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Rho plays a regulatory role in the formation of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions, and it is also involved in integrin-mediated signaling events. To study the role of Rho in alpha(v)beta(3)/gelsolin-dependent signaling, the HIV-Tat peptide, hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged Rho(Val-14) (constitutively active) and Rho(Asn-19) (dominant negative) were transduced into avian osteoclasts. Protein transduction by HA-Tat was highly efficient, and 90-100% of the cells were transduced with HA-tagged proteins. We demonstrate here that Rho(Val-14) transduction (100 nM) stimulated gelsolin-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity, podosome assembly, stress fiber formation, osteoclast motility, and bone resorption, mimicking osteoclast stimulation by osteopontin/alpha(v)beta(3.) The effects of Rho(Val-14) transduction stimulation was time-dependent. C3 exoenzyme blocked the effects of Rho(Val-14) and induced podosome disassembly, loss of motility, and inhibition of bone resorption. Transduction of Rho(Asn-19) produced podosome disassembly, and blocked osteopontin stimulation. These data demonstrate that integrin-dependent activation of phosphoinositide synthesis, actin stress fiber formation, podosome reorganization for osteoclast motility, and bone resorption require Rho stimulation.  相似文献   

Hypoxia is a major stimulator of osteoclast formation and bone resorption   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Hypoxia is known to act as a general stimulator of cells derived from marrow precursors. We investigated the effect of oxygen tension on the formation and function of osteoclasts, the cells responsible for bore resorption, which are of promonocytic origin. Using 7- and 13-day cultures of mouse marrow cells on ivory discs, we found that reducing oxygen tension from the ambient atmospheric level of 20% by increasing the proportion of nitrogen caused progressive increases in the formation of multinucleated osteoclasts and resorption pits. Peak effects occurred in 2% oxygen, where stimulations of resorption up to 21-fold were measured. Significant stimulations of osteoclast formation and resorption were observed even in severely hypoxic cultures gassed with 0.2% oxygen. Short-term cultures of cells disaggregated from rat bones indicated that hypoxia did not alter the resorptive activity of mature osteoclasts, but reduced their survival or adherence. In 3-day organ cultures of mouse calvarial bones, exposure to 2% oxygen resulted in maximal, fivefold stimulation of osteoclast-mediated calcium release, an effect equivalent to that of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)), a reference osteolytic agent. Hypoxia also caused a moderate acidosis in calvarial cultures, presumably as a result of increased anaerobic metabolism; this observation is significant because osteoclast activation is dependent on extracellular acidification. Our experiments reveal a previously-overlooked mechanism of considerable potential importance for the regulation of bone destruction. These findings may help explain the bone loss associated with a wide range of pathological states involving local or systemic hypoxia, and emphasize the importance of the vasculature in bone.  相似文献   

Recent advances in osteoclast biology and pathological bone resorption   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The osteoclast is a bone-degrading polykaryon. Recent studies have clarified the differentiation of this cell and the biochemical mechanisms it uses to resorb bone. The osteoclast derives from a monocyte/macrophage precursor. Osteoclast formation requires permissive concentrations of M-CSF and is driven by contact with mesenchymal cells in bone that bear the TNF-family ligand RANKL. Osteoclast precursors express RANK, and the interaction between RANKL and RANK (which is inhibited by OPG) is the major determinant of osteoclast formation. Hormones, such as PTH/PTHrP, glucocorticoids and 1,25(OH)2D3, and humoral factors, including TNFalpha, interleukin-1, TGFss and prostaglandins, influence osteoclast formation by altering expression of these molecular factors. TNFalpha, IL-6 and IL-11 have also been shown to promote osteoclast formation by RANKL-independent processes. RANKL-dependent/independent osteoclast formation is likely to play an important role in conditions where there is pathological bone resorption such as inflammatory arthritis and malignant bone resorption. Osteoclast functional defects cause sclerotic bone disorders, many of which have recently been identified as specific genetic defects. Osteoclasts express specialized proteins including a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase that drives HCl secretion for dissolution of bone mineral. One v-ATPase component, the 116 kD V0 subunit, has several isoforms. Only one isoform, TCIRG1, is up-regulated in osteoclasts. Defects in TCIRG1 are common causes of osteopetrosis. HCl secretion is dependent on chloride channels; a chloride channel homologue, CLCN7, is another common defect in osteopetrosis. Humans who are deficient in carbonic anhydrase II or who have defects in phagocytosis also have variable defects in bone remodelling. Organic bone matrix is degraded by thiol proteinases, principally cathepsin K, and abnormalities in cathepsin K cause another sclerotic bone disorder, pycnodysostosis. Thus, bone turnover in normal subjects depends on relative expression of key cytokines, and defects in osteoclastic turnover usually reflect defects in specific ion transporters or enzymes that play essential roles in bone degradation.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts resorb bone by a complex dynamic process that initially involves attachment, polarization and enzyme secretion, followed by their detachment and migration to new sites. In this study, we postulated that mineralized and osteoid bone matrix signal osteoclasts differently, resulting in the resorption of mineralized bone matrix only. We, therefore, compared the cytoplasmic distribution of cytoskeletal proteins F-actin and vinculin using confocal laser-scanning microscopy in osteoclasts cultured on mineralized and demineralized bone slices and correlated the observations with their functional activity. Our results have demonstrated significant differences in F-actin and vinculin staining patterns between osteoclasts cultured on mineralized bone matrix and those on demineralized bone matrix. In addition, the structural variations were accompanied by significant differences in bone resorbing activity between osteoclasts grown on mineralized bone matrix and those on demineralized bone matrix after 24 h of culture -- resorption only occurring in mineralized bone but not in demineralized bone. These results indicated that failure of osteoid bone resorption is caused by perturbation of osteoclast polarization. © 1998 Chapman & Hall  相似文献   

Osteoclasts (OC) are critical cells responsible for many bone diseases such as osteoporosis. It is of great interest to identify agents that can regulate the activity of OC to treat osteolytic bone diseases. In this study, we found that baicalin exerted a two‐way regulatory effect on OC in a concentration‐dependent manner in vitro and in vivo. In detail, baicalin at a low concentration (below 1 μmol/L) enhanced OC differentiation and bone resorption, but baicalin at a high concentration (above 2 μmol/L) exhibited inhibitory effects on OC. We demonstrated that baicalin at low concentrations enhanced the mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) (ERK) signalling pathway and activated c‐Fos and NFATc1 expression, and thus enhanced gene expression, OC differentiation and bone resorption. However, baicalin at higher levels not only suppressed ERK phosphorylation and c‐fos and NFATc1 expression, but also altered the expression of apoptosis‐related proteins, and therefore inhibiting OC function. This dual effect was further verified in an LPS‐induced mouse calvarial osteolysis model, evidenced by enhanced osteolysis at a lower concentration but reduced bone loss at a higher concentration. Overall, our findings indicate that baicalin exerts dose‐dependent effects on OC formation and function. Therefore, caution should be applied when using baicalin to treating OC‐related bone diseases.  相似文献   



Gelsolin, an actin capping protein of osteoclast podosomes, has a unique function in regulating assembly and disassembly of the podosome actin filament. Previously, we have reported that osteopontin (OPN) binding to integrin αvβ3 increased the levels of gelsolin-associated polyphosphoinositides, podosome assembly/disassembly, and actin filament formation. The present study was undertaken to identify the possible role of polyphosphoinositides and phosphoinositides binding domains (PBDs) of gelsolin in the osteoclast cytoskeletal structural organization and osteoclast function.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts are large cells derived from the monocyte-macrophage hematopoietic cell lineage. Their primary function is to degrade bone in various physiological contexts. Osteoclasts adhere to bone via podosomes, specialized adhesion structures whose structure and subcellular organization are affected by mechanical contact of the cell with bone matrix. Ample evidence indicates that reversible tyrosine phosphorylation of podosomal proteins plays a major role in determining the organization and dynamics of podosomes. Although roles of several tyrosine kinases are known in detail in this respect, little is known concerning the roles of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) in regulating osteoclast adhesion. Here we summarize available information concerning the known and hypothesized roles of the best-researched PTPs in osteoclasts - PTPRO, PTP epsilon, SHP-1, and PTP-PEST. Of these, PTPRO, PTP epsilon, and PTP-PEST appear to support osteoclast activity while SHP-1 inhibits it. Additional studies are required to provide full molecular details of the roles of these PTPs in regulating osteoclast adhesion, and to uncover additional PTPs that participate in this process.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a devastating disease that features reduced bone quantity and microstructure, which causes fragility fracture and increases mortality, especially in the aged population. Due to the long-term side-effects of current drugs for osteoporosis, it is of importance to find other safe and effective medications. Ellagic acid (EA) is a phenolic compound found in nut galls, plant extracts, and fruits, and exhibits antioxidant and antineoplastic effects. Here, we showed that EA attenuated the formation and function of osteoclast dose-dependently. The underlying mechanism was further discovered by western blot, immunofluorescence assay, and luciferase assay, which elucidated that EA suppressed osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption mainly through attenuating receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) ligand-induced NF-κB activation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathways, accompanied by decreased protein expression of nuclear factor of activated T-cells calcineurin-dependent 1 and c-Fos. Moreover, EA inhibits osteoclast marker genes expression including Dc-stamp, Ctsk, Atp6v0d2, and Acp5. Intriguingly, we also found that EA treatment could significantly protect ovariectomy-induced bone loss in vivo. Conclusively, this study suggested that EA might have the therapeutic potentiality for preventing or treating osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Osteoblast-osteoclast relationships in bone resorption are unclear. We investigated whether osteoblasts constitutively influence osteoclast activity. We employed a serum-free co-culture system in which chicken osteoclasts and chick calvaria or, alternatively, isolated chick osteoblasts were cultured in two different compartments separated by a 0.45 micron porous membrane permeable to soluble molecules. Osteoclastic bone resorption, evaluated by release of 3H-proline from prelabeled bone fragments, was significantly enhanced by bone cells resident in the calvaria, as well as by isolated osteoblasts. Stimulation was specific, since periosteal cells, or skin fibroblasts, failed to mimic osteoblast activity. Conditioned medium from osteoblast cultures stimulated osteoclast function in a similar manner, indicating that paracrine signals, capable of crossing the porous membrane separating the two compartments, are released by the bone forming cells.  相似文献   

Echistatin is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption in culture   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
The venom protein, s-echistatin, originally derived from the saw-scaled viper Echis carinatus, was found to be a potent inhibitor of bone resorption by isolated osteoclasts. This Arg24-Gly25-Asp26-(RGD)-containing protein inhibited the excavation of bone slices by rat osteoclasts (IC50 = 0.1 nM). It also inhibited the release of [3H]proline from labeled bone particles by chicken osteoclasts (IC50 = 100 nM). By comparison, the tetrapeptide Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS) inhibited resorption by rat or chicken osteoclasts with an IC50 of 0.1 mM while ala24-echistatin was inactive. Video microscopy showed that rat osteoclast attachment to substrate was more sensitive to s-echistatin than was the attachment of mononuclear cells or chicken osteoclasts. The difference in sensitivity of rat and chicken osteoclasts to s-echistatin may be due to differences between receptors on rat and chicken osteoclasts for s-echistatin. Antibody localization of echistatin on these cells showed much greater echistatin binding to rat osteoclasts than to chicken osteoclasts. Laser scanning confocal microscopy after immunohistochemical staining showed that s-echistatin binds to osteoclasts, that s-echistatin receptors are most abundant at the osteoclast/glass interface, and that s-echistatin colocalizes with vinculin. Confocal interference reflection microscopy of osteoclasts incubated with s-echistatin, demonstrated colocalization of s-echistatin with the outer edges of clusters of grey contacts at the tips of some lamellipodia. Identification of the echistatin receptor as an integrin was confirmed by colocalization of echistatin fluorescence with staining for an alpha-like subunit. Attachment of bone particles labeled with [3H]proline to chicken osteoclasts confirmed that the mechanism of action of echistatin was to inhibit osteoclast binding to bone presumably by disrupting adhesion structures. These data demonstrate that osteoclasts bind to bone via an RGD-sequence as an obligatory step in bone resorption, that this RGD-binding integrin is at adhesion structures, and that it colocalizes with vinculin and has an alpha-like subunit.  相似文献   

During skeletal growth and remodeling the mineralized bone matrix is resorbed by osteoclasts through the constant secretion of protons and proteases to the bone surface. This relies on the formation of specialized plasma membrane domains, the sealing zone and the ruffled border, and vectorial transportation of intracellular vesicles in bone-resorbing osteoclasts. Here we show that Rab7, a small GTPase that is associated with late endosomes, is highly expressed and is predominantly localized at the ruffled border in bone-resorbing osteoclasts. The decreased expression of Rab7 in cultured osteoclasts by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides disrupted the polarization of the osteoclasts and the targeting of vesicles to the ruffled border. These impairments caused a significant inhibition of bone resorption in vitro. The results indicate that the late endocytotic pathway is involved in the osteoclast polarization and bone resorption and underscore the importance of Rab7 in osteoclast function.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(4):1817-1826
We have defined the structure of the Osteoclast Functional Antigen (OFA) by immunological and biochemical means. OFA is an abundant surface antigen in human and animal osteoclasts and has been characterized previously by monoclonal antibodies 13C2 and 23C6, one of which mimicks the inhibitory activity of calcitonin on osteoclastic bone resorption. By the following criteria we show that OFA is a member of the integrin family of extracellular matrix receptors and is identical, or at least highly related, to the vitronectin receptor (VNR) previously isolated from placenta and melanoma cells. Immunoprecipitation analysis demonstrates that OFA from osteoclasts and a monkey kidney cell line Vero is a heterodimeric molecule of 140 kD (alpha chain) and 85 kD (beta chain) under nonreducing conditions; on reduction at least one low molecular mass (alpha') species (of approximately 30-kD size) is released, resulting in a 120/100-kD dimer. Immunoblots of OFA isolated from osteoclasts and Vero cells and VNR purified from placenta and probed with heterosera to OFA and monoclonal antibodies to platelet gp111a (VNR beta chain) show immunological cross- reactivity between the alpha chains of OFA and VNR and the use of gp111a as a beta chain by both. OFA from Vero cells binds to an Arg-Gly- Asp containing peptide (GRGDSPPK) isolating a heterodimer recognized by anti-OFA monoclonal antibodies, 13C2 and 23C6. Immunohistochemical analysis showed a similar tissue distribution in humans for the antigen recognized by anti-OFA antibodies, a monoclonal antibody, LM142, raised to melanoma VNR, polyclonal antibodies to the placental VNR and a monoclonal antibody to the presumptive VNR beta chain, platelet glycoprotein 111a. Finally, NH2 terminal amino acid sequencing showed that the amino-terminus of the monkey alpha chain was identical in the 12 assigned residues to that of human VNR alpha chain. The beta chain sequence of OFA differed at least 1 (and up to 4) positions from platelet gp111a (VNR beta) in the first 18 amino acids sequenced. These, and other, data provide the first indication of a function for the VNR and suggest that cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions involving integrins may play an important role in bone physiology.  相似文献   

Bone degradation by osteoclasts depends upon active transport of hydrogen ions to solubilize bone mineral. This transport is supported by the parallel actions of a proton ATPase and a chloride channel located in the osteoclast ruffled membrane. We have previously identified a novel chloride channel, p62, which appears to be the avian counterpart to CLIC-5b and is expressed coincident with the appearance of acid secretion as avian osteoclasts differentiate in culture. In this article, we show that suppression of CLIC-5b in differentiating avian osteoclasts results in decreased acidification by vesicles derived from these cells and decreased ability of the cells to resorb bone. Acidification is rescued by the presence of valinomycin, consistent with a selective loss of chloride channel but not proton pump activity. Osteoclast bone resorption is known to be dependent on the expression of the tyrosine kinase, c-Src. We show that CLIC-5b from osteoclasts has affinity for both Src SH2 and SH3 domains. We find that suppression of expression of Src in developing osteoclasts results in decreased vesicular acidification, which is rescued by valinomycin, consistent with the loss of chloride conductance in the proton pump-containing vesicles. Suppression of c-Src causes no change in the steady state level of CLIC-5b expression, but does result in failure of proton pump and CLIC-5b to colocalize in cultured osteoclast precursors. We conclude that suppression of c-Src interferes with osteoclast bone resorption by disrupting functional co-localization of proton pump and CLIC-5b.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) E(2) promotes osteoclastic cell differentiation, but the physiological function of PGF(2alpha) remains unclear. We examined the physiological effects of PGF(2alpha) on osteoclast differentiation using a murine cell line, RAW264, and the column-purified murine bone marrow cells, both of which are differentiable into osteoclast-like multi-nuclear cells. Although PGF(2alpha) did not affect the number of differentiated osteoclasts, PGF(2alpha) reduced the bone resorption activity of osteoclasts developed from both cell types in a pit formation assay. Thus, PGF(2alpha) inhibits bone resorption without affecting the number of osteoclasts, providing a novel molecular mechanism underlying bone metabolism.  相似文献   

Hem1 (hematopoietic protein 1), a hematopoietic cell–specific member of the Hem family of cytoplasmic adaptor proteins, is essential for lymphopoiesis and innate immunity as well as for the transition of hematopoiesis from the fetal liver to the bone marrow. However, the role of Hem1 in bone cell differentiation and bone remodeling is unknown. Here, we show that deletion of Hem1 resulted in a markedly increase in bone mass because of defective bone resorption in mice of both sexes. Hem1-deficient osteoclast progenitors were able to differentiate into osteoclasts, but the osteoclasts exhibited impaired osteoclast fusion and decreased bone-resorption activity, potentially because of decreased mitogen-activated protein kinase and tyrosine kinase c-Abl activity. Transplantation of bone marrow hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from wildtype into Hem1 knockout mice increased bone resorption and normalized bone mass. These findings indicate that Hem1 plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of normal bone mass.  相似文献   

The role of IL-23 in the development of arthritis and bone metabolism was studied using systemic IL-23 exposure in adult mice via hydrodynamic delivery of IL-23 minicircle DNA in vivo and in mice genetically deficient in IL-23. Systemic IL-23 exposure induced chronic arthritis, severe bone loss, and myelopoiesis in the bone marrow and spleen, which resulted in increased osteoclast differentiation and systemic bone loss. The effect of IL-23 was partly dependent on CD4(+) T cells, IL-17A, and TNF, but could not be reproduced by overexpression of IL-17A in vivo. A key role in the IL-23-induced arthritis was made by the expansion and activity of myeloid cells. Bone marrow macrophages derived from IL-23p19(-/-) mice showed a slower maturation into osteoclasts with reduced tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive cells and dentine resorption capacity in in vitro osteoclastogenesis assays. This correlated with fewer multinucleated osteoclast-like cells and more trabecular bone volume and number in 26-wk-old male IL-23p19(-/-) mice compared with control animals. Collectively, our data suggest that systemic IL-23 exposure induces the expansion of a myeloid lineage osteoclast precursor, and targeting IL-23 pathway may combat inflammation-driven bone destruction as observed in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune arthritides.  相似文献   

Qin A  Cheng TS  Lin Z  Cao L  Chim SM  Pavlos NJ  Xu J  Zheng MH  Dai KR 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34132
Wear particle-induced peri-implant loosening (Aseptic prosthetic loosening) is one of the most common causes of total joint arthroplasty. It is well established that extensive bone destruction (osteolysis) by osteoclasts is responsible for wear particle-induced peri-implant loosening. Thus, inhibition of osteoclastic bone resorption should prevent wear particle induced osteolysis and may serve as a potential therapeutic avenue for prosthetic loosening. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that saliphenylhalamide, a new V-ATPase inhibitor attenuates wear particle-induced osteolysis in a mouse calvarial model. In vitro biochemical and morphological assays revealed that the inhibition of osteolysis is partially attributed to a disruption in osteoclast acidification and polarization, both a prerequisite for osteoclast bone resorption. Interestingly, the V-ATPase inhibitor also impaired osteoclast differentiation via the inhibition of RANKL-induced NF-κB and ERK signaling pathways. In conclusion, we showed that saliphenylhalamide affected multiple physiological processes including osteoclast differentiation, acidification and polarization, leading to inhibition of osteoclast bone resorption in vitro and wear particle-induced osteolysis in vivo. The results of the study provide proof that the new generation V-ATPase inhibitors, such as saliphenylhalamide, are potential anti-resorptive agents for treatment of peri-implant osteolysis.  相似文献   

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