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Feti of man, rabbit and mouse can be silver-impregnated in such a way that different kinds of nerve-fiber pathways in the peripheral nervous system are distinguishable from one another by different degrees of impregnation intensity. In the application of Bielschowsky's technic, it is important that the impregnation time in silver nitrate should be tested with respect to the species in question. This time is for man 6 weeks, for rabbit 3 weeks and for mouse 2–3 days.  相似文献   

Rat and rabbit brains containing surgical lesions of 5-10 days' duration were fixed in 10% formalin (neutralized with calcium carbonate) for 1 week to 6 months. Frozen sections (15-20 n) were rinsed and then soaked 7 minutes in a 1.7% solution of strong ammonia in distilled water. Subsequent treatment was as follows: rinse; 0.05% aqueous potassium permanganate 5-15 minutes; 0.5% aqueous potassium metabisulfite, 2 changes of 2.5 minutes each; wash thoroughly in 3 changes distilled water; 1.5% aqueous silver nitrate, 0.5-1.0 hr.; 1% citric acid, 5-10 sec.; 2 changes distilled water; 1% sodium thiosulfate, 30 see.; 3 changes distilled water. Each section is then processed separately. Ammoniacal silver solution (450 mg. silver nitrate in 10 ml. distilled water; add 5 ml. ethanol; let cool to room temperature; add 1 ml. strong ammonia water and 0.9 ml. of 2.5% aqueous sodium hydroxide), 0.5-1.0 min. with gentle agitation. Reduction of about 1 minute is accomplished in: distilled water, 45 ml.; ethanol, 5 ml.; 10% formalin, 1.5 ml.; 1% citric acid, 1.5 ml. Rinsing; 1% sodium thiosulfate, 10 sec.; thorough washing followed by dehydration through graded alcohol and 3 changes of xylene or toluene complete the staining process. Normal nerve fibers are slightly stained to unstained, degenerating fibers, black. The treatment in potassium permanganate is critical since too little favors overstaining of normal fibers and too much abolishes staining of degenerating fibers.  相似文献   

Frozen sections of formalin-fixed brains containing surgical lesions, were treated with 15% ethanol for 0.5 hr., soaked in 0.5% phosphomolybdic acid for 0.25-1.0 hr., and subsequently treated with 0.05% potassium permanganate for 4-10 min. (The duration of the latter treatment is critical and individually variable). Subsequent procedure is as follows: decolorize in a mixture of equal parts of 1% hydroquinone and 1% oxalic acid; wash thoroughly and soak sections in 1.5% silver nitrate for 20-30 min.; ammoniacal silver nitrate (silver nitrate 0.9 g., distilled water 20 ml., pure ethanol 10 ml., strong ammonia 1.8 ml., 2.5% sodium hydroxide 1.5 ml.) 0.5-1.0 min.; reduce in acidified formalin (distilled water 400 ml., pure ethanol 45 ml., 1% citric acid 13.5 ml., 10% formalin 13.5 ml.) 1 min.; wash, and pass section through 1 % sodium thiosulf ate (0.5-1.0 min.); wash thoroughly and pass sections through graded alcohols and xylene (3 changes); cover in neutral synthetic resin.  相似文献   

Silver Impregnation of Peripheral and Central Axons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A silver impregnation method suitable for peripheral and central nervous system axons is described. Essential features are the use of reagent grade chemicals only, a pretreatment solution to ensure optimal impregnation of different organs from different animals and species, and an unvarying procedure. The results are compared to those obtainable with a number of current impregnation methods and with modern immunocytochemical reactions.  相似文献   

Representative pieces of human brain were fixed in 10% formalin, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 5 μ. Paired sections were used, one of which was oxidized in equal parts of 0.5% potassium permanganate and 0.5% sulfuric acid for 1-2 min, while the other was left unoxidized. Both the oxidized and unoxidized sections were impregnated with silver diamine. The lipofuscin granules in the nerve cells appeared as small intensely stained black dots, surrounded by a clear unstained zone, in the unoxidized sections, while in the oxidized sections there was an outer ring of intensely blackened material surrounding a central unstained dot.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The fishes’ nervous system is one of the key objects of evolutionary and biomedical researches. The multiple approaches and methods for visualizing the nervous tissue...  相似文献   

The commonly used silver stains were found to be unsatisfactory for nervous tissue processed for autoradiography. A silver impregnation procedure for central nervous system tissues prepared for the autoradiographic study of steroid receptors is described. The procedure is a combination of several silver and reticular stains made up in solutions containing dimethylsulfoxide. The technique clearly distinguishes perikarya of neurons, brain nuclei and fiber tracts without substantial loss of silver grains, and thus greatly facilitates the identification of steroid receptor nuclei at all levels of the central nervous system.  相似文献   


Arthropod central nervous tissue is fixed for 1 hr at 20 C in 8% pure formic acid in 1:1 n-butanol/n-propanol prepared immediately before use (FBP), then washed for 15-30 min in 90% ethanol, and embedded in paraffin wax. Impregnation is by modified Ungewitter techniques in which the silver bath is preceded by mercury/cobalt mordanting, or by modified Holmes' methods following similar mordanting procedures. the methods yield high resolution of axons with minimal background staining, while the staining of neuronal somata is suppressed. They succeed with brains of crustacea and Odonata and other difficult materials. Tissues fixed in FBP are hard and require care in sectioning.  相似文献   

A rapid, reliable silver impregnation method is described for nervous tissue fixed in formol-saline, Bouin or Sum. Sections are impregnated for 10-15 minutes at room temperature or 37 C in a solution containing 0.5 g Protargol-S, 0.005-0.01 g allantoin, 1 ml of 1% Cu[NO2]2, 1 ml of 1% AgNO3. and 1-2 drops of 30% H2O2 in 100 ml distilled water. Thereafter the dons arc reduced in a hydroquinone-formalin solution. This is followed by gold toning and subsequent reduction and mounting. Alternatively. following the first reduction, the silver image can be intensified by placing sections in a silver-allantoin bath which is followed by reduction and mounting. This method is very reliable and selective, making it suitable for general routine and research use.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Acrylamide (ACR) is extensively used in industrial areas and has been demonstrated to induce neurotoxicity via oxidative stress and apoptosis. In this study, we assessed...  相似文献   

Deterioration of Golgi impregnation begins immediately after impregnated tissue blocks are sectioned with the Vibratome. The first signs of deterioration are fading of delicate impregnated processes, the disruption and fragmentation of dendrites, and, eventually, fading of entire neurons. These changes can be prevented by stabilization, i.e., by converting the water soluble silver chromate Golgi precipitate into metallic silver or by replacing the silver with some other dense, insoluble material. A technique is described using photographic developers to treat Vibratome sections containing Golgi-rapid or Golgi-Kopsch impregnated CNS neurons. In this way part of the silver chromate Golgi precipitate is reduced to metallic silver, and the remaining silver chromate is then removed with sodium thiosulfate. Of the various developers tested, Kodalith and Elon-ascorbic acid gave the best results, with excellent stabilization of the most delicate stuctures, such as the stalks of dendritic spines and finely woven axonal plexuses. Treatment with other developers (HC-110, Neutol, D-19, D-76, D-163, Kodak Universal, Rodinal, Atomal, Diafine, Eukobrom, Microdol-X) resulted in stabilization ranging from good to poor. Good stabilization of Golgi impregnation could also be achieved by first exposing the sections to sodium bromide (bromide substitution) followed by treatment with D-19, Kodalith, Elon-ascorbic acid or HC-110. After stabilization, the sections can be counterstained with aqueous cresyl violet or with alcoholic thionin without degradation of the stabilized Golgi image. The countentain permits exact determination of the position of impregnated neurons in cortical layers or subcortical nuclei.  相似文献   

The silver chromate precipitate present in neurons impregnated according to the Golgi-rapid and Golgi-Kopsch procedures can be stabilized by treatment with a photographic developer. In a complementary light microscopic study the stabilizing properties of various photographic developers were tested. Kodalith, Elon-ascorbic acid, HC-110, D-19 and Neutol proved to be the most successful. In the present electron microscopic study, we studied the distribution, shape and size of the particles found in Golgi-rapid and Golgi-Kopsch-impregnated neurons by treatment with each of these developers and, simultaneously, the effect of the developer on the preservation of the ultrastructural details. The reaction product after developer-treatment of Golgi-rapid material is sufficiently stable to withstand embedding and thin sectioning, whereas in Golgi-Kopsch material additional gold chloride “Honing” is necessary. In Golgi-impregnated, Kodalith-, Elon-ascorbic acid-, or HC-110-treated material the formed particles are small and located in the cytoplasm, limited by the plasma membranes of the impregnated profiles. In Golgi-impregnated, D-19 treated neurons, the formed particles are relatively coarse. The majority of these particles are within cytoplasm, but particles may also lie either across or entirely outside the plasma membranes of the impregnated profiles. A large number of the small particles in Golgi impregnated, Neutol-stabilized neurons can be seen partly or entirely outside the plasma membranes of the impregnated profiles. Good original ultrastructural preservation seems to be unaffected by developer treatment. Treatment of Golgi material with sodium bromide before stabilization (bromide substitution) results in the formation of small silver particles both inside and outside the impregnated profiles. The sodium bromide step of this procedure has an adverse effect on the preservation of ultrastructural detail.  相似文献   

A simple, reliable silver impregnation method for nervous tissue is described for tissues fixed in various fixatives including formalin, Bouin, and Sum. Sections are impregnated in a solution containing 1 g Protargol, 2 ml of a 1% Cu(NO3)2 solution, 2 ml of a 1% AgNO3 solution, and 2-4 drops 30% H2O2 in 100 ml distilled water. Sections are impregnated 4-5 days at 37 C and thereafter reduced in a hydroquinone-formalin solution. This is followed by gold toning and subsequent reduction, dehydration and mounting. This method has been found to be very reliable and selective.  相似文献   

A new silver technic, tested on the brain of the rat, is described, especially suitable for demonstrating terminal degeneration within the central nervous system. It is a modification of the Glees method, designed to avoid use of tap water in preparing solutions. Some of the chemical principles underlying the process of reductive liberation of metallic silver from ammoniacal silver nitrate solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

Two fractions were isolated by continuous density gradient centrifugation from total particulate matter of rabbit sciatic nerves: a minor fraction, B, consisting of small-sized membrane fragments and a major fraction, C, of characteristic multilayered myelin figures, with maxima at 0.33 and 0.58 M-sucrose, respectively. In comparison with C, fraction B was enriched in CNPase and alkaline phosphatase activities and the P0, 23K and Z proteins, but was virtually devoid of basic protein. The glycoprotein composition of all fractions was examined with four fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled lectins (WGA, Con A, RCA-60, U.E.). These revealed the presence of six glycoproteins in all fractions with similar lectin binding capacities and molecular weights ranging from 35,500 to 16,000, of which P0 was the predominant component. Material found on the heavy side of fraction C was characterized by the presence of a multitude of glycoproteins which bound variable proportions of the four different lectins, suggesting substantial variations in their carbohydrate moieties. Their absence from the central portion of fraction C points to a location other than that of compact PNS myelin.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury disrupts the normal functions of sensory and motor neurons by damaging the integrity of axons and Schwann cells. In contrast to the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system possesses a considerable capacity for regrowth, but regeneration is far from complete and functional recovery rarely returns to pre-injury levels. During development, the peripheral nervous system strongly depends upon trophic stimulation for neuronal differentiation, growth and maturation. The perhaps most important group of trophic substances in this context is the neurotrophins (NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and NT-4/5), which signal in a complex spatial and timely manner via the two structurally unrelated p75NTR and tropomyosin receptor kinase (TrkA, Trk-B and Trk-C) receptors. Damage to the adult peripheral nerves induces cellular mechanisms resembling those active during development, resulting in a rapid and robust increase in the synthesis of neurotrophins in neurons and Schwann cells, guiding and supporting regeneration. Furthermore, the injury induces neurotrophin-mediated changes in the dorsal root ganglia and in the spinal cord, which affect the modulation of afferent sensory signaling and eventually may contribute to the development of neuropathic pain. The focus of this review is on the expression patterns of neurotrophins and their receptors in neurons and glial cells of the peripheral nervous system and the spinal cord. Furthermore, injury-induced changes of expression patterns and the functional consequences in relation to axonal growth and remyelination as well as to neuropathic pain development will be reviewed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent immunocytochemical studies indicated that the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) is localized in the periaxonal region of central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin sheaths but previous biochemical studies had not demonstrated the presence of MAG in peripheral nerve. The glycoproteins in rat sciatic nerves were heavily labeled by injection of [3H]fucose in order to re-examine whether MAG could be detected chemically in peripheral nerve. Myelin and a myelin-related fraction, WI, were isolated from the nerves. Labeled glycoproteins in the PNS fractions were extracted by the lithium diiodosalicylate (LIS)-phenol procedure, and the extracts were treated with antiserum prepared to CNS MAG in a double antibody precipitation. This resulted in the immune precipitation of a single [3H]fucose-labeled glycoprotein with electrophoretic mobility very similar to that of [14C]fucose-labeled MAG from rat brain. A sensitive peptide mapping procedure involving iodination with Bolton-Hunter reagent and autoradiography was used to compare the peptide maps generated by limited proteolysis from this PNS component and CNS MAG. The peptide maps produced by three distinct proteases were virtually identical for the two glycoproteins, showing that the PNS glycoprotein is MAG. The MAG in the PNS myelin and Wl fractions was also demonstrated by Coomassie blue and periodic acid-Schiff staining of gels on which the whole US-phenol extracts were electrophoresed, and densitometric scanning of the gels indicated that both fractions contained substantially less MAG than purified rat brain myelin. The presence of MAG in the periaxonal region of both peripheral and central myelin sheaths is consistent with a similar involvement of this glycoprotein in axon-sheath cell interactions in the PNS and CNS.  相似文献   

Forward genetics, the phenotype-driven approach to investigating gene identity and function, has a long history in mouse genetics. Random mutations in the mouse transcend bias about gene function and provide avenues towards unique discoveries. The study of the peripheral nervous system is no exception; from historical strains such as the trembler mouse, which led to the identification of PMP22 as a human disease gene causing multiple forms of peripheral neuropathy, to the more recent identification of the claw paw and sprawling mutations, forward genetics has long been a tool for probing the physiology, pathogenesis, and genetics of the PNS. Even as spontaneous and mutagenized mice continue to enable the identification of novel genes, provide allelic series for detailed functional studies, and generate models useful for clinical research, new methods, such as the piggyBac transposon, are being developed to further harness the power of forward genetics. Special issue article in honor of Dr. George DeVries.  相似文献   

We recently characterized two developmentally regulated myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) polypeptides synthesized by mouse brain mRNA in vitro. We now extended these studies to include the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Total cytoplasmic RNA was isolated from the sciatic nerves of 7-, 12-, and 17-day-old and adult rats and translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. In contrast to results in the CNS, it appears that only one MAG polypeptide, p67MAG, is synthesized by PNS mRNA at all ages. The implications of these findings are discussed with respect to recent observations concerning both the localization of MAG and the synthesis of MAG in the PNS of dysmyelinating mutant mice.  相似文献   

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