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The very young embryo of a flowering plant is not an idealsystem in which to study the effects of auxin. Conversely, auxin isusually not considered as a major component of developmental processesin early embryogenesis. However, recent findings from both experimentalstudies in Brassica and analyses of developmental mutants inArabidopsis make it worthwhile to examine critically thepossibility that auxin may have a role in early embryogenesis. In thisreview, we will focus on specific processes, such as formation of anapical-basal axis of polarity and the initiation of the primary rootmeristem. To provide a conceptual framework in which to discuss possibleeffects of auxin, we will first briefly summarise essential features ofearly embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. This will be followed by anevaluation of relevant data suggesting a role for auxin in axisformation and root meristem initiation. Finally, we will discuss a fewexperimental approaches that we believe are necessary to examine whetheror not auxin plays a role in fundamental processes of earlyembryogenesis.  相似文献   

Plants produce low levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which form part of basic cell chemical communication; however, different types of stress can lead to an overexpression of ROS that can damage macromolecules essential for plant growth and development. Iodine is vital to human health, and iodine biofortification programs help improve the human intake through plant consumption. This biofortification process has been shown to influence the antioxidant capacity of lettuce plants, suggesting that the oxidative metabolism of the plant may be affected. The results of this study demonstrate that the response to oxidative stress is variable and depends on the form of iodine applied. Application of iodide (I) to lettuce plants produces a reduction in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and an increase in catalase (CAT) and L-galactono dehydrogenase enzyme activities and in the activity of antioxidant compounds such as ascorbate (AA) and glutathione. This did not prove a very effective approach since a dose of 80 μM produced a reduction in the biomass of the plants. For its part, application of iodate (IO3) produced an increase in the activities of SOD, ascorbate peroxidase, and CAT, the main enzymes involved in ROS detoxification; it also increased the concentration of AA and the regenerative activities of the Halliwell–Asada cycle. These data confirm the non-phytotoxicity of IO3 since there is no lipid peroxidation or biomass reduction. According to our results, the ability of IO3 to induce the antioxidant system indicates that application of this form of iodine may be an effective strategy to improve the response of plants to different types of stress.  相似文献   

A T Carpenter 《Génome》1989,31(1):74-80
Early recombination nodules have been suggested to perform a role in meiotic gene conversion recombination events. The meiotic recombination-defective mutant mei-218 greatly reduces the frequency of meiotic crossover (reciprocal) recombination events and reduces the number of late recombination nodules to the same extent. However, it does not reduce the frequency of simple gene conversion events, although they are abnormal in having shorter coconversion tracts than controls. The original cytological study yielded somewhat fewer early nodules in mei-218 than in controls, although very abnormal ones might have been missed. The present study failed to identify a mei-218 specific abnormal category. However, because recombination nodules are at present recognizable only by their morphology, a definitive answer to this question must await a specific probe for recombination nodules. Moreover, the possibility remains that early nodules in mei-218 are more ephemeral than are early nodules in wild type.  相似文献   

Direct optimization was used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the 26 diploid taxa included in the genus Hordeum. The total data set was composed of 16 nucleotide sequence regions from the nuclear as well as the plastid genome. The nine nuclear regions were from single‐copy, protein coding genes located on six of the seven chromosome pairs in the diploid H. vulgare genome. The seven plastid regions comprise protein coding genes as well as intergenic regions. Studies of character congruence between data partitions showed no correlation between chromosomal location and congruence among the nuclear sequences and a level of congruence among the plastid sequences comparable with the level among the nuclear sequences. Combined analysis of all data resolved the phylogeny completely with most clades being robust and well supported. However, due to incongruence among data partitions some relationships are still and likely to remain ambiguously inferred. Rather than adding still more genes to the phylogenetic analyses, patterns of incongruence may be better explored by adding data from multiple specimens per taxon. For some species relationships the plastid data appear positively misleading, emphasizing the need for caution if plastid data are the only or dominant type of data used for phylogenetic reconstruction and subsequent re‐classification.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2011.  相似文献   

Summary A retrospective study of 200 missed abortions was performed to determine whether morphological criteria alone are sufficient to ascertain a chromosomal aetiology. Placental changes were clasified into five morphological and four morphometric groups, according to the severity of alterations, and were then correlated with the cytogenetic data. The rate of chromosome anomalies was approximately 50% and was thus not significantly different within the groups II–V, but it was 80% in group I, which covered the most severe placental alterations, namely the partial hydatidiform moles. There was a high incidence of triploidies in group I, trisomies with obligatory early lethality in groups II and III, and X-monosomies in group III. Our findings do not support previous evidence regarding the specificity of certain villous alterations in association with chromosome aberrations. Indeed, they indicate that the placental villi may react similarly to chromosomal and nonchromosomal disturbances and that placental morphology depends on the severity and the temporal onset of the underlying disorder rather than on its type. With respect to chorionic villus samplings (CVS), this would mean that an abnormal villous structure may be suggestive for a chromosome anomaly but does not exclude a normal karyotype.Dedicated to Professor Marlis Tolksdorf on the occasion of her 65th birthday  相似文献   

We derive a simple operational definition of teaching that distinguishes it from other forms of social learning where there is no active participation of instructors, and then discuss the constituent parts of the definition in detail. From a functional perspective, it is argued that the instructor's sensitivity to the pupil's changing skills or knowledge, and the instructor's ability to attribute mental states to others, are not necessary conditions of teaching in nonhuman animals, as assumed by previous work, because guided instruction without these prerequisites could still be favored by natural selection. A number of cases of social interaction in several orders of mammals and birds that have been interpreted as evidence of teaching are then reviewed. These cases fall into two categories: situations where offspring are provided with opportunities to practice skills ("opportunity teaching"), and instances where the behavior of young is either encouraged or punished by adults ("coaching"). Although certain taxonomic orders appear to use one form of teaching more often than the other, this may have more to do with the quality of the current data set than with inherent species-specific constraints. We suggest several directions for future research on teaching in nonhuman animals that will lead to a more thorough understanding of this poorly documented phenomenon. We argue throughout that adherence to conventional, narrow definitions of teaching, generally derived from observations of human adult-infant interactions, has caused many related but simpler phenomena in other species to go unstudied or unrecorded, and severely limits further exploration of this topic.  相似文献   

Is there chaos in plankton dynamics?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A controversial issue in ecosystem modeling is whether the irregularfluctuations that one observes in nature are due solely to randomenvironmental factors or whether, at least partially, a deterministicmechanism is responsible for the unpredictable behavior. Thissecond alternative is called deterministic chaos and the issuein this paper is to decide if actual plankton time series canvindicate the hypothesis of chaotic dynamics. The near-neighborforecasting method is a recent technique for detecting determinismin a time series and we apply it to measurements of phytoplanktonand zooplankton biomass obtained at a single station in theMiddle Atlantic Bight. Although the results do not concludethe presence of chaos, they do give some support to the ideathat deterministic non-linear trophic dynamics may account forat least some of the variability that is seen in the data, particularlyin terms of inferring zooplankton oscillations from those ofphytoplankton.  相似文献   

Immunomorphology, including immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry, forms a category of well known, reproducible, cost and environment saving immunodiagnostic methods based on immunological specificity. Both the accurate diagnosis and a better knowledge of biological parameters of diseases, especially of malignant tumors, result from the continual development of technologies and applications concerning at least 60 years of history of immunostaining. This review attempts to summarize the most important steps of development of immunomorphology.  相似文献   

En route to early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease--are we there yet?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease (AD) become available, it will become increasingly important to develop accurate and reliable tools for its early diagnosis. A recent paper by Georganopoulou et al. suggests that nanobiotechnology could help to overcome the limitations with the current diagnostic methods. The paper introduces a nanoparticle-based assay using antibodies that are specific for amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) oligomers with sub-femtomolar sensitivity. This assay appears to be more specific for AD than previous ELISA-based work and, if specificity of the assay for Abeta oligomers can be established, the method developed might provide a sensitive, reliable diagnostic tool for AD.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT) and computed tomography perfusion (CTP) in early diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke and to define influence of these diagnostic procedures on early outcome of thrombolytic therapy (TLTH). The study included 45 patients, 35 patients submitted to NCCT and CTP and 10 patients who underwent only NCCT, before CTP was introduced. Based on the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score we compared early outcome of patients who received TLTH after NCCT only (group 1) with the early outcome of patients who received TLTH following NCCT and CTP (group 2). Statistically significant difference was found in acute stroke diagnosing between CTP and NCCT (p = 0.002). There were no statistically significant differences in TLTH early outcome between group 1 and group 2. In conclusion, CTP should be done regulary in patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke symptoms. More research needs to be done in defining exact influence of CTP implementation on the TLTH outcome.  相似文献   

The Vicia faba-micronucleus test is usually performed to assess the genotoxic potential of pure substances, effluents or water extracts from soil. It is also a relevant, early biological tool to detect mutagenic substances in crude soils. Nevertheless, the physiological meaning of such DNA damage for the plant in the long term remains to be elucidated. To know more about this, two experiments were carried out with the plant model V. faba. In a preliminary short-term experiment, seeds were exposed for five days to a soil spiked with different concentrations of CdCl(2) in order to identify the concentration inducing the highest number of micronuclei without affecting plant growth. Thereafter, a long-term experiment was performed in the soil spiked with such a concentration (i.e. 510μmol CdCl(2) per kg dry soil), in which V. faba seeds were directly sowed and allowed to grow during 151 days. As a result, Cd-spiked soil did not affect seed-emergence time nor the growth-rate of the plants for the first two months. The first signs of toxicity appeared after the 70th day of exposure. Interestingly, exposed plants produced their first flower earlier and had a longer flowering period than did control ones. Nevertheless, total flower production was less abundant in exposed plants than in control plants. Moreover, fruits appeared in control plants whereas no fruit was formed in exposed plants. At last, exposed plants showed a reduced life time. Our results suggest that the micronucleus assay can provide a predictive biomarker of long-term deleterious effects in plants.  相似文献   

In recent years, the innate immune system has emerged from the shadow of adaptive immune responses as a major area of research in its own right. One of the most significant model systems that has been used to investigate this phenomenon has been the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Exploration of the differential immune response presented by Drosophila led to the discovery of important signalling events and transduction pathways, which were thereafter shown to be specific for the type of infecting pathogen. These factors and pathways were subsequently found to have homologues in many other organisms, including those with adaptive immune responses. In light of the present status of studies in innate immunity, this review describes the current state of understanding of the Drosophila immune response.  相似文献   

This short article hypothesizes that the major reason for persistent disease despite biologic therapy is the inappropriately late timing of therapy with biologic agents. There is clear evidence to support this hypothesis. This short review will indicate that patients treated at an earlier phase of disease can achieve a clinical remission rate of 70% and a response rate of above 95%.The majority of studies of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have shown that when patients with RA are treated with biologics, they achieve a remission rate of only 30% or less. There are many potential reasons why disease activity is incompletely suppressed by biologics. The most commonly used biologics are anti-cytokines, in particular those that block TNF alpha. Therefore, a logical reason for persistent disease activity is either incomplete blockade of the individual cytokine or the fact that multiple cytokines/alternative mechanisms are implicated in the pathogenesis. A pragmatic second reason is that the outcome measures used to measure response include elements other than disease activity/inflammation. Even when inflammation is completely switched off, these outcome measures may not normalize. An example of this is the reduced impact of inflammation-suppressive therapy on outcome measures in later disease, at a time when there is already extensive damage.This short article, representing a personal view, will examine the hypothesis that a major reason there is persistent disease activity is that anti-cytokine biologics are used inappropriately late in the disease. In patients with late disease, the disease activity score (DAS) reflects damage as well as inflammation and therapy has a large irreversible component. More controversially, the pathogenesis of the disease by this time may have evolved, so that the disease process is less reversible with the blockade of a single cytokine. For both of these reasons, TNF blockade will produce full benefits only when given early in the course of disease.  相似文献   

Are there latitudinal gradients in species turnover?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aim To examine the effect on the observed relationship between spatial turnover and latitude of both the measure of beta diversity used and the method of analysis. Location The empirical analyses presented herein are for the New World. Methods We take the spatial distributions of the owls of the New World as an exemplar data set to investigate the patterns of beta diversity across latitudes revealed by different analytical methods. To illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of alternative measures of beta diversity and different analytical approaches, we also use a simple random distribution model, focusing in particular on the influence of richness gradients and landmass geometry. Results Our simple spatial model of turnover demonstrates that different combinations of analytical approach and measure of beta diversity can give rise to strikingly different relationships between turnover and latitude. The analyses of the bird data for the owls of the New World demonstrate that this observation extends to real data. Conclusions For the particular assemblage considered, we present strong evidence that species richness declines at higher latitudes, and there is also some evidence that species turnover is greater nearer the equator, despite conceptual and practical difficulties involved in analysing spatial patterns of species turnover. We suggest some ways of overcoming these difficulties.  相似文献   

The sugar alcohol mannitol and it’s catabolic enzyme mannitol dehydrogenase (MTD), in addition to welldocumented roles in metabolism and osmoprotection, may play roles in hostpathogen interactions. Research suggests that in response to the mannitol that pathogenic fungi secrete to suppress reactive oxygen-mediated host defenses, plants make MTD to catabolize fungal mannitol. Yet previous work suggested that pathogen-secreted mannitol is extracellular, while in healthy plants MTD is cytoplasmic. We have presented results showing that the normally cytoplasmic MTD is exported into the cell wall or extracellular space in response to the endogenous inducer of plant defense responses salicylic acid (SA). This SA-induced secretion is insensitive to brefeldin A, an inhibitor of Golgimediated protein transport. Together with the absence of MTD in Golgi stacks and the lack of a documented extracellular targeting sequence in the MTD protein, this suggests MTD is secreted by a non-Golgi, pathogen-activated secretion mechanism in plants. Here we discuss the potential significance of non-Golgi secretion in response to stress.Key words: protein secretion, mannitol metabolism, plant-pathogen interaction, extracellular space, apoplast  相似文献   

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