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Direct sequencing of PCR products was used to study the VP1 region of the hepatitis A virus (HAV) genome (position 2199 to 2356) of nine strains isolated from human stools collected during a hepatitis A epidemic (western France, 1992), three strains from environmental samples (1990, 1991, and 1992), and two HAV cell culture isolates (the French strain CF53/Lyon and strain CLF). These viruses differed from CF53/Lyon (genotype I) by between 1 and 10.3%, and results indicated the existence of two groups of strains belonging to two different subgenotypes (IA and IB). With this sequencing technique it was possible to monitor the epidemiology of HAV and study its relations.  相似文献   

The site-1 determinant of the hemagglutinin molecule of influenza virus (A/PR/8/34) is one of several immunodominant sites in the BALB/c Th cell response to Ha. A synthetic peptide comprising this T cell site (HA110-120), a panel of analogs containing single substitutions in this determinant, and homologs truncated at the amino- or carboxyl-terminal were used to examine the fine specificities of 15 T cells specific for site-1 in the context of I-Ed. The results indicate that every residue within the minimal determinant plays a role in the T cell recognition process, as single substitutions at any of these positions affected the ability of the peptide to stimulate at least some site 1-specific T cells. For the majority of the residues examined, substitutions had dissimilar effects on distinct T cells, indicating that the substituted residues were affecting recognition in a receptor-specific manner. Each of the 15 T cells examined had a distinct fine specificity pattern, suggesting that the BALB/c T cell repertoire for this site is likely to exceed 100 distinct clonotypes.  相似文献   

We describe a multiple strain Susceptible Infected Recovered deterministic model for the spread of an influenza subtype within a population. The model incorporates appearance of new strains due to antigenic drift, and partial immunity to reinfection with related circulating strains. It also includes optional seasonal forcing of the transmission rate of the virus, which allows for comparison between temperate zones and the tropics. Our model is capable of reproducing observed qualitative patterns such as the overall annual outbreaks in the temperate region, a reduced magnitude and an increased frequency of outbreaks in the tropics, and the herald wave phenomenon. Our approach to modelling antigenic drift is novel and further modifications of this model may help improve the understanding of complex influenza dynamics.  相似文献   

Formation of hemagglutinin spikes in the course of the mixed infection of cell culture by two influenza virus strains belonging to the same antigenic subtype or to different subtypes was studied by means of immunoprecipitation of [14C]-labelled hemagglutinins from cell lysates. The immunoprecipitates were further analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Lysates of separately infected cells mixed before lysis were used as control samples. The analysis of immunoprecipitates revealed the formation of chimeric hemagglutinin spikes in the cells infected by the strains possessing hemagglutinins of the same subtype but not in the cells infected by the strains of different subtypes (H1 and H3). The results are discussed in connection with the homology of amino-acid sequences of influenza virus hemagglutinins.  相似文献   

During a period of 18 months of an epidemic of Vibrio cholerae, cultures from 450 samples of fish, shellfish and seawater were isolated. The highest frequencies of occurrence observed were 5.2% in fish from inshore waters, 3.9% in marine snails, and 1.8% in mussels and crabs. No incidents were isolated from cultures of fish in the open seas or cultures from frozen shrimp. Cultures of marine origin were compared with cultures from hospitalized patients, and these revealed marked serological and toxigenic differences. Marine strains were mainly non-O1 V. cholerae, non toxigenic. We presume fishing off-shore not to be the cause of this outbreak. However, marine species from contaminated waters could contain toxigenic V. cholerae remaining viable and potentially pathogenic. Methods used were more sensitive and specific for detecting marine strains. In this paper the need to use more specific methods is discussed.  相似文献   

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