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The structural and functional development of the striated ducts and convoluted granular tubules (CGT) of the rat submandibular gland (SMG) were studied by electron microscopy and alkaline protease chemistry. Development of the SMG was followed from 14 days of gestation through 30 weeks of age. The specialized morphology of the basal aspect of the striated duct cells arises from cellular extensions which are first seen at 20 days of gestation. These processes elongate and intertwine with similar processes from adjacent cells, and as the cells enlarge the processes are compressed together giving the appearance of "infolding" of the basal plasma membrane. Mitochondria migrate to the basal part of the cell and are seen in close relationship to the cellular extensions throughout the development of these cells. Development of the striated duct is complete by one week after birth. The CGT develop from the proximal portions of intralobular striated ducts. At one week after birth, cells of the proximal striated duct demonstrate apical vacuoles. By two weeks after birth these vacuoles are replaced by distinct zymogen-like granules. There is a progressive accumulation of large numbers of secretory granules in the CGT cells as the animals age. However, rough endoplasmic reticulum is a relatively inconspicuous cellular component throughout development. The accumulation of alkaline protease activity in the gland closely parallels the pattern of granule accumulation.  相似文献   

The proximal convoluted tubule is the primary site of renal fluid, electrolyte, and nutrient reabsorption, processes that consume large amounts of adenosine‐5′‐triphosphate. Previous proteomic studies have profiled the adaptions that occur in this segment of the nephron in response to the onset of metabolic acidosis. To extend this analysis, a proteomic workflow was developed to characterize the proteome of the mitochondrial inner membrane of the rat renal proximal convoluted tubule. Separation by LC coupled with analysis by MS/MS (LC‐MS/MS) confidently identified 206 proteins in the combined samples. Further proteomic analysis identified 14 peptides that contain an N‐?‐acetyl‐lysine, seven of which are novel sites. This study provides the first proteomic profile of the mitochondrial inner membrane proteome of this segment of the rat renal nephron. The MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD000121.  相似文献   

We analyze by immunocytochemistry the in vivo distribution in rat Sertoli cells of Cyclic Protein-2 (CP-2), which is maximally synthesized and secreted in vitro at stages VI and VII of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. This analysis demonstrates that CP-2 staining is strongest in Sertoli cells in stage VI and VII tubules. Additionally, we demonstrate that the staining for CP-2 within a stage VII tubule differs from the staining of another Sertoli cell secretory product, androgen-binding protein. CP-2 is not detected by immunocytochemistry in any other tissues of the reproductive tract, though immunoblot analysis demonstrates the presence of CP-2 in rete testis and epididymal fluids. CP-2 was immunocytochemically detected in only three other organs: the kidney, the brain (with greatest concentration in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei), and the posterior pituitary. The presence of CP-2 in the kidney was confirmed by metabolic radiolabeling, immunoprecipitation, and peptide analysis. The presence of CP-2 in the brain was confirmed by immunoblot analysis of radioinert protein immunoprecipitated from the anterior hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Kidney androgen-regulated protein (KAP) mRNA represents the most abundant [approximately 4% of the total poly(A) RNA] mRNA species that is induced by androgens in the mouse kidney. Comparison of the expression of several androgen-regulated mRNAs in this tissue, revealed that the mRNAs were differentially regulated by the hormone. KAP mRNA exhibited unusual sensitivity to low concentrations of the androgen-receptor complex. Because of its unusual characteristics, it was of interest to determine in what cells of the kidney KAP mRNA was being produced. Using the technique of in situ hybridization with single stranded RNA probes, we have identified the epithelial cells of the renal proximal convoluted tubules as the site of synthesis of KAP mRNA. Interestingly, only a subpopulation of these cells, those located in the juxtamedullary region of the renal cortex, contain KAP mRNA in castrated males. After androgen treatment, cortical proximal tubules are also induced to express KAP mRNA. These results suggest that two types of response to androgens occur in these cells. One is the progressive increase of KAP gene expression in the juxtamedullary region while the other involves recruitment of new cells in the cortical proximal tubules to synthesize KAP mRNA.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural localization of glucose 6-phosphatase activity was investigated in the proximal convoluted tubule cells of the rat kidney. The reaction product for the enzyme activity was present in the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope, as reported for the hepatic enzyme and others, but was absent from the brush border, plasma membrane and other organelles. The metabolic significance of the association of this enzyme with the endoplasmic reticulum and the role of the enzyme in the active reabsorption and transport of glucose in the renal tubules are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Following perfusion fixation of the rat kidney with glutaraldehyde the proximal tubule cells display small apical vacuoles, large apical vacuoles, and apical vacuoles in which a part of the limiting membrane is invaginated into the vacuole. These invaginated apical vacuoles occur more frequently in proximal convoluted tubules than in proximal straight tubules. One tubular cell may contain apical vacuoles of different sizes and stages of invagination, ranging from larger vacuoles with a wide lumen and a small area of invaginated membrane to smaller elements with no apparent lumen and a large area of invaginated membrane. Invaginated apical vacuoles lie either singly in the cytoplasm or close to the membranes of other apical vacuoles, but never in contact with the cell membrane or the membranes of lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria and peroxisomes.These findings suggest that the invaginated apical vacuoles are not fixation artifacts, but rather develop in living state in cells of the proximal tubule from spherical endocytotic elements.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 105)  相似文献   

The reactions of Lewis rat lymphocyte membrane antigens with two alloantisera, BN anti-Lewis and BN anti-Fischer have been studied. Three lines of evidence indicated that these antisera reacted with cell surface antigens homologous to Ia antigens of the mouse. 1) After absorption with Lewis platelets, the antisera killed only 40 to 50% of Lewis spleen cells. The majority of such cells were shown to be Ig-positive B cells by the examination of reaction patterns on lymphocytes after separation on nylon wool into T cell- and B cell-enriched subpopulations. 2) SDS-PAGE analysis of solubilized Lewis spleen cell antigens precipitated with these antisera revealed that the platelet-absorbed antisera reacted with molecules comparable in size to mouse Ia antigens (mw approximately equals 35,000 and 28,000). The unabsorbed sera reacted with these molecules and with additional molecules corresponding in size to mouse K and D antigens (m.w. = 45,000). 3) Neither of these antisera killed significant numbers of spleen cells from the partially congenic strain F.BN (seventh backcross homozygotes), a Fischer rat to which the Ag-B.3 allele is being transferred by repetitive backcrossing, indicating that the genes coding for these Ia-like antigens in the rat are linked to the Ag-B locus.  相似文献   

1. Phenylalanine hydroxylation has been demonstrated to occur in isolated rat kidney tubules under physiological conditions. 2. The hydroxylation flux response is hyperbolic with apparent Km and Vmax values of ca 85 microM phenylalanine and 49 nmol tyrosine formed/mg dry wt per hr respectively. 3. Hydroxylation in kidney tubules is substantially less sensitive to effectors of cyclic AMP turnover and Ca2+ mobilization than phenylalanine hydroxylation in isolated liver cells.  相似文献   

Perchloric acid extracts of rabbit renal proximal convoluted tubular cells (PCT) incubated with [2-13C]glycerol and [1,3-13C]glycerol were investigated by 13C-NMR spectroscopy. These 13C-NMR spectra enabled us to determine cell metabolic pathways of glycerol in PCT cells. The main percentage of 13C-label, arising from 13C-enriched glycerol, was found in glucose, lactate, glutamine and glutamate. So far it can be concluded that glycerol is a suitable substrate for PCT cells and is involved in gluconeogenesis and glycolysis as well in the Krebs cycle intermediates. Label exchange and label enrichment in 13C-labelled glucose, arising from [2-13C]glycerol and [1,3-13C]glycerol, is explained by label scrambling through the pentose shunt and a label exchange in the triose phosphate pool. From relative enrichments it is estimated that the ratio of the pyruvate kinase flux to the gluconeogenetic flux is 0.97:1 and that the ratio of pyruvate carboxylase activity relative to pyruvate dehydrogenase activity is 2.0:1. Our results show that 13C-NMR spectroscopy, using 13C-labelled substrates, is a powerful tool for the examination of renal metabolism.  相似文献   

Congenic anti-Ia antisera were used to bind radiolabelled Ia antigens from cells of various strains of mice of knownH-2 haplotype. The results indicate that Ia antigens are proteins of molecular weight 30,000 to 35,000 daltons. The Ia antigens are distinct from known H-2 antigens as judged by independent immunoprecipitation as well as by molecular weight. Ia antigens are synthesized by, and are present on the surface of lymphoid cells as evidenced by incorporation studies using3H-leucine and enzymatic radioiodination of cells, respectively. Tissue distribution of cell surface Ia suggests that Ia antigens are on B cells. Ia antigens were detected in the incubation media of3H-leucine labeled splenocytes suggesting that antigens may be secreted.  相似文献   

Triacylglycerol metabolism has been studied in kidney cortex tubules from starved rats, prepared by collagenase treatment. Triacylglycerol was determined by a newly developed fully enzymic method. Incubation of tubules in the absence of fatty acids led to a decrease of endogenous triacylglycerol by about 50% in 1h. Addition of albuminbound oleate or palmitate resulted in a steady increase of tissue triacylglycerol over 2h. The rate of triacylglycerol synthesis was linearly dependent on oleate concentration up to 0.8mm, reaching a saturation at higher concentrations. Triacylglycerol formation from palmitate was less than that from oleate. This difference was qualitatively the same when net synthesis was compared with incorporation of labelled fatty acids. Quantitatively, however, the difference was less with the incorporation technique. Gluconeogenic substrates, which by themselves had no effect on triacylglycerol concentrations, stimulated neutral lipid formation from fatty acids. Glucose and lysine did not have such a stimulatory effect. Inhibition of gluconeogenesis from lactate by mercaptopicolinic acid likewise inhibited triacylglycerol formation. This inhibitory effect was seen with oleate as well as with oleate plus lactate. When [2-14C]lactate was used the incorporation of label into triacylglycerol was found in the glycerol moiety exclusively. Addition of dl-β-hydroxybutyrate (5mm) to the incubation medium in the presence of oleate or oleate plus lactate led to a significant increase in triacylglycerol formation. In contrast with the gluconeogenic substrates, dl-β-hydroxybutyrate had no stimulatory effect on fatty acid uptake. The results suggest that renal triacylglycerol formation is a quantitatively important metabolic process. The finding that gluconeogenic substrates, but not glucose, increase lipid formation, indicates that the glycerol moiety is formed by glyceroneogenesis in the proximal tubules. The effect of ketone bodies seems to be caused by the sparing action of these substrates on fatty acid oxidation. The decrease of triacylglycerol in the absence of exogenous substrates confirms previous conclusions that endogenous lipids provide fatty acids for renal energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Renal carnitine metabolism was studied in isolated kidney cortex tubules from fed rats. The tubular distribution of free carnitine (C), acid-soluble short chain acylcarnitine (AcC), and total acid-soluble carnitine was measured. The content of the last-mentioned in rat cortical tubule suspensions was 2.85 +/- 0.15 nmol/mg protein, 46% representing AcC. In the absence of metabolic substrates the AcC/C ratio declined from 0.84 to 0.48 during incubation. The administration of 2mM acetoacetate or 2mM 3-hydroxybutyrate caused an increase in AcC by 45% and 51%, respectively. The rise in AcC was paralleled by a decrease in C, resulting in an increase of the tubular AcC/C ratio to 1.69 and 1.85, respectively. In the presence of 1 mM exogenous L-carnitine 35 +/- 6 nmol AcC/(mg protein X h) was formed. The addition of acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate led to a 3.5 to 3.8-fold rise in AcC formation. Other substrates which are likewise metabolized by proximal tubules were less effective. More than 90% of the formed AcC was recovered in the extracellular fluid. The results suggest that proximal renal tubule cells are the intrarenal site of carnitine acylation and may be involved in the regulation of blood and/or urinary carnitine acylation state.  相似文献   

A kallikrein inhibitor was found in tubules of the rat kidney and purified by chromatography on Sephadex G-100. The molecular weight of the inhibitor, estimated by gel filtration and dodecylsulfate electrophoresis, is about 4700. It inhibits the following kallikreins: porcine submanidbular and pancreatic kallikrein, rat kidney and urine kallikrein, and human urine and plasma kallikrein. An inhibition of bovine trypsin was not observed.  相似文献   

Surface immunoglobulin (sIg)-positive and sIg-negative subpopulations of macrophage-depleted murine splenic lymphocytes were obtained by Sephadex anti-Fab immunoabsorbent fractionation. These lymphocyte subpopulations were analyzed for the presence of Thy 1 and Ia alloantigens and also for Fc receptors by fluorescence microscopy. Concurrently, these lymphocyte subpopulations were studied for effector cell activity in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Effector cells mediating ADCC were contained in the sIg-negative lymphocyte subpopulation and sIg-positive lymphocytes did not mediate cytotoxicity. The majority of sIg-positive lymphocytes were found to bear Ia antigens and Fc receptors, and these cell surface structures were associated in that treatment of these cells with anti-Ia sera inhibited binding of complexed immunoglobulin to Fc receptors. In contrast, most sIg-negative, Thy 1-negative lymphocytes lacked Ia Antigens, and the Fc receptors detected on such cells were not blocked by anti-Ia sera. In addition, a small subpopulation of sIg-negative, Ia antigen-positive, Fc receptor-positive lymphocytes was found. Elimination of this subpopulation of Ia antigen-positive cells from sIg-negative lymphocytes, by treatment with anti-Ia serum and complement, did not diminish ADCC effector cell activity in the resultant cell population when compared with untreated sIg-negative lymphocytes. Thus, in murine spleen, nonphagocytic mononuclear cells that lack both sIg and Ia antigens were shown to mediate ADCC.  相似文献   

Only 15 to 25% of purified oil-induced guinea pig macrophages could be lysed by treatment with anti-Ia serum and C. Those cells remaining alive after treatment were not damaged and were metabolically active since they readily phagocytized latex beads. However, the "Ia-negative" macrophages were markedly deficient in their ability to present protein antigens to immune T lymphocytes and to function as stimulator cells when mixed with allogeneic T cells in the mixed leukocyte reaction. It thus appears that Ia antigens are expressed on a subpopulation of macrophages and that this subpopulation plays a critical role in the activation of T cell proliferation to soluble protein antigens and to alloantigens.  相似文献   

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