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体重是一项重要的生物学指标,生物的体重受到发育、繁殖和进化等诸多因素的影响。对于灭绝生物体重的估计有助于进一步恢复它们的各种生物学信息。本研究采用统计学的方法,对422件现生鸟类(分属于21目229种)的体重和18项骨骼量度指标分别进行一元回归分析,结果显示判定系数的分布范围在0.5~0.91之间,多数指标的判定系数均集中在0.8~0.9之间。采用另外64件测量有体重数据和骨骼量度的鸟样本对回归方程的估算准确率进行检验,发现前肢中肱骨长度和尺骨宽度以及后肢中胫跗骨宽度3项指标的估算准确率高于其他指标。分析结果还表明前肢两项指标对于估算鸣禽、猛禽和攀禽类等树栖鸟类的体重准确率较后肢显著;后肢指标对于估算陆禽类等地栖鸟类体重的准确率高于前肢指标。这一结果反映出与体重相关程度较高的骨骼量度指标在不同习性的鸟类当中存在着一定的差异。对于化石鸟类的体重估计,采用估算准确率较高并且便于测量的肱骨长度和胫跗骨宽度两项回归方程加以计算。通过对中国中生代鸟类的体重进行估算,结果显示中生代鸟类在系统发育过程中,反鸟类经历了体重逐渐减轻的过程,而今鸟类的体重开始不断增大并且出现显著的分异。  相似文献   

Directional asymmetry ( DA ) of the lengths, diameters, and masses of the scapula, humerus, radius, and ulna were analyzed on a sample of 213 harbor porpoises from Denmark and West Greenland. The levels of DA were consistent across yearlings and older animals, mature and immature animals, sexes, and populations. All investigated variables showed significant DA favoring the right side. For the pooled sample, DA of lengths ranged from 0.2% SE 0.1 (ulna) to 1.2% SE 0.1 (scapula). DA s of diameters were 1.5% SE 0.2 for the humerus, 0.6% SE 0.1 for the radius, and 1.3% SE 0.2 for the ulna. DA of mass ranged from 2.8% SE 0.5 (humerus) to 4.3% SE 0.7 (ulna). The humerus and ulna had significantly larger mean diameter/ length ratios on the right side than the left, making them more robust. The large DA of scapula length indicates larger muscle mass associated with the right flipper, while the generally more robust right humerii and ulnae may be designed for higher levels of mechanical stress. These DA s and the examples of lateralized behavior recorded in cetaceans, point to the existence of lateralized use of the flippers at the population level in harbor porpoises and possibly other cetacean species.  相似文献   

The New World family Didelphidae, the basal lineage within marsupials, is commonly viewed as morphologically conservative, yet includes aquatic, terrestrial, scansorial, and arboreal species. Here, I quantitatively estimated the existing variability in size and shape of the Didelphidae scapula (1076 specimens from 56 species) using geometric morphometrics, and compared size and shape differences to evolutionary and ecologic distances. I found considerable variation in the scapula morphology, most of it related to size differences between species. This results in morphologic divergence between different locomotor habits in larger species (resulting from increased mechanical loads), but most smaller species present similarly shaped scapulae. The only exceptions are the water opossum and the short-tailed opossums, and the functional explanations for these differences remain unclear. Scapula size and shape were mapped onto a molecular phylogeny for 32 selected taxa and ancestral size and shapes were reconstructed using squared-changed parsimony. Results indicate that the Didelphidae evolved from a medium- to small-sized ancestor with a generalized scapula, slightly more similar to arboreal ones, but strikingly different from big-bodied present arboreal species, suggesting that the ancestral Didelphidae was a small scansorial animal with no particular adaptations for arboreal or terrestrial habits, and these specializations evolved only in larger-bodied clades.  相似文献   

The kinematics of scapula and shoulder joint movements were analyzed in three species of arboreal quadrupedal primates using cineradiography. Our findings indicate that scapular movement is highly important for forelimb movement in primates with this ancestral mode of locomotion. Retroversion of the scapula (syn. caudal rotation or extension) during the stance phase contributes more than 40% to the stride length of the forelimb. Lateral forelimb excursions, a general feature for arboreal primates, are based on complex three-dimensional scapular movements guided by the clavicle. Humeral abduction is achieved by scapular abduction and transversal rotation of the scapula about its longitudinal axis, and is therefore strikingly different from humeral abduction in humans. At the same time, the movements of the shoulder joint are limited to flexion and extension only.  相似文献   

Scapular position affects shoulder mobility, which plays an important role in the upper limb adaptations in primates. However, currently available data on scapular position are unsatisfactory because of the failure to simultaneously consider the relative dimensions of all the three skeletal elements of the shoulder girdle, i.e. the clavicle, the scapula and the thorax. In the present study, the clavicular length and the scapular spine length were measured on preserved cadavers, and the dorsoventral thoracic diameter was measured on scaled radiographs of a wide range of primates, permitting a quantitative comparison of scapular position among primates. It was found that arboreal monkeys have a more dorsally situated scapula than terrestrial ones, but the same difference was not found between terrestrial and arboreal prosimians. Hominoids were found to have the most dorsally situated scapula. Contrary to the slow climbing theory of hominoid evolution, which tries to explain most postcranial specializations of hominoids as adaptations for slow climbing, the scapulae of slow-climbing lorines and Alouatta are much less dorsal than those of the hominoids.  相似文献   

A scapular fragment from the Upper Fossil Wood Zone, Quarry I, Fayum Depression, Egypt, is assigned to the taxon Apidium phiomense. This animal may have approximated the size of Galago crassicaudatus or Nycticebus coucang, as predicted by regressing body weight on glenoid surface area and fossa length for an assortment of living primates. Morphometric values for spinoglenoid, axilloglenoid, and axillospinal angles indicate locomotor affinities of A. phiomense with colobine monkeys. Other nonmetric traits align the fossil with Saimiri sciureus, probably its closest behavioral analogue. A. phiomense is thus characterized as an arboreal quadruped with a locomotor repertoire that includes a considerable amount of leaping and the use of forelimbs for clinging and/or suspending during landing.  相似文献   

Body weight and length, chest girth, and seven postcranial limb segment lengths are compared between two guenon species, Chlorocebus (Cercopithecus) aethiops (vervets) and Cercopithecus mitis (blue monkeys), exhibiting different habitual locomotor preferences. The subjects, all adults, were wild caught for a non-related research project (Turner et al. [1986] Genetic and morphological studies on two species of Kenyan monkeys, C. aethiops and C. mitis. In: Else JG, Lee PC, editors. Primate evolution, proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Primatology, Cambridge. London). The morphological results are interpreted within the context of previously published observations of primate locomotion and social organization. The sample is unique in that the body weight of each individual is known, allowing the effects of body-size scaling to be assessed in interspecific and intersexual comparisons. C. mitis has a significantly (P < 0.05) greater body weight and trunk length than C. aethiops. A shorter trunk may function to reduce spinal flexibility for ground-running in the latter. Proximal limb segments (arm and thigh) are significantly greater in C. mitis, reflecting known adaptations to committed arboreal quadrupedal locomotion. By contrast, relative distal limb segments (forearm, crus, and foot) are significantly longer in C. aethiops, concordant with a locomotor repertoire that includes substantial terrestrial quadrupedalism, in addition to arboreal agility, and also the requisite transition between ground and canopy. Although normally associated with arboreal monkeys, greater relative tail length occurs in the more terrestrial vervets. However, because vervets exploit both arboreal and terrestrial habitats, a longer tail may compensate for diminished balance during arboreal quadrupedalism resulting from the greater "brachial" and "crural" indices that enhance their ground quadrupedalism. Most interspecific differences in body proportions are explicable by differences in locomotor modalities. Some results, however, contradict commonly held "tenets" that relate body size and morphology exclusively to locomotion. Generally associated with terrestriality, sexual dimorphism (male/female) is greater in the more arboreal blue monkeys. A more intense, seasonal mating competition may account for this incongruity.  相似文献   

A nearly complete skeleton of a juvenile sauropod from the Lower Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian) of the Howe Ranch in Bighorn County, Wyoming is described. The specimen consists of articulated mid-cervical to mid-caudal vertebrae and most appendicular bones, but cranial and mandibular elements are missing. The shoulder height is approximately 67 cm, and the total body length is estimated to be less than 200 cm. Besides the body size, the following morphological features indicate that this specimen is an early juvenile; (1) unfused centra and neural arches in presacral, sacral and first to ninth caudal vertebrae, (2) unfused coracoid and scapula, (3) open coracoid foramen, and (4) relatively smooth articular surfaces on the limb, wrist, and ankle bones. A large scapula, short neck and tail and elongate forelimb bones relative to overall body size demonstrate relative growth. A thin-section of the mid-shaft of a femur shows a lack of annual growth lines, indicating an early juvenile individual possibly younger than a few years old. Pneumatic structures in the vertebral column of the specimen SMA 0009 show that pneumatisation of the postcranial skeleton had already started in this individual, giving new insights in the early ontogenetic development of vertebral pneumaticity in sauropods.

The specimen exhibits a number of diplodocid features (e.g., very elongate slender scapular blade with a gradually dorsoventrally expanded distal end, a total of nine dorsal vertebrae, presence of the posterior centroparapophyseal lamina in the posterior dorsal vertebrae). Although a few diplodocid taxa, Diplodocus, cf. Apatosaurus, and cf. Barosaurus, are known from several fossil sites near the Howe Ranch, identification of this specimen, even at a generic level, is difficult due to a large degree of ontogenetic variation.  相似文献   

Information on an organism’s body size is pivotal in understanding its life history and fitness, as well as helping inform conservation measures. However, for many species, particularly large-bodied wild animals, taking accurate body size measurements can be a challenge. Various means to estimate body size have been employed, from more direct methods such as using photogrammetry to obtain height or length measurements, to indirect prediction of weight using other body morphometrics or even the size of dung boli. It is often unclear how accurate these measures are because they cannot be compared to objective measures. Here, we investigate how well existing estimation equations predict the actual body weight of Asian elephants Elephas maximus, using body measurements (height, chest girth, length, foot circumference and neck circumference) taken directly from a large population of semi-captive animals in Myanmar (n = 404). We then define new and better fitting formulas to predict body weight in Myanmar elephants from these readily available measures. We also investigate whether the important parameters height and chest girth can be estimated from photographs (n = 151). Our results show considerable variation in the ability of existing estimation equations to predict weight, and that the equations proposed in this paper predict weight better in almost all circumstances. We also find that measurements from standardised photographs reflect body height and chest girth after applying minor adjustments. Our results have implications for size estimation of large wild animals in the field, as well as for management in captive settings.  相似文献   

Second molar length and body weight are used to test the correlation between tooth size and body size in living Hominoidea. These variates are highly correlated (r= 0.942, p less than 0.001), indicating that tooth size can be used in dentally unspecialized fossil hominoids as one method of predicting the average body weight of species. Based on tooth size, the average body weight of Aegyptopithecus zeuxis is estimated to have been beteen 4.5 and 7.5 kg, which is corroborated by known cranial and postcranial elements. Using Radinsky's estimates of brain size, the encephalization quotient (EQ) for Aegyptopithecus was between 0.65 and 1.04. A similar analysis for Proconsul africanus yields a body weight between 16 and 34 kg, and an EQ between 1.19 and 1.96.  相似文献   

Calibration of the Brownian diffusion model of Felsenstein indicates that phylogeny may have an influence on body length and other phenotypic measures in Cetacea for as many as 10,000 generations or about 180,000 years, which is negligible in the 35 million year history of extant Cetacea. Observations of phenotypic traits in cetacean species living today are independent of phylogeny and independent statistically. Four methods for estimating body weight in fossil cetaceans are compared: (1) median serial regression involving a set of multiple regressions of log body weight on log centrum length, width, and height for core vertebrae; (2) regression of log whole body weight on log body length for individuals; (3) regression of log whole body weight on log body length for species means; and (4) regression of log lean body weight on log body length for individuals. These yield body weight estimates for the Eocene archaeocete Dorudon atrox of 1126, 1118, 1132, and 847 kg, respectively, with consistency and applicability to partial skeletons favoring the first approach. The whole-body weight expected, Pe (in kg), for a given body length, Li (in cm), is given by log10 Pe?=?2.784 ? log10 Li???4.429. Negative allometry of body weight and body length (slope 2.784?<?3.000) means that small cetaceans are shorter and more maneuverable than expected for their weight, while large cetaceans are longer and more efficient energetically than expected for their weight. Encephalization is necessarily quantified relative to a reference sample, most mammals are terrestrial, and terrestrial mammals provide a logical baseline. The encephalization residual for living terrestrial mammals as a class (ERTC), is the difference between observed log2 brain weight (Ei in g) and expected log2 brain weight (Ee in g), where the latter is estimated from body weight (Pi in g), as log2 Ee?=?0.740 ? log2 Pi???4.004. ERTC is positive for brains that are larger than expected for a given body size, and negative for brains that are smaller than expected. Base-2 logarithms make the ERTC scale intuitive, in uniform units of halving or doubling. Encephalization quotients (EQ) are unsuitable for comparison because they are proportions on a non-uniform scale. Middle Eocene archaeocetes have ERTC values close to ?2 (two halvings compared to expectation), while late Eocene archaeocetes have ERTC values close to ?1 (one halving compared to expectation). ERTC is not known for fossil mysticetes, but living mysticetes have ERTC values averaging about ?2. Oligocene-Recent odontocetes appear to have ERTC values averaging about +1 (one doubling compared to expectation) through their temporal range. Definitive interpretation of the evolution of encephalization in Cetacea will require better documentation for Oligocene–Recent mysticetes and odontocetes.  相似文献   

Prediction of body weight of fossil Artiodactyla   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many dimensions of the postcranial skeleton of ruminant artiodactyls scale closely with body weight and are therefore potentially useful as predictors of body weight in fossil species. Using 45 dimensions of the skeleton a series of predictive equations was generated based on the scaling relationships of the family Bovidae. As a test of their usefulness these equations were used to predict body weights of a number of living ruminant artiodactyls, and six genera of fossil artiodactyls. For most species body weight estimates within 25° of actual weight were given by the mean of the predicted weights from all measurements except lengths of long bones. While femur length was a reasonable predictor of body weight, lengths of distal long bones were unreliable and should not be used as indicators of relative or absolute body weights. Some non-length measurements are biased in certain taxonomic groups; the possibility of erroneous estimates from such measurements can be reduced by using as many estimators of body weight as are available. No species of artiodactyl tested is so highly modified in all dimensions that all results were erroneous. Subsets of measurements which might be available from a typical fossil fragment also gave reliable results.  相似文献   

Various parts of the skeleton and/or the longest baleen plate of 46 specimens of Caperea marginata from Australia and New Zealand were measured and related to body length. Of the 32 skull, postcranial and baleen-plate measurements available, eight were analysed and seven found to be good predictors of body length, by using a curvilinear model describing their relationship with body length. Greatest skull width, supraoccipital length and mandible length had the smallest prediction limits (± 0.28-0.33 m in small animals, ±0.44-0.58 m in large animals) when compared with postcranial measurements (scapula length, vertebra 7 centrum width). Baleen-plate length was also a useful predictor of body length (±0.32-0.77 m). There was a substantial increase in the arch of the skull as body length increased. Bulla length was not a good predictor of body length, because measurements were highly variable and because the bulla grew little during postnatal life. Physical maturity occurred at body lengths of at least 5.9 m, also the shortest length at which both epiphyses of the humerus and proximal epiphyses of the radius and ulna were fused. Weaning appears to occur at about 3-3.5 m. The following approximate relative age/length classes were erected: dependent calves, <3.6 m; subadults, 3.6-5.5 m; adults, >5.5 m. Females were significantly longer than males in the sample of 22 animals greater than 5.9 m, length of the smallest recorded physically mature animal.  相似文献   

Based on an almost complete skeleton (skull, scapula fragment, humeri, ulna, radius, 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 20 lumbar and caudal vertebrae) from the Aksai River valley near the village of Sayasan (Nozhai-Yurtovskii District of the Chechen Republic), a new Middle-Late Miocene representative of the cetotheriid subfamily Herpetocetinae, Vampalus sayasanicus gen. et sp. nov., is described. This is the first record of fossil whales in Chechnya. The genus Vampalus is also considered to include Cetotherium helmerseni Brandt, 1871 from the Miocene of the Krasnodar Region.  相似文献   

Paleontologists reconstruct the locomotor and postural behavior of extinct species by analogy with living forms and biomechanical analyses. In rare cases, behavioral evidence such as footprints can be used to confirm fossil‐based reconstructions for predominantly terrestrial orders of mammals. For instance, the chalicothere prints from Laetoli show that these perissodactyls supported their body weight on the metacarpals, as previously reconstructed. 1 Unfortunately, primates are mostly arboreal and rarely leave footprints. The cercopithecid and hominin prints at Laetoli are a rare exception. We have recently shown that the semicircular canal system can be used to test and augment locomotor reconstructions based on postcranial material or to provide first estimations of locomotor behavior for taxa not known from the postcranium. Using a sample of modern primates, we have been able to demonstrate that the radii of curvature of the semicircular canals are significantly correlated with both body mass and agility of locomotion. 2 This paper reviews those results and examines the relationship between semicircular canal morphology and other evidence in efforts to reconstruct locomotor behavior in subfossil lemurs from the Holocene of Madagascar and fossil lorisoids from the Miocene of Africa.  相似文献   

It has been proposed (Trinkaus, 1983 a; Miller & Gross, 1998) that the marked thickness of Neandertal patellae and/or the posterior displacement of their tibial condyles increased their relative M. quadriceps femoris moment arms, thereby making their legs powerful in extension. However, it is necessary to compare these reflections of muscle moment arm length to appropriate measures of the body weight moment arm and body mass estimates, both of which are influenced by ecogeographically determined body proportions. Reassessment of tibial condylar displacement and patellar thickness, as well as patellar height, relative to an appropriate measure of the moment arm for the baseline load on the knee (body weight), to that moment arm times estimated body mass, and to that moment arm times a skeletal reflection of body mass (femoral head diameter) rejects the hypothesis that the Neandertals had exceptionally powerful knee extension. Relative tibial condylar displacement remains above that of a modern industrial society sample, but similar to that of the Broken Hill tibia, Late Pleistocene early modern humans and a recent human nonindustrial sample. Relative patellar thickness is similar to that of early modern humans, who have relatively thick patellae compared to the late Holocene human samples. Consequently, once body proportions are taken into account, there is little difference between the Neandertals and other later Pleistocene humans in knee extensor mechanical advantage, and all of these fossil hominids are similar in the more important proximal tibial proportions to those of nonindustrial recent humans.  相似文献   

辽宁北票地区一新的甲龙化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
记述了辽宁省北票地区的甲龙化石一新属新种 :步氏克氏龙 (Crichtonsaurusbohlinigen .etsp.nov.)。其主要特征是 :中等大小的甲龙 ,下颌骨较低 ,外侧无骨甲覆盖 ;牙齿小 ,齿冠上有垂直向的棱嵴和边缘小齿 ,齿环发育不全 ,有愈合的颈甲板 ,膜质骨甲形态多样 ,尾后部的椎体相连结成棒状 ,两侧有排列对称的甲板。步氏克氏龙的发现对探讨北票地区晚中生代地层的划分和时代归属 ,以及对甲龙类的系统演化和地理分布均具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Rodents of the subfamily Sigmodontinae comprise a highly diversified group in the Atlantic Forest, with semifossorial, terrestrial, semiaquatic, scansorial, and arboreal forms. In this study, we analyzed morphometric variation in humerus, scapula, ulna, radius, femur, tibia, and pelvis to investigate its possible relationship with the different types of locomotion recorded in the literature. Skeletal characters were measured in 321 specimens belonging to 29 species and 19 genera either restricted to or recorded in this ecoregion. Multivariate morphometric analyses (principal component and canonical variate analyses) arranged individuals of different genera in groups congruent with the different types of locomotion. This arrangement was more clearly defined when analyses included only forelimb measurements, indicating that most of the variation in appendicular traits associated with the different locomotor modes occurs in the forelimb skeleton. Semifossorial forms exhibited the most distinct appendicular morphology, as well as the greatest frequency of endemism among analyzed species. These results suggest that this mode of locomotion led to greater differentiation in semifossorial Atlantic forest sigmodontines than in terrestrial and arboreal forms, which were found to have more subtle differentiation and fewer endemics. Scansorial species could not be set apart from terrestrial ones in terms of appendicular morphology, suggesting that these two modes of locomotion are the most similar and generalized for the group, as they occur in most lineages in the subfamily. The results of this study corroborate previous observations on the relevance of appendicular characters in the differentiation of species and genera in the subfamily Sigmodontinae. J. Morphol. 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The postcranial evidence for the Australopithecus genus indicates that australopiths were able bipeds; however, the morphology of the forelimbs and particularly that of the shoulder girdle suggests that they were partially adapted to an arboreal lifestyle. The nature of such arboreal adaptations is still unclear, as are the kind of arboreal behaviors in which australopiths might have engaged. In this study we analyzed the shape of the shoulder joint (proximal humerus and glenoid cavity of the scapula) of three australopith specimens: A.L. 288–1 (A. afarensis), Sts 7 (A. africanus) and Omo 119–73–2718 (Australopithecus sp.) with three-dimensional geometric morphometrics. The morphology of the specimens was compared with that of a wide array of living anthropoid taxa and some additional fossil hominins (the Homo erectus specimen KNM-WT 15000 and the H. neanderthalensis specimen Tabun 1). Our results indicate that A.L. 288–1 shows mosaic traits resembling H. sapiens and Pongo, whereas the Sts 7 shoulder is most similar to the arboreal apes and does not present affinities with H. sapiens. Omo 119–73–2718 exhibits morphological affinities with the more arboreal and partially suspensory New World monkey Lagothrix. The shoulder of the australopith specimens thus shows a combination of primitive and derived traits (humeral globularity, enhancement of internal and external rotation of the joint), related to use of the arm in overhead positions. The genus Homo specimens show overall affinities with H. sapiens at the shoulder, indicating full correspondence of these hominin shoulders with the modern human morphotype.  相似文献   

Critical illness affects body composition profoundly, especially body cell mass (BCM). BCM loss reflects lean tissue wasting and could be a nutritional marker in critically ill patients. However, BCM assessment with usual isotopic or tracer methods is impractical in intensive care units (ICUs). We aimed to modelize the BCM of critically ill patients using variables available at bedside. Fat-free mass (FFM), bone mineral (Mo), and extracellular water (ECW) of 49 critically ill patients were measured prospectively by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and multifrequency bioimpedance. BCM was estimated according to the four-compartment cellular level: BCM = FFM - (ECW/0.98) - (0.73 × Mo). Variables that might influence the BCM were assessed, and multivariable analysis using fractional polynomials was conducted to determine the relations between BCM and these data. Bootstrap resampling was then used to estimate the most stable model predicting BCM. BCM was 22.7 ± 5.4 kg. The most frequent model included height (cm), leg circumference (cm), weight shift (Δ) between ICU admission and body composition assessment (kg), and trunk length (cm) as a linear function: BCM (kg) = 0.266 × height + 0.287 × leg circumference + 0.305 × Δweight - 0.406 × trunk length - 13.52. The fraction of variance explained by this model (adjusted r(2)) was 46%. Including bioelectrical impedance analysis variables in the model did not improve BCM prediction. In summary, our results suggest that BCM can be estimated at bedside, with an error lower than ±20% in 90% subjects, on the basis of static (height, trunk length), less stable (leg circumference), and dynamic biometric variables (Δweight) for critically ill patients.  相似文献   

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