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Previous studies have demonstrated the importance of transition nuclear proteins, TP1 and TP2, in spermatogenesis and male fertility. However, importance of the overall level of transition proteins and their level of redundancy in the production of normal sperm is not clear. Epididymal sperm from the nine possible Tnp1 and Tnp2 null genotypes demonstrated a general decrease in normal morphology, motility, chromatin condensation, and degree of protamine 2 processing with decreasing levels of transition proteins in mutant sperm. Nuclei of some mutant epididymal sperm stained poorly with hematoxylin and DNA fluorochromes, suggesting that the DNA of these sperm underwent degradation during epididymal transport. When epididymal sperm were injected directly into oocytes, fertilization and embryonic development were reduced only in the two most severely affected genotypes. These phenotypes indicated some functional redundancy of transition proteins; however, redundancy of transition protein function was not complete, as, for example, sperm from double heterozygous males had fewer abnormalities than sperm from males homozygous for a single Tnp null mutation. Our study suggests that each TP fulfills some unique function during spermiogenesis even though sperm phenotypes strongly indicate defects are largely attributable to an overall gene dosage effect. Similarities between sperm defects found in Tnp mutants and infertile patients make the Tnp mutants a valuable tool with which to study outcomes following fertilization using sperm with compromised DNA integrity.  相似文献   

Mice lacking the CLOCK protein have a relatively subtle circadian phenotype, including a slightly shorter period in constant darkness, differences in phase resetting after 4-hour light pulses in the early and late night, and a variably advanced phase angle of entrainment in a light-dark (LD) cycle. The present series of experiments was conducted to more fully characterize the circadian phenotype of Clock(-/-) mice under various lighting conditions. A phase-response curve (PRC) to 4-hour light pulses in free-running mice was conducted; the results confirm that Clock(-/-) mice exhibit very large phase advances after 4-hour light pulses in the late subjective night but have relatively normal responses to light at other phases. The abnormal shape of the PRC to light may explain the tendency of CLOCK-deficient mice to begin activity before lights-out when housed in a 12-hour light:12-hour dark lighting schedule. To assess this relationship further, Clock(-/-) and wild-type control mice were entrained to skeleton lighting cycles (1L:23D and 1L:10D:1L:12D). Comparing entrainment under the 2 types of skeleton photoperiods revealed that exposure to 1-hour light in the morning leads to a phase advance of activity onset (expressed the following afternoon) in Clock(-/-) mice but not in the controls. Constant light typically causes an intensity-dependent increase in circadian period in mice, but this did not occur in CLOCK-deficient mice. The failure of Clock(-/-) mice to respond to the period-lengthening effect of constant light likely results from the increased functional impact of light falling in the phase advance zone of the PRC. Collectively, these experiments reveal that alterations in the response of CLOCK-deficient mice to light in several paradigms are likely due to an imbalance in the shape of the PRC to light.  相似文献   

Ku is an abundant heterodimeric nuclear protein, consisting of 70- and 86-kDa tightly associated subunits that comprise the DNA binding component of DNA-dependent protein kinase. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) is a 113-kDa protein that catalyzes the synthesis of poly(ADP-ribose) on target proteins. Both Ku and PARP-1 recognize and bind to DNA ends. Ku functions in the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair pathway whereas PARP-1 functions in the single strand break repair and base excision repair (BER) pathways. Recent studies have revealed that PARP-1 and Ku80 interact in vitro. To determine whether the association of PARP-1 and Ku80 has any physiological significance or synergistic function in vivo, mice lacking both PARP-1 and Ku80 were generated. The resulting offspring died during embryonic development displaying abnormalities around the gastrulation stage. In addition, PARP-1-/-/Ku80-/- cultured blastocysts had an increased level of apoptosis. These data suggest that the functions of both Ku80 and PARP-1 are essential for normal embryogenesis and that a loss of genomic integrity leading to cell death through apoptosis is likely the cause of the embryonic lethality observed in these mice.  相似文献   

Siah1a has been implicated in numerous signaling pathways because of its ability to induce ubiquitin-mediated degradation of many protein substrates. Siah1a knockout mice are growth-retarded, exhibit early lethality, and display spermatogenic defects. In this study we identified a striking low bone volume phenotype in these mice (trabecular bone volume was halved compared with wild type mice), linking Siah1a to bone metabolism for the first time. Markers of bone formation, including osteoblast numbers and osteoid volume, were decreased by up to 40%, whereas the number of osteoclasts was more than doubled in Siah1a mutant mice. However, ex vivo osteoclast formation occurs normally and hematopoietic osteoclast progenitor cell types were present in normal numbers in Siah1a mutant mice. Moreover, adoptive transfer of Siah1a mutant bone marrow into wild type mice failed to reproduce the osteopenia or increased osteoclast numbers observed in mutant mice. Although ex vivo osteoblast colony formation was normal in Siah1a mutant mice, mineralization from these cells was elevated in cultures from Siah1a mutant mice, which may explain the reduction in osteoid volume seen in vivo. These findings suggest that although Siah1a is clearly essential for normal bone metabolism, the bone defect in Siah1a mutant mice is not due to cell-autonomous requirements for Siah1a in osteoblast or osteoclast formation. We propose that bone metabolism defects in Siah1a mutant mice are secondary to an alteration in an unidentified systemic, paracrine, or metabolic factor in these mice.  相似文献   

As the outermost layer on aerial tissues of the primary plant body, the cuticle plays important roles in plant development and physiology. The major components of the cuticle are cutin and cuticular wax, both of which are composed primarily of fatty acid derivatives synthesized in the epidermal cells. Long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases (LACS) catalyze the formation of long-chain acyl-CoAs and the Arabidopsis genome contains a family of nine genes shown to encode LACS enzymes. LACS2 is required for cutin biosynthesis, as revealed by previous investigations on lacs2 mutants. Here, we characterize lacs1 mutants of Arabidopsis that reveals a role for LACS1 in biosynthesis of cuticular wax components. lacs1 lacs2 double-mutant plants displayed pleiotropic phenotypes including organ fusion, abnormal flower development and reduced seed set; phenotypes not found in either of the parental mutants. The leaf cuticular permeability of lacs1 lacs2 was higher than that of either lacs1 or lacs2 single mutants, as determined by measurements of chlorophyll leaching from leaves immersed in 80% ethanol, staining with toluidine blue dye and direct measurements of water loss. Furthermore, lacs1 lacs2 mutant plants are highly susceptible to drought stress. Our results indicate that a deficiency in cuticular wax synthesis and a deficiency in cutin synthesis together have compounding effects on the functional integrity of the cuticular barrier, compromising the ability of the cuticle to restrict water movement, protect against drought stress and prevent organ fusion.  相似文献   

Circadian entrainment is necessary for rhythmic physiological functions to be appropriately timed over the 24-hour day. Disruption of circadian rhythms has been associated with sleep and neuro-behavioral impairments as well as cancer. To date, light is widely accepted to be the most powerful circadian synchronizer, motivating its use as a key control input for phase resetting. Through sensitivity analysis, we identify additional control targets whose individual and simultaneous manipulation (via a model predictive control algorithm) out-perform the open-loop light-based phase recovery dynamics by nearly 3-fold. We further demonstrate the robustness of phase resetting by synchronizing short- and long-period mutant phenotypes to the 24-hour environment; the control algorithm is robust in the presence of model mismatch. These studies prove the efficacy and immediate application of model predictive control in experimental studies and medicine. In particular, maintaining proper circadian regulation may significantly decrease the chance of acquiring chronic illness.  相似文献   

Genetic approaches have provided evidence that DNA end-joining problems serve an essential role in neuronal survival during development of mammalian embryos. In the present study, we tested whether the DNA repair enzyme, DNA dependent protein kinase, plays an important role in the survival of cerebral cortical neurons in mice. DNA-PK is comprised of a DNA-binding subunit called Ku and a catalytic subunit called DNA-PKcs. In mice with the scid mutation, DNA-PKcs is truncated near the kinase domain, which causes loss of kinase activity. We compared the spatial and temporal aspects of neuronal cell death in scid versus isogenic wild-type embryos and found a significant increase in dying cells in scid mice, as assessed by nuclear changes, DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 activity. Additional biochemical and immunocytochemical studies indicated that of several DNA repair enzymes investigated, only PARP was increased in scid mice, possibly in response to elevated DNA strand breaks.  相似文献   

Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) are gut-derived incretins secreted in response to nutrient ingestion. Both incretins potentiate glucose-dependent insulin secretion and enhance beta-cell mass through regulation of beta-cell proliferation, neogenesis and apoptosis. In contrast, GLP-1, but not GIP, inhibits gastric emptying, glucagon secretion, and food intake. Furthermore, human subjects with Type 2 diabetes exhibit relative resistance to the actions of GIP, but not GLP-1R agonists. The physiological importance of both incretins has been investigated through generation and analysis of incretin receptor knockout mice. Elimination of incretin receptor action in GIPR-/- or GLP-1R-/- mice produces only modest impairment in glucose homeostasis. Similarly, double incretin receptor knockout (DIRKO) mice exhibit normal body weight and normal levels of plasma glucagon and hypoglycemic responses to exogenous insulin. However, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion is significantly decreased following oral but not intraperitoneal glucose challenge in DIRKO mice and the glucose lowering actions of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) inhibitors are extinguished in DIRKO mice. Hence, incretin receptor signaling exerts physiologically relevant actions critical for glucose homeostasis, and represents a pharmacologically attractive target for development of agents for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Regulator of calcineurin 1 (RCAN1) is related to the expression of human neurologic disorders such as Down syndrome, Alzheimer disease, and chromosome 21q deletion syndrome. We showed here that RCAN1-knockout mice exhibit reduced innate anxiety as indicated by the elevated-plus maze. To examine whether glucocorticoids contribute to this phenotype, we measured fecal corticosterone in male wildtype and RCAN1-knockout mice and in male and female transgenic mice with neuronal overexpression of RCAN1 (Tg-RCAN1(TG)). We found no difference in fecal corticosterone levels of RCAN1-knockout mice and their wildtype littermates. As expected, we found differences between sexes in fecal corticosterone levels. In addition, we found higher levels of excreted corticosterone in Tg-RCAN1(TG) female mice as compared with female wildtype mice. Our data indicate normal diurnal corticosterone production in RCAN1 mutant mice and do not suggest a causal role in either the cognitive or anxiety phenotypes exhibited by RCAN1-knockout mice.  相似文献   

TMEFF2 is a single-transmembrane protein containing one EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains. Some studies implicated TMEFF2 as a tumor suppressor for prostate and other cancers, whereas others reported TMEFF2 functioning as a growth factor for neurons and other cells. To gain insights into the apparently conflicting roles of TMEFF2, we generated a null allele of Tmeff2 gene by replacing its first coding exon with human placental alkaline phosphatase cDNA (Tmeff2(PLAP)). Tmeff2(PLAP/PLAP) homozygous mutant mice are born normal, but show growth retardation and die around weaning age. Tmeff2 is widely expressed in the nervous system, and the Tmeff2(PLAP) knock-in allele enables the visualization of neuronal innervations of skin and internal organs with a simple alkaline phosphatase staining. Tmeff2 is also highly expressed in prostate gland and white adipose tissues (WAT). However, with the exception of reduced WAT mass, extensive anatomical and molecular analyses failed to detect any structural or molecular abnormalities in the brain, the spinal cord, the enteric nervous system, or the prostate in the Tmeff2 mutants. No tumors were found in Tmeff2-mutant mice. The Tmeff2(PLAP/PLAP) knock-in mouse is an useful tool for studying the in vivo biological functions of TMEFF2.  相似文献   

RAS signalling is abnormal in a c-raf1 MEK1 double mutant.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A mutant rat cell clone that suppresses the transformation defects of RAS effector loop substitutions is heterozygous for mutations in c-raf1 and MEK1. The mutant cells can be transformed by many otherwise defective RAS effector mutants, including RAS genes with the effector regions of distantly related GTPases, even though the encoded RAS proteins do not interact with either the mutant or wild-type RAF in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While the significance of the c-raf1 mutation is unclear, the MEK1 mutation increases MEK1 activity and leads to activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. The mutant MEK1 is coupled to the epidermal growth factor pathway but exhibits decreased physical interaction with RAF. When overexpressed, the MEK1 mutation is transforming and causes hyperphosphorylation of RAF. Signalling from RAS to MEK1 may be mediated by something other than RAF alone, but signalling through MEK1 is probably sufficient for RAS transformation.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is strongly implicated in the progressive decline of cognition associated with aging and neurodegenerative disorders. In the brain, free radical-mediated oxidative stress plays a critical role in the age-related decline of cellular function as a result of the oxidation of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. A number of studies indicate that an increase in protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation is associated with age-related neurodegenerative diseases and cellular dysfunction observed in aging brains. Oxidative stress is one of the important factors contributing to Alzheimer's disease (AD), one of whose major hallmarks includes brain depositions of amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta) derived from amyloid precursor protein (APP). Mutation in APP and PS-1 genes, which increases production of the highly amyloidogenic amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta42), is the major cause of familial AD. In the present study, protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation in the brain from knock-in mice expressing human mutant APP and PS-1 were compared with brain from wild type, as a function of age. The results suggest that there is an increased oxidative stress in the brain of wild-type mice as a function of age. In APP/PS-1 mouse brain, there is a basal increase (at 1 month) in oxidative stress compared to the wild type (1 month), as measured by protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation. In addition, age-related elevation of oxidative damage was observed in APP/PS-1 mice brain compared to that of wild-type mice brain. These results are discussed with reference to the importance of Abeta42-associated oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of AD.  相似文献   

Siah proteins function as E3 ubiquitin ligase enzymes to target the degradation of diverse protein substrates. To characterize the physiological roles of Siah2, we have generated and analyzed Siah2 mutant mice. In contrast to Siah1a knockout mice, which are growth retarded and exhibit defects in spermatogenesis, Siah2 mutant mice are fertile and largely phenotypically normal. While previous studies implicate Siah2 in the regulation of TRAF2, Vav1, OBF-1, and DCC, we find that a variety of responses mediated by these proteins are unaffected by loss of Siah2. However, we have identified an expansion of myeloid progenitor cells in the bone marrow of Siah2 mutant mice. Consistent with this, we show that Siah2 mutant bone marrow produces more osteoclasts in vitro than wild-type bone marrow. The observation that combined Siah2 and Siah1a mutation causes embryonic and neonatal lethality demonstrates that the highly homologous Siah proteins have partially overlapping functions in vivo.  相似文献   

The prevailing model to explain the formation of topographic projections in the nervous system stipulates that this process is governed by information located within the projecting and targeted structures. In mammals, different thalamic nuclei establish highly ordered projections with specific neocortical domains and the mechanisms controlling the initial topography of these projections remain to be characterized. To address this issue, we examined Ebf1(-/-) embryos in which a subset of thalamic axons does not reach the neocortex. We show that the projections that do form between thalamic nuclei and neocortical domains have a shifted topography, in the absence of regionalization defects in the thalamus or neocortex. This shift is first detected inside the basal ganglia, a structure on the path of thalamic axons, and which develops abnormally in Ebf1(-/-) embryos. A similar shift in the topography of thalamocortical axons inside the basal ganglia and neocortex was observed in Dlx1/2(-/-) embryos, which also have an abnormal basal ganglia development. Furthermore, Dlx1 and Dlx2 are not expressed in the dorsal thalamus or in cortical projections neurons. Thus, our study shows that: (1) different thalamic nuclei do not establish projections independently of each other; (2) a shift in thalamocortical topography can occur in the absence of major regionalization defects in the dorsal thalamus and neocortex; and (3) the basal ganglia may contain decision points for thalamic axons' pathfinding and topographic organization. These observations suggest that the topography of thalamocortical projections is not strictly determined by cues located within the neocortex and may be regulated by the relative positioning of thalamic axons inside the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

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