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The distribution and abundance of Ophiomyia camarae was determined in three ecological regions, i.e., highveld, middleveld, and lowveld of Swaziland. Within each region, sites were selected based on Lantana camara L. density, with 10 plants randomly chosen per sampling site. Ten leaves from each shrub were collected and assessed for any damage caused by the herringbone leaf-miner. Relative abundance, based on the number of shrubs damaged by the herringbone leaf-miner, was scored per site. Three lantana varieties were observed during the sampling period. There were significant differences in mean leaf damage due to leaf-miner activity between varieties (P=0.0162), with 46±4.89% leaves of the pale pink variety damaged compared to 23±5.56 and 21±3.53% leaves of the orange and pink varieties, respectively. While there were no restrictions in terms of distribution, the highest levels of O. camarae populations were observed in the middleveld (P=0.0012), suggesting that this region had the most suitable environmental conditions for this natural enemy. Overall, the abundance was significantly different between regions (P=0.006) and months (P=0.000), with April scoring the highest population levels. Based on our observations, the variation in environmental conditions has an influence on the activity of O. camarae, with the middleveld having the most suitable conditions  相似文献   

The life history and host range of the herringbone leaf-mining fly Ophiomyia camarae, a potential biological control agent for Lantana spp., were investigated. Eggs were deposited singly on the underside of leaves. Although several eggs can be laid on a single leaf and a maximum of three individual mines were seen on a single leaf, only one pupa per leaf ever developed. The generation time (egg to adult) was about 38 days. Females (mean 14 days) lived longer than males (mean 9 days) and produced about 61 mines. Oviposition and larval development occurred on all five lantana phenotypes tested. Eleven plant species representing six families were tested to determine the host range. Oviposition and larval development occurred on only lantana and another nonnative plant Lippia alba (Verbenaceae), with both species supporting populations over several generations. A CLIMEX model showed that most of the coastal areas of eastern Australia south to 30°16′ S (Coffs Harbour) would be suitable for O. camarae. O. camarae was approved for release in Australia in October 2007 and mines have been observed on plants at numerous field sites along the coast following releases.  相似文献   

This laboratory-based study sought to determine the efficacy of using carbofuran in an exclusion experiment aimed at assessing the impacts of biocontrol agents on Lantana camara L. (sensu lato) (Verbenaceae). Two separate experiments were conducted, the first one on insect-free plants, to determine the effects of carbofuran solely on plant growth; and the second one, on Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål (Hemiptera: Tingidae) infested plants, with the objective of determining the impact of carbofuran on this biocontrol agent, as well as its impacts on plant growth. Carbofuran granules (10% a.i.) were applied at 7?g/m2 a.i. to the potting medium. It was found that carbofuran did not have a significant effect on plant growth. Total removal of T. scrupulosa from exclusion plants (carbofuran-treated plants) was not achieved; however the low level of leaf feeding lesions on those plants indicated that carbofuran had considerably reduced the insect’s population density. Results from a bioassay showed 100% and 40% T. scrupulosa mortality on leaves collected from carbofuran-treated and control plants, respectively, within three weeks of exposure. Analysis of chemical residue levels in the leaf material revealed that carbofuran potency only persisted for about three weeks, and was detectable at trace levels (<0.1?mg/kg). It was therefore concluded that carbofuran was effective at reducing the population of T. scrupulosa on its host plant, but only briefly. Carbofuran should be applied at least once every three weeks or at a higher dosage in order to maintain a low insect population for the duration of an experiment or to achieve total exclusion. For better insect removal, one should consider combining carbofuran and foliar insecticides.  相似文献   

A host specificity study conducted in South Africa between 2000 and 2004 showed that the leafhopper, Barela parvisaccata Young, performed as well on some of the indigenous Lippia spp. as on the target weed Lantana camara L. During adult no-choice tests, B. parvisaccata reproduced on eight species of the two closely related genera, Lantana and Lippia. Although B. parvisaccata has a restricted host range, its reproductive performance on the indigenous Lippia scaberrima Sond. during the adult multiple-choice tests was unacceptably high. It was therefore concluded that B. parvisaccata was not sufficiently host-specific to be released against L. camarara in Africa.  相似文献   

D.O. Simelane 《BioControl》2002,47(5):575-585
The herringbone leaf-mining fly, Ophiomyiacamarae Spencer, is a promising candidateagent for the biological control of the alieninvasive weed Lantana camara L. in SouthAfrica. During extensive host-specificity testsinvolving 39 test plant species from 12families, survival to adulthood was restrictedto L. camara, L. trifolia, and fourspecies of the closely-related genus Lippia (Verbenaceae) in no-choice tests. However, survival of the immature stages wassignificantly lower on L. trifolia andthe four Lippia species than on L.camara. In addition, O. camaraedisplayed very strong oviposition preferencefor L. camara during paired-choice tests.This narrow laboratory host range suggests thatO. camarae will not pose any risks tonon-target verbenaceous plants if released inSouth Africa. Permission to release O. camaraeinto South Africa was approved by the regulatoryauthorities in 2001.  相似文献   

Multiple releases of insect agents intended to target a single plant pest species could result in competitive interactions that in turn might affect the community structure of the phytophagous insects. Two leaf-feeding biological control agents, Uroplata girardi Pic (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Ophiomyia camarae Spencer (Dipetera: Agromyzidae), were released against the weed Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) in South Africa in the 1970s and 2001, respectively. Since the population explosion of O. camarae in 2005, a decline of U. girardi populations had been observed in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) humid coast, leading to speculation that negative interaction may be operating between the agents. The study therefore was conducted to determine the competitive effect of O. camarae on U. girardi. The study showed that 76% of O. camarae larval mines were formed on uninfested (clean) compared with only 24% formed on U. girardi-infested leaves, suggesting that the fly chose to lay more eggs on clean leaves. Almost the same number of U. girardi larval mines was formed on both O. camarae-infested and clean leaves, indicating that U. girardi females in this case oviposited indiscriminately on the two types of leaves. The survival of U. girardi was 53.8% when reared on clean leaves compared with only 14.6% survival on O. camarae-infested leaves. At the end of the sampling period, densities of U. girardi was over two times higher in single-species than in combined-species treatment. Releasing both agents together did not significantly affect O. camarae densities during the sampling period. In the field, O. camarae densities increased rapidly from spring to autumn, whereas those of U. girardi remained consistently low during the same period. The bias toward oviposition on clean leaves in O. camarae enables its larvae to avoid unfavorable encounters with U. girardi larvae, thus enhancing its development and survival. The apparent inability of U. girardi to distinguish between suitable and unsuitable leaves for oviposition could compromise the fitness of this beetle, and this could explain the suppression of U. girardi populations during summer when O. camarae populations begin to increase rapidly. This study provides evidence for an asymmetric interaction between two introduced agents, and therefore highlights the importance of conducting interaction studies on agents with extensive niche overlap before their release into the environment.  相似文献   

A sequel to the work of systematic surveying the mycobiota of Lantana camara aimed at finding potential biocontrol agents, was carried out during 1995–1996 covering part of its centre of origin in Brazil (state of Minas Gerais). Fifty-eight sampling sites, representing the four main climatic types in the state of Minas Gerais, were surveyed. Additional ad hoc collections were made in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Paraná Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Fifteen fungal species were recorded in association with L. camara including the previously undescribed species Phomopsis lantanae-glutinosae sp. nov. Five fungi are also newly recorded on this host in Brazil: Cercospora lantanicola Corynespora cassiicola Meliola ambigua Mycovellosiella lantaniphila and Phomopsis lantanae. The following fungi, previously recorded on L. camara in Brazil, are recorded here for the first time in Minas Gerais: Dendryphielia aspera Micropustulomyces mucilaginosus Mycovellosiella lantanae Pseudocercospora guianensis and Puccinia lantanae.  相似文献   


New Caledonian crows commonly use sticks and similar plant material as hooked and non‐hooked tools to extract prey. They are known to target certain tree species that produce twigs of the right natural shape for easy conversion into tools. All previously identified species supplying tool materials have been native or endemic to New Caledonia. Here I report that crows living in disturbed habitats also use the barbed twigs of an introduced climbing plant, Lantana camara, as tools. Over an 8‐year period I collected 12 L. camara tools used by NC crows at three locations: Bourail and Sarraméa, on mainland Grande Terre, and on the island of Maré. I found these tools left in natural probe sites (Bourail and Sarraméa) or at artificial feeding sites (Maré), but I do not know if the crows targeted L. camara or simply used the closest suitable material. Nevertheless, the use of L. camara indicates that the behaviour of certain free‐living NC crows is sufficiently flexible to enable them to evaluate and use exotic plants for tool material.  相似文献   

Abstract The insecticidal effects of Lantana camara L. (flowers, leaves, stems and roots) and the soil where lantana had been growing, on foraging activity and survival of the subterranean termites Coptotermes formosanus and Reticulitermes flavipes were examined in a 3-week experiment. The soil in which lantana had been growing had no effect on termite tunneling and survival. Incorporation of chipped fresh lantana leaves and stems into soil had no effect on mortality but caused significant reduction in tunneling. The 5-cm wide barrier of soil with lantana tissue incorporated effectively repelled groups of both species from penetrating the barrier and thus prevented infestation of a piece of wood on the other side of the barrier. C. formosanus was more sensitive in avoiding the barrier than R. flavipes. Leaves, stems and flowers were more repellent than roots. These results provide preliminary evidence that fresh-cut lantana leaves, stems and flowers may have use as additives to garden mulches against termites.  相似文献   

马缨丹植株含有丰富的、多种多样的次生化合物,本文主要综述马缨丹及其次生化合物在医药、生物防治、园林绿化等方面的利用概况,以期为重新认识及综合开发利用马缨丹这一备受争议的植物资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Compatibility between the root-feeding agent Longitarsus bethae Savini & Escalona and the varieties of the target weed Lantana camara L. could influence the chances of successful establishment and effectiveness of this agent as a biocontrol agent of lantana in South Africa. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the influence of major South African lantana varieties on feeding, colonization, oviposition preference and larval survival of L. bethae. Feeding preference and the number of adults per plant varied among the varieties. The most damaged and colonized varieties were 150 Orange, 009 Light Pink and 113 Dark Pink. Variety 018 Dark Pink was the least damaged, while 021 Total Pink and 029 White Pink were the least colonized. Females laid the highest number of eggs on variety 150 Orange. The lowest number of eggs was recorded on Australian Richmond Pink and the closely related species Lippia wilmsii. Larval survival differed significantly among the varieties. The highest survival was recorded on 150 Orange. Duration of development also varied significantly among the varieties, with the slowest rate of development recorded on variety 029 Light Pink and the quickest on variety 015 White Yellow. Although variations in female body size were less significant among varieties, males emerging from variety 150 Orange were slightly smaller than those emerged from other varieties. There was a significant tendency for females to select varieties that enhanced the survival of their offspring, which met the predictions of the preference-performance hypothesis. The data suggest that the chances of establishment and successful control of the weed are expected to be much greater on those varieties that were preferred for oviposition and provided better larval performance.  相似文献   

The Bell Miner (Manorina melanophrys) occurs in logged eucalypt forest in northern NSW with a dense understorey of the invasive Neotropical shrub Lantana (Lantana camara) that is used for nesting. The link between Bell Miners and Lantana is important as the birds aggressively exclude all smaller and similar‐sized birds from their colonies, reducing avian diversity in forest occupied by the species. We monitored the impact of Lantana removal on Bell Miner persistence in several plots in two logged forest sites, along with untreated control plots at one of the sites. Lantana control was successful over 7 years at both sites, with regeneration of native understorey, midstorey and canopy species compensating for the loss of live Lantana cover in the understorey. Bell Miner individuals vacated the treated plots in one site (Creek's Bend) but persisted in the control and treated plots at the second site (Toonumbar National Park). Bell Miner response was correlated with forest structure: birds vacated forest with a sparse understorey (<5 m) but dense midstorey (5–15 m) and canopy (>15 m) at Creek's Bend, but remained at the site with a dense understorey but sparse midstorey and canopy at Toonumbar. We therefore predict that forest restoration that simultaneously reduces Lantana understorey and increases midstorey density will be most successful in reducing the abundance of the despotic Bell Miner and increasing avian diversity in rehabilitated sites.  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of lantana (Lantana camara L.) biological control programs worldwide. Tables on the origins of the agents introduced for the biocontrol of lantana, are presented, including references to the biology and/or host-tests for each species. Establishment and control rates of the introduced agents and cases leading to partial control of lantana are discussed. From the review, feeding groups and species contributing to control were identified. Leaf-, flower-, and fruit-feeding species were the most successful feeding groups, and the leaf-mining chrysomelid, Uroplata girardi Pic, was the most successful control agent. The main factor preventing establishment was the number of individuals released, while cultivar preferences, parasitism and predation, and climate reduced control. The implication of these results for lantana biocontrol programs is discussed, and future research requirements are identified.  相似文献   

Lantana (Lantana camara) poses a serious threat to the biodiversity of the dry rainforest vegetation at Forty Mile Scrub National Park, Queensland, Australia, by outcompeting native species and increasing vulnerability to fire. This pilot study tests the effectiveness of three weed control methods (hand pulling, a glyphosphate‐based foliar spray herbicide and a picloram‐ and triclopyr‐based basal bark herbicide) in removing lantana and their success in reducing lantana fuel loads. The foliar spray herbicide was the most effective in killing lantana, while manual pulling resulted in the largest decrease in fuel height. We suggest that foliar spraying will be most efficient for combating large infestations of lantana, while hand pulling techniques are recommended for creating firebreaks or when minimizing damage to native species is paramount.  相似文献   

Two new olean-12-ene triterpenoids, camarolic acid (1) and lantrigloylic acid (2), have been isolated from the aerial parts of Lantana camara, along with ten known triterpenes, namely, camaric acid, lantanolic acid, lantanilic acid, pomolic acid, camarinic acid, lantoic acid, camarin, lantacin, camarinin, and ursolic acid. The new compounds have been characterized as 3,25-epoxy-3alpha-hydroxy-22beta-{[(S)-3-hydroxy-2-methylidenebutanoyl]oxy}olean-12-en-28-oic acid (1) and 3,25-epoxy-3alpha-hydroxy-22beta-[(3-methylbut-2-enoyl)oxy]olea-9(11),12-dien-28-oic acid (2) through spectroscopic studies and a chemical transformation. Seven of the constituents, namely pomolic acid, lantanolic acid, lantoic acid, camarin, lantacin, camarinin, and ursolic acid, were tested for nematicidal activity against root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. Pomolic acid, lantanolic acid, and lantoic acid showed 100% mortality at 1 mg/ml concentration after 24 h, while camarin, lantacin, camarinin, and ursolic acid exhibited 100% mortality at this concentration after 48 h. These results are comparable to those obtained with the conventional nematicide furadan (100% mortality at 1 mg/ml concentration after 24 h).  相似文献   

Abstract  In weed biocontrol, similarity of abiotic factors between the native and introduced range of a biocontrol agent is critical to its establishment and effectiveness. This is particularly the case for weeds that have a wide geographical distribution in the native range. For such weeds, the choice of a specialist insect that has narrow tolerance limits to important abiotic factors can diminish its ability to be an effective biocontrol agent. The membracid Aconophora compressa was introduced in Australia from Mexico for biocontrol of Lantana camara , a plant with a wide climatic tolerance. In this study we investigated the effect of constant and alternating temperatures on A. compressa survival. Longevity of adults and nymphs declined with increasing temperatures, and at 39°C individuals survived for less than a day. At lower temperatures, nymphs survived longer than adults. Survival at alternating temperatures was longer than at constant temperatures, but the general trend of lower survival at higher temperatures remained. Spatially and temporally, the climatic tolerance of A. compressa appears to be a subset of that of lantana, thereby limiting its potential impact.  相似文献   

【目的】为探讨马缨丹Lantana camara L.叶片精油化学成分以及其对3种害虫的生物活性,以应用于生物防治。【方法】马缨丹叶片经水蒸气蒸馏法提取精油,产率为0.21%。经过气-质联用仪(GCMS)分析,从马缨丹叶片精油中检测出主要的26种化合物,其中α-姜黄烯(α-curcumene,32.76%),β-石竹烯(β-caryophyllene,16.36%),石竹烯氧化物(Caryophyllene oxide,12.22%),桉油烯醇(Spathulenol,10.48%)含量较高,并对3种不同害虫进行生物活性测定。【结果】生物测定结果表明,马缨丹精油对米象Sitophilus oryzae成虫和Ⅳ龄埃及伊蚊Aedes aegypti幼虫的触杀效果显著,LC50分别为0.92 mg/cm2和32.33μg/m L。随着浓度的升高,对白蚁驱避作用增强,白蚁死亡率增加;高浓度精油对白蚁有触杀作用,但较低浓度对白蚁无显著影响。【结论】本研究证明马缨丹叶片精油对3种害虫有良好防治的效果。  相似文献   

The stem-galling fly, Eutreta xanthochaeta, was evaluated as a potential agent for biocontrol of the invasive alien plant, Lantana camara, in Africa. Multi-choice trials showed an approximately equal oviposition preference for indigenous Lantana and Lippia species, and the target weed. They were also found to be about equally suitable for fly development. Finally, population sustainability studies indicated that the fly has about as much potential to persist on these indigenous plants as on the target weed. It was concluded that E. xanthochaeta is insufficiently host specific to use for biocontrol of L. camara in Africa.  相似文献   

马缨丹乙醇提取物对美洲斑潜蝇种群的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾玲  冼继东  梁广文 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):537-540
应用作用因子生命表方法以及在此基础上提出的干扰作用控制指数法评价了马缨丹(LantanacamaraL.)乙醇提取物(干重1g·100mL-1)在美洲斑潜蝇LiriomyzasativaeBlanchard种群控制中的作用。结果表明,马缨丹乙醇提取物对保护菜豆(PhaseolusvagarisL.)免受美洲斑潜蝇为害起着明显的作用。处理区的干扰作用控制指数为0.135,即对美洲斑潜蝇的防治效果可达86.5%。马缨丹乙醇提取物对美洲斑潜蝇寄生性天敌的作用无影响。  相似文献   

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