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The design, synthesis, and biological activity of novel alpha(4)beta(1) and alpha(4)beta(7) integrin antagonists, containing a bridged azabicyclic nucleus, are reported. Conformational analysis of targets containing an azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane carboxylic acid and known integrin antagonists indicated that this azabicycle would be a suitable molecular scaffold. Variation of substituents on the pendant arylsulfonamide and phenylalanine groups resulted in potent alpha(4)beta(1)-selective and dual alpha(4)beta(1)/alpha(4)beta(7) antagonists. Potent compounds 11i, 11h, and 14 were effective in the antigen-sensitized sheep model of asthma.  相似文献   

Synthesis and structure-activity relationship studies of a series of cyclohexylpiperazines bearing an amide side chain as ligands of the MC4 receptor are discussed. Compounds such as 11i from this series are potent agonists (EC(50)=33nM, IA=96%).  相似文献   

The NMR structural analysis of two fertilin(beta) mimics cyclo(EC2DC1)YNH2, 1, and cyclo(D2EC2D1C1)YNH2, 2 is described. Both of these mimics are moderate inhibitors of sperm-egg binding with IC50 values of 500 microm in a mouse in vitro fertilization assay. For peptide 1, the optimized conformations that best match the NMR data have a pseudo-type II' beta-turn with the linker and Glu at the i+1 and i+2 positions, respectively. The EC2D1C1 sequence is in a nonclassical (type IV) beta-turn. For peptide 2, the conformation that best matches the NMR data has two turns: a pseudo-type II' beta-turn in the D2EC2D1 sequence followed by a nonclassical beta-turn in the EC2D1C1 sequence. The Cbeta-Cbeta distance between E and D1 in peptide 1 is 9.1 A, in peptide 2, it is 7.7 A. Thus, one possibility for the high IC50 values of these cyclic peptides is that the acidic residues are not constrained to a sufficiently tight turn, and thus much entropy must still be lost upon binding to the alpha6beta1 integrin. This explains why the cyclic peptides are the same as linear peptides at inhibiting sperm-egg binding.  相似文献   

A series of piperazinebenzylalcohols were prepared and studied to compare with their ketone and amine analogs as MC4R antagonists. Several benzylalcohols such as 14a and 14g displayed low nanomolar binding affinities (Ki < 10 nM), and high selectivities over other melanocortin receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

The affinity of integrin alpha(4)beta(1) governs lymphocyte migration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The interaction of integrin alpha(4)beta(1) with endothelial VCAM-1 controls the trafficking of lymphocytes from blood into peripheral tissues. Cells actively regulate the affinity of alpha(4)beta(1) for VCAM-1 (activation). To investigate the biological function of alpha(4)beta(1) activation, we isolated Jurkat T cell lines with defective alpha(4)beta(1) activation. Using these cells, we found that alpha(4)beta(1)-stimulated alpha(L)beta(2)-dependent cell migration was dramatically reduced in cells with defects in alpha(4)beta(1) activation. These cells required 20 times more VCAM-1 to promote alpha(L)beta(2)-dependent cell migration. This defect was at the level of alpha(4)beta(1) affinity as an activating alpha(4)beta(1) Ab rescued alpha(4)beta(1)-stimulated alpha(L)beta(2)-dependent migration. In contrast, migration of alpha(4)beta(1) activation-defective cells on VCAM-1 alone was enhanced at higher VCAM-1 densities. Thus, alpha(4)beta(1) activation determines a set point or threshold at which VCAM-1 can regulate alpha(L)beta(2)-dependent as well as alpha(4)beta(1)-dependent cell migration. Changes in this set point may specify preferred anatomical sites of integrin-dependent leukocyte emigration from the bloodstream.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion mediated by the integrin alpha4beta1 plays a key role in many biological processes reflecting both the number and functional significance of alpha4beta1 ligands. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor, CD14, is a GPI-linked cell surface glycoprotein with a wide range of reported functions and associations, some of which overlap with that of alpha4beta1. This overlap led us to test the specific hypothesis that alpha4beta1 and CD14 interact directly. Jurkat T cells (alpha4beta1(+)) were found to adhere to a recombinant CD14-Fc protein via alpha4beta1, whilst K562 cells (alpha4beta1(-)) did not. However, stable reexpression of the alpha4-subunit conferred this ability. The adhesion of both cell types to CD14 displayed activation state-dependent binding very similar to the interaction of alpha4beta1 with its prototypic ligand, VCAM-1. In solid-phase assays, CD14-Fc bound to affinity-purified alpha4beta1 in a dose-dependent manner that was induced by activating anti-beta1 mAbs. Finally, in related experiments, JY cells (alpha4beta7(+)) were also found to attach to CD14-Fc in an alpha4-dependent manner. In summary, CD14 is a novel ligand for alpha4beta1, exhibiting similar activation-state dependent binding characteristics as other alpha4beta1 ligands. The biological relevance of this interaction will be the subject of further studies.  相似文献   

Obtustatin and viperistatin represent the shortest known snake venom monomeric disintegrins. In the present study, we have produced recombinant full-length wild-type and site-directed mutants of obtustatin to assess the role of the K(21)TS(23) tripeptide and C-terminal residues for specific inhibition of the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin. Thr(22) appeared to be the most critical residue for disintegrin activity, whereas substitution of the flanking lysine or serine residues for alanine resulted in a less pronounced decrease in the anti-alpha(1)beta(1) integrin activity of the disintegrin. The triple mutant A(21)AA(23) was devoid of blocking activity towards alpha(1)beta(1) integrin-mediated cell adhesion. The potency of recombinant KTS-disintegrins also depended on the residue C-terminally adjacent to the active motif. Substitution of Leu(24) of wild-type obtustatin for an alanine residue slightly decreased the inhibitory activity of the mutant, whereas an arginine residue in this position enhanced the potency of the mutant over wild-type obtustatin by 6-fold. In addition, the replacements L38V and P40Q may account for a further 25-fold increase in alpha(1)beta(1) inhibitory potency of viperistatin over KTSR-obtustatin.  相似文献   

The alpha(4)beta(1) and alpha(4)beta(7) integrins are implicated in several inflammatory disease states. Systematic SAR studies of an alpha(4)beta(1)-specific arylsulfonyl-Pro-Tyr lead led to the identification of a new alpha(4)beta(7) binding site, best captured by O-carbamates of Tyr for this structural class. Several compounds showed a 200- to 400-fold improvement in alpha(4)beta(7) binding affinity while maintaining subnanomolar alpha(4)beta(1) activity, for example 2l, VCAM-Ig alpha(4)beta(1) IC(50)=0.13 nM, VCAM-Ig alpha(4)beta(7) IC(50)=1.92 nM.  相似文献   

Integrins contain a number of divalent cation binding sites that control ligand binding affinity. Ions such as Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) bind to distinct sites on integrin and can have opposing effects on ligand binding. These effects are presumably brought about by alterations of the shape of the ligand binding pocket. To gain insight into the nature of these structural differences, we probed the integrin ligand binding site with an RGD-based library of unparalleled complexity. A cysteine-constrained phage library containing six random amino acids and the RGD motif present in seven different registers was used to select for ligands that exhibit ion-selective binding to integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3). The library was used to select for peptides that bind to the integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) preferentially in Ca(2+) versus Mg(2+). Peptides were identified which bound selectively in each ion. The Ca(2+)-selective peptides had a range of sequences, with the only obvious consensus involving a motif that had four cysteine residues bonded in a 1,4:2,3 arrangement. Interestingly though, the Mg(2+)-selective peptides exhibited a well defined consensus motif containing Cys-X-aromatic-L/G-R-G-D-hydrophobic-R-R/K-Cys. As a first step toward understanding the structural basis for this selectivity, solution NMR structures were obtained for representatives of both sets of peptides. All peptides formed turns, with the RGD motif at the apex. The Mg(2+)-selected peptides contained a unique basic patch that protrudes from the base of the turn.  相似文献   

alpha(4)beta(1) and alpha(4)beta(7) integrins are key regulators of physiologic and pathologic responses in inflammation and autoimmune disease. The effectiveness of anti-integrin antibodies to attenuate a number of inflammatory/immune conditions provides a strong rationale to target integrins for drug development. Important advances have been made in identifying potent and selective candidates, peptides and peptidomimetics, for further development. Herein, we report the discovery of a series of novel N-benzoyl-L-biphenylalanine derivatives that are potent inhibitors of alpha4 integrins. The potency of the initial lead compound (1: IC(50) alpha(4)beta(7)/alpha(4)beta(1)=5/33 microM) was optimized via sequential manipulation of substituents to generate low nM, orally bioavailable dual alpha(4)beta(1)/alpha(4)beta(7) antagonists. The SAR also led to the identification of several subnanomolar antagonists (134, 142, and 143). Compound 81 (TR-14035; IC(50) alpha(4)beta(7)/alpha(4)beta(1)=7/87 nM) has completed Phase I studies in Europe. The synthesis, SAR and biological evaluation of these compounds are described.  相似文献   

Integrins are cell adhesion receptors that mediate cell-to-cell, or cell-to-extracellular matrix adhesion. They represent an attractive target for treatment of multiple diseases. Two classes of small molecule integrin inhibitors have been developed. Competitive antagonists bind directly to the integrin ligand binding pocket and thus disrupt the ligand-receptor interaction. Allosteric antagonists have been developed primarily for α(L)β(2)- integrin (LFA-1, lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1). Here we present the results of screening the Prestwick Chemical Library using a recently developed assay for the detection of α(4)β(1)-integrin allosteric antagonists. Secondary assays confirmed that the compounds identified: 1) do not behave like competitive (direct) antagonists; 2) decrease ligand binding affinity for VLA-4 ~2 orders of magnitude; 3) exhibit antagonistic properties at low temperature. In a cell based adhesion assay in vitro, the compounds rapidly disrupted cellular aggregates. In accord with reports that VLA-4 antagonists in vivo induce mobilization of hematopoietic progenitors into the peripheral blood, we found that administration of one of the compounds significantly increased the number of colony-forming units in mice. This effect was comparable to AMD3100, a well known progenitor mobilizing agent. Because all the identified compounds are structurally related, previously used, or currently marketed drugs, this result opens a range of therapeutic possibilities for VLA-4-related pathologies.  相似文献   

A new member of the integrin superfamily of adhesion receptors was isolated from human epithelial cells. Analogously to other integrins, this molecule is a heterodimer comprised of structurally unrelated subunits, both glycosylated. Unequivocal amino-acid sequence homologies were observed between these subunits and integrin alpha and beta chain sequences, indicating that this epithelial heterodimer is a novel integrin. No obvious serologic cross-reactivities were detected with other integrins. The beta chain of the epithelial integrin displayed a mol. wt significantly higher than other integrin beta chains, possibly due to a large sialic acid content. Integrin heterodimers are grouped into three families, based on which of three beta chains (beta 1, beta 2 and beta 3) they contain. Therefore, the epithelial integrin may represent the prototype of a fourth integrin family, because it contains a structurally distinct beta chain. The designation alpha E beta 4 is proposed for this novel human integrin.  相似文献   

The integrin alpha4beta1(VLA4) has been expressed as a soluble, active, heterodimeric immunoglobulin fusion protein. cDNAs encoding the extracellular domains of the human alpha4 and beta1 subunits were fused to the genomic DNA encoding the human gamma1 immunoglobulin Fc domain and functional integrin fusion protein was expressed as a secreted, soluble molecule from a range of mammalian cell lines. Specific mutations were introduced into the Fc region of the molecules to promote alpha4beta1 heterodimer formation. The soluble alpha4beta1-Fc fusion protein exhibited divalent cation dependent binding to VCAM-1, which was blocked by the appropriate function blocking antibodies. The apparent Kd for VCAM-1 binding were similar for both the soluble and native forms of alpha4beta1. In addition, the integrin-Fc fusion was shown to stain cells expressing VCAM-1 on their surface by FACs analysis. This approach for expressing soluble alpha4beta1 should be generally applicable to a range of integrins.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha4beta1 is a major leukocyte adhesion receptor that is a key target for the development of anti-inflammatory therapeutics. With the dual long-term goals of developing a reagent for use in high-throughput inhibitor screening assays and for crystallisation trials and subsequent structure determination, we have generated a recombinant soluble alpha4beta1 receptor. Both subunits were truncated prior to the transmembrane domains by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed using baculovirus infection of insect cells. The molecular weights of the recombinant subunits were as expected for post-translationally unmodified protein. In addition, as observed for the native subunit, a proportion of the alpha4 subunit was proteolytically processed into two fragments. ELISA and solid phase ligand-binding assays were performed to investigate the folding and functionality of the soluble integrin. The data suggest that the receptor was correctly folded and that it bound recombinant ligands with similar kinetics to the native molecule.  相似文献   

The interaction of lymphocytes with other cells is critical for normal immune surveillance and response. MDC-L (ADAM 28), a member of the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) protein family, is expressed on the surface of human lymphocytes. ADAMs possess a disintegrin-like domain similar in sequence to small non-enzymatic snake venom peptides that act as integrin antagonists. We report here that the disintegrin domain of MDC-L is recognized by the leukocyte integrin alpha(4)beta(1). Recombinant Fc fusion proteins possessing the disintegrin domain of MDC-L supported adhesion of the T-lymphoma cell line, Jurkat, in a concentration- and divalent cation-dependent manner. Adhesion of Jurkat cells to the disintegrin domain of MDC-L was inhibited by an anti-MDC-L monoclonal antibody (mAb), Dis1-1. The epitope for mAb Dis1-1 was localized within 59 residues of the disintegrin domain. Recombinant expression of this 59-residue fragment of the disintegrin domain also supported cell adhesion. Adhesion of Jurkat cells to the MDC-L disintegrin domain was specifically inhibited by anti-alpha(4) and anti-beta(1) function-blocking mAbs. Furthermore, adhesion of various cell lines to MDC-L correlated with expression of the integrin alpha(4)-subunit. Transfected K562 cells expressing alpha(4)beta(1) adhered to the disintegrin domain in contrast to non-transfected K562 cells. We further investigated the binding of recombinant MDC-L disintegrin domain (rDis-Fc) in solution. The rDis-Fc was found to bind to Jurkat cells in solution in a concentration-dependent and saturable manner. Both adhesion and solution binding of rDis-Fc was inhibited by the alpha(4)beta(1) ligand mimetic CS-1 peptide. Additionally, recognition of the MDC-L disintegrin domain required "activation" of lymphocyte beta(1) integrins. The interaction of MDC-L with alpha(4)beta(1) may potentially regulate metalloprotease function by targeting or sequestering the active protease on the cell surface. These results suggest a potential role for the lymphocyte ADAM, MDC-L, in the interaction of lymphocytes with alpha(4)beta(1)-expressing leukocytes.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells use alpha 2 beta 1 integrin as a laminin receptor   总被引:43,自引:22,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Human umbilical vein endothelial cells attach and spread on laminin-coated substrates. Affinity chromatography was used to identify the attachment receptor. Fractionation of extracts from surface-iodinated endothelial cells on human laminin-Sepharose yielded a heterodimeric complex, the subunits of which migrated with molecular sizes corresponding to 160/120 kD and 160/140 kD under nonreducing and reducing conditions, respectively. The purified receptor bound to laminin and slightly less to fibronectin and type IV collagen in a radioreceptor assay. This endothelial cell laminin receptor was classified as an alpha 2 beta 1 integrin because monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies directed against the alpha 2 and bet 1 subunits immunoprecipitated the receptor. Cytofluorometric analysis and immunoprecipitation showed that the alpha 2 subunit is an abundant integrin alpha subunit in the endothelial cells and that the alpha subunits associated with laminin binding in other types of cells are expressed in these cells only at low levels. The alpha 2 beta 1 integrin appears to be a major receptor for laminin in the endothelial cells, because an anti-alpha 2 monoclonal antibody inhibited the attachment of the endothelial cells to human laminin. These results define a new role for the alpha 2 subunit in laminin binding and suggest that the ligand specificity of the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin, which is known as a collagen receptor in other types of cells, can be modulated by cell type-specific factors to include laminin binding.  相似文献   

In human keratinocytes cultured in conditions which allow differentiation and stratification and are suitable to reconstitute a fully functional epidermis, alpha 6 beta 4 and two members of the beta 1 integrin family (alpha 2 beta 1 and alpha 3 beta 1) were respectively polarized to the basal and lateral domains of the plasmamembrane both in growing colonies and in the reconstituted epidermis. Conversely, the alpha v integrin subunit, presumably in association with beta 5, was expressed at the basal surface in growing and migrating but not in stationary keratinocytes. The integrin alpha 6 beta 4: (a) was organized in typical patches which often showed a "leopard skin" pattern where spots corresponded to microfilament-free areas; (b) was not associated with focal contacts containing vinculin and talin but rather corresponded to relatively removed contact areas of the basal membrane as shown by interference reflection microscopy; and (c) was coherent to patches of laminin secreted and deposited underneath the ventral membrane of individual cells. The two beta 1 integrins (alpha 2 beta 1 and alpha 3 beta 1), both endowed with laminin receptor properties, were not associated with focal adhesions under experimental conditions allowing full epidermal maturation but matched the lateral position of vinculin (but not talin), cingulin, and desmoplakin, all makers of intercellular junctions. Often thin strips of laminin were observed in between the lateral aspects of individual basal keratinocytes. The integrin complex alpha v beta 5 had a topography similar to that of talin- and vinculin-containing focal adhesions mostly in the peripheral cells of expanding keratinocyte colonies and in coincidence with fibronectin strands. The discrete topography of beta 1 and beta 4 integrins has a functional role in the maintenance of the state of aggregation of cultured keratinocytes since lateral aggregation was impaired by antibodies to beta 1 whereas antibodies to beta 4 prevented cell-matrix adhesion (De Luca, M., R. N. Tamura, S. Kajiji, S. Bondanza, P. Rossino, R. Cancedda, P. C. Marchisio, and V. Quaranta. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 87:6888-6892). Moreover, the surface polarization of integrins followed attachment and depended both on the presence of Ca2+ in the medium and on the integrity of the cytoskeleton. We conclude that our in vitro functional tests and structural data suggest a correlation between the pattern of integrin expression on defined plasmamembrane domains and the mechanism of epidermal assembly.  相似文献   

We examined the regulation of alpha4beta1 integrin function in melanoma cells and T cells by ligands of CD47. A CD47 antibody (B6H12) that inhibited alphavbeta3-mediated adhesion of melanoma cells induced by CD47-binding peptides from thrombospondin-1 directly stimulated alpha4beta1-mediated adhesion of the same cells to vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and N-terminal regions of thrombospondin-1 or thrombospondin-2. B6H12 also stimulated alpha4beta1- as well as alpha2beta1- and alpha5beta1-mediated adhesion of CD47-expressing T cells but not of CD47-deficient T cells. alpha4beta1 and CD47 co-purified as a detergent-stable complex on a CD47 antibody affinity column. CD47-binding peptides based on C-terminal sequences of thrombospondin-1 also specifically enhanced adhesion of melanoma cells and T cells to alpha4beta1 ligands. Unexpectedly, activation of alpha4beta1 function by the thrombospondin-1 CD47-binding peptides also occurred in CD47-deficient T cells. CD47-independent activation of alpha4beta1 required the Val-Val-Met (VVM) motif of the peptides and was sensitive to inhibition by pertussis toxin. These results indicate that activation of alpha4beta1 by the CD47 antibody B6H12 and by VVM peptides occurs by different mechanisms. The antibody directly activates a CD47-alpha4beta1 complex, whereas VVM peptides may target an unidentified Gi-linked receptor that regulates alpha4beta1.  相似文献   

The tetraspanin CD151 forms a stoichiometric complex with integrin alpha3beta1 and regulates its endocytosis. We observed that down-regulation of CD151 in various epithelial cell lines changed glycosylation of alpha3beta1. In contrast, glycosylation of other transmembrane proteins, including those associated with CD151 (e.g. alpha6beta1, CD82, CD63, and emmprin/CD147) was not affected. The detailed analysis has shown that depletion of CD151 resulted in the reduction of Fucalpha1-2Gal and bisecting GlcNAc-beta(1-->4) linkage on N-glycans of the alpha3 integrin subunit. The modulatory activity of CD151 toward alpha3beta1 was specific, because stable knockdown of three other tetraspanins (i.e. CD9, CD63, and CD81) did not affect glycosylation of the integrin. Analysis of alpha3 glycosylation in CD151-depleted breast cancer cells with reconstituted expression of various CD151 mutants has shown that a direct contact with integrin is required but not sufficient for the modulatory activity of the tetraspanin toward alpha3beta1. We also found that glycosylation of CD151 is also critical; Asn(159) --> Gln mutation in the large extracellular loop did not affect interactions of CD151 with other tetraspanins or alpha3beta1 but negated its modulatory function. Changes in the glycosylation pattern of alpha3beta1 observed in CD151-depleted cells correlated with a dramatic decrease in cell migration toward laminin-332. Migration toward fibronectin or static adhesion of cells to extracellular matrix ligands was not affected. Importantly, reconstituted expression of the wild-type CD151 but not glycosylation-deficient mutant restored the migratory potential of the cells. These results demonstrate that CD151 plays an important role in post-translation modification of alpha3beta1 integrin and strongly suggest that changes in integrin glycosylation are critical for the promigratory activity of this tetraspanin.  相似文献   

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