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目的:用生物信息学的方法对硬粒小麦基因组中疑似硒蛋白的氨基酸序列进行综合分析,进一步找寻其为硒蛋白的生物信息依据,并初步分析推断其功能。方法:利用Vector NTI等多种生物信息学工具对硬粒小麦AYl46587.1序列中发现的疑似硒蛋白编码序列进行综合分析研究。结果:发现2段目标编码序列具有与某些蛋白酶相似的生物信息学特征,并推测其蛋白编码具有目前未知的机理。结论:推断AYl46587.1序列中存在编码未知硒蛋白的编码段,其编码的硒蛋白参与硬粒小麦胚芽生长发育时期能量调节。  相似文献   

小麦基因组研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张正斌  徐萍 《遗传》2002,24(3):389-394
本文从小麦遗传图谱、物理图谱、比较基因组、基因组测序和EST 5个方面,介绍国内外小麦基因组的研究进展。我们利用W7984×Opata重组近交系的RFLP作图群体,对33个与小麦水分利用效率有关的性状进行了QTL遗传图谱比较分析,结果显明:在第一部分同源群染色体(1A,1B)上的着丝粒周围,分布有控制光合作用和根系特性的基因簇。在第二部分同源染色体上,有控制单株水分利用效率、根冠形态和生长发育的基因簇存在。在第六部分同源染色体上,6A和6B上都分别有由控制根系多个QTL组成的基因簇,6D染色体着丝粒周围有一个大的基因簇,由7个控制叶片和单株水分利用效率的QTL组成,说明第六部分同源染色体在小麦水分利用效率遗传方面起重要作用。 Abstract:Research development of genetic mapping,physics mapping,genome sequencing and expressed sequence tags in wheat have been reviewed in this paper.RFLP genetic linkage map of wheat recombinant inbred lines derived from W7984×Opata,was used to study QTL of 33 traits associated with water use efficiency.Compared with QTL map of 7 group homeologues chromosomes,the results were showed as follows:nearby the centromeric region of 1A and 1B chromosome,the gene cluster of controlling photosynthetic and root traits were located.The gene clusters of controlling water use efficiency per plant,root and plant height and growth rate were located on the 2 group chromosomes.The gene clusters of controlling root traits were located on the 6A an 6B chromosome,there was a big gene cluster mad up by 7 QTLs controlling water use efficiency of wheat leaf and per plant nearby the centromeric region of 6D chromosome.It showed that 6th homeologous chromosomes play an important role in controlling water use efficiency in wheat.  相似文献   

根据通心面的商品外观、加工品质和蒸煮品质对硬粒小麦原料提出的主要品质要求,在优质硬粒小麦87(341)品系的选育过程中,品质性状的选择以蛋白质、面筋和黄色素为主。F3代面筋的质量、含量和黄色素含量的分离相当大,为不错失优质品系,应从F3代起就开始分析。F4代在农艺性状选择的基础上,为品质测试和品质上择优汰劣的关键世代。F5代及其后代的选择则继续兼顾产量和品质指标,以达到高产优质的选育目的。  相似文献   

硬粒小麦单倍体原生质体培养及植株再生   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
由硬粒小麦(Triticum durum Desf.)×玉米(Zea maysL.)建立的单倍性胚性愈伤组织,在继代培养4 个月后置于含2.0 m g/L2,4-D、3% 蔗糖、200 m g/L水解酪蛋白、146 m g/L谷氨酰胺和300 m g/L天冬氨酸的MS液体培养基中进行悬浮培养,4 个月后形成了生长迅速、由大小不同(0.5 ~5 m m )的愈伤组织块组成的愈伤组织悬浮系。酶解试验表明,2.0% 纤维素酶RS和0.5% 的离析酶效果最好,而液体悬浮培养物和固体培养的愈伤组织(在酶解时用锋利的解剖刀片切成1 m m 左右的小块)都能释放出大量原生质体,但悬浮培养物释放出的原生质体状态较好,胞质更浓厚,用KM8p 培养基以琼脂糖包埋培养方式培养时分裂频率可达5% 左右。由原生质体再生的小愈伤组织经增殖、筛选后可获得胚性愈伤组织,将其转移至分化培养基Ⅰ(0.2 m g/L 2,4-D、1.0 m g/L BAP、0.1 m g/LNAA、3% 蔗糖、200 m g/L 水解酪蛋白、146 m g/L谷氨酰胺和300 m g/L天冬氨酸的MS固体培养基)和Ⅱ(不含2,4-D,其它成分同Ⅰ)上进行分步分化培养可再生出完整植株,分化频率约为20%  相似文献   

小麦基因组中外源染色体片段的检测和小麦基因分子标记的建立@石锐$哈尔滨师范大学生物系!150080小麦;;外源染色体;;分子标记  相似文献   

苏云金芽孢杆菌毒蛋白基因在小麦基因组中的甲基化修饰   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
郭亮  文玉香 《遗传学报》1997,24(3):255-262
通过花粉管通道法将苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillusthuringiensis)毒蛋白基因(Bt.toxingene)转进了小麦品种京花5号与86Al。利用点杂交、Southern杂交和PCR等技术鉴定了转化植株的当代和子代,证实了Bttoxingene的导入与对小麦染色体的整合。利用对腺嘌呤(A)与胞嘧啶(C)甲基化敏感与否的限制性内切酶组(medhylation-(un)sensitiverestrictionenzymegroup,MREG)酶切和RCR扩增(MREG-PCR),对转化子代中的Bt基因片段甲基化形式进行了研究。结果表明,整合在小麦基因组中的Bt基因的A和C的甲基化形式发生了变化  相似文献   

通过和玉米杂交诱导硬粒小麦单倍体   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
硬粒小麦(Triticum durum Desf.)DR147授以超甜玉米(Zea m ays L.) ss 7700的花粉后,在83.4% 的柱头上观察到花粉萌发及花粉管长入胚囊,有9.9% 的子房发生了卵细胞的单受精,1.9% 的子房发生了中央细胞的单受精,32.7% 的子房发生了双受精。尽管双受精后可同时形成胚和胚乳,但胚乳往往发育迟缓,甚至败育。硬粒小麦×玉米形成的杂合子核型高度不稳定,在最初的几次细胞分裂中,来自父本玉米的染色体逐步被排除,最后形成硬粒小麦单倍体胚。在授以玉米花粉4 h 后用100 ppm 2,4-D溶液浸蘸硬粒小麦穗部,可以有效地促进幼胚在缺乏胚乳或胚乳败育情况下的生长和发育。授粉9—13 d 后由533个硬粒小麦子房解剖出25个胚,得胚率为4.7% 。通过幼胚拯救获得11棵正常植株,植株获得率为2.1% 。根尖细胞染色体计数表明,它们为单倍体(2n= 2x= 14)。  相似文献   

叶锈菌胁迫下的小麦基因组MSAP分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
付胜杰  王晖  冯丽娜  孙一  杨文香  刘大群 《遗传》2009,31(3):297-304
内源DNA甲基化是真核生物表观遗传调控的重要组成部分, 在真核生物的基因表达调控中具有重要的作用。生物胁迫为植物提供一种内在的表观遗传进化动力。研究生物胁迫下DNA甲基化的变异模式, 有助于全面理解DNA甲基化的表观调控生物学功能。小麦近等基因系TcLr19、TcLr41及其感病亲本Thatcher在苗期对叶锈菌生理小种THTT、TKTJ分别表现为小种特异性抗病反应和感病反应。文章利用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(Methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism, MSAP)技术分析了小麦的甲基化水平, 同时比较了苗期在生物胁迫前后基因组DNA胞嘧啶甲基化模式。用60对MSAP引物对接种前后的小麦DNA进行全基因组筛选, 没有直接分离得到接菌前后的甲基化模式的差异, 结果初步表明, 叶锈菌并没有诱导稳定且特异的植物基因组DNA胞嘧啶位点的甲基化模式变化, 但发现TcLr41及其感病亲本Thatcher之间存在表观遗传学差异。  相似文献   

用压片法对八倍体小偃麦与硬粒小麦及其杂种F_1小孢子发生和花粉发育进行了详细的细胞学观察。结果表明,两亲本八倍体小偃麦和硬粒小麦的小孢子发生和花粉发育是基本正常的,二者结实率也基本正常。[八倍体小偃麦×硬粒小麦]F_1小孢子发生过程非常紊乱,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ出现较高频率的单价体和多价体,其相对紊乱系数高达0.67;减数分裂晚后期,每个细胞落后染色体平均3.56条;四分体期,每个四分体微核数平均2.82个。在杂种F_1花粉发育的每个时期都可产生不同频率的败育花粉。在三细胞成熟花粉期,杂种F_1可育花粉百分率为67.36%,基本能够满足传粉受精的需要,但其结实率仅为2.79%,远远低于两亲本结实率。因此杂种F_1花粉的败育不是导致其结实率低的主导因素。  相似文献   

本文设计了一种利用细胞遗传学原理定位转基因小麦部转基因所在的基因组的系统方法,并对该方法的有效性和可靠性进行了验证。该方法利用分别含有AABB、AADD和BBDD基因组的小麦近缘四倍体与等测转基因小麦杂交,F1一倍体与同源非转化品种回交,根据回交群体中在抗性基因控制的性状上的分离比例以及各个体的染色体数目分析,从而对转基因小麦中转基因所在的基因组进行定位,该方法简单、可靠,实用性强,可供相关研究采用。  相似文献   

Haploid suspension callus cultures from embryos of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf. ) × maize (Zea mays L. ) crosses were used for protoplast isolation. Experimental results from enzyme digestion showed large numbers of viable protoplasts released from both suspension culture and solid culture of callus cut into small pieces of 1 mm in size prior to incubation in an enzyme solution containing 2.0% cellulase RS and 0.5 % pectolyase Y-23. Division frequency of protoplasts isolated from suspension cultured callus was quite different from that of solid cultured callus, however, the former being 5.20%, and the latter less than 1.0% when cultured on KM8p medium containing 1.0 mg/L 2, 4-D using LMP (low melting point) agarose embedding method. Embryogenic ealli could be selected out from protoplast-derived microcalli after 2 to 3 subcultures. Plants could be regenerated from protoplast-derived embryogenic calli after 20 days of culture on differentiation medium I (MS basal medium supplemented with 0.2 mg/L 2, 4-D, 1.0 mg/L BAP, 0. I mg/L NAA, 3 %/4 su- crose, 200 mg/L casein hydrolysate, 146 mg/L glutamine, 300 mg/L aspartic acid) and (components were the same as I without 2, 4-D) respectively. The plant regeneration frequency was about 20%. Chromosome count of root tip cells of 4 plants of the 22 protoplast- derived plants sampled at random revealed haploid in nature (2n= 2x= 14).  相似文献   

Both Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus (WSSMV) and Soil-borne Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV) were found on durum wheat plants (Triticum durum Desf.) grown in a field near Rome (Italy). The simultaneous occurrence of these pathogens was demonstrated by host-symptomatology, pattern of disease occurrence in the field, mechanical transmission tests, as well as by the morphology of viral particles and of ultrastructural modifications. Negatively stained preparates of diseased leaves collected in early, spring showed WSSMV particles and cytoplasmic cylindrical inclusions. SBWMV particles were found only in samples collected later in the season. Ultrathin sections of infected leaves collected in early spring showed characteristic WSSMV modifications such as pinwheels and membranous bodies, whereas samples collected later in the season contained also SBWMV-like crystalline aggregates. WSSMV infection appeared to develop and decline earlier than SBWMV in the leaves of durum wheat plants infected by both, viruses. WSSMV had not been reported in Italy before.  相似文献   


Two independent experiments were performed to assess the role of thiourea (TU)-mediated nitric oxide (NO) in mitigating boron toxicity (BT) in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Pandas) and durum wheat (Triticum durum cv. Altıntoprak 98) plants. In the first experiment, plants of the two wheat species were grown under control (0.05 mM B) and BT (0.2 mM B) supplied to nutrient solution for 4 weeks after germination. These two treatments were also combined with TU spray at 200 or 400 mg L−1 once a week during the period of stress. Boron toxicity reduced dry weights of shoot and root, leaf total chlorophyll, efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and leaf relative water content, whereas it increased endogenous nitric oxide (NO), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), electrolyte leakage (EL), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde (MDA) and leaf B content. Reductions in total dry matter were 33% and 61% of control in cvs. Pandas and Altintoprak, respectively. Exogenous application of TU improved the plant growth attributes and led to further increases in NO in the leaves. An additional experiment was set up to further understand whether or not TU mediated NO production played a significant role in mitigation of BT using 0.1 mM scavenger of NO, 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide potassium salt (cPTIO) combined with the TU treatments by spraying once a week for 4 weeks. TU-induced BT tolerance was totally eliminated by cPTIO by reversing endogenous NO levels. BT enhanced the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC, catalase (CAT; EC., peroxidase (POD; EC. and lipoxygenase (LOX; EC. as well as the contents of soluble sugars (SS), soluble proteins and phenols, but decreased NR. TU treatments enhanced enzyme activities, but reduced contents of soluble sugars (SS), soluble protein and phenols. The present results clearly indicate that TU mediated endogenous NO significantly improved BT tolerance of wheat plants. This evidence was also supported by the increase in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) as well as plant growth inhibition with the application of TU combined with cPTIO.


Association mapping is a powerful approach to detect associations between traits of interest and genetic markers based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) in molecular plant breeding. In this study, 150 accessions of worldwide originated durum wheat germplasm (Triticum turgidum spp. durum) were genotyped using 1,366 SNP markers. The extent of LD on each chromosome was evaluated. Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers with ten agronomic traits measured in four consecutive years was analyzed under a mix linear model (MLM). Two hundred and one significant association pairs were detected in the four years. Several markers were associated with one trait, and also some markers were associated with multiple traits. Some of the associated markers were in agreement with previous quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses. The function and homology analyses of the corresponding ESTs of some SNP markers could explain many of the associations for plant height, length of main spike, number of spikelets on main spike, grain number per plant, and 1000-grain weight, etc. The SNP associations for the observed traits are generally clustered in specific chromosome regions of the wheat genome, mainly in 2A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 1B, and 6B chromosomes. This study demonstrates that association mapping can complement and enhance previous QTL analyses and provide additional information for marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Five varieties of durum wheat: Appulo, Ofanto, Latino, Creso, and Castello (Triticum durum Desf.) adapted to the semi-arid mediterranean environment have been tested for their in vitro response. Compact, embryogenic, highly regenerable calli originated from primary callus derived through proliferation of the scutellum of immature embryos explanted in the presence of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Selective subculture of the white, compact, embryogenic sectors led to the establishment of long-term cultures. Regeneration occurred on hormone-free medium either via germination of somatic embryos, or via multiple-shoot formation probably due to precocious germination of somatic embryos. The three varieties, Ofanto, Creso and Appulo, were the best responding genotypes. Callus fragmentation and two subsequent transfers onto fresh medium at 7-day intervals yielded a frequency of plant regeneration of some 25–40 plantlets per gram fresh weight callus in 21 days on Murashige and Skoog's hormone-free medium. Plantlets could be efficiently established in soil, thus confirming the possibility of biotechnological approaches with varieties of this crop species.Abbreviations E embryogenic - NE non embryogenic - MS Murashige and Skoog's (1962) medium - 2,4-D 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - DAA days after anthesis - FWT fresh weight tissue  相似文献   

Polymorphism at 28 SSR loci was analyzed and described in 45 cultivars of spring durum wheat created in the former USSR and Russia during the last 80 years. Each cultivar was shown to have a unique allele combination. This allows SSR markers to be used to identify durum wheat varieties. Meanwhile, these markers can hardly be used to detect phylogenetic relationships among varieties and to specify their pedigrees, because genetic distances calculated on the basis of these markers do not correlate with the distance calculated by coefficient of parentage.  相似文献   

Gliadins are seed storage proteins which are characterized by high intervarietal polymorphism and can be used as genetic markers. As a result of our work, a considerably extended catalogue of allelic variants of gliadin component blocks was compiled for durum wheat; 74 allelic variants for four gliadin-coding loci were identified for the first time. The extended catalogue includes a total of 131 allelic variants: 16 for locus Gli-A1(d), 19 for locus Gli-B1(d), 41 for locus Gli-A2(d), and 55 for locus Gli-B2(d). The electrophoretic pattern of the standard cultivar and a diagram are provided for every block identified. The number of alleles per family is quite small for loci Gli-A1(d) and Gli-B1(d) of durum wheat, as contrasted to loci Gli-A2(d) and Gli-B2(d) that are characterized by large families including many alleles. The presence of large block families determines a higher diversity of durum wheat for loci Gli-A2(d) and Gli-B2(d) as compared to Gli-A1(d) and Gli-B1(d). The catalogue of allelic variants of gliadin component blocks can be used by seed farmers to identify durum wheat cultivars and evaluate their purity; by breeders, to obtain homogenous cultivars and control the initial stages of selection; by gene bank experts, to preserve native varieties and the original biotypic composition of cultivars.  相似文献   

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