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The specific antiviral antibody response of sapphire and pastel mink to Pullman strain of ADV has been examined. Sapphire mink inoculated with from 300,000-3 LD50 developed high levels of specific antibody and AD. Pastel mink inoculated with parallel doses of ADV also produced antibody but did not develop AD. The low incidence of AD in pastel mink inoculated with Pullman strain of ADV is probably related to factors other than antiviral antibody.  相似文献   

Information was sought on the varied responses of royal pastel mink (a non-Aleutian genotype) to Aleutian disease virus of low virulence. Thus, of 20 yearling female pastel mink inoculated subcutaneously with a large amount of the Pullman strain of Aleutian disease virus, only 3 succumbed to the disease. Of the other 17 mink, 3 had neither viremia nor a rise in level of serum gamma globulin during the 24 weeks after inoculation. The other 14 mink were viremic for variable periods during the first 12 weeks. In only five mink was the viremia accompanied by elevated levels of serum gamma globulin, usually from week 8 on. Of the 16 subclinically infected mink that did not succumb to intercurrent disease and otherwise remained healthy, 9 were examined at 19 to 31 months for persisting virus. In only one mink, small amounts were detected in the mesenteric lymph node and spleen nearly 28 months after inoculation. The other seven mink that survived the infection were not protected when challenged 31 months later with a small amount of the highly virulent Utah-1 strain. Even though still poorly understood, these varied responses of the royal pastel mink to infection with Aleutian disease virus of low virulence have important pathogenetic and epidemiological implications.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte blastogenesis was used to study the antiviral lymphocyte response of sapphire (Aleutian) and pastel (nonAleutian) mink inoculated with Pullman or Utah 1 Aleutian disease virus (ADV). Both mink genotypes developed a virus-specific response when inoculated with Utah 1 ADV. In contrast, after inoculation of Pullman ADV, sapphire mink had a positive virus-specific response, whereas pastel mink did not. Response occurred late after infection (8 wk) and correlated with the development of progressive Aleutian disease (AD). The response to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) and concanavalin A (Con A) was also determined. Most mink of either genotype, inoculated with either virus strain, maintained an anti-KLH response during disease. Most mink also responded to Con A, although some exhibited suppressed Con A response late in the disease course. These results indicated that mink develop an anti-ADV lymphocyte response during progressive AD and are not immunosuppressed with regard to other antigens or mitogens.  相似文献   

Demonstration of Aleutian mink disease virus in cell culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Inoculation of mink late in the second trimester of pregnancy with Aleutian disease virus (ADV) produces a persistent infection in the offspring. When these mink were analyzed at 83 days of age and compared with adolescent mink infected for a similar length of time, the transplacentally infected mink show: 1) a marked reduction in plasmacytosis, immunoglobulin level and specific ADV antibody; 2) increased amounts of infectious ADV and numbers of cells containing viral antigen; 3) a marked reduction in immune complex glomerulonephritis and absence of immune complex arteritis; 4) free ADV antigen in the glomeruli; and 5) a striking accumulation of eosinophils in the tissues. The findings suggest that the degree of ADV expression is partially immunologically controlled.  相似文献   

Aleutian disease virus (ADV) infection was analyzed in vivo and in vitro to compare virus replication in cell culture and in mink. Initial experiments compared cultures of Crandell feline kidney (CRFK) cells infected with the avirulent ADV-G strain or the highly virulent Utah I ADV. The number of ADV-infected cells was estimated by calculating the percentage of cells displaying ADV antigen by immunofluorescence (IFA), and several parameters of infection were determined. Infected cells contained large quantities of viral DNA (more than 10(5) genomes per infected cell) as estimated by dot-blot DNA-DNA hybridization, and much of the viral DNA, when analyzed by Southern blot hybridization, was found to be of a 4.8-kilobase-pair duplex monomeric replicative form (DM DNA). Furthermore, the cultures contained 7 to 67 fluorescence-forming units (FFU) per infected cell, and the ADV genome per FFU ratio ranged between 2 X 10(3) and 164 X 10(3). Finally, the pattern of viral antigen detected by IFA was characteristically nuclear, although cytoplasmic fluorescence was often found in the same cells. Because no difference was noted between the two virus strains when cultures containing similar numbers of infected cells were compared, it seemed that both viruses behaved similarly in infected cell culture. These data were used as a basis for the analysis of infection of mink by virulent Utah I ADV. Ten days after infection, the highest levels of viral DNA were detected in spleen (373 genomes per cell), mesenteric lymph node (MLN; 750 genomes per cell), and liver (373 genomes per cell). In marked contrast to infected CRFK cells, the predominant species of ADV DNA in all tissues was single-stranded virion DNA; however, 4.8-kilobase-pair DM DNA was found in MLN and spleen. This observation suggested that MLN and spleen were sites of virus replication, but that the DNA found in liver reflected sequestration of virus produced elsewhere. A final set of experiments examined MLN taken from nine mink 10 days after Utah I ADV infection. All of the nodes contained ADV DNA (46 to 750 genomes per cell), and although single-stranded virion DNA was always the most abundant species, DM DNA was observed. All of the lymph nodes contained virus infectious for CRFK cells, but when the genome per FFU ratio was calculated, virus from the lymph nodes required almost 1,000 times more genomes to produce an FFU than did virus prepared from infected cell cultures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) causes severe disease in farmed mink (Neovison vison) worldwide. In Denmark, AMDV in farmed mink has been confined to the northern part of the mainland since 2002. From 1998 to 2009, samples from 396 free-ranging mink were collected from mainland Denmark, and a low AMDV antibody prevalence (3% of 296) was found using countercurrent immune electrophoresis. However, on the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea, a high prevalence (45% of 142 mink) was detected in the free-ranging mink. Aleutian mink disease virus was detected by polymerase chain reaction in 32 of 49 antibody-positive free-ranging mink on Bornholm, but not in mink collected from other parts of Denmark. Sequence analysis of 370 base pairs of the nonstructural gene of the AMDV of 17 samples revealed two clusters with closest similarity to Swedish AMDV strains.  相似文献   



Aleutian disease in mink is caused by infection with Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV). In Sweden, the infection most commonly causes classical Aleutian disease in which the immune system fails to neutralize the virus and the infection becomes persistent. Diagnosis of AMDV infection is based on serological methods that detect virus-specific antibodies. Traditionally counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIEP) has been the preferred method, but in order to enable automation interest has been paid to other antibody detecting systems. Recently, at least two different ELISA systems that detect antibodies to AMDV have been manufactured; one is based on an in vitro grown AMDV as antigen, and the other system is based on the AMDV capsid protein VP2 as antigen. The aim of this study was to evaluate the two ELISA systems for detection of antibodies to AMDV using CIEP as the gold standard.


When employing the mean optical density of the samples from CIEP negative mink plus three standard deviations as cut-off value, the ELISA with the VP2 antigen had a sensitivity of 99.7% and a specificity of 98.3% compared to CIEP (n?=?364). Analysis of samples with the AMDV-G antigen based ELISA employing an assay cut-off value based on the negative control samples, as suggested by the manufacturer, resulted in a sensitivity of 54.3% and a specificity of 93.2% with reference to CIEP as the gold standard (n?=?359). When employing the mean optical density of the samples from CIEP negative mink plus three standard deviations as cut-off value, the AMDV-G ELISA had a sensitivity of 37.6% and a specificity of 98.3%.


The ELISA system based on VP2 antigen had high sensitivity and specificity, and was concluded to be an alternative to the CIEP as a diagnostic tool for AMDV antibodies. In contrast, the AMDV-G ELISA suffered from low sensitivity when compared to CIEP.

Different isolates of Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV) were cloned and nucleotide sequenced. Analysis of individual clones from two in vivo-derived isolates of high virulence indicated that more than one type of ADV DNA were present in each of these isolates. Analysis of several clones from two preparations of a cell culture-adapted isolate of low virulence showed the presence of only one type of ADV DNA. We also describe the nucleotide sequence from map units 44 to 88 of a new type of ADV DNA. The new type of ADV DNA is compared with the previously published ADV sequences, to which it shows 95% homology. These findings indicate that ADV, a single-stranded DNA virus, has a considerable degree of variability and that several virus types can be present simultaneously in an infected animal.  相似文献   

Virus-induced apoptosis of infected cells can limit both the time and the cellular machinery available for virus replication. Hence, many viruses have evolved strategies to specifically inhibit apoptosis. However, Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV) is the first example of a DNA virus that not only induces apoptosis but also utilizes caspase activity to facilitate virus replication. To determine the function of caspase activity during ADV replication, virus-infected cell lysates or purified ADV proteins were incubated with various purified caspases. Caspases cleaved the major nonstructural protein of ADV (NS1) at two caspase recognition sequences, whereas ADV structural proteins could not be cleaved. Importantly, the NS1 products could be identified in ADV-infected cells but were not present in infected cells pretreated with caspase inhibitors. By mutating putative caspase cleavage sites (D to E), we mapped the two cleavage sites to amino acid residues NS1:227 (INTD downward arrow S) and NS1:285 (DQTD downward arrow S). Replication of ADV containing either of these mutations was reduced 10(3)- to 10(4)-fold compared to that of wild-type virus, and a construct containing both mutations was replication defective. Immunofluorescent studies revealed that cleavage was required for nuclear localization of NS1. The requirement for caspase activity during permissive replication suggests that limitation of caspase activation and apoptosis in vivo may be a novel approach to restricting virus replication.  相似文献   

Studies were done to determine whether differences in interferon production are responsible for the resistance of pastel mink to Aleutian disease. The abilities of normal pastel and sapphire mink to produce interferon when inoculated with either Newcastle disease virus or a synthetic polyribonucleotide, poly (I):poly (C), were identical, even to the production of a novel, acid-labile interferon. The resistance of pastel mink to Aleutian disease did not correlate with interferon production, because neither sapphire nor pastel mink produced detectable amounts of interferon when infected with either the Pullman strain of Aleutian disease virus (ADV) or the highly virulent Utah I strain. Sapphire mink infected with the Pullman strain responded normally to poly (I):poly (C) early in the course of the disease, but interferon production was impaired late, when the mink were hypergammaglobulinemic and had renal, vascular, and hepatic lesions. These data suggest that ADV Pullman neither stimulates nor interferes with interferon production in infected mink and may represent a mechanism whereby ADV can more readily establish infection.  相似文献   

Data on comparative study of the Lpm system of allotypes in minks of sovkhoz populations affected and nonaffected by Aleutian disease are presented. Significant interpopulational differences for frequencies of several Lpm genes of the second category (of corresponding haplo-, allo- and phenotypes) are revealed. This category includes genes species-specific for Mustela vison which make the main contribution to Lpm polymorphism. Seven minks with Lpm 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11 and Lpm 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 phenotypes, unknown earlier, have been found in the stationary hotbeds of Aleutian disease. They are most probably caused by the appearance and spreading of the recombinant haplotype Lpm in these populations. The data obtained are discussed from the point of view of their possible connection with epizootic of Aleutian disease.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-, interleukin 4 (IL-4)-, and IL-8-producing cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from mink infected with the Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV). As expected, ADV-infected mink developed high plasma gamma globulin values (hypergammaglobulinemia) and enhanced quantities of CD8-positive (CD8(+)) cells in the blood during the infection. We quantified the percentages of IFN-gamma- and IL-4-positive lymphocytes and IL-8-positive monocytes up to week 38 after virus challenge. The results clearly indicated marked increases in the percentages of IFN-gamma- and IL-4-producing lymphocytes during ADV infection. The total number of IL-8-producing monocytes in the blood of ADV-infected mink stayed fairly constant during the infection. In order to characterize the phenotype of the cytokine-producing cells, we performed double-labeling fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) experiments with CD8 surface labeling in one channel and cytokine intracellular staining in the other. We found that most IFN-gamma and IL-4 in ADV-infected mink was produced by CD8(+) cells, while in the uninfected mink, these cytokines were primarily produced by a cell type that was not CD8 (possibly CD4-positive cells). We also observed that IL-8 was almost exclusively produced by monocytes. All of the above findings led us to conclude that both Th1- and Th2-driven immune functions are found in mink plasmacytosis.  相似文献   

W J Hadlow  R E Race    R C Kennedy 《Journal of virology》1987,61(10):3235-3240
Information was sought on the temporal distribution of transmissible mink encephalopathy virus in royal pastel mink inoculated subcutaneously with 10(3.0) 50% intracerebral lethal doses of the Idaho strain. As determined by intracerebral assay in mink, extremely little replication of the virus occurred during the preclinical stage of infection. It seemed largely limited to lymph nodes draining the site of inoculation. Virus first appeared in the central nervous system (CNS) at 20 weeks, when all mink were still clinically normal. Early spongiform degeneration, limited to the posterior sigmoid gyrus of the frontal cortex, was first found at 28 weeks, or a few weeks before onset of clinical disease in most of the mink. Once virus reached the CNS, where greater concentrations occurred than elsewhere, it appeared in many extraneural sites (spleen, liver, kidney, intestine, mesenteric lymph node, and submandibular salivary gland). These seemingly anomalous findings, especially the limited extraneural replication of virus as a prelude to infection of the CNS, suggest that mink are not natural hosts of the virus. The results of this study support the generally held view that transmissible mink encephalopathy arises from chance or inadvertent infection of ranch mink with an exogenous virus, most likely feed-borne wild scrapie virus.  相似文献   

We studied Aleutian disease virus polypeptides in Crandall feline kidney (CRFK) cells. When CRFK cells labeled with [35S]methionine at 60 h postinfection were studied by immunoprecipitation with sera from infected mink, the major Aleutian disease virus virion polypeptides (p85 and p75) were consistently identified, as was a 71,000-dalton nonvirion protein (p71). The peptide maps of p85 and p75 were similar, but the map of p71 was different. p85, p75, and p71 were all precipitated by sera from Aleutian disease virus-infected mink, including those with signs of progressive disease, but heterologous sera raised against purified Aleutian disease virus did not precipitate the nonvirion p71. These results indicated that the nonvirion p71 was unrelated to p85 and p75 and further suggested that mink infected with Aleutian disease virus develop antibody to nonvirion, as well as structural, viral proteins.  相似文献   

The transplacental transmission of Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV) was studied in experimental infection of 1-year-old female non-Aleutian mink. The ADV-seronegative female mink were inoculated with ADV prior to mating or after the expected implantation of the embryos during pregnancy. A group of uninfected females served as a control group. Animals from each group were killed prior to or shortly after parturition. The in situ hybridization technique with radiolabeled strand-specific RNA probes was used to determine target cells of virus infection and virus replication. In both infected groups, ADV crossed the endotheliochorial placental barrier, although animals infected before mating already had high antibody titers against ADV at the time of implantation. The percentage of dead and resorbed fetuses was much higher in dams infected before mating. In the placentae of these mink, virus DNA and viral mRNA were detected in cells in the mesenchymal stroma of the placental labyrinth and hematoma but only occasionally in the cytotrophoblast of the placental hematoma. Placentae of animals infected during pregnancy showed in addition very high levels of virus and also viral replication in a large number of cytotrophoblast cells in the placental hematoma, which exhibited distinct inclusion bodies. In both groups, neither virus nor virus replication could be detected in maternal endothelial cells or fetal syncytiotrophoblast of the placental labyrinth. Fetuses were positive for virus and viral replication at high levels in a wide range of tissues. Possible routes of transplacental transmission of ADV and the role of trophoblast cells as targets for viral replication are discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed transcription map of Aleutian mink disease parvovirus   总被引:20,自引:18,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

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