before and after they were subjected to a standard capture–handling stress. We investigated the relationships between corticosterone levels, pre- and post-stress parental behavior, while we statistically controlled for a number of other variables using a multivariate regression method, the path analysis. We found that males' baseline feeding rate predicted the body mass of the nestlings, indicating that male parental care is directly linked to fitness. Corticosterone levels were not explained by baseline feeding rate, but both baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels had a negative influence on the males' post-stress feeding behavior. Moreover, males with large bib size had a stronger stress response and lower post-stress feeding rate than small bibbed males. These results indicate that naturally occurring variation in baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels may influence subsequent parental decisions: individuals mounting a robust stress response are likely to reduce their parental commitment. Parental effort may be regulated in a complex manner, with corticosterone mediating the life-history trade-off between current reproduction and survival. However, different resolutions of this trade-off were apparent only following the stress, therefore the ability to modulate the stress response and maintain parental care in stressful situations may be important in life-history evolution.  相似文献   

Genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex ( Mhc ) play a fundamental role during the immune response because MHC molecules expressed on cell surface allow the recognition and presentation of antigenic peptides to T-lymphocytes. Although Mhc alleles have been found to correlate with pathogen resistance in several host-parasite systems, several studies have also reported associations between Mhc alleles and an accrued infection risk or an accelerated disease progression. The existence of these susceptibility alleles is puzzling, as the cost generated by the infection should rapidly eliminate them from the population. Here, we show that susceptibility alleles may be maintained in a population of house sparrows ( Passer domesticus ) if they have antagonistic effects on different malaria parasites. We found that one Mhc class I allele was associated with a 2.5-fold increase in the risk to be infected with a Plasmodium strain, but with a 6.4-fold reduction in the risk to harbour a Haemoproteus strain. We suggest that this antagonistic effect might arise because Mhc genes can alter the competitive interactions between malaria parasites within the host.  相似文献   

House sparrow (Passer domesticus) populations have suffered major declines in urban as well as rural areas, while remaining relatively stable in suburban ones. Yet, to date no exhaustive attempt has been made to examine how, and to what extent, spatial variation in population demography is reflected in genetic population structuring along contemporary urbanization gradients. Here we use putatively neutral microsatellite loci to study if and how genetic variation can be partitioned in a hierarchical way among different urbanization classes. Principal coordinate analyses did not support the hypothesis that urban/suburban and rural populations comprise two distinct genetic clusters. Comparison of F(ST) values at different hierarchical scales revealed drift as an important force of population differentiation. Redundancy analyses revealed that genetic structure was strongly affected by both spatial variation and level of urbanization. The results shown here can be used as baseline information for future genetic monitoring programmes and provide additional insights into contemporary house sparrow dynamics along urbanization gradients.  相似文献   

Potential mechanistic mediators of Darwinian fitness, such as stress hormones or sex hormones, have been the focus of many studies. An inverse relationship between fitness and stress or sex hormone concentrations has been widely assumed, although empirical evidence is scarce. Feathers gradually accumulate hormones during their growth and provide a novel way to measure hormone concentrations integrated over time. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we measured testosterone, corticosterone and cortisol in the feathers of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in a wild population which is the subject of a long-term study. Although corticosterone is considered the dominant avian glucocorticoid, we unambiguously identified cortisol in feathers. In addition, we found that feathers grown during the post-nuptial moult in autumn contained testosterone, corticosterone and cortisol levels that were significantly higher in birds that subsequently died over the following winter than in birds that survived. Thus, feather steroids are candidate prospective biomarkers to predict the future survival of individuals in the wild.  相似文献   

Temperate zone birds are highly seasonal in many aspects of their physiology. In mammals, but not in birds, the pineal gland is an important component regulating seasonal patterns of primary gonadal functions. Pineal melatonin in birds instead affects seasonal changes in brain song control structures, suggesting the pineal gland regulates seasonal song behavior. The present study tests the hypothesis that the pineal gland transduces photoperiodic information to the control of seasonal song behavior to synchronize this important behavior to the appropriate phenology. House sparrows, Passer domesticus, expressed a rich array of vocalizations ranging from calls to multisyllabic songs and motifs of songs that varied under a regimen of different photoperiodic conditions that were simulated at different times of year. Control (SHAM) birds exhibited increases in song behavior when they were experimentally transferred from short days, simulating winter, to equinoctial and long days, simulating summer, and decreased vocalization when they were transferred back to short days. When maintained in long days for longer periods, the birds became reproductively photorefractory as measured by the yellowing of the birds' bills; however, song behavior persisted in the SHAM birds, suggesting a dissociation of reproduction from the song functions. Pinealectomized (PINX) birds expressed larger, more rapid increases in daily vocal rate and song repertoire size than did the SHAM birds during the long summer days. These increases gradually declined upon the extension of the long days and did not respond to the transfer to short days as was observed in the SHAM birds, suggesting that the pineal gland conveys photoperiodic information to the vocal control system, which in turn regulates song behavior.  相似文献   

Understanding factors that shape patterns of kinship in sedentary species is important for evolutionary ecologists as well as conservation biologists. Yet, how patterns of relatedness are hierarchically structured in space remains poorly known, even in common species. Here, we use information from 16 polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers to study how small-scale kinship structure varies among house sparrows (Passer domesticus) along an urban-rural gradient. Average levels of relatedness were higher among urban individuals than among individuals from rural areas, suggesting lower rates of dispersal in more built-up habitats. Comparison of observed levels of relatedness with simulated distributions of known kinship values showed that central urban individuals had the highest proportion of closely related conspecifics in their immediate neighbourhood. Spatial auto-correlograms supported this small-scale genetic structure and further indicated stronger effects of genetic drift and/or limited dispersal in urban populations. Results of this study underscore the importance of individual-level analyses as a complementary approach to traditional population-level analyses when studying genetic population structure over small spatial scales.  相似文献   

The timing of breeding may not only affect breeding patterns such as the overlap of chick rearing period with the peak in food availability but also the opportunity for extra-pair mating. A negative relationship has been predicted between extra-pair paternity and breeding synchrony, assuming that male extra-pair activity is traded against mate guarding and parenting duties. In contrast, if female ability to assess male quality is temporally constrained, sperm competition might be a positive function of breeding synchrony. Here we manipulated the progress of nesting by nest material exchange within nesting aggregations to see whether the timing of breeding affects extra-pair paternity in house sparrows. We found that late broods within nesting clusters contained extra-pair young more often than early broods, but breeding synchrony did not turn out to be a significant predictor of extra-pair paternity. Our study indicates that temporal constraints of male extra-pair activity may account for extra-pair paternity levels, but it is also possible that late-breeding females may accept extra-pair copulations to ensure egg fertilization.  相似文献   

A polymorphism at the adenosine deaminase locus of the house sparrow, Passer domesticus, has been investigated by starch gel electrophoresis. Five alleles have been identified, and most populations seem to be close to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The allele frequencies differ strikingly across Europe, and in Britian there are significant differences between urban and rural populations. Samples from introduced populations in Australia and New Zealand lack some of the rarer alleles, as predicted from the Founder Effect.  相似文献   

杨志宏  吴庆明  董海燕  邹红菲 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6028-6034
风是自然环境中常见的因子之一,会对动物的行为以及能量收支产生不同程度的影响。为探讨不同风速和持续时间对树麻雀能量收支的影响,以3种风速(0.2-0.4、1.2-1.4、3.2-3.6 m/s)和3种持续时间(1、2、4 h)的9组树麻雀进行为期1周的不同风环境驯化,测定其体重、体温和摄食量、摄水量、排泄粪量、排泄次数、摄入能、排泄粪能、排出水热能散失、消化能、同化能并计算消化率和同化率。去除初体重影响和双因素分析的结果发现,摄水量(排出水量)和排出水热能散失随着风速增大而显著减少(P < 0.001);持续时间与树麻雀的摄入能、粪能和散热调节的次数显著相关(P < 0.01),其能量收支最高和散热调节次数最多为2 h,最低(少)为4 h;双因素交互作用对树麻雀能量收支的影响不显著。3级风速(4 m/s)和持续时间4 h以内的风环境不会对树麻雀的能量收支产生显著影响。  相似文献   

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