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Each summer, the nuisance green alga Cladophora (mostly Cladophora glomerata) amasses along Lake Michigan beaches, creating nearshore anoxia and unsightly, malodorous mats that can attract problem animals and detract from visitor enjoyment. Traditionally, elevated counts of Escherichia coli are presumed to indicate the presence of sewage, mostly derived from nearby point sources. The relationship between fecal indicator bacteria and Cladophora remains essentially unstudied. This investigation describes the local and regional density of Escherichia coli and enterococci in Cladophora mats along beaches in the four states (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan) bordering Lake Michigan. Samples of Cladophora strands collected from 10 beaches (n = 41) were assayed for concentrations of E. coli and enterococci during the summer of 2002. Both E. coli and enterococci were ubiquitous (up to 97% occurrence), with overall log mean densities (+/- standard errors) of 5.3 (+/- 4.8) and 4.8 (+/- 4.5) per g (dry weight). E. coli and enterococci were strongly correlated in southern Lake Michigan beaches (P < 0.001, R(2) = 0.73, n = 17) but not in northern beaches (P = 0.892, n = 16). Both E. coli and enterococci survived for over 6 months in sun-dried Cladophora mats stored at 4 degrees C; the residual bacteria in the dried alga readily grew upon rehydration. These findings suggest that Cladophora amassing along the beaches of Lake Michigan may be an important environmental source of indicator bacteria and call into question the reliability of E. coli and enterococci as indicators of water quality for freshwater recreational beaches.  相似文献   


Chromosome numbers for three species of Cladophora from Bermuda are presented. C. laetevirens (Dillw.) Kuetz., C. prolifera (Roth) Kuetz., and C. conferta Crouan frat. ex Schramm & Maze were found to have similar karyotypes with 1 N = 2 X = 12 chromosomes belonging to size class III (0.8–2.2 μm). Correlations between each species' karyotype and its morphology and phytogeographic affinity are discussed. Estimates of the basic genome (1 X) for these and other Cladophora species indicate that nuclear DNA content, which shows a threefold variation in the genus, occurs in discontinuous increments. These findings are discussed in relation to reports of large scale, discontinuous DNA variation in vascular plant genera.  相似文献   

AIMS: The main objective of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of non-O157:H7 Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains in cow manure. METHODS AND RESULTS: A mixture of eight green-fluorescent-protein-labelled STEC strains was inoculated around 10(6)-10(7) CFU g(-1) into four manure heaps. Two heaps were regularly turned and the two others remained unturned. STEC counts and physical parameters (temperature, pH, moisture content and oxido-reduction potential) were monitored for 1000 manure samples. The highest mean pH values were obtained near the surface at the base of all manure heaps. At the surface, the moisture content decreased from 76.5% to 42% in turned heaps. Temperatures reached 65 degrees C near the main body of all manure heaps, and only 35 degrees C near the superficial parts located at the base of them. These two sites (the centre and the base) were associated with D values for the STEC counts of 0.48 and 2.39 days, respectively. We were able to detect STEC strains during 42 days in turned manure heaps and during at least 90 days in unturned ones. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the long-term survival of non-O157:H7 STEC in cow manure. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Good management practices (e.g. turning) should be respected in order to minimize the risk of environmental contamination by STEC.  相似文献   

用重组大肠杆菌发酵生产人生长激素研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过不同培养基、不同糖浓度对重组菌E.coliDH10B/pINⅢA3HGH的菌体生长与外源蛋白表达量的影响的比较,确定较为合适的培养条件,并对发酵过程中调节pH的氨水用量与外源蛋白的表达量之间的相关性作探索,得到相关性曲线,从而根据氨水用量了解细菌的生长状况。  相似文献   

AIMS: Enzyme substrates based on 4-methylumbelliferone are widely used for the detection of Escherichia coli and enterococci in water, by detection of beta-glucuronidase and beta-glucosidase activity respectively. This study aimed to synthesize and evaluate novel umbelliferone-based substrates with improved sensitivity for these two enzymes. METHODS AND RESULTS: A novel beta-glucuronide derivative based on 6-chloro-4-methylumbelliferone (CMUG) was synthesized and compared with 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide (MUG) using 42 strains of E. coli in a modified membrane lauryl sulfate broth. Over 7 h of incubation, the fluorescence generated from the hydrolysis of CMUG by E. coli was over twice that from MUG, and all of the 38 glucuronidase-positive strains generated a higher fluorescence with CMUG compared with MUG. Neither substrate caused inhibition of bacterial growth in any of the tested strains. Four beta-glucosidase substrates were also synthesized and evaluated in comparison with 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucoside (MU-GLU) using 42 strains of enterococci in glucose azide broth. The four substrates comprised beta-glucoside derivatives of umbelliferone-3-carboxylic acid and its methyl, ethyl and benzyl esters. Glucosides of the methyl, ethyl and benzyl esters of umbelliferone-3-carboxylic acid, were found to be superior to MU-GLU for the detection of enterococci, especially after 18 h of incubation, while umbelliferone-3-carboxylic acid-beta-D-glucoside was inferior. However, the variability in detectable beta-glucosidase activity among the different strains of enterococci in short-term assays using the three carboxylate esters (7 h incubation) may compromise their use for rapid detection and enumeration of these faecal indicator bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: The beta-glucuronidase substrate CMUG appears to be a more promising detection system than the various beta-glucosidase substrates tested. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The novel substrate CMUG showed enhanced sensitivity for the detection of beta-glucuronidase-producing bacteria such as E. coli, with a clear potential for application in rapid assays for the detection of this indicator organism in natural water and other environmental samples.  相似文献   

The survival of Escherichia coli K-12 J62-1 containing the antibiotic-resistance plasmid R1 and an isogenic plasmid-free strain were studied in pond water microcosms. The number of plasmid-containing cells recovered from the microcosms remained constant over a sampling period of 31 days whereas plasmid-free cell numbers declined.  相似文献   

Abstract The survival pattern and plasmid maintenance of Escherichia coli was examined in an artificial seawater microcosm. It was found that the three strains of E. coli (EK3C, H10407 and 34309) included in the study were able to maintain a portion of cells in the culturable phase for at least 3 years in artificial seawater. Along with retaining culturability, that portion of the cell population also maintained their indigenous plasmids over the 3-year period. It is concluded that cells of E. coli maintaining culturability in seawater are selectively adapted to the salinity of seawater, remaining in a culturable state. The results of the study are significant in that it has been assumed by many public health authorities that E. coli cannot survive, without nutrient addition, in seawater for long periods of time, i.e., years of exposure to seawater.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the numbers and selected phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of the faecal indicator bacteria Escherichia coli and enterococci in gull faeces at representative Great Lakes swimming beaches in the United States. METHODS AND RESULTS: E. coli and enterococci were enumerated in gull faeces by membrane filtration. E. coli genotypes (rep-PCR genomic profiles) and E. coli (Vitek GNI+) and enterococci (API rapid ID 32 Strep and resistance to streptomycin, gentamicin, vancomycin, tetracycline and ampicillin) phenotypes were determined for isolates obtained from gull faeces both early and late in the swimming season. Identical E. coli genotypes were obtained only from single gull faecal samples but most faecal samples yielded more than one genotype (median of eight genotypes for samples with 10 isolates). E. coli isolates from the same site that clustered at >/=85% similarity were from the same sampling date and shared phenotypic characteristics, and at this similarity level there was population overlap between the two geographically isolated beach sites. Enterococcus API(R) profiles varied with sampling date. Gull enterococci displayed wide variation in antibiotic resistance patterns, and high-level resistance to some antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: Gull faeces could be a major contributor of E. coli (10(5)-10(9) CFU g(-1)) and enterococci (10(4)-10(8) CFU g(-)1) to Great Lakes recreational waters. E. coli and enterococci in gull faeces are highly variable with respect to their genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and may exhibit temporal or geographic trends in these features. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The high degree of variation in genotypic or phenotypic characteristics of E. coli or enterococci populations within gull hosts will require extensive sampling for adequate characterization, and will influence methods that use these characteristics to determine faecal contamination sources for recreational waters.  相似文献   

Aims: Resistance to acidic stress contributes to bacterial persistence in the host and is thought to promote their passage through the human gastric barrier. The aim of this study was to examine whether nucleosides have a role in the survival under acidic conditions in Escherichia coli. Methods and Results: We found that adenosine has a function to survive against extremely acidic stress. The deletion of add encoding adenosine deaminase that converts adenosine into inosine and NH3 attenuated the survival in the presence of adenosine. The addition of adenosine increased intracellular pH of E. coli cells in pH 2·5 medium. Addition of inosine or adenine did not increase the resistance to acidic conditions. Conclusions: Our present results imply that adenosine was used to survive under extremely acidic conditions via the production of NH3. Significance and Impact of the Study: It has been proposed that amino acid decarboxylation is the major system for the resistance of E. coli to acidic stress. In this study, the adenosine deamination was shown to induce the survival under acidic conditions, demonstrating that bacteria have alternative strategies to survive under acidic conditions besides amino acid decarboxylation.  相似文献   

Binding to a specific receptor is an essential step for most enteropathogens to initiate an intestinal infection. We analyzed the inhibitory effect of human milk and its protein components on adhesion of two diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains, diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC) and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), to HeLa cells. Defatted milk, whey proteins, immunoglobulin and non-immunoglobulin fractions, in concentrations lower than usually found in whole milk, inhibited both DAEC and EAEC adhesion, indicating that human milk components may contribute to the defense of the infants against enteropathogens.  相似文献   

Quantifying the transfer of Escherichia coli O157 from the environment to humans is essential for understanding outbreaks, establishing the infectious dose of the organism and proposing safeguards. We modelled the pathogen loading shed onto a field by sheep immediately prior to a scout camp where 18 scouts and two adults were infected with E. coli O157. We estimated the dose ingested (4-24 organisms) which is in agreement with the low infective dose reported previously for this organism in food outbreaks. These data closely fit a surrogate Shigella dose-response model which can be used as a basis for risk assessment.  相似文献   

This study compares the ultrastructure of the inner, dark-habituated cells of the green ‘Cladophora-ball’, or Marimo, to that of similar cells at the surface. Cells not exposed to light possess fewer, but larger and more irregular, chloroplasts than do the outer cells. Unexposed chloroplasts have a pyrenoid matrix lacking starch sheaths and containing unusually thick granal stacks. Despite prolonged exposure to darkness, the chloroplasts contain small starch grains. After exposure to light, such chloroplasts divide, become smaller and take on the appearance of those in the outer layer cells. Within 48 h, all of the chloroplasts develop substantial starch grains and the pyrenoids are surrounded by starch sheaths. This response is consistent with previous reports of the recovery of photosynthetic activity in inner cells exposed to light.  相似文献   

AIMS: To describe the occurrence and virulence gene pattern of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) in healthy goats of Jammu and Kashmir, India. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 220 E. coli strains belonging to 60 different 'O' serogroups was isolated from 206 local (nonmigratory) and 69 migratory goats. All the 220 strains were screened for the presence of stx(1), stx(2), eaeA and hlyA genes. Twenty-eight E. coli (75.6%) strains from local and nine (24.3%) strains from migratory goats belonging to 18 different serogroups showed at least presence of one virulence gene studied. Twenty-eight strains (16.47%) (belonging to 13 different serogroups) from local goats carried stx(1) gene alone or in combination with stx(2) gene, while as only one strain (2%) from migratory goats possessed stx(2) gene alone. Interestingly in the present study none of the STEC strains carried eaeA gene. Similarly, none of the strains from local goats possessed eaeA and none of the migratory goats possessed stx(1) gene. Eight strains (16%) (belonging to four different serogroups) from migratory goats carried eaeA gene. Twenty-five (14.7%) and seven (14%) strains from local and migratory goats harboured hlyA gene respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Healthy goats of Jammu and Kashmir state serve as a reservoir of STEC and EPEC. Further studies in this direction are needed to work out whether or not they are transmitted to humans in this part of world. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study is the first report of isolation of STEC and EPEC strains from healthy goats in Jammu and Kashmir State of India, which could be a source of infection to humans.  相似文献   

摘要: 【目的】确定rmlB 基因在大肠杆菌( O2: K1) L-型鼠李糖合成中的作用。【方法】将基因rmlB 进行原核表达并测定酶活; 用同源重组的方法将rmlB 基因敲除,分析表型变化,并运用质谱,以及核磁共振等手段分析脂多糖O 侧链的结构,以确定rmlB 在O 抗原合成中的作用。【结果】成功对rmlB 基因进行了表达并测定了重组蛋白的酶活,确定蛋白RmlB 具有dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase 活性。成功构建了rmlB 基因缺失突变株,对突变株进行表型分析发现突变株的表型与野生株相比无变化。对突变株分析发现突变株中的O抗原仍含有L-型鼠李糖,说明在该菌株中可能存在RmlB 的同功能酶或者存在其它的L-型鼠李糖合成途径。【结论】rmlB 基因编码的蛋白具有dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase 活性但此基因对于L-型鼠李糖的合成不是必需的。  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant deficient in genes for heme biosynthesis grew in medium of initial pH 8 containing 1% tryptone and glucose under aerobic growth conditions, and its doubling time was approximately 60 min at 37°C. The growth rate was not increased under O2-limiting conditions. When the mutant was grown in medium of initial pH 6, growth stopped at the middle of the exponential growth phase. This could be overcome and the growth yield increased by the addition of 20 mM lysine to the growth medium. Lysine did not prevent the decrease in the medium pH as growth proceeded, making it unlikely that lysine decarboxylation stimulates growth by the alkalinization of the medium. These results indicate that respiration is not obligatory for growth under aerobic conditions, but growth without respiration at low pH requires a large amount of lysine.  相似文献   

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