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我国首次发现自体生殖中华白蛉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吸血昆虫通常在不吸血情况下,交配后依靠自体营养进行生殖的现象称自体生殖。本文首次报告我国中华白蛉存在自体生殖现象。从现场调查和实验室观察结果表明此种白蛉自体生殖的形成可能与该种白蛉腹节内蓄积着脂肪体有着生理性联系。  相似文献   

<正> 1978年6—11月间,我们在自贡市的14个公社共捕获白蛉1,745只。在解剖鉴定的486只日蛉中,发现有贝氏白蛉Sergentomyia bailyiSinton、鲍氏白蛉和歌乐山白蛉三个蛉种。其中贝氏白蛉占总数的40.7%,数量仅次于鲍氏白蛉。在21个采集地点中,有20个点捕到了贝氏白蛉;这些地点包括竹木茂密植被较多的山谷、城市公路沿线的荒坡。活动场所以向阳干燥且多缝隙的大块石壁为主,居民住宅墙外壁亦可见到,室内和山坡的洞穴内未捕到过此种白蛉。  相似文献   

1984年6月作者等在武隆县的岩洞内捕获中华白蛉(Phlebotomus chinensis)5只江苏白蛉(P.kiangsuensis)4只、歌乐山司蛉(Sergentomyia koloshanensis)8只和鲍氏司蛉(S.barraudi)42只。其中中华白蛉和江苏白蛉是川东地区首次发现,余2蛉种在该地区仅见于重庆(Yao&Wu,1946)。鉴于中华白蛉是我国黑热病的传播媒介,所以本发现具有重要的流行病学意义。川东地区首次发现中华白蛉和江苏白蛉@王光第$武隆县卫生防疫站 @尹治成$四川省医学科学院寄生虫病防治研究所…  相似文献   

四川省北川县发现中华白蛉吴远祥,李国茹,高斌,唐泽民四川省寄生虫病防治研究所成都610041四川省北川县卫生防疫站北川县位于四川盆地西北边缘、龙门山北段西侧,全境以山地为主,占98%,海拔2000-4000m,山高谷深,相对高差较大,西北以变质岩层洞...  相似文献   

青川县位于四川盆地北部边缘,面积2 946km2,绝大部分为山区,北部与黑热病流行区——甘肃省文县接壤.历史上该县尚无内源性黑热病病人,亦无关于传播媒介中华白蛉(Phlebotomus chinensis)的报导. 1997年7月下旬,我们在青川县进行有关调查时,在青川县城关镇和姚渡镇的野外岩穴、山洞中找到白蛉,于夜间在姚渡镇的农家人房也发现白蛉,并且在室内捕到了刚吸过血的白蛉.经蛉种鉴定,两处所捕白蛉均为中华白蛉:城关镇岩穴2只(♀、♂各1);姚渡镇山洞1只(♀),人房3只(♀).  相似文献   

吸血昆虫通常在不吸血情况下,交配后依靠自体营养进行生殖的现象称自体生殖。本文首次报告我国中华白蛉存在自体生殖现象。从现场调查和实验室观察结果表明此种白蛉自体生殖的形成可能与该种白蛉腹节内蓄积着脂肪体有着生理性联系。  相似文献   

1975年,我们对宁夏固原县中华白蛉Phle-botomus chinensis Newstesd的部分生态习性作了调查,现简报于下: 调查地区的地形 调查主要在该县东部与甘肃平凉地区毗邻的城阳、红河和彭阳三个公社,该地拔海约1,700多米,地处黄土高原沟壑区。地面分割剧烈,除若干小规模的山间盆地与宽谷平原外,山丘起伏,沟壑纵横,村落非常分散。另有一些高原的顶部有较宽阔的塬面,  相似文献   

中华白蛉的自育性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现场及实验室结果表明,我国黄土高原的大多数中华白蛉(Phlebotomus chinensis)应属自育性品系,它通常在羽化后、吸血前经交配能依靠腹节内脂肪体发育卵泡,一般在产卵后始行吸血。其生理性状是:胃内无血、腹节内有大量块状或条状脂肪体。羽化24小时后,附腺内有暗色颗粒,卵巢内有发育的卵泡。在25℃士1℃下它的生活史分快、慢两型。快型从卵至成虫仅需44—50夭,慢型需要以四龄幼虫滞育,其长短随滞育期而定,最长的滞育期达301天。观察了白蛉幼虫在饥饿状态下对自育性的影响。此外,还比较了吸血白蛉与自育性白蛉的妊卵数。吸血白蛉的妊卵数约较自育性的高出1/5。这种自育性品系的中华白蛉在自然居群约内占92%、主要栖于洞穴内为野栖种类。本文对自育性中华白蛉的生态及其防制策略作了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

徐蔭祺 《昆虫学报》1957,(4):496-496
白蛉在我国的分布是北方较多于南方。到目前为止,国内已经有记载的种类共有19种,包括变种。19种中分布在江苏省的有6种:(1)中华白蛉 Phlebotomus chinensis,(2)蒙古白蛉 Phlebotomus,mongolensis,(3)江苏白蛉Phlebotomus kiangsuensis,(4)鲍氏白蛉  相似文献   

我国特异蛉属白蛉的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特异蛉属(Idiophlebotomus Quate et Fairchild,1961)的白蛉在我国以往未有记载。这属白蛉是竖立毛类蛉种,主要特征是触角第Ⅲ节长度超过喙部长度的三倍或三倍以上,  相似文献   

The seminal vesicles of Phlebotomus perniciosus were investigated by light microscopy, confocal scanning laser microscopy and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. They have a complex structure, and three different morphological compartments called A, B and C are distinguished on the basis of their position and fine structure. Compartment A is continuous with the vasa deferentia and consists of a cylindrical wall limiting a lumen in which the spermatozoa are stored. Compartment B is hemispherical and surrounds compartment A like a muff. Compartment C constitutes an external coat surrounding A and B. The epithelial cells of each compartment are characterized by morphologically different secretory granules. The ultrastructural features of these cells are described and their role in sandfly reproductive biology is discussed.  相似文献   

The paired female accessory glands of Phlebotomus perniciosus (Diptera : Psychodidae) were investigated by light microscopy, and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. These glands undergo morphological and functional changes during oocyte development. After the blood meal, the monostratified glandular epithelium differentiates and starts to secrete. Well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, and membrane-bounded exocytic vesicles suggest that these secretory cells are involved in protein synthesis. As the secretory cells differentiate, the glandular lumen increases in size and fills with secretory material, consisting of globular granules of different sizes in an amorphous electron-dense matrix. The granules have an electron-translucent core and an electron-dense cortex. The morphological characteristics of the glandular epithelium and the functional role of the glands are discussed in relation to their possible contribution to the reproductive process.  相似文献   

The note reports the data of a three-year sand fly investigation (1997-99) carried out in Eastern Sicily (Italy) with the aim to study the distribution of Phlebotomus sergenti. The survey involved a densely inhabited area at the foot of Mount Etna and the area of Iblei mounts. A total of 9,095 sand flies, of which 63.4% males, were captured. Five species belonging to the genus Phlebotomus (P. perniciosus, P. perfiliewi, P. neglectus, P. sergenti and P. papatasi) and one to the genus Sergentomyia (S. minuta) were identified. Both the prevalence and distribution of the species were different within the two areas studied. In Mount Etna area, P. perniciosus (77.7%) was the prevalent species followed by S. minuta (19.8%), P. sergenti (2.0%), P. neglectus (0.3%) and P. papatasi (0.2%). While in Iblei mounts region S. minuta (84.5%) showed the highest prevalence, followed by P. perniciosus (14.4%), P. perfiliewi (0.9%) and P. neglectus (0.1%). Here, P. sergenti was a very rare species (< 0.02). P. sergenti was mostly associated to domestic habitats of peri-urban and urban zones located between two and 750 m a.s.l. The density values of P. sergenti, expressed as number of specimens/m2 of sticky trap, were between 0.3 and 5.5 with the highest value in the hilly collecting sites. The low observed abundance of P. sergenti does not allow to draw any prediction on the role that the species could play in the transmission of leishmaniasis in Sicily.  相似文献   

The closely related sandfly species of the subgenus Phlebotomus namely, Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli, 1786), Phlebotomus duboscqi Neveu‐Lemair, 1906 and Phlebotomus bergeroti Parrot, 1934 (Diptera: Psychodidae), are major vectors of Leishmania major (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae), the causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Old World. Although allopatric in most of their distribution, the three species exist sympatrically in many places in central and eastern Sudan. Males of the three species can be distinguished using morphological characters; however, females are much harder to identify, thus complicating epidemiological studies. We carried out a morphometric and a molecular study to determine reliable morphological features and develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for distinguishing females of these species. Males and females from each species were collected from sites in Sudan, East Africa and from one site in Mali, West Africa. Males were analysed morphologically and 20 characters and 10 character ratios were used in a stepwise discriminant analysis. This led to the identification of four characters with high discriminant loading scores sufficient for accurate male species identification. Male DNA was then used for the development of a PCR‐based species diagnostic based on the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of the ribosomal DNA. A set of four primers was developed to generate fragment sizes that are specific to each species and can reliably identify females as well as hybrid DNA. Both the morphometric and the molecular findings of this study have important applications for studies of the epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

The Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA assay was used to study genetic variation within and between five Phlebotomus species belonging to three subgenera: P. (Larroussius) ariasi, P. (L.) longicuspis, P. (L.) perniciosus, P.(Paraphlebotomus) sergenti and P. (Phlebotomus) papatasi sympatric in southern Spain and proven vector of leishmaniasis. Two cluster analysis were proposed: one according to sandfly species and populations, the second according individual specimens of Phlebotomus perniciosus, Phlebotomus longicuspis s.l. and intermediate morphological specimens between these species. The results obtained are closely correlated with the taxonomy classically accepted for the subgenera and with the automatic classifications made by other authors which use morphological and isoenzymatic data. The validity of the species Phlebotomus longicuspis is also discussed.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the presence of Phlebotomus mascittii and the female of Phlebotomus chadlii in Algeria. These two species were collected during an entomological study conducted in endemic visceral leishmaniasis focus from the north part of the country, Kabylia.  相似文献   

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